Old NANCE Letters
These letters were posted by Nicki Osborne on the Nance Family Genealogy Forum Jan. 2003
This 1859 letter was passed down to me for safe keeping and I thought I would share it with those of you that might be looking for this branch of the family. I copied it exactly as it was written, I hope that it will help someone. Good Luck !
State of No Carolina Randolph City
Aug 29th 1859
Dear Son & Daughter
I once more by the permission of kind providence Imbrace the
opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that I am still
in the land of the living although with sorrow I have to inform you
that your father is no more he has gone to try the realities of a world
of spirets he was severly afflicted for a bout five months so that he
could not help himself any more than a young child except a few days
during that time he got so that he could walk alone a little but that
did not last long before he was confined to his bed again and remained
so untell the 8th day of last month July he closed his eyes in death
bid a final farwell to all time things and has gone home to live with
that God who he has been so long trying to serve he bore his affliction
with all the patience and fortitude that it is possible for any one to
do he seemed to be perfectly resigned to the will of the Lord al though
his toungue was chalsied in some way so that he could not talk plain
for a long time before his death I have no doubt that it is now loose
and he is praising God in heaven as to myselfa good part of the time
that your father was helpless I was very bad off so that it was hard
telling which would die first but I thank God that I have got so that I
am able to git about a little and I feel very thankful that I have been
spared to see the last of him and see that he was well taken care off
and decently put away. Your father made a will several years ago and
appointed myself & your brother Benjamin Exectors you no Benjamin
is dead and I am not able to do the business. your brother Daniel has
undertaken to do it and will have a sale tomorrow. he made I think a
very Equitable will and they all appear to be very well satisfied but
Eli Pearce he is tring to make a geart disturbance if he can but the
will says that those that had no land shall have one hundred Dollars
apiece. but Eli says his claim is five hundred Dollars for caring and
waiting on us for the last thirteen years. but I think they do not
deserve any more than the other heirs. I think I have well paid them. I
gave them things and hope them work when they were hear. besides I gave
them Thirty Dollars in money. Eli says he wants me to leave hear and
come and live with him my lifetime. he says he will take care of me for
the third of the produce made on the place. but my choice is to stay
hear and I want to know what you think about it. I think I have said
enough about that. One more thing, I want to no if you think James
ought to pay rent my life time. Eli says he ought too. I will tell you
something about crops, Wheat is plenty and good and is selling at One
Dollar per bushel. corn crops are light, but I think we will make
enough to do us. we have plenty of everything else to eat. Beacon is
worth 12 1/2 cts. per pound, other things in proportion. James and his family is well, he has three
children, one daughter & two sons. one by the name Isham Hill. one by the name of Alexander Birckett. all the family connections
is well as far as I no. Sarah has gotten married and left me. she
married John W. Wood, son of Jones Wood. and has got the finest boy you
ever saw. Vinah wants you to write something about Thomas. she wants to
know where he is and what he is doing. Your Brother Jordon's son Henry
is married to Miss Sarah Miller daughter of Martin Miller. Daniel
Lindsey is now without a home. Jesse Thornburg is dead. he is now at
John W. Woods and is looking for a home. Mary Ann is still staying with
me. I want to no something about Martha Dunbar . you mus to write
something about her. Exum Davis has got back to his old home and
Elizabeth M. Davis has another son. Jones K.(H? ) Wood is very unwell
at this time he is not able to be up but very little. they has been a
great deal of sickness and a great many Deaths. Sarah C. Woods Boy 's
name is Marquis Lafayett. I will close by subscribing myself. Your
affection Mother Elizabeth Nance
To Isham Nance & Family
To Mrs. Sallie Nance
Archery Nebr
Shelbyville Ind. Dec 5th 1864
Dear Aunt,
I hardly know how but will try and write to you. We have not heard from
you for some time and since then we have met with a sad loss. Our dear
Father died the 28th of Nov. 8 o'clock in the morning. His disease eas
Typhoid Fever with Paralysis. He had been complaining for some time but
we did not think him dangerous until a few days before he died, and was
able to walk from the bed to the chair until Saturday morning before he
died. Dear Aunt it was hard to part with our Dear father and we miss
him so much. It seems as if we had nothing left to live for. I cannot
realize it. It does not seem that we have no father. But we have a
Father, a Heavenly one and if we only put our trust in him as did our
Dear Father, all will be well with us. Mr. Lynch , our minister called
to see him on saturday and asking him how he felt, he replied I have
hope in Christ was all he could say. He was almost speechless for a day
before he died. Oh dear it was hard to stand by the bedside of a dying
father, but we try and feel that its all for the best. We have had a
great deal of sickness in our family this fall, Lizzie has been
confined to her bed for 12 weeks and does not seem to be getting much
better. I do not think she is long for this world.. Little did we think
2 weeks ago that we would bury our father before her and my brother
Wiley has been quite sick for sometime with Typhoid Fever. Ma has been
complaing for some time but seems to be getting better. Sam Taylor was
here last week and said he heard that Uncle Sam was dead. Is that true
and do you know anything of him. Please write immediatley and let us
know, for we are anxious to hear. Ma and all join in love to you and
family. Write soon.
Your Niece Maggie Hill
Shelbyville Ind April 1st 1865
My Dear Sister,
I hope you will excuse me for neglecting you so long. I did not think
when I first read your letter it would be so long before I would
answer. But so it is and now its late to repent. Lizzie being sick so
long and others of the family not being well part of the time that I
cannot find very much time for letter writing. But I do not want you to
think for a moment that we had forgotten you, for that is not the case.
We often think and speak of you and family. Lizzie has been confined to
her bed since the 1st of Sept last. I cannot think she will ever get
well again. But she may Gods Ways are Mysterious. It has been very
sickley here for the last year and a great many very sudden deaths. A
new disease here called Spotted Fever has taken a great many from us
within this last year.
We have had a very wet Spring so far. This is the 1st pretty warm day
we have had and it looks as though it was going to rain soon. You
wished to know where Harrison LeMaster was. He was here in the winter
and we have not heard from since. He was working with his brother in a
mill at the Indian Reserve. His state he was probably gone back to
Missouri by this time. He talked of it when here.
We had a letter from Brothr Sam not long ago. He was preparing for a
journey to the mountains, on account of his ill health. He intended
starting the 1st of April and as we have not heard from him since,
suppose he has gone. Yes Indeed therehas a great many changes taken
place since last we met. Scarcely any of the people that were here then
live here now. My Mother is well and living in the same place as when
you were here. She is very healthy for one her age and often walks up
here. You wished to know if we recieved a Photograph of your youngest
son . Yes and would like very much to have yours in the next letter. I
will send you some of my dear Husbands hair and a piece of his Shroud
in this letter. I will also send you a silk neck handerkerchief of his.
It is half of the one we put on him. I hope this may find you all in
good health. Write soon and often, for we are always glad to hear from
you . All join in Much Love,
Your Loving Sister
Lalla Nance Matilda Hill