NANCE Misc. Court Records
Papers of Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln and a Slander Case
"Everyman is said to have his peculiar ambition . . . I have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed of my fellow men . . . ." So said Abraham Lincoln in his first printed political speech, delivered to the citizens of Sangamon County on March 9, 1832. Lincoln valued his reputation and, later in his political career, cultivated his image as "Honest Abe."
Reputation acquired a new meaning after the American Revolution. Social position in England paralleled rank, but the centerpiece of America's emerging legal ideology was the affirmation of equal rights among citizens. Unlike England, as Lincoln implied, an individual's reputation in the American republic relied on community opinion. Furthermore, the legal protection of reputation was important if the experiment in government of, by, and for the people was to succeed. Americans believed their leaders should be picked from those citizens possessing the best character. They believed that reputation was the outward manifestation of character and allowed the republic's citizens to recognize those who possessed the virtuous quality. Therefore, charges of slander were not taken lightly.
Like other fields of American law, the law of defamation underwent significant changes during the antebellum era. Colonial and the early national period courts used slander law as a device of social control--to maintain community order. However, early nineteenth century judges were influenced by the republican definition of a community as an association of individuals where legal rights defined relationships. Lincoln's "right to rise" political philosophy reflected this new order in which courts no longer imposed traditional norms of conduct upon citizens, but adjusted the conflicting rights of the litigants to ensure justice. Slander law shifted from being a law of social control emphasizing punishment of the defendant, to one compensating victims for a specific injury to reputation. Thus, reputation was an important commodity and antebellum courts assigned character with a measurable value. This is illustrated in a slander case that Lincoln handled in Shelby County (Illinois) Circuit Court, and especially in the unusual Lincoln document for that case that staff researcher Michael Duncan discovered.
Events leading to the May 1852 suit began in October 1850. It is not known what the exact relationship between the litigants was, but they were kinfolk in some manner. At that time Missouri Mitchell quarreled with James Mitchell, Sr.'s wife, Priscilla, over an unspecified issue, and threatened to beat her with a club. Apparently the rancor resulting from that incident escalated into the conflict in which James Mitchell, Sr. spread slanderous accusations about Missouri on March 1, 1852.
In the declaration, Missouri and her husband, Elijah, charged that the defendant called Missouri "a base whore" and said he "can prove it by the NANCEs. They have rode her in the corner of the fence many a time." The defendant allegedly stated that Levi NANCE(*) would walk by her father's house and whistle for Missouri. She would then "go into the woods" with NANCE for a half or even one full day. The plaintiffs claimed Mitchell repeated the alleged slander before numerous citizens of the community, thus ruining her good name and reputation.
They further charged the defendant with maliciously spreading the rumor that Missouri was pregnant with the child of Sam Sworden or Jim Beebe and was guilty of adultery. James Mitchell was quoted as stating that "Sam Sworden has got her with child at last and I hope to God Almighty she might have four." Finally, the plaintiffs claimed that Mitchell declared that "The damned old Punch [Missouri's nickname] is a nasty stinking strumpet" as well "as a base whore."
At the May term 1852, Judge David Davis and a jury
heard the case. According to the pleading rules of the
era, Lincoln had three options for his defense
strategy. He could have James Mitchell, Sr. plead not
guilty; plead in confession and avoidance (admit
speaking the words but assert that the case be
dismissed because the words were true); or plead that
the defendant
spoke the words innocently or repeated a rumor. The
law of evidence in slander held the defendant strictly
liable if his proof failed--the plaintiff did not have
to prove malicious intent.
Lincoln chose to plead not guilty to the charges, though the second plea, stating the defendant had not spoken the words alleged within one year preceding commencement of the suit, indicated that the defendant had spoken the words previous to the date (March 1, 1852) mentioned in the declaration. Apparently realizing he had a weak case, Lincoln tried to argue that even if the words had been spoken at some time in the past, the time which had elapsed breached the statute of limitations.
Further, Lincoln planned to mitigate any possible damages by proving that the plaintiffs had engaged in fornication before their marriage, thus demonstrating the low moral character of the couple. One of the more interesting slander law questions that the American courts faced was whether the defendant could give evidence of the plaintiff's general reputation in mitigation of damages. The English never considered the question because their slander law was tipped heavily in favor of the plaintiff and damages were substantial and intended to severely punish the defendant. The American rule that emerged in the early nineteenth century allowed the defendant to give evidence of the plaintiff's character. By permitting such evidence, the courts affirmed that character had a monetary value for which slander damages served as a remedy, and not merely as a punishment.
Unfortunately for Lincoln, co-counsel Anthony Thornton, and their client, the jury returned a verdict of guilty and awarded the plaintiffs $500, the entire amount of damages sought. Missouri Mitchell's reputation was returned to good standing in the community and James Mitchell, Sr. paid heavily for failing to control his speech. The case reflected the intent of American slander law to safeguard an individual's good reputation in the community against petty character assassination.
However, the Mitchells were not completely satisfied as late in the same term of court they were indicted by a Grand Jury for attempting to shoot James Mitchell, Sr. Also, Mitchell was back in court in November 1852 on a second slander charge. He had alleged that another Mitchell couple, John and Rebecca, had committed perjury by lying while testifying for Missouri and Elijah. The fate of James Mitchell, Sr. in these later episodes of "Peyton Place on the Prairie" is unknown at this time.
(*This is Levi NANCE son of
John Wesley NANCE and Mary LORTON; Husband of Mary
CASES IN EQUITY - Argured and Determined The Supreme Court of North Carolina, From December Term 1845, to August Term, 1847. By James Iredell Volume IV Raleigh: Published By Weston R. Gales 1847. PAGE 297 Name of Cases: NANCE vs. Powell Page 297 JUNE TERM, 1846 Wynn NANCE & AL. vs. Marmaduke POWELL & AL. (Listed as page 311 in Adobe Reader). Thanks Clay NANCE for sharing and pointing out where to find this case.Mentioned in case are Wynne NANCE, wife Dorothy (Dorthia HOLMES), 4
children, namely Daniel H.,
Edward W., Betsey and husband James BROWN
and Lucy with husband
Jesse FOULK.
(Caswell County, N.C. - COURT MINUTES
- APRIL 1790) - These men signed the Oath of
Allegience for Public Officers; Greenwood Payne constable,
James Sanders, Sheriff, Will Sanders, Deputy Sheriff, E.
Dixson Deputy Sheriff, Jno Cocke attorney, David Mitchell
juror, W. Sommers, Justice of the Peace, Sherwood NANCE Constable, Robert
Parks Sheriff, William Parks Deputy Sheriff, Syrill Coleman
Sheriff, James Busbon Depty Sheriff, Yancey Bailey Deputy
Sheriff, James Williamson Justice of the Peace, and Nathan
Jones attorney.
(Sampson County, N.C. - COURT MINUTES - 1784-1800) JURORS: Ordered that the sheriff summon the following persons as jurors for next court: Lewis Williamson, Joshua Tatum, William Boon, Marmaduke Ryal, Byus Boykin, Orson Bell, Micajah Bell, Wynne NANCE, Kilbee Faison, Richard Salmon, Roger Snell, Samuel Oates, Joseph Turbeville, Rice Blackman, Isom Sellers, Nothiel Merrit, William Register, William Tucker, Benjamin Register, Sr., O. Holmes, silas Myhand, Southy Turlington, Jonathan Fryer, Charles Murphrey, Jacob Chesnutt, Sr., Hardy Stevens, Arthur Brown, Joshua Daughtry, Jacob Godwin, Jr., Bedredin Carraway, Sampson Lee, Noah Lee, Joab Blackman, Smith, Robert Butler, James Butler, Daniel Coor, Philip Magee, Benjamin Faircloth and Elijah Fisher.
133. Isham NANCE
187. Agrippa NANCE
LINCOLN COUNTY, NC - COURT - Jury List, 7 Jun 1897
(Giles County, TN) - Feb. 19,
1827 Ephraim M. MASSEY, John DABNEY & Joseph NANCE appt'd commissioners to
settle with William USSERY, gdn. of heirs of James J. WALKER.
Gi. Co., TN Ct. Min., p 275
(Giles County, TN) - June 5,
1848 William H. NANCE and others
who were appointed a jury to view and decide upon the
propriety of turning a part of the road leading from
Cornersville to Columbia near the Cty. line, made a report in
the words and figures as folowing, to wit We the undersigned
having been appinted ... there will be no impropriety of
turning said Columbia Road so as for it to run with the
Lynnvile Road until it passes the esidences of Mrs. E. NANCE and turn to the right
at the mouth of her lane, so as to leave Milton MCCLURE'S
residence to the right, and on to intersect the old road
again, on the top of the Ridge of the Cty. line, said road as
turned is now in good order this 23rd May 1848. GI Cty., TN
Ct. Min., p 150.
(Giles County, TN) - June 5,
1848 Next item after above. Ordered that Milton MCCLURE be
appointed overseer of the road in the room of Joseph NANCE, deceased, and that he
have same District of hands. GI Cty., TN Ct. Min., p 150.
(Grainger County, TN) - p. 179
Tuesday February 21st 1826 Ordered by the Court that the
Sheriff summon the following gentlemen good and lawful men of
the County of Grainger personally to be and appear at the
Court House in Rutledge on the Tuesday after the third Monday
of May next then and these to serve as jurors to wit: 1. Eli
HODGED 2. Benjamin COX, 3. George RAIL Senr. 4. Joseph DANIEL
Senr 5. John Daniel Junr., 6. John HOWELL, 7. Balser SHIRLEY
8. Johnathan ALDRIDGE 9. Joel DOTSON 10. Robt. MCGUINIS, 11.
James JOHNSON 12 SAML WAGGONER senr. 13. Josiah SMITH 14.
James WHITLOCK, 15. George HENCHAW, or HEUCHAN 16. Ezekeil
TROGDEN 17. Armisted D. CARDER or CANDEN 18. Mark MONROE 19.
Ansel L. Camden , 20. Joseph BRIANT 21. John Mumpowes 22. John
LeCONE or LeCOUE 23. John WADDLE , 24 William CLARK 25. Rhueben NANCE, 26. James CAMPBELL
(Henry County, TN) - Circuit
records index.
Clement NANCE, 1837, 1845
Frederick NANCE, 1837
Henry NANCE, 1844
George NANCE, 1847
John NANCE, 1825, 1842, 1845,
Jo P. NANCE, 1832
Joseph NANCE, 1844
Peter NANCE, 1838
Peter R. NANCE, 1838
Reuben NANCE, 1838, 1847
Robert NANCE, 1841
Robert P. NANCE, 1841
Samuel NANCE, 1823
Stephen NANCE, 1828, 1830, 1833,
1834, 1835, 1837, 1839, 1845, 1847, 1849
Thomas NANCE, 1845, 1847, 1848
William NANCE, 1835, 1838, 1841,
1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1849
William M. NANCE, 1838, 1841
Tennessee Supreme Court Cases {In date
Case or Opinion PDF at end of record
are links to that particular case
1814 James NEIL v. William
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Deed Dispute James Neil sold a tracts of land to William NANCE and James MORTON
between the Elk and Duck Rivers.
There was then some disagreement over what tracts of land NEIL
sold to NANCE and MORTON.
Middle Range: 21 Section: A Shelf: 4 Box
Number: 100 # of Pages: 56
(*This is William NANCE who marr.
Elizabeth Morton)
1830 Polly NANCE(*) v. Jabez THURMAN & William
Location: Knox County, Tennessee
Damages Origin of damages: Trespass. Jabez
is the correct spelling of the defendants name.
Range: 7 Section: F Shelf:
6 Box Number: 672 # of
Pages: 42
(This is Mary "Polly" COOPER, widow of
Thomas NANCE, son? of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
1837 Nancy BATES v. Pryor
& Peter(*) NANCE
Location: Knox County, Tennessee
Custody Plaintiff accuses Defendants of
taking her son, William BATES, aged 14, from her possession.
East Range: 7 Section: F Shelf: 7 Box
Number: 676 # of Pages: 10
(*Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H.
GIBBS, Pryor is Peter's son)
1839 City of Knoxville v. Prior NANCE(*)
Debt Origin of debt: municipal fines.
East Range: 7 Section: G Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 680 # of Pages: 8
(*Son of Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline
1841 Pryor NANCE(*) v. Samuel BELL
Location: Knox County, Tennessee
Trespass and Damages The cause of action in
this case is listed as trespass and damages. The case revolves
around a promissory note.
East Range: 9 Section: E Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 1169 # of Pages: 23
(Son of Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline
1845 John NANCE(*) v. Jacob P. CHASE et al.
Location: Jefferson County, Tennessee
Debt Additional defendants: John and
William CHASE. Obed CHASE applied to John
NANCE(*) for a loan. NANCE
had about $800, which he did not want to part with.
CHASE pleaded his need to help his son John CHASE. Obed
proposed to give a deed to 137 acres to be returned upon
repayment. Plaintiff advanced the $800 in notes,
but he never received deed to land. Obed had since passed away
and defendants refused to pay debt. Plaintiff sought lien on
land to satisfy debt.
East Range: 9 Section: A Shelf: Top Box
Number: Oversize Box 17 # of Pages: 24
(*Son of John NANCE and Mary "Mollie"
(EPPES? (last name?))
1845 NANCE(*) & Paul v. John W. THOMPSON
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Debt Middle
Range: 32 Section: B Shelf: 1 Box Number:
220 # of Pages: 9 Case
(*Probably one of the NANCE sons of
William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1846 William L.
NANCE(*) v. Alfred HALL,
et al.
Location: Williamson County, Tennessee
Fraud Additional defendants: William B.
Middle Range: 32 Section: B Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 223 # of Pages: (unknown)
(Not sure who this NANCE is)
1847 Samuel BELL v. Pryor
NANCE(*) & James
Location: Knox County, Tennessee
Other Trespass on the Case claiming $250
damages. NANCE executed note to
CLARK, who endorsed it to Bell, who endorsed it to Union Bank.
When note fell due,
it was not paid, so Bank sued & obtained judgment against
NANCE, Clark, & Bell. Bell
paid it & then sued.
East Range: 9 Section: D Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 1125 # of Pages: 20 Opinion
(*Son of Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline
1851 John NANCE(*) v. Calloway Hodges
Location: Jefferson County, Tennessee
Assault and Battery NANCE
accused Hodges of assaulting him, having "beat, wounded, and
ill treated him," inflicting wounds & bruises on his face
& eye &
other body parts, which altercation took place at NANCE's house after Hodges proposed
to "adjust a difficulty about some land," which led to Hodges
abusing NANCE & then
striking him. NANCE (who was
60-70 yrs old) attempted to defend himself with fire tongs.
Venue changed to Sevier County & then to Cocke County.
East Range: 9 Section: E Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 1158 # of Pages: 40 Opinion
(*Son of John NANCE and Mary "Mollie"
(EPPES? (last name?))
1853 John Den, lessee of S. W. NANCE(*)
v. John W. Thompson
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Land and Title Dispute This case deals with
a 130 acres tract on Mill Creek which both parties believed
that they had title to.
This land had been in the name of the heirs of James Jackson
Middle Range: 32 Section: B Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 241 # of Pages: 13 Case
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1855 Bank of Tennessee v. E. B. Bigley et
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Failure to Return Execution Additional
Defendants: C. W. NANCE(*), J. Beaty, J. W. Dabbs, James
Hamilton, R. W. Perles, James Mallock, A. Dunn, R. H. Wallace,
J. H. Gowers.
Middle Range: 32 Section: C Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 255 # of Pages: (unknown)
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1855 James Gordon v. E. B. Bigley & his
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Debt, Execution on Plaintiff recovered
judgement in September 1854 in Davidson County for $750.49
against Robert Smiley, William L. NANCE(*), and James M. Murrell.
Execution includes slaves, by name. Case
Middle Range: 32 Section: C Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 254 # of Pages: 13
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1855 William C. Groves et al.v. Anna Groves
et al
Location: Hawkins County, Tennessee
Trespass with Force of Arms Add.
plaintiffs: E. Groves, William Lowry, Thomas Groves, William
L. Groves, E. Wells, Susan Wells, John Flora, Henry Crawley,
Jacob W. Crawley,
and others listed in file. Add. defendants: Mary Groves, Jacob
Groves, Susan Groves, & James H.
NANCE(*). The defendants
allegedly broke and entered the plaintiff's home and
ejected them to damages of $5,000.
East Range: 9 Section: E Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 1176 # of Pages: 64
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1856 C. B. NANCE(*), et al. v. Lea S. Dyer & Wife
Location: Jefferson County, Tennessee
Unknown Severe water damage has made more
than half the text on every page illegible.
East Range: 7 Section: J Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 753 # of Pages: 48
(*Calvin Bird NANCE, son of John
"Jackie" NANCE and Sarah "Sally" ORE)
1856 Daniel Young v. Clement
NANCE(*) & Andrew
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Debt Dispute Dispute is over the ownership
of the "Buena Vista Turnpike and Ferry Co."
Middle Range: 32 Section: C Shelf: 4 Box
Number: 265 60
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1856 Ruffin Vaughn v. John NANCE(*)
& C. A. Frensley
Location: Rutherford County, Tennessee
Debt, Execution on
Middle Range: 32 Section: C Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 258 # of Pages: 73
(*Son of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
1858 William NANCE(*) & James
NANCE(*) v. Milton
Location: Giles County, Tennessee
Debt Dispute
Middle Range: 32 Section: D Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 277 # of Pages: (unknown)
(*This is possibly William NANCE and his
son James, wife Elizabeth ELLIS, parents unknown)
1859 The Union Bank of Tennessee v. William S. NANCE(*)
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Other Cause of Action: Trespass on the Case
Middle Range: 32 Section: D Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 287 # of Pages: (unknown)
(*Son of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1859 William L.
NANCE(*) v. Union Bank
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Trespass and Damages Plaintiff is appealing
the charge of trespass on the case. Middle
Range: 32
Section: D Shelf: 1 Box Number: 279 # of
Pages: (unknown)
(*Possibly William Lewis NANCE, son of
William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1860 A. P. Greene v. James H. Starnes
Location: Grainger County, Tennessee
Debt Settlement Greene was a surety
holder on notes of Starnes. Starnes was guarantor on notes on
John Popejoy to John NANCE(*).
The title of land held by each party came into question, and
whether it could be encumbered to pay debts.
East Range: 5 Section: A Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 6 # of Pages: 146
(*Son of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna
1860 C. W. NANCE(*) et al. v. W. Crosswaite
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Lien Additional Plaintiffs: J. H. McDonald.
Middle Range: 32
Section: D Shelf: 6 Box Number: 301 # of
Pages: (unknown)
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1860 John W. Martin v. C. W. NANCE(*)
et al.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Land, Fraud Additional Plaintiffs: Andrew
Gregory, Edwin H. Childress Sr., James C. Owen. Unlawfully
withholding a tract of land.
Middle Range: 32 Section: D Shelf: 4 Box
Number: 293 # of Pages: 31
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1866 James M. Johnson v. James W(ashington)
NANCE(*) & Shelby B.
Location: Giles County, Tennessee
Debt Middle Range: 32
Section: E Shelf: 3 Box Number: 317 # of
Pages: (unknown)
(*Son of Joseph NANCE and Eleanor BLACK)
1866 John R. Branner, Assignee v. C. B. NANCE(*),
et al.
Location: Jefferson County, Tennessee
Injunction Plaintiff is the assignee of
William P. Massengill. Defendants: Richard Fielden,
administrator of A. L. Peckdeal, Caines McMillian, exor.
& Betsey L. Week, Executor of Daniel Meek (dec.), &
Patton Howell. A previous judgment was rendered in favor of W.
P. Massengill & against P. Howell for $1,896,
which was still unpaid and the judgment was then transferred
to the plaintiff by Massengill's death.
East Range: 9 Section: F Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 1198 # of Pages: 22
(*Calvin Bird NANCE, son of John
"Jackie" NANCE and Sarah "Sally" ORE)
1867 John NANCE(*) v. State
Location: Grainger County, Tennessee
Murder NANCE convicted of murdering William
C. McBee. NANCE, it was charged,
was "seduced by the instigations of the Devil" to assault and
beat to death
the victim with rocks, sticks, bludgeons, clubs, knives,
pistols and staffs. NANCE,
referred to as "son of Clement, late a laborer of this
was sentenced to death. Others testified they heard NANCE say he had killed that "damed
[sic] Rascal" William McBee. Colorful testimony.
East Range: 9 Section: G Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 1219 # of Pages: 63 Case
(*Son of Clement NANCE and Elizabeth
1867 Richard Phillips et al. v. T. B.
Location: Bedford County, Tennessee
Estate Dispute Additional Plaintiffs:
Samuel Phillips, William B. , William Phillips, Sophronia
Duncan, Nancy VanCleave, Stephen VanCleave,
Spencer Hill, John Hill, Samuel Hill, Joseph Hill, William
Hill, Jeremiah Hill, Sarah Vancleave, William Vancleave, Nancy
Holden, Spencer Holden,
Francis Gwinn, Martha Potts, Richard Potts, Catherine Renshaw,
Mary NANCE(*)
and Wiley NANCE(*).
Middle Range: 32 Section: E Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 317 # of Pages: 33 Case
(*Wiley Bird NANCE, son of Bird NANCE
and 2nd wife Sarah Louise "Sally" MACK, and wife Mary (POPE)
1867 S. F. M. Haney v. C. B. NANCE(*),
Isaac Mitchell,
Location: Jefferson County, Tennessee
Trespass "A plea of trespass with force and
arms to his damage, twenty thousand dollars." Incident of 1
March 1862, plaintiff was arrested, imprisoned for 3 mo., to
avoid conscription.
Defendants: Callaway Hodges (dec.), C.
B. NANCE(*), Isaac
Mitchell. Case file includes testimony of witnesses, detail of
Union Army activities in Jefferson, Campbell Counties, S.E.
Kentucky, under command of Capt. (or Col.) Ashby.
East Range: 5 Section: A Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 5 # of Pages: 51
(*Calvin Bird NANCE, son of John
"Jackie" NANCE and Sarah "Sally" ORE)
1868 James Lester, et al. v. Andrew M. C.
Lester, et al.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Debt Settlement Additional Plaintiffs: Mrs.
Samuel Davis, C. W. NANCE(*), Elizabeth Newern, Calvin Cabler,
Emily Cabler, Jesse Perry, Martha Perry,
George Forendsley, and Lizzie Forendsley. Additional
Defendants: W. H. Baker, Elvira Baker, George W. Lester,
William Lester, James Hooper, Eliza Ann Hooper,
Joseph L. Mills, George H. Mills, and Nicholas P. Corbit. Case
involves the collection of debt from the estate of Royal
Middle Range: 32 Section: F Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 342 # of Pages: 78 Case
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1870 Piper & Rounds, et al. v. William L. NANCE(*)
Location: Shelby County, Tennessee
Debt Settlement Additional plaintiffs:
James Piper, Samuel Rounds, Catahrine Littlefield admr. of J.
M. Littlefield, dec., John Donovan, Memphis Gayoso Gas
A. C. Bettis, John Overton. Debt on bill of exchange.
Originating court is Municipal Court Memphis/Shelby, appeal to
Western Division Supreme Court.
West Range: 84 Section: A Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 10 # of Pages: (unknown)
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1871 C. W. NANCE(*) v. John M. Palmer et al.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Debt Settlement Additional Defendants: Mary
J. Napier, George A. Russell. Recovery of debt for sale of
land. Exhibit - Map
Middle Range: 32 Section: D Shelf: 4 Box
Number: 292 # of Pages: 120
(Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1871 P. P. NANCE(*) v. James Bunch
Location: Grainger County, Tennessee
Debt Dispute NANCE the assignee of a
judgment for $94 ordered against Bunch in 1860. Execution was
issued in 1868 & returned "satisfied by note".
Plntff. seeks to have the satisfaction cancelled on grounds
that the note was never secured or delivered. He also asks the
court to reinstate the original
judgment in full force & wants an attachment levied on
land belonging to Bunch.
East Range: 9 Section: H Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 1248 # of Pages: 63
(*This is Preston Prior NANCE, son of
Reuben NANCE and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
1871 Thomas J. Blanchard v. John NANCE(*),
et al.
Location: Grainger County, Tennessee
Land Additional Defendants: Samuel T.
West[?], J. E. West[?], C. C. Smith, C. H. Coffin, R. J.
Wilson, J. H. Coffin, William Kinder, T. J. Bowell.
Cause of Action: Complainant filed to vacate a sale of land.
East Range: 7 Section: H Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 736 # of Pages: 166
(*Son of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna
1871 William D. Benderman v. Josiah Wilkes
et al.
Location: Giles County, Tennessee
Debt Additional defendants: Joseph D.
Howard, J. J. Walker, W. H. NANCE(*), J. W.
NANCE(*), Henry J.
Walker, Robert S. Tucker;
challenge of previous judgment; original court papers and
decree destroyed in Civil War; debt
Middle Range: 32 Section: D Shelf: 5 Box Number:
300 # of Pages: 80
(*This is possibly William NANCE and his
son James, wife Elizabeth ELLIS, parents unknown)
1872 C. W. NANCE(*), et al. v. David Hughes
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Debt Settlement Additional Plaintiff: J. L.
Middle Range: 32 Section: E Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 316 # of Pages: 10
(Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1872 Pleasant H. Starnes v. Daniel Haynes,
John "Jack" NANCE(*) & Joseph Bryant
Location: Grainger County, Tennessee
Land and Title Dispute In 1865, Capt
Harrington's company of US soldiers sent to Rutledge, T N as
"sort of guard" at term of Circuit Court.
Soldiers arrested pla. (rebel) & prevailed on him to
confess judgment to 5 judgments in favor of Easley & Co
& related parties (led by Warham Easley Jr).
Judgments satisfied by selling pla.'s land (incl Chandler
tract); Def Bryant purchased land & Def. Haynes &
NANCE (other jdgmt creditors of pla.) "redeemed" it.
Witnesses incl pla.'s daughter Mrs. Martha Nash. Suit to
reclaim land.
East Range: 9 Section: H Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 1245 # of Pages: 259
(Not sure who this NANCE is, possibly
son of John "Squire" NANCE and Cecelia "Sealy" VINEYARD ?)
1872 T. F. Saltsman et al. v. John W. Hill
et al.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Debt Settlement Additional Plaintiff: Oscar
P. Hill of John W. Hill & Co.; Additional Defendants: T.
F. Saltsman, C. W. NANCE(*); debt
Middle Range: 32 Section: E Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 329 # of Pages: 10
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1872 Tazwell Hyde v. C.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Debt Settlement Middle
Range: 32 Section: F Shelf: 1 Box Number:
342 # of Pages:30
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1872 W. H. Wilkinson v. C. W. NANCE(*)
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Promissory Note NANCE
initially sued Wilkerson on a note for $742 made by Josiah
Espy in 1855 payable to H. Quigg or order on which W. H.
was the first security, and C. W. NANCE
was the second security. NANCE
sued for interests in addition to the value of the note.
Middle Range: 20 Section: E Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 15a # of Pages: 23
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1874 Richard Savage, ex parte
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Ex Parte Petition This was a challenge to a
previous judgment titled “James H. W. Donald v. John K.
Edmonson et al.” for a debt settlement of $297.25 and $353.98.
Additional defendants from previous judgment: C. W. NANCE(*),
W. L. NANCE(*),
E. D. Whitworth, W. D. Robertson, P. D. Harris, and A. Creel.
Middle Range: 21 Section: H Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 1530 # of Pages: 27
(*Clement Woodson NANCE and William
Lewis NANCE, sons of William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth
Venable MORTON)
1875 Whites Creek Turnpike Co. v. Paul
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Failure to Pay C. W.
NANCE(*), owner of the
Whites Creek Turnpike accused Dismukes of not having paid
$13.78 in toll taxes for using the turnpike.
Exhibits include "The New Constitution of the State of
Tennessee," 1870.
Middle Range: 20 Section: E Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 30a # of Pages: 33
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1875 William A. Ransom et al. v. Melissa
Location: Rutherford County, Tennessee
Debt Settlement Additional plaintiffs: W.
B. Lillard, John W. NANCE(*). Defendant also referred to as
Melissa McLean filed a suit against the defendants for
$2000.00 in unpaid notes.
Middle Range: 20 Section: J Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 82 # of Pages: 16
(*Not sure who this NANCE is, could be
Jonathan Woods "John" NANCE, son of Richard Leonidas "Dick"
NANCE and Elizabeth HILL)
1876 G. B. Mitchell v. John A. McKinney, et
Location: Grainger County, Tennessee
Debt Remanded from Supreme Court to lower
court for decree. Sale of lands to satisfy court decree. Debt
owed on several notes:
C. B. NANCE(*),
Samuel Shields, admr. of Andrew Clowers, decd., Jefferson NANCE(**),
G. B. Vinyard, Calvin Mitchell, M. L. Foust, G. B. Mitchell,
admr. of John Mitchell, James A. McBee.
East Range: 20 Section: B Shelf: 4 Box
Number: 1615 # of Pages: 132
(*Calvin Bird NANCE, son of John
"Jackie" NANCE and Sarah "Sally" (ORE) ORR)
(**Son of Preston Pryor NANCE and Mary "Polly" VINEYARD)
1877 W. W. Totten Brothers, et. al. v. C. W. NANCE(*),
et. al.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Partnership Settlement W. W. Totten and J.
R. Totten were partners doing business as W. W. Totten &
Additional plaintiff: W. F. Proser. Additional defendants: J.
R. Stephens, J. C. Hood. Defendants were partners
in a publication of a religious newspaper called "Baptist
& Watchmen" under the firm name Baptist Watchmen Company
along with J. W. Combs. Proser and E. E. Winters formed a
company Nashville Bulletin Company.
Middle Range: 20 Section: E Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 23 # of Pages: 24
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1877 William B. Smith v. C. W. NANCE(*)
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Injury and Damages Complainant sued the
defendant for injury and damages resulting from his horse
being spooked by an obstruction on Whites Creek Turnpike.
Complainant claimed the defendant failed at his duty to keep
the turnpike safe for travel. Complainant's buggy was broken,
the horse was killed, and the
complainant suffered injuries.
Middle Range: 20 Section: H Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 65 # of Pages: 96
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1878 A. J. Drake, et al. v. J. M. Mayo, et
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Other Additional plaintiffs: Valeria A.
Drake, Thomas A. Drake, Gustavas Drake and Madora Drake.
Additional defendants:
C. W. NANCE(*),
W. Houstin Powell and John Davis. A. J. Drake bought a mill
from J. M. Mayo based on what deft Powell represented
to him as to the worthiness of the mill. Mill was said to be
in good working order with the exception of some pipe Drake
told the mill cut 7000 ft of lumber a day. When he purchased
the mill, he discovered that it's capabilities had been
grossly misrepresented.
Middle Range: 20 Section: G Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 56 # of Pages: 149 Case
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1878 F. H. Saltsman et al. v. Godfrey S.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Bill of Sale Additional plaintiff - C. W. NANCE(*).
Saltsman bought exclusive rights to washing machines for
laundry in Nashville.
Newson found the machines could wash wool and wanted Saltsman
to pay additional money. Exhibits include a drawing of laundry
invented by the plaintiff on page 26.
Middle Range: 20 Section: H Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 67a # of Pages: 103
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1878 W. W. T. Crockett v. C. W. NANCE(*)
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Damages Defendant was owner and president
of the Whites Creek Turnpike. Plaintiff was riding his horse
across one of the bridges
on the turnpike when a plank gave way beneath him, so that his
horse threw him and caused him great bodily harm and mental
He claimed that the defendant should have kept the bridge in
good repair with the collected toll money and sued for $1,000
in damages.
Middle Range: 38 Section: D Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 1411 # of Pages: 59
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1879 C. W. NANCE(*) v. M. M. Brien, et al.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Land and Title Dispute Additional
defendants: S. B. Hopkins, W. H. Blackman, deputy sheriff of
Davidson Co. Dispute involving the
sale of a lot the east side of Market Street. A dwelling was
built that was inhabited by the pastor of the Primitive
Baptist Church.
Middle Range: 37 Section: A Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 1098 # of Pages: 54
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1879 C. W. NANCE(*) v. Robert Warmack
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Failure to Pay Plaintiff NANCE bought the gravel bar in
dispute in 1862 but was not given a deed until 1869. The
plaintff, as
part of the Buena Vista Turnpike & Ferry Co., built a road
and embankment at the head of the bar. NANCE
sued Warmack for hauling
sand over his gravel bar without payment.
Middle Range: 37 Section: A Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 1104 # of Pages: 88
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1879 State v. C. W.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Taxation Disputes State sued NANCE to recover the State tax which
accrued in the case of C. W. NANCE
v. Fisher.
NANCE brought suit against Fisher
in 1861 and recovered judgment for debt and costs and returned
"no property." 17 years
later the State wanted to collect a tax on litigation
according to Section 3204. The question in this case was could
that be done.
Middle Range: 20 Section: F Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 43a # of Pages: 63
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1882 State v. Fred Jones, alias Harry Hall
Location: Marshall County, Tennessee
Larceny The State charged Jones with the
theft of 2 steers and one young cow valued at $30 from James W. NANCE(*).
Middle Range: 37 Section: A Shelf: 7
Box Number: 1129 # of Pages: 42
(*Either James Washington NANCE, or his
son James)
1883 J. W. Pettus v. W.
NANCE(*), et al.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Deed of Trust Additional defendant: Andrew
Gregory. Deed of trust containing a power of sale. Exhibit
include deed of trust, trustees sales.
Middle Range: 34 Section: E Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 673 # of Pages: 55
(*Not sure who this NANCE is, either
William Lewis NANCE or William Henry NANCE)
1883 State v. Burrell
NANCE(*) (col.)
Location: Rutherford County, Tennessee
Assault with Intent to Kill The State
charged NANCE with assault with
the intent to commit murder in the first degree
against Edward Poston with an axe, hatchet, and rocks.
Middle Range: 37 Section: B Shelf: 4 Box
Number: 1145 # of Pages: 29
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1883 Thomas Chadwell, exe. of E. H.
Childress (dec.) v. C. W. NANCE(*) et al.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Promissory Note The plaintiff, Thomas
Chadwell, executor of E. H. Childress (dec.), sued the
defendants, C. W. NANCE and W.
O. Johnson,
to recover a $1,171.13 promissory note involving the Union
Bank of Tennessee. “C. W. NANCE
et al. v. Thomas Chadwell, exe. of E. H. Childress (dec.)”
was an appeal to “Thomas Chadwell, exe. of E. H. Childress
(dec.) v. C. W. NANCE et al.”
Middle Range: 21 Section: F Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 1464 # of Pages: 33
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1884 James M. Murrell et al. v. Samuel
Watson et al.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Debt This case is centered around a 5,000
acre tract of land purchased by the plaintiff and Samuel
Kimbra from Samuel Watson Washington Barrow (?),
A. Anderson, Edward Cheatham, C. W.
NANCE(*), and Thomas A.
Foster, located in Cheatham County and registered in the
Registers office of said county
in book A, pages 587 and 588. Case also involves the Oak Vale
Barrel Co.
Middle Range: 35 Section: D Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 834 # of Pages: 464
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1884 Marvel M. Dill, et al. v. W. D.
Travis, et al.
Location: Rutherford County, Tennessee
Estate Settlement Additional complainants:
Isaac N. Wright, Mrs. Theodocia B.
NANCE(*), Thomas
Hutchison and wife, Harriet; Mrs. Amanda C.C. Johnson,
Mrs. Mary T. Rucker, W.W. Jones and wife, Sarah; Mrs. Mary
Douglass, Mrs. Cynthia Orr of Texas. Additional defendants:
Jesse Adams and wife, Lena;
Maggie Travis, Frusana Travis, A.M. Alexander, Mrs. Theodocia
Bivins, F.C. Mosby and wife, Amanda; Jesse Brashear, John W.
Wright. Estate of
Mrs. Rebecca T. Alexander, dec. intestate, 1 Nov. 1882.
Middle Range: 34 Section: C Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 632 # of Pages: 94
(*Wife of William Washington NANCE, son
of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
1884 P. C. McCowat, admr. of James W.
Anderson, dec., et al. v. Ellen D. Anderson et al.
Location: Madison County, Tennessee
Estate Settlement Additional Plaintiffs: W.
A. Caldwell, E. H. Smith, John L. Wisdom, and John P.
Stribling. Additional Defendants:
Mahala Anderson, Mattie O. NANCE(*), Clay
NANCE(*), W. T.
Anderson, Frank E. Anderson, and others.
West Range: 83 Section: C Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 260 # of Pages: 645
(*Emmett Clay NANCE Sr. and wife, son of
Washington Pickens NANCE and Louisa LAWLER)
1885 Marvil M. Dill, et al. v. A. M.
Alexander, et al.
Location: Rutherford County, Tennessee
Estate Dispute Estate of Rebecca T.
Alexander. Additional plaintiffs: Isaac N. Wright, Theodocia B. NANCE(*), Thomas Hutchison, Harriett
Amanda C. C. Johnson, Mary T. Rucker, Mary Douglas, Cynthia
Orr. Additional defendants: Theodocia Bivins, F. C. Mosby,
Amanda Mosby, Valentine Dill,
Joseph Dill, Albert Jetton, Laura Betty, David Miller, Alfred
Miller, Carrie Miller, Jesse Brashear, heirs of Wright
Brashear, heirs of Mrs. Jarrett,
heirs of Mrs. Mary Jones, etc.
Middle Range: 34 Section: D Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 656 # of Pages: 134
(*Wife of William Washington NANCE, son
of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
1885 State v. Whites Creek Turnpike Company
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Other Cause of Action: Permitting Turnpike
to be out of repairs. C. W. NANCE(*), owner and proprietor of Whites
Creek Turnpike Co.
Middle Range: 34 Section: A Shelf: 4 Box
Number: 563 # of Pages: 62
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1886 Martha A. Jackson v. R. T. Davis, et
Location: Wilson County, Tennessee
Estate Dispute Add defs: Davis Sallie and
Pallas Young, Ella and James J. Davis, Kate Davis, a minor and
guard W. P. Davis,
Mattie and Lon NANCE(*). Add plain: Ed Jackson, Elizabeth
and Asa Jackson, Virgil, Fielding, and Joseph Davis, Ed
Jackson, exe of
Eli Cherry dec. R. T. Davis was exe of Isham F. Davis, dec.
1880. A complicated estate case wherein plains argued that
unbeknownst to them,
defs altered a written settlement agreement writing them out
of I. F.’s will. 368 pages in MT1158. Also see MT1181
Middle Range: 34 Section: D Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 658 # of Pages: 156
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1887 Russell Clapp v. Directors of
Maryville College, et al.
Location: Knox County, Tennessee
Debt Defendants: Thomas J. Crawford &
wife, Annie, D. M. Murphy, Travis George- Knox Co. Jacob
Harris, Rebecca Kitts & husband, Calvin Kitts,
John NANCE(*)
- Union Co., Thomas C. Russell of Campbell Co., &
Directors of Maryville College, Blount Co. Debt by many notes,
many of which were
held against personal mortgages. Debt for $1,400.00 executed
by Russell Clapp for equitable title of T. J. Crawford on two
tracts of land.
Crawford had executed a mortgage to Directors of Maryville
College on two parcels of land.
East Range: 19 Section: B Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 1899 # of Pages: 168
(*Not sure who this NANCE is, could be
John NANCE that marr. Sarah Zachary CLOWERS?)
1889 John Y. Cooper v. C. W. NANCE(*)
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Unlawful Detainer Cooper alleged that NANCE brought an unlawful detainer
against Cooper to recover a 25 acre tract of land near
Nashville. 2 folders
Middle Range: 36 Section: E Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 1055 # of Pages: 475
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1891 S. & W. P. Watson, exe v. W. L.
& C. W. NANCE(*)
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Debt Settlement Plaintiff alleged that they
received a decree in 1887 against defendants for $3,981.22,
however execution was returned nulla bona.
This bill sought to force defendant to pay debt to plaintiff
by selling portions of his land.
Middle Range: 35 Section: E Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 871 # of Pages: 57
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1891 The Spring Place & Cornersville
Turnpike Co. et al. v. The Cornersville & Lewisburg
Turnpike Co. et al.
Location: Marshall County, Tennessee
Breach of Contract Add. Pla: John D. Moon
as President, Daniel Clayton as secretary. Add. Def: W. H.
McConnell as President, R. S. Montgomery
as Secretary Treasurer, J. W. NANCE(*), William E. Baird, R. W. Pillow,
G. H. McMillon admr. of S. B. Marsh dec. and H. M. Bugg.
Plaintiffs state they
entered into a contract with the defendants to limit their
toll collection gates to one gate between their intersecting
turnpikes and Lewisburg.
Plaintiffs complain there are now two gates. Exhibit material
includes map. 2 folders.
Middle Range: 35 Section: F Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 892 # of Pages: 198
(*Either James Washington NANCE, or his
son James)
1892 John NANCE(*) v. W. W. Hill et al
Location: Marion County, Tennessee
Injunction Additional defendants: G. W.
Morton and W. R. Alkins. Plaintiff was at the time of the case
living in Grainger county and not Union.
However, he was still having to pay taxes in Union County.
Plaintiff filed an injunction to stop the tax collector in
Union from selling the small
property that the plaintiff owned in Union county. Defendant
stated that the plaintiff owed taxes to Union County and the
reason for the sale.
East Range: 19 Section: H Shelf: 4 Box
Number: 1705 # of Pages: 125
(*I believe this is John William "Cal"
NANCE, son of John Calvin Bird NANCE and Mary Shields
1892 W. L. NANCE(*), et al. v. P. R. Busby, et al.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Property Dispute Plaintiff claimed he was
the owner of the land on which the Regular Primitive Baptist
Church at Nashville is located as well as
the church building itself. Said land is described as lot
number 23 in what was then South Nashville. Plaintiff
complained that members of his former
congregation have revoked his membership and have restricted
his access to said church. Case takes up entirety of box MT
Middle Range: 35 Section: F Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 906 # of Pages: 1204
(I believe this is William Lewis NANCE,
son of William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1893 A. J. Hamilton, et al. v. W. L. NANCE, et al.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Land and Title Dispute Add Pla: William A. NANCE(*)
and Susan NANCE(*) Hamilton, wife of A.J. Hamilton.
Add def: Martha J. NANCE(**), John Y. Cooper and wife
Margaret J. Cooper.
In 1866 land belonging to Andrew Castleman located in the 11
Civil District of Davidson County was equally divided amongst
his twelve heirs.
In 1893 pla. brought suit complaining that W. L. NANCE was falsely claiming
ownership of said land. Casefile notes William
A. NANCE(*) was confined
to the State Insane Asylum in Nashville for 16 years prior to
the trial.
Middle Range: 36 Section: B Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 973 # of Pages: 146
(*Children of William Lewis NANCE and
(**Not quite sure who Martha J. NANCE
1893 C. W. NANCE(*) v. John Y. Cooper(***) et al
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Land and Title Dispute Connected to case
James M. Murrell & others v. W. L.
NANCE(**), et al. Addtl
dfnts: M. P. Cooper and W. L. NANCE(**). W. L.
NANCE(**) held a large
plot of land that was court ordered to be divided due to NANCE's indebtedness. All plots but
one were purchased by C. W. NANCE,
who paid taxes and
maintained all plots. Despite words confirming C. W.'s eventual ownership of the
last plot, W. L. has made a deed
of sale to dfnt., his son-in-law. Housed in 3 folders.
Middle Range: 36 Section: C Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 975 # of Pages: 565
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
(**William Lewis NANCE, son of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
(**Husband of Margaret J. "Maggie" NANCE, dau. of William
Lewis NANCE and Martha P. CASTLEMAN)
1893 J. A. Skipwith, guardian, et al. v. E. C. NANCE(*)
Location: Madison County, Tennessee
Estate Settlement
West Range: 83 Section: G Shelf: 4 Box
Number: 383 # of Pages: 123
(*Emmett Clay NANCE Sr. son of
Washington Pickens NANCE and Louisa LAWLER)
1893 W. H. Blair v. W. M. Dobbs, et al.
Location: Carroll County, Tennessee
Damages Additional Defendants: Clay NANCE(*),
Mrs. Robert Williams, Samuel Mitchell, and Abraham White.
West Range: 83 Section: G Shelf: 4 Box
Number: 384 # of Pages: 402
(*Not sure who this Clay NANCE is)
1894 Second National Bank of Jackson,
Tennessee v. T. R. NANCE(**), et al
Location: Madison County, Tennessee
Estate Settlement Additional defendants: Elizabeth P. NANCE(*), Laura H.
NANCE(*), R. J. NANCE(*),
H. J. NANCE(*),
NANCE, Jackson Compress Co.
West Range: 82 Section: F Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 605 # of Pages: 88
(*Children of Lucas NANCE and 1st wife
Mollie RIVERS)
(**Not sure who this T. R. NANCE is)
1894 W. C. Pipkin, et al. v. Jackson Office
Furniture Company, et al.
Location: Madison County, Tennessee
Debt Settlement Cover & first 5 pages
are missing. Defendants: Jackson Banking Co., Peoples Savings
Bank, First National Bank of Jackson,
Second National Bank of Jackson; M. S. Neely, C. E. Darrow, F.
H. Haley, S. D. Hays, F. L. Ingersol; G. C. Anderson, P. J.
Murray, J. W. N. Burkett,
W. T. Nelson, O. J. NANCE(*); R. S. Fletcher, W. E. Dunnaway,
J. T. Jones, Ross Witherspoon; W. S. Moore; T. E. Mercer; S.
R. Conger, L. E. Mathews,
J. I. Wells, W. B. Moss, W. B. Cole, & other individuals
and companies.
West Range: 82 Section: E Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 600 # of Pages: (unknown)
(*Oscar Jones NANCE, son of Washington
Pickens NANCE and Louisa LAWLER)
1896 John Y. Keith v. E. S. Mallory, et al.
Location: Madison County, Tennessee
Debt Additional defendants: J. H. &
Leoneda Edwards, L. E. Talbot, L. NANCE(*), John L. Wisdom, John W.
Williamson, D. M. Wisdom, and Stoddent Caruthers Sureties.
Case continued in WT452. No docket number. Note: Two old boxes
were labeled WT621.
West Range: 83 Section: J Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 450 # of Pages: 1337
(Might be Lucas NANCE, son of Rufus
Jackson NANCE and Elizabeth P. JONES)
1896 Narcissa B. Smith v. Callender & NANCE, exes.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Unknown Add plf: Smith, Davis, Powers,
Collins. Def Thomas Callendar & NANCE
were exe of C. W. NANCE(*). Plfs are heirs of John T. Smith
& Anna A. (NANCE**)
Smith, daughter of C.
W. NANCE(*). Plf filed
to enjoin exe from selling a tract of land on White's Creek.
The land was owned by
Thomas Smith dec. 1855. He left it to his widow Eleaney Smith
& son John T. Smith, father of plf. See also Callender
& NANCE v. B. F.
Woodward, MT 1248, and W. L. NANCE v.
T. Callender, W. H. NANCE exe.
Of C. W. NANCE, MT 1246
Middle Range: 37 Section: E Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 1248 # of Pages: 171
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
(**Ann Adelia NANCE, dau. of Clement Woodson NANCE and Mary
1896 S. N. Kelley, William Kelley v. O.
Chesney et al.
Location: Union County, Tennessee
Petition to Halt Sale Plaintiffs claim that
they have paid $900 on a note of $1660.38 as part of a
compromise reached in court, but that
defendant Chesney obtained a judgement from another court for
the full amount. Now plaintiffs' property being sold to cover
Additional defendant: Deputy Sheriff of Union County Freed
Bailey. See also Julian NANCE(*), et al. v. Gordon Chestney, et
al., ET 2154
East Range: 18 Section: C Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 2116 # of Pages: 47
(*Son of John "Squire" NANCE and 1st
wife Cecelia "Sealy" VINEYARD)
1897 C. Peyton v. State
Location: Rutherford County, Tennessee
Abduction Cornileus Peyton [Cornelius
Peyton] was accused of abducting Martha
B. NANCE(*) from her
father Burrel NANCE(*) for the purpose of prostitution
and concubinage.
Burrel claimed that Peyton sent her to Nashville to live with
America Shaw in a house of ill fame
Middle Range: 37 Section: D Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 1218 # of Pages: 70
(*Not sure who these NANCE are, Burrell
NANCE could be the one that marr. Roxanna BUTLER)
1897 Julian NANCE(**), et al. v. Gordon Chesney, et
Location: Union County, Tennessee
Land Add plf: Paschel NANCE(*), G. B. NANCE(*),
S(terling) Vineyard(**) Executors of John NANCE. Add def: William Kelley,
Susan Chestney, O. Chesney, S. N. Kelley.
Regards division of land. See also, S. N. Kelley, William
Kelley v. O. Chesney et al., ET 2116
East Range: 18 Section: A Shelf: 4 Box
Number: 2186 # of Pages: 201
(*Sons of John "Squire" NANCE and 1st
wife Cecelia "Sealy" VINEYARD)
(**Son-in-law of John "Squire" NANCE)
1897 W. L. NANCE(*) v. T. Callender, W. H. NANCE(**)
exe. of C. W. NANCE(*)
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Estate Settlement C.
W. NANCE dec. May 8, 1893 and appointed his son W. H. NANCE(**)
and Callender as his executors. W. L.
NANCE(*) was C. W.'s brother and they
had a business together with much account unsettled. In 1886,
they had a partial settlement. The brothers also held land
together. W. L. brought this
suit to
further settle the debt between himself and his deceased
brother. See also Callender & NANCE
v. B. F. Woodward, MT 1248, and Narcissa B. Smith v. Callender
& NANCE exe., MT 1248
Middle Range: 37 Section: E Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 1246 # of Pages: 139
(*Clement Woodson NANCE and William
Lewis NANCE, sons of William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth
Venable MORTON)
(**William Henry NANCE, son of Clement Woodson NANCE and
Mary Ann D. AVENT)
1898 Callender & NANCE v. B. F.
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Wills, Contested Plf are exec's of C. W. NANCE(*).
Add def: Kendrick, Hale, Powers, Davis, Smith, Collins,
Hooberry, Washington. B. F. Woodward was a son in law of
C. W. NANCE dec. 1893. After C.
W.'s death, suits were brought against his estate. The exe's
wanted to sell the land to pay the notes but the will didn’t
them that power. The exe’s here sued to sell the land. See
also W. L. NANCE v. T.
Callender, W. H. NANCE exe. Of C. W. NANCE, MT 1246 and Narcissa B.
Smith v.
Callender & NANCE, exes., MT
Middle Range: 37 Section: E Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 1248 # of Pages: 206
(*Clement Woodson NANCE, son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1898 State v. Luther Brady
Location: Knox County, Tennessee
Robbery Deft. also charged with larceny.
Brady was convicted of stealing $18.00 from W. P. NANCE(*)
in December of 1897.
East Range: 18 Section: A Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 2199 # of Pages: 33
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1898 State v. Luther Fountain
Location: Knox County, Tennessee
Robbery W. P. NANCE(*), a farmer from Jefferson Co., was
visiting Knoxville when he testified he was accosted by Luther
who was pretending to be a police officer. Fountain searched NANCE and his brother and took $18
from them. NANCE argued he was
he recognized the perpetrator as Fountain due to the fact that
he only had one eye. Fountain was charged with robbery and
East Range: 17 Section: J Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 2206 # of Pages: 21
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1899 State and Haywood County v. H. C.
Mitchell et al.
Location: Haywood County, Tennessee
Taxation Disputes Additional defendants: R.
S. Thompson, S. G. Booth, H. R. Cleek, J. A. Poston, J. E.
Poston, Dr. J. R. Conyers,
N. R. Floyd, Manuel Nunn, W. T. Nunn, J. H. Nunn, S. J.
Fletcher, J. R. Farrow, W. F. Farrow, J. W. Lewis, P. B. NANCE(*),
J. B. Fleming.
West Range: 82 Section: H Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 678 # of Pages: 74
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1904 Albert NANCE(*), by next friend, v. American
Paper Company
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Personal Injuries NANCE
worked for the defendant company, and was injured while
using a machine that cuts paper. His ahnd was mashed and
two of his fingers had to be amputated. NANCE
was 17 years old an had only been working for the
company for 6 weeks. He was given a task more
diffiuclt than he had been trained for and was subsequently
injured when trying to remove the paper from the machine.
Middle Range: Section: Shelf: Box Number:
1637 # of Pages: 167
(**Son of Tandy Trice NANCE and Pairlee
Frances SAMPSON)
1906 C. P. NANCE(*) v. J. P. Briley and B. B. Barnes
Location: Davidson County, Tennessee
Recovery NANCE
brought this suit to recover damages for the cutting and
removing of trees which were situated on and
obstructions in the public road. Defendant Briley was the road
commissioner, and Barnes was a hand on the road in question.
Middle Range: Section: Shelf: Box Number:
1665 # of Pages: 590
(*Constantine Perkins NANCE, son of
Josiah Crenshaw NANCE and Bethenia Hardin SNEED)
1911 Abner NANCE(*) v. State
Location: Gibson County, Tennessee
Murder Victim: Champ Balentine
West Range: 80 Section: H Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 1257 # of Pages: 67
(*Step son of Haywood ROWLAND, mother
Sallie (Swanson?-NANCE) ROWLAND, Father was Samuel NANCE)
1911 Ida S. Alsobrook Orr, et al. v. Ashley
Alsobrook, et al
Location: Shelby County, Tennessee
Estate Dispute Additional plaintiffs:
Lizzie A. Buchanan, J. B. Buchanan. Additional defendants:
Mary Alsobrook, W. D. Harrison, Lou Harrison,
Tom Harreson, W. W. Alsobrook, (Henry)
Booker NANCE(*),
Kate Alsobrook NANCE(*), Wesley Browder, Katherine
Browder, Mattie L. Thurman, Tom Thurman, Roy Alsobrook,
Charles R. Alsobrook, Kelly & Hunt. Estates of C. W.
Alsobrook and N. T. Alsobrook (main focus is estate of N. T.
West Range: 81 Section: E Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 860 # of Pages: 214
(*Son of Parham Booker NANCE and Mary
Elizabeth "Mollie" ROBERTSON, Kate is his wife)
1912 R. B. Beeler v. A.
M. NANCE(*) & J. P.
Location: Grainger County, Tennessee
Ejectment Pla. is the owner of a tract of
land described as containing 96 acres and sitting in the 5th
district of Grainger County.
F. H. Cadle and wife maintain homestead rights on said
property. Cadle and wife leased said property to the Def. and
then moved from the State.
Pla. claims that the homestead rights of Cadle and wife have
been terminated by virtue of moving out of State but notes
that the Def. still possess the property.
East Range: 10 Section: A Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 1308 # of Pages: 54
(*Albert Morris NANCE, son of Julian
NANCE and Melissa Jane RENFRO)
1913 Estella NANCE(*) v. O. K. Houck Piano Company
Location: Shelby County, Tennessee
West Range: 80 Section: C Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 1079 # of Pages: 74
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1914 A(rthur) L. NANCE(*) et al. v. E. T. Parrott et al.
Location: Overton County, Tennessee
Ejectment Sarah C. Smith died intestate in
188?. Octavia NANCE(*), Mary J.
NANCE(**), James R.
Smith and def. Stobert Jones and Almirah B. Lavender
were all the heirs at law of Sarah C. Smith. As heirs, they
were owners in fee and entitled to immediate possession of a
tract of land which
contained about 117 acres. On January 1, 1910 def. E. T.
Parrott took possession of the land and was using it as his
own and appropriating
the rents and profits for his own use.
Middle Range: 21 Section: D Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 147 # of Pages: 176
(*Children of Jesse Bartholomew NANCE
and Mary Elizabeth HAMBY)
(**Suppose to be Martha?)
1915 T. W. NANCE(*), admr. of Andrew
C. NANCE v. Fentress Coal & Coke Co.
Location: Fentress County, Tennessee
Damages This suit was to recover $3000
damages for Andrew C. NANCE(*) (dec.). Andrew
C. NANCE(*) was a
motorman for the defendant,
Fentress Coal & Coke Company, when he was killed on
account of the defendant’s negligence while operating an
electric motor in the mines.
“Fentress Coal & Coke Co. v. T. W.
NANCE(*), admr. of Andrew C. NANCE(*)”
was the appeal to T. W. NANCE(*), admr. of Andrew
C. NANCE(*) v. Fentress
Coal & Coke Co.”
Middle Range: 21 Section: D Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 142 # of Pages: 401
(**Not sure who these NANCE are, Andrew
NANCE might be the son of James [or John W.] NANCE and Nancy
1920 Board of Mayor & Councilmen of the
town of Bells v. Birmingham & Northwestern Railway Company
et al.
Location: Crockett County, Tennessee
Breach of Contract Plaintiffs are sued for
breach of a contract for the sale of 160 shares of stock in
the railroad, which were to
be presented to the board on a certain date, or cash value of
stock was to be presented in lieu of stock. Neither stock nor
cash were received
The stock amounted to $16000. Additional defendants: O. J. NANCE(*),
I. B. Tigrett, R. B. Hicks, J. E. Edenton. 2 folders
West Range: 78 Section: C Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 1712 # of Pages: 590
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1924 Bernis NANCE(*) admr. v. Joe Johnson & John
Location: Hardin County, Tennessee
Debt Plaintiff is sued the defendants for
debt under $1000 for the sale of two mules. W(illiam) S(inclair) NANCE (dec.).
Plaintiff alias: Bernice NANCE(*). West
Range: 78
Section: D Shelf: 5 Box Number: 1739 # of
Pages: 62
(*Son of William Sinclair-Smith "Bill"
1925 J. B. Love v. C.
W. NANCE(*) & Joe
Location: Henry County, Tennessee
Replevin Case concerns a crop of tobacco
raised on property owned by Love. The land had been leased by
Wesley Cole and Wesley had signed a note to
pay rent to C. W. NANCE, who had
leased the land from Love. Love wanted the tobacco to sell to
pay for the rent owed Property was initially owned
by Leonard Olive, noted as being "colored". Land was sold to
Love in February, 1924.
West Range: 78 Section: F Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 1816 # of Pages: 38
(*Not sure who this NANCE is, could be
Clement Woodson NANCE?, son of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1926 J. R. Porter et al. v. J. B. Franks et
Location: Hardin County, Tennessee
Other Additional plaintiffs: L. K. Freeman,
J. D. Copeland & E. W. Ross. Additional defendants: A. M.
Patterson, W. W. Roberst, Bernice NANCE(*),
J. B. Franks, H. C. Smith, J. E. Oldham, J. C. Smith. Members
of the Board of Education of Hardin County declared invalid
Chapter 785 of the Private
Acts of the General Assembly for the year 1925, House
Bill No. 1096.This bill changed the name of the "Board of
Education to the "County Board of
School Commissioners." They filed an injunction.
West Range: 78 Section: H Shelf: 7
Box Number: 1890 # of Pages: 99
(*Son of William Sinclair-Smith "Bill"
1928 B. V. Nicely, admr, et. al. v.
Lawrence Nicely, et. al.
Location: Grainger County, Tennessee
Estate Settlement This case was brought to
the court as a settlement on the estate of J. P. Nicely
(deceased). It sought to enjoin all cases
concerning the estate, sell land/property to pay for debts,
and distribute the other funds among his heirs. Multiple heirs
appealed the courts'
findings. Add. Plffs: Amelia, J M, Lon, & B. H. Nicely; W
H Henry; Mrs Charles Ramsey; Mrs R(obert) F(ranklin)
NANCE(*) & Mrs J. R.
Merrit. Add. Defs: Paul,
Inez & J. M. Nicely; J P Nicely Jr; City National Bank;
Union National Bank; Peoples' Bank; John Miller
East Range: Section: Shelf: Box Number:
2393 # of Pages: 377
(*This is Jean D. "Orsie" NICELY, wife
of Robert Franklin NANCE, son of Julian NANCE and Melissa
1928 H. Bert Walker, et al. v. Charles
Holland, et al.
Location: Roane County, Tennessee
Inheritance Add. Coms.: Meda Baskett, Lena NANCE(*),
W. A. Walker, Henry Walker, Horace Walker. Add. Defs.: Lee
Holland, Oda Parker, Margaret Holland,
David S. Holland, Virginia Holland, Ida
NANCE(**), Elizabeth
Ingram, Bertie Parks, Josie Bullard. Complainants sought the
ratification of an oral agreement
regarding the partition of lands inherited by the parties and
an injunction against a sale made by the defendants that
included lands promised to the
complainants. Ex: Plat Map of the property involved (ET OV 39)
East Range: Section: Shelf: Box Number:
2463, OT 39 # of Pages: 201
(*Wife of Thomas Terrell NANCE, son of
Peyton Tyler NANCE and Mary Ann "Polly" WOMACK)
(**Not sure who this NANCE is)
1931 State v. George
Location: Crockett County, Tennessee
Assault with Intent to Kill Dfnt. was
accused of "unlawfully, willfully, maliciously, deliberately,
an assault & battery did make in & upon Andrew Rice,
with a shotgun". Andrew Rice went by the name June Bug.
West Range: 77 Section: D Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 2043 # of Pages: 63
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1932 John Scarlett & Bertha (NANCE*) Moore v. State
Location: Jefferson County, Tennessee
Lewd Behavior Plaintiffs in error are
accused of cohabitating together as man and wife without being
Both plaintiffs are married to other people. Scarlett's wife
lives in Georgia. Moore is married to Henry Moore,
the owner of a store, but they are living separately. Moore
also has four children who live with her father, Clarence NANCE(**).
East Range: 10 Section: D Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 1393 # of Pages: 23
(*Dau. of Clarence Filbert NANCE and
Della HAYES)
(**Clarence Filbert NANCE is the son of Newton NANCE and
Sarah Margaret VINEYARD)
(The 4 children living with Clarence NANCE in 1930 cnsus are
listed as MORGANs)
1933 State, for the use of Mrs. W. J.
Rosser, et al. v. J. J. Freeman, et al.
Location: Hardin County, Tennessee
Damages Add. pltfs: Fire Association of
Philadelphia, assignee. Addtl dfnts.: F. M. Black, J. W.
DeBerry, Bernis NANCE(*), and
C. C. Brandon. Pltf. sued for $2,000 in damages. Pltfs. car
was stolen and deposited near Savannah, instead of returning
car, the sheriff (J. R. Freeman)
took it for his own personal use. It was in this car that J.
R. Freeman wrecked and died. Pltf. sued to recover cost of
West Range: 77 Section: F Shelf: 7 Box
Number: 2131 # of Pages: 96
(*Son of William Sinclair-Smith "Bill"
1934 The City of Chattanooga, Tennessee,
etc. v. A. Nash, et. al.
Location: Hamilton County, Tennessee
Taxation, Assessment Complainant filed this
suit to enforce payment of assessments created under the
authority of the Metropolitan
Improvement Act in Chapter 457 of the Private Acts of 1927.
These assessments were made against abutting property to
acquire & clear
the space of r expansion of Market & 23rd streets.
Additional defendants: Fred Doyle, George McClelland, W K
Germany est., Mrs. Rose
Finkelstein, C. O. Martin & E. R. Betterton, Douglas D
Reed, Dedrick NANCE(*) est.
East Range: Section: Shelf: Box Number:
2361 # of Pages: 103
(**Son of Daniel NANCE and Jane
1935 Curtis Roach, et al. v. State
Location: Jefferson County, Tennessee
Kidnapping Charge: Curtis Roach, Bob Denny
& Lula Denny abducted Dorothy Arnold for the purpose of
prostitution & concubine.
Roach was accused of having sexual relations with Dorothy for
over a year before she was allegedly kidnapped. She said
Curtis had promised to marry her.
Some testimony regards the boys at the CCC camp. Surnames of
those testifying: Bailey, Elmore, Loy, Vance, Willard, Bales,
Bowman, Griffy, James,
Lowery, NANCE(*), Privett, Runion, Sellers,
Sanders, Stansberry, Wooten, Wilson & West.
East Range: 8 Section: E Shelf: 5 Box
Number: 913 # of Pages: 338
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1935 Grainger County Electric Company v. A. M. NANCE(*),
et al.
Location: Grainger County, Tennessee
Unknown Exhibits only. Exhibits: electric
bill summaries, power schedule, correspondence, meter
readings, invoices, account sheets, check,
East Range: 8 Section: A Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 786 # of Pages: 40
(*Albert Morris NANCE, son of Julian
NANCE and Melissa Jane RENFRO)
1936 Gump Investment Company v. S. S.
Location: Carter County, Tennessee
Breach of Contract NANCE
Motor Co. repossessed Tipton's Plymouth because of
delinquent payment. Gump held the note.
Unbeknown to Tipton, his son, Will Tipton, bought the car on
the same day it was repossessed. Will wrecked the car &
picked it up for repair. When NANCE attempted to return the
car to Will, he would not take it. NANCE then went to
to induce him to take the car. He would not. Testimony: Alan
Gump, W. J. Flynn, Clay Johnson, O. D.(*) &, L.
D. NANCE(**), Mack
Pearman, D. E. Ritchie, Nola Ann Sams.
East Range: 8 Section: F Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 929 # of Pages: 147
(*Oscar Dayton NANCE, son of John Frank
NANCE and 1st wife Sally A. WALTERS)
(**Lawrence D. NANCE, son of John Frank NANCE and 2nd wife
Anna Belle GREENE)
1936 NANCE(*) Motor Co. v. Alice
Moreland et al.
Location: Carter County, Tennessee
Debt Additional defendants: Ethel Moreland
and Hugh Moreland. Debt due by notes. Exhibits include sales
East Range: 8 Section: F Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 921 # of Pages: 170
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
1936 NANCE(*) Motor Co. v. Snyder
Rasar [Razor]
Location: Carter County, Tennessee
Breach of Contract Rasar [also sp. Razor]
claimed that O. D. NANCE(*),
NANCE Motor Co., took a county school claim for $100,
gave a credit slip, and refused to honor same. A few staples
were not removed because of potential damage to the documents.
East Range: 8 Section: F Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 929 # of Pages: 68
(*Oscar Dayton NANCE, son of John Frank
1937 Grainger County Electric Co. v. A. M. NANCE(*),
et al
Location: Grainger County, Tennessee
Debt Additional Defendants: H. J. NANCE(**)
& H. A. Smith. Defendants partners in firm of Clinchdale
Lumber Co. in Morristown, TN.
Plaintiff sued to recover $856.18 in unpaid electricity bills.
Two Folders
East Range: 9 Section: A Shelf: 3 Box
Number: 1049 # of Pages: 425
(*Albert Morris NANCE, son of Julian
NANCE and Melissa Jane RENFRO)
(**Not sure who this NANCE is)
1938 Howard P. Holshouser v. O. Dayton NANCE(*)
Location: Grainger County, Tennessee
Debt Dispute In 1936, the plaintiff was
appointed Trustee of the Bank of Blowing Rock by the bank
directors for the purpose
of closing affairs at the said establishment and distributing
the assets to creditors after it had been reduced to cash.
the bank brought a suit against the defendant to collect notes
worth $1,360 owed to them. Plaintiff states that the issue of
non-payment by the defendant is causing confusion in the final
affairs of the bank and filed to finally collect the debt owed
to the bank.
East Range: 9 Section: J Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 1274 # of Pages: 450
(*Oscar Dayton NANCE, son of John Frank
1939 Arthur Vernon alias NANCE v. City of Chattanooga
Location: Hamilton County, Tennessee
Unknown Final Decree only.
East Range: 5 Section: E Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 94 # of Pages: 1
1939 City of Chattanooga v. Arthur Vernon
alias NANCE & T. J. Paxton
Location: Hamilton County, Tennessee
Other Vernon & Paxton violated
loitering ordiNANCE, fined $50 ea. Paxton worked (driving car)
for Vance, who operated whiskey
business on Cedar St in Chattanooga (where Vernon & wife
also resided). Vernon's wife: Jessie (maiden name may've been
Police officer witnesses: M.D. Gang, Toppy May, Cope,
Hatfield. E.C. Weatherly was partner w/Vernon in radio repair
Radio Hospital. Exhibits: social security card for "Theadore
James Paxton", Vernon's business card. 2 cases in ET Box 94
may be related.
East Range: 9 Section: J Shelf: 2 Box
Number: 1278 # of Pages: 81
1939 City of Chattanooga v. Arthur Vernon NANCE(*)
Location: Hamilton County, Tennessee
Liquor Violation Cause of Action:
Possessing Whiskey. Exhibits: original city warrant, original
appeal bond. Includes warrants and bonds.
East Range: 6 Section: G Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 408 # of Pages: 14
(*Son of Joseph Daniel NANCE and Mary
1940 Hobert Smith, et al. v. NANCE(*) Motor
Sales, Inc., et al.
Location: Carter County, Tennessee
Debt Dispute Additional Plaintiff: Nora
Smith. Additional Defendants: Dayton NANCE(**), C. W. Bennett, Gump Investment
Archibald Spencer, Pacific Fire Insurance Co., and First
National Bank. Dispute revolves around the purchase of a
East Range: 5 Section: H Shelf: 6 Box
Number: 203 # of Pages: 180
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
(**Probably Oscar Dayton NANCE, son of
John Frank NANCE and Sally A. WALTERS)
1940 John I. Cox, et al. v. Fred NANCE(*), Edna NANCE(*)
& W. L. Hampton
Location: Carter County, Tennessee
East Range: 5 Section: H Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 176 # of Pages: 126
(*Fred Lincoln NANCE, son of John Frank
NANCE and 2nd wife Anna Belle GREENE, and wife Edna Novella
1949 NANCE(*), Inc. v.
A. M. Winebarger et al.
Location: Washington County, Tennessee
Replevin Plaintiff is sued over a car
allegedly fraudulently obtained from them by defendant.
include canceled checks, bill of sale, correspondences. Add.
Defendant: Deakins Motor Company.
East Range: 6 Section: H Shelf: 1 Box
Number: 435 # of Pages: 150
(*Not sure who this NANCE is)
(Amelia County)
Amelia Co
Court Orders Book1 Page 27 Jordan appt
surveyor Nottoway Road replaces John
NANCE May 1737
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
Page 57 John
Jones vs. John NANCE
Judgment to Plaintiff
10 Nov 1738
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
1 Page 58- 59 John
NANCE Senior to work on road 8 Dec 1738 John NANCE sworn to jury
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
Page 81 John NANCE on
Jury Oct 1739
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
Page 86 John NANCE on
Dec 1739
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
1 Page 95 Poythress, Execs
Fitzgerald vs John NANCE
dismissed Feb 1739
Amelia Co Court Orders Book 1
Page 103 John NANCE vs Edward Finney
Judgment debt 16 May 1740
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
1 Page 159 John
& Jane NANCE to John NANCE Jr Deed
Recorded 17 Jun 1741
Amelia Co
Court Orders Book 1
Page 200 Grand Jury
sworn: John NANCE
21 May 1742
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
Page B 216 John
NANCE on Jury 1743
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
1 Page B 300 John NANCE vs Peter Wynn
Petition 15 Feb 1744
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
Page B 308 Case continued: John NANCE vs Peter
Wynn 15 Mar 1744
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
1 Page B 315 John NANCE vs Peter Wynn
Judgment for Plaintiff 19 Apr 1745
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
2 Page
A 35 Jury Sworn: John NANCE
20 Mar 1747
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
2 Page B
40 Jury Sworn: John NANCE
15 May 1747 Jury: John NANCE
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
2 Page
A 46 Jury: John NANCE
20 Jun 1747
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
2 Page A 50 John
NANCE, witness Yarbrough vs Prister to be paid ?
Aug 1747
Amelia Co Court Orders Book 2 Page B 86
George Currie vs John NANCE
Debt Judgment to plaintiff 15 Apr 1748
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
2 Page 297 Richard
NANCE to Littleberry Stainback Deed
proved 18 Jan 1750
Amelia Co Court Orders Book
2 Page 323 Richard
NANCE to Stainback Deed proved 3rd
(Boutetourt County, VA) - 1785 -
Court Minutes, James and William NANCE
each fined for not attending to serve as jurymen.
(Essex County, VA) - 1739 -
April Court - NANCE vs. Roy - John NANCE possessed of the Slave in
question and others by his will of 1731, gives to his wife all
his estate both real and personal during her natural life and
makes her sole executrix. Afterwards he devises a way a negro
girl and other small legacies, but makes no further
disposition of the estate given his wife. The wife dead,
having in her lifetime given the negro in question to Perry,
from which the defendant purchased said slave. The plaintiff
says he is heir of law of the testator. (From colonial
desicions by Barton, Vol. II, p. 279. No mention made of given
name of plantiff NANCE nor his
relationship to John NANCE )
(Halifax County, VA) - 1785 -
Trial and conviction of Lewis NANCE, A negro slave belonging
to William NANCE. Lewis NANCE, together with several
other slaves, is charged with stealing, found guilty, and to
receive 25 lashes on bare back. Bk. 11 p 295.
(Halifax County, VA) - 1791 Thomas V. NANCE, presented with many
others, to grand jury for voting when when not a freeholder.
Bk. 13, p. 164
(Halifax County, VA) - 1803 Campbell NANCE, presented to grand
jury for retailing whiskey without a license. Bk. 21, p. 507
Mixed Probate Records - (Pittsylvania
County, VA) - Book 2, 1788-1797
Martha NANCE
Mary NANCE - widow of David NANCE. See: Seales, Mary
WITNESSETH the said Keranhapock Shewmate for the sum of Eighty Six Dollars to her in hand paid by the said Samuel H. and John Shumate the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and for the further consideration of the natural love and affection which she bears to her said children Samuel H. and John Shewmate, hath granted, bargained and sold unto the said Samuel H. and John Shewmate(sp) and their heirs forever in fee simple one certain tract of land lying and being in the County of Pittsylvania on the head waters of Morrison branch of Sandy River containing by estimation sixty four acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at Burgesses post oak thence with Howinay's lines S 28 degrees E 28 poles to a red oak N 68 degrees E 94 poles to a spanish oak near a stone quarry thence with Uhles line N 39 degrees W 1.36 poles to pointers in the same S 44 degrees W 78 poles to the beginning together with all rights interest profits or privileges thereunto belonging to the said Keranhappock S. Shumate will forever warrant and defend the above land and premises in fee simple from the just or lawful claim or claims of all persons whatsoever to the only use of the said Samuel H. and John Shumate and their heirs forever.
In witness whereof, the said Keranhappock S. Shewmate hath hereunto set her hand and affixed her seal the day and year above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presents of
Kerenhappuck S. Shumate
Asa T. Palmer
Gartan Petty
At a Court held for Pittsylvania County on the 19th day of August 1822, this Indenture from Kerenhappuck S. Shumate to Samuel H. Shumate and John Shumate was presented in Court and proved by the oaths of three subscribing witnesses to be the act and deed of the said Kerenhappuck and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: Will Tunstall, Clk
Pittsylvania County Circuit Court Deed Book 24 Page 601
........ Inventory and Appraisal Inventory of the perishable property belonging to the Estate of Kerenhappuck Shumate dec'd:
1 bond due 1 July 1858 14.00
1 account due 1 June 1860 30.00
2 featherbeds 15.00
1 cupboard and table 3.00
1 lot irons 1.00
2 chests .75
Total $ 63.75
We the undersigned appointed by the County Court of Pittsylvania appraisers of the personal and real estate of Kerenhappuck Shumate, deceased, late of said County being duly sworn by Robert W. Williams, a Justice of the Peace for said County truly and justly to the best of our judgement to view and appraise the personal real estate of Kerenhappuck Shumate deceased late of Pittsylvania Co. have performed that duty according to our said oaths and do herewith return to said Court a list of said property with the appraised valuation annexed. Given under our hands this 30th day of April 1860.
William B. Millner
S. J. Shottes (?)
T. C. Bowe (?)
In the Clerk's office of the County Court of Pittsylvania County on the 21st day of April 1960. The foregoing Inventory and appraisement was returned and admitted to record.
L. Scruggs, Clerk
Inventories Book 24, page 391 ....
Account of Sales Karenhappuck Shumate 7 March 1861
A list of Sales of property of K. Shumate deceased sold by A. J. Whitehead Sheriff and as such administrator, the 7th of March 1861.
To Isaac Earles
1 lot of old iron $ .30
1 lot of old Hoes .50
1 old chest .90
1 cupboard 1.25
1 table .50
1 chest .50
1 looking glass .10
1 bed 5.00
A. J. Whitehead, Sheriff of Pittsylvania County and as such Administrator and K. Shumate deceased.
In the clerk's office of the County Court of Pittsylvania
County on the 11th day of August 1861. The foregoing account
of sales was returned and admitted to record.
Teste: L. Scruggs, Clerk
Accounts Current Wills and Inventories Pittsylvania County Book 25, page 232