Robert's Ancestry
Kathy's Ancestry
Nance in the census
Misc Nance Data
Nance Memorial
Genealogy sites we use
Robert's Ancestry
Kathy's Ancestry
Nance in the
Misc Nance Data
Nance Memorial
Genealogy sites we

This is the 4th installment of the NANCE MEMORIAL and includes Part II -- Chapter I thru Chapter II.







Zachariah Nance I

Zachariah Nance I, and wife, Susannah Duke Sherman, resided on a farm in Charles City County, Virginia. He was a carpenter and wheel-wright by trade. He died in January, 1772, leaving his wife and six children, named below in his will – (Appendix Ex. "H").

The wife was very fleshy, her usual weight being over three hundred pounds. She died sitting in her chair, in 1780.

James Nance was married four times. He died about the year 1804, leaving his wife and one son. His widow married a Mr. Porter, of Richmond, Virginia.

John Nance married a second wife, died in 1806.

Elizabeth Nance married John Hall, manager of Holt's Forge, in New Kent County, Virginia, afterwards moved to Yorktown, in Warrick County. Hall was under Washington in the defeat of Braddock, in 1755.

William Nance married Miss Parrish. Died in 1806, leaving his wife and several children.

Susannah Nance was born in 1758. Married Stephen Shell. These were the adopted parents of Zachariah III, or Zachariah Henry Nance.


Zachariah Nance II – Trunk

Was born in Charles City County, Virginia, May 5, 1760. Enlisted in the Continental Army at Williamsburg, when about sixteen years of age, and served three years as a private in the Virginia troops. He was a member of that famous Virginia company of young men that displayed such remarkable bravery on the occasion of the stroming of Stony Point, July 15, 1779. Zachariah Nance served under Captain James Pendleton and Colonel Charles Harrison. During the later years of his life he drew a pension from the government. He was large in stature and weighed two hundred and fifty pounds. His first wife was Jane Wilkins, whom he married December 31, 1785, in New Kent County, Virginia. This wife died December 17, 1800. He married Elizabeth Bingly (Morris), December 15, 1802, in James City County, Virginia. In 1806 they emigrated to Green County, Kentucky, where they resided until 1832, when they settled in Sagamon, now Menard County, Illinois. Purchased the farm on Rock Creek, south of Petersburg, which is now owned by his grandson, Albert G. Nance. He remembered his Uncle William Nance, who moved to Halifax County at an early period. He also remembered his Uncle's son, Thomas, and son-in-law, Tucker. They visited New Kent County after the Revolution, for the purpose of obtaining their mother's dowery from the Vaughn estate. Zachariah Nance died December 22, 1835, and is buried at Farmer's Point Cemetery. He directed tht the following patriotic lines be preserved in his memory:

        Storming of Stony Point
                   July 15, 1779

        It was in July, the fifteenth day,
          In glittering arms arrayed,
        Both General Wayne and his brave men,
          The British lines assailed.

        Just twelve at night, if I am right
          And honestly informed,
        Both wings at once they did advance,
          And Stony Point they stormed.

        Morass and steep did clog our feet,
          This boasted place surrounded;
        Strong abatis and forked trees
          Were double placed all round it.

        This great place the rebel race
          Never dared come nigh, Sir;
        Great Washington and all his train,
          Johnson did defy, Sir.

        Flury brave, the flag did save;
          So strongly, too, defended.
        Mid his foes he made off their blows,
          And gallantly attended.

        Let Stuart's name in books of fame
          Forever be recorded.
        Thro' showers of balls he scaled their walls,
          And dangers disregarded.

        Gibbins, too, a soldier true,
          His duty well discharged.
        He dealt his foes such deadly blows,
          It left their walls unguarded.

        Over storms and rocks our hero Knox,
          To charge the foe he pushed,
        And bravely fought like an eagle's flight,
          Over their remparts rushed.

        May this storm forever warn
          The tyrant sons of slavery,
        For Wayne could stand the British band
          With the sons of liberty.

By his first wife he had eight children, and by his second, seven, named below as limbs:

                Elizabeth, died young           Robert,
                James,                          Sally Hash,
                Eaton,                          William,
                George W.,                      Zachariah H.,
                Otway, died young               Otway Bird,
                Joshua,                         Carey,
                Thomas Jefferson,               Allen Q.,
                Parthena Hill


Robert Nance – Limb Two

Was born in Virginia, February 22, 1788. He died in Lawrence County, Missiouri, November 14, 1853. He was twice married, but the names of the wives are not known. He was the father of nine children, but little in known of them. Phillip, the eldest, was the first white person to be burried in Knox County, Illinois. He was buried in Henderson Township, January 9, 1829, when fifteen years of age. Fifty years from that date, January 9, 1879, the citizens of the township met and raised money with which to erect a monument to his memory, and build a wire fence around the grave. The children are named below as branches:

                Philip,                 John,                   Henry,
                Thomas H.,              Elias,                  James,
                Sarah,                  Otway,                  Samuel.


Thomas H. Nance – Branch Four

Was born in 1818, in Green County, Kentucky. Adaline Combs was born in Sagamon County, Illinois, August 9, 1832. They were married November 23, 1851, in Arkansas. They were the parents of eleven children, those growing to maturity are named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Rebecca Ann, h,         {Albert S.
Albert Cole.............{Howard H.
Sentinel, OK            {Mattie Pearl
Japhat N., w,
___? Oakman
Indian Territory
                        {Ida May, h,            {Rena Agnes
                        {John Q. Clark..........{Eugenie
                        {                       {a son
Barilla Agnes, h,       {Harry H.
Wm. C. Mynatt...........{
287 Gillespie Ave       {Caladonia A., h,.......{Inez
Dallas, TX              {Robert Bledsoe         {Arthur
                        {Luther A.
Cecilia K.
Turner R., w,           {Girtie Ann
Zilvesta Boyd...........{Donna May
Hobart, OK              {John E.
Thomas Asa
Rutha Jane
Fred Edward, w,.........{J. Gilmore
Ada Carter
218 Lake Ave.
Dallas, TX
John L. (single)


Elias Nance – Branch Five

Was born about 1820. His wife was Intz. Elias is dead. The wife and children were in Hill County, Texas, at last accounts. Their children as far as known are given below as twigs:


Elijah J.
Sarah, h, 
Joseph Cannon
Mattie, h, 
Mat. Walker


Otway Nance – Branch Eight

Had a wife and two children, and once lived at Garrison, Missouri. The sons were named John W. and James.


James Nance – Limb Three

Was born in Charles City County, Virginia, November 24, 1789. He died in Sangamon County, Illinois, September 25, 1842. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. His wife was Hepsey Money. They were the parents of seven children, named below as branches:

                Melville L.,
                Franklin Carey,
                D. Milton,
                Mary Ann.


Simeon Nance – Branch One

Was married to Amanda Hood. They were the parents of seven children, named below as twigs. Nothing more is known of these parents.

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Sarah, h,
Mackey Martin
Bettie, h,
Joe Goodle
Jane, h,                {Samuel
George Berry............{Delia
                        {Theodore Ira


Cynthia Nance – Branch Two

Was born in Kentucky. She was married to Elijah Pierce, a Christian minister, near Havana, Illionis. They resided at Boone, Iowa. She died there. She was the mother of ten children, named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

                        {Eveline, h,
                        {David McLean
John, w,                {
Margaret ___?...........{Laura, h,
Woodward, IA            {Thos. Gordon
                        {Frank, w,
                        {Ella Burrel
                        {Ida, h,
                        {Warren Boswell
Newton, w,              {
Eliza ___?..............{Nettie, h,
Perry, IA               {Jos. Courtney
                        {Louisa, h,
                        {Arthur Seitz
                        {Hayworth, IL
Jane, h,                {
John Darrel.............{Edward
Madrid, IA              {
                        {Lida, h,...............{John
                        {Edw. Ramsey
                        {Cynthia, h,
                        {Enos Preston
Alice, h,               {Frank
Silas Biggs.............{Nora
Boone, IA               {Carrie
"V.", h, d              {May
Andrew Likens...........{John
Jasper, w,              {Fred
Sarah Schriver..........{Frank
Woodward, IA            {Nina
Hepsey Ann, h,
Geo. W. Nelson
2nd h, ___? Zechman
James Pierce, (single)
Halsey Pierce, (single)
Melvin, w,
Flora Winslow
Woodward, IA


James Nance – Branch Three

Was married to Mary Winslow. They were parents of two children, twigs; Anna, who married Charles Russell, and James F., who married Flora Godin.



Melville L. Nance – Branch Four

Married Harriet Hornbuckle. Four children were born to them, named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms
Minerva, h,             {Abbie
Nelson Herdman..........{Lloyd
2nd h, Will Storms
Tom F., w,
Elsie Hopkins
Madrid, IA
Dora, h,................{Wayne
George Thomas
Laura, h,
Lewis Clark
Madrid, IA


Franklin Carey Nance – Branch Five

Was born in Kentucky in 1828. He died in Nebraska, May 1898. He was first married to Eliza Houghten, March 18, 1858. They were parents of four children. The wife died in April, 1868. He was united in marriage to Jane Smith, late in the same year. Eleven children were born to them. These fifteen children are named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

                        {Roy C., 1880
Sevignia E., w, 1860    {Ross A.
Eva Dowe................{Bessie L.
Petersburg, IL          {Norma
                        {Fern E.
Hardin W., w, 1861      {Harry H, 1888
Mary Bergen.............{Arthur B.
Petersburg, IL          {Blanche
Laura, h,...............{Viva
Wm. Hall                {Etta
Woodward, IA
                        {Alta Irene, 1886
                        {Henry Ellis
Evelyn, h,              {Pearl
Clem W. Shipley.........{Earnest
Petersburg, IL          {Glenn
                        {Donald Paul
Caroline, h, 1869       {Elvin
Chas. N. Vanhorn........{Vernice
J. Frank, w.............{Vonton
Rachel Hanks
Stratton, NE
Fannie E., h,...........{Kenneth
Chas. N. Vanhorn
Edna Jane, h,...........{Zada
W. W. Stevenson
Mary, (single)
Effie L., h,............{Orvis
H. B. Thomas
Woodward, IA
Harry W.,     (single)
Florence S.,  (single)
Glen C.,      (single)
Geneva,       (single)
Louise J.,    (single)

Seviginia E. Nance, twig above, was born near Petersburg, Illinois, where he grew to be a lad of fifteen, when he removed with his parents to Iowa, settling in Boone County. Here he married Miss Eva Dowe, September 16, 1879, and settled on a farm three miles orth of Woodward, Iowa, where he remained until 1886, when he sold out and went to Nebraska, where he ran a large cattle ranch three years, when he returned to Petersburg, Illinois. Here is is a proprietor of the Woodlawn Dairy, and has the name of making more people "take water" than any other man in town. His jolly, good nature makes him friends wherever he goes. He is familiarly known as "Vig," and as "Vig" he is honored and respected by all. It is said he never brings any milk home from his route, but distributes all his surplus among the poor of the city, thus gladdening many a child by an extra "pint." He is a member of the Odd Fellows, Rebeccas, Mutual Protective League, and Court of Honor, and is the life of the social gatherings he attends. His very interesting family of wife, two grown sons and three grown daughters, are known for their "open house" hospitality. The author spent several very happy days in the home of this pleasant family, last August. In politics they are Republicans, in religion, are members of the Christian church.

The sons are model young men. Roy C., is the rural free delivery driver for the "Sandridge" route. It is said he has the second longest route, and one of the heaviest deliveries in the state.

Ross A. is a school teacher. After finishing in the home schoods, he attended the State Norman University, at Norman, several years. He is preparing himself for civil engineering. The author predicts a successful career for Ross. He is worthy and persistent. He expects to cast his "first vote" for Teddy.


D. Milton Nance – Branch Six

Was born in Sangamon County, Illinois, June, 1840. He came to Menard County at the age of eight, and has resided there ever since. He was married to Ann Brahm, in 1860. They were the parents of seven children, those living are named below as twigs. On January 8, 1888, he was married to Mrs. Harriet Nance, widow of Joshua Nance, branch six of limb seven. Mr. Nance is still living at Oakford, Menard County, Illinois.

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Milton D., w, 1860      {Priscilla Annettie, h,         
Leona Emma Smith........{1882...................{Zola
Petersburg, IL          {King Tuttle
                        {Rebecca Iona, 1885
Charles L., w, 1865
Etta Senter.............{Neva, 1894
Petersburg, IL
Mary, h,                {Eunice
Edward Marcy............{Harry
Chandlerville, IL       {Hurland

Milton D. Nance, twig above, was born in Menard County, Illinois, in which county he has resided all his life. His calling is that of farming. This family are Baptists. The daughters are graduates of the Petersburg schools. Charles L. Nance, twig above, was born in Menard County, Illinois, near Petersburg, where he now resides on a farm. This county has been his home nearly all his life. He was married in 1891, and has one child, Neva, who is said to have a natural talent for music, being able to carry a tune at the age of fifteen months.



Mary Ann Nance – Branch Seven

Was born about 1842, in Sangamon County, Illinois. She married Pleasant Armstrong. They are the parents of nine children, named as twigs:

        Laura Belle,
        John Critendon,
        Emma Medora,
        Cynthia Dena,
        Pleasant Carwin,

George Washington Nance, limb seven, was born in Virginia, March 29, 1798. He died in Petersburg, Illinois, March 20, 1889, lacking but nine days being ninety-one years of age. A two thousand, four hundred dollas granite shaft towers above his resting place in the cemetery at Petersburg. His wife's name was Elizabeth Martin. He was the father of fourteen children, the first nine were born in Green County, Kentucky, and the last five, in Menard County, Illinois. They are named below as branches:

        George W.,
        Ann Adams,
        Abraham L.,
        Thos. L. Harris.

Little is known of this family. Wiliam is said to live at Jefferson, Indiana. George W., lives at Talula, Illinois. He had one daughter in Texas, Mrs. Ella Atchly. Her husband is a Methodist minister. She has several children, I am told. Mrs. Ann Adams resides at Petersburg, Illinois.


Joshua Nance – Branch Six

Was born in Green County, Kentucky, August 31, 1826. he came with his parents to Menard County, when a child, and lived in the county all his life. He was married to Harriet Jones in 1853. They were the parents of eight children, two dying in infancy, the others are named below as twigs. The father appears to have died before 1888, for on January 6, that year, the widow married D. M. Nance.

Twigs                           Buds

                                {Iva May, h,
Mary Jane, h,                   {Fred C. Inglehart, San Antonio, TX
M. L. Pyle......................{
                                {Nellie Evelyn, h,
                                {Norman L. Devine, Tyler, TX

                                {Allie Myrtle
                                {Floyd Eugene
2nd h, Marion E. Aten...........{Mary Clydie
Longview, TX                    {Laura Laure
                                {Freddie Ray
Martha M., h,
___ Randles
2nd h, Henry Smith
Easton, IL
Henry William, w,
Oakford, IL
Matilda, h,                     {Chester Earl
J. B. Gum, d....................{Loern Victor
Oakford, IL                     {Veria Jemima
                                {Evert H.
Elizabeth, h,
___ Short
Petersburg, IL
Charles, w,
Petersburg, IL


Zachariah Henry Nance – Limb Eight

Was born December 17, 1800, in Charles City County, Virginia. His mother died on the day of his birth. He was adopted by Stephen and Susannah Nance Shell; Susannah being his father's sister. He was entirely lost to the members of his father's family from his adoption by his Aunt until Sunday, January 17, 1904, when the author received a letter from J. H. Nantz, Thomasville, Georgia, enclosing a letter from Mrs. Mary A. Nance, widow of Washington Jackson Nance, son of Zachariah Henry, giving his family record. The author was overjoyed at the finding of this long lost son, or limb of the family of Zachariah II. For years he had been receiving inquiries concerning his whereabouts. The finding is the result of a letter written by H. A. Barrows, Monticello, Florida, Bud from Branch Six, Limb Six, Part I, to J. H. Nantz, Thomasville, Georgia, calling his attention to the forth-coming "Nance Memorial". The following items concerning his life are obtained from his living descendants, and from the records in his family bible.

He never talked of his youthful days, so that is an entire blank to his family and to the world.

No one remembers that he ever mentioned his brothers and sisters, so they do not think he had any knowledge that he ever had any. He had the habits and manners of one having been reared in luxury and refinement, and his children are not "over common" yet.

He was very industrious, well educated for one of his day, a fine talker, and a brilliant man in a quiet way.

He was a hatter by trade and followed the same until too old for work, when his son, Washington Jackson, took him to his home and cared for him to the close of his life.

He was a Missionary Baptist all his life, as were all his family but one son, James H., who was a member of the Christian Church.

Emeline Latham was born September 10, 1810, in Pitt County, North Carolina. They were married September 15, 1826, in Halifax County, North Carolina. Their first child was born in Pitt County, North Carolina, the second in Cheraw, South Carolina, the next two in Pitt County, the next two in Cumberland County, and the last four in Wayne County, all of North Carolina.

In 1847 they removed to Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina, and remained there during life. They are buried there. The father died April 4, 1885. The mother passed away January 24, 1892. They were the parents of ten children, those growing to maturity are named below as Branches. Two are living, Mrs. Virginia G. Craig and Mrs. Mary J. Moore. They are widows.

Branches                        Twigs                           Buds

John Wm., 1827-1904, w,
Martha Cooper
Washington Jackson, w...........{2 children, d
Sheba Ford

2nd w, Mary A. McIntosh.........{4 children
Fayetteville, NC
Joe John, 1833, d
                                {John H. 1855, w................{no issue
Virginia G., 1837, h            {Wilmington, NC
John B. Craig, d................{
308 N. 9th St.                  {Joseph F., 1858, w.............{5 children
Wilmington, NC                  {___? ___?
                                {Wilmington, NC
                                {John H., 1866, w,              {Lillie Lee, 1890
                                {Sallie ___?....................{Maggie, 1892
                                {Thomasville, GA
                                {Geo. W., 1868-1895, w,
James H, 1839-1894,w,           {Lulu ___?......................{Birdie
Martha Mobley...................{Savannah, GA
                                {Mamie, 1871, h,
                                {Leonidas H., 1873, Sgt.
                                {U.S. Army, Philippines
                                {Martha Ethel, 1885
                                {John T., w,
Mary Jane, 1844, h,.............{___? ___? 
___? Moore                      {Fayetteville, NC
608 Mumford St.                 {
Fayetteville, NC                {Charles L., 1875, w,
                                {___? ___?
                                {1 daughter

Washington Jackson Nance, Branch, was first married to Miss Sheba Ford, in 1853. She bore him two children who died young. The wife died in 1860, leaving her father, mother and two brothers with the consumption, all of whom the husband nursed and cared for while they lived. Then as his own parents grew old, he cared for them in his own home until death. After remaining a a widower for twenty-six years, he, in 1886, married Miss Mary A. McIntosh, who, with four small children, mourn his loss. He was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church from early boyhood days. He was also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

Being a carpenter, he served the Confederacy in an Arsenal near home throughout the war. As the war passed away, no one had anything left but waste and desolation, everything being gone but firmness and fortitude. In time he had built another good home, where his parents spent their last days in comfort, and where he also lived a quiet, retired life during his last years, dying in the Spring of 1902.


Otway Bird Nance – Limb Ten

Was born in James City County, Virginia, July 21, 1805. When one year of age his parents removed to Green County, Kentucky, where he continued to reside until 1839, when he moved to that part of Sangamon County that afterwards became Cass County, and settled on the site that afterwards became a part of the town of Numansville.

He married Sarah B. Dearan in Kentucky, February 16, 1829. They moved to Texas in 1851, and settled on a fine farm two miles north of DeSoto, in Dallas County, and was a pioneer in that part of Texas.

He accumulated a large amount of property, and after giving to each of his ten children a hundred and sixty acre farm, or its equivalent in other property, he still had at his death a forty thousand dollar farm. He was a very sociable gentleman. His son, Samuel H., now owns five hundred acres of the old home. The father died December 11, 1874, and he is laid away beside his wife in the Wheatland Cemetery near by. On the night of his death, a pear tree in his yard bloomed, and the frozen flowers went with him to the tomb. His children are named below as branches:

        William T., 1830,
        Elizabeth F.,
        Mary W., 1836,
        Nancy J.,
        Sarah J.,
        Richard A., 1838,
        Samuel H.


Elizabeth Frances Nance – Branch Two

Was born at Greenburg, Kentucky, November 28, 1831. Dr. Gustavus Adolphus Kilbourn was born near Chillicothe, Ohio, March 10, 1812. They were married near Springfield, Illinois, January 11, 1850.

The mother passed away October 26, 1899, the doctor following her the next April, 19th. They were the parents of eleven children, those growing up are named below as twigs. The following tribute is by the son, Chalmers:

"Father studied medicine, and about 1835, began to practice at Old Salem, then the home of Abraham Lincoln, who studied law at night by the light of pine torches. Father was intimate with Mr. Lincoln in those days. Father acquired considerable local reputation by his treatment of two diseases that then raged during the cold Illinois winters. They were pneumonia and meningitis, the later having been regarded so certainly fatal that it had been nick-named "come-and-get-us." Finding that his winter practice was killing him, he decided to go south to get out of the practice of medicine. * * * * He moved to Dallas County, Texas, in 1853, settled twenty miles south of Dallas, and lived there till his death. He was never able to entirely quit practicing medicine. As long as he was able to ride, his services were in demand, especially in difficult cases.

He became a Christian after he was fifty years of age, and a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which he lived till his death. Asked about his heavenly prospects, father replied that the old hymn fitly expressed his present condition:

        "On Jordan's stormy bank I stand,
        and cast a wishful eye."

Mother bravely and nobly bore her part as a faithful wife and good mother of the toils and hardships of a new country. She was naturally of a cheerful disposition till broken health made the last fifteen years of her life at times gloomy and despondent. In February, 1899, she fell and fractured a thigh. She was never able to walk again. * * * * Mother had been a Christian since childhood, and a member of the Methodist church till about 1865, when she and father both joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Twigs                           Buds                            Blossoms

                                {Fannie B., 1873 – 1889
Marie Annie, h, 1852,           {
Chas. A. Kelly..................{John H., w,....................{Lloyd R.
Colorado Springs, CO            {Evelyn Beavers
                                {Chas. F., 1883
                                {Ella Mae, h,
                                {Arthur C. Stiles
                                {Ferris, TX
Amelia Jane, h, 1856            {
Jacob S. Case...................{Hattie Frances,h,..............{Gladys
Ferris, TX                      {D. A. Whittington              {Durward
                                {Arlington, TX
                                {Marcus Emmett
                                {James Henry
Ellie, single, 1860
Mexia, TX
Lucy, h,                        {Ralph A.
Charles Birk....................{Eunice V.
Iowa Park, TX                   {Charles E.
                                {Frances J.
Anne, h, 1864                   {Oscar K.
C. W. McElheny..................{Lula Bird
Ferris, TX                      {Fannie Lois
Chalmers, w, 1866...............{Groves Meyer
Mary Groves                     {Martha Elizabeth
Gustavus Carey, w,
Barbara Bowers


Nancy J. Nance – Branch Three

Was born in 1834. She was married to William M. Wyatt, April 27, 1851, in Cass County, Illinois. They resided on a farm near Newmansville until 1883, when they removed to Ashland, Illinois, where they have resided ever since. This family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The author had a pleasant call at their neat cottage on the Old Salem Chautauqua Grounds, in company with Cousin Allen G. Nance. They are the parents of three children, named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Fannie, h,..............{Loren B.
Walter M. Thompson
                        {Gertrude, h,
                        {___? ___?
Alice M., 1859, h,      {
James Struble...........{Maude
James Judy, 1862, w,....{Stuart
___? ___?               {Lois


Zachariah Nance – Branch Six

Was born in Illinois about 1840. He was married to Fannie Martin Hoagland in Petersburg, Illinois, September 6, 1866. They are the parents of two sons, named below as twigs. John M. is a newspaper man and mine promoter at Gunnison, Colorado. Tilton William is a traveling salesman. His second wife was Carrie Goldsby, by whom he had three sons, named below, all residing in Peoria, on Reed Avenue:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

John M., w, 1867        {Francis A.
Miss W. B. Arheart......{John A.
                        {Dorothy E.
Tilton William, 1869


Parthena Hill Nance – Branch Seven

Was born in 1842; married Thomas J. Williams, July 17, 1867, in Dallas County, Texas. They are the parents of two children, named below as twigs. The husband died September 7, 1897. This family are Methodists. Her address is Cedar Hill, Texas, Rural Free Delivery No. 2.

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

                        {Roxie R.
Fannie B., h,...........{Joseph
Edmon Sprowls           {Blanche
                        {Jewel Lucile
Alice, h,
John H. Vencill


Harriett Nance – Branch Eight

Was born in Illinois, August 7, 1844. William D. Snead was born in Pennsylvania, September 9, 1839. They were married in Dallas County, Texas, July 11, 1865. They are the parents of eight children, named below as twigs. They resied at Oak Cliff, Texas.

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Kittie, h, 1866.........{Will H.
L. S. Brotherton        {Blanche
Johnnie B., died at age 8
Bettie J., h, 1872,     {C. Ross
J. D. Mauk..............{Daniel Francis
                        {Raymond S.
Lena Hill, h, 1874,
Dr. E. B. Strother
Sallie B., 1877
Charles H., 1879
Hattie, 1881
Benjamin F., 1883


Sarah Jaques Nance – Branch Nine

Was born September 1, 1846, in Cass County, Illinois. Moved with her parents to Texas in 1851. She was married to James R. Smith, March 1864, settled on a grain and stock farm in Dallas County. In 1890 they removed to Oak Cliff, same county, where they still reside. Seven children have blessed this home, those growing to maturity are named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Jennie Q., h,...........{Edward Raymond
Robert L. Moss
Clarendon, TX
J. Frank, w, 1869,      {Jessie
Jennie Morris...........{Katie
Texas                   {Ralph F.
Claudia, h, 1875........{Donolda Mayo
James R. Andrews
Oak Cliff, TX
Albert, 1877
Wallace, at home, 1882


Samuel H. Nance – Branch Ten

Was born May 21, 1849. He was married to Miss Regina Lee Poage, of Roanoke County, Virginia, November 22, 1882. They resied at Cedar Hill, Texas, and have one child, Olin Bertram, twig, born 1883.


Joshua Nance – Limb Eleven

Was born in Green County, Kentucky, July 11, 1807. At the age of twenty-two he was married to Miss Sarah Skaggs, of same county, by whom he had four children. In 1830 they moved to Sangamon County, Illinois, then an almost uninhabited wilderness, and settled in the portion out of which Call County was formed. The wife soon fell a victim of the malarial fever, so common in the early days in the prairie state.

On August 9, 1837, he married Miss Elizabeth Lucas, by whom he had nine children. These thirteen children are named below as branches. In 1863 he left Illinois for Kansas, settling on a farm near Cato, Crawford County, where he continued to reside until his death on March 6, 1885.

In politics he was a Democrat, casting his first presidential vote for Andrew Jackson, and his last vote for Grover Cleveland.

The following is a part of the obituary published in the local newspaper at the time of his death:

"He was a beautiful example of the noble handiwork of God, an honest upright man, pure because he loved purity, honest because honor was inshrined as the goodness of his being just and upright in every action or dealing with his fellow man. * * * He was well informed on all subjects, a man of extraordinary good judgement, strong convictions, deliberate in forming opinions, never repeated a slander or said ought but praise of a neighbor. His has been a noble life, grander because such lives are few, and because of the example he has given, that character can be moulded and formed according to the purer principles of the Divine and moral law. He mastered most fully the great problem of man's earthly destiny, the duties he owed to God, his neighbor, and himself, and ever maintained and kept the noblest impulse of his nature uppermost in his heart. Thus the angel of death found him; thus was the sheaf of mortality gathered into the harvest of immortality. With no regrets for the past, nor fears for the future, he passed into that mysterious "beyond" where labor ends and reward begins."

He was buried in the family grave yard, only a short distance from his residence, beside his wife who had preceded him two years. She is said to have been a lovely character, every way worthy of her husband.

                Elizabeth Smith,                Amos D.,
                Jefferson,                      William Douglas,
                Polly Wadkins,                  Sarah E. Swan,
                Charles H.,                     Parthena H. Odom,
                John L.,                        Caroline Williams,
                Jane Bixler,                    Thomas H.,
                Katherine Farmer.


Charles H. Nance – Branch Four

Was born April 11, 1836. He was married to Frances C. Miller, November 21, 1854, in Cass County, Illinois. He died of consumption, May 9, 1889. He was the father of ten children, those growing up are named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Sarah E., h, 1857,      {Mary B., 1856
Wm. H. Cross, d,........{Chas. M.
                        {Antonias, 1888
Amos D., w,             {Logan C., 1887
Maggie Clark............{Chas. S.
                        {Maggie, 1901
                        {William O., 1893
Joshua J., w,...........{Samuel J.
Lizzie Theobald         {Nellie Gladys
                        {George Dewey, 1899
Milton S., w,...........{Maurice Albert
Roe Slaughter
William G.
James D., 1871 – 1897
Hester E.


John L. Nance – Branch Five

Was born July 21, 1838, in Cass County, Illinois. He was married to Mary Cain Bell (nee Conquest), November 8, 1871, in Crawford County, Kansas. They have no children. Their post office address is Drywood, Kansas.


Jane Nance – Branch Six

Was born in Cass County, Illinois, November 29, 1839. She was first married to Isaac Haynes in 1856, who died the following year of consumption, leaving no issue.

Her second marriage was to Jonah Combs Bixler, September 20, 1865. Their post office address is Drywood, Kansas. They are the parents of nine children, those growing up are named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Charles Lee, w,
Bertha Tuthill..........{Walter Leslie
Drywood, KS
Fannie Hill, h,         {Harvey Lee
Sabe Dalton.............{Riley Combs
Drywood, KS             {Olive Stella
Katie Dell, h,          {Ruth Jane
Benj. S. Dalton.........{Paul
Drywood, KS
Grace Bell, h,
Wm. Harvey Dalton
Drywood, KS
Lillie May, h, 1881,
Jesse L. Elliott
Drywood, KS


Katherine Nance – Branch Seven

Was born June 21, 1841, and was married to A. J. Farmer, June 4, 1857. She died May 17, 1890, of cancer of the breast. She was the mother of eleven children, named below as twigs, the oldest was bron in 1858, and the youngest in 1881:

           Isaac,              Charles,              William,
           Malinda,            Joshua,               Albert,
           Christopher,        John,                 Eaton,  
           Sarah Bell,         Joseph.


Amos D. Nance – Branch Eight

Was born October 3, 1842, and married to Sarah R. Williams, September 25, 1873. They have eight children, those growing to maturity are named below as twigs:

                Lee, who married Josie Morrison,        Harry L.,
                Thomas,                                 Della, 1876 – 1900, 
                Douglas S.,                             Archie D., 


William Douglas Nance – Branch Nine

Was born September 16, 1844. He was married to Jane Williams, December 12, 1867. They are the parents of eight children, those growing to maturity are named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

                        {Nettie D., 1888
Lizzie, h, 1869,        {Wm. Lenard
Chas. S. Dearing........{Anna E.
                        {C. Ezra
                        {Emma J., 1899
Mattie, h,..............{Hattie, 1897
G. W. Reynolds
Drywood, KS
Albert D., w, 1873,     {Edith Jane
Minnie C. Brown.........{Ward Douglas
                        {Mabel Dell
Anna C., h, 1875,
Hiram R. Hampton
Emma S., 1878,
D. Crittenden, 1894


Sarah Ellen Nance – Branch Ten

Was born in Cass County, Illinois, February 22, 1848. She was married to James Morris Swan, January 22, 1868, at Cato, Kansas, where they resided until 1893, when they moved to Oklahoma. They reside in Cleveland where Mr. Swan in engaged in the real estate business. They are the parents of twelve children, those living are named below as twigs. Mr. Swan was in the Civil War for five years, enlisting at Jacksonville, Illinois, in the 10th Illinois Infantry. Their children all reside near the parents at Cleveland, Oklahoma.

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Chauncy, w, 1868........{Glenn Burt, died young
Lucy Turner
                        {Fred M.
                        {Ona Ansel
Kelly, w, 1870,         {Robert
Dollie Coonrod..........{Mabel
Harley, w,..............{Gordon Berle, died young
Nettie Herr
Effie, h,               {Gladys
Ward Guffy..............{Ralph
                        {Elizabeth Ellen
William M., single, farmer
Tilden, w,..............{Russell
Mettie Buckles
Mae F., h,
John B. Myers, cashier, 
First National Bank
Cleveland, OK.
Dick G., 1885, student


Parthena Hill Nance – Branch Eleven

Was born June 8, 1849. She was married to James Odom in 1873. Their seven children are named below as twigs:

        Samuel,            Lewis,            Robert,
        Harvey,            Maggie,           Elizabeth,


Caroline Nance – Branch Twelve

Was born February 23, 1852. She was married to Wm. Williams, October 23, 1873. Their children are named below as twigs:

        Perry, 1876 – 1896,
        Stella Jane,


Thomas H. Nance – Branch Thirteen

Was born October 8, 1854. Nothing more is known of him.


Thomas Jefferson Nance – Limb Thirteen

Was born in Green County, Kentucky, September 17, 1811. Katherine D. Houghton was born October 14, 1817, and died March 22, 1892. They were married September 22, 1836, in Menard County, Illinois. Thomas J. received a much better education than any of his brothers or sisters, or most of those in his community, in that he attended private school of a neighbor, Owen by name. Mr. Owen had four or five daughters who had a private instructor. They were not as industrious as the teacher thought they should be, and he suggested to the father that it would pay him well to select some lad or young man to attend the school in order to spur the girls to greater exertion. Thomas was selected, and remained in the school some three years. He came with his father and family to Illinois in 1832. He taught school some years, up to the time of his marriage. He settled on a farm in Cass County, where he spent the short years of his married life. At the time of his death his farm contained some six hundred acres. He was nominated for the Legislature by the Deminant Party of the district, in 1838, but was defeated because a few years previously he had made a terperance address at Old Salem, the home of Lincoln, near Petersburg, which offended the Topers of his party, and they refused to support him. He was nominated by the same party two years later, and elected in spite of the whiskey interest. Two years later he was nominated for the State Senate, and would have been elected, but died two weeks before the election. It is said he had a very promising career before him. He died July 22, 1842, being in his thirty-first year. His four children are named below as branches:

        Elizabeth Wynne,
        Benjamin F., died at 2,
        Harriet Benton Struble,
        Albert Gallitan.


Elizabeth Nance – Branch One

Was born in Cass County, Illinois, in 1838. She died in 1866. She married Clinton Wynne, by whom she had one child, named below as twig:


Mary, husband,
Oliver Carter,
Los Angeles, California


Harriet Benton Nance – branch Three

Was born in Cass County, Illinois, in 1840. She was united in marriage to Philemon Struble. They were the parents of two children, named below as twigs. She passed away in 1873:


Lena, h,
___? Batterman


Albert Gallitan Nance – Branch Four

Was born in Cass County, Illinois, in 1842. His wife, Laura Isabelle Osborne, was born in 1844. They were married in 1866. They own and reside on a one thousand acre farm six miles to the south of Petersburg, Illinois. With Cousin "Allen," as he is called, the author drove over a large portion of the farm, devoted to grain and stock-raising, and noted the improvement in methods of farming since he left the rural districts for the more exciting though not more enjoyable city life. The family, excepting Horace and wife, were camping on the old Salem Chautauqua Grounds, where they have a commodious cottage, and where they meet the married members of the family annually, in a month's rest and visit. Sitting on their broad veranda, they entertain their many friends while listening to the musical numbers of the Chautauqua, known the state over for its excellent programs. The amphitheater being but a few steps distant. Here the author was treated like one of the family, free to come and go at will, but always urged to be around at lunch time. It is superfluous to tell a Nance that one of the same name required a second invitation to lunch. While native modesty is characteristic of the name, we usually have our appetites with us.

Mr. Nance is one of the substantial and prominent men of Menard County. When a young man, he was a member of the State Legislature, elected as a Democrat, though not in full accord with the party at the time. He has been a staunch Republican for many years, and takes delight in contemplating the achievements of the party. He and family are members of the Christian Church at Petersburg. While he continues to reside on the farm, the younger son, Horace, conducts the same. Horace os of the material that makes the world move. The elder son, "Tom," is president of the First National Bank, Clinton, Oklahoma, while the son-in-law, Chas. W. Goodwin is cashier of same bank.

Their six children are named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Carrie Benton, h,.......{Albert N.
Chas W. Goodwin         {Georgia N.
Clinton, OK
Thomas Jefferson, w,....{Albert Gallitan
Alice N. Curry
Clinton, OK.
Catharine, h,...........{Laura Marie
Geo. D. Warnsing        {Hermine
Greenview, IL.
Hattie Beecher, h, d....{Hattie N.
Harry H. Schirding
Petersburg, IL.
Horace Greeley, w,
Sudie Purkapile
Petersburg, IL.
Louise, 1886, at home


Allen Q. Nance – Limb Fourteen

Was born in Kentucky, September 16, 1813. He came with his father to Illinois in 1832, where he obtained a farm immediately southwest and adjoining the town of Newmansville, Cass County. Here he married Elizabeth W. Dearen, January 11, 1841. He removed to Texas in 1852, and bought a farm near DeSoto in Dallas County, where he died in 1873. He was a great student and incessant reader. During the last years of his life, the Bible was his chief companion. He seemed to know the geography of the world as well as most men do that of their home state. His usual weight was two hundred pounds. He wore a number eight hat. He died very suddenly, without warning. At the time of his death he was the owner of five hundred acres of land in Texas. He was a farmer all his life, and what is more, he was an honest man. He was the father of eleven children, named below as branches. The mother outlived her husband twenty years, dying November 25, 1893:


David Carey,
Mary J.,
Christopher C., died young,
Gustavus A.,
Ann Lee,
Sarah C.,
John H., died young
Charles Palmer,
Lee, died young,


David Carey Nance – Branch One

Was born in Cass County, Illinois, February 2, 1843. He came with his parents to Texas in 1852, and in 1861 enlisted in the Cavalry service of the Confederate States, under Colonel W. H. Parsons. He received five wounds in battle during his term of service, returning home in 1865. Three horses were shot from under him and he was in thirty engagements. (This is an extreme record for one soldier, and the author has insisted upon his "Johnny Reb" cousin giving his army record for this work, which will be found at the close of this sketch. He knows it will be read with interest by both "Yanks" and "Rebs.") Our hero attended Carlton College, Bonham, Texas, 1868 – 1870. He was married to Miss Sallie M. Hackley, October 12, 1870, at Bonham. He taught school for some years, buying a farm in the meantime, near Bonham. In 1889 he returned to Dallas County and bought the old family home and took care of his mother till her death. He also operated a general store for a number of years at DeSoto. In 1901 he built a grist-mill and another home at Duncanville, taking into business with him his youngest son, Quilla, under the firm name of D. C. Nance & Son. His other children operate the farm. It is said he reads a great deal, and like his father, the Bible now is his chief companion. He became a Christian and a member of the Christian Church early in life. He has always been a Democrat; weighs one hundred and ninety pounds; is past sixty-one, and in perfect health. He has been of great assistance to the author, as is mentioned elsewhere. He has recently returned to his farm, and his address is Rural Route No. 1, Cedar Hill, Texas.


Military Record of David Carey Nance,
late of Confederate States Army

In September, 1861, I enlisted in the Cavalry Service of Texas; and later of the Confederate States. I was but a boy, eighteen, past. During the next few months we were on the drill yard every day. In the early spring we started for the front. My first battle was "Cache River" or "Cotton Plant," as we "Rebs" called it, Sunday, July 7, 1862. I rode a very fine horse, was well equiped, and was chosen as one of the extreme advance of twenty men, as we marched through a deep forest of bog and fen to meet the enemy. At last we met; and in that jubilee of demons which followed, I was first to fall. A one-ounce ball had penetrated my cheek, passing out at the back of my neck. Another had plowed a furrow in the other side. Then my beautiful steed fell against a tree and died, the victim of three other balls. The man on my right went down, and then the one on my left. I scrambled to a fallen tree and cuddled up to avoid being trampled under foot. The enemy moved up, and I was in their midst, but they had not discovered me. My hat, clothes and gun were gone, but I had side-arms left which I tried to use. Just then another ball crashed through my shoulder as I lay alone. Then I was helpless, was three crimson streams flowing fast; and I thought my time was short.

I hid my pistol and money in the forest leaves. A little later a ruffian from my native state, Illinois, discovered me, and said, "Get up, you Reb, or I'll shoot you!" It did no good to tell him I was already in distress. Then seeing my belt and scabbard, he demanded my pistol. And when he got it he made as though he would finish me with my own weapon. Fortunately his captain was at hand, and was a man and not a beast, and when I called for help he gave it readily (May God bless his memory). Tenderly he took me by the hand, and assured me of his care, sent me halting a little to the rear. So at last I was a prisoner of war, the very thing I dreaded most. Then the battle grew furious, and a continual stream of mangled bodies came pouring back. The litter bearers met them in the midst of that awful scene and carried away the helpless. When they came to me, one said, "Get up and go with us!" The other replied, "Let him alone. It will soon be all day with him." And thus I was left in that whirl-pool of blood.

Then came a cavalry charge, on, on, through the roar of guns, the rattle of balls against the trees, mingled with the cries of men. The storm was on, dreadful and yet sublime. It swept the earth of men and passed. they spiked the cannons, and stopped their hellish mouths, and then the roar abated some. But the enemy rallied and drove them back; but I was in the rear of frends. While yet the battle raged, they took my up and back, where women wept and tried to comfort me. Then I was hauled away to a hospital. Then an angel woman came and ministered to me. She washed and dried my bloody clothes, - all else was lost.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

That year erysipelas was epidemic, and I had it early, and so far as I could learn was the only one, through all those weeks of pain, to recover from it. Boils and dysentery, and later flux, increased my misfortunes till I passed into a delirium with lucid intervals now and then. At last heaven heard my cry of anguish, and then these two months of a living death began to pass away. Then they told me I was well and could go again. I started back, and on that day I tipped the beams at just fifty-two pounds less than my weight on the battle day.

On my arrival I found the camp on the identical spot where I left it, and then I learned that only three of that fated twenty escaped unhurt. Next day I went out to the battlefield and found my money, one hundred and five dollars. With this and some my fther sent, I bought a captured mule and saddle, and again was ready for business.

In November, of the same year, in answer to a requisition from our Legislature, I went to Waxahachie, Texas, to assist in the manufacture of gunpowder. On the twenty-ninth of the following April, an explosion occurred and wrecked the mill, and again I alone was left alive. Then fther and mother came and took me home where, for a long time, mother fed me with a spoon, as one feeds an infant. At last I recovered from my burns and returned to the army again, and shortly after was in the continued series of battles along Red River, in Louisiana, known as the "Banks Campaign of 1864." In the final battle, "Yellow Bayou," May 10, I received two other wounds in neck and shoulder, and my rifle was shot to pieces while in my hands. But to give a detailed account of all or even part of what occurred, would extend this sketch beyond all proper limit, suffice it to say that of that once splendid regiment of one thousand one hundred and sixty men, but two hundred were present on this final battle, May 10, 1864, and of that number ninety-six were lost later.

During those weeks of pain in the fateful days of '62, when life hung so long by a slender cord, I realized how weak I was. Then I vowed to the God of mercy that if he would give me a safe return from the war to my father's house, I would henceforth enquire at the door of wisdom to know his will. I need only add I have tried to keep my vow.
D. C. Nance
Duncanville, Texas, October 15, 1903.

He is the father of four children, named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Chas. Carlton, 1871, w
Ethel Shuee
Dallas, TX
James Allen, w,.........{Alleen
Lizzie Carrall          {Eugenia
DeSoto, TX              {Wilson
Quilla, w,..............{A. Q.
Carey Horne
Duncanville, TX
Annie Laura, h,.........{Dwight, d.
Byram P. Morris         {Don
DeSoto, TX


Mary J. Nance – Branch Two

Was born in Illinois, September 25, 1845. She was married to Jas. W. Reagan, July 18, 1865. He was a bugler in the Confederate Army, from Connecticut, just prior to the war. Her brother, David, among other complimentary things, speaks of his sister's virtues as follows:

"She was a woman of unusual energy. She married in Dallas County, and a little later moved out to Brown County, then a wilderness. Wishing to educate her children, she bought and paid for a good hourse in the town of Brownwood, from the proceeds of her own labor, and moving to it, sent her children to school, still working to support them. Five of her children became prominent teachers, and a sixth, Lina, is preparing. She was a member of the Christian Church for many years, as was her husband also. During the Civil War, she was the main stay in her father's home, doing most of the labor, clothing the family in home-spun. To her the writer, her brother, is due many thanks for the warm clothes which her own hands furnished during those four terrible years of privation. She passed to her reward July 4, 1890. Her husband followed her July 4, 1899, nine years to the hour.

Nine children came to bless this couple, the youngest dying young. The remaining eight are named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Burney, w, a druggist   {Ona
Barbara Anderson........{Lucile
Big Spring, TX          {Paul
                        {Horace B.
A. Burton, w, a merchant
Fannie Montgomery
Blanket, TX
Annie, h, 
H. C. Mayner, a farmer
Blanket, TX
Lulu, h, music teacher
Fletcher Elliott
Blanket, TX
William, w, soda water manufacturer
Rhoda Harrell
Cisco, TX
Addie, h,
John E. Elkins, farmer
Cisco, TX
Bettie, single
Lina, single


Gustavus Adolphus Nance – Branch Four

Was born in Cass County, Illinois, June 8, 1849. He removed with his parents to Texas in 1852, and remained with them on a farm until twenty-four years of age, when, in 1873, he married Miss Vina T. McElroy, of Ellis County, Texas. She was a native of Tennessee, but had come to Texas with her parents in 1856. They continued to farm until 1883, when he, in co-partnership with his younger brother, C. P. Nance, founded the town of Duncanville, Texas, and opened up a mercantile business. He has been in the mercantile business most of the time until the present. He has also held the office of Postmaster two terms; has been Notary Public for eight years, and Justice of the Peace for a season. At the present he is a merchant at West Dallas, Texas.

The wife was a Cumberland Presbyterian at the time of their marriage, but soon united with the Church of Christ, of which church the husband had been a member from young manhood. They have been faithful, active members in said communion ever since, he filling most of the time the offices of Clerk, Deacon or Elder. At present he is Elder in the Church of Christ at West Dallas. They are the parents of six children, those living are named below as twigs:

Joseph Cary, 1874,is a machinist in the employ of the Buffalo Pitts Machine Company, at Houston, Texas;
Frederick Earl, 1881, he is with the Wells Fargo Express Company, Dallas;
Carlie Lee, 1883, he is with the same company;
Ioma Eka, 1887;
Claud S., 1891.


Ellen Nance – Branch Five

Was born April 12, 1852, in Cass County, Illinois. Came with her parents to Dallas County, Texas, the same year. She was married to Geo. W. Bowman, of Missouri, June 27, 1872. They reside at Ample, Texas. They are the parents of six children, named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

Charles H., w,..........{Clarence W.
Bobbie Lee Jones        {Clara B.
Ara. B.
Ladonia Q.
William M.
Mary Elizabeth, h,......{Charles Virgil
Chas. C. McFarland      {Jennie Lucile
Geo. Louis, twin to above.
Lulea E., h,............{Grace
Benj. F. Hart


Ann L. Nance – Branch Six

Was married to William R. Horne. They reside at Duncanville, Texas. They buried a son, Samuel M., October 1896. They have one daughter, Carey, who has a son, A. Q. They have another son, Homer. This is all the information that has come to me regarding this branch.


Sarah C. Nance – Branch Seven

Was married to John Crews. They reside at Clarke, Missouri. No further information has reached me.


Charles Palmer Nance – Branch Nine

Was born near DeSoto, Texas, July 10, 1861. He was married to Cordelia P. Garner near Duncanville, Texas, January 14, 1886. He was educated at Add Ran College, Thorp Springs, Texas. He has been engaged as farmer, merchant, postmaster, railroad agent, notary public and deputy sherrif. He was United States Census Enumerator in 1900. He is now the senior member of the firm of Nance & Co., General Merchandise, Duncanville, Texas. This couple are the parents of nine children, named below as twigs:


Wilkie Collins,
Allen Quilla,
Winnie Davis,
Washington Lee,
George McFall,
Sallie Ellen,
David Woodson,


Etta Nance – Branch Eleven

Was born April 25, 1867, in Dallas County, Texas. She was married to Benj. F. Brandenburg in 1886. Their home is at Dallas, Texas. They are the parents of eight children, those living are named below as twigs. She is said to be a woman of more than ordinary intelligence.






Kittie Marie,



Parthena W. Nance – Limb Fifteen

Was born in Greene County, Kentucky, August 13, 1816. She died at Petersburg, Illinois, July 1, 1898, at the age of eighty-one years, ten months and eighteen days. She came to Illinois with her parents in 1832, and settled near Petersburg, which has been her home ever since, sixty-six years. July 28, 1835, she was united in marriage to Samuel Hill. Mr. Hill became one of the most prominent citizens of Menard County, and at one time was the wealthiest citizen. Mr. Hill died forty-one years before his wife was called home, leaving her to bear the burdens and fight the battles of life alone.

Mrs. Hill was an associate in her early life with Abraham Lincoln, and was the last, but one, of the early settlers in Old Salem. (Old Salem is but a couple of miles from Petersburg. It was the home of Abraham Lincoln before he located at Springfield, when he was a merchant. It is now a hallowed spot, but as a town or village, it is entirely gone, but one of the old buildings remain, a log cabin, once the home of the great emancipator, now used as a pig sty, and slowly decaying. Be it said to the credit of the citizens, this cabin would be preserved to future generations if they were allowed to do so by the owner.)

Mrs. Hill had a vivid recollection of many interesting incidents in the formative years of the martyr president, and was often appealed to, to verify facts in connection with his life in Menard County.

Her relationship with the Presbyterian Church, of Petersburg, in which she was an earnest and faithful member for almost sixty years, was of a most important and intimate character. It would be a pleasure to speak of the many excellent and attractive elements of strength and usefulness which crowned her life. By request of silent lips we attempt no eulogy. None indeed is needed. Her faithful life of brave and kind deeds of unselfish and living thoughts; her strong and symmetrical womanhood; her deep and pure piety; in all her Christ-like character, speak to us louder than words could express the truest eulogy of her life. The above facts are drawn largely from a lenghty obituary published at the time of her death.

She was the mother of two children, a son and a daughter. The latter died at seven, and the son is named below as branch. "Aunt Parthena" is laid to rest beside her husband and daughter in an underground vault in the prettiest and best-kept cemetery, for its size, the author has ever seen.


John Hill – Branch One

Civil and mechanical engineer, was born September 6, 1839, at Old Salem, Illinois; completed his education at McKendree College, Lebanon, Illinois. He was actively engaged in the Lincoln-Douglas Campaign, supporting Douglas vigorously. He was the editor of a local newspaper in Petersburg, Illinois, and the author of several well-known campaign documents. He was a delegate to the Charleston Convention in 1860, and at the age of twenty-six, served as a member of the Twenty-fourth General Assembly of Illinois. During the Civil War, Mr. Hill served as a commissioner from the Illinois State Government to the Illinois Regiments.

In 1872 he moved to Columbus, Georgia, becoming the superintendent of the woolen department of the Eagle & Phoenix Mills. Afterwards he was made engineer for these mills, and remained in this capacity until 1892. He erected the principle buildings of this plant and was widely known throughout the sourth and east as a mill expert. Mr. Hill was a pioneer in the introduction of advanced cotton mill processes, designing many of the same that have exerted marked influence on the economic manufacture of cotton goods.

He was the inventor of the automatic sprinkler bearing his name, and several other devices pertaining to cotton machinery and fire protective devices. He was the pioneer agent of the Edison Company in the south, and his introduction of electric lighting in the Eagle & Phoenix Mills made these mills the first to use electricity for lighting purposes. Mr. Hill formed the Hill Automatic Sprinkler Company, the Neracher & Hill Sprinkler Company, Warren, Ohio, and later combined his interests with the General Fire Extinguisher Company, Providence, Rhode Island. He was engineer of the extensive water power developments at Columbus, Georgia, and elsewhere throughout the south. At the time of his death, January 20, 1898, he was engaged in the development of the power at North Highlands, on the Chattahoochee River.

He married Lula Clara Crawley, at Jacksonville, Illinois. He was the father of four children, named below as twigs:

Twigs                   Buds                    Blossoms

John, w,
Stacy Earnest
Atlanta, GA
Perry N., w,
Leta Booker
Columbus, GA
Lulu, h,                {Clara
John C. Martin..........{John
Columbus, GA            {William
Bunn Y., w,
Lucile Gregory
Columbus, GA

Perry Nance Hill, twig above, is the electrical engineer of the Columbus Power Company, Columbus Georgia.

John Hill, twig above, was born in Columbus, Georgia, on August 16, 1874. He received his early schooling in the public schools of Columbus, spending his afternoons and vacations in machine shops, cotton mills and draughting rooms. His career has been marked by unremitting activity in preparing himself for future work. In 1890 he entered the University of Georgia, where he spent two years, taking a scientific course, with special work in civil engineering. Upon the advice of the college authorities, he adopted mill architecture and engineering as a profession and entered Cornell University, Ithica, New York, where he spent three years in special preparation for his work. Returning from school in 1896, he associated himself with his father in mill engineering. At the death of his father in 1898, he accepted the position of southern representative of the Lowell Machine Shops, of Lowell, Massachusetts. In this capacity Mr. Hill has been engaged in the sale of textile machinery and the designing and engineering of cotton mills since that time. The Lowell Machine Shop is one of the largest concerns engaged in the manufacture of cotton and worsted machinery in the country. As their representative he has splendid offices in the Prudential Building, Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Hill's territory, in which he manages the sale of textile machinery, includes that south of Baltimore and Indianapolis. Lately he assumed charge of all erection of machinery in his territory, and has an efficient corps of competent assistants. He is very popular in Atlanta and is a prominent secret order man, being a Knight Templar and a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason.

As to the other children or limbs, of Zachariah II, the author has been able to learn very little. Sallie, limb four, married a Mr. Hash, her son, is said to be living at Lancaster, Texas, and is eighty-four years of age.

Eaton, limb five died in Grundy County, Illinois, December 8, 1879. He had one son, Robert, who was drowned at Beardstown, Illinois, 1848 or 1849. He also had two daughters, but nothing is known of them. Carey, limb twelve, died August 25, 1840, and his widow married Joshua Morris, of Cass County, Illinois. He is buried beside his parents in Farmer's Point Cemetery.

As Elizabeth Morris (Bingley), the second wife of Zachariah Nance, II, had children by her first husband, they being half brothers and sisters of her Nance children, the author thought best to give a table of this family.

Elizabeth Morris was born in James City County, Virginia, in 1771. She was the daughter of John Morris, and the granddaughter of Mrs. Mary Turner, of same county. She was married to Lewis Bingley, February 28, 1788, in the county of her birth. Mr. Bingley had served three years in the Revolutionary Army. He died October 13, 1799. Their children are named below as limbs.

The mother was said to be a woman of great energy, and to have been very handsome when young, and a beautiful old lady. Her likeness appearing at the head of the family will bear that statement out. She was the mother of twelve children, surviving her second husband about fifteen years, dying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Parthena W. Hill, Petersburg, Illinois, January 11, 1850. She is buried at Farmer's Point Cemetery, beside her husband and near her children.

Limbs                   Branches                        Twigs

John M. Bingley,
 1788 – 1836
Nathaniel, died young
Mary, 1795 – 1840, h,...{several children
L. B. Wynne
                        {Polly, 1817 – 1843             {Marion D., 1840
                        {                               {Thomas B., 1842
                        {Wm. M, 1818, w                 {Mary V.
                        {Eliza Pierce...................{Maria L.
                        {                               {John C.
                        {James B., 1821                 {Ellen L. M.
                        {Nancy                          {Eliza A
                        {Elias B.
Elizabeth,1797–1840,h,  {Lewis B. 1823 – 1846
James Goldsby,..........{Elizabeth, died young
1793 - 1854             {Adeline F. (Arnold), 1832
                        {Ellen W., h,...................{Chas. H. Dodds
                        {J. H. Dodds
                        {Zachariah N.
                        {Thomas W., 1838, died young
                        {Eliza Jane
                        {Margaret E.
                        {Caroline W., 1846



David Nance

David Nance, the head of this line, was a soldier in the Army of the Revolution, under Washington. He remained two years, when after the severe winter at Valley Forge, his health was so impaired ass to be unfit for service, when his nephew, Zachariah Nance, II, voluntarily took his Uncle's place and served until the close of the war. When David went home to repair his health, he was murdered, and left his children orphans. They were bound out at the close of the war. (There are some strange things about the murder of this man. I have three accounts from as many sources, all giving different name of the murderer, so not knowing which account is correct, I mention no names.) His brothers and sisters, so far as known, were Zachariah I., William Howe, Frederick and Patsey (Sneed). (See pages four and five.) His sons as far as known are named as trunks, or heads of the families in tables below. These are traced as distinct families, although known to have a common origin.

Trunk one, Frederick,
Trunk two, Clement,
Trunk three, Robert,
Trunk four, Erasmus,
Trunk five, Giles,
Trunk six, William Howe.

Before proceeding to give thse tables, the author presents the following historical review of the family, which will speak for itself:

Extracts from Historical Sketch of the Nance Family

They were of the Albigences in the south of France at the time of the persecuting crusades against that people. They fled to Wales in Great Britain, and there remained until the persecution there became intolerable. Clement Nance landed at Double Bridges and went to Norfolk. They then emigrated to America, and were of the number that settled Jamestown, in Virginia, the first permanent white settlement in America.

They had ever firmly held to the doctrine, faith and practice of their ancestors, i.e., the Albegences faith, and came to America with the hope of finding a country and home in which they might establish a government fraught with moderation and religious tolerance.

They formed the embryo of the Baptist chruch that spread throughout the country, from whose church Thomas Jefferson got his first form of a democratic constitution, which afterwards ripened into the Constitution of the United States.

Several members of the family were George Washington's companions in arms, in each and every engagement, both savage and otherwise. One of them saved his life at Bradock's Defeat. Zachariah Nance stood at his side when he received Cornwallis' sword. (His children and grandchildren now live, April 1866, in Dallas County, Texas).

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Written from facts gleaned from family traditions and records by James Nance, eldest son of Josiah C. Nance.
Transcribed by Berthenia H. Nance
February 19, 1899. (All rights reserved)


Major Frederick Nance – Trunk One

Was, I presume, the first settler at and within the limits of the village of Newberry. He was a native of Amelia County, Virginia. He was born the fifteenth day of August, 1770, and died the tenth of February, 1840. He married Elizabeth Rutherford, the daughter of Colonel Robert Rutherford. Major Nance was the deputy of the first county clerk of Newberry, from May term, 1791, and continued in office until 1807, when he resigned.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

After Major Nance's resignation of the clerkship, he was a candidate for Congress to fill up General Casey's unexpired term. He was defeated by Captain Joe Calhoun, but received an almost unanimous vote in Newberry. He was elected Lieutenant-Governor, December, 1808, and qualified with the Governor, John Drayton. In 1812, he was elected senator in the State Legislature from Newberry, and served two terms. In 1816, he was appointed the elector of President for the Congressional District, and voted for James Monroe, President, and Daniel D. Tompkins, Vice-President. Having served for two years as a Representative while Major Nance was Senator, enables me to say that Newberry never has had a more faithful and useful servant than he was. He was twice married, his first wife I have already named. In 1831, he married Mrs. Theresa Ruff, who survived him. By his first marriage he had eleven children, nine of whom lived to be men and women. By his last marriage he had one daughter.

Major Nance was a useful man. He was a good neighbor, a firm friend, a devoted husband and father. Having known him from my childhood to his death, it is right and proper that I should say he well deserves to be remembered, when Newberry presents her most respectable and worthy citizens. – Judge Oneal's annals.

Limbs                   Branches                Twigs           Buds

Robert R., w,
Mary Pope
Dorothy Brooks, h       {William
Thomas Pratt............{Simeon
The most prom-          {Mrs. Kinkaid
inent merchant in       {Mrs. Simkins
Newberry for many
                                                {C. D., w,......{Laura A.
                                                {Lily Fair
                        {Martha, h              {J. A., w,      {John
                        {Jno. A. Bardsdale......{Ida Gray.......{Hillard
                        {                       {               {Drayton
                        {                       {Lucy, h,
                        {                       {Frank Evans....{Marion
                        {                       {               {Ruth
                        {                       {Wm. James -
                        {                       {   Drayton
                        {                       {Lucy B., h,
                        {Frances C., h, d       {Walter L. Hunt
Drayton Nance, w        {Jas. M. Baxter, d......{Newberry, SC
Lucy Williams...........{                       {               {James
12 children, 6 of       {Wm. Fred, w,           {Frances N., h, {Baxter
whom reached            {Sarah Calmes           {Jas. H. McIntosh{Frances
maturity.               {                       {Columbia, SC...{Martha
                        {Jas. Drayton                           {Dorothy
                        {                       {Frances
                        {Laura E., h,           {Lucy
                        {R.L.McCaughrin.........{James N.
                        {                       {Newberry, SC
                        {                       {Nannie
                        {                       {Robert
                        {Marie W.,h,            {Wm. J., Jr
                        {Wm. J. Fair            {Newberry, SC
                                                {Mary N.
                                                {Newberry, SC
Amelia, h...............{no living children
Robert Dunlap
Frederick, Jr., w,......{Capt. J. K. G..........{Jas. Drayton
Margaret Williams                               {Newberry, SC
                                                {Mrs. John C. Shepare
Sarah, h,               {Sarah, h               {Edgefield, SC
Robt. Dunlap............{Judge W. H. Wallace....{Mrs. Victor Gage
                        {                       {Birmingham, AL
                        {Robt. Nance Dunlap     {Mrs. James Maxwell
                                                {Dan'l H. Wallace
2nd h, J. K. Griffin                            {Union, SC
                        {Edwin R................{4 sons
3rd h, Gen. Dan Wallace.{                       {Wallace G., w,
                        {Leila E., h,           {Alberta Brenner
                        {Henry W. Addison.......{Augusta, GA
                        {Augusta, GA            {
                                                {Laura E., h,
                                                {Jno. C. Lamar
                                                {Augusta, GA
Frances, h,
Patrick Calhoun Caldwell
Alfred, w,
Elvira Henderson
                        {Mrs. Morris
Laura, h,               {Edgefield, SC
Wm. Butler..............{Mrs. Nicholson
                        {Edgefield, SC
                        {Waldo Butler
Martha N., h,
Jno. Calmes
Woodruff, SC

Drayton Nance, limb above, was born at Newberry, South Carolina, in 1800, and spent the whole of his life in his native town. He received his education in Newberry, and was graduated from the Sourth Carolina College in 1821. He read law after his graduation, and upon his admission to the bar, entered upon the practice of his profession at Newberry. In 1826 he was elected by the Legislature, Commissioner of Equity for Newberry District. He held the office of commissioner by successive elections until 1838, when he declined to serve any longer.

After leaving the Commissioner's office, he retired to private life. He has ample real estate, and from the income derived from his plantations and from other sources, was able to live in comfort and entertain his friends with old-timy southern hospitality. As Commissioner in Equity he displayed talent and ability of a high order.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Mr. Nance was not an indiscriminate reader. He read chiefly standard, historical and classical authors, and very little light literature. "But there is one book which the study of all other literature will only render more precious, while at the same time it is so surpassing and universal in its range, that all other literature serves only for its foil or its illustration, and in which there is more wisdom than all other books of the world put together." which he read constantly and thrughtfully. His knowledge of the Bible was surprising, and from that book he drew the inspiration of his life. He loved the Bible for its simplicity, its poetry, its grandeur, and above all for its devine message of redemption to man.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

He was married on the third of April, 1827, to Miss Lucy Williams, who died on the seventh day of November, 1847. She was the daughter of Washington and Sarah (Griffin) Williams, of Laurens District, South Carolina. On the eleventh day of February, 1852, he again married to Mrs. Arianna Livingston, of Florida, who survived him and died in Florida some years ago.

On the eleventh of February, 1832, Mr. Nance united with the Baptist Church at Newberry, and in 1854, was elected one of the deacons of that church. This office he continued to fill until his death. – Reminiscences of Newberry.

Colonel James D. Nance, branch above, was born at Newberry, South Carolina, on the tenth of October, 1837. From his childhood he was distinguished for his truthfulness and ready obedience to those in authority over him. He received his school education an Newberry, and was graduated from the Citadel Military Academy of Charleston.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

In 1859 Colonel Nance was admitted to the bar, and began the practice of law at Newberry. His prospect for success in his profession were very promising, but his career as a lawyer was cut short by the "War of Secession."

In the winter of 1860-61, he was unanimously elected Captain of the "Quitman Rifles," an infantry company formed in Newberry, and afterwards incorporated into the Third Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers. With his company he repaired to Columbia, South Carolina, in April, 1861, and was mustered into the service of the Confederate States.

At the age of seventeen, Colonel Nance united with the Baptist Church at Newberry, and from that period until his death, amid the peaceful pursuits of his home life as well as the fiery ordeals of his military career, was distinguished for his Christian consistency.

Like his great leader, General Lee, he regarded his duty to God as above all other consideration. A member of his company relates, that having been ordered to proceed by railway to Columbia, on Sunday, April 12, 1861, Captain Nance, after the company had been drawn up in line and was ready to march to the railway station, said to his men, "While it is our duty to obey our orders to proceed to Columbia, let us not forget that this is the sabbath day." The same gentleman relates, that the night before the storming of the works on Maryland Heights, while he lay awake, at midnight, his mind filled with deep concern and anxiety as he contemplated the desperate character of the work before them on the morrow, he heard the subdued voice of someone engaged in earnest prayer. After listening intently for some time, he recognized the voice as that of his brave and faithful commander. "The effect of the prayer on myself," said the gentleman, "was to calm and quiet my mind, and I was enabled under its sacred influence to resign myself to sleep." Captain Nance, with his company, was engaged in the first battle of Manassas.

On the sixteenth of May, 1862, upon the reorganization of the Third Regiment (the time of enlistment of the men having expired), Captain Nance was elected its Colonel, a position for which he was eminently fitted.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

As Colonel he commanded his regiment in the battles of Seven Pines, Savage Station, Malcolm Hill, Maryland Heights, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg (where he was wounded), Gettysburg, Chickamuaga, Knoxville, and the Wilderness, where on the sixth of May, 1864, he was instantly killed. His body was brought home and kept in the Baptist Church all night, guarded by furloughed soldiers, and after a funeral discourse by Rev. J. J. Brantly, D. D., the next day, was buried in Rosemont Cemetery, where a chaste and fitting monument now marks its last resting place.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

I think it was generally admitted that Colonel Nance was, at the time of his death, the foremost young man of Newberry. Although he was only twenty-three years of age when he entered the army, the people had already learned to trust him implicitly. Hes speeches, both in the courtroom and before popular assemblies, were fluent, earnest and effective.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

In person, Colonel Nance was a handsome man. He was on medium stature, his figure erect and well proportioned, his features regular, and the habitual expression of his face serene and pleasant. In his manners he was courteous and dignified. Hes general appearance was suggestive of great firmness and resolution. His engaging social qualities, his sound judgement, his transparent honesty, his unselfish patriotism, his high sense of justice, his unflinching courage and devotion to duty, and his excellent Christina example, combined to form one of those thoroughly balanced and admirable characters which appear only at long intervals in the history of a community.

             In Memoriam

         Colonel James Drayton Nance,
    who fell in the Wilderness, May 6, 1864

It seems to me impossible, though oft that dreadful day,
Came soldier from along the lines, with tidings of the fray,
And all agreed that thou hadst fallen, death-smitten in the wood,
When first the foe was turned and driven, in terror, and with blood.

Full well I knew the dangers of that dark, entangled place,
For thou and thine were thrust in front, and dashed into the face,
Of masked battalions hurrying on, elate with victory,
O'er the lines of men who ne'er before, were known to yield or fly.

The yesterday we met those hordes, with our own little band,
And broke their heavy ranks, and drove them back on every hand,
But now at morn they moved upon us in their full array,
And swept the bruised and wearied line, that strove to stop the way.

Lee, stern old warrior, stayed the fight, and hill,, of eagle eye,
Alas, to small effect, for it seemed, we should but stand to die,
Till Longstreet brought his close brigades, of soldiers fresh and brave,
And rushed upon the foremen like a stormy ocean wave.

The battle joined, the opposing columns met in deadly shock,
With shout and shriek and roll of arms, that made the earth to rock,
Charging and slaying, till foe fell back on every side,
And thou lay'st down in victory's arms, and sank, and smiled, and died.
 -- From Reminiscences of Newberry

Colonel Robert R. Nance, limb above, was born in 1795, graduated from South Carolina College in 1813. He was elected Sheriff of Newberry County in 1832. He removed to Alabama in 1835.

Frederick Nance, limb above, graduated in 1821. Became an attorney-at-law in Newberry.

Sarah Nance, limb above, had for her second husband, General John King Griffin, for many years a member of Congress. Her third husband, General Daniel Wallace, was also a member of Congress from 1848 to 1852. He was the father, by a former marriage, of Judge W. H. Wallace.

Sarah Dunlap, branch above, was married to her step-brother, the Judge Wallace named above. He was a very prominent jurist and politician.

Leila E. Wallace Addison, branch above, whose likeness is shown herewith, is a daughter of Sarah Nance and General Daniel Wallace, limbs above. She is therefore half-sister of Sarah Dunlap Wallace, branch. She is also step-sister to Judge W. H. Wallace, branch.

Patrick Calhoun Caldwell who married Frances Nance, limb above, was a prominent and distinguished lawyer of Newberry for many years. He was cousin of the illustrious statesman, John Caldwell Calhoun.

Lucy Baxter Hunt, twig above, is the wife and W. B. Hunt, an attorney of Newberry. Her father, Jas. M. Baxter, was also an attorney of prominence, who left the law for the army, taking the side of the south, and becoming a Major and later Lieutenant-Colonel.


Clement Nance – Trunk Two

With his brothers, came from Amelia County, Virginia, the place of their birth, to Newberry, South Carolina, soon after the close of the Revolution. He lived, died and was buried here. He left one son, Frederick, of whom the author knows nothing. On February 17, 1812, Clement Nance of Newberry, South Carolina, sold one hundred acres of land to Wm. Wilson, of Pittsylvania County, Virginia, the land being in said county and in the Nance Settlement on Cascade and Sugar Creeks.


Robert Nance – Trunk Three

Lived, died and was buried at Newberry, South Carolina. He left no issue.


Erasmus Nance – Trunk Four

Spent his days at Newberry, South Carolina. Nothing more is known of him.


Giles Nance – Trunk Five

Remained in Amelia County, Virginia, the county of the birth of the members of the family, at least until October 19, 1787, for on that day he deeded three hundred acres to John Jones, being of Amelia County at the time. He deeded nearly six hundred acres in 1796, being then a citizen of Nottaway County. He deeded other lands in same vicinity in 1802 and 1809, being on these dates a citizen of Wake County, North Carolina. He had procured one thousand five hundred and seventy-four acres of land by patent, from the government, December 1, 1779, also located on Cascade and Sugar Creeks.


William Howe Nance – Trunk Six

Is supposed to have been named for his supposed uncle of the same name, the supposed father of Clement Nance, the head of Part I. He was the youngest of his father's children, and was bound to a cruel man, at the close of the Revolution, and at the age of fifteen years, swam the Roanoke River in mid-winter and made his excape to Pittsylvania County, Virginia. At the age of eighteen he married Elizabeth Venable Morton, and some years later they removed to Davidson County, Tennessee. The sketch of "Rural Vale" homestead below will continue the history of the family.

Sketch of "Rural Vale" Homestead

by Bethenia H. Nance

About the year 1806-07, there came out from Pittsylvania County, Virginia, to the fertile basin of middle Tennessee, a young man with his wife and two small children, a girl and a boy. They came full of hope and enterprise to this wonderfully fertile land; came, as hundreds of people from Virginia and North Carolina came, expecting to meet with privations and hardships, yet with spirit and hope, bent upon sharing the perils and glories of the then new west. They came to "Headwaters of Indian Creek," and lodged for a brief time in a settler's cabin, luckily found vacant in the vicinity, until possession could be obtained of the home which they had purchased.

This home, on which was a rude log house of a single room, they romantically named "Rural Vale." Soon the first home was moved to the east side of the yard for a cooking kitchen and a neat log room of a story and a half was erected in its place. From best information, this was built about 1809-10. This formed the nucleus of the residence, of William Howe Nance and his wife, Elizabeth Venable Morton. This growing family soon took first rank in all the countryside, the father becoming, by act of the State Legislature, a Justice of the Peace for Davidson County, Tennessee, which prominent position he filled for twenty years prior to his death. It is stated by his brother officers that there was never an appeal taken from any judgement of his.

When the sterling Virginia-bred people came from their home beyond the Blue Ridge, they brought along the faith of their fathers, and in 1812 they aided in forming the Primitive Baptist Church, at Concord, three miles away on the waters of Mill Creek. The associations thus founded weilded a wide influence, the whilom Justice of the Peace becoming also the pulpit exhorter.

His children were schooled early in the habits of self-reliance and accumulation. So noticeable is this true that is has been said that, "Wherever you see a Nance, he either has something, or he is at work to get something."

When the eldest son, Josiah, was twenty-five years old, he married is cousin, Bethenia Harden Sneed, whose father's mother was Patsy Nance, sister to David Nance, this making William Howe Nance and James Sneed own cousins. When Josiah married in December, 1829, his father gave him fifty acres, more or less, of the southeast corner of his land, on which he settled and raised his family of twelve children and fifteen negroes.

On October 5, 1837, William Howe Nance died, aged fifty-eight years, leaving his wife and children in possession of "Rural Vale." The wife having the assistance and counsel of her eldest son, who was ever standing in the elder brother's place, remained at her home, where her useful busy life had been such a benison and blessing to the suffering around her, until her health failed. The rush of events and the evergrowing prospects of her family brought rapid changes to the old home.

* * * * * * *

The flowers and medical plants of the garden are things only of memory, the beautiful white balled aspens, underneath which the genial 'squire held his rural court, are hacked, broken, and ragged, what few remain. The orchard is is decayed and dead, the shrubbery that witnessed the love scenes of the bonny maidens, is no more, the sugar trees in the meadow have been destroyed for years. How heart-hungry was one, the youngest brother, Frederick, far away in his western field on ministerial labor, for just one more hour beneath their grateful shade.

A volume could be written of the biographies of those who made up the prosperous household of "Rural Vale."

The grave yard on the hill lies in peace as the seasons come and go. The turf is rarely broken now, the stones stand silent witnesses to the lapse of time and the tender memories of the living. The slab above the parents, lying side by side, bears this inscription, cut deep in the stone yet filling with gray moss:

"Depart my friends and dry up your tears,
For we must lie here until Christ appears."

The children are named in the table below as limbs:

Limbs                   Branches                        Twigs

Mary A, h,..............{several children
A. Bush
                        {Elizabeth M., h, d.............{Joshua W., d
                        {Elder Wm. B. Owens, d          {Eugenia S., d
                        {James, w, 1810-1885            {Bethenia M.
                        {Celia R. Allen.................{James C.

Josiah C. Nance, w      {                               {Bettie Mullin
Bethenia H. Sneed.......{                               {Josiah C.
                        {Martha H., h,                  {Pattie
                        {Jas. B. Sneed..................{Bethenia P.
                        {Antioch, TN                    {Susie V.
                        {                               {Edna M.
                        {                               {Della H.
                        {Virginia, h,...................{Josiah W.
                        {Wm. J. Covington               {Sallie V.
                        {                               {Morton
                        {                               {Constantine
                        {William, killed at Perryville
                        {Josiah W., killed at Bell's Landing, 1864
                        {Nicholas C., died young
                        {Mary, died 1882
                        {Bethenia H.
                        {  Murfreesboro, TN
                        {Sue M.
                        {Sallie P.
Samuel, died young
James, died young
                        {Lucile S., h,..................{9 children
                        {B. F. Woodward
                        {Narissa, h,....................{7 children
                        {___ Saltsman
                        {Ann, h,........................{8 children
                        {D. Smith
Clement W., w,..........{                               {Annie
Ann Avant               {                               {Maud Bell
                        {Montgomery B...................{Maggie
                        {                               {Benjamin
                        {                               {Milton
                        {Mary, h,.......................{7 children
                        {Spillars Hall
                        {Susan M., h,

                        {A. J. Hamilton
William L. Nance........{
1st w, Martha Wilson    {William
2nd w, Martha Castleman {
3rd w, Martha Pickard   {Maggie J., h,..................{several children
                        {J. Y. Cooper
                        {John, killed with Gen. Price
                        {Frederick W., w,
                        {Mary Rudolph
                        {Pomona, CA
Frederick W. Nance......{
1st w,Margaret Shacklit {Margaret A., h,
2nd w. Eliz. Whitsett   {___? Owen
                        {___, IL.
                        {Benj. Franklin
                        {Fresno, CA
                        {George & Charles, twins
                        {    ranchmen
                        {James, "Little Jim," with Fannie
Martha, h,..............{6 children
Philip Malory
                                                        {A. Tillman Jones
Susan Massey, h,        {Martha F., h,..................{
Isaac Paul..............{Ira P. Jones                   {Ira P. Jones, Jr.
                        {5 other children
Elizabeth, h,...........{11 children
Sam'l Kimbro
Sicily, h,..............{4 children
James Murrell
America Lucinda, h,.....{5 children
J. J. S. Billings
Antionette M.,h,........{2 children, d
Gen. James Matlock

Elder Josiah Crenshaw Nance was born in Virginia, in February, 1804; died in exile, banished by the cruel, unnecessary order of the Federal Authorities, November 1, 1865. A loyal son, in his youth the stay of his parents; elected captain of State Militia; married his cousin, Bethenia H. Sneed, granddaughter of Patsey Nance Sneed, December 1, 1829. He was ordained a minister in the Primitive Baptist Church in 1830, and served his church for thirty-five years. He was imprisoned by order of Andrew Jackson in 1862-63. Faithful unto the end in all things. "When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall we also appear with him in glory."

Elizabeth Morton Nance, branch, was born in Davidson County, Tennessee, December 30, 1832. She died at her home, May 12, 1900, aged sixty-seven years. Elder William Branch Owen was born in Halifax County, Virginia, June 29, 1825. They were married March 8, 1860, and at once took up their home near Walter Hill, a suburb of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where they continued to reside during a long life. For many years Mr. Owen was a prominent minister in the Primitive Baptist Church.

This marriage was blessed with two children, a son and a daughter. As these children reached the ages, respectively, of sixteen and fourteen years, and while away at school, they were both stricken down by death, and a happy household was made desolate. They died, one on the fourteenth and the other on the fifteenth of April, 1883, and together were laid to rest in the cold, cold ground.

Mrs. Owen was of a kind, gentle and quiet disposition. Born in a Christian home and nurtured under sweet Christian influences, she developed a decided Christian character. She was devoted wife, a fond mother, an affectionate sister, and a kind and obliging neighbor. She was a woman of force and character who always did what she thought was right.

She died in the full triumphant faith in Christian religion.

                "Only the acions of the just
                Smell sweet and blossom in the dust"

Elder Owen survived his wife something over two years, dying September 22, 1902. He was one of the oldest and most respected citizens of the county.

William Nance, branch, was born April 3, 1834; killed at Perryville, Kentucky, October, 1862.

Josiah W. Nance, branch, was born December 11, 1837; was captain of scouts in General Forest's command, in 1862, 3 and 4. He was berayed while bearing important paper, and shot to death by the Union forces, June 10, 1864. The following letter speaks of the brothers above:

Nashville, Tennessee, July 31, 1903
Miss Bethenia H. Nance, Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Dear Miss Nance,

I received your letter of July date, asking of me a sketch of your two brothers, William Nance and Josiah W. Nance, two young men who were members of my original Company "I" of the 2nd Tennessee Infantry Regiment of the Confederate States Army. My first recollection of seeing your two brothers was when they came to Nashville from Murfreesboro about the first of May, 1861, and enlisted in my old Company when we were encamped in the fair grounds at Nashville, just before leaving for Virginia. They were attractive, gainly looking young men. While under my immediate command, which was for the first year of the war and until after the Battle of Shiloh, they were model soldiers. Intelligent, courteous, of good habits, and always ready and willing for duty. They were upright, moral and discreet young men. They were generally found together in and out of camps. I never knew two more devoted brothers. They were so sedate and dignified that the boys in the Company, by way of dinsinction and in pleasantry, called William "the doctor," and J. W. "the judge." They were under me during the fighting at Acquia Creek and the Battles of Bull Run and Shiloh. I was then separated from my old Regiment until it became a part of my Division late in the war. Meanwhile, William Nance was killed in the Battle of Perryville. After his death J. W. Nance was transferred to Cavalry (I do not know to what immediate command), and was killed in battle, June 10, 1864, under Forest. As patriots, these two brothers became soldiers in defense of their country, -- as soldiers they died in defense of their country, and are today numbered among the martyrs who gave up their lives in defense of the just and righteous cause of our southland.

Very respectfully and truly yours,
Wm. B. Bate

Bethenia H. Nance, author, poet and educator, was born in Davidson County, Tennessee, and spent most of her life in the same county. As a teacher she spent years in Fulton, Kentucky, and also in Hamburg, Mississippi, and other places.

Some years since her brother-in-law, Elder Wm. B. Owen, who, with his family appears above, died, leaving her by will, a fine country seat near Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Here she is spending her days in comparative affluence.

Cousin Bethenia has been an inspiration to the author, showing much love for the family and name as is seldom found. She became acquainted with our family by meeting Mrs. Governor Nance on an overland train from California, some years since. She has been quite a favorite among our people who have had the pleasure of meeting her. The author here expresses the hope that our lines may verge some day.

The reader is indebted to cousin for "Rural Vale," and all that is connected therewith.


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