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[VA19th ]*
These are abstracts of records concerning persons with the surname
*Nance* (or variant thereof), in *Mississippi.* Each abstract is
preceded by the Nance family member's first name, the date of the event
referred to in the record, and the county (if available). The
abstracts are arranged by FIRST NAME, and then by date. To look for
particular names or other data, use your browser's "Search" or "Find"
feature, or these navigation links:
*[-A <#-A->-] [-B <#-B->-] [-C <#-C->-] [-D <#-D->-] [-E
<#-E->-] [-F <#-F->-] [-G <#-G->-] [-H- <#-H->] [-I- <#-I->]
[-J- <#-J->] [-K-] [-L- <#-L->] [-M- <#-M->] *
*[-N- <#-N->] [-O-] [-P- <#-P->] [-Q-] [-R- <#-R->] [-S-
<#-S->] [-T- <#-T->] [-U-] [-V- <#-V->] [-W- <#-W->]
[-X-] [-Y-] [-Z-] *
[-A-] [Top <#TOP>]
A. G. | 1860 | Tippah | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985); "MS
1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983)
ADELINE | 1859 | Mississippi | NANCE, Adaline C. married, in
Mississippi, to: GASKINS John / John GASKINS (Source: LDS CD -- Vital
Records Index North America - M714131 2383186)
ALTHA | 1850 | Carroll | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - Altha W. Nance, 27, M, b. TN, bookkeeper, in
what is probably a boarding house, in Carroll Co, Southern Township
ANDERSON | 1887 | Mississippi | NANCE, Anderson married, in Mississippi,
to: NANCE Victoria / Victoria NANCE (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M714231 2395778)
ANGELA | 1888 | Mississippi | NANCE, Angeline married, in Mississippi,
to: JONES Anderson / Anderson JONES (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M520254 838032)
ANN | 1896 | Mississippi | NANCE, Anna L. married, in Mississippi, to:
NELSON Delaney / Dulaney NELSON (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M516925 488995)
[-B-] [Top <#TOP>]
B | 1898 | Mississippi | NANCE, B. D. married, in Mississippi, to:
FERGUSON Minnie / Minnie FERGUSON (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520437 865828)
BENJAMIN | 1897 | Mississippi | NANCE, Ben married, in Mississippi, to:
JONES Rosanna / Roxie JONES (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M714274 2399768)
BERY | 1830 | Copiah | "MS 1830 Census", I. & N. Gillis (1965), shows a
BERY Nance in Copiah Co -- 2 WM<10, 1 WM 20-40, 1 WF<10, 1 WF 10-20.
Could be a misreading of another surname? Still, Copiah is adj. to
Jefferson, where there was supposedly a JOHN Nance in ~ 1825.
BYRD | 1860 | Tippah | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985); "MS
1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) - Ripley Twp.
[-C-] [Top <#TOP>]
C. E. | 1888 | Mississippi | NANCE, C. E. married, in Mississippi, to:
LOVE Sally / Sallie LOVE (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520206 824750)
C. E. | 1894 | Mississippi | NANCE, C. E. married, in Mississippi, to:
KIDD I / I. F. KIDD (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North America
- M516743 455942)
CALLIE | 1887 | Mississippi | NANCE, Callie married, in Mississippi, to:
BANKS John / John BANKS (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520218 828883)
CALVIN B. | 1860 | Panola | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) - Como Twp.
CAROLINE | 1896 | Mississippi | NANCE, Carrie Lee married, in
Mississippi, to: BRYAN W / W. A. BRYAN (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M520207 825596)
CEPHUS | 1860 | Noxubee | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) - District No.
CHARLOTTE | 1887 | Mississippi | NANCE, Sharlott married, in
Mississippi, to: MARSHALL Oliver / Oliver MARSHALL (Source: LDS CD --
Vital Records Index North America - M520436 864374)
CYRUS | 1840 | Holmes | "MS 1840 Census", T. & B. Coyle (Coyle Data Co.,
1990), and "MS So. Dist. Index to the U.S. Census of 1840", Platt,
Lannert, Peer (1970) : Cyrus in Holmes Co
[-D-] [Top <#TOP>]
DINKY | 1896 | Mississippi | NANCE, Dinkey married, in Mississippi, to:
FERGUSON A / A. B. FERGUSON (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520437 865457)
[-E-] [Top <#TOP>]
E. W. | 1884 | Mississippi | NANCE, E. W. married, in Mississippi, to:
COPELAND M / M. E. COPELAND (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520173 818741)
ED | 1889 | Mississippi | NANCE, Ed married, in Mississippi, to: JONES
Adeline / Adaline JONES (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M516923 487622)
ELIZA | 1892 | Mississippi | NANCE, Eliza J. married, in Mississippi,
to: TURNER J / J. M. TURNER (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M516922 486880)
ELIZABETH | 1860 | Yalobusha | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS,
1985); "MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983)
--Oakland Twp.
ELLA | 1897 | Mississippi | NANCE, Ella married, in Mississippi, to:
HOLT Ade / Add Lee HOLT (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520107 810652)
EMMA | 1886 | Mississippi | NANCE, Emma married, in Mississippi, to:
ROBINSON William / William ROBINSON (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M714231 2395448)
ESTHER | 1885 | Mississippi | NANCE, Hasty married, in Mississippi, to:
HARRIS Henry / Henry HARRIS (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M516814 468744)
ETHEL | 1888 | Mississippi | NANCE, Ethel E. married, in Mississippi,
Records Index North America - M714231 2395893)
[-F-] [Top <#TOP>]
F. H. | 1860 | Holmes | "MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R.
Bonner (1983) -- NOTE: Not in "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985)
FRANCES | 1860 | Mississippi | NANCE, Frances A. married, in
Mississippi, to: NANCE William / William W. NANCE (Source: LDS CD --
Vital Records Index North America - M520343 853062)
FRANK | 1892 | Mississippi | NANCE, Frank married, in Mississippi, to:
OOTON Martha / Martha Ann OOTEN (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M714232 2397391)
[-G-] [Top <#TOP>]
G. F. | 1850 | Chickasaw | "Mississippi: 1850 Slave Schedule Index", R.
V. Jackson (AIS, 1988) -- G. F. Nance, in Chickasaw , E.D.
G. F. | 1860 | Chickasaw | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- Okalona Twp.
G. W. | 1850 | Yalobusha | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - G. W. Nance, inYalobusha, North of Yalobusha
GEORGIANA | 1899 | Mississippi | NANCE, Georgia married, in Mississippi,
to: SCOTT J / J. F. SCOTT (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520437 865878)
[-H-] [Top <#TOP>]
H. E. W. | 1890 | Mississippi | NANCE, H. E. W. married, in Mississippi,
to: CLARK Elizabeth / Bettie CLARK (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M516815 469923)
H. A. | 1860 | Tishomingo | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- Rienzi Twp.
HARRIET | 1894 | Mississippi | NANCE, Hattie married, in Mississippi,
to: STEWART Walter / Walter STEWART (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M520437 865231)
HENRY A. | 1850 | Tishomingo | "Mississippi: 1850 Slave Schedule Index",
R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1988) -- Henry A. Nance, Tishomingo Co, S. Div.
HILLARD | 1899 | Mississippi | NANCE, Hilliard married, in Mississippi,
to: ATWATER Mary / Mary ATWATER (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520219 830412)
IDA | 1888 | Mississippi | NANCE, Ida married, in Mississippi, to: HENRY
William / William Mason HENRY (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520206 824733)
[-I-] [Top <#TOP>]
ISAAC | 1860 | Itawamba | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) --Bigby Fk. Twp.
ISHAM | 1890 | Mississippi | NANCE, Isham married, in Mississippi, to:
WALLER Virginia / Vinie WALLER (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520209 827399)
[-J-] [Top <#TOP>]
J. H. | 1866 | Mississippi | NANCE, J. H. married, in Mississippi, to:
PEYSER Margaret / Margaret PAYSOUR (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M520343 853960)
J. C. | 1886 | Mississippi | NANCE, J. C. married, in Mississippi, to:
HALSELL Elizabeth / Bettie HALSELL (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M516777 462121)
J. S. | 1897 | Mississippi | NANCE, J. S. married, in Mississippi, to:
KIDD S / S. C. KIDD (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North America
- M516743 456235)
J. D. | 1850 | Choctaw | "Mississippi: 1850 Slave Schedule Index", R. V.
Jackson (AIS, 1988), and "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) -- J. D. Nance, Choctaw, Subdiv. 23 - age 30(?),
occup. ?, b. SC, Caroline, 25, b. SC (?), William, 8, Thomas, 6,
Elizabeth, 3, all b. SC (?)
J. D. | 1860 | Panola | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985); "MS
1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- Tn. of Panola
J. HARVEY | 1860 | Tippah | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- latter
work has as "Harvey J." -- Ripley Twp.
J. W. | 1850 | Chickasaw | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - J. W. Nance, 32, b. AL, farmer, Lueanna(?), 22,
Elizabeth, 10, Caroline, 8, Martha, 4 (all b. ALChickasaw Co, Eastern
JACK | 1893 | Mississippi | NANCE, Jack married, in Mississippi, to:
CUMMINGS Martha / Martha CUMMINGS (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520105 809160)
JAMES | 1860 | Jefferson | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- Union
Church Twp.
JAMES | 1860 | Lowndes | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) --
Crawfordville Twp.
JAMES | 1865 | Mississippi | NANCE, James H. married, in Mississippi,
to: MACCANN COUNTS B / B. V. MCCOWN (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M520343 853598)
JAMES | 1891 | Mississippi | NANCE, James S. married, in Mississippi,
to: RANDALL Eleanor / Eleanor Blanche RANDLE (Source: LDS CD -- Vital
Records Index North America - M714232 2397085)
JAMES | 1893 | Mississippi | NANCE, James married, in Mississippi, to:
STEWART Isabel / Isabella STEWART (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520437 865104)
JAMES | 1896 | Mississippi | NANCE, Jim married, in Mississippi, to:
BRITTON Lizzie / Lizzie BRITTON (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520355 855058)
JAMES H. | 1840 | Tippah | "MS 1840 Census", T. & B. Coyle (Coyle Data
Co., 1990), and "MS No. Dist. Index to the U.S. Census of 1840", Platt,
Lannert, Peer (1970): James H. in Tippah Co
JAMES H. | 1850 | Tippah | "Mississippi: 1850 Slave Schedule Index", R.
V. Jackson (AIS, 1988) , and "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - James H. Nance, Tippah, Div.3
JAMES W. | 1860 | Kemper | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- latter
work has as James H.
JENNY | 1890 | Mississippi | NANCE, Jennie E. married, in Mississippi,
to: ANFIELD William / William T. ANFIELD (Source: LDS CD -- Vital
Records Index North America - M714353 2405099)
JOANNA F. | 1850 | Tippah | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - -Joanna F. Nance, Tippah, 2d Dist.
JOHN | 1820 | Jefferson | "MS 1820 to 1825", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1986) ,
in 1825 (?) JOHN Nance in Jefferson Co. Note that this is far southwest,
on the River, in an area where there were no other Nances (and none
nearby) until very limited settlement in 1860.
JOHN | 1840 | Carroll | "MS 1840 Census", T. & B. Coyle (Coyle Data Co.,
1990), and "MS No. Dist. Index to the U.S. Census of 1840", Platt,
Lannert, Peer (1970): John in Carroll Co
JOHN | 1850 | Neshobah | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - John Nance, Neshobah
JOHN | 1860 | Tippah | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985); "MS
1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- McLane's Store
JOHN | 1865 | Mississippi | NANCE, John O. married, in Mississippi, to:
BLACKWELL M / M. A. BLACKWELL (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520343 853686)
JOHN | 1895 | Mississippi | NANCE, John married, in Mississippi, to:
CATES May / May CADE (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520106 809271)
JOHN | 1896 | Mississippi | NANCE, Johnnie married, in Mississippi, to:
LOTT Walter / Walter LOTT (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M516922 487085)
JOHN | 1897 | Mississippi | NANCE, John married, in Mississippi, to:
MACGEE GEE Martha / Mattie MC GEE (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520355 855423)
JUDITH | 1863 | Mississippi | NANCE, Judith E. married, in Mississippi,
to: MONROE Andrew / Andrew MONROE (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520343 854062)
JUDITH E. | 1860 | Tippah | "MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K.
R. Bonner (1983) -- NOTE: Not in "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985)
[-K-] [Top <#TOP>]
[-L-] [Top <#TOP>]
L. T. | 1850 | LaFayette | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - L. T. Nance, in LaFayette (compiler in doubt on
L. V. | 1850 | LaFayette | "Mississippi: 1850 Slave Schedule Index", R.
V. Jackson (AIS, 1988) -- L. V. Nance, LaFayette
LAURA | 1884 | Mississippi | NANCE, Laura married, in Mississippi, to:
RUCKER Charles / Charles RUCKER (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520343 854785)
LAURIL V. | 1840 | Panola | "MS 1840 Census", T. & B. Coyle (Coyle Data
Co., 1990), and "MS No. Dist. Index to the U.S. Census of 1840", Platt,
Lannert, Peer (1970): Lauril V. in Panola Co.
LEWIS | 1850 | DeSoto | 1850 census of Mississippi, De Soto Co -- LEWIS
Nance, 57, Tailor, b. NC, living in a hotel (this word is actually
written in the margin - there are many names, all single men)
LEWIS | 1850 | DeSoto | 1850 census of Mississippi, Lewis Nance, in
DeSoto, Northern. A different listing?
LONNIE | 1894 | Mississippi | NANCE, Lonie married, in Mississippi, to:
JONES Warren / Warren JONES (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520098 805828)
LOUIS | 1889 | Mississippi | NANCE, Lewis married, in Mississippi, to:
BOWEN Cheney / Chany BOWEN (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M516776 461337)
LOWIL | 1860 | Lafayette | "MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R.
Bonner (1983) -- NOTE: Not in "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985)
LUCINDA | 1897 | Mississippi | NANCE, Lucinda married, in Mississippi,
to: WILSON Cicero / Ciciro WILSON (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M714274 2400420)
LULA | 1882 | Mississippi | NANCE, Lula F. married, in Mississippi, to:
BOYD W / W. W. BOYD (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North America
- M520206 824467)
[-M-] [Top <#TOP>]
M. E. | 1865 | Mississippi | NANCE, M. E. married, in Mississippi, to:
STARK John / John F. ST / M520343 853568)
M. | 1840 | Marshall | "MS 1840 Census", T. & B. Coyle (Coyle Data Co.,
1990), and "MS No. Dist. Index to the U.S. Census of 1840", Platt,
Lannert, Peer (1970): M. Nance in Marshall Co
MARTHA | 1890 | Mississippi | NANCE, Martha married, in Mississippi, to:
ASHLEY Horace / Horace ASHLEY (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M516735 453278)
MARTHA | 1894 | Mississippi | NANCE, Mattie married, in Mississippi, to:
HAGAN F / F. M. HAGAN (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M516922 486969)
MARY | 1877 | Mississippi | NANCE, Mary Elizabeth married, in
Mississippi, to: SCHAAF George / George SCHAAF (Source: LDS CD -- Vital
Records Index North America - M516799 465349)
MARY | 1899 | Mississippi | NANCE, Mary Katy married, in Mississippi,
to: DAVIS W / W. M. DAVIS (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520106 809392)
MARY A. | 1860 | Lawrence | "MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K.
R. Bonner (1983) -- NOTE: Not in "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985)
MORGAN | 1896 | Mississippi | NANCE, Morgan married, in Mississippi, to:
PEEBLES Margaret / Maggie PEEBLES (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M714274 2399517)
[-N-] [Top <#TOP>]
NANCY | 1887 | Mississippi | NANCE, Nancy married, in Mississippi, to:
WASHINGTON George / George WASHINGTON (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M520218 828928)
NANCY | 1895 | Mississippi | NANCE, Nancy B. married, in Mississippi,
to: BURWELL J / J. W. BURWELL (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M516922 487011)
NERVA | 1899 | Mississippi | NANCE, Nervy married, in Mississippi, to:
JONES Henry / Henry JONES (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520098 806352)
[-O-] [Top <#TOP>]
O. J. | 1882 | Mississippi | NANCE, O. J. married, in Mississippi, to:
LOWEN Ann / Anne LOWENS (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M516871 478991)
[-P-] [Top <#TOP>]
POLLY | 1860 | Tippah | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985); "MS
1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- Ripley Twp.
PRUDENCE | 1886 | Mississippi | NANCE, Prudie married, in Mississippi,
to: MILLER Edwin / Edwin MILLER (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M714231 2395481)
[-Q-] [Top <#TOP>]
[-R-] [Top <#TOP>]
R. | 1850 | Tishomingo | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - R. Nance, in Tishomingo, 4th Dist.
RALPH | 1886 | Mississippi | NANCE, Ralph married, in Mississippi, to:
ANDERSON Susan / Susie ANDERSON (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M520097 805073)
REBECCA J. | 1860 | Noxubee | "MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K.
R. Bonner (1983) -- NOTE: Not in "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985)
RICHARD | 1850 | Yazoo | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - Richard Nance, in Yazoo, 4th Dist.
RICHARD D. | 1860 | Kemper | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS,
1985); "MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) --
Pleasant Spr. Twp.
ROBERT | 1881 | Mississippi | NANCE, Robert married, in Mississippi, to:
ASKEW Zillah / Zilla ASKEW (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520208 826204)
[-S-] [Top <#TOP>]
S. E. | 1894 | Mississippi | NANCE, S. E. married, in Mississippi, to:
MAXWELL E / E. M. MAXWELL (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M520206 825033)
S. W. | 1896 | Mississippi | NANCE, S. W. married, in Mississippi, to:
BRANDON F / F. I. BRANDON (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M714274 2399474)
SALLY | 1865 | Mississippi | NANCE, Salie E. married, in Mississippi,
to: MACCOWAN COWAN J / J. A. MCCOWAN (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M520343 853597)
[-T-] [Top <#TOP>]
T. R. | 1860 | Holmes | "MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R.
Bonner (1983) -- NOTE: Not in "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985)
TERRELL | 1860 | Tippah | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985) --
Ripley --NOTE: Not in "MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R.
Bonner (1983)
THOMAS | 1850 | Holmes | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - Thomas Nance, in Holmes, Lexington: THOMAS
Nance, 9, b. MS, and FRANCES Nance (F), 7, b. MS, in the household of
(?) Overstreet, 31, Cynthia Overstreet, 31, Cornelia Overstreet, 6 mo.
(Cynthia is the widow of Cyrus Nance).
THOMAS | 1850 | Tippah | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - Thomas Nance, 22, b. NC, in TIPPAH, 2d Dist.;
also in household is Judah (?) Nance, F., 27, b. GA
THOMAS | 1850 | Yazoo | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - Thomas Nance, in YAZOO
THOMAS | 1860 | Tippah | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- Ripley Twp.
THOMAS | 1860 | Tippah | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- Dry Run Twp.
THOMAS | 1897 | Mississippi | NANCE, Tom married, in Mississippi, to:
MOORE Sarah / Sarah MOORE (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M516925 489446)
THOMAS C. | 1840 | Tippah | "MS 1840 Census", T. & B. Coyle (Coyle Data
Co., 1990), "MS 1840/41", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1986), and "MS No. Dist.
Index to the U.S. Census of 1840", Platt, Lannert, Peer (1970) : Thomas
C. in Tippah Co.
THOMAS C. | 1850 | Tippah | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977), and "Mississippi: 1850 Slave Schedule Index", R. V.
Jackson (AIS, 1988) - - Thomas C. Nance, 37, b. TN,in Tippah, 3rd Div.;
also in household, Judith E., 29, b. TN, Martha A., 11, b. MS, Cary D.
W. C. (?), F, 9, b. MS, Thomas J., 7, b. MS, Louisa P., 5, b. MS, Lemuel
J., 2, b. MS.
[-U-] [Top <#TOP>]
[-V-] [Top <#TOP>]
VICTORIA | 1887 | Mississippi | NANCE, Victoria married, in Mississippi,
to: NANCE Anderson / Anderson NANCE (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records
Index North America - M714231 2395778)
[-W-] [Top <#TOP>]
W. T. | 1895 | Mississippi | NANCE, W. T. married, in Mississippi, to:
BROWN Lona / Lona BROWN (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index North
America - M516778 463099)
W. F. | 1840 | Marion | "MS 1840 Census", T. & B. Coyle (Coyle Data Co.,
1990): W. F. NANTZ in MRN (Marion?) Co.
W. M. | 1850 | Tishomingo | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - W. M. Nance, in Tishomingo, 4th Dist.
WARRINGTON | 1882 | Mississippi | NANCE, Warrington married, in
Mississippi, to: SMITH Molly / Mollie SMITH (Source: LDS CD -- Vital
Records Index North America - M520314 844381)
WESLEY | 1850 | Holmes | 1850 census of Mississippi, Holmes Co - WESLEY
Nance, 30, b. TN, Mary A. Nance, 28, b. TN
WILEY B. | 1840 | Tippah | "MS 1840 Census", T. & B. Coyle (Coyle Data
Co., 1990), "MS 1840/41", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1986, and "MS No. Dist.
Index to the U.S. Census of 1840", Platt, Lannert, Peer (1970) : Wiley
B. in Tippah Co.
WILLIAM | 1840 | Marshall | "MS 1840/41", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1986) :
William, Marshall Co.
WILLIAM | 1840 | Tippah | "MS 1840/41", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1986) :
William, Tippah (per "MS No. Dist. Index to the U.S. Census of 1840",
Platt, Lannert, Peer (1970), this is William H.)
WILLIAM | 1850 | Tippah | "MS 1850 Census Index", R. V. Jackson, G.R.
Teeples (AIS, 1977) - - William Nance, Tippah, 3rd Div.
WILLIAM | 1860 | Leake | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- Carthage Twp.
WILLIAM | 1860 | Mississippi | NANCE, William W. married, in
Mississippi, to: NANCE Frances / Frances A. NANCE (Source: LDS CD --
Vital Records Index North America - M520343 853062)
WILLIAM | 1860 | Tippah | "MS 1860 Census", R. V. Jackson (AIS, 1985);
"MS 1860 US Census Index , V. II Ge-N", K. R. Bonner (1983) -- Ripley Twp.
WILLIAM | 1894 | Mississippi | NANCE, William married, in Mississippi,
to: FELIX Minty / Minda FELIX (Source: LDS CD -- Vital Records Index
North America - M516736 453823)
WILLY | 1890 | Mississippi | NANCE, Willie (Willy) married, in
Mississippi, to: JACKSON Melvina / Melvina JACKSON (Source: LDS CD --
Vital Records Index North America - M714401 2412221)
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