in South Carolina Wills
or Wills with NANCE name in

Index of Wills: (Those labeled "below" are on this page.)
William GILLIAM - (below) Estate list; 18 Nov
1823; mentions dau. Elizabeth and son-in-law Clement NANCE
John LIPSCOMB Senr - Abstract (below);
District; mentions dau. Nancy NANCE
Clement NANCE - (below)
Newberry County; 8 Mar 1828
Drayton NANCE- Abstract
(below) {Where} Sept 11 1856
Erasamus Giles NANCE - Abstract
(below); Newberry County; 7 Feb 1851
Frederick King NANCE -
Abstract (below); Newberry County; 1 Nov 1839
Peter NANCE - (below) Camden
District; 13 Feb 1780
Robert NANCE - Abstract (below)
Newberry County; 28 Feb 1813
Thomas NANCE - Abstract (below);
Union County; 5 Aug 1841
William NANCE - Abstract (below);
York County; 11 Jan 1841
Zachariah NANCE
- (below); Union County; 1 Aug 1828
John Rainwater - (below); Spartanburg
District; 11 Jul 1825; mentions James K. NANCE and Wm NANCE
Martha Matilda (NANCE) SCALES -
(below); Union County
(Ones listed as "Abstract", I'm looking
for the complete Wills, either typed out or a copy of the

1780 - February 13 Will of PETER
NANCE. Wife Elizabeth. Sons William, Pete,
Richard, John. Daughters Pattie TIMS, Sally Floyd NANCE, Elinor
Hannah, Elizabeth Mary Ann. Brother-in-law Phillip SANDES (or
SANDERS). Wit: Amos and Joseph TIMMS and Thomas HUMPHRIES.
Probated MAY 16, 1783.
In the name of God Amen I Peter Nance being weak of body but of
sound and perfect mind and memory and calling to mind that all
flesh must yield unto death my Soul I Resign to God that gave it
hoping for pardon and remission of all my sins the merits and
mediation of Christ my Savior.
Imprimis My body I commit to the earth from whence it was taken
to be buried at the discretion of my executors here after named
and as for my temporal Estate. I give and dispose of in the
manner following (Viz-)
Item I give and bequeth unto my beloved son William and John
Nance four hundred acres of land lying on Rocky Creek to be
equally divided between my son William and John
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Nance
all my temporal Estate consisting of three negros, horses,
cattle, hogs, and household furniture sheep + during her life or
widowhood and after my wife's deceases, my will and desire is
that all my temporal estate be sold and equally divided between
my children hereafter named my daughter Patty Tims and to my
daughter Sally Cloyd Nance, Elizabeth, Maryanne Nance, Johannah
Nance and Ellinor Nance
Item I give unto my sons Peter Nance and Richard Nance five
shillings Sterling and I do hereby appoint my brother in law
Peter Sandefer and my beloved Son William Nance executors of
this my last will & testament as witness my hand this 13 day
of February 1780
Signed Sealed + in presence of us
Peter Nance
Amos Tims
Joseph Tims
Thomas Humphries
Recorded in Book I Page 59 Recorded on the 16th day of May
1783 H. Hampton Ord. for Camden Dist. Apt 52 Pkg I8I9
PETER NANCE'S will was first
filed in Old Camden District records as there was no Court House
here in 1783. A copy was later filed in Chester Court House
sometime after Chester County had a Clerk of Ordinary Court,
which was 1789.

1814 - February 28. Will of ROBERT
NANCE. Wife Sally (WALKER).
Niece Amelia NANCE, Dau. of Frederick NANCE. Wit: Jas.
Probated December 4, 1822. VOL. 2, BK. 1, P. 1.

Estate of William Gilliam
Newberry District
18 Nov 1823
Names Indexed:
Gilliam, William
Gilliam, Ann
Gilliam, James S.
) Nance, Elizabeth S.
Nance, Clement
Gilliam, John Taylor
Gilliam, Jacob F.
Gilliam, John
Gilliam, Nancy
Gilliam, Reuben
Gilliam, Robert Glenn
Gilliam, Drusilla Ann Goodman
Jin (Slave)
Gilliam, Nathan Simms
Maria (Slave)
Patience (Slave)
Peter (Slave)
Nance, Clement
Wood, James R.
Calmes, Thomas B.
Clarke, John
Estate Record Book I, Pages 65-66, SC
Archives Series Number: S108093, Reel: 0019, Frame: 00354,
Item: 00

1828 - March 8. Will of CLEMENT
NANCE. To wife (unnamed- Elizabeth Sanders GILLIAM)
unless she died before youngest children reach 21. Son W(illia)m.
G(illiam) NANCE.
William Baugh SHELL and his wife, Nancy. Executors: Wm.
B. SHELL, Robert NANCE, Drayton NANCE, Thomas PRATT and
Robert DUNLAP, or any two of them. Wit: P. C. CALDWELL,
Simon FAIR, Y. Z. HARRINGTON. Probated January 4, 1844.
VOL. 4, BK. 1, P. 88.
CLEMENT NANCE - South Carolina
Newberry District In the name of God Amen. I,
Clement Nance of the district and
state aforesaid beeing of sound and disposing
mind do
make and ***** this as my last will and Testament hereby
revolking all former wills by me made.
First My will and desire is that my just debts be paid
as soon as possible after my death, out of what
may be due me on **** and **** ans should they fall
short, then out of the first crop or crops, made on my
plantation after my death.
Secondly My will and desire is, that the whole of my
property both real and personal, be kept together
for the support of my wife (Elizabeth
Sanders GILLIAM) & children during her
life, or widowhood, but should she marry or die before
my youngest child living shall arrive at the age of
twenty one years, then I direct that the whole of my
personnel property to be *ed and divided amoungst my
wife & my children, share & share alike,
including the Heirs of my child who may die before that
event, in which devision the advancement hereinafter
named to be taken into account--
Thirdly As it will be impapible for the land to be
divided, I order & direct that so long as my wife
lives and remains single, that she remain in the
undisturbed impossible of the whole of my plantation,
and as much of my personal property as may be sufficient
for her support & maintenance and that as seen as my
said wife shall die or marry, that my Executors expose
to public make my real estate thereof, be distributed in
the manner perscribed in the second clause in this will.
Fourthly whereas I have advanced to my son William G Nance, the sum of
Five hundred dollars, I order that he receive no more of
my Estate, until the balance of my children have been
made equal, together with my wife, but he is not to be
charged with Interest on said amount and I also charge
William B. Shell & Nancy S.
(Nance) his wife with the sum of Eighty five
dollars advanced them without Interest there on
Fifthly should any my children marry before *****
division takes place I order and direct that such
articles of household & kitchen furniture be given
them as can be conveniently spared for which they
are to account at valuation.
Sixthly As I expect this Will to remain unaltered any
advancements made to my children after this time
shall take a receipt for such amount which I order and
direct shall be charged to such child or children in the
general distribution of my Estate **** lastly I nominate
and trust friend William B. Shell, Robert R. Nance, Drayton Nance, Thomas Pratt and
Robert Dunlap, or any two of them that may chose to
qualify - Executor of this my last Will and Testament
and in case of death or removed of any one who may act I
request that soem of the rest qualify in order to ***
the survivor or remaining one In witness where of I have
**** to set my *** and *** this Eighth day of March in
the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and
twenty eight and Fifty second year of American
Signed, sealed published prononced & declared to
be the last will & Testamet in presence of us
P. C. Caldwell
Limeon Fair
Y. J. Harrington
Recorded Will Book No. 1. Page 139-141
state of South Carolina Newberry District *** ** *** **
Mr M. O. one of the subscribing witnesses to th within
will, who make oath that he was present and saw said
testaton sign & seal the within paper as his last
will and testament and that he together with Limeon Fair
and Y J. Harrington signed their names in the presence
of the Testaton and in the presence of each other; and
witness further says that testator was of sound mind
disposing mind and memory at the time of signing the
said paper writing.
Sworn to before me this January 4th 1844
W. Wilson *. *. D
P. C. Caldwell
South Carolina Newberry District. To William Wilson
ordinary of said District Whereas I William B. Shell a
nominated am the Executor of the last will and testament
of my father in law Clement Nance
late of the district snd state aforesaid which will
beary date 8th March 1828; I hereby renounce the said
appointment in said Will or in any other will that may
have been made by said Clement Nance and refuse to
qualify under sny such will and testament.
Given under my hand and seal this second day of
January 1844 Test James Rulpole
W. B. Shell
COUNTY 1839 - November
Frederick NANCE Senior formerly of the state of Virginia
Amelia County (near Nottoway) being at this time in my
pfect senses and knowing the mortality of man do hereby
make and publish this the following pages as and for my
last will and testament.
First Whereas present wife Tersea
(RUFF), and myself entered
into and executed a contract to our intermarriage bearing
date the 26th, day of March 1831, wherein she my wife Tersea stipulated and agreed to
take and receive the sum of one thousand dollars in lieu
of and in full her fight and claim of Dower and of all
other interest which she might have in my estate both real
& personal; and Whereas she my said wife has had ifsue
since our intermarriage, I have though the sum of one
thousand dollars inadequate of rher support and the
maintenance of our little daughter Martha
Caroline; - I do hereby therefore give and
bequeath my said wife Tersea
the said sum of one thousand dollars agreeable to the
contract aforesaid and also the following property viz Two
good feather beds & furniture in addition to the one
she brought with her; three good cows & calves, three
good working beast to be worth ($75.00) seventy five
dollars each, my kitchen furniture, two good tables, half
dozen sitting chairs, one bureau all my interest in that
tract of land John A. Ruff died seized & professed of,
a sufficient quantity of corn and other provisions usually
made use of in the country of every description for the
support and maintenance of herself and family during the
term of one year and else a sufficient quantity of farming
utensils for the cultivation of the place or plantation
which I shall her after loan to my said wife Tersea & no more; to her and
her heirs forever. And it is my will that unlefs my said
wife Tersea accept and receive the provision above made
for her in lieu of and in full of her right and claim of
Dower in my realestate, and also in full satisfaction of
the amount stipulated to be paid her by the contract
aforesaid and of all claim on my estate both real and
personal that the provision hre made be forfeited and she
left to receive the same stipulated to be paid by the
contract aforesaid
Secondly, I do hereby loan to my said wife Tersea while she remains my
widow or until my daughter Martha
Carolina arrive at full age or marry or die as
the case my be and no longer the following property on the
condition that she accept the provision above made as full
satisfaction of any claim she may in any way have on my
estate real and personal viz. -- All my land laying south
of the branch running from John Taylors plantation through
my field into Bush River thence down the River to Lindsays
old bridge, thence along the road leading from Newberry
Court House to Higgins Ferry on Saluda River to Gilliams
corner, thence along the line between the Cooper Tract and
self to a corner near my machine and thence along the
lines designated by David Miles in his conveyance to me
and Martin Taylor and John Taylor to the branch aforesaid
containing as it os supposed about three hundred acres;
also my negro man Harry his wife Ann, and negro girl
Agnefs with their increase, also my Walnut Desk, and book
case and maple bureau- all which is to remain on the
plantation until the time when she my said wife Tersea be married or die, or my
daughter arrive at full age or be married as the case may
be; - on the happening of either of which events the
property above loaned to my said wife is hereby devised
and bequeathed with the increase if any to my daughter
Martha Caroline to her and her heirs and afsigns
forever;-- but should she my said daughter Martha Caroline die before she
arrives at age of twenty one; -- or without issue living
at her death the and in either or these cases it is my
will and I do order that the property so loaned to my wife
and given to my said daughter on the happening of the
events aforesaid return to my estate and be sold and
divided among my children viz, R(obert) R(utherford) NANCE, Sarah
W. GRIFFIN, now the wife of Jno. K. GRIFFIN, Drayton NANCE,
Frederick (King) NANCE Junior, Alfred NANCE and
fin Laura Ann BUTLER
to them and their heirs and afsigns forever
Thirdly, Having previously to this time advanced the
sum of ($4000.00) Four thousand dollars each in money
and property for which I hold either their receipts;
or statements made by my self containing the articles
advanced with the prices viz Dorothy B(rooks)
PRATT, Robert B. NANCE, Drayton
NANCE, Frederick (King) NANCE
Junior and Sarah W.
GRIFFIN and to my son Alfred
NANCE ($3600.00) Thirthy six hundred dollars and
to my daughter Laura Ann Butler ($2850) Twenty eight
hundred and fifty dollars for which amounts I hold like
My Will is that the sum of ($400.00) four hundred dollars
bepaid to my son Alfred and
the sum of ($1150) eleven hundred and fifty dollars be
paid to my daughter Laura Ann Butler
to make them equall with tht other children before my
distribution is made of the proceeds of the property
hereafter directed to be sold. And it is my will that none
fo my children be permitted to share any more of my estate
that that already advancd unlefs the receive the property
at the prices fixed by myself in the statement aforesaid.
Fourthly All the rest and residue of my estate both real
and personal ( not given or loaned to my wife Tersea or daughter Martha Caroline by my first and
second clauses of this my last will and testament) i
hereby direct to be sold by my Executors and the proceeds
to be disposed of in the manner following ---
First I will and order all my debts be paid
Secondly I will that the sum of four hundred and one
thousand one hundred and fifty dollars be paid to my son
Alfred & daughter Laura Ann Butler respectively as
specified above.
Thirdly I will that alll that may remain after these sums
are paid out be equally amoung my children Robert R(utherford)
NANCE, Dorothy B(rooks)
PRATT, Drayton NANCE, Frederick (King)
Junior, Sarah W. GRIFFIN, Alfred NANCE and Laura Ann BUTLER;
the child or children or descendants of any who may be
dead or represent their parent of parents.
Fithly as the sale above directed I do hereby authorize my
executors to become purchsers of property ral or personal
to any extent that may think proper whose title to the
property shall be good and valid on the purchase money
being faithfully accounted for and paid on a final
settlement of my estate.
Lastly I do hereby appoint my son Drayton
NANCE and F. B. HIGGINS execuors of this my last
will and testament hereby revoking all other wills or
parts thereof or codicil by me heretofore made and I do
hereby also appoint m,y executors testamentary guardian of
the person and estate of my daughter Marthat Caroline
nance hereby allowing this and no other for my last will
and testament given under my hand and seal this first day
of November 1839 Alll interlines on this will were made
before signing . Wit: Y. J. HARRINGTON, R. PITTS and Wm.
T. MOORE. Probated February 13, 1840. VOL. IV, BK. 1, P.

COUNTY 1851 - February
7. Will of ERASMUS G(ILES) NANCE. To nieces
Sarah F. NANCE, Mary E. BRAY (Wife of of James L. BRAY OF
VA.), Amelia C. M. LINDSAY (Wife of WM. C. LINDSAY). To my
brother F(rederick) A(gustus) NANCE. To my sister
Nancy SHELL (Wife of W(illiam)
B(augh) SHELL of Georgia). To
my sister Mary RUSSEL (Wife of Jas. RUSSEL of Georgia).
January 18, 1853. VOL IV, BK. B. P. 139-140.
{Where?} 1855 - January Will of DRAYTON NANCE, Probated 11
September 1856. To Wife Arianna (LIVINGSTON) NANCE, My first
wife Lucy W. WILLIAMS (Dau. of Washington and Sarah
WILLIAMS Jese). To my four
Youngest children, William F(rederick),
James D(rayton)., Laura F. (Elvira), and Mary WILLIAMS
NANCE. To my daughters Martha BARKSDALE and Francis C.
NANCE. Executors: Brother Frederick
of Laurens, S.C. Wit: A. Q. CLARK, J. N. MARTIN, G. L.
SCOTT. Codicil: Son-in-law Dr. John A. BARKSDALE. Also to
serve as executor, JULY 3, 1856.
The will of John Rainwater, ca 1759/66 - ca 1832, Spartanburg District, SC State
of South Carolina In the name of God, Amen. I, John Rainwaters
of Spartanburg District in the state aforesaid, farmer, being in
health of body and of sound mind, memory, and understanding,
praised be God, for the same, do make this my last will and
testament in manner and form following.
1st. I will and divise that I may be decently buried and also
that all my just debts be paid.
2nd. I give, bequeath and devise unto my beloved wife Susannah
Rainwater all my estate both real and personal of what or nature
or kind, [unreadable] at the time of my death, to have and to
hold and enjoy the same during her natural life. And at the
decease of my wife, my will and devise is that the whole of my
estate both real and personal be equally divided among all my
children who may then be living to them and their heirs forever,
except for my son William Rainwaters, and as I have already
advanced him more than his proportional part of my estate. My
will and devise is that my executor may pay to him one shilling
And I do nominate, constitute and appoint my friend Elisha Bomar
and James K. NANCE my co-executors
of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making
void all and every other will or wills at any time heretofore by
me made, and do declare to be my last will and testament. In
writing whereof I do hereunto put my hand and seal the 11th day
of July 1825. Signed sealed and published in the
presence of us,
{Note in the space where the words friends Elisha Bomar and
James K. NANCE were
written were other words which were crossed out and then
inserted, also the word my between Nance and executor
intertwined before signed.}
John {his X mark} Rainwater
[witnesses] Simpson Bobo, Washington Bomar, Wm Bomar True
Copy of the Sale Bill for the personal property of the Estate of
John Rainwater, deceased, Dec. 18, 1833 3 Negros,
Hannah, Canzada & Charlotte to Wm. H. Farrow $345.00
1 Sorrel mare to Wm. Rainwater 29.50
1 small waggon to Wm. H. Farrow 11.00
1 loom to Wm. Rainwater 1.00
1 lot tables & chairs to Wm. Rainwater 1.00
1 pot rack to Wm. NANCE .87 1/2
1 hoe to Ransom White .50
1 pot each to James Selmon Jr. 1.00
1 large pot & hooks to Hiram McCarly .37 1/2
1 large pot & hooks to John D. Harmoning 1.18 3/4
1 lot pots to Jonathan Low .25
1 [unreadable] to Jonathan Low 1.06 1/4
9 head of sheep to Jonathan Low 10.37 1/2
1 ax and wedge to Zach Wingo Jr. .62 1/2
1 ax and wedge to Moses McCarly 1.06 1/4
1 frow and coulter* to Daniel Stephens 1.00
1 plow to Marquis Parkerson .37 1/2
1 mattock to Richard Powell 1.06 1/4
1 pair gears to Wm. H. Farrow 1.00
2 hoes & grubing hoe to Wm. Rainwater .60
1 jar to Hiram McAbe .56 1/4
1 jug to Hiram McAbe .25
1 jar to Wm. Rainwater .18 3/4
Water vessels to P. C. Caldwell .13 1/4
Water pails to James Selman .13 1/4
1 jug to John Fortenberry 1.00
1 grindstone to Jesse Wingo 1.00
1 cutting box to Wm. NANCE 2.25
Skillet & pan to James Selman .37 1/2
1 kettle to Wm. Rainwater .62 1/2
Tongs & poker to James NANCE
.62 1/2
Smothering irons to John Cowen .50
1 pair to stilliards* James Selman 1.12 1/2
1 barrel to John Fortenberry .25
Cards & wheel to Zach Wingo 1.18 3/4
Pickling tub to P. Caldwell .31 1/2
419.62 1/2 2 hogsheads & box to Tho. Tinsley Jr.
.18 3/4
5 first choice hogs to John Fortenberry 5.00
5 second choice hogs to John Fortenberry 3.00
5 third choice hogs to R. White 1.50
5 fourth choice hogs to James NANCE
Tray & sifter to E. Hemperly .75
1 meal gum to Wm. Rainwater .25
Coffee mill to John Cowen .62 1/2
Brass kettle to Wm. Trimmier 2.75
Brass spoon & dish to John D. Harmoning 2.06 1/4
2 brass to John Fortenberry 1.12 1/2
Bucket & spoons to Wm. Lee .50
Knives & forks to Enos Lewis 1.25
One half dozen plates to Enos Lewis .25
Cups & saucers to M. McCarly .31 1/4
1 pole to Jesse Wingo .50
Bowls to M. McCarly .31 1/4
Puter* coffee [unreadable] to James Tap .12 1/2
Candlestick to R. Foster .50
Candle molds & sheep shears to R. Foster .50
Cupboard to Wm. NANCE 9.50
Decanters & bottles to P. Caldwell .62 1/2
Walnut table to E. Lewis 2.87 1/2
Large Bible to Thos. Hagnus 3.00
White cow & calf to John Fortenberry 12.50
2 yearlings to John Finch 6.00
Chairs to Rainwater 3.06 1/4
Side saddle to Waters Farrow 2.25
Trunk to Sarah Selman 3.37 1/2
Large chest to James NANCE .56 1/2
Bed and stead and furniture to Enos Lewis 9.87 1/2
Bed and stead and furniture to John Fortenberry 12.37 1/4
88.50 Saw & drawing knife to Ramson White 1.06 1/4
Adds* & square to John Tap .62 1/2
2 augers & 2 chisels to John Bomar 1.12 1/2
Lot bedding to Sarah Selman 2.06 1/4
Looking glass to Harper Henderson .31 1/4
1 basket to Marquis Parkerson .25
Lot men's clothing to Wm. Rainwater 1.00
Lot puter* & razor to James Tap .12 1/2
Clevis to John Fortenberry .18 3/4
John D. Harmoning 6.75
419.62 1/2
574.87 1/2 *Frow: a wedge-shaped cleaving tool, also
spelled froe.
*Coulter: a knife or sharp edged wheel attached to the beam of a
*Stilliards: scales, contemporary spelling is steelyards.
*Puter: pewter
*Adds: adze

Will of John Lipscomb Senr of Spartanburgh
South Carolina, being under bodily affliction, but of
sound mind… to wife Sally Lipscomb, part of the plantation and
tracts of Land whereon we now live, at the mouth of Gum root
Branch adj. Samuel Shippies line to Goucher Creek, adj. John
Wilkins, four grown negroes and two small ones of her choice, as
much of the household and kichen (sic) furniture as she chooses
to keep, etc…son Edward Lipscomb and daughter Agness R. Wood
& Polley K. Wilkins $20 apiece…son Smith Lipscomb, daughter
Nancy Nance one cow and calf and
two Sheep, etc…land to be divided into four lots…to my sons
William Lipscomb, John Lipscomb, Edward Lipscomb, and Smith
Lipscomb…children Elizabeth Littlejohn, William Lipscomb, John
Lipscomb, Edward Lipscomb, Salley Wilkins, Agnes R. Wood, Polley
H. Wilkins, Smith Lipscomb, and Nancy
S(?) Nance…sons William Lipscomb, Edward Lipscomb,
Smith Lipscomb and my Brother Smith Lipscomb, Exrs., 1 Oct 1827.
John Lipscomb Senr (LS), Wit: John Draper, John Woods, William
Shippey. Prov. by all three wit, 12 Nov 1827.
From Union County SC will
abstract book: Pp. 291-292: Will of Thomas
Nance of Union my wife Elizabeth (PARR),
all my real and personal property, and at her death to be
equally divided among my children except Andrew he is to have $50 less than
the rest; my wife Elizaeth (PARR) and son Andrew
J Nance and my daughter Martha
Matilda Nance, excrs, 25 Aug 1841. Thomas Nance (LS), Witt: John Cupid,
Thomas Scales, Isom Vaughan. Prove by Isom Vaughan, 25 Oct
In the name of God
Amen! I Thomas Nance of the state
of South Carolina and District of Union being of sound mind and
dishaving mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will
and testament in form and manner following viz first I will that
all my just debts and funeral charges be paid by my Exectuors
herein after named also I give and bequeth unto my loving wife Elizabeth (PARR)
all my real and personal property during he natural life or
widowhood then the property to be sold and equally divided among
my children the lawful heirs of my body Except Andrew he is to have fifty dollars less
that the rest. And if my wife Elizabeth
(PARR) has any property she can
spare when the are of age an marry she may let them have it, by
having the property appraised. if my wife Elizabeth
(PARR) should decease before my
youngest child is of age my will is that the property should
remain unsold tell that youngest child is of age. Lastly I
consttute and appoint my wife Elizabeth
(PARR) and my daughter Martha Matilda Nance Executors of this
my last will and testament. Witness my hand and seal this the
twenty fifth day of August 1841.
Test John Cupid
Thomas Scales (signed)
Thomas Nance
Isom Vaughan
Certificate of Probate
State of South Carolina}
Union District} By J. J. Pratt ordinary Personally
appeared before me Isom Vaughan who being sworn on the Holy
Evangelist of Almighty God doth make oath and say that he saw
Thomas Nance sign seal publish prousuance and declare this same
to be his last will and testament that he the said Thomas Nance was there of sound and
disparing mind memory and understanding to the best of this
defendants knowledge and belief, and that he the said Isom
Vaughan has together with John Cupid and Thomas Scales did sign
their names thesto as witness at the request and in the presence
of the Testor and in the presence of each other.
Given under my hand this 25th day of October A.D. 1841. At the
same time gratified Elizabeth (PARR) Nance Exectrix & Andrew S. Nance Executor
J. J. Pratt ordy

of Martha Matilda (NANCE**) Scales
In the name of God,
Amen. I, Martha Matilda Scales, of Union County and the state of South
being in good health of body, and of sound and disposing mind and memory, do
make, publish and declare this my last will and testament. After payment of
my just debts and charges, I dispose of my estate as follows.
I give, devise and bequeath
all my estate, real, personal and mixed, wheresoever situated and of
whatever nature, kind and description, to my two brothers, Andrew J. Nance and Jesse E. (Columbus) Nance, both of
the County and State aforesaid, to be equally divided between them
share and share alike, and in case either or both of my said
brothers shall die before my decease, I will that his or
their surviving children shall take the portion of my said
estate to which their parent would have been entitled, if he
had survived me, under this my will. I hereby constitute and
appoint my brother Jesse C(olumbus)
Nance the executor of this my last will and
testament. In witness whereof I, Martha M. Scales, have to
this will set my hand and seal this twelth day of August, in
the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and seventy
her mark Martha Matilda X Scales (L. S.)
Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named
Martha Matilda Scales, as and for her last will and
testament, in the presence of us who at her request and in
her presence, have subscribed our names as witnesses
John D. Long
Thomas Comer
R. E. Rawls
Recorded February 1st, 1898, Will Book D, Pages 343-344, Box
82, Package 18
James M. Gee P. J.
of Thomas V. NANCE and Elizabeth PARR)
(Thanks Linda
Mayfield, for sending me this Will)

In the name of God Amen I Zachariah Nance of the State of SC
and District of Union
(Planter) being infirm in body but of sound and disposing
mind memory and understanding thanks be to God for the same
do make this my last will and testament that is to say
principally and first of all I give and recommend my
sould into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my
body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent
Christian burial at the discretion of my executors and as
touching such worldly estate wherein it has pleased God to
bles me with it this life I give devise and dispose of the
same in the following manner and form.
First, I put into my executors hands the tract of land I now
live on it being 473 acres being more or less all my
household and kitchen furniture, negroes Jim, Joe, Tom,
Julius, Julia, six head of horses, one young stud and all my
cattle and sheep and hogs that is for the purpose of paying
my just debts to sell and dispose of as they think best
after my debts is paid I give to my beloved wife Mary (BROWN)
Nance all of the above mentioned property during
her life all but the choice of Negro and one girl Negro
named Haley and two Negroes to give as she thinks but to any
or sell and divide amongst all her daughters, after the
death of my wife, I give the balance of the above named
property to my sons Laurel Nance
and Zachariah Nance to be
divided equally between them by their apying my daughter Sarah Nance and Elizabeth (NANCE)
Hall one hundred dollars each, I have give to my
daughter. First, Fanny Briant twenty five dollars in
property in being all that I intend to give her.
2nd I have given my son James Nance
five hundred dollars in property, my executors are to
furnish him with twelve dollars worth annually during the
said James Nance life time I
intended to give no more of my estate. 3rd I give and
bequeath to my daughter Sarah Nance
one negro woman Sharlotte one negro girl Lucinda and fifty
dollars to be paid to her by my executors.
4th I have given to my daughter Patsey
(NANCE) Littlefield
three hundred and seventy five dollars in property to raise
her children on it being all I intend to give her.
5th I have given to my son John Nance
a tract of land I bought of Nathaniel Rogers beginning on a
red oak SW crossing a branch to a pine corner of an old
hedgeroe thence s. to an old hickory corner being the
balance of said tract if land and but on negro by Solomon
and some household furniture and one cow and calf, it being
to the value of six hundred dollars it being all I ever
intend he shall have of my estate.
6th I have given to my son Fleming B.
Nance property to the amount of six hundred dollars
it being all I intend him to have of my estate.
7th I have given to my son Laurel
Nance one negro boy Daniel and some money.
8th I have given to my daughter Mary
(NANCE) McGarrity to
the amount of twenty five dollars. I also give to her
the debts I have paid for her the note and rect now lying in
my house the said note taken up from W.R.Welvourn the rect.
obtained by Jas. Moor, and an acct against her after the
settlement with her, the balance I also give her, and no
more of my estate.
9th I have given to my daughter Peggy
(NANCE) Hall one negro
girl named Nancy during her natural life. At her death
said negro and increase to be divided amongst her
children. If she has no children at her death then
said negro and increase if any to be returned and equally
divided between Sarah Nance
and Elizabeth (NANCE)
Hall her two sisters I have given to her other
property to the amount of forty dollars. I intend her
to have no more of my estate.
10th I have given to my daughter Elizabeth
(NANCE) Hall one negro
girel named Amy during her natural life. At her death
if she has any children the said negro and increase to
equally divided between them. If none, the said negro
and increase to be reurened and divided between Sarah Nance and Peggy (NANCE)
Hall and I have also fiven to her to the amount of
forty dollars worth in property, and one hundred dollars she
is to have in twelve after the death of her mother to be
paid by my executors and no more of my estate.
11th I have given to my son Zachariah
Nance thirty dollars. I also give and
bequeath to him one negro girl Thursey and the privilige of
living where he now lives and cultivating the bottom field
clearing where he now lives until the death of his mother--I
further give and bequeath to the above named Laurel V. Nance one negro boy
I further wish my executors to sell or divide or depose of
the under named property as they should think best--as to
satisfying my debts. (ZN) Two wagons and harness belonging
to them one tract of land containing 100 acres where Jas Nance now lives and I have left
out any property that is not mentioned in this my will I
wish my executors to make use of it the benefit of my
I hereby nominate and appoint my wife Mary
Nance and my son Laurel
Nance executrix and executor to this my last will
and testament. In case the said Laurel
Nance should die then I appoint my son Zachariah Nance executor with my
wife to fulfill my above mentioned. Revoking all other
will by me made in witness whereof I have set my hand and
seal this first August one thousand eight hundred and
Zachariah Nance (L.S.)
Marymom Larson
James Procter
Recorded in will book, B page 135, Recorded 9 February
1829, WM. White Ordy, Box 16 package 15
actual images of Zachariah's Will can be found here on

(Formed in 1798 from Pickney County) 1841 - January 11
Probated 3 January 1845. To wife (unnamed). To daughters
Rebecca NANCE and Lucy YOUNGBLOOD. Sons Alexander and
Thomas. Grandson William CROSBY. To Samuel C.
WILLIAMS. VOL. 3, P. 36-38.
William Nance Page 36 Case 1 File 1210
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