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These are abstracts of records concerning persons with the surname
*Nance* (or variant thereof), in *Virginia in the 18th Century
(1700's).* Each abstract is preceded by the Nance family member's first
name, the date of the event referred to in the record, and the county
(if available). The abstracts are arranged by FIRST NAME, and then by
date. To look for particular names or other data, use your browser's
"Search" or "Find" feature, or these navigation links:
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[-A-] [Top <#TOP>]
ALLEN | 1799 | Henry | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", by N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 1, C. D. McDonald (1978) --
Allen Nance m. Bettsey Nance 12/10/1799. Per RBN, Betsy was the daughter
of John Nance. Alexander McCullock also mentioned in abstract.
AMELIA | 1787 | Pittsylvania | "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V.
D. White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990) -- born 2 Nov 1787 to William M.
Nance (b. 1760 Amelia) and Elizabeth (Thornton) Nance
ANN | 1720 | James City | (NR) - New Kent, James City Vestry Book at St.
Peter's Parish, 1648-1786, lists William, Mary, Keturah and Eaton Nance
b. to James and ANN Nance 1727 - 1739.
ANN | 1736 | Prince George | "Births from the Bristol Parish Register
(Henry, Pr. George & Dinwiddie Cos., 1720-1798)", C. C. Chamberlayne
(1974) -- children Thomas and Sarah b. to William and his wife Ann Nance
(spelled "Nances" for Sarah's birth) 1736-1743
ANN | 1776 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone
(1996) - Isham Nance m. c.1776 Frances "Fanny" Malone. (This genealogy
describes Isham as the son of William & Ann Nance).
ANN | 1782 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co Will Book 2, p. 132 (as cited in the
Malone genealogy), NR - Will of John Marshall mentions children Samuel,
James and Benjamin (Marshall), Lucy Malone, ANN Nance, wife of ROBERT
Nance, and their daughter Judith Nance, grandson Jesse Carter,
granddaughter Catherine Carter, Mary Ingram, Betsy Hooper. Prob. 14 Nov.
ANNE | 1742 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register' -- Anne, d. of
Richard and his wife Mary Nances (sic), b. 15 Jan 1741/2, bapt. 13 Jun
1742 [NOTE:
has: Robert Abernathy b. 1742 d. 1832; m. Ann Nance b. 1740. Also,
fdelores schmidt says that Ann Nance m. Robert Abernathy who was b. 1742
in VA, d 1832 in NC, and their son, Joseph, was b. 1784. In addition,
the "GenePool" database at has Ann Nance m. 1760 Robert
Abernathy, b. 27 March 1742 Bristol Parish, Brunswick Co., s/o Robert
and Sarah, d. 22 March 1832 NC
ANNE | 1743 | Brunswick | Brunswick Deeds p 335 - 7 Jul 1743 - " £7
...abt. ANNE, wife of William relinquished dower in 129a. b.s. south
fork of Shining Cr in St. Andrew's Parish and Brunswick deeded by
William Nance of Brunswick to John Ingram ... Wit: Daniel Nance...
ANNE | 1780 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co Deed Book 14, page 80 -- 27 Nov
1780 Thomas Nance and Anne his wife of the Co of Brunswick, deed to
Sarah Warren, 273 a. in the Co of Brunswick and Meckingburg (sic) on the
branch of Genito (Geneto) Creek that was granted unto Daniel Nance of
Brunswick Co by Patent 5 Feb 1753
ARCHIBALD | 1794 | Bedford | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 4, C. D. McDonald (1978);
Stephan -- Archibald Nance m. Nancy Williams, dau. of Roger; Isaac Wade,
surety. Married by James Mitchell. 10 Mar 1794 in Bedford Co. RBN says"
Archibald is the son of Thomas and Sarah nance. He died GA 1802. His
children are given in the deed of Thomas and Sarah giving land to nancy
the widow of Archibald, decd., and to his children Thomas, Paschall,
Polly, and Allen. Bedford Deeds Bk. 11, page 725. 13 Dec. 1802."
[-B-] [Top <#TOP>]
BETTSEY | 1799 | Henry | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", pub.
by N. Murry ; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 1, C. D. McDonald
(1978) -- Allen Nance m. Bettsey Nance 12/10/1799
BIRD | 1794 | Pittsylvania | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 1, C. D. McDonald (1978) ;
"Marriage Records of Pitts. Co, VA 1767-1819", A. Vestal-Miller (1996)
-- Bird Nance m. Polley Hannah, Pitts. Co, 9/17/1794 (Murry book has
BIRD | 1795 | Henry | "Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI, Henry Co,
1792-1803 -- John & Mary Nance of Henry Co deed to BIRD Nance, 100 a. on
br. of S. frk of Leatherwood, adj. Burnett, Rens, Stockton, Hauston
(Hairston? see JOHN, 1776, 1781)
BIRD | 1795 | Henry | (NR) -- 1795 - April 27. John Nance and wife Mary,
Henry Co., to BIRD Nance, Henry Co, £50, 100 a. south fork of
Leatherwood Creek. Bk. 5, p. 150. Neighbors: Charles Burnett, Benjamin
Rens. Spring Branch, Hickerol Line, Robert Stockton, Col. George
Hainston, (Hairston? See JOHN, 1776, 1781), Burnetts Spring Branch.
BIRD | 1796 | Henry | "Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI, Henry Co,
1792-1803" -- BIRD & Mary Nance of Henry Co deed to Nixon, 100 a. adj.
Burnett, Stockton. Witn: Reuben Nance.
BIRD | 1796 | Henry | (NR) -- 1796 - September 12. BIRD Nance and wife
Mary. Henry Co, to John Nixon, Charlotte co., £65, 100 a.. wit: Reuben
Nance, Elijah Moore, Thomas Richardson. Bk. 5, p. 298.
BUCKNER | 1777 | Pittsylvania | "Intimate Hist. of Rev. in Pitts. Co.
VA", F. H. Hurt. p.103; "Alpha. Indx to Crt Order Bks of Pitts. Co, VA
1767-1800" (Gen. Services, Danville, VA, 1982); NR - Commonwealth of VA
v. Buckner Nance, Oct 31, 1777, BK. 4, P. 41. (Buckner Nance and David
Nance... were 'brought into court and charged with being enemies of the
Commonwealth of VA'. A jury required that these men give security for
their good behavior £1,000 each 'towards all the liege people of the
said Commonwealth one whole year and a day' " -- on the initiative of
the Committe of Safety) - NOTE: entries for Buckner Nance in NC, KY, and
Pittsylvania Co in 1817
[-C-] [Top <#TOP>]
CHARLOTTE | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961) #368 -- will of Frederick Nance Sr, dated 6/ 2/1795, proved
9/18/1796; mentions d. Charlotte (Blanton)
CLEMENT | 1782 | Pittsylvania | VA Early Census - Clement Nance,
Pittsylvania Co., p. 42, 02 00
CLEMENT | 1782 | Pittsylvania | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1782 --
Clement Nance, 2 Whites, 0 Blacks, adj. to William and Martha. The "2
whites" is probably not the total household, but the number of
tithables. By 1782, Clement and Mary would have already had children
Dorothy (1776), Mosias (1787) and Mary (1781). The other tithable would
have been a male of tithable age, living in the household. Who?
CLEMENT | 1783 | Pittsylvania | (NR, snk) - on Personal Property tax
rolls - 1783 - CLEMENT, 1 white tithe, 3 Horses, 10 Cattle. The other
male of tithable age, living in the household in 1782, is gone.
CLEMENT | 1785 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Cahall
grants Clement Nance 4 a.; 3/11/1785 witn. Giles Nance
CLEMENT | 1785 | Pittsylvania | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1785 --
Clement VANCE, 1 white person (I speculate that this is Clement Nance)
CLEMENT | 1787 | Pittsylvania | "1787 Census of VA Pitts. Co", N. S.
Yantie & F. S. Love" - Clement Nance -- W.males 16-21= 0, blacks>16=0,
CLEMENT | 1787 | Pittsylvania | "Alph. Indx to Ct Order Bks of Pitts.
Co, VA 1767-1800", NR -- (Appointed & Qualified Guardian April 16, 1787)
- CLEMENT Nance apptd guardian of Elizabeth Nance, orphan of David
Nance, dcsd. Bk. 5, p. 445
CLEMENT | 1790 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - CLEMENT Nance. Oct 20 grant from
state for 240 a. in Pittsylvania, on the drafts of Cascade Creek,
adjoining James Denton, McCann, Walton, Clay, Isaac Lumford, Richard
Farrer's. Bk. 36, p. 216
CLEMENT | 1790 | Pittsylvania | "Abstracts of Pitts. Co. VA Wills,
1767-1820", L. C. Adams (1986). p.202-203 -- with Mary Nance, Clement
Nance witnesses Thomas Edwards' 17 Nov. 1790 will
CLEMENT | 1790 | Pittsylvania | "History of Pitts. Co.", by M. C.
Clements, per NR) -- Misc. notes: CLEMENT, a Baptist minister in 1790
CLEMENT | 1790 | Pittsylvania | 1790 VA Census - Pittsylvania County -
Pg. #42 Clement Nance 2 Whites(Clement, ?) 0 Blacks (snk)
CLEMENT | 1790 | Pittsylvania | CLEMENT Nance's bond to the State of VA,
for £500 ...who is a minister of the gospel of the society of christians
called Baptists celebrate the rites of matrimony. April 19. Bk. 8,
p. 535
CLEMENT | 1790 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Cahall
grants Clement 254 a.; 3/9/1790
CLEMENT | 1791 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Indx to Crt Order Bks of Pitts.
Co, VA 1767-1800" (Gen. Services, Danville, VA, 1982) James Gallaway v.
Clement Nance, court order 8/16/1791
CLEMENT | 1792 | Pittsylvania | "Marriage Bonds & Returns, Pitts. Co VA
1767-1805", C. L. Knorr -- Rev. Clement Nance performed several
marriages in Pitts. Co in 1792-1798
CLEMENT | 1792 | Pittsylvania | "Pitts. Co. Deeds 1791 94", pp. 283, 297
-- Clement Nance witnesses two 1792 deeds
CLEMENT | 1794 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Index to Ct Order Bks of Pitts.
Co VA 1767 1800" (Gen. Services, Danville, VA, 1982) James Gallaway v.
Clement Nance
CLEMENT | 1794 | Pittsylvania | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" ;
"Marriage Records of Pitts. Co, VA 1767-1819", A. Vestal-Miller (1996)
-- Dorothy Nance married m. James Burton 4 Aug. 1794 in Pitts. Co.
Dorothy was dau. of CLEMENT Nance and Mary Nance. Moses Nance was a witness.
CLEMENT | 1795 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Index to Ct Order Bks of Pitts.
Co VA 1767 1800Gen. Services, Danville, VA (1982): Peter Perkins v.
Clement Nance, court order 5/19/1795
CLEMENT | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Giles Nance, of Nottoway, sells
272 a. beginning at David Nance's corner white oak in Cox's old line ...
To CLEMENT Nance's corner pointers to Robert Bullington. October 4. Bk.
11, p. 7.
CLEMENT | 1796 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Index to Crt Order Bks of Pitts.
Co VA 1767-1800" -- Clement Nance Qualified Executor October 17, 1796
CLEMENT | 1796 | Pittsylvania | "Pitts. Co. VA Wills, 1767-1820"
p.477-78 -- Clement Nance is appointed executor 18 Aug. 1796 Mosias
Jones' will: Daus. Susanna, Martha, Dianitia Jones, Elizabeth James,
Mary Nance, Nancy Lee, Wilmith Massey, Lydda Clarke, son Buckner Jones,
granddaughter Henrietta Jones. Witn: Henry & Isham lansford, John May,
Samuel Strong. Will leaves 1 shilling to a daughter, Mary Nance
CLEMENT | 1796 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Grants 36, p. 216 - 20 Oct
1796, Clement Nance takes 240 a. on the drafts of Cascade Cr. adjoining
McCann, Walton, Clay grants
CLEMENT | 1797 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - CLEMENT Nance of Pittsylvania to
Mosias Nance of the same, for £60, 125 a. on the east fork of Cascade.
29 Dec., Bk. 11, p. 231.
CLEMENT | 1797 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - David Nance to William M. Nance,
both of Pittsylvania, for £100, 147 a. in Pittsylvania on the east fork
of the Cascade, to Pointers in CLEMENT Nance's line, being all of the
claim the said David had to the land formerly possessed by David his
father. Wit: CLEMENT Nance, Joseph Jones, Wm. How. Nance, John
Bullington, Robert Bullington. 26 July. Bk. 11, p. 196.
CLEMENT | 1797 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Sutherland
grants Clement Nance 100 a.; 12/18/1797
CLEMENT | 1797 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Clement N.
grants Mosias N. 125 a.; 12/29/1797
CLEMENT | 1797 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") David
Nance deeds to Wm. Malone Nance, 141 a., 7/26/1797 -- Clement, Wm. Howe
Nance both witness
CLEMENT | 1798 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - CLEMENT Nance and James Denton of
Pittsylvania sell 70 a. on east fork of Cascade to Randolph McDonald. 17
Sept. Bk. 11, p. 338.
CLEMENT | 1798 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - CLEMENT Nance sells 100 a. on
both sides of Cascade to Joseph Burton, 29 Dec. Mosias Nance a witness.
Bk. 11, p. 487.
CLEMENT | 1798 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Clement
deeds to Jos. Burton, 100 a., 12/29/1798 Mosias Nance witnesses
CLEMENT | 1798 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Clement
(and ano.) deeds to McDonald, 70 a., 5/1/1798
CLOE | 1755 | Amelia | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone (1996) -
Giles Nance m. Mary (Nancy) Malone c. 1754; their children included
Cloe, b. 1755
[-D-] [Top <#TOP>]
DANIEL | 1712 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register" -- children
Phebe, Eliz, Elinor, Lucy were b. to DANIEL and his wife Elizabeth Nance
between 1712 and 1730
DANIEL | 1715 | Prince George | Mattew Maise (Mayes?), wife Elizabeth,
of PG to Robert Munford [NOTE: he is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] of
same, 150a. in Bristol Parish bounded by Great Swamp Bridge, Hoford's
Branch, Daniel Nance (formerly Henry Newcomb's), Robert Munford
(formerly Mathew Anderson's [NOTE: Mattew Anderson is on 1704 Rent Roll
for Pr.Geo Co] ), John Maise's (Mayes?) riverland, William Maise (Mayes?
[NOTE: William Mayes is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] ), for 120 P.,
580 pounds tobacco. 12 Dec 1715. Deeds Vol. 2 p. 84.
DANIEL | 1715 | Prince George | William & Mary Anderson of PG deed to
Daniel Nance of PG, 115 a. in Bristol Parish next to Matthew Mayes,
Henry Mayes, John Mayes [NOTE: he is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] ,
Infant (Instance?) Hall [NOTE: Justance Hall is on 1704 Rent Roll for
Pr.Geo Co] , and land of John emp deceased. Witn: Francis Poythress
[NOTE: Francis Poyhwes is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] , John
Woodlief [NOTE: John Woodlife Jr. & Sr. are on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo
Co] , John Soane. 10 Jan 1714/15. Deeds Vol 2 p. 39
DANIEL | 1716 | Prince George | Mathew Anderson Sr. of PG leases to
Daniel Nance of same, 100a. of Bristol Parish bounded by Bayley's Run,
David Crawley, Francis Coleman [NOTE: he is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo
Co] , Maj. Robert Munford. 11 Feb 1716. Deeds Vol.2 p.139. See Daniel
1717; he & wife Eliz. deed this land to Gregory [NOTE: Arthur BAYLY
patented 300a. Henrico Co 15 Jan 1637. PB 1 p. 513. Francis EPES
patented 1700a. in Ch City Co 26 May 1638, e. upon BAYLY his Cr., S.
into the maine land, w. upon Cason his Cr., & n. upon the maine River.
His 3 sons: John, Fr. & Thos. PB 1 p. 537]
DANIEL | 1716 | Prince George | Peter Mitchell [NOTE: he is on 1704 Rent
Roll for Pr.Geo Co] of Bristol Parish deeds William Russel & wife Eliz.
of same, 95a. n.s. Second Swamp, next to plantation where Peter now
lives and next to John Mountcastle. Witn: John Nance, Daniel Nance,
William Hamelin [NOTE: William Hamlin is one of those signing the
accounting of John Nance's estate in 1717] . 1 Mar 1716. Deeds p.
[Vol.2?] 149
DANIEL | 1717 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds 1713-1728",
B. J. Weisiger, p. 154 - DANIEL Nance and Elizabeth Nance of Pr.Geo. Co.
deed 100 a. in Bristol Parish to Thomas Gregory of Ch. City Co., bounded
by Maj. Robert Munford, David Crawley, Francis Coleman, and Bayles Run.
Witn: James Thweatt, John Nance. 9 Apr. 1717.
DANIEL | 1717 | Prince George | Henry & Elizabeth Mayes of PG to Daniell
Nance of same, 100a. in Bristol Parish bounded by Maj. Robert Munford,
John Mayes, and said Nance's land. Witn: Geo. Robertson, Jno. Evans,
James Thweatt. 7 Jan 1717. Deeds Vol 2 p. 138.
DANIEL | 1721 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds", B. J.
Weisiger - - p. 492 - 8 May 1721 - John & Julia Mayes of PG deed to
Henry Batte and William Batte of same, 449a. in Bristol Parish, John
Mayes heir of Daniel Mayes. Bounded by Daniel Nance and Robert Coleman.
DANIEL | 1722 | Prince George | Bristol Parish Vestry Book - (Nov. 8)
Upon petition of Elizabeth Lett it is ordered that her son James Lett,
now being at Thomas Gregory's by the church wardens be bound out to
Daniel Nance until said Lett becomes of age. [Daniel & Eliz. Nance
deeded land to Thomas Gregory in 1717]
DANIEL | 1725 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds 1713-1728",
B. J. Weisiger, p. 843 - Joshua Pritchett Sr of Bristol Parish PG to
Henry Willson of Henrico Co, 50a. in Bristol Parish bounded by Bayley's
Westerly Run, Henry Batte and William Poythress. Witn: Robert Poythress,
William Clency, DANIEL Nance, James Boisseau
DANIEL | 1725 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co. Wills & Deeds", B. J.
Weisiger - - p. 928 - Estate of Philip Claud - mentions Richard Nance,
Robert Hunicutt, DANIEL Nance, Instance Hall, James Thweatt. Rec. 14 Sep
1726. (per J.G. Sullivan data)
DANIEL | 1726 | Prince George | Account of the estate of Claud. A number
of persons sign, including Richard Nance and Daniel Nance.
DANIEL | 1728 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register" -- Eliz., d.
of Daniel and his wife Mary (sic) Nance, b. 19 Jun 1728
DANIEL | 1732 | Brunswick | "VA Genealogist" 1:75 - Daniell (sic) Nance
witnesses a 2 Nov. 1732 deed of John Naper, land in Brunswick Co. Bk. 1,
DANIEL | 1732 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co Records -- One of the people
paid in Levy Court in 1732 -- rendered "Danl Nantz"
DANIEL | 1733 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co Records -- "Daniel Nantz" to be
sworn as head borough - 1733 Court
DANIEL | 1733 | Prince George | Prince George Co. Patents Bk 15, p. 88
-- 20 June 1733, Daniel Nance Junr. takes 200 a. on both sides of
Picture Br., adj. land of John Nance on the n.s. of Picture Br.
DANIEL | 1735 | Brunswick | "Bath Parish Register, 1827-1894 and St.
Andrews Parish Vestry Book, 1732-1797", W. L. Hopkins (1989) -- St.
Andrews Parish - Vestry 6 Dec. 1735, Daniell Nance (w. Thomas Wilson,
John Steed) to procession from the road that crosses at the Meherrin at
Col. Byrd's quarter to the Great Creek of Meherrin below the fort
DANIEL | 1735 | Brunswick | 1 May 1735, Brunswick Co VA Court Order:
Mary Addanant is admr. of Thomas Addanant. Security: Daniel Nance and
David Allen.
DANIEL | 1735 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co Records-- "Daniel Nantz" to be
overseer of Roanoke Rd
DANIEL | 1737 | Brunswick | DANIEL Nance processions land (St. Andrews
Vestry Book). (NR)
DANIEL | 1737 | Brunswick | Patent Book 17 p. 383 -- Daniel Nance &
Edmund Hall take 385 a. in Brunswick Co, b.s. Jeneto Cr. "see Hall,
Edmund & Nance, Daniel, 15 Aug. 1737"
DANIEL | 1739 | Brunswick | "Bath Parish Register, 1827-1894 and St.
Andrews Parish Vestry Book, 1732-1797", W. L. Hopkins (1989) -- St.
Andrews Parish - Vestry 3 Jan 1739, Daniell Nance (w. Thomas Stephens,
John Steed) to procession from the road that crosses at the Meherrin at
Col. Byrd's quarter to the Great Creek of Meherrin below the fort
DANIEL | 1739 | Brunswick | (NR) -- 1739 - Daniel Nance appointed
surveyor of Roanoke Rd., Orders Bk. 1, p. 56.
DANIEL | 1739 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds", B. J.
Weisiger, p. 291 - Court minutes -- DANIEL Nance acknowledged his deed
of lease and release of land - indented land to Joseph Sloan
DANIEL | 1739 | Prince George | PB 18 p 563-564 - 12 Mar 1739, to Edward
Whitt 189a PG Co. ss Picture Branch adj William Wells; Daniel NANCE;
Joseph Mays; John Brockwell; Mixson and Wells
DANIEL | 1740 | Brunswick | (NR) -- 1740 - Daniel Nantz vs. Beddenfield,
Orders I, p. 308.
DANIEL | 1740 | Prince George | "VA in 1740-A Reconstructed Census", TLC
Genealogy (1992)" -- Daniel Nance is a resident of Pr. George Co
DANIEL | 1741 | Brunswick | (NR) -- 1741 - Daniel Nance appointed
surveyor of Roanoke Rd.
DANIEL | 1741 | Mecklenburg | 1741 Meck. Co. Order Bk 2, p. 29 "DANIEL
Nantz (Nance) has surveyed the road from Flatt Cr. to the Meherrin R. It
is ordered that tithables of John Ezell, Ezekiel Matthews, Edward
Hewlin, Anthony Fann, James Hicks, Joseph Hicks, Philip Roberts, David
Nantz (Nance) keep road in repair. [Compiler's error? "David" actually
DANIEL | 1743 | Brunswick | Brunswick Deeds p 335 - 7 Jul 1743 - "from
William Nance of Brunswick to John Ingram...129a. b.s. south fork of
Shining Cr in St. Andrew's Parish and Brunswick...The land was patented
to said William Nance 1 Jun 1741. Signed William (X his mark) Nance.
Wit: DANIEL Nance... Anne, wife of said William relinquished dower.
DANIEL | 1746 | Brunswick | "VA (Land) Patent Book 25" p. 569 - Daniel
Nance patents 244 a. in Brunswick Co. on Avents Cr., 12 Jan 1746
DANIEL | 1746 | Prince George | Bristol Parish Vestry Book -- £800 to
Danl. Nance for Olive Poxon. Same in 1747(£800), 1748(£822), 1749(£822)
DANIEL | 1747 | Lunenburg | "Cumb. Parish, Lun. Co VA, Vestry Bk
1746-1816", L. C. Bell-- At Vestry Mtg 9/8/1747 he, w. Drury Malone, is
directed to be a processioner fr. Flatt Cr. downwards and to Meherrin R.
DANIEL | 1749 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co VA Deed Bks 1-15", Bks 1&2 - p.26 -
1749 -he "& wife Eliz" deed to Malone, land from a patent of 385a by
Edward Hall and DANIEL Nance in 1737
DANIEL | 1749 | Surry | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. VIII, p. 45 --
Lun. Co Deed Bk I p. 437 - Daniel Nance & wife Elizabeth of Surrey (sic)
Co, deed to Thomas Malone, 230 a. bounded by Coles' line on n.s. Ginetoe
(Geneto) Creek -- Nance's line -- part of a patent for 385 a. grtd to
Daniel Nance dated 15 Aug 1737. Witn: James Hicks, James McKenna, Josiah
Floyd. Dated 2 Oct 1749.
DANIEL | 1749 | Surry | "Lun. Co VA Deed Bks 1-15", Bks 1&2 - p.26; "The
Southside Virginian", Vol. VIII, p. 44 -- Lun. Co Deed Bk I p. 432 -
Drury Malone to Danie (sic) Nance of Surry Co, 50 a. bounded by n. s.
Geneto Cr., accdg to patent granted Edw. Hall dated 15 Aug 1747; Witn:
James Hicks, James McKenna, Josiah Floyd. Rec. 3 Oct 1749.
DANIEL | 1750 | Brunswick | (NR) -- Daniel Nance of Surry Co sells land
to John Brown. 244 a. on Avents Cr (both sides) patent granted Jan. 12,
1746, to Daniel Nance. Wit: William Nance.
DANIEL | 1750 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co VA Deed Bks 1-15", Bks 1&2 - p.37
-1750, Daniel Nance deeds to Malone
DANIEL | 1750 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co. Deed Bk 2, p. 10 Daniel Nance of
Surry Co. deeds to Drewry Malone, 152 a. in Meck. on Jeneto (Geneto) Creek
DANIEL | 1751 | Brunswick | (NR) -- Daniel Nance sells land to John
Brown. Bk. 5, p. 37.
DANIEL | 1753 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co Deed Book 14, page 80 -- 27 Nov
1780 Thomas Nance and Anne his wife of the Co of Brunswick, to Sarah
Warren, 273 a. in the Co of Brunswick and Meckingburg (sic) on the
branch of Genito (Geneto) Creek that was granted unto DANIEL Nance of
Brunswick Co by Patent 5 Feb 1753
DANIEL | 1753 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co. Patents No. 32, 1752-56, p.24
-- 5 Feb 1753, Daniel Nance takes 278 a. on the branches of Avents Cr.
DANIEL | 1759 | Mecklenburg | Vestry Order - Daniel Nance, Thomas Nance,
William Nance, all ordered to engage in processioning
DANIEL | 1760 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co. Patents No. 34, (1756-62), p.
694 -- Daniel Nance takes 332 a. "beginning &c. on Avents Cr."
DANIEL | 1760 | Lunenburg | "Cumb. Parish, Lun. Co VA, Vestry Bk
1746-1816", L. C. Bell-- Processioning Returns - Land of DANIEL Nance.
Present[ed by?] Joel Winfield and Thomas Malone.
DANIEL | 1762 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk 8
p. 13 - 1762 - Daniel Nance witnesses a deed
DANIEL | 1765 | Mecklenburg | Lunenburg Co Deed Bk 1 p. 131 - Wm
Mitchell of Mecklenburg & John Mitchell of Brunswick deed to Daniel
Nance "of Mecklenburg" 204a. adjoining Pennington. signed Wm Mitchell, 9
Sep 1756.
DANIEL | 1771 | Brunswick | (NR) -- Daniel Nance of the Parish of St.
Andrew sells to Robert Nance of the same parish, land on Avents Creek
pat. to Daniel 1760.
DANIEL | 1780 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co. Marriages, 1765-1853, NR --
Daniel Nance m. Sarah Russell Mar 13; bondsman James Standley.
DANIEL | 1782 | Mecklenburg | VA Early Census - Daniel Nance,
Mecklenburg Co., p. 034, 04 07 -- 4 Whites, 7 Blacks (per list of Lewis
DANIEL | 1783 | Mecklenburg | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) Ct
Bklet 19; 2 Certificates; Lists 8, 19; Commissioner's Book XV p.71
DANIEL | 1789 | Mecklenburg | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Meck.
Co Daniel Nance m. Sarah Russel 3/12/1789
DANIEL | 1790 | Mecklenburg | 1790 VA Census - Mecklenburg County Pg.
#34 Daniel Nance 4 Whites (Daniel, ?, ?, ?) 7 Slaves (snk)
DAVID | 1741 | Mecklenburg | 1741 Meck. Co. Order Bk 2, p. 29 "Daniel
Nantz (Nance) has surveyed the road from Flatt Cr. to the Meherrin R. It
is ordered that tithables of John Ezell, Ezekiel Matthews, Edward
Hewlin, Anthony Fann, James Hicks, Joseph Hicks, Philip Roberts, DAVID
Nantz (Nance) keep road in repair. [Compiler's error? "David" actually
DAVID | 1767 | Amelia | "Am. Co Deed Books", G. J. McConnaughey; Deed
Book 10, p. 2 --John Nance of Nottoway Parish, Am. Co., to Giles Nance
of same, 28 Oct 1767, for £50, 61 a. in Nottoway Parish, being part of
261 a. pat. to John Nance 1 Feb. 1738, being land and plantation where
said John Nance now lives. Adj. land of Irby, new line between John and
Giles Nance, line of Hen. Robertson, a small branch, and Little
Nottoway. Witn. James Henderson, Charles Irby, David Nance, Langston
Bacon, Richard Robertson, James Robertson.
DAVID | 1769 | Amelia | Letter, Martin L. "Pete" Nance to Walker P.
Nance, 28 Oct 1965 -- Year of David Nance's marriage to Mary Crenshaw --
1769 (source not described) (County is speculated)
DAVID | 1777 | Pittsylvania | "Intimate Hist. of Rev. in Pitts. Co. VA",
F. H. Hurt. p.103; "Alpha. Index to Ct Order Bks of Pitts. Co VA 1767
1800" (Gen. Services, Danville, VA, 1982); NR - Commonwealth of VA v.
Buckner Nance, Oct 31, 1777, BK. 4, P. 41. (Buckner Nance and David
Nance... were 'brought into court and charged with being enemies of the
Commonwealth of VA'. A jury required that these men give security for
their good behavior £1,000 each 'towards all the liege people of the
said Commonwealth one whole year and a day' " -- done on the initiative
of the Committe of Safety)
DAVID | 1778 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - 1778 - DAVID Nance, Deft., vs. John
Hurt, Pltf. May 29. Bk. 4, p. 91, 94.
DAVID | 1780 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - At a court held for Pitts. Co, 22
Jan., Robert Bullington ordered to stand trial on charge of having
stabbed and killed David Nance. Bk. 4, p. 285.
DAVID | 1780 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Index to Ct Order Bks of Pitts. Co
VA 1767 1800" (March 21, 1780 Qualified Administrator); NR -On the
motion of Mary Nance, certificate is granted her for obtaining letters
of administration on the estate of DAVID Nance, dcsd - -- March 21. Mary
Nance qualifies as admtrx of David Nance, and inventory ordered. Bk. 4,
p. 291
DAVID | 1780 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Index to Ct Order Bks of Pitts. Co
VA 1767 1800" -- May 16, 1780 Order to Record Inventory - estate of
DAVID | 1780 | Pittsylvania | "Pitts Co VA, Inventories & Accts Crrnt
1770-1797", L. C. Payne - p. 71 - Inventory of estate of DAVID Nance
dec'd. ... Two mares & colts, 16 head of cattle, sheep, silver watch, 2
beds & furniture, mans saddle, womans ditto, chest, pr. sadle bags, gun,
parcel books, parcel pewter, parcel household lumber, wheal & lock, 24
hogs. Recorded: 16 May 1780 Total : £6401.0.0)
DAVID | 1783 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - 1783 - David Scales and wife (widow
of DAVID Nance) given as administrators of estate of DAVID Nance, dcsd.
DAVID | 1785 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Indx to Crt Order Bks of Pitts.
Co, VA 1767-1800" (December 19, 1785 Order to Settle Account -estate of
DAVID Nance)
DAVID | 1787 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Indx to Crt Order Bks of Pitts.
Co, VA 1767-1800" (May 22, 1787 DAVID Nance v. John Brown)
DAVID | 1787 | Pittsylvania | "Pitts. Co VA, Inventories & Accts Currnt
1770-1797", L. C. Payne, p. 27 -- Acco't Curr't. Estate of David Nantce
(sic) dr. 15 Apr 1780 mare & colt; 15 Mar 1783 cash taxes; 28 May 1783
cash pd. sherif taxes; sundry ticketts; 13 Dec 1782 cash for Henderson's
bond with interest; pd. R. Marr; pd. Wm. Muckmillion.Total: £64.17.1 We
have settled the accounts of David Nantce decd. with administrators and
find the balance due to the estate £46.16.2. Recorded: 30 Oct 1787.
Contra by the appraisment: £106.13.3. Recorded: 17 Dec 1787
DAVID | 1788 | Pittsylvania | "Pitts. Co VA, Inventories & Accts Currnt
1770-1797", L. C. Payne - laid off to Mary SCALES late widow of DAVID
Nance decd., her dower of land that was possess'd by sd. DAVID Nance,
which amounts to 70 a. more or less, this 15 Feb 1788. Philemon PERKINS,
Isham LANSFORD, Henry LANSFORD. Recorded: 18 Feb 1788
DAVID | 1792 | Amelia | "Unrecorded Deeds & Other Docs., Am. Co VA,
17501902", G. J. McConnaughey (1994) p.27 - DAVID Nance is one of the
witnesses to a 1 Oct 1792 Bill of Sale, Hall to Waugh et al.
DAVID | 1793 | Nottoway | (NR) - - James Crenshaw, guardian of orphans
of DAVID Nance, deceased, vs David Scales, Def. Order Bk. 1, p. 38.
DAVID | 1793 | Nottoway | (NR) - - Thomas Young and Elizabeth his wife
vs. James Crenshaw, guardian of Susanna, William, DAVID and Mary Nance.
Order bk. 1, p. 40.
DAVID | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Giles Nance, of Nottoway, sells 272
a. beginning at DAVID Nance's corner white oak in Cox's old line ... To
Clement Nance's corner pointers to Robert Bullington. October 4. Bk. 11,
p. 7.
DAVID | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Giles Nance, of Nottoway, sells 200
a. on Sugar Tree Creek to Robert Bullington. October 30. Wm. M. Nance
and DAVID Nance among witnesses. Bk. 11, p. 8.
DAVID | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Giles Nance, of Nottoway, sells 33
a. on Cascade Creek to Peter Cahall. October 30. Wm. M. Nance and DAVID
Nance among witnesses. Bk. 11, p. 9.
DAVID | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Giles Nance, of Nottoway, sells to
Clement Nance 54 a. on the branches of Cascade DAVID Nance's line.
Wit: Wm. M. Nance, and DAVID Nance. October 30. Bk. 11, p. 10.
DAVID | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Giles Nance, of Nottoway, gift to
DAVID and William Nance, children and orphans of DAVID Nance, deceased,
for love and affection, and for five shillings, 270 a. on Cascade,
October 26. Wit: Wm. M. Nance, John Bullington, Robert Bullington.
(recorded Jan. 20, 1800). Bk. 12, p. 92.
DAVID | 1796 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Giles deeds
to Cahall, 33 a. 10/30/1796 ; Wm. M. and David Nance witness
DAVID | 1796 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Giles deeds
to "DAVID and Wm. Nance, orphans of DAVID Nance", 270 a. in Nattoway
(sic) 10/26/1796
DAVID | 1796 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Giles deeds
to Bullington, 72 a. 10/30/1796 ; Wm. M. and DAVID Nance witness
DAVID | 1797 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - DAVID Nance to William M. Nance,
both of Pittsylvania, for £100, 147 a. in Pittsylvania on the east fork
of the Cascade, to pointers in Clement Nance's line, being all of the
claim the said David had to the land formerly possessed by David his
father. Wit: Clement Nance, Joseph Jones, Wm. How. Nance, John X
Bullington, Robert Bullington. 26 July. Bk. 11, p. 196.
DAVID | 1797 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") DAVID Nance
deeds to William Malone Nance, 141 a. 7/26/1797. Witnessed by, inter
alia, Clement Nance, Wm. Howe Nance.
DAVID | 1798 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - 1798 - Division of 270 a. of land,
property of David Nance, dcsd., between David and William Nance, orphans
of said David dcsd. Court Orders Bk. 8, p. 273.
DAVID | 1798 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - A report of the division of 270 a.
of land, property of DAVID Nance, deceased, between DAVID and William
Nance, orphans of the said DAVID Nance, dcsd., Order recorded. Sept 17.
Bk. 9, p. 33.
DAVID | 1798 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Indx to Crt Order Bks of Pitts.
Co, VA 1767-1800" (September 17, 1798 Order To Report Division Of Land)
- William Nance is also mentioned.
DOLLY | 1779 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone;,
2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA [1996] Dolly Nance, b. 1779 - was dau
of Robert & Ann (Marshall) Nance, and m. Benj. Lanier.
DOROTHY | 1716 | Prince George | Will of John Nance, 1716 - - mentions
wife Sarah; sons Richard, John; daughters Susan, Elin. (possibly an
abbreviation for Elinor?) Warpole, Eliz. Gregory, DOROTHY
DOROTHY | 1794 | Pittsylvania | "Marriage Bonds & Returns of Pitts. Co.
VA, 1767-1805", C. L.Knorr (1956); "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol.
16, C. D. McDonald (1978); "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" ;
"Marriage Records of Pitts. Co, VA 1767-1819", A. Vestal-Miller (1996)
-- Dorothy Nance, dau. of Clement Nance and Mary Nance, m. James Burton
4 Aug. 1794 in Pitts. Co. Moses Nance a witness.
[-E-] [Top <#TOP>]
EATON | 1739 | James City | (NR) - - New Kent, James City Vestry Book at
St. Peter's Parish, 1648-1786 - EATON Nance b. to James and Ann Nance 21
Aug 1739
EATON | 1770 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774, w.
several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- EATON Nance, w.
Stith Gregory & Marston Williams, witnesses a Nov 7 1770 deed from John
Holsworth to Bartholomew Dandridge.
EATON | 1770 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774, w.
several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- EATON Nance, w.
John & Samuel Christian, witnesses will of Joab Mountcastle (wife Ann),
25 Sep. 1770. Wm. Marston & Henry Duke Security for admnsitration of the
will (?).
EATON | 1780 | Charles City | Eaton Nance a signer of a Petition Against
Paper Money
EATON | 1782 | Charles City | On personal property tax list (NR)
EATON | 1782 | Charles City | On personal property tax list 1782-1798,
1800-1803 (NR)
EATON | 1782 | Charles City | On personal property tax list 1782-98,
1802-03 (NR)
EATON | 1787 | Charles City | "1787 Census of VA Charles City Co N. S.
Yantie & F. S. Love" /W.males 16-21= 1,/ blacks>16=2 / blacks< 16=3
EATON | 1787 | Charles City | 1787 VA Census (Tax List) - Charles City
County - Eaton Nance Self 0 Whites of 16 and under 21 2 Blacks over 16 3
Blacks under 16 2 Horses 3 Cattle (snk)
EATON | 1793 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill (1895)
(LOV Acc. No.34001); "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V. D. White
(Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990) - Eaton Nance b. 14 Sep 1793 Charles City Co
to Zachariah Nance and Jane (Wilkins) Nance. Died 8 Dec 1879 in Grundy
Co IL.
EATON | 1799 | unknown | "History of VA" (Am. Hist. Soc., 1924), Vol IV,
at p.370 -- bio of L. M. Nance, b. 1857, to Benjamin A. Nance, who was
b. 1823 (see 1850 Charles City, VA Census). Per this bio, L. M.'s
grandfather -- i.e. Benjamin's father -- was Zachariah Nance, whose
father was EATON Nance. (Date is a rough estimate of Zachariah's
possible birthdate)
ELINOR | 1716 | Prince George | Will of John Nance, 1716 - - mentions
daughter ELIN. (possibly an abbreviation for Elinor?) 'Warpole'. NOTES:
Elenor Walpole, relict of Richard Walpole, made oath that he died
intestate 8 Apr 1718. Pr. Geo. Co VHM.xx.88, cited in "Francis Epes -
His Ancestors and Descendants", E. T. Clark (1942). Elinor Walpole,
Adm'r., presented inventory & appraisal of estate of Richard Walpole Jun
10 1718. "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds", B. J. Weisiger. By 1721,
accounting of the estate of Richard Walpool -- which mentions William
Epes -- is filed by "Richard Tomlinson and Elinor his wife'-- she had
remarried?. (Ibid.)
ELINOR | 1720 | Surry | Per "Descendants of John Tomlinson" at ; ELEANOR NANCE b. 1698 d. Aug 8
1747 m. April 12, 1720 in Surry Co VA to Richard Tomlinson (b. 1693 in
Surry Co, d. Sep 18 1751), s/o William Tomlinson (b.1665 Charles City
Co, d. 1732 Surry Co). At another website,, they show
this Richard Tomlinson marrying Eleanor Walpole.
ELINOR | 1721 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (dau. of John
and his wife Jane Nance 25 May 1721, bapt. 1 July 1721)
ELINOR | 1722 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (dau. of Dan
and his wife Eliz Nance 9 Sep 1722, bapt. 28 Oct 1722)
ELINOR | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Will of John Nance, 2/28(sic)/1761" - does
NOT mentions daughter Elinor, who Bristol Parish records show was born
to him in 1721. Had she died by 1761?
ELIZABETH | 1712 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; children
Phebe, ELIZ, Elinor, Lucy were b. to Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Nance
1712 1730
ELIZABETH | 1716 | Prince George | Will of John Nance, 1716 - - mentions
dau ELIZ. Gregory. "Gene Pool" database at has: Nance
Gregory b. 10 November 1719 in Prince George County, VA, son of Thomas
Gregory and Elizabeth.
ELIZABETH | 1717 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds
1713-1728", B. J. Weisiger, p. 154 - Daniel Nance and ELIZABETH Nance of
Pr.Geo. Co. deed 100 a. in Bristol Parish to Thomas Gregory of Ch. City
Co., bounded by Maj. Robert Munford, David Crawley, Francis Coelman, and
Bayles Run. Witn: James Thweatt, John Nance
ELIZABETH | 1719 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register";
Eliza[beth?], dau., b. to Daniel and his wife Elizabeth Nance, 6 Jul 1719
ELIZABETH | 1725 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; Elizabeth,
dau. of Richard and his wife Mary Nance 7 Nov 1725, bapt. 15 May 1726
ELIZABETH | 1728 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; Elizabeth,
dau. of Daniel (2) and his wife Mary Nance 19 Jun 1728
ELIZABETH | 1749 | Halifax | ELIZABETH (NANCE) Jones' dau. Mary Jones
was b. Sep. 25, 1749. Elizabeth (Nance) Jones was wife of Wm. Jones.
Mary Jones was left to the care of her grandparents, Richard and Mary
Nance. (This from records of the 1774 Halifax Co. marriage of Mary Jones
to John Bates). (NR, citing "Extracts from Col. Halifax published in
Richmond, VA., Times Oct. 28, 1906") [NOTE: See THOMAS Nance, 1778
Bedford Co., mentioned in accts. re estate of John Bates, Mrs. Mary
Bates is listed as executrix]
ELIZABETH | 1753 | Sussex | (NR) - Phoebe, dau. of John Bonner and wife
Sarah, b. 23 Feb., chr. 25 Mar 1753. Godparents: Mr. Richason, Amy
Williamson, ELIZABETH Nance. p. 58. (Register of Albemarle Parish, Surry
and Sussex Co., Va. 1739-1778)
ELIZABETH | 1758 | Amelia | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone
(1996) - Elizabeth, dau. of Giles Nance & Mary (Nancy) Malone (m. c.
1754); m. __ Crenshaw.
ELIZABETH | 1758 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill
(1895) (LOV Acc. No.34001) -- Dau. of Zachariah Nance and Susannah Duke
(Sherman) Nance. Born bef. 1758. Married John Hall.
ELIZABETH | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961). #369, "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott. -dau
Elizabeth mentioned in will of John Nance dated 2/28/1761
ELIZABETH | 1764 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.1) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 8, p. 314 - Statement by John Nance (to
support a claim that neighbor Michael Holland, gave his dau certain
slaves as a gift) he refers to "my son Giles", and "my daughter Elizabeth"
ELIZABETH | 1770 | Brunswick | Elizabeth, d. of William Nance, m. __
Glover. Source: "Marriage Records of Brunswick Co VA 1730-1852" by
Augusta B. Fothergill (snk).
ELIZABETH | 1771 | Charles City | (NM) Will of Zacahariah Nance of
Charles City Co. Names dau. Elizabeth
ELIZABETH | 1774 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Wm.
Malone Nance and his wife Elizabeth deed to Strange, 141 a., 6/14/1774
1781 in Halifax Co. VA (Source: Early American Marriages: Virginia to
1800, Jordan R. Dodd)
ELIZABETH | 1781 | Halifax | Elizabeth Nance m. Daniel Palmore (Palmer?)
10 May 1781. Bk. 1, p. 204. (NOTE: 1785 deed by William Nance mentions
son-in-law Daniel Palmer)
ELIZABETH | 1782 | Pittsylvania | "Pitts. Co. VA Wills,
1767-1820"p.399-400; W.B. 11, p. 392 (Presley Thornton's 6 Jan. 1812
will mentions dau, Elizabeth Nance) (i.e., Eliz. Thornton m. ____ Nance)
According to Malone Genealogy, William M. (presumably Malone) Nance, son
of Giles Nance and Mary Malone, m. Elizabeth Thornton 11/9/1782.
ELIZABETH | 1787 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Indx to Crt Order Bks of
Pitts. Co, VA 1767-1800" (April 15, 1787 Appointed & Qualified Guardian)
Clement Nance's name is also mentioned in this document. His appointment
as Guardian for Elizabeth?
ELIZABETH | 1788 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A.
Malone;, 2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA[1996] Isham Nance m. c.1776
Frances "Fanny" Malone; children incl Elizabeth, b. 1788 Meck.
ELIZABETH | 1789 | Amelia | The William and Mary Quarterly, Ser. 1, Vol.
17, No. 1 (Jul.1908), pp. 34-49; "Marriages of Am. Co. VA 1735-1815",
Kathleen B. Williams (1961). "VA Marriage Records(Am. Co.) ", Bentley
(1982) -- Elizabeth m. Thomas Young 2/25/1789 (Mary Scales' consent
says,"my daughter, Elizabeth Nance").
ELLENOR | 1797 | Henry | (NR) -- 1797 HELEN (believed to be ELLENOR,
dau. of John and Mary) m. to Obediah Garner.
[-F-] [Top <#TOP>]
FANNY | 1797 | Mecklenburg | (NR) - March 1797 will of Thos. Malone
mentions dau. FANNY Nance.
FRANCES | 1785 | Charlotte | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 5, C. D. McDonald (1978) --
Frances Nance m. George Combs 11/12/1785. ? 1795 ? (Notes: (1) Geo &
William Combs on bastardy bond for Frankie Nance and her child 1783,
Wilkes Co NC, (2) Sally Nance m. William Combs 10 Nov 1791 in Lun. Co.),
(3) The 1787 Wilkes County, North Carolina Tax List has George Combs,
John Combs, and William Nance and the 1790 Wilkes Co NC Census has
George, John and Thomas Combs 3 names away from William Nance.
FRANCES M. | 1792 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A.
Malone;, 2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA (1996) -- Frances M.
("Fanny"), b. 4-8-1792 Meck. to Isham Nance & Frances "Fanny" Malone (m.
FRANCIS | 1760 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15" (1989) Book 6
p. 14 -- William Nance ??? deeds to Foster, lands adj. Richard Nance.
"Francis, wife of Nance, relinquished dower"
FREDERICK | 1728 | Prince George | Letter from Martin L. "Pete" Nance to
Walker P. Nance, 5 Apr 1967 : "The [earliest] Frederick Nance was the
son of John & Jane, and believed to be their youngest son (died 1795,
left will)" Date is dob of William, second-youngest son of John & Jane
(Frederick b. after).
FREDERICK | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Early Wills 1746-1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B.
Elliott. p.81 -- Frederick Nance witnesses a will
FREDERICK | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746-1825", L. C. Bell
(1961). 2/1 #369; "Early Wills 1746-1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott. --
will of John Nance, 2/28/1761; 7/6/1762, mentions son Frederick
FREDERICK | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Revolutionary War Graves Register", Nat.
Soc. of the SAR (1993), and "DAR Patriots Index", DAR,1966 Vol. I., both
have Frederick Nance, b. 1761, d. 1835. Former work has him bur. DAR
Plot, Mound Cem., Marietta, OH. Latter work has b. 2-1-1761, d.
7-14-1835, m(1) Martha Hughes Watkins, (2) Maria Cosby. A Lt. from VA.
"Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V. D. White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co.,
1990) has birth place
FREDERICK | 1762 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15", Bk 7 p.
226 --John Nance to FREDRICK Nance, 1762, 300a
FREDERICK | 1763 | Lunenburg | "Cumb. Parish, Lun. Co VA, Vestry Bk
1746-1816", L. C. Bell-- 1763, Returns on processioning refers to a line
between lands of Robt. Beasely and Fredk. Nance
FREDERICK | 1764 | Lunenburg | "Early Wills 1746-1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B.
Elliott. -- p. 115, Frederick Nance appraising an estate. Same in 1765.
At p. 49, same in 1773
FREDERICK | 1764 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989)
Book 8 p. 28 -- Fedrick (sic) witnesses Richard Nance & wife Mourning's
1764 deed to Townsend. Thomas Nance also witnesses. "Mourning, wife of
Nance, relinquished dower")
FREDERICK | 1767 | Charlotte | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. V, p. 74
-- Charlotte Co. Will Book 1, p. 33, appraisal of est. of James Derby,
20 Feb 1767, by Frederick Nance, Thomas Stark, James Foster
FREDERICK | 1769 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2,
1765-1771", J. L.Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p. 217 - 25 May
1769, Thos. Tabb of Am. Co. deeds to Frederick Nance of Charlotte Co,
100 a. in Charl. Co on s.s. Meherrin & on b.s. Owls Cr. Beginning on the
corner of said Nance, bounded by Williams, Abner Wells, Foster.
FREDERICK | 1769 | Lunenburg | List of Tithables and land taken by
Richard Claiborne Captioned: "10th June, 1769. List of Tithables,
Lunenburg County, Cumberland Parish." Endorsed on back: "A List of
Tithables taken by Richard Claiborne, Gent., for the year 1769." {page
271} Frek. Nance, 100a.
FREDERICK | 1771 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2,
1765-1771", Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p.
462 - 1 July 1771, John Foster to Susannah Foster, 150 a. in Charlotte
Co. beginning at Foster's old corner on Owls' Cr. and bounded by Thomas
Stark, Frederick Nance, Abner Wells. NOTE: According to a post at Foster
Family Forum at GenForum by Jeanne Foster Clark (,
James Foster, born 1740, married Susanna Wells; this James Foster was
brother to Hannah Foster, born about 1737, who married Fredrick Nance.
They also had a brother, John Foster. This is possibly Susannah (Wells)
Foster - widowed?
FREDERICK | 1771 | Charlotte | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. V, p. 78,
80 -- Charlotte Co. Will Book 1 - p. 86 - 7 Oct 1771, Frederick Nance,
w. Robt. Walton and John Carfton, appraisers of estate of James Foster,
whose 1770 will names daughter Hannah Nance
FREDERICK | 1772 | Lunenburg | "Cumb. Parish, Lun. Co VA, Vestry Bk
1746-1816", L. C. Bell-- 1772, Returns on processioning refers to lands
of Fredk. Nance
FREDERICK | 1772 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989)
Book 12 p. 30 - Beasely to F[r]edrick Nance, "of Charlotte Co"
FREDERICK | 1775 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989)
Book 13 p. 66 -- in execution of contracts between him and his wife
Susanna, Frederick Nance deeds to Henry Stokes, his right in certain
land and slaves.
FREDERICK | 1775 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989)
Book 12 p. 71 -- marriage agreement between Frederick Nance, of
Charlotte Co. and Susanna Christopher of Lun. Co. -- refers to her
father Young and mother Elizabeth Stokes.
FREDERICK | 1775 | Lunenburg | "Marriages of Lunenburg. VA 1746 1853",
Emma Matheny (1961), "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA , N. Murry;
"Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 7, C. D. McDonald (1978) " ; "VA
Marriage Records", Bentley (1982) -- Frederick Nance of Lun. Co m.
Susanna Christopher 27 Sep. 1775; "Lunenburg Co. Marriage Bonds" has
Thomas Starke as surety
FREDERICK | 1779 | ???? | LOV Electronic Card Index -- Revolutionary War
Bounty Warrants - - Nance, Fred. - Serjeant - Army / Cert - Col. Abm.
Buford / Order to deliver - Fred. Nance - voucher 1779 --
FREDERICK | 1780 | ???? | "Our Valiant Men - Soldiers of the Rev. War
living in Williamson Co TN", L. G. Lynch (1976), pp. 38, 138 -- Lt.
Frederick Nance was second in command under Capt. Joseph Knight in the
[VA] regiment commanded by Gen. Meck. (sic). The company eventually fell
under the command of Henry Cook due to illness of Capt. Knight and Lt.
FREDERICK | 1780 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 13 p.
65 - 1780 -- David Christopher deeds to Frederick
FREDERICK | 1780 | Lunenburg | Frederick Nance deeds to Henry Stokes
(per NR)
FREDERICK | 1780 | Lunenburg | FREDERICK Nance deeds to Sussanna Nance
(per NR)
FREDERICK | 1781 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 15 p.
19 -- a deed references Frederick Nance property
FREDERICK | 1782 | Dinwiddie | "VA Tax Records", w. Index by Gary Parks
(1983) -- mentioned on personal property list, as "Fredk"
FREDERICK | 1782 | Lunenburg | "Lunenburg County, Virginia Publick
Claims 1780-1784" (VA GenWeb Archives, Lunenburg Co) -- Page 1 -- At a
court held for Lunenburg County the 15th day of March 1782 agreeable to
an act for adjusting claims for property impressed or taken for public
use. -- Frederick Nance 1 beef, 60# bacon, 516# fodder
FREDERICK | 1782 | Lunenburg | "Lunenburg County, Virginia Personal
Property Tax Lists, 1782 & 1785", T.L.C. Genealogy (1992) -- Frederick
Nance on 1782 Pers. prop. tax list 1 white tithable > 21, 24 Black
slaves, 7 horses, 41 cattle
FREDERICK | 1782 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989)
Book 13 p. 86 -- Frederick deeds to Tatum
FREDERICK | 1783 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989)
Book 13 p. 88 -- a deed refers to Frederick Nance's property line
FREDERICK | 1783 | Lunenburg | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) -
Frederick Nance -- Ct Bklet=12
FREDERICK | 1783 | Lunenburg | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) Ct
Bklet=1; Certificates=3 ; Lists=; Commissioner's Book=IV p.20, 343
FREDERICK | 1784 | ???? | "Rev War Bounty Land Grants Awarded By State
Govts", Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck (1996) - 200 a. awarded to Sgt.
Frederick Nance, Va., 23 Apr 1784
FREDERICK | 1784 | Lunenburg | "Cumb. Parish, Lun. Co VA, Vestry Bk
1746-1816", L. C. Bell-- At 1784 Vestry Mtg, Frederick is ordered to
procession certain lands
FREDERICK | 1784 | Lunenburg | "Cumb. Parish, Lun. Co VA, Vestry Bk
1746-1816", L. C. Bell--1784 Returns on processioning refers to lands of
Fredk. Nance and William Nance
FREDERICK | 1785 | Lunenburg | "Lunenburg County, Virginia Personal
Property Tax Lists, 1782 & 1785", T.L.C. Genealogy (1992) -- Frederick
Nance on 1785 Pers. prop. tax list- 2 white tithables > 21 -- besides
Frederick (who is the property owner), there is now George Nance, 24
Black slaves (three free Negroes also listed), 8 horses, 35 cattle. 13
tithes total? Prob. include. servants. Also owns an Ordinary license.
FREDERICK | 1785 | Lunenburg | "Lunenburg County, Virginia Personal
Property Tax Lists, 1782 & 1785", T.L.C. Genealogy (1992) -- Frederick
Nance on 1785 Pers. prop. tax list- 2 white tithables > 21, 24 Black
slaves (three free Negroes also listed), 8 horses, 35 cattle. 13 tithes
total? Prob. include. servants. Slaves named include Dice and Sterling,
who are left to son George in Frederick's 1795 Will.
FREDERICK | 1786 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co Deed Book 14, p. 364 -- 2-1-1786,
Rice of Georgia deeds to Crafton of Luneneburg, 75 a. adj. "Fedrick
Nance", Banja. Tatom; witnesses incl. Delony Malone
FREDERICK | 1787 | Lunenburg | "1787 Census of VA Lun. Co N. S. Yantie &
F. S. Love" /W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=10 / blacks< 16=12
FREDERICK | 1787 | Prince Edward | "1787 Census of VA Prince Edward Co
N. S. Yantie & F. S. Love" --W.males 16-21= 1,/ blacks>16=1 / blacks<
16=0) -- this appears specifically as Fredrick, NOT Frederick
FREDERICK | 1787 | Prince Edward | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA
", N. Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 21, C. D. McDonald
(1978) -- Frederick Nance m. Patsy Watkins 6/18/1787 ---- per "Marriages
of Prince Edward Co. 1754-1810", Catherine L Knorr (1950), p. 58, she
was dau. of Henry Watkins. Note that Thomas Nance deeded land to Henry
Watkins 1758 and lived adj. him 1765. (Murry work has bride's surname as
FREDERICK | 1788 | Lunenburg | (NR) - Frederick Sr. and Sussanna deed to
Frederick Nance, Jr.
FREDERICK | 1792 | Pittsylvania | "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files",
V. D. White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990) -- Frederick born 2 Aug 1792 to
William M. Nance (b. 1760 Amelia) and Elizabeth (Thornton) Nance
FREDERICK | 1793 | Nottoway | (NR) - - Frederick Nance is awarded
judgement against Nathaniel and William Robertson, June 4. Order Bk. 1,
p. 19.
FREDERICK | 1794 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Marriage Bonds" - Frederick
Nance is surety for marriage of Charity Tatom and James Robertson, 1/18/1794
FREDERICK | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15", Book 15p.
32. Frederick Nance & wife Susanna deed to Frederick Nance Jr. Susanna,
wife of Nance, relinquished dower.
FREDERICK | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15", Book 15 p.
41 -- Wilks deeds to Frederick Nance
FREDERICK | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15", Book 15p.
32. -- Frederick Nance Senr. & wife Susanna deed to Frederick Nance J.
Susanna, wife of Nance, relinquished dower. (date is abt)
FREDERICK | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961). #368 -- will of Frederick Nance Sr. 6/2/1795; 9/18/1796;
mentions wife: Susanna, sons: Tavner, John Webb, George (who receives
slaves Dice and Sterling, mentioned in the 1785 Tax List accounting),
Frederick Nance Jr., daughters: Jane, Charlotte Blanton, Nancy Ayers
Bacon, Bequests also to children of Sarah Solkins Robertson,
granddaughter Sussanna Jackson, grandson Robert Jackson. Wit: Joseph
Yarbrough, Thomas Walton, William Beasley. W. B. 4. NOTE: an unverified
(internet database) source, citing "Genealogies of VA Families", William
and Mary College Quarterly Vol 1, says that Nancy "Aris" Nance m. (1) __
Jackson, m.(2) Drury Allen Bacon 16 Dec 1792.
FREDERICK | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961).. #368 - will of Frederick Nance Sr. mentions son Frederick Nance Jr
FREDERICK | 1796 | Lunenburg | "VA Genealogist" 18:62 -- British
Mercantile Claims . . . mentions Susanna Christopher, who m. Frederick
Nance, "and both d. about 1795 or 1796 . . . there is no property
remaining of Susanna Christopher" (county inferred)
FREDERICK | 1799 | Lunenburg | (NR) - Frederick, John W., Mary and
Tavener Nance deed to Josiah Cole.
FREDERICK JR. | 1782 | Lunenburg | "Lunenburg County, Virginia Publick
Claims 1780-1784" (VA GenWeb Archives, Lunenburg Co) -- Page 12 -- At a
court held for Lunenburg County the 15th day of March 1782 agreeable to
an act for adjusting claims for property impressed or taken for public
use. -- Frederick Nance, Jr. for a horse 4 years; saddle and bridle
impressed by order of Brig. Gen. Lawson
FREDERICK JR. | 1789 | Lunenburg | (NR) - Frederick JR., and Patsey deed
to Nathaniel Robertson.
FREDERICK SR. | 1791 | Lunenburg | (NR) - Frederick SR. deeds to Mary
and Thomas Crafton, Bk. 16, p. 108.
[-G-] [Top <#TOP>]
GEORGE | 1749 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Books 3 & 4
(1747-1753)", G. J. McConnaughey (1988) - p. 97 - 20 Nov 1749, Flake to
Dennis deed re land on s.s. Seller Cr., refers to lines of George Nance,
John Clarke, Samuel Vaughn
GEORGE | 1785 | Lunenburg | "Lunenburg County, Virginia Personal
Property Tax Lists, 1782 & 1785", T.L.C. Genealogy (1992) -- Frederick
Nance on 1785 Pers. prop. tax list- 2 white tithables > 21 -- besides
Frederick (who is the property owner), there is now GEORGE Nance, 24
Black slaves (three free Negroes also listed), 8 horses, 35 cattle. 13
tithes total? Prob. include. servants.
GEORGE | 1787 | Lunenburg | "1787 Census of VA Lun. Co N. S. Yantie & F.
S. Love" - George is on tax role but taxes charged to Frederick
GEORGE | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961). #368 - will of Frederick Nance Sr. mentions son George
GEORGE W. | 1798 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill
(1895) (LOV Acc. No.34001); "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V. D.
White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990)-- George Washington Nance b. 29 Mar
1798 Charles City Co to Zachariah Nance and Jane (Wilkins) Nance. Died
20 Mar 1889, Menard Co, IL.
GILES | 1735 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register", "Malone &
Allied Families", R. A. Malone;, 2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA
(1996) - Giles, b. to John and Martha Ann Nance 4 May 1735.
GILES | 1754 | Amelia | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone (1996)
- Giles Nance m. Mary (Nancy) Malone c. 1754.
GILES | 1756 | Halifax | According to (Halifax?) Co Patent Book "B" p.
158, recording 1,574 a. to Giles Nance, on br. of Cascade and Sugar Tree
Cr., this was "by survey 24 Mar 1756".
GILES | 1761 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.1) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 7, p. 42 - 23 Apr 1761 John Nance deeds
to Giles Nance, 75 a. n. s. Peter's Cr, a small br. of the Little
Nottoway, part of a tract of 26? patented to John Nance 1 Feb 1738 and
bounded by [trees].
GILES | 1762 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books 7 & 8", G. J.
McConnaughey, Am. Co. Deed Bk 7, 1762 - Witworth deeds to Merideth, etc.
- wit. include. John and Giles Nance
GILES | 1762 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768", Vol.1, T.L.C.
Genealogy(1990) - Am. Co. Deed Bk 7, p. 635 - Jun 1762 Rowland of Amelia
to Beasely of Amelia, etc. - wit. include. Jno Nance, Gyles (Giles) Nance
GILES | 1763 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768" Vol.1 T.L.C.
Genealogy (1990) - Am. Co. Deed Bk 8, p. 118 - 1 Apr 1763 Binford deeds
to Irby. Wit. include Giles Nance, Wm Crenshaw.
GILES | 1764 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768" Vol.1 T.L.C.
Genealogy (1990) - Am. Co. Deed Bk 8, p. 314. statement by John Nance
refers to "my son Giles"
GILES | 1767 | Amelia | "Am. Co Deed Books", G. J. McConnaughey; Deed
Book 10, p. 2 - John Nance of Nottoway Parish, Am. Co., to Giles Nance
of same, 28 Oct 1767, for L. 50, 61 a. in Nottoway Parish, being part of
261 a. pat. to John Nance 1 Feb. 173?, being land and plantation where
said John Nance now lives. Adj. land of Irby, new line between John and
Giles Nance, line of Hen. Robertson, a small branch, and Little
Nottoway. Witn. James Henderson, Charles Irby, David Nance, Langston
Bacon, Richard Robertson, James Robertson.
GILES | 1768 | Amelia | "VA Tax Records", w. Index by Gary Parks (1983)
-- Capt. John Winn's and Col. Thos. Tabb's polls of Am. Co show Giles
GILES | 1772 | Amelia | "Am. Co Deed Books, Books 9-11, 1753-1759", G.J.
McConnaughey - Giles Nance witn. 1772 deed from Hudson to Wilson
GILES | 1776 | ???? | (NR) - "Virginians in the Revolution" by John H.
Gathaway has: Gibbs Nance - 14th Continental Line -- Giles?
GILES | 1776 | Amelia | Giles Nance (and Wm. Nance) were among those
signing a petition volunteering to enlist
GILES | 1777 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Books 12, 13, 14
(1773-1778)", G. J. McConnaughey (1981) - 24 Nov 1777 Hudson to
Henderson deed, wit. include Giles Nance
GILES | 1778 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Books 12, 13, 14
(1773-1778)", G. J. McConnaughey (1981) - p. 273 23 Feb 1778 - William
Crenshaw of Amelia to James Crenshaw of same, 300 a. in Amelia in fork
of Nottoway on s.s. Little Nottoway, head of Turkey Branch, line of
Holland. . . Wit. - Giles Nance, William Sneed, Charles Winfree, David
Crenshaw. NOTE: a 1742 deed in Deed Book 1, Wallice (sic) and wife Mary
deeded to Joseph Crenshaw, 200 a. bounded in part by "Nantes' side
line". "Old Homes and Families of Nottoway", W. R. Turner (1932) , p.
57, says that the Crenshaw Farm was situated about 1 mile from the
present town of Blackstone.
GILES | 1778 | Amelia | "Deed Books 15-17, Am. Co VA Deeds, 1778 1786",
G. J. McConnaughey. (1993) p. 7 - witness to a deed (Jones to Winn)
GILES | 1778 | Amelia | "Deed Books 15-17, Am. Co VA Deeds, 1778-1786",
G. J. McConnaughey. (1993) - p. 8 - witness to a deed by Irby to Henderson
GILES | 1779 | Halifax | Halifax Co. Grants 13, p. 158 -- 1779 - Giles
Nance takes 1574 a. on the branches of the Cascade, and Sugartree Cr.,
adj. the land of Clay, Coxe, &c. (Pitts. Co was cr. from Halifax 1776/7)
GILES | 1780 | Amelia | "Deed Books 15 17, Am. Co VA Deeds, 1778 1786",
G. J. McConnaughey(1993) - p. 37, 49, p. 69 - witness to deeds fr.
Wallace to Wallace, Crenshaw to Jones, Winn to Ball (James N. also on
this one, in 1782)
GILES | 1782 | Amelia | VA Early Census - Giles Nance, Amelia Co., p.
12, 10 02
GILES | 1782 | Amelia | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1782 -- (list
of Peter Lamkin) Giles Nance head of a family - 10 Whites, 2 Blacks
GILES | 1783 | Amelia | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) Ct Bklet=I
p.48, II p. 6; Certificates=1 ; Lists=; Commissioner's Book=I p.76, 93 "
John Tabb, Assignee"
GILES | 1785 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Cahall
grants Clement 4 a.; 3/11/1785 witn. Giles Nance
GILES | 1786 | Amelia | "Deed Books 15-17, Am. Co VA Deeds, 1778 1786",
G. J. McConnaughey. (1993) p. 156 -- witness to a deed 1786 fr Crenshaw
to Crenshaw
GILES | 1786 | Amelia | "Historical Notes on Am. Co., VA", Kathleen
Hadfield (1982) - p. 125 - Mary Nance m Leonard Young, 7 Dec. 1786;
Surety Giles Nance
GILES | 1787 | Amelia | "1787 Census of VA Am. Co N. S. Yantie & F. S.
Love" /W.males 16-21= 1,/ blacks>16=1 / blacks< 16=1
GILES | 1787 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds 10/29/1787 (NM "Ex. I"),
NR - GILES Nance sells 300 a. on Sugar Tree Creek to John Jones. October
29. Bk. 8, p. 239
GILES | 1790 | Amelia | 1790 VA Census - AMELIA County - Pg. #12 Giles
Nance 10 Whites (Giles, Mary, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 2 Slaves (snk)
GILES | 1793 | Nottoway | (NR) - - A bill of sale from GILES Nance to
Freeman Epes ordered recorded, June.
GILES | 1793 | Nottoway | (NR) - - GILES Nance (exctr) to Freeman Eppes.
Estate of Medcalf Thompson. Deed Bk. 1, p. 322.
GILES | 1793 | Nottoway | (NR) - - William Snead vs. GILES Nance,
executor of the estate of Midkif Tomson. Judgement awarded. Order Bk. 1,
p. 38.
GILES | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) 10/26/1796 - GILES Nance, of
Nottoway, gift to David and William Nance, children and orphans of David
Nance, deceased, for love and affection, and for five shillings, 270 a.
on Cascade, October 26. Wit: Wm. M. Nance, John Bullington, Robert
Bullington. (recorded Jan. 20, 1800). Bk. 12, p. 92.
GILES | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) 10/30/1796 - GILES Nance, of
Nottoway, sells 33 a. on Cascade Creek to Peter Cahall. October 30. Wm.
M. Nance and David Nance among witnesses. Bk. 11, p. 9.
GILES | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) 10/30/1796 - GILES Nance, of
Nottoway, sells to Clement Nance 54 a. on the branches of Cascade
David Nance's line. Wit: Wm. M. Nance, and David Nance. October 30. Bk.
11, p. 10.
GILES | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) 10/30/1796 - GILES Nance, of
Nottoway, sells 200 a. on Sugar Tree Creek to Robert Bullington. October
30. Wm. M. Nance and David Nance among witnesses. Bk. 11, p. 8.
GILES | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) 10/4/1796 - GILES Nance, of Nottoway,
sells 272 a. beginning at David Nance's corner white oak in Cox's old
line ... to Clement Nance's corner pointers to Robert Bullington.
October 4. Bk. 11, p. 7.
GILES | 1796 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds 10/30/1796 (NM "Ex. I")
Giles deeds to Bullington, 72 a. ; Wm. M. and David Nance witness
GILES | 1797 | Nottoway | Will Book 1, 1789-1802, Reel 4 p. 289 -- Giles
Nance - Accounting, Oct. 1797 (estate of Martha?)
GILES JR. | 1764 | Amelia | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone
(1996) - son of Giles Nance & Mary (Nancy) Malone (m. c. 1754); he m.
Mary Smith (his birthdate, my guess)
[-H-] [Top <#TOP>]
HANNAH | 1770 | Charlotte | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. V, p. 77 --
Charlotte Co. Will Book 1, p. 71- Sep 1770 Will of James Foster, names
ch. Geo. Wells, Josiah, William, Eliz. Dabbs, Hannah Nance
HARDEN | 1798 | Henry | "Follow The Periwinkle - Henry Co. Cemetery
Records", Henry Co. Historical Soc., VA-NC Piedmont Ge. Soc. 1982. Born
1798. In the Nance Cemetery on Morgan Road E. of Ridgeway, graves of
"Harden Nance", 7/20/1798-5/28/1876, and "Mary B. Nance, wife of
Hardin(sic)", 3/20/1797-3/13/1879
HOOD | 1776 | Lunenburg | Hood Nance was listed as an "overseer" on
Gustavus Hendrick's list of tithables in Lunenburg Co., VA in 1776.
Source: GenWeb archives
HOOD | 1788 | Charlotte | Charlotte Co. VA Court Orders, Book Seven,
1786 - 1789, p. 171, 5 May 1788, Hood Nance is among those mentioned in
a court record "for not giving his vote for Representative in the last
HOOD | 1798 | Charlotte | In Charlotte Co. VA Court Orders, Book Eleven
1797 - 1799, there is an entry, at p. 243, December 1798, "Richard Stone
is appointed Surveyor of the Road whereof Levy Blankenship was late
Surveyor, and it is ordered that he, with the male laboring tithables
belonging to Thomas Hays, Rubuen Hays, HOOD NANCE, Nickolas Brown,
Grixon Brown, Thomas Brown, Alexander Brown & Scrimshaw Brown, David
Dunn and Duke Haley . . . do forthwith clear and keep the same in repair."
[-I-] [Top <#TOP>]
ISAAC | 1795 | Pittsylvania | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ",
by N. Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 1, C. D. McDonald
(1978) ; "Marriage Records of Pitts. Co, VA 1767-1819", A. Vestal-Miller
(1996) -- Isaac Nance m. Jane Smith 11/12/1795
ISAAC | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - ISAAC Nance, of Pittsylvania, given
power of attorney to John Smith, of the same, his friend, to dispose of
all primmises, to collect all debts, notes, etc., and to dispose of all
estate, real and personal, including two tracts of land in Pittsylvania
on little Basskin (Bearskin ?) and on the waters of Poodin (Pudding ?)
Creek. Witt: James Fulton, Joseph Smith, William Dickson. Bk. 11, p. 82.
ISHAM | 1772 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co Deed Book 3 (Cited in the Malone
Genalogy), 10-7-1772: Deed from John Langford to Isham Nance of Meck.;
witn. Thomas Winfield, William Malone, Thomas Malone
ISHAM | 1776 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone;,
2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA (1996) - Isham Nance, son of William &
Ann Nance, m. (c.1776) Frances "Fanny" Malone -- their children John
(b.1769), William (b.1771), Isham Jr. (b.1779), Mary (b.1782)
ISHAM | 1779 | Mecklenburg | per ernest stanley - may 1 1779 - from
Isham Nance and Frances his wife of Meck. to James Hargrove of Meck. for
120 120 acres in Meck. and bounded by McKinney, Streely, Lambert,
Langley, said Hargrove, Senior Douglas. Wit: Isham Nance Fanny Nance
Wit: John Cleaton, John Nance, William Thomas. Also, May 4 1779 -- from
Isham Nance of Meck. to Senior Douglas of Meck.for 60 pds, about 80
acres in Meck. bounded by James McKenny , William Fox, Maples line.
signed Isham Nance . Wit: Peter Thomas, John Douglas.
ISHAM | 1782 | Mecklenburg | VA Early Census - Isham Nance, Mecklenburg
Co., p. 34, 07 06
ISHAM | 1782 | Mecklenburg | 1782 VA Census - Mecklenburg County Tax
List - Isham Nance (snk)
ISHAM | 1782 | Mecklenburg | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1782 --
Isham Nance - head of family of 7 Whites, 6 Blacks (per list of Lewis
Parham) -- near (3-5 houses away) to Daniel Malone (5W, -B) and Thomas
Malone (3W, 1B)
ISHAM | 1787 | Mecklenburg | "1787 Census of VA Meck. Co N. S. Yantie &
F. S. Love" (W.males 16-21= 0, blacks>16=2 / blacks< 16=6
ISHAM | 1790 | Mecklenburg | 1790 VA Census - Mecklenburg County Pg. #34
Isham Nance 7 Whites (Isham, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 6 Slaves (snk)
ISHAM JR. | 1779 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A.
Malone;, 2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA (1996) b. 1779 to Isham Nance
& Frances "Fanny" Malone
[-J-] [Top <#TOP>]
JAMES | 1720 | James City | (NR) - New Kent, James City Vestry Book at
St. Peter's Parish, 1648-1786 , lists William, Mary, Keturah and Eaton
Nance b. to JAMES and Ann Nance 1727 - 1739
JAMES | 1731 | James City | (NR) - New Kent, James City Vestry Book at
St. Peter's Parish, 1648-1786 , lists May 8, agreement between Mr. James
Nance and the vestry to do repairs to the church.
JAMES | 1744 | James City | The William and Mary Quarterly, Ser. 2, Vol.
21, No. 2 (Apr.1941), pp. 157-171. - - Will of Ralph Graves(?), dated
Feb. 11 1748/49, includes in part the following: "to son Richard the
divident of land lying on Chickahominy River in Jas. City Co., which was
purchased of Brown, Nance & Pond, I mean the upper part of the whole
land where Nance did dwell & in the year 1744 did make a dividing line
in the presence of Jas. Nance, Thos. Hilliard, Ralph Graves Jr.,
Christopher Bromfield & several others..." - In "Old New Kent County" by
M. H. Harris, Vol.1 (1977), there is a discussion about this Will, and
it states, in reference to this land, "the land at the time of division
lay wholly within James City but in 1768, in the exchange of lands, it
fell in New Kent County".
JAMES | 1745 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774, w.
several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- Nov. Ct., 1745 -
p.387 - JAMES Nance deed to Zacharias Nance recorded. Mary, wife of
James, relinquishes dower right.
JAMES | 1751 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bks 1&2
p.65 - 1751 - Hawkins to Mitchell, lands adjoing, inter alia, lands of
JAMES Nance and and Thomas Nance - WHO IS THIS JAMES????
JAMES | 1754 | Amelia | Misc. Records, Am. Co., VA 1735-1865, G. J.
McConnaughey (1995) -- Deed Book 5, p.101 - "Indenture of
Apprenticeship. John Nance & James Nance, son of sd. John Nance, of
Nottoway Parish to James Anderson, Jt., joiner, of Nottoway Parish.
Dated: Jan. 24, 1754 John Nance, with advice & consent of his son James,
& with the consent & approval of the Am. Co. Ct, binds his son, James
Nance, to James Anderson, Jr. to learn the trade of carpenter, &
Anderson shall provide good, sufficient meat, drink, washing, lodging &
clothes. At the end of 5 years, James Nance is to receive £3 for his
true performance".
JAMES | 1758 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill (1895)
(LOV Acc. No. 34001) -- Son of Zachariah Nance and Susannah Duke
(Sherman) Nance. Born bef. 1758. Married 4 times and died after the year
JAMES | 1761 | Amelia | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone (1996)
- reports that Giles Nance m. Mary (Nancy) Malone c. 1754 and that their
children included James. Birthdate is my guess.
JAMES | 1762 | Amelia | "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V. D.
White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990); "Intimate Hist. of Rev. in Pitts. Co.
VA", p.137 138, 159, 185 F. H. Hurt. James Nance born 2 Feb 1762 Am. Co
(the part that became Nottoway Co) -- NOTE: Pierce's Register -- [p.313]
Vouchers -- page 464 Names: [p.464] James Nance, Sen -- Rank: Pri. and
Fif. Sums received: $ 105.99 -- Description of service: Va. Cont'l line
-- Commencement of pension: Mar. 4, 1831 -- Ages: 72 (this works out to
birth 1759)
JAMES | 1771 | Charles City | (per "The Nance Mameorial") Will of
Zacahariah Nance of Charles City Co. Names son James
JAMES | 1772 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774, w.
several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- JAMES Nance, with
James Morris & Walter Clopton, witnesses 1/1/1772 deed from Samuel
Fewqua to James Ladd
JAMES | 1773 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774, w.
several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- Negro of William
Terrill, a ward of Wm. Christian, hired to JAMES Nance, 4 Aug. 1773
JAMES | 1776 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - "Virginians in the Revolution" by
John H. Gathaway has: James Nance, Sr. - Pittsylvania pension declaration
JAMES | 1776 | Pittsylvania | "Intimate Hist. of Rev. in Pitts. Co. VA",
F. H. Hurt. p.103 (James Nance was a soldier and patriot -- see BUCKNER)
JAMES | 1777 | Pittsylvania | "Intimate Hist. of Rev. in Pitts. Co. VA",
p. 159, 185 F. H. Hurt. James Nance served with Pitts. Co. forces,
fought at the Battle of Guilford --reference to this being James Nance SR.)
JAMES | 1780 | unknown | "History of VA" (American History Society,
1924), Vol IV, at p.370 -- bio of L. M. Nance, b. 1857, to Benjamin A.
Nance, who was b. 1823 (see 1850 Charles City, VA Census). Per this bio,
L. M.'s grandfather -- i.e. Benjamin's father -- was Zachariah Nance,
whose father was Eaton Nance, whose father was JAMES Nance. (Date is a
very rough estimate of Eaton's possible birthdate)
JAMES | 1782 | Amelia | "Deed Books 15 17, Am. Co VA Deeds, 1778 1786",
G. J. McConnaughey. (1993) p. 69 James Nance, w. Giles Nance, witness to
a deed -Winn to Ball
JAMES | 1782 | New Kent | VA Early Census - James Nance, New Kent Co.,
p. 36, 07 03
JAMES | 1782 | New Kent | James Nance, owner of 250 acres in New Kent
Co., 1782. "1782 New Kent Co. Virginia Land Tax Records", Paulette Smith
(Orem, UT: Ancestry, Inc., 1999)
JAMES | 1782 | New Kent | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1782 -- James
Nance, head of a family of 7 Whites, 3 Blacks (per list of Armistead
JAMES | 1783 | Amelia | Rev. War Public Service Claims (VA) James Nance
claim -- Ct Bklet=II, p. 16; Commissioner's Book=I. p.89 "John Towns
Jr., Assignee"
JAMES | 1783 | New Kent | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) James
Nance claim --Ct Bklet=8
JAMES | 1783 | Pittsylvania | "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V.
D. White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990) -- born 25 Oct 1783 to William M.
Nance (b. 1760 Amelia) and Elizabeth (Thornton) Nance
JAMES | 1784 | Charles City | 1850 Charles City, VA Census, Part 1 - -
James Nance age 66 (b. 1784)
JAMES | 1785 | New Kent | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1785 -- James
Nance - 8 White souls, 1 dwellings, 4 other buildings -- St. Peters
Parish -- List of Joseph Foster
JAMES | 1787 | Amelia | "1787 Census of VA Am. Co N. S. Yantie & F. S.
Love" James Nance -- Taxes charged to Richard Jones Jr.
JAMES | 1787 | Amelia | "1787 Census of VA Am. Co N. S. Yantie & F. S.
Love" James Nance -- W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=0 / blacks< 16=2 (not
JAMES | 1789 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill (1895)
(LOV Acc. No.34001); "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V. D. White
(Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990)-- James Nance Born Nov. 24 1789 Charles City
Co to Zachariah Nance and Jane (Wilkins) Nance. Died 25 Sep 1842
Sangamon Co IL.
JAMES | 1790 | New Kent | 1790 VA Census - NEW KENT County - Pg. #36
James Nance 7 Whites (James, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 3 Slaves (snk)
JAMES | 1791 | Lunenburg | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N.
Murry ; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 8, C. D. McDonald (1978);
"Marriages of Lunenburg. VA 1746 1853", Emma Matheny (1961) -- James
Nance m. Martha Sammons 11 Mar 1791 (Murry work has Jun 1791); "Lun. Co.
Marriage Bonds" has Wm. Degraffenreidt as surety
JAMES | 1794 | Charles City | On personal property tax list 1794,
1797-1801, 1804-14 (last may be James Jr.?) (NR)
JAMES | 1795 | Lunenburg | (NR) - JAMES to William Nance. Bk. 17, p. 17.
JAMES | 1796 | Lunenburg | (NR) - Martha and JAMES Nance deed to John Mann.
JAMES | 1797 | Southhamptn | Per Oct 25 1996 query from Jan Gerow ,
Solomon Nance was born (1836) in Southhampton, VA to JAMES Nance (b.1797
in VA) and Elizabeth Cooper, and James Nance's father was William Nance.
NOTE: see SOLOMON and JAMES, Giles Co, TN.
JANE | 1719 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds", B. J.
Weisiger - 16 Nov 1719, John Nance of Pr. George deeds to Edward
Slaughter, 100 a. in Westover Parish, Pr. Geo. Co., bounded by Bares
(sic) Cr. Witnesses Richard Nance, JEAN Nance. 8 Dec 1719 -- "Jean, wife
of John Nance, relinq. dower rt.) (It seems to me that it's likely this
is JANE), Fra. Epes Jr. (per J.G. Sullivan data)
JANE | 1721 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (children
Elinor, Thomas, Wm, Richard were b. to JANE and spouse John Nance 1721-1735)
JANE | 1741 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Book 1 (1735-1743)", G.
J. McConnaughey (1981) - p. 308: (Amelia Co Ord. Bk p. 159) John Nance
to Francis Epps of Pr. Geo. Co, 19 June 1741, 300 a. on branches of
Nottoway and Deep Cr., being the same land sold to said Nance by Mathew
Smart . . . Deed acknowleged by John Nance & ordered rec. at Court held
19 June 1741 after Jane, his wife, relinq. dower.
JANE | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961), "Early Wills 1746-1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott. p.87 -- will
of John Nance 2/28/1761; 7/6/1762, mentions daughter Jane
JANE | 1770 | Brunswick | Patrick Co (VA) Death Records 1853-1870,
(Eunice B. Kirkman), at ftp:// - -, JANET
"Peggy" Sims, d. 20 Jan 1853 in Patrick Co VA at age 83, i.e.,
b.abt.1770 in Brunswick Co, VA, parents John and Mary Nance, husband was
Ignatious Simms
JANE | 1790 | Henry | (NR) Jane Nance m. Ignatous Simms (see Jane, 1770)
. JANE was dau. of Frederick Nance, and Ignatious Sims was son of
Francis Simms and Lucretia Chapman. Married 24 Aug 1790 by Rev. Carter
Tarrant. (snk; source cited: Henry Co VA Marriage Bonds 1778-1849 by
Virginia Anderton Dodd).
JANE | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961). (will of Frederick Nance Sr. 6/2/1795; 9/18/1796 mentions
daughter Jane
JOHN | 1711 | Prince George | Pr. Geo. Co Deeds Vol 1 p. 60 - Appraisal
of estate of Charles Howell [NOTE: he is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo
Co] by Josh Holiecross, Wm. Epes [NOTE: he is on 1704 Rent Roll for
Pr.Geo Co; actually 2 noted, one "Sr.", one "Sheriff"] , Jno Nance, 7
Jul 1711 (per J.G. Sullivan data)
JOHN | 1712 | Prince George | Pr.Geo. Co. Deeds Vol. 1 p. 224 - 6 Mar
1712, Richard Walpool [NOTE: he is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] &
wife Ellenor of Westopher Parish, Pr. Geo. Co., to Richard Pigeon [NOTE:
he is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] of same. £20. 120a. bounded by
Phi. Jean, Middle Br., Birchen Swamp, Towne Swamp. Rich. Walpool,
Elliner Walpool. Witn: Wm. Gary, Jno Nance, Wm Wms (per J.G. Sullivan data)
JOHN | 1712 | Prince George | Pr.Geo. Co. Deeds Vol. 1 p. 127 - Deed
from John [NOTE: he is on 1704 Rent Roll for Ch. City Co] & Mary Epes of
Ch. City Co. to John Nance of Pr. Geo. Co. for £20, 100a. in Westopher
Parish, bounded by Baily's Cr., Bear's Cr. - Wittn: Instance Hall [NOTE:
Justance Hall is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co], John Peterson [NOTE:
two are on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] , Philip Claud. Rec. 10 Jun
1712 (per J.G. Sullivan data)
JOHN | 1716 | Prince George | "VA Wills and Administrations Prince G
Co." John Nance (as Jno) - will; per "NR": Will of JOHN Nance, Prince
George Co, VA, June 9 1716....Item I give unto my son John my land
excepting four a. in the plantation I now live on to my son Richard and
wife's life in the said plantation, then the said land to my son John
and his heirs forever. If my son, John Nance, demands any of the estate
of mother Sookings [or Gookings?], to return everything that he had in
hand of my estate. I give unto my loving wife, Sarah, my best feather
bed, a pair of sheets and rug, leather trunk and wearing clothes. To my
daughter Susan my second best feather bed, sheets and blanket. To my
daughter Elizabeth Gregory, one shilling. To my daughter, Elinor
Warpole, one shilling. To my son, John, one shilling. I give all the
rest of my estate within doors and without to my son Richard and
Daughter, Dorothy, to be equally divided. I constitute and appoint my
son Richard and my wife executor and executrix of my last will and
testament. June 9, 1716. Witnesses: William Stainback [NOTE: William
Standback is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] , William Epps [NOTE: he
is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] , Francis Epps [NOTE: Capt. Francis
Epes is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] . Probated 2nd Tuesday November
JOHN | 1716 | Prince George | Deeds, Estates 1713-1728 (Pt 1) Reel 1 - -
John Nance -- p.135-36 Will pro. 13 Nov. 1716 p. 144 Inv. & Appr. rec.
12 Feb. 1716 -- p. 207 Accounts rec. Jan 14 1717
JOHN | 1716 | Prince George | Inventory of John Nance's estate. John
Nance, Administrator, presented the inventory.
JOHN | 1716 | Prince George | Will of JOHN Nance, 1716 - - mentions wife
Sarah; sons Richard, John; daughters Susan, Elin. (possibly an
abbreviation for Elinor?) Warpole, Eliz. Gregory, Dorothy
JOHN | 1716 | Prince George | Will of John Nance, 1716 - - mentions son JOHN
JOHN | 1717 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds 1713-1728", B.
J. Weisiger, p. 154 - DANIEL Nance and Elizabeth Nance of Pr.Geo. Co.
deed 100 a. to Thomas Gregory of Ch. City Co., bounded by Maj. Robert
Munford [NOTE: he is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] , David Crawley,
Francis Coleman [NOTE: he is on 1704 Rent Roll for Pr.Geo Co] , and
Bayles Run. Witn: James Thweatt [NOTE: Jr. and Sr. are on 1704 Rent Roll
for Pr.Geo Co] , JOHN Nance.
JOHN | 1717 | Prince George | Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds - p. 207 --
Account of estate of John Nance, debts £62+, credits £59+; mention of
orphan of John Sawkin (or Lawkin) deceased (cf. Sooking reference in the
will), John Hardyman [NOTE: John Hardiman is on 1704 Rent Roll for
Pr.Geo Co] , William Hamlin, John Bolling [NOTE: he is on 1704 Rent Roll
for Henrico Co] ; exhibited in court by John Nance, exec. [On Oct 20
1691, John Pleasants patented land in Varina Par., Henrico, n.s. James
R., for importation of persons including JOHN and JANE SAWKIN. PB 8 p.
173. On Apr 24, 1703, John Woodson patented land in this same area for
importation of persons including JOHN SAWKIN. PB 9 p. 525].
JOHN | 1718 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds", B. J.
Weisiger - p. 252; inv. of estate of John Epes by John Fitzgerald, John
Nance, Thomas Moor. Ret. to ct. by Thomas Epes. Rec. 9 Dec. 1718 (per
J.G. Sullivan data)
JOHN | 1719 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds", B. J.
Weisiger - 16 Nov 1719, JOHN Nance of Pr. George deeds to Edward
Slaughter, 100 a. in Westover Parish, Pr. Geo. Co., bounded by Bares
(sic) Cr. Witnesses Richard Nance, Jean Nance. 8 Dec 1719 -- "Jean, wife
of John Nance, relinq. dower rt.) (It seems to me that it's likely this
is Jane), Fra. Epes Jr. (per J.G. Sullivan data)
JOHN | 1720 | Essex | "Index to Marriages of Old Rappahannock & Essex
Cos.", E. E. Wilkerson (Whittet & Shepperson, 1953) -- per Essex Co.
Order Bk. 5, p. 527 --John Nance m. Margaret, Exec[utrix] of Ralph
Rouzie [NOTE: Wilkerson had 1722 -- may have merely indexed a court
order establishing the fact of marriage, so this may not be actual DATE
of marriage -- NR cites this source as indicating date of 1720]
JOHN | 1720 | Essex | JOHN Nance witnessed and probated Will of Mary
Sheppey (Widow). (NR) [NOTE: Thomas SHEPPEY (SHIPPEY), patented 250a. in
Henrico Co, Aug 1639, adj. land of William Sharpe, Thomas Rowse, Arthur
Anthony. PB 1 p. 665. This William Sharpe is probably the one with whom
the possible Richard Nance (Vause/Rawse) is associated. The names
Shippey and Rowse are associated with the John Nance who is in Essex Co
in 1720-1730s.]
JOHN | 1720 | Prince George | 150a PG Co. surveyed by Robert Bolling for
JOHN Nance 23 Feb 1720/21 ref A - VPB11p114 dat 22 Jun 1722 to John
NANCE con 15Sh re 150a PG Co. [NOTE: See 22 Jun 1722 patent, 150a. in PG
JOHN | 1720 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co. Wills & Deeds", B. J.
Weisiger - - p. 756 - John Nance, b.s. Hatcher's Run, 150a. (per J.G.
Sullivan data)
JOHN | 1720 | Rappahanock | John Nance m. 5 November 1720 Rappahanock
County, VA to Margaret Rowsey, b. 1681 Essex County, VA, d. 1725 , dau.
of Ralph Rowzie and Rebecca Tomlin
JOHN | 1721 | Essex | "Order Book Extracts, Essex 1716-1723 (Part IV)",
R. & S. Sparacio (1990) -- p. 612 John Nance is a juror 17 Oct 1721; p.
624 same on 20 Mar 1721; p.626 Judgment of 1 Pound for John Nance v.
Thomas Waring re estate of Mary Shippey, and, John Nance and John Lloyd
settle their suit, 20 Mar 1721; other court notations
JOHN | 1721 | Essex | "Order Book Extracts, Essex 1716-1723 (Part IV)",
R. & S. Sparacio (1990) -- p. 620 John Nance and Margt. Nance are each
allowed 7 days' witness fees in matter of Leemon v. Gray, 21 Mar 1721;
Lodowick Smith v. John Nance & Margt., his wife, Exrs. of Ralph Rowzee,
dec'd., Exs. of John Smith, dec'd.
JOHN | 1721 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (children
Elinor, Thomas, Wm, Richard were b. to JOHN and spouse Jane Nance 1721-1735)
JOHN | 1722 | Essex | "Order Book Extracts, Essex 1716-1723 (Part IV)",
R. & S. Sparacio (1990) -- Multiple court records reflecting various
lawsuits, also litigation relative to Ralph Rowzee estate; also, p.706,
Benjamin Rowzee chose John Nance for guardian19 Sep 1722, and (per NR)
John Nance filed his bond Oct. 16; also license granted John Nance 15
Jan 1722 to keep an Ordry [Ordinary] at his dwelling house according to
law, John Motley and Ralph Rowzee his securities --(per NR, he is to
provide wholesome and clean lodging and "dyet" for travellers and
"stabalage", fodder and provender or pasturage as the season shall
require for their horses, and shall not suffer un-lawful gaming nor on
the sabbath suffer any to tipple or drink more than is necessary - for
1,000 pounds of tobacco)
JOHN | 1722 | Prince George | "VA (Land) Patent Book 11" p. 114,
(patenting 150 a. in Pr. George on n.s. Hatcher's Run adj. Sam Sentall,
22 June 1722) (VA (Land) Patent Book 18 p. 270 --a 1739 patent is
described as being of part formerly granted John Nance by patent dated
22 June 1722 (PB 14 p. 161) and part of a patent formerly granted sd.
John Nance 26 June 1731 (PB 14 p. 161) and sold by him to Boisseau")
(NOTE: This is prob. the John b.bef. 1695 who m. Jane)
JOHN | 1723 | Essex | "Deed Abstracts of Essex Co VA", R. & S. Sparacio
(1989) D.B. 17 (1721-24) pp. 234-36 John A. Nance witnesses a land
transaction, 16 Jul 1723
JOHN | 1723 | Essex | "Deed Abstracts of Essex Co VA", R. & S. Sparacio
(1989) D.B. 17 (1721-24) pp. 276-77 John Nance, Jacob Laton, Jeremiah
Bizwell - bond re: maintenance of a ferry; 20 Nov 1723
JOHN | 1723 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (b. to Richard
and his wife Mary Nance 15 Dec 1723, bapt. 14 Jun 1724)
JOHN | 1723 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co. Wills & Deeds" B. J.
Weisiger, - p. 763 - John Nance, s.s. Nottoway River, 142 a. adj. the
Indian Company Line. This land is some distance from the Gravelly
Cr/Hatchers Run area (in present-day Dinwiddie).
JOHN | 1724 | Essex | "Deed Abstracts of Essex Co VA", R. & S. Sparacio
(1989) D.B. 17 (1721-24) pp. 354-58 John Nance witnesses deed from
Edward Rowzee to John Tayloe of land in St Ann's Parish, Essex Co, 19
May 1724
JOHN | 1726 | Brunswick | Patent Book 12 p. 518 - John Nance patenting
142 a. on the s. s. of the Nottoway R., Brunswick Co., beg. at the
Indian Company's upper corner upon the river, &c., 7 Jul 1726 [Is this
the same patent as 1723?]
JOHN | 1727 | Essex | "Order Book Extracts, Essex 1725-1729 (Part II)",
R. & S. Sparacio (1989) -- pp. 214, 235, John Nance involved in Rowzee
estate litigation 20 Feb 1727 (also in following year)
JOHN | 1728 | Essex | JOHN Nance receives legacy in will of Dr. Henry
Oswald 1728/29 (NR)
JOHN | 1730 | Essex | "Deed Abstracts of Essex Co VA", R. & S. Sparacio
(1989) D.B. 19 (1728-33) pp 170-173 John Nance witnesses agreeement
between John Motley and Elizabeth Wheaton, 11 Dec 1730
JOHN | 1731 | Essex | "Deed Abstracts of Essex Co VA", R. & S. Sparacio
(1989) D.B. 19 pp 225-228 Thomas Short deeds to John Nance of St Ann's
Parish, Essex Co, 123 a. parcel adj. to Gaines, Noell, 20 Jul 1731. Full
Seizen given and delivered by Turf and Twigg. Motley, Tiller, Vawter
JOHN | 1731 | Essex | "VA Wills and Administrations Essex Co." (will),
NR -- Will of John Nance of Parish of St. Ann, Co. of Essex -- refers to
wife Mary, and godson Nance Henry Motley. The will leaves a gold ring to
Elizabeth Gaines. No other persons mentioned. Wit: D. Gaines, Thomas
Tiller, Edw. Hewes. Executor: wife. NOTE: "VA in 1740 A Reconstructed
Census", TLC Genealogy (1992)" shows a male Nance resident of Essex Co)
JOHN | 1731 | Prince George | "VA (Land) Patent Book 14" p. 161, John
Nance patenting 252 a. Pr. George Co. "on the N. side of Hatcher's Run
adj. his old land", s.s. Picture Br., 26 Jun 1731 (see John 1722 -- he
had his land then, so this cannot be the John who m. Martha; also cannot
be John who m. Sarah, d. 1717 - and cannot be John, son of Richard &
Mary, b. 1723) -- VA (Land) Patent Book 18 p. 270 -- a patent is
described as being of part formerly granted John Nance by patent dated
22 June 1722 (PB 14 p. 161) and part of a patent formerly granted sd.
John Nance 26 June 1731 (PB 14 p. 161) and sold by him to Boisseau)
JOHN | 1733 | Prince George | "VA (Land) Patent Book 15" p. 88, (Daniel
Nance Junr. of Pr. George Co. takes 200 a. adj. John Nance) (NOTE: This
cannot be the John who m. Sarah, who d. 1716; also cannot be the John b.
to Richard & Mary in 1723; could possiby be John who. m. Jane, or his
son John who m. Martha & had Giles in 1735)
JOHN | 1734 | Prince George | "VA (Land) Patent Book 15" p. 268,
(another's patent in Pr. George Co refers to adj. lands of John Nance)
(NOTE: Thiscould possiby be John who. m. Jane, or his son John who m.
Martha & had Giles in 1735)
JOHN | 1735 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Book 1 (1735-1743)", G.
J. McConnaughey (1981) - p. 7: 12 Nov 1735 Deed of Lease, Mathew SMART
of Marchant Brandon Parish, Pr. George Co., to John Nance of Raleigh
Parish - 300 a. on ridge between branches of Little Nottoway and
branches of Deep Creek; 13 Nov 1735, Deed of Release, same property.
(see JOHN 1741 - this is the John who m. Jane). Robert B. Nance recites
that this land was sold for 1 shilling, and so infers that it was a gift
for marrying a daughter.
JOHN | 1735 | Amelia | John Nance, surveyor from Butterwood to the
coming of the race paths near Mr. Irby's (Per J.G. Sullivan materials)
JOHN | 1735 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (Giles b. to
JOHN and his wife Martha Nance 4 May 1735)
JOHN | 1737 | Amelia | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. 1, p. 15 -- Am.
Co. Tithables List, 1737 - John Nance, Jack, a Negro (this is John who.
m. Jane, as a John Nance Junr. is also listed)
JOHN | 1737 | Amelia | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. 1, p. 16 -- Am.
Co. Tithables List, 1737 - John Nance, Junr. (this is John who m. Martha
& had Giles in 1735, as a John Nance is also listed)
JOHN | 1737 | Amelia | "VA Genealogist" 15:86 -- John Nance is one of
the persons doing the inventory of a 1737 estate (Moorfeild) in Am. Co
JOHN | 1738 | Amelia | Am. Co. Patents No. 18, 1738-39, p. 197 Feby. 1
1738 John Nance takes 261 a. on the s. side of Little Nottoway R., & on
both sides of Peter's Cr. (This could possiby be John who. m. Jane, or
his son John who m. Martha & had Giles in 1735)
JOHN | 1738 | Brunswick | (NR) - 1738 - Council held at the Capitol 5
May: permission granted to Henry Robertson to take 1000 a. of land
adjoining John Nance, Thomas Yarbrough and Stith Hardaway on b.s. Little
Nottoway River. Vol. 4, p. 418. (Executive Journals of the Council of
Colonial VA 5 vols. VA State Library, 1930).
JOHN | 1738 | Prince George | Pr. Geo. Co Court Records - 2 Jul 1738,
John Jones v. John Nance (ref: "The Burnetts and their Connections",
June Bork - per J. G. Sullivan materials). Also, 11 Jul 1738, Pr. geo Co
Court "At Fitzgeralds" - p. 11 - John Jones debt due from John Nance
JOHN | 1739 | Amelia | "VA (Land) Patent Book 18" pp. 404, 468 -- deeds
of land in Am. Co adj. lands of John Nance
JOHN | 1739 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co Deed Bk 2 p. 25, 3 Mar 1739, John
Nance Jr. witnesses a deed fr. John Moore of Bertie Co NC to William
Johnson of same. [J.G. Sullivan materials recite: 140a patented to
Richard Moore part of a 500a. tract on 7 Jul 1726 - descended from John
to Richard Bounded by Beaverpond Cr at the County line. Other witness
James Parrish. Rec. 3 Jul 1740].
JOHN | 1739 | Essex | (NR) -- 1739 - April court - Nance vs. Roy. John
Nance possessed of the slave in question and others, by his will of
1731, gives to his wife all his estate both real and personal during her
natural life and makes her his sole executrix. Afterwards he devises a
way a negro girl and other small legacies, but makes no further
disposition of the estate given his wife. The wife is dead, having in
her lifetime given the negro in question to a Perry, from which the
Defendent purchased said slave. The Plaintiff says he is heir of law of
the testator. (From Colonial Decisions by Barton, Vol. II, p. 279. No
mention made of given name of plaintiff Nance nor his relationship to
John Nance.)
JOHN | 1739 | Prince George | "VA (Land) Patent Book 18" p. 270, (a
patent is described as being of part formerly granted John Nance by
patent dated 22 June 1722 (PB 14 p. 161) and part of a patent formerly
granted sd. John Nance 26 June 1731 (PB 14 p. 161) and sold by him to
Boisseau")(adj. Sentall, Mayes and Hudson, Edward Whitt, Wells,
Boisseau, Rockey branch, Thomas Williams, (This was John who. m. Jane)
JOHN | 1740 | Amelia | "Historical Notes on Am. Co., VA", Kathleen
Hadfield (1982) p.483 (appendix) (was Constable for a part of 1740)
(This could possiby be John who. m. Jane, or his son John who m. Martha
& had Giles in 1735)
JOHN | 1740 | Amelia | "VA in 1740 A Reconstructed Census", TLC
Genealogy (1992)" (John Nance was a resident of Am. Co) (Prob. John who.
m. Jane, as a John Jr. is also listed)
JOHN | 1740 | Amelia | "VA in 1740 A Reconstructed Census", TLC
Genealogy (1992)" John Nance Jr -- a resident of Am. Co) (Prob. John who
m. Martha & had Giles in 1735, as a John is also listed)
JOHN | 1741 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Book 1 (1735-1743)", G.
J. McConnaughey (1981) - p. 308: (Amelia Co Ord. Bk p. 159) John Nance
to Francis Epps of Pr. Geo. Co, 19 June 1741, 300 a. on branches of
Nottoway and Deep Cr., being the same land sold to said Nance by Mathew
Smart . . . Deed acknowleged by John Nance & ordered rec. at Court held
19 June 1741 after Jane, his wife, relinq. dower. (This is John who. m.
JOHN | 1745 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Book 2 (1742-1747)", G.
J. McConnaughey (1981) - 10 Sep 1745 in a deed (Isham Epes & Amey his
wife to Bowrey) a reference to lines of Francis Eppes, Thos. Chappel,
John Taylor, John Willis, Jone (sic) Nance, Anderson -- (This could
possiby be John who. m. Jane, or his son John who m. Martha & had Giles
in 1735) (NOTES: 1. a John Nance bound his son James to an Anderson to
learn carpentry in 1754, both of Nottoway Parish; 2. 1741 deed from John
Nance to Eppes was of the land between Little Nottoway and Deep Cr.; 3.
in 1756 in Am. Co Epes deeds to Bowery, land adj. lines of John Nance)
JOHN | 1745 | Amelia | "Am. Co. Deed Bk 2 p. 342", (a deed refers to
land in Am. Co., on the north side of the Little Nottoway, adjacent
lands of John Nance) (This could possiby be John who. m. Jane, or his
son John who m. Martha & had Giles in 1735)
JOHN | 1745 | Lunenburg | (NR) - 21 March 1745 - to Ben Hawkins, 3000 a.
adjoining John Nance's line on Little Owl Creek (Lunenburg) Vol. 5.,
Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial VA 5 Vols. VA State
Library, 1930. (This could possiby be John who. m. Jane, or his son John
who m. Martha & had Giles in 1735 -- or the John b. to Richard & Mary
JOHN | 1746 | Amelia | "VA Genealogist" 15:267 -- John Nance is one of
the persons doing the inventory of a 1746 estate in Am. Co (This could
possibly be John who. m. Jane, or his son John who m. Martha & had Giles
in 1735)
JOHN | 1746 | Brunswick | "VA (Land) Patent Book 24" p. 398, (John Nance
patents 400 a. both sides of Meherrin River Brunswick Co., 28 Aug 1746)
(Lunenburg - including present Meck. and Charlotte -- was split off from
Brunswick in this year)
JOHN | 1746 | Lunenburg | (NR) -- 1746-1748 - ordered that JOHN Nance
clear the road on the Meherrin river. Order Bk. 1, p. 13.
JOHN | 1748 | ???? | "DAR Patriot Index" (DAR, 1966) V. I., has John
Nantz (sic) b. 1748 d. 1813 m. Mary (Nancy). - a Soldier in the Va Militia.
JOHN | 1748 | Lunenburg | June 10, 1748 VA Tithables, Lunenburg County
-- John Nance. 3 (snk)
JOHN | 1748 | Lunenburg | June 10, 1748 VA Tithables, Lunenburg County
-- {page 62} John Nance. 1(snk)
JOHN | 1749 | Amelia | "VA Genealogist" 16:60 -- John Nance is one of
the persons doing the inventory of a 1749 estate in Am. Co. Also on the
inventory is Benja. Bullington
JOHN | 1749 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bks 1&2
p. 31 (John Nance is appraising a Mackenzie will)
JOHN | 1749 | Lunenburg | JOHN Nance ("Nants") listed in Lydall Bacon's
list of tithes for June 10, 1749, for the area "from Hounds Creek to
Little Ronoke R." ; Richd. Nants and John Nants appear together as
having 3 tithes (one household?), and 18 "Crs. Hds." (?). Adjacent on
list to Tho. Nants. "Sunlight on the Southside", transcribed by T. W.
Duda (GenWeb Archives).
JOHN | 1749 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co. Patents 27, p. 247 (25 July 1749 John
Nance takes 385 a. on both sides of the N. Fork of Dry Creek adj. land
of Wynn & Nicholas Christopher's land)
JOHN | 1751 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk. 2,
p. 281(John Nance of Lun. Co to George Wells, 200a on the Meherrin
River, "being Nance's patent")
JOHN | 1752 | Amelia | "Am. Co Deeds", McConnaughey, Bk 4, p.436 -- 1752
Pledger to Holland deed of land adj. William Crenshaw, John Nance,
others. (This is John who m. Martha, they were neighbors of Michael
Holland in 1764)
JOHN | 1752 | Lunenburg | 1752 VA Tithables, Lunenburg County - John
Nance . 3 (snk)
JOHN | 1752 | Lunenburg | 1752 VA Tithables, Lunenburg County - John
Nance . 1 (snk)
JOHN | 1753 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Books 3 & 4 (1747-1753)",
G. J. McConnaughey (1988) - p. 122 -- a 1753 deed s/s Peters Cr., adj.
Hubbard, Ellis, John Nance.
JOHN | 1754 | Amelia | Misc. Records, Am. Co., VA 1735-1865, G. J.
McConnaughey (1995) -- Deed Book 5, p.101 - "Indenture of
Apprenticeship. John Nance & James Nance, son of sd. John Nance, of
Nottoway Parish to James Anderson, Jt., joiner, of Nottoway Parish.
Dated: Jan. 24, 1754 John Nance, with advice & consent of his son James,
& with the consent & approval of the Am. Co. Ct, binds his son, James
Nance, to James Anderson, Jr. to learn the trade of carpenter, &
Anderson shall provide good, sufficient meat, drink, washing, lodging &
clothes. At the end of 5 years, James Nance is to receive £3 for his
true performance".
JOHN | 1754 | Bedford | Bedford Co Court Bk 1A (per J. G. Sullivan
materials) - Suit against John Nance, defendant.
JOHN | 1755 | Amelia | "Am. Co Deed Books", G. J. McConnaughey - Books 5
& 6 - 1756 - Epes deeds to Bowery, land adj. lines of John Nance and others
JOHN | 1755 | Amelia | "Am. Co Deed Books", G. J. McConnaughey - Books 5
& 6 - 1755 - Yarbrough deeds to May, land adj. lines of John Nance and
Michael Holland, s/s Peters Creek. (This is John who m. Martha, they
were neighbors of Michael Holland in 1764)
JOHN | 1755 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co Patents 31, p. 252 --10 Sept. 1755
John Nance takes 400 a. on both sides of the Meherrin R., adj. his own &
Richard Nance's land
JOHN | 1755 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co. Patents 31, p. 552 --10 Sept. 1755
John Nance Junr. takes 400 a. on the S. side of Owl Creek, and adj.
JOHN | 1756 | Amelia | "Am. Co Deed Books", G. J. McConnaughey - Books 5
& 6 - 1756 - May deeds to Pain, land adj. lines of John Nance, others
JOHN | 1756 | Brunswick | JUNE 16 1756 - Patent to JOHN "Nancys", 846
acres, Brunswick Co. No. 33, p. 19. (NR)
JOHN | 1756 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15", (1989) , Deed
Bk 4 p. 306 -- John Nance Jr of Am. Co. deeds to Jacobus Christopher of
Lunenburg, 385a., on n.f. Dry Cr., adj. Wynn and Nicholas Christopher.
Witn: Hampton Wade, William Stokes, Sylvanus Stokes, Charles Allen
JOHN | 1757 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15", (1989) --JOHN
Nance deeds to William Nance Jr., 300a in Lunenburg on the Meherrin
River. Bk. 4, p. 498
JOHN | 1758 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill (1895)
(LOV Acc. No.34001) -- Son of Zachariah Nance and Susannah Duke
(Sherman) Nance. Born bef. 1758. Twice married -- died in the fall of 1806.
JOHN | 1759 | Amelia | "Am. Co Deed Books, Book 9", G. J. McConnaughey;
Deed Book 9 p. 105, a 1767 deed Joseph Holland to Charles Irby recites
that it is part of 65 a. conveyed by John Nance to Philip Pledger on
Sept. 15, 1759 (John who m. Martha? they were neighbors of Michael
Holland in 1764)
JOHN | 1759 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15" (1989) Book 5 p.
50 -- John Nance of Am. Co to John Foster, land "granted sd. Nance 1755")
JOHN | 1759 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15" (1989) Book 6
(JOHN NANCE witnesses Richard Nance p. 16 1759 of Dinwiddie Co. & wife
Mary, to Foster. /s/ Richd R Nance Mary M Nance [these may not be middle
initials, but first letters of the name, i.e., they may have signed --if
at all-- as R Nance and M Nance]. Also wit by William Nance, Nathaniel
JOHN | 1760 | Lunenburg | "Cumb. Parish, Lun. Co VA, Vestry Bk
1746-1816", L. C. Bell -- Lands Not Processioned For Want Of Attendance
... JOHN Nance, SR. No. 14. 1760, Mar. 31, p. 508.
JOHN | 1761 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.1) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 7, p. 42 - 23 Apr 1761 deed John Nance
to Giles Nance, 75 a. n. s. Peter's Cr, a small br. of the Little
Nottoway, part of a tract of 26? patented to John Nance 1 Feb 1738 and
bounded by [trees].
JOHN | 1761 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.1) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 7, p. 527 13 Nov 1761 Thornton Pryor of
Am. Co deeds to Crispin Shelton of Nottoway Parish;... wit. include John
JOHN | 1761 | Lunenburg | (NR) -- 1761 - February 28 will of JOHN Nance.
Sons John, Thomas, William, Richard, Frederick. Daughters Sarah, Jane,
Phebe, Susannah, Elizabeth, Molly. Wit: George Walton, Ezekiah Jackson,
Benjamin Shipp. Probated 6 July 1762.
JOHN | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961). "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott. will of John
Nance 2/28/1761; 7/ 6/1762
JOHN | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961)., "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott. p.87
--mentioned in will of John Nance 2/28/1761; 7/6/1762, mentions son John
JOHN | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Marriages of Lunenburg. VA 1746 1853", Emma
Matheny (1961) --John Nance's daughter Mary Nance M. Shadarack Brown, 23
May 1761)
JOHN | 1762 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books 7 & 8", G. J.
McConnaughey, Am. Co. Deed Bk 7, 1762 Witworth to Merideth, etc. - wit.
include. John and Giles Nance
JOHN | 1762 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.1) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 7, p. 635 Jun 1762 Rowland of Amelia to
Beasely of Amelia, etc. - wit. include. Jno Nance, Gyles (Giles) Nance
JOHN | 1762 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.1) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 7, p. 642 25 Feb 1762 Pain to Jones,
land in Amelia - in the fork of of Nottoway on s.s. Peters Cr., bounded
by Jeff Wallac, John Pace, Samuel Smith, Peter Benford, Michael Holland,
John Nance (This is John who m. Martha, they were neighbors of Michael
Holland in 1764)
JOHN | 1762 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.1) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 7, p. 643 25 Mar 1762 Michael Holland
of Amelia to John Winn of Amelia, abt. 32 a. on s.s. Little Nottoway,
adj. lands of William Crenshaw, Michael Holland, John Nance, John Winn.
[NOTE: see JOHN 1752]
JOHN | 1762 | Chesterfield | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. V, p. 114
-- Chesterfield Co Tithables 172 - John Nance
JOHN | 1762 | Lunenburg | "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B.
Elliott. p. 96 1762 at 58 p. 16 2. 3 p. (John Nance's estate is appraised)
JOHN | 1762 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 7 p.226
(JOHN Nance deeds to Fredrick Nance, 300a)
JOHN | 1764 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.1) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 8, p. 314. A statement by John Nance to
support a claim that a neighbor, Michael Holland, gave his daughter
certain slaves as a gift. In it he refers to "my son Giles", and "my
daughter Elizabeth"
JOHN | 1766 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.2) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. (Also in McConnaughey's compilation). Am. Co. Deed Bk
9, p. 57-58. 22 Oct 1766 Deed from John Nance to Charles Irby, 60 a.
land s.s.Little Nottoway adj. a small walnut above the ford between said
Nances and John Winn's; being part of a 261 a. tract formerly granted
said Nance. Martha, wife of Nance, rel. her dower before Richard Jones &
Robert Munford, 10/28/1766
JOHN | 1767 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.2) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 9, p. 105 26 Feb 1767 Joseph Holland
deeds to Charles Irby, the land being ~ 118 a. in Nottoway Parish & Am.
Co., in the fork of the Nottoway; being part of the land & part of the
plantation said Joseph Holland now lives on, & part of 65 a. conveyed
fr. John Nance to Philip Pledger by deed dated 15 Sep 1749 and bounded
by the s. s. of Peters Cr., Jones, Winn
JOHN | 1767 | Amelia | "Am. Co Deed Books", G. J. McConnaughey; Deed
Book 10, p. 2 John Nance of Nottoway Parish, Am. Co., to Giles Nance of
same, 28 Oct 1767, for L. 50, 61 a. in Nottoway Parish, being part of
261 a. pat. to John Nance 1 Feb. 173?, being land and plantation where
said John Nance now lives. Adj. land of Irby, new line between John and
Giles Nance, line of Hen. Robertson, a small branch, and Little
Nottoway. Witn. James Henderson, Charles Irby, David Nance, Langston
Bacon, Richard Robertson, James Robertson.
JOHN | 1767 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2, 1765-1771",
Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p. 272 1 June
1767 Nathaniel Nance of Bedford Co to Richard Foster, a tract in
Charlotte Co, bounded by land which Foster formerly purchased fr. John
Nance, and by George Walton (This county was just created from Lunenburg
in 1764) [NOTE: George Walton was a witness to the 28 Feb. 1761 Will of
John Nance].
JOHN | 1769 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2, 1765-1771",
Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p. 225 3 Apr 1769
Foster & wife deed to Stark, 471 a. in Charlotte. The land deeded is
made up in part of land which Richard purchased from Nathaniel Nance,
John Nance and John Foster, and part from James Foster given by will to
son Richard (being part of what James Foster purchased from William
Nance). (this county was just created from Lunenburg in 1764)
JOHN | 1769 | Lunenburg | "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B.
Elliott -1769 (John Nance is appraising an estate)
JOHN | 1769 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone;,
2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA[1996] Isham Nance m. c.1776 Frances
"Fanny" Malone. This genealogy says their children included John, b.
1769 Meck. (this county was just created out of Lunenburg in 1764)
JOHN | 1770 | Brunswick | Patrick Co (VA) Death Records 1853-1870,
(Eunice B. Kirkman), at ftp:// - -, Janet
"Peggy" Sims, d. 20 Jan 1853 in Patrick Co VA at age 83, i.e.,
b.abt.1770 in Brunswick Co, VA, parents John and Mary Nance, husband was
Ignatious Simms -- according the the NR, John Nance was a brother of
Reuben Nance of Henry Co
JOHN | 1771 | Botetourt | "VA Genealogist" 10:116 - John Nance is listed
as a tithable in the area from the North side of Buffalo Cr. to the Co Line
JOHN | 1771 | Botetourt | 1771 VA Tithables, Botetourt County -- NS
Buffalo Creek to the county line and from mountain to mountain -- John
Nance - 1 Tithe (snk)
JOHN | 1771 | Charles City | (This is NM) Will of Zacahariah Nance of
Charles City Co. Names son John
JOHN | 1772 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774, w.
several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- 12/6/1770 -- Will
of Rabley Vaughn. Daughters Sarah Finch, Martha Hill, son William
Vaughan, dau. Hannah Wilcox,... to dau. NANCE (sic) Nance, all my
estate; JOHN Nance to be executor.
JOHN | 1773 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co. Deed Book 4 p. 96 (cited in the
Malone genealogy) "3-27-1773: John and wife Mary Nance of Brunswick Co.
deed to John Lambert, Jr. of Meck. Co. land devised from father Wm.
Nance, adjoining Malone, Eppas, Harville, Evans and Floyd". See William,
1763 - he took land adj. Floyd's lines
JOHN | 1776 | Charles City | (NR) - "Virginians in the Revolution" by
John H. Gathaway has: John Nance - Charles City militia
JOHN | 1776 | Charles City | "VA Military Records", Bentley (1983);
"Charles City Co VA During the Rev. War", D. G. Tyler; militia drafter
11/21/1776 included JOHN Nance
JOHN | 1776 | Henry | "VA Military Records", Bentley (1983) Henry Co.
(militia ordered from Henry Co to the assistance of General Greene
included John Nance, of Peter Hairston's Company) (see JOHN, 1781),
JOHN | 1777 | Brunswick | per ernest stanley , Nov 15 1777 from John
Nance and Mary, his wife, of Meck. to Charles Floyd of Brunswick county
for 400 Pds, 318 acres in Brunswick county on the south side of Jenito
ck. and bounded by Josiah Floyds line, White oak on Eldridges line.
Malones line, Johnsons line. in wit: the said John Nance have hereunto
set their hands and seals. signed John Nance, Molly Nance. Wit: Charles
Collier, Zachariah Floyd, James Pittillo, Benjamin Walker.
JOHN | 1779 | Henry | 1778-1780 Tax Lists of Henry Co -- -- 1779 list --
John Nance
JOHN | 1780 | Henry | 1778-1780 Tax Lists of Henry Co -- -- 1780 list --
John Nance, 20 Feb 1780
JOHN | 1781 | Henry | "Early Families of the NC Counties of Rockingham &
Stokes", DAR (1981) - James Cotton, b. 1765 in Rowan Co NC (later became
Guilford, then Rockingham) first entered service while visiting
relatives in Henry Co VA; in Jan 1781 he substituted for JOHN Nance in
Capt. George Hairston's Company" NOTE: "1781[?] March 20th recd of John
Nance James Cotton a Substitute to serve his [Tower?]; order to join
General [?] Geo. Hairston Capt" (Papers from Nance Farm, McClung
Historical Collection, Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville, TN) - this was
clearly John Nance, son of William & Ann.
JOHN | 1782 | Charles City | On personal property tax list (NR)
JOHN | 1782 | Charles City | On personal property tax list 1782-1802,
1805-06 (in 1800, 1802, 2, incl. one Jr.) (NR)
JOHN | 1782 | Henry | -- John "Namee", 1 Tithe, 3 Negros, 7 Horses, 13
Cattle (also Reuben "Namee", 1 Tithe, 4 Negros, 3 Horses, 17 Cattle) --
(I believe this is a misreading of "Nance"). Also there at this time,
Frederick and James Fulkerson (the latter underage); and Thomas VAUGHAN.
1782 Henry County, Virginia Personal Property Tax List, Transcribed by
Jeffrey C. Weaver (GenWeb Archives)
JOHN | 1782 | Pittsylvania | (as Jno) "VA Wills and Administrations
Pitts. Co." (Inventory - recorded 16 Jul 1782) Include a Negro man.
Presumably, inventory of the estate of John Nance? This would probably
be John Nance Jr., who married Martha. This is consistent with the VA
Heads of Families Census of 1782 which showed a Martha Nance as
head-of-household with only one other person (a Black male)
JOHN | 1782 | Pittsylvania | (NR) , "Alpha. Index to Ct Order Bks of
Pitts. Co VA 1767 1800" (April 16, 1782 Appointed Administrator) On
motion of Martha Nance, relict of JOHN Nance, deceased, administration
granted her of his estate.
JOHN | 1782 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Index to Ct Order Bks of Pitts. Co
VA 1767 1800" (July 17, 1782 Order to Record Inventory- John Nance) This
would probably be John Nance Jr., who married Martha.
JOHN | 1782 | Pittsylvania | "Pitts. Co VA, Inventories & Accts Currnt
1770-1797", L. C. Payne.(Axton, VA)., p.124 (Inventory of estate of John
Nance decd. by Jos. Minter, Zachariah Bernard, Wm. Mitchell, Edw'd
Cahail. . . . Recorded 16 Jul 1782) ? This would probably be John Nance
Jr., who married Martha. According to Malone Genealogy, Giles' daughter
Chloe Nance m. William Mitchell. "DAR Patriot Index Vol III (Index To
Spouses)" (DAR, 1986) confirms that marriage.
JOHN | 1783 | Charles City | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) John
Nance - claim - Ct Bklet=16; Certificates =; Lists=3 ; Commissioner's Book =
JOHN | 1783 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Order Book -- David SCALES v.
John Nance, Date of Final Decree: 6/17/1783 (NOTE: David Scales gave a
Peace Bond 4/17/1786; no indication who the party seeking it was)
JOHN | 1786 | Mecklenburg | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA", Meck.
Co. Marriages, 1765-1853 -- John Nance m. Frances Bugg; Surety Robert
Nance, citing Bk. 4, p. 262. NOTE: (NR has dates as Jul 10 1783. It also
has January 30 1801 will of John Bugg mentioning son-in-law JOHN Nance
and mentioning land adjoining Robert Nance).
JOHN | 1787 | Charles City | "1787 Census of VA Charles City Co N. S.
Yantie & F. S. Love" /W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=1 / blacks< 16=1
JOHN | 1787 | Charles City | 1787 VA Census (Tax List) - Charles City
County - John Nance Self 0 Whites of 16 and under 21 1 Black over 16 1
Black under 16 4 Horses 9 Cattle (snk)
JOHN | 1787 | Henry | "1787 Census of VA Henry Co N. S. Yantie & F. S.
Love" /W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=1 / blacks< 16=3
JOHN | 1787 | Henry | 1787 VA Census (Tax List) - HENRY County - John
Nance Self 0 Whites of 16 and under 21 1 Black over 16 3 Blacks under 16
1 Horse 8 Cattle (snk)
JOHN | 1787 | Mecklenburg | "1787 Census of VA Meck. Co N. S. Yantie &
F. S. Love" /W.males 16-21= 1,/ blacks>16=0 / blacks< 16=1
JOHN | 1789 | Henry | "Henry Co Will Abstracts, Vols. I & II,
1777-1820", abstracted & L. C. Adams (So. Hist. Press,1985), "VA
Genealogist" 2:68 -- WB I pp. 180-81 LWT Manoah Chavis, 19 Jan 1789, pr.
30 Nov 1789, Executors include John Nance
JOHN | 1790 | Henry | (NR) -- 1790 JOHN (son of Reuben and Amy
"Williamson") to Christina Betty Ryan (daughter of Phillip Ryan)
JOHN | 1790 | Lunenburg | "VA Genealogist" 20:203 -- List of
nonresidents & etc. returned by sheriffs for the revenue of the year
1790 -- John Nance -- no slaves, 1 horse, no effects.
JOHN | 1790 | Pittsylvania | "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V.
D. White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990) -- born 23 Mar 1790 to William M.
Nance (b. 1760 Amelia) and Elizabeth (Thornton) Nance
JOHN | 1791 | Henry | (NR) -- 1791 - March 22. James Hicks, Brunswick
Co., to JOHN Nance, Henry Co., £100, 350 a. land on Leatherwood Creek.
Neighbors: James Hicks, Charles Burnett, Robert Stockton, Daniel
Jackson, Caine Acuff, Jnn Hailey son to James Hicks. Wit: Richard
Stockton, John Minter, John Haley. Bk. 4, p. 295
JOHN | 1792 | Henry | (NR) -- 1792 - John Nance given leave to build
water grist mill on Moores Cr. Bk. 6, p. 63. -- Henry Co Records -
General Index to Law and Chancery (1777-1904)
JOHN | 1793 | Shenandoah | JOHN Nance married Mary English, 24 Aug 1793.
Shenandoah County, VA (snk)
JOHN | 1795 | Henry | "Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI, Henry Co,
1792-1803 -- JOHN & Mary Nance of Henry Co deed to Bird Nance, 100 a. on
br. of S. frk of Leatherwood, adj. Burnett, Rens, Stockton, Hauston
(Hairston? See JOHN, 1776, 1781)
JOHN | 1795 | Henry | (NR) -- 1795 - April 27. JOHN Nance and wife Mary,
Henry Co., to Bird Nance, Henry Co, £50, 100 a. south fork of
Leatherwood Creek. Bk. 5, p. 150. Neighbors: Charles Burnett, Benjamin
Rens. Spring Branch, Hickerol Line, Robert Stockton, Col. George
Hainston, (Hairston? see JOHN, 1776, 1781), Burnetts Spring Branch.
JOHN | 1795 | Mecklenburg | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Meck.
Co m. Frances Winn 3/17/1795
JOHN | 1795 | Mecklenburg | "The Allens of Cribbs Cr., Burnsville
Township, Anson Co. NC" by Reva Nance Carpenter and VA Nance McKee
(1979) -- this genealogy includes the text of a Meck. Co deed - Deed
Book 8, 1795, Darling Allen to Daniel Walker, witnessed by John Nance.
JOHN | 1795 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co. Marriages, 1765-1853 -- m. Frances
Winn; sec. John Thomas
JOHN | 1796 | Henrico | LOV Archives - Keesee Family Bible -- Henrico
Co, VA - - John Nance (b.?, d. 1807) m. 1796 Nancy (Spraggins) Austin
(b.?, d.181?) Children: Savannah E. (b. 3 Jan 179?); Savannah S. (b. 1
Jul 1799, m. Charles B. Anderson 26 Sep 1818); Ann D. (b. 20 Jan 1802,
m. Keesee 20 May 1825); Susan C. b. 25 Feb 1804, m. Richard B. Collins
15 Sep 1830
JOHN | 1796 | Mecklenburg | Nicholas Lanier m. Sarah Bugg, 28 Mar. 1796,
JOHN NANCE sec. Source: The Marriage License Bonds of Mecklenburg
County, Virginia from 1765 to 1810, page 31( database). Note
that John Nance m. Frances Bugg 1786. Perhaps Sarah was her younger sister?
JOHN | 1797 | Henry | "Henry Co. Deed Bk 5 p. 310", (1797 sale refers to
adj. lands of John Nance)
JOHN | 1797 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co. Grants 39, p. 423 12 July 1797
John Nance takes 33 a. beginning on the long br. in the lower end of the
Co. in John Cleaton Senr. line
JOHN | 1799 | Henry | "Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI, Henry Co,
1792-1803 -- JOHN Nance & wife Mary ("Molly") deed to Wills, 240 a. on
Leatherwood, adj. Burnett, Stockton
JOHN | 1799 | Henry | (NR) -- JOHN Nance and Mary his wife, Henry Co.,
to John Wills, Brunswick Co., 240 a. on Leatherwood Creek. Neighbors:
George King, Burnett, L. Nixon, Harston, Leng Hainton (Hairston? see
JOHN, 1776, 1781), Hale. Wit: John King, Joseph Nixon, William Deshago,
Charles Jones. Bk. 6, p. 207.
JOHN JR | 1741 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Book 1 (1735-1743)",
G. J. McConnaughey (1981) - p. 310: - - 18 June 1741 John Nance Sr. to
John Nance Jr. - 261 a. s.s.Little Nottoway & both s. Peters' Cr., being
land patented to John Nance Sr. 1 Feb 1738; Deed of Release; same land
JOHN JR | 1741 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Books 3 & 4
(1747-1753)", G. J. McConnaughey (1988) - p. 436 - Pledger deeds to
Holland, 15 Sep 1749. Refers to the line of John Nance and to land
patented to John Nance Sr 1 Feb 1738 and by him conveyed to John Nance
Jr 18 Jun 1741 and by him conveyed to Pledger by deed d. Sept. 15, 1749
JOHN JR | 1749 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Books 3 & 4
(1747-1753)", G. J. McConnaughey (1988) - p. 287 - 15 Sep 1749 John
Nance Jr. to Phillip Pledger, 65 a. s.s. Little Nottoway. - - p.288 -
Martha, wife of Nance, relinq. dower on the land in question.
JOHN JR. | 1740 | Amelia | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. VIII, p. 22
-- Am. Co. Tithables 1740 -- "John Nance Jun - 1", "John Nance sen.,
Jack (NOTE: see JOHN, 1737), Thos. Nance - 3"
JOHN SR | 1738 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Books 3 & 4
(1747-1753)", G. J. McConnaughey (1988) - p. 436 - Pledger deeds to
Holland, 15 Sep 1749. Refers to the line of John Nance and to land
patented to John Nance Sr 1 Feb 1738 and by him conveyed to John Nance
Jr 18 Jun 1741 and by him conveyed to Pledger by deed d. Sept. 15, 1749
JOHN SR | 1741 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Book 1 (1735-1743)",
G. J. McConnaughey (1981) - p. 310: - - 18 June 1741 John Nance Sr. to
John Nance Jr. - 261 a. s.s.Little Nottoway & both s. Peters' Cr., being
land patented to John Nance Sr. 1 Feb 1738; Deed of Release; same land
JOHN SR. | 1740 | Amelia | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. VIII, p. 22
-- Am. Co. Tithables 1740 -- "John Nance Jun - 1", "John Nance sen.,
Jack (NOTE: see JOHN, 1737), Thos. Nance - 3"
JOHN W. | 1799 | Lunenburg | (NR) - Frederick, JOHN W., Mary and Tavener
Nance deed to Josiah Cole.
JOHN WEBB | 1794 | Norfolk | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA"
Norfolk Co John Webb Nance m. Mary Ann Lindsay 5/5/1794
JOHN WEBB | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961) -- will of Frederick Nance Sr., 6/2/1795; 9/18/1796; mentions son
John Webb
JUDITH | 1755 | Prince George | Bristol Parish Vestry Book -- 500
(Pounds?) to Thomas Wilson to keep Judith Nance 5 mo.
JUDITH | 1756 | Prince George | Bristol Parish Vestry Book -- Stephen
Dewey to commence process against Mary Hall for not complying with her
husband's will in keeping Judith Nance. (same occurs in 1757!)
JUDITH | 1758 | Prince George | (Bristol Parish Vestry Book - excerpts)
"At a Vestery held at the Brick Church, Novembr ye 25th 1758. . . To
Abram Tucker for keeping Judith Nance 4 mo, £500." (evidently re
supporting poor community members. Was Judith an old woman with no one
to support her? Or an orphan?)
JUDITH | 1758 | Prince George | Bristol Parish Vestry Book -- 500
(Pounds?) to Abram Tucker to keep Judith Nance 5 mo.
JUDITH | 1782 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co Will Book 2, p. 132 (as cited in
the Malone genealogy) Will of John Marshall mentions children Samuel,
James and Benjamin (Marshall), Lucy Malone, Ann Nance, wife of Robert
Nance, grandson Jesse Carter, granddaughter Catherine Carter, Mary
Ingram, Betsy Hooper. The cite reports "I did not have all the
information". Another source I saw reported that the will was dated 1782
and mentions his daughter Ann Nance, wife of Robert Nance, and his
granddaughter Judith Nance
JUDITH | 1783 | Mecklenburg | DARLING ALLEN m. JUDITH NANCE on 19 May
1783 in Mecklenburg Co. VA (Source: Early American Marriages: Virginia
to 1800, Jordan R. Dodd)
JUDITH | 1783 | Mecklenburg | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Meck.
Co; Meck. Co. Marriages, 1765-1853 -- m. Darling Allen ; Surety Robert
Nance, s. of William Nance. According to "The Allens of Cribbs Cr.,
Burnsville Township, Anson Co. NC" by Reva Nance Carpenter and VA Nance
McKee (1979), marriage 5/9/1783, Judith Nance is described as the
daughter of Robert Nance of Meck. Co.
[-K-] [Top <#TOP>]
KETURAH | 1738 | James City | (NR) - - New Kent, James City Vestry Book
at St. Peter's Parish, 1648-1786 , lists KETURAH Nance b. to James and
Ann Nance 21 July 1738 [NOTE: A long shot, but... per a GenForum post by
Pat Shade on September 07, 1998, "Earliest known ancestor is John Shade
b: c1750 possibly in Md. John married Catherine Nance. John's son is
Henry b: 4/15/1788 (my ggg grandfather)...then John, Ely, William and
Carroll (my father). I have fairly good records on Henry to present but
a little fuzzy on the earlier John". Keturah is an odd name -- is it
cognate to Catherine (Katherine/Ketherin/Keterin/etc) ?]
[-L-] [Top <#TOP>]
LEANORD | 1730 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (b. to
Richard and his wife Mary Nance 15 Dec 1730, bapt. 4 Jan 1731)
LETT | 1787 | Amelia | The William and Mary Quarterly, Ser. 1, Vol. 17,
No. 1 (Jul. 1908), pp. 34-49.; "VA Marriage Records", Bentley (1982) Am.
Co. (m. Caty Phillips 1787. (Name also shown as"Lott") -- see Daniel
(1), 1722 - "James Lett, s. of Eliz. Lett, to be bound to Daniel Nance &
his wife until of age"
LEVINA | 1793 | Halifax | "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 11, C. D.
McDonald (1978); "DAR Patriot Index Vol III (Index To Spouses)", DAR
(1986) -- Levina Nance m. James Bates 20 Jan 1793 -- DAR work has name
as "Lavina Frances" Nance. has: Bates, James
entered service 1777-78, Halifax County, Virginia, where pensioned in
1832 at the age of 72 and where he died on September 2, 1847. Married
there, January 28, 1793, LEVINA FRANCES NANCE; widow pensioned 1847,
aged 76 [i.e.d/o/b abt. 1771]. Query in file states that soldier married
(1) Elizabeth Vaughan (born 1758-1760, Virginia) and (2) LEVINA NANCE;
further states that soldier's children were James, William, Samuel who
married Polly Rice, Matthew, Molly, Mildred, who married Thomas Gwin,
Winifred who married John Gwin (nephew of Thomas Gwin), Micky who
married John Hamilton of Virginia, Susanna who married David Tyler,
Elizabeth, and Polly.
LEVINA F. | 1793 | Halifax | JAMES BATES m. LEVINA F. NANCE on 20
January 1793 in Halifax Co. VA (Source: Early American Marriages:
Virginia to 1800, Jordan R. Dodd)
LEWIS | 1785 | Halifax | (NR) - Trial and conviction of LEWIS Nance, A
NEGRO SLAVE belonging to William Nance. Lewis Nance, together with
several other slaves, is charged with stealing, found guilty, and to
receive 25 lashes on bare back. Bk. 11, p. 295.
LUCY | 1730 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (/b. to Daniel
and his wife Elizabeth Nance 24 Dec 1730, bapt. 10 Jan 1731)
[-M-] [Top <#TOP>]
MARTHA | 1735 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (Giles b. to
John and his wife MARTHA Nance 4 May 1735)
MARTHA | 1749 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Books 3 & 4
(1747-1753)", G. J. McConnaughey (1988) - p. 287 - 15 Sep 1749 John
Nance Jr. to Phillip Pledger, 65 a. s.s. Little Nottoway. - - p.288 -
Martha, wife of Nance, relinq. dower on the land in question.
MARTHA | 1750 | Sussex | (NR) - Mary, dau. of John Bonner Jr. and wife
Sarah, b. 30 Oct., chr. 30 Dec. 1750. Godparents William Bar..., Martha
Bell, MARTHA Nantz (Nance). p. 219. (Register of Albemarle Parish, Surry
and Sussex Co., va. 1739-1778)
MARTHA | 1759 | Amelia | Amelia Co Will Book 2x, p. 187, Will of John
May, d. (J. G. Sullivan materials has this as "died"; probably should be
"dated")18 May 1759, probated 28 May 1767; legatee daughter MARTHA NANCE
MARTHA | 1766 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.2) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 9, p. 57-58 - 22 Oct 1766 Deed from
John Nance to Charles Irby -- "Martha, the wife of said John, cannot
conveniently travel to our county court to make acknowledgement of the
deed" -- A. Erskine, R. Jones. R. Munford went to Martha at home & got
her dower relinquishment.
MARTHA | 1782 | Pittsylvania | VA Early Census - Martha Nance,
Pittsylvania Co., p. 42, 01 01
MARTHA | 1782 | Pittsylvania | (NR) , "Alpha. Index to Ct Order Bks of
Pitts. Co VA 1767 1800" (April 16, 1782 Appointed Administrator). On
motion of MARTHA Nance, relict of John Nance, deceased, administration
granted her of his estate.
MARTHA | 1782 | Pittsylvania | 1782 VA Census - Pittsylvania County -
Martha Nance 1 white 1 black (snk)
MARTHA | 1782 | Pittsylvania | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1782 --
1 Whites, 1 Blacks (note the 1797 Martha Nance estate appraisal, below,
indicating a "Negro man named Will"); adj. to William and Clement -
MARTHA | 1783 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - on Personal property tax rolls -
1783 Martha - 1 slave, 1 house.
MARTHA | 1783 | Pittsylvania | 1783 VA Census (Tax List) - Pittsylvania
County - Martha Nance 1 Slave 1 House (snk)
MARTHA | 1790 | Pittsylvania | 1790 VA Census - Pittsylvania County -
Pg. #42 Martha Nance 1 White (Martha) 1 Black (snk)
MARTHA | 1796 | Lunenburg | (NR) - MARTHA and James Nance deed to John Mann.
MARTHA | 1796 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Index to Ct Order Bks of Pitts.
Co VA 1767 1800" , NR - (November 21, 1796 Qualified Administrator);
Martha Nance dcsd, an appraisement ordered of her estate. William Payne
administrator. Bk. 8, p. 273
MARTHA | 1797 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Indx to Crt Order Bks of Pitts.
Co, VA 1767-1800" (January 19, 1797 Martha Nance - Order To Record
MARTHA | 1797 | Pittsylvania | "Pitts. Co VA, Inventories & Accts Currnt
1770 1797", L. C. Payne./Axton, VA).; "Pitts. Co VA, Inventories & Accts
Currnt 1770-1797", L. C. Payne./Axton, VA)., Bk 2 p.331 -- Inventory.
This is to certify that we subscribers have appraised the estate of
Martha Nance decd. & return inventory. Feather bed bedstead & furniture,
2 chests, womans saddle, sundrie irons, hackle, pewter bason, sundrie
pewters ware, 2 pitchers, butter pott, sundrie books, spoon moulds, 2
tanles, 2 potts, pr. Hooks, trunk, piggen, 4 chairs, spinning wheel.
Negro man named Will. By: Robert Bullington, Isham Lansford, William
Mitchell. Wm. Payne admr. Recorded 16 Jan 1797. Total £ 56.0.0.
MARTHA | 1797 | Pittsylvania | "VA Wills and Administrations Pitts. Co."
(Martha Nance - inventory)
MARTHA | 1798 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Indx to Crt Order Bks of Pitts.
Co, VA 1767-1800" (March 20, 1798 Martha Nance - Order To Settle Account)
MARY | 1713 | Prince George | "Seventeenth Century Colonial Ancestors"
-- Nicholas Lanier (1690-1779, Brunswick Co VA) married ca 1713, in
Prince George Co. MARY Nance. To the same effect, Becky Smith Gallops ,
as well as the "Gene Pool" database at, which says: William
Lanier b. 1720 in Prince George Co, VA son of Nicholas Lanier and Mary
Nance ... Another source, however, says that Nicholas Lanier's wife was
Mary Sheperd. (per Judy Gabor ). A 1746 Indenture by Nicholas Lanier of
Brunswick, mentioned "welbeloved son, Nicholas Shepherd Lanier" Deed
Book 3, Page 250. 1770 Brunswick Co. Will of William Nance identifies
daughter Mary Lanier, but (according to NR) this was Mary Nance who had
m. Frederick Lanier. But, in 1747, this Nicholas Lanier's wife WAS named
Mary, and in 1748, this William Nance was neighbors in Brunswick Co w.
Sampson Lanier, Thomas "Lanoir", and Nicholas Lanier. The 1717 Will of
John Lanier of Prince George Co. mentioned children Robert, John,
Sampson, Sarah (Brewer), and Nicholas, and grandson John, son of son
Nicholas. A database I found through GenWeb says that Nicholas Lanier,
b. 1690 Charles City Co VA to John and Sarah Lanier, had children John
(b.1715), William (b.1720), Thomas (b.1722), Clement (b.1737 - sic), and
Nicholas Shepherd (b.1717), and married Mary Shepard (sic) abt. 1720.
All children are shown as b. to Mary Shepard, but note the discrepancy
re dates. Also, it was not traditional to name children with mother's
surname; more typical, was use of surname of father's mother.
MARY | 1721 | Prince George | "The William and Mary Quarterly", Ser. 1,
Vol. 27, No. 1 (Jul. 1918), pp. 34-44., also Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds -
Weisigen - p. 479 - (per J.G. Sullivan data) - Mary, wife of Richard
Nance, relinquishes dower rights "at a court held for the County of
Prince George at Merchantshope in Prince George County, on the second
Tuesday in 8 Aug 1721". [See Richard, this date]
MARY | 1723 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (children John,
Eliz, Leanord (sic), Nathaniel, Anne were b. to Richard and his wife
Mary Nance 1723 1742)
MARY | 1728 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (Eliz. b. to
Daniel and his wife Mary Nance 19 Jun 1728)
MARY | 1737 | James City | (NR) - - New Kent, James City Vestry Book at
St. Peter's Parish, 1648-1786 , lists MARY Nance b. to James and Ann
Nance 2 May 1737
MARY | 1758 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Books 5 & 6
(17537-1759)", G. J. McConnaughey (1988) - p. 403 - Robert Malone deeds
to Gideon Winfrie 15 Feb 1758, 339 a. in Nottoway; wit. Joel Tanner,
Willliam Malone, Mary (X) Nance. . . deed ackn. & ordered recorded 28
Sep 1758 after Mary, wife of Robert Malone, relinq. dower. NOTE: It
seems probable that the Mary who witnessed was the sister of Robert
Malone (m. (1) Mary Harrison 1728, m.(2) Elizabeth Bridgeforth 1762),
who m. Giles Nance abt. 1754
MARY | 1758 | Amelia | Am. Co. Deed Book 6, pp. 403-04 (cited in Malone
Genealogy) 2-15-78 Robt. Malone deeds to Winfrie 339 a. in Nottoway
Parish, part of a tract granted to sd. Malone in 1738, among the
witnesses are Mary Nance (Note: the Malone Genealogy notes the frequent
involvement of Daniel Nance in the Malone's property transactions...)
MARY | 1761 | Lunenberg | SHADARACK BROWN m. MARY NANCE on 23 May 1761
in Lunenberg Co. VA (Source: Early American Marriages: Virginia to 1800,
Jordan R. Dodd)
MARY | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Marriages of Lunenburg. VA 1746 1853", Emma
Matheny (1961) - Mary Nance, daughter of John Nance, m. Shadarack Brown,
23 May 1761
MARY | 1770 | Brunswick | Patrick Co (VA) Death Records 1853-1870,
(Eunice B. Kirkman), at ftp:// - -, Janet
"Peggy" Sims, d. 20 Jan 1853 in Patrick Co VA at age 83, i.e.,
b.abt.1770 in Brunswick Co, VA, parents John and MARY Nance, husband was
Ignatious Simms
MARY | 1773 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co. Deed Book 4 p. 96 (cited in the
Malone genealogy) "3-27-1773: John and wife Mary Nance of Brunswick Co.
deed to John Lambert, Jr. of Meck. Co. land devised from father Wm.
Nance, adjoining Malone, Eppas, Harville, Evans and Floyd". See William,
1763 - he took land adj. Floyd's lines
MARY | 1780 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989), Book 14
p. 22 -- Tavenar Nance (also Tavenar and Tavener) 1780 of Lun. Co deeds
to Whitlock. "Mary, wife of [Tavenar] Nance, relinquished her dower".
(Probably Tavner, son of Frederick ?)
MARY | 1780 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Index to Ct Order Bks of Pitts. Co
VA 1767 1800" (March 21, 1780 Qualified Administrator); NR -On the
motion of Mary Nance, certificate is granted her for obtaining letters
of administration on the estate of DAVID Nance, dcsd -- March 21. Mary
Nance qualifies as admtrx of David Nance, and inventory ordered. Bk. 4,
p. 291
MARY | 1782 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone;,
2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA[1996] Isham Nance m. c.1776 Frances
"Fanny" Malone. This genealogy says their children included Mary
"Polly", b. 1782 Meck.
MARY | 1786 | Amelia | The William and Mary Quarterly, Ser. 1, Vol. 17,
No. 1 (Jul.1908), pp. 34-49.; "Historical Notes on Am. Co., VA",
Kathleen Hadfield (1982), p.125; "VA Marriage Records", Bentley (1982) ;
"Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 3, C. D. McDonald (1978) -- Mary
Nance m. Leonard Young 7 Dec. 1786 . Surety Giles Nance(According to the
Malone Genealogy, this is Giles' daughter).
MARY | 1788 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk 15 p.
28 (Mary Nance witnesses a deed)
MARY | 1790 | Lunenburg | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 7, C. D. McDonald (1978) ;
"Marriages of Lunenburg. VA 1746-1853", Emma Matheny (1961) -- Mary
Nance m. William Mayes Nov 1790 (Matheny and McDonald works give a date
of 20 Oct 1790). ; "Lunenburg Co. Marriage Bonds" has Richard Mayes as
MARY | 1790 | Pittsylvania | "Abstracts of Pitts. Co. VA Wills, 1767
1820", L. C. Adams (1986), p.202-203 -- w. Clement Nance, Mary Nance
witnesses Thomas Edwards' 17 Nov. 1790 will (Clement's wife, d. of
Mosias Jones)
MARY | 1793 | Nottoway | (NR) - - Thomas Young and Elizabeth his wife
vs. James Crenshaw, guardian of Susanna, William, David and MARY Nance.
Order Bk. 1, p. 40.
MARY | 1794 | Pittsylvania | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" ;
"Marriage Records of Pitts. Co, VA 1767-1819", A. Vestal-Miller (1996)
-- Dorothy Nance married m. James Burton 4 Aug. 1794 in Pitts. Co.
Dorothy was dau. of Clement Nance and MARY Nance. Moses Nance was a witness.
MARY | 1795 | Henry | "Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI, Henry Co,
1792-1803 -- John & MARY Nance of Henry Co deed to Bird Nance, 100 a. on
br. of S. frk of Leatherwood, adj. Burnett, Rens, Stockton, Hauston
(Hairston? see JOHN, 1776, 1781)
MARY | 1795 | Henry | (NR) -- 1795 - April 27. John Nance and wife MARY,
Henry Co., to Bird Nance, Henry Co, £50, 100 a. south fork of
Leatherwood Creek. Bk. 5, p. 150. Neighbors: Charles Burnett, Benjamin
Rens. Spring Branch, Hickerol Line, Robert Stockton, Col. George Hain
(Hairston? see JOHN, 1776, 1781), Burnetts Spring Branch.
MARY | 1796 | Henry | "Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI, Henry Co,
1792-1803 -- Bird & MARY Nance of Henry Co deed to Nixon, 100 a. adj.
Burnett, Stockton. Witn: Reuben Nance.
MARY | 1796 | Henry | (NR) -- 1796 - September 12. Bird Nance and wife
MARY. Henry Co, to John Nixon, Charlotte co., £65, 100 a.. wit: Reuben
Nance, Elijah Moore, Thomas Richardson. Bk. 5, p. 298.
MARY | 1796 | Pittsylvania | "Abstracts of Pitts. Co, VA wills, 1767
1820", L. C. Adams. Easley, S.C. : Southern Historical Press, c1986, p.
477-78 -- 18 Aug 1796, Mosias Jones Will leaves a shilling to d. Mary
Nance. Note: ISHAM LANSFORD is a witness to this will. (This is
Clement's wife).
MARY | 1798 | Pittsylvania | "Marriage Records of Pitts. Co, VA
1767-1819", A. Vestal-Miller (1996) -- Mary Nance m. Patrick Shields 30
Nov 1798; Rev. Clement Nance presides
MARY | 1799 | Henry | "Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI, Henry Co,
1792-1803 -- John Nance & wife MARY ("Molly") deed to Wills, 240 a. on
Leatherwood, adj. Burnett, Stockton
MARY | 1799 | Henry | (NR) -- John Nance and MARY his wife, Henry Co.,
to John Wills, Brunswick Co., 240 a. on Leatherwood Creek. Neighbors:
George King, Burnett, L. Nixon, Harston, Leng Hainton (Hairston? see
JOHN, 1776, 1781), Hale. Wit: John King, Joseph Nixon, William Deshago,
Charles Jones. Bk. 6, p. 207.
MARY | 1799 | Lunenburg | (NR) - Frederick, John W., MARY and Tavener
Nance deed to Josiah Cole.
MARY ANN | 1794 | Norfolk | Died - Mrs. MARY ANN NANCE, daughter of Mr.
Adam Lindsay, of this Borough, in the 19th year of her age. Virginia
chronicle and Norfolk and Portsmouth general advertiser, Thursday,
August 14, 1794. (p. 3, c. 3) - Source: Henley Marriage & Obituary
Database (LVA) [NOTE: John Webb Nance m. Mary Ann Lindsay 5/5/1794,
Norfolk Co]
MARY E | 1731 | Essex | Will of John Nance of Parish of St. Ann, Co. of
Essex -- refers to wife Mary, and godson Nance Henry Motley. The will
leaves a gold ring to Elizabeth Gaines. No other persons mentioned.
NOTE: "VA in 1740 A Reconstructed Census", TLC Genealogy (1992)" shows a
male Nance resident of Essex Co)
MARY MALONE | 1757 | Amelia | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone
(1996) - reports that Giles Nance m. Mary (Nancy) Malone c. 1754 and
that their children included Mary Malone, who m. __ Young. Birthdate is
my guess.
MASSIE | 1776 | Henrico | (NR) - "Virginians in the Revolution" by John
H. Gathaway has: Massie Nance - Henrico
MOLLY | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961). #369, "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott. p.87
--mentioned in will of John Nance 2/28/1761; 7/6/1762, mentions daughter
MOLLY | 1791 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co. Marriages, 1765-1853, "Comp.
Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Meck. Co, NR -- Molly Nance m. Gray Allen
(son of William Allen); consent given by Robert Nance, father
MOSIAS | 1794 | Pittsylvania | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" ;
"Marriage Records of Pitts. Co, VA 1767-1819", A. Vestal-Miller (1996)
-- Dorothy Nance married m. James Burton 4 Aug. 1794 in Pitts. Co.
Dorothy was dau. of Clement Nance and Mary Nance. MOSES (sic) Nance was
a witness.
MOSIAS | 1794 | Pittsylvania | "Marriage Bonds and Minister's Returns of
Pitts. Co. VA, 1767 1805", C. L.Knorr (1956) -- Susan, daughter of
Clement Nance, m. William Shaw 23 Feb. 1794. Surety: Mosias Nance
(Mosias was Susan's oldest brother).
MOSIAS | 1797 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Clement Nance of Pittsylvania to
MOSIAS Nance of the same, for £60, 125 a. on the east fork of Cascade.
29 Dec., Bk. 11, p. 231.
MOSIAS | 1797 | Pittsylvania | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ,
N. Murry ; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 1, C. D. McDonald (1978)
; "Marriage Records of Pitts. Co, VA 1767-1819", A. Vestal-Miller (1996)
-- Mosias Nance m. Peggy Denton, dau. of William Denton, 8/12/1797;
William Shaw is surety (NOTE: Mosias was surety for William Shaw when he
married Susanna Nance in 1795)
MOSIAS | 1797 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Clement N.
grants Mosias N. 125 a.; 12/29/1797
MOSIAS | 1798 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Clement Nance sells 100 a. on both
sides of cascade to Joseph Burton, 29 Dec. MOSIAS Nance a witness. Bk.
11, p. 487.
MOSIAS | 1798 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Clement
deeds to Jos. Burton, 100 a., 12/29/1798 Mosias Nance witnesses; - -
(Dorothy Nance, possibly dau. of Clement, married m. James Burton 4 Aug.
MOURNING | 1764 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 8 p.
28 (1764 - Richard Nance & wife Mourning to Townsend. Wit: Thomas Nance,
Fedrick Nance. "Mourning, wife of Nance, relinquished dower")
[-N-] [Top <#TOP>]
NANCY | 1772 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774, w.
several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- 12/6/1770 -- Will
of Rabley Vaughn. Daughters Sarah Finch, Martha Hill, son William
Vaughan, dau. Hannah Wilcox,... to dau. NANCE (sic) Nance, all my
estate; John Nance to be executor.
NANCY | 1790 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone;,
2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA[1996] Isham Nance m. c.1776 Frances
"Fanny" Malone. This genealogy says their children included Nancy, b.
1790 Meck.
NANCY | 1792 | ???? | Nancy Aris (sic) Jackson, "d. Frederick Nance", m.
Drury Allen Bacon. NOTE: an unverified (internet database) source,
citing "Genealogies of VA Families", William and Mary College Quarterly
Vol 1, says that Nancy "Aris" Nance m. (1) __ Jackson, m.(2) Drury Allen
Bacon 16 Dec 1792.
NANCY | 1794 | Henry | "Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI, Henry Co,
1792-1803 -- Reuben Nance and NANCY his wife deed to Jesse Crouch, 200
a. on Rock Br. of Leatherwood
NANCY | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961) -- will of Frederick Nance Sr. 6/2/1795; 9/18/1796 mentions d.
Nancy (Ayers Bacon)
NATHANIEL | 1731 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (b. to
Richard and his wife Mary Nance 9 Dec 1731, bapt. 12 May 1732)
NATHANIEL | 1755 | Chesterfield | Chesterfield Co. DB 1 p. 226, John
Gibbs of Chesterfield my son-in-law Nathaniel Nance for love &
affection - 140a, I bought from William Watkins 3 Jul 1752. Rec. 3 Jan 1755.
NATHANIEL | 1756 | Chesterfield | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. 15, p.
88 -- Chesterfield Tithables List, 1756 -- Nathaniel Nance
NATHANIEL | 1759 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 6 --
witnesses Richard Nance p. 16 1759 of Dinwiddie Co. & wife Mary, to
Foster. /s/ Richd R Nance Mary M Nance [these may not be actual middle
initials, but rather reflections of the first letter of the name, i.e.,
they may have signed as R Nance and M Nance]. Also witnessed by William
Nance, John Nance)
NATHANIEL | 1760 | Lunenburg | (NR) - Richard deeds to NATHANIEL Nance.
Bk. 6, p. 49.
NATHANIEL | 1764 | Amelia | Chesterfield Co DB 5, 15 Nov 1764 - Nathan
Nance of Raleigh Parish Amelia Co. to Thomas Sears of same - 140a. -
land conveyed to Nance by John (Cobbs) [Gibbs] on 3 Jan 1755. S. Nathael
Nance. Rec. Mar 1765
NATHANIEL | 1767 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2,
1765-1771", Abstracted ny J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p.
272 1 June 1767 Nathanieal Nance of Bedford Co to Richard Foster, a
tract in Charlotte Co, bounded by land which Foster formerly purchased
fr. John Nance, and by George Walton
NATHANIEL | 1769 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2,
1765-1771", Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p.
225 3 Apr 1769 Foster & wife deed to Stark, 471 a. in Charlotte. The
land deeded is made up in part of land which Richard purchased from
Nathaniel Nance, John Nance and John Foster, and part from James Foster
given by will to son Richard (being part of what James Foster purchased
from William Nance).
NATHANIEL | 1769 | Dinwiddie | "Extracts from Col. Halifax published in
Richmond, VA., Times Oct. 28, 1906. (per NR) -- 1769 - Thomas Nance of
Dinwiddie purchased land in Bedford from NATHANIEL Nance, also of Dinwiddie.
NATHANIEL | 1770 | Bedford | Bedford Co DB C-3, p. 398 - Phillip Brewer
to NATHANIEL Nance, 363a. Buffalo Cr.; and, DB C-3, p. 399, Josiah Cox
of Cumberland Co. to Alexander Gibbs of Dinwiddie Co. 320a. Smith's
corner, Little Otter Cr., witn. NATH. Nance, and Josiah Cox of
Cumberland Co. to Thomas Nance of Dinwiddie Co. 320a. Walton's cornrt on
Little Otter River; witn. NATH. Nance. [See WILLIAM, THOMAS, this date]
NATHANIEL | 1770 | Bedford | Bedford Co DB C-3, p. 442 -- Willaim
Callaway to Nathaniel Nance, 610a. b.s. Elk Cr.
NATHANIEL | 1770 | Bedford | Bedford Co DB C-3, p. 451 -- Nathaniel
Nance and wife Susanna to Nanny Turner, 360a. on Buffalo Cr.
NATHANIEL | 1770 | Bedford | Bedford Co DB C-3, p. 461, Nathaniel Nance
to Alexander Gibbs, 206a. on Elk Cr.
NATHANIEL | 1770 | Bedford | Bedford Co DB C-3, p. 514 -- John Perrin to
William Donald; witn. Nath. Nance, Fran Thorpe, Robert Donald
NATHANIEL | 1771 | Bedford | "Abstracts of Bedford Co VA Wills,
Inventories & Accounts 1754-1787", Abstracted by Joida Whitten (Texas,
1969) Bedford Co. Records p. 277-82, Accounts of Richard Turner,
1771-77, Nathaniel Nance mentioned; "To 2 lawyers fees Nances costs v.
Turner", "To 2 lawyers fees ads Nance" (?)
NATHANIEL | 1771 | Bedford | The William and Mary Quarterly, Ser. 1,
Vol. 8, No. 4 (Apr.1900), pp. 273-277. Historical Notes and Queries. At
p.276: Martha Eppes choses in court Nathaniel Nance as guardian (Bedford
Co. Court Order Book, 1771)
NATHANIEL | 1787 | Dinwiddie | "1787 Census of VA Dinwiddie Co N. S.
Yantie & F. S. Love" /W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=0 / blacks< 16=1
NATHANIEL | 1789 | Dinwiddie | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. III, p.
149 -- Deed Ct., Dinwiddie Co, 1789, James Cook, orphan of James Cook,
choses NATHANIEL Nance as his guardian (J. G. Sullivan materials cite as
Orphans Ct., p. 156)
NATHANIEL | 1790 | Dinwiddie | "Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers", V.
3, The Valentine Museum (Richmond, 1930) -- Dinwiddie Co. Order Book
1789-91 -- March 1790; William Scott v. Henry Mitchell and Nathaniel
Nance (action in debt).
[-O-] [Top <#TOP>]
[-P-] [Top <#TOP>]
PASCHAL | 1794 | Bedford | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 20, C. D. McDonald (1978);
Stephan -- Wilmuth Nance m. William Gibbs 24 Nov 1794 -- Per. Stephan,
surety was PASCHAL Nance. NOTE: Married by Alderson Weeks --
Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy: Virginia
PETER | 1765 | Dinwiddie | "VA Genealogist" 9:14 - 18 Mar 1765 -- Peter
Nance & his wife Elizabeth of Dinwiddie Co. deed to Alexander Gibbs, of
Pr. George CO., for L.70, 100 a. "whereon Peter Nance now dwells" --in
Benjamin Dabney's line ...Richard Nance's line the Cat Tail to
Eppes line ...along Gravely Run. Wit: P. McQuaid, Stephen Dance, Thos.
Cardwell. Per J. G. Sullivan materials, land adjoins the patent for 142
acres on the s.s. of Gravelly Run adj. Epes' corner, which was granted
to Richard Nance of Pr. Geo Co on 22 Jun 1722. [which see]
PEYTON | 1795 | ???? | 1850 Census Of Trigg Co Kentucky - - PEYTON S.
Nance, age 55, b. VA (i.e. b. 1795) (at:
PHEBE | 1712 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (PHEBE Nance
b. to Danl. & Eliz. Nance Oct 1712)
PHEBE | 1753 | Lunenburg | "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B.
Elliott. p. 146, "Marriages of Lunenburg. VA 1746 1853", Emma Matheny
(1961). Phebe Nance m. Elijah Wells 3 July 1753) -spelled PHEBY in the
PHEBE | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961)...2/1 #369, "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott.
p.87 -- will of John Nance 2/28/1761; 7/6/1762, mentions daughter Phebe
POLLY MAY | 1799 | Pittsylvania | "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files",
V. D. White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990) -- born 19 Mar 1799 to William
M. Nance (b. 1760 Amelia) and Elizabeth (Thornton) Nance
PRISCILLA | 1745 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (Sarah b.
to Thomas and his wife Priscilla Nantzs (sic) 19 Oct 1745, bapt. 6 Jan 1745
[-Q-] [Top <#TOP>]
[-R-] [Top <#TOP>]
REUBEN | 1745 | ???? | "DAR Patriot Index"(DAR, 1966) V. I., has Reuben
Nance, b. 7-12-1745, d. 1-13-1812, m (1) Amy Williams, (2) Nancy Brown.
An Ensign, VA. NOTE: "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA"; Bedford Co
Archibald Nance m. Nancy WILLIAMS 10 Mar 1794 in Bedford Co.; - - "Comp.
Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Meck. Co William Nance m. Patsey WILLIAMS
REUBEN | 1771 | Mecklenburg | (cited in the Malone Genealogy) - 4-6-1771
- "Ruben" Nance and his wife Amy deed to Mackiney. Witnessed by Isham
Malone.; -- "DAR Patriot Index"(DAR, 1966) V. I., has Reuben Nance, b.
7-12-1745, d. 1-13-1812, m (1) Amy Williams - - "Comp. Indexed Marriage
Rcrds of VA"; Bedford Co Archibald Nance m. Nancy Williams 10 Mar 1794
in Bedford Co.; - - "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Meck. Co
William Nance m. Patsey Williams 2/4/1800;
REUBEN | 1776 | Henry | (NR) - "Virginians in the Revolution" by John H.
Gathaway has: Reuben Nance - Henry Co. Ensign Oath 1779
REUBEN | 1778 | Henry | (NR) --James Barrot Southall, Williamsburg Co.,
and wife, Frances to REUBEN Nance, Henry Co., £225, 400 a., Leatherwood
Creek, Bolings (Collings?) Corner, Rock(y) Branch. Wit: Henry Lynne,
George Hairston (NR has Daviston), Abram Penn (NR has Prim). Deeds Bk.
1, p. 194-95.
REUBEN | 1778 | Henry | "Complete Index and Abstract of the Henry Co
Order Books #1 & 2 (1777-1782), Charles P. Blunt IV (Richmond, 1978). p.
33- Reuben Nance registered his ear mark - a crop and slit and a nick in
the underpart of each ear.
REUBEN | 1778 | Henry | 1778-1780 Tax Lists of Henry Co -- -- 1778 list
-- Reubeen Nance
REUBEN | 1779 | Henry | "Complete Index and Abstract of the Henry Co
Order Books #1 & 2 (1777-1782), Charles P. Blunt IV (Richmond, 1978).
p81-82- Reuben Nance is an Ensign in Brice Martin's Company on
Leatherwood. 10/29/1779
REUBEN | 1779 | Henry | "Complete Index and Abstract of the Henry Co
Order Books #1 & 2 (1777-1782), Charles P. Blunt IV (Richmond, 1978).
p.55- B. Southall deeds to Reuben Nance, 2/15/1779
REUBEN | 1779 | Henry | "Henry Co Will Abstracts, Vols. I & II,
1777-1820", abstracted & L. C. Adams (So. Hist. Press,1985) WB I pp.
256-57 - Acct. est. of John Williams, Wm Brown and James Williams,
execrs. ; pd John Williams a legatee, William Williams a legatee, Thomas
Cooper for the legacy of Elizabeth Williams, Reuben Nance, a legatee,
John Minter for his own and Silas Williams legacies
REUBEN | 1779 | Henry | 1778-1780 Tax Lists of Henry Co -- -- 1779 list
-- Ruben Nance
REUBEN | 1780 | Henry | "Complete Index and Abstract of the Henry Co
Order Books #1 & 2 (1777-1782), Charles P. Blunt IV (Richmond, 1978).
p.120 - Reuben Nance came into court and resigned his office as Ensign
in the company of Militia under John Wells
REUBEN | 1780 | Henry | "Complete Index and Abstract of the Henry Co
Order Books #1 & 2 (1777-1782), Charles P. Blunt IV (Richmond, 1978).
p.130- Reuben Nance is appointed surveyor of the road from Elkins' ford
to the old Smith Shop on Hickey's Road - 9/29/1780
REUBEN | 1780 | Henry | "Complete Index and Abstract of the Henry Co
Order Books #1 & 2 (1777-1782), Charles P. Blunt IV (Richmond, 1978). p.
134 - Reubin (sic) Nance is one of 15 sworn in as a Grand Jury of
Inquest. The Grand Jury returned and issued several indictments. -
REUBEN | 1780 | Henry | "Complete Index and Abstract of the Henry Co
Order Books #1 & 2 (1777-1782), Charles P. Blunt IV (Richmond, 1978).
p./ 100- Reuben Nance is allowed 9 days' attendance as a witness for
John Acuff at the suit of William Gardner - 3/25/1780
REUBEN | 1780 | Henry | 1778-1780 Tax Lists of Henry Co -- 1780 list --
Reuben Nance, 20 Feb 1780
REUBEN | 1780 | Henry | Henry Co. Patents A, p. 560 4 July 1780 Reuben
Nance takes 182 a. on the draughts of Leatherwood Cr. adj. Terry's land
REUBEN | 1782 | Henry | -- Reuben "Namee", 1 Tithe, 4 Negros, 3 Horses,
17 Cattle (also John "Namee", 1 Tithe, 3 Negros, 7 Horses, 13 Cattle) --
(I believe this is a misreading of "Nance") . Also there at this time,
Frederick and James Fulkerson (the latter underage); and Thomas VAUGHAN.
1782 Henry County, Virginia Personal Property Tax List, Transcribed by
Jeffrey C. Weaver (GenWeb Archives)
REUBEN | 1782 | Henry | (NR) - 1782 - Reuben furnishes militia 200 lbs.
beef, 12 lbs. bacon. Bk. 2, p. 158. (Henry Co Records - General Index to
Law and Chancery (1777-1904) )
REUBEN | 1783 | Henry | Henry Co DB II pp.356-357, John & (wife) Susanna
Minter of Henry Co to Patrick Henry of the said Co. for £300, land on
Leatherwood Cr., the western fork, adj. lands of Lomax & Co., John
Acuff, REUBEN NANCE, John Conway.
REUBEN | 1783 | Henry | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) Reuben Nance
- claim - Ct Bklet=4; Certificates=1 ; Lists =; Commissioner's Book=III
p. 148
REUBEN | 1784 | Henry | (NR) --1784 - September 3. William Cockran,
Henry Co., to REUBEN Nance, £10, 170 a. on Leatherwood Creek. Wit:
Aleygone Maguier, Sally Nance, John Minter. Bk. 3, p. 92.
REUBEN | 1787 | Henry | "1787 Census of VA Henry Co comp by Yantie &
Love" Reuben Nance, head of family - W.males 16-21= 1,/ blacks>16=2 /
blacks< 16=4 spelled RUBIN in the record
REUBEN | 1787 | Henry | 1787 VA Census (Tax List) - HENRY County - Rubin
Nance Self 1 White of 16 and under 21 2 Blacks over 16 4 Blacks under 16
6 Horses 17 Cattle (snk)
REUBEN | 1790 | Henry | (NR) - 1790 - Reuben appointed surveyor of road.
Bk. 5, p. 112. (Henry Co Records - General Index to Law and Chancery
(1777-1904) )
REUBEN | 1794 | Henry | "Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI, Henry Co,
1792-1803 -- REUBEN Nance and Nancy his wife deed to Jesse Crouch, 200
a. on Rock Br. of Leatherwood
REUBEN | 1794 | Henry | (NR) - REUBEN Nance grantor, Jesse Crouch
grantee. Bk. 5, p. 113.
REUBEN | 1796 | Henry | "Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI, Henry Co,
1792-1803 -- Bird & Mary Nance of Henry Co deed to Nixon, 100 a. adj.
Burnett, Stockton. Witn: REUBEN Nance.
REUBEN | 1796 | Henry | (NR) -- 1796 - September 12. Bird Nance and wife
Mary. Henry Co, to John Nixon, Charlotte co., £65, 100 a.. wit: REUBEN
Nance, Elijah Moore, Thomas Richardson. Bk. 5, p. 298.
RICHARD | 1716 | Prince George | Will of John Nance, 1716 - - mentions
RICHARD | 1719 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds", B. J.
Weisiger - - 16 Nov 1719, John Nance of Pr. George deeds to Edward
Slaughter, 100 a. in Westover Parish, Pr. Geo. Co., bounded by Bares
(sic) Cr. Witnesses RICHARD Nance, Jean Nance. 8 Dec 1719 -- "Jean, wife
of John Nance, relinq. dower rt.) (It seems to me that it's likely this
is Jane), Fra. Epes Jr. (per J.G. Sullivan data)
RICHARD | 1719 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds", B. J.
Weisiger - - p. 341 - 11 Aug 1719, John Leonard of Waynoak Parish, Pr.
Geo. Co. deeds to Richard Nance of the Parish of Westover, for £13, 100
a. bounded by Benjamin Foster on Blackwater, John Holloway; s. John &
Elizabeth Leonard (per J.G. Sullivan data)
RICHARD | 1720 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co Wills & Deeds", B. J.
Weisiger - - p. 756 - 21 Feb 1720, Richard Nance, on s.s. Gravelly Run,
142a. (per J.G. Sullivan data) [See Richard 1722; on Gravelly Run]
RICHARD | 1721 | Prince George | "The William and Mary Quarterly", Ser.
1, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Jul. 1918), pp. 34-44., also Pr. Geo. Co Wills &
Deeds - Weisigen - p. 479 - (per J.G. Sullivan data) - 8 Aug 1721,
Richard Nance [wife Mary] of Bristol Parish, Pr. Geo. Co., to Robert
Honycutt of Martins Brandon Parish, Pr. Geo. Co, for £13, "a certain
tract or parcell of land situate lying and being in the Prish and county
aforesaid, containing 100a. and bounded...Benjamin Foster's land on
Blackwater, John Holloway's land, main Blackwater swamp. s. Richard
Nance. Also according to this article, this land was originally
purchased by Richard Nance from John Leonard. (see 1719)
RICHARD | 1722 | Prince George | "VA (Land) Patent Book 11" p. 119 --
Richard Nance of Pr. Geo. Co. patenting 142 a. Pr. George Co. 22 June
1722 - on the s. s. of Gravelly Run on b.s. of the Great Branch adj.
Epes corner. [See Peter, 1765]
RICHARD | 1723 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (children
John, Eliz, Leanord(sic), Nathaniel, Anne were were b. to Richard and
spouse Mary Nance 1723 1742)
RICHARD | 1725 | Prince George | "Pr. Geo. Co. Wills & Deeds", B. J.
Weisiger - - p. 928 - Estate of Philip Claud - mentions RICHARD Nance,
Robert Hunicutt, Daniel Nance, Instance Hall, James Thweatt. Rec. 14 Sep
1726. (per J.G. Sullivan data)
RICHARD | 1726 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (Richard
Nance b. to John and his wife Jane Nance 24 Jan 1721, bapt. 15 May 1726)
RICHARD | 1726 | Prince George | "Epes of County Kent" - 6 Jun 1726,
William Epes patented 200 a. on s.s. Gravelly Run at Richard Nance's
corner and adj. his (Wm Epes) father's line - (per J.G. Sullivan data)
RICHARD | 1726 | Prince George | Account of the estate of Claud. A
number of persons sign, including Richard Nance and Daniel Nance.
RICHARD | 1738 | Amelia | "VA (Land) Patent Book 18" p. 104 -- Richard
Nance patents 400 a. on the N. side of Horsepen in the fork of the
Nottoway R. adj. Miles Thweats, Samuel Jordan and Als. 12 Sep 1738. [In
"Am. Co Deed Books", Book 11, G. J. McConnaughey, at p.304 of Deed Book
11, a 1771 deed (Littlebury Stainback to John Lewis) of 400 a. in
Amelia, n.s. Horsepen Cr., is described as "the same land patented to
Richard Nance on Sep. 12 1738"].
RICHARD | 1738 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co. Records -- Richard is
directed to procession on Gravelly Run
RICHARD | 1740 | Prince George | "VA in 1740 A Reconstructed Census",
TLC Genealogy (1992)" (Richard Nance is a resident of Pr. George Co)
RICHARD | 1740 | Prince George | PB 19 p 880-882 -- 1 Dec 1740, to
Francis & Isham Eppes 694a PG Co. ss Gravelly run ... their own Old line
where RICHARD Nance Adjoyn's the same; William Browder ... sd Francis
Eppes's Cattail line; Thomas Gent... RICHARD Nance
RICHARD | 1743 | Prince George | "VA (Land) Patent Book 21" p. 420-21 --
Richard Nance patents 184 a. on the s.s. of Gravelly Run, adj. his own
land, and land of Frances Epes, Thomas Gent Jr. & Capt. Francis Eppes -
Pr. G. Co. 30 June 1743)
RICHARD | 1745 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Book 2 (1742-1747)",
G. J. McConnaughey (1981) - 19 Jul 1745 in a deed, a reference to
Richard Nance & Munford's corners (near Horsepen Cr. in fork of
Nottoway, Laulan Flynn & Cocks' corners [NOTE: Richard COCKE patented
land in Henrico Co "at Bremo, Turkie Island, upon Curles", Mar 10, 1639.
PB 1 p. 707]
RICHARD | 1749 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bks
1&2 p. 43 - 1749 - Hawkins deeds to Walton, land on Meherrin River "by
Richard Nance's corner" [NOTE: George Walton was a witness to John
Nance's 1761 Will; he also appears to have been a neighbor of John, re
which see John 1767]
RICHARD | 1749 | Lunenburg | RICHARD Nance ("Nants") listed in Lydall
Bacon's list of tithes for June 10, 1749, for the area "from Hounds
Creek to Little Ronoke R." ; Richd. Nants and John Nants appear together
as having 3 tithes (one household?), and 18 "Crs. Hds." (?). Adjacent on
list to Tho. Nants. "Sunlight on the Southside", transcribed by T. W.
Duda (GenWeb Archives).
RICHARD | 1750 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co. Patents 29, p. 225 -- 1 June 1750
Richard Nance takes 210 a. on both sides of the Meherrin R. (per J. G.
Sullivan materials, this is also s.s.Harricane Cr)
RICHARD | 1750 | Prince George | "Am. Co. VA Deed Books, Books 3 & 4
(1747-1753)", G. J. McConnaughey (1988) - p. 554 - 11 Dec 1750 Richard
(X) Nance of Pr. George Co to "Littleburg Stainback", 400 a. on n.s.
Horsepen Cr, adj. Thweat & Jordan, "being land patented to Richard Nance
12 Sep. 1738"
RICHARD | 1751 | Prince George | PB 29 p 461-462 --5 Jul 1751, to Thomas
Bly Son and Heir of William Bly 295a PG Co. on the N Side of Gravelly
Run adjoining NANCE's and Butlers Lines [NOTE: That this is Richard, is
RICHARD | 1752 | Lunenburg | 1752 VA Tithables, Lunenburg County -
Richard Nance . 1 (snk)
RICHARD | 1754 | Dinwiddie | PB 32 p422-423 - 19 Dec 1754, to Charles
Williams 604a Dinw. Co. on the S side of little Cat Tail Run...
Abernathy's crnr. ... Williams's Crnr. in Abernathy's Line ... Cat Tail
Run ... NANCEs ... Lightwood Knott [NOTE: That this is Richard, is
speculated from Cat Tail...see 1765 ...could be Peter]
RICHARD | 1755 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co Patents 31, p. 252 -- 10 Sept. 1755
John Nance takes 400 a. on both sides of the Meherrin R., adj. his own &
RICHARD Nance's land
RICHARD | 1756 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co. Patents 34, p. 14 10 Mar. 1756
(Richard Nance takes 365 a. on the s.side of Springfield Cr., adj.
Willingham & Murrel's lines
RICHARD | 1756 | Prince George | PB 33 p 262-263 -- 16 Aug 1756 to
Francis Eppes, 51a PG Co. bs little Cat Tail ... Robert Abernathys
Junior & Charles Williams ... Eppes's Crnr ... NANCEs Crnr. ... Williams
[NOTE: That is is Richard, is speculated]
RICHARD | 1758 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk 5
p.24 -1758 Mitchell to Foster, refers to adj. lands of Richard and Wm. Nance
RICHARD | 1759 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.1) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 7, p. 168 13 Nov 1759 John White,
Amelia, to Joseph White, Amelia, 200 a. on one side of the Horsepen Cr.
in the fork of Nottoway R., bounded by Richard Nance, Laughlin Flynn, Cocke.
RICHARD | 1759 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Book
6 -- witnesses Richard Nance p. 16 1759 of Dinwiddie Co. & wife Mary, to
Foster. /s/ Richd R Nance Mary M Nance [these may not be actual middle
initials, but rather reflections of the first letter of the name, i.e.,
they may have signed as R Nance and M Nance]. Also witnessed by William
Nance, John Nance)
RICHARD | 1759 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Book
6p. 16 -- Richard Nance of Dinwiddie deeds to Nathaniel Nance of
Chesterfield Co., land in Lunenburg, by drawing a dividing line between
sd. Nathaniel and his brother John Nance . . . upper half to Nathaniel".
Wit: John Nance, William Nance.)
RICHARD | 1759 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk 5
p.47 - 1759 - Richard Nance deeds to Waton (Walton?)(NR has George
Walton), 20a; - - "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bks 1&2 p. 43 -
1749 - Hawkins deeds to Walton, land on Meherrin River "by Richard
Nance's corner"
RICHARD | 1760 | Lunenburg | (NR) - Richard and Mary Nance deed to
Richard Foster.
RICHARD | 1760 | Lunenburg | (NR) - RICHARD deeds to Nathaniel Nance.
bk. 6, p. 49.
RICHARD | 1760 | Lunenburg | "Cumb. Parish, Lun. Co VA, Vestry Bk
1746-1816", L. C. Bell -- Processioning Returns - The lands of RICHARD
Nance. Present[ed by?] himself. No. 19, Mar. 31, 1760, p. 507.
RICHARD | 1760 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk 6
p. 14 - 1760 - Wm Nance deeds to Foster, lands adj. to Richard Nance's.
"Francis, wife of [William] Nance, relinquished dower"
RICHARD | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk 7
p.31 -1761 - a deed refers to Richard Nance's adj. parcel
RICHARD | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746-1825", L. C. Bell
(1961), "Early Wills 1746-1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott. p.87 (will of
John Nance 2/28/1761; 7/6/1762, mentions son Richard)
RICHARD | 1764 | Amelia | "Am. Co. VA Deeds, 1765-1768",(V.1) T.L.C.
Genealogy, 1990. Am. Co. Deed Bk 8, p. 470 16 Oct 1764 White deeds to
Cross, certain lands, abt. 200a. on b. sides, Horsepen Cr. in the fork
of Nottoway, bounded by John Lewis on land that was formerly granted to
Richard Nance on the n. side of said cr, Ellis, Williams.
RICHARD | 1764 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk 8
p. 28 - 1764 Richard Nance & wife Mourning deed to Townsend. Wit: Thomas
Nance, Fedrick Nance. "Mourning, wife of Nance, relinquished dower" -
NOTE: per ernest stanley - page 149 [Lunenburg deeds?] : Feb 25 1764-
from Richard Nance and Mourning, his wife, of Lunenberg, to Joseph
Townsend of L. for 50 pds a certain tract of land of 172 acres in Lun.
on the south side of Springfield Ck. and bounded by the mouth of woods
Branch signed Richard Nance and Mourning . Wit: Christopher Billups.
Thomas Nance, Fredrick Nance, Mourning relinquished her right of dower
to conveyed lands. recorded Jun 14 1764
RICHARD | 1765 | Dinwiddie | "VA Genealogist" 9:14 - 18 Mar 1765 Peter
Nance & his wife Elizabeth of Dinwiddie Co. deed to Alex Gibbs, of Pr.
George CO., for L.70, 100 a. "whereon Peter Nance now dwells" --
mentions it is on RICHARD Nance's line.
RICHARD | 1767 | Lunenburg | "Am. Co Deed Books, Books 9-11, 1753-1759",
G.J. McConnaughey, Richard Nance deeds to Richard Burks, 12 Dec 1767,
173 a. s/s/ Springfield Cr., Lun. Co. See 1768 entry for Richard . . .
Burks deeds this land to someone else . . .
RICHARD | 1768 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2,
1765-1771", Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p.
312 13 Jan 1768 Burks to ?, "said land was purchased by Burks from
Richard Nance by deed bearing date of 16 December last". The land is 173
a. in Lunenburg on s.s. Springfield Cr.
RICHARD | 1768 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk 11
p.24 - a 1768 deed refers to land deeded by Richd. Nance
RICHARD | 1769 | Lunenburg | (NR) - RICHARD and Mourning Nance deed to
Joseph Townsend
RICHARD | 1770 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk 11
p. 56 - Beasely deeds to Richard Nance 1/2 of the Lun. Co land where sd.
Nance formerly lived (NR has Richard to Robert Beasley)
RICHARD | 1773 | Halifax | "Extracts from Col. Halifax published in
Richmond, VA., Times" Oct. 28, 1906 (NR) -- RICHARD Nance made a deed to
his son Thomas.
RICHARD | 1780 | Bedford | (NR) March 25, 1780 -- Deed of RICHARD Nance
leaves entire estate to Thomas Nance for "Natural Love and Affection".
Bk. 6, p. 407.
RICHARD | 1793 | Pittsylvania | "Pitts. Co. Deeds 1791 94", 91 5050
(a"certification" by Richard Nance --signed with his mark-- to effect
that what he said re the character of Isham Lansford re his having
killed a heiffer which did not belong to him, was"injurious, false and
ROBERT | 1758 | Brunswick | "Militia Records Brunswick Co." (name Robt
Nance appears in the roll) (Henning, Vol, VII, p. 212).
ROBERT | 1779 | Brunswick | (NR) -- 1779 - May, Benj. Ezell sells to
Robert Nance 200 a. in Meck. adjoining John Bugg. Bk. 5, p. 491 (unclear
why this is shown by NR as being re Brunswick Co). NOTE: per ernest
stanley , Aug 14 1779 - from Benjamin Ezell of Brunswick Co to Robert
Nance of the county for 80 pds about 200 acres in M. and bounded by John
Buggs and Navel Gees corner, thence to James Hicks land, a new line of
John Buggs, John Ballard, Buggs line near Taylors cr. signed Benjamin
Ezell wit: Chislen Curtis, George Hicks, William Ezell. Buckner Ezell
rec Oct 11 1779
ROBERT | 1780 | Brunswick | (NR) -- 1780 - Robert Nance sells land to
David Moss.
ROBERT | 1780 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co. Deed Book 14 -- p. 63 -- 21
Oct 1780-- Jabez Northington of Meclinburg (sic) Co deeds to Titus
Singleton of Brunswick, land in Brunswick, Meherrin Parish, part of a
tract of land granted to John Brown Sr. 1/12/1746, bounded by
Northington, ROBERT Nance, John Overby, William Ezell; witn. Michael, Wm
Ezell, James Singleton
ROBERT | 1782 | ???? | 1782 Will of John Marshall mentions his daughter
Ann Nance, wife of Robert Nance, and his granddaughter Judith Nance.
ROBERT | 1782 | Mecklenburg | VA Early Census - Robert Nance,
Mecklenburg Co., p. 33, 07 03
ROBERT | 1782 | Mecklenburg | 1782 VA Census - Mecklenburg County Tax
List - Robert Nance (snk)
ROBERT | 1782 | Mecklenburg | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1782 --
Robert Nance - head of family - 7 Whites, 3 Blacks (per list of Lewis
Parham) -- adj. Samuel Marshall -- NOTE: According to the Malone
Genealogy, Robert Nance m. Ann Marshall; they lived in Meck. and had a
daughter Dolly who married (Lanier) in 1779.
ROBERT | 1783 | ???? | "VA Rev. War Land Bounty Warrants", Samuel Walton
(Southern Book Co, 1953) - Warrant #850, Robert Nance - 4,000 a.(!),
June 17, 1783. He was a Capt., serving in the VA Continental Line for 3
ROBERT | 1783 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co. Marriages, 1765-1853 -- Judith
Nance m. Darling Allen (per NR, May 19); Surety Robert Nance, s. of
William Nance -- According to the Malone Genealogy, Robert Nance m. Ann
Marshall; they lived in Meck. and had a daughter Dolly who married
(Lanier) in 1779.
ROBERT | 1783 | Mecklenburg | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) Ct
Bklet=9; Certificates=1 ; Lists=8, 19 ; Commissioner's Book=IV p. 70
ROBERT | 1787 | ???? | "Lawrence Co, Misssouri - 1850 Census" (MO GenWeb
Archives), "Missouri 1850 Census Index" (AIS, 1976) -- Robert Nance,
Resident & head of household, age 63 (b. 1787), b. VA -- AIS book has
him as Robert "Nanse".
ROBERT | 1787 | Mecklenburg | "1787 Census of VA Meck. Co N. S. Yantie &
F. S. Love" /W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=2 / blacks< 16=3
ROBERT | 1788 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill
(1895) (LOV Acc. No.34001); "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V. D.
White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990)-- Robert Nance Born Feb. 22nd 1788
Charles City Co. VA to Zachariah Nance and Jane (Wilkins) Nance. Died 14
Nov 1852 Lawrence Co MO.
ROBERT | 1790 | Brunswick | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 22, C. D. McDonald (1978) --
Robert Nance m. Fatha Pennington 2/4/1790 (Pyles' Nance Genealogy has a
Robert m.(2) "Faithy" Merriman Pennington) - Note that in Meck. Co. Deed
Book 6, p. 220 (as cited in the Malone Genealogy), 1-28-1782 Wm.
Pennington deeded to Jesse Morris 136 a. bounded by Old Road in John
Brown Jrs. line, Nance, Capt. Melone's corner near Black's Road.
ROBERT | 1790 | Mecklenburg | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" MECK.
Co Robert Nance m. TABITHA Pennington 1/14/1790 (Pyles Genealogy has a
Robert m.(2) "Faithy" Merriman Pennington) -- The compilation "Meck. Co.
Marriages, 1765-1853 " has Robert Nance m. FATHA Pennington; consent
James Pennington, father - - "DAR Patriot Index" (DAR, 1966) V. I. has
Robert Nance, b.?, d. 5-25-1808, m.(1) Marshall, m.(2) Faithy Merriman.
A Pvt., VA.
ROBERT | 1790 | Mecklenburg | 1790 VA Census - Mecklenburg County Pg.
#33 Robert Nance 7 Whites (Robert, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 3 Slaves (snk)
ROBERT | 1791 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co. Marriages, 1765-1853 -- Molly
Nance m. Gray Allen; consent given by Robert Nance, father.
ROBERT | 1797 | Pittsylvania | "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V.
D. White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990) -- born 21 Mar 1797 to William M.
Nance (b. 1760 Amelia) and Elizabeth (Thornton) Nance
ROBERT | 1799 | Lunenberg | ROBERT NANCE m. SARAH WALKER on 14 February
1799 in Lunenberg Co. VA (Source: Early American Marriages: Virginia to
1800, Jordan R. Dodd)
ROBERT | 1799 | Lunenburg | "Marriages of Lunenburg. VA 1746 1853", Emma
Matheny (1961); "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA", N. Murry; "Some VA
Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 3, C. D. McDonald (1978) -- Robert Nance m.
Sarah Walker; minister's return 14 Feb. 1799
ROBERT S. | 1762 | Amelia | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone
(1996) - reports that Giles Nance m. Mary (Nancy) Malone c. 1754 and
that their children included Robert S. Birthdate is my guess.
[-S-] [Top <#TOP>]
SALLY | 1784 | Henry | (NR) --1784 - September 3. William Cockran, Henry
Co., to Reuben Nance, £10, 170 a. on Leatherwood Creek. Wit: Aleygone
Maguier, SALLY Nance, John Minter. Bk. 3, p. 92.
SALLY | 1791 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill (1895)
(LOV Acc. No.34001); "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V. D. White
(Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990)-- Sally Nance Born 24 Oct 1791 Charles City
Co to Zachariah Nance and Jane (Wilkins) Nance. Married __ Hash. Died 27
Feb 1847 Lawrence Co, MO.
SALLY | 1791 | Lunenburg | "Marriages of Lunenburg. VA 1746 1853", Emma
Matheny (1961); "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N. Murry; "Some
VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 12, C. D. McDonald (1978) " SALLY Nance
m. William COMBS 10 Nov 1791; "Lunenburg Co. Marriage Bonds" has Wm.
Johnson as surety. - - Note : Frances Nance m. George Combs in Charlotte
Co 11/12/1785; the 1787 Wilkes County, North Carolina Tax List has
George Combs, John Combs, and William Nance and the 1790 Wilkes Co NC
Census has George, John and Thomas Combs 3 names away from William Nance.
SARAH | 1716 | Prince George | Will of John Nance, 1716 - - mentions
wife SARAH
SARAH | 1743 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (Sarah, b. to
William and his wife Ann Nances (sic) 30 Jan 1742/3, bapt. 27 Feb 1742/3)
SARAH | 1745 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (Sarah, b. to
Thomas and his wife Priscilla Nantzs (sic) 19 Oct 1745, bapt. 6 Jan 1745/6)
SARAH | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746-1825", L. C. Bell
(1961), "Early Wills 1746-1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott. p.87 - will
of John Nance 2/28/1761; 7/6/1762, mentions daughter Sarah
SARAH | 1774 | Charlotte | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N.
Murry; "Wuflecks VA Marriages 1607-1800 (2d Series)", A. M. Coppage
(1990) -- "Sarah Solkins Nance" m. James Robertson 1/21/1774 Charlotte
Co. Coppage work says Sarah was dau. of Frederick Nance, who was surety.
SHERWOOD | 1754 | Charlotte | (NR) - 1832 Rev. War Pension Declaration:
Sherwood - age 78, a resident of Union, S.C., born October 17, 1754 in
Charlotte Co., VA. moved to Caswell Co. N.C. when he went into service
January 1775. Served to 1781. File No. s 21 394.
SHERWOOD | 1775 | Charlotte | (Nance Register) - 1832 Rev. War Pension
Declaration: SHERWOOD Nance, Charlotte Co., VA, moved to Caswell Co.
N.C. when he went into service January 1775. File No. s 21 394.
SUSAN | 1716 | Prince George | Will of John Nance, 1716 - - mentions
daughter SUSAN
SUSANNA | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961)., "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott. p.87 (will
of John Nance 2/28/1761; 7/6/1762, mentions daughter Susanna
SUSANNA | 1770 | Bedford | Bedford Co DB C-3, p. 451 -- Nathaniel Nance
and wife Susanna to Nanny Turner, 360a. on Buffalo Cr.
SUSANNA | 1771 | Charles City | (NM) Will of Zacahariah Nance of Charles
City Co. Names daughter Susannah
SUSANNA | 1789 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Indx to Crt Order Bks of Pitts.
Co, VA 1767-1800" , NR -- (November 16, 1789 Qualified Guardian) SUSANNA
Nance, orphan of David Nance, dcsd., came into court and chose William
Nance as her guardian. (The law allowed a minor at the age of 14 to
choose their guardian. )
SUSANNA | 1793 | Nottoway | (NR) - - Thomas Young and Elizabeth his wife
vs. James Crenshaw, guardian of SUSANNA, William, David and Mary Nance.
Order Bk. 1, p. 40.
SUSANNA | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961) -- will of Frederick Nance Sr., d. 6-2-1795; pro. 9-18-1796,
mentions wife Susanna
SUSANNA | 1795 (abt) | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book
15 (Frederick Nance Senr p. 32. & wife Susanna to Frederick Nance
junior. Susanna, wife of Nance, relinquished dower.)
SUSANNA | 1795 | Pittsylvania | "Marriage Bonds and Minister's Returns
of Pitts. Co. VA, 1767 1805", C. L.Knorr (1956); "Some VA Marriages,
1700-1799", Vol. 10, C. D. McDonald (1978); "Comp. Indexed Marriage
Records of VA ", N. Murry ; "Marriage Records of Pitts. Co, VA
1767-1819", A. Vestal-Miller (1996) -- Susanna, daughter of Clement
Nance, m. William Shaw 23 Feb. 1796. Surety: Mosias Nance. (Knorr and
Vestal-Miller books have year as 1795)
SUSANNA | 1796 | Lunenburg | "Marriages of Lunenburg. VA 1746 1853",
Emma Matheny (1961). Susanna Nance m. Archibald Philberd 9/9/1796 --
"Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" has 9/19/1796, "Fhilberd" -- per
"Lunenburg Co. Marriage Bonds", surety is Hezekiah Philberd
SUSANNAH | 1758 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill
(1895) (LOV Acc. No.34001) -- Born abt. 1758. Dau. of Zachariah Nance
and Susannah Duke (Sherman) Nance. Married Stephen Shell.
SUSSANNA | 1797 | Henry | (NR) -- 1797 SUSSANNA (dau. of Reuben and Amy
"Williamson") to Alexander McCullough, February 27. John Connoway, sec.
[-T-] [Top <#TOP>]
TABITHA | 1775 | Mecklenburg | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA",
"Meck. Co. Marriages, 1765-1853" Meck. Co Tabitha Nance m. Stephen Mabry
4/19/1775 ; consent given by Isham Nance, brother --"Malone & Allied
Families", R. A. Malone;, 2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA[1996]
mentions Isham Nance m. c.1776 Frances "Fanny" Malone. This genealogy
describes Isham as the son of William & Ann Nance. Tabitha a
daughter of William & Ann? (Also at I found Stephen4 Mabry
(Joshua3, Hinchia, Francis); probably served from VA. He was born about
1752 and married Tabitha Nance in Meck. Co, VA on 19 April 1775. He
probably died in Wilkes Co, Georgia.)
TABITHA | 1791 | Henrico | Tabitha m. Allen Thorp 29 Sep 1791 in Henrico
Co, Surety James Nance - - NOTE: per -- "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records
of VA ", N. Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 24, C. D.
McDonald (1978) " William Nance m. Olive Thorpe 9 May 1794 in
Southhampton Co; also, per "Historical Notes on Am. Co., VA", Kathleen
Hadfield (1982). p.514 (appendix), During the Revolutionary War, Allen
Thorpe was a private in the 1st Regiment of the VA Militia, as a subst.
for Wm. Nance.
TABITHA | 1798 | Henry | (NR) -- 1798 TABITHA (dau. of Reuben and Amy
"Williamson") to Daniel Shakelford (son of Henry Shakelford), October
19. John Connoway, sec.
TABITHA | 1798 | Henry | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Henry Co
m. Daniel Shackelford 10/29/1798
TAVNER | 1777 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk 13
p. 29 - witnesses a deed
TAVNER | 1778 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk 13
p. 37 - Wells deeds to him, part of land his father bgt. of Thomas Nance
and devised to him by will
TAVNER | 1780 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Book
14 p. 22 - Tavner (also "Tavenar" and"Tavener") of Lun. Co, deeds to
Josiah Whitlock. "Mary, wife of Nance, relinquished her dower")
TAVNER | 1782 | Franklin | 1782 VA Census -Franklin County Tax Lists --
Tavener Nance 6 Whites 1 Slave (snk)
TAVNER | 1782 | Halifax | VA Early Census - Tavner Nance, Halifax Co.,
p. 24 , 06 01
TAVNER | 1782 | Halifax | "Tavenor" Nance, grantee and John Chappell and
wife, grantor. B&S Book 12, p. 212, June 21, 200 acres Mirey Creek. (per NR)
TAVNER | 1782 | Halifax | 1782 VA Census -Halifax County - Nance Tavner
6 Whites, 1 Black (snk)
TAVNER | 1782 | Halifax | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1782 --
Tavner Nance --6 White souls, 1 Black -- last name spelled Nance
TAVNER | 1784 | Halifax | (NR) - 1784 - Tavner Nance Deft., vs. William
Douglas. Bk. 11, p. 86.
TAVNER | 1785 | Franklin | 1785 VA Census (Tax List) - Franklin County
Tax List - Tavener NANTZ 7 Whites 1 Dwelling 2 Other Buildings (snk)
TAVNER | 1785 | Halifax | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1785 --
Tavner Nantz --7 White souls, 1 dwellings, 2 other buildings -- last
name spelled NANTZ in list of W. Terry; also appears -- same details --
with last name spelled NANTY in list of Jere. Pate.
TAVNER | 1787 | Halifax | "1787 Census of VA Halifax Co Yantie & Love" -
W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=0 / blacks< 16=spelled TABNER in record
TAVNER | 1790 | Halifax | 1790 VA Census - Halifax County - Pg. #24
Tavner Nance 6 Whites (Tavner, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 1 Slave 1 Dwelling 2 Other
Houses (snk)
TAVNER | 1795 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961). --mentioned in will of Frederick (1) Nance Sr. 6/2/1795;
9/18/1796; mentions son Tavner
TAVNER | 1799 | Lunenburg | (NR) - Frederick, John W., Mary and TAVENER
Nance deed to Josiah Cole.
THOMAS | 1723 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (b. to John
and his wife Jane Nance 22 Sep1723, bapt. 19 Jan 1723/24)
THOMAS | 1726 | Prince George | 200 a. of Thomas Nance, on the N. Side
of Gravelly Run, are surveyed. (Obviously not the same Thomas as the one
b. to John & Jane 1723. Per letter from Martin L. "Pete" Nance to Walker
P. Nance, 4 Dec 1968, the Thomas Nance who was a "landowner Pr. George
1737 & 1747" was prob. a son of the early William Nance who m. Tinsley.
THOMAS | 1736 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; THOMAS born
to William and his wife Ann Nance 29 Feb 1735 (sic), bapt. 18 Apr 1736.
THOMAS | 1737 | Prince George | "VA (Land) Patent Book 16" p. 297, (a
deed in Pr.George Co. refers to adj. Thomas Nance land) -NR has: -1737 -
Grant to Isham Epes, 1500 a. adjoining Thomas Nance (from Journals of
Col. Va. Council).
THOMAS | 1740 | Amelia | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. VIII, p. 22 --
Am. Co. Tithables 1740 -- "John Nance Jun - 1", "John Nance sen., Jack
(NOTE: see JOHN, 1737), Thos. Nance - 3"
THOMAS | 1743 | Prince George | PB 23 p 645-646 -- 1 Mar 1743/44 to
Isham Eppes Gent. [to LeRoy Griffin & James Boisseau] 1560a PG Co.
between Hatchers run and Gravilly run ... at Thomas NANCEs upper corner
of his 200 Acres of Land Thence along his and Joseph Butler's lines ...
James Jones line ... a light wood Knot corner between Pointers ...
Jeffry Hauks ... Hatchers run Near the Mouth of Elbow branch ... George
Scogins corner Gum ... Sentalls line ... Mayes's Corner ... Bleys line
THOMAS | 1745 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (Sarah b. to
Thomas and his wife Priscilla Nantzs (sic) 19 Oct 1745, bapt. 6 Jan 1745 6)
THOMAS | 1747 | Prince George | "VA (Land) Patent Book 28" p. 105,
(patents 172 a. on the upper side of the Mealy Br. of Sappone Cr. adj.
John Tapley & Capt. Stark, in Pr. George Co. 25 Jun 1747)
THOMAS | 1748 | ???? | "DAR Patriot Index" (DAR, 1966), V.I. has Thomas
Nance, b.c. 1748, d. Jul 1821, m.(1) Sarah Gibbs, m.(2) Mary Cooper. A
Pvt., VA.
THOMAS | 1748 | Lunenburg | June 10, 1748 VA Tithables, Lunenburg County
-- Thos. Nance. 1 (snk)
THOMAS | 1748 | Lunenburg | (NR) -- 1748-1752 - THOMAS Nance appointed
surveyor of road. Bk. 2, p. 258.
THOMAS | 1748 | Lunenburg | (NR) - April. 1748 - to James Williams, on
both sides Wolf Trap Creek in Lunenburg and both sides of Nance's road
including 400 a. purchased of Thomas Nance. vol. 5, p. 250., Executive
Journals of the Council of Colonial VA 5 Vols. VA State Library, 1930.
THOMAS | 1749 | Lunenburg | THOMAS Nance ("Nants") listed in Lydall
Bacon's list of tithes for June 10, 1749, for the area "from Hounds
Creek to Little Ronoke R.", w. 1 tithe and 6 "Crs. Hds."(?); adj. to
Richd. Nants and John Nants who appear together as having 3 tithes (one
household?), and 18 "Crs. Hds." (?), 1 household (Lewis & Tho. Dupree)
away from William Nance. "Sunlight on the Southside", transcribed by T.
W. Duda (GenWeb Archives).
THOMAS | 1751 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bks
1&2 p.65 - Hawkins to Mitchell, lands adjoining, inter alia, lands of
Thomas and James Nance
THOMAS | 1752 | Lunenburg | 1752 VA Tithables, Lunenburg County - Thos.
Nance . 1 (snk)
THOMAS | 1753 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15", Book 3, p.
41; LDS microfilms #0032386, 0032387, Index to Lun. Co. VA Deeds -
Grantors, Grantees (respectively)(per e-mail from Tom Duda) -- Thomas
Nance deeds to William Irwin, 6 Nov 1753(former work shows name as "Ervin")
THOMAS | 1753 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15, Book 31, p. 341
-- Thomas Nance deeds to Katherine Gwin, 100a., "part of 290a. granted
to Nance 27 July last" [NOTE: connections with Levina Frances Nance and
THOMAS | 1753 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co. Patents 31, p. 341 -- 27 July 1753
Thomas Nance takes 290 a. on the s. side of Harricane Cr. adj. Coventon,
Williams &c
THOMAS | 1754 | Halifax | "Index to Pitts. Co, VA Land Entries, 1737 to
1770", 81 346 (land transaction) (presumably this was a transaction in
what was then Halifax Co., and the records went to Pittsylvania). Per
"Entry record book, 1737-1770 : land entries in the present Virginia
counties of Halifax, Pittsylvania, Henry, Franklin, and Patrick" by M.
D. Chiarito, July 30 1754 Thomas Nance entered 400a. begin. At John St.
John's, thence down the Cool Branch - which another entry indicates was
a Branch of Blackwater R.
THOMAS | 1757 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", 1989 Book p.
56 (Willington deeds to him, 400a in Lun. Co. on the Meherrin River)
THOMAS | 1757 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", 1989 Book p.
67 (Thomas Nance, of Lun. Co., deeds to William Chandler, 110a in Lun.
Co. "Martha Jones, wife of Nance, relinquished her dower") - - "DAR
Patriot Index Vol. III (Index to Spouses)" shows that a Miss __ Nance
married a Rev. War veteran named John Chandler.
THOMAS | 1757 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Bk p.
72 - Gwin deeds to Thomas Nance (NR has: Thomas Nance deeds to Katherine
Gwin) [NOTE: connections with Levina Frances Nance and Gwin?]
THOMAS | 1757 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co. Patents 34, p. 175 5 Feby. 1757
Thomas Nance takes 707 a. on the branches of Juniper Cr., adj. Williams,
Evans, Phelps &c.; - - "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA"; Bedford Co
Archibald Nance m. Nancy Williams 10 Mar 1794 in Bedford Co.; - - "Comp.
Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Meck. Co William Nance m. Patsey Williams
THOMAS | 1758 | Brunswick | "Militia Records Brunswick Co." (as "Thos")
NOTE: this name appears twice in the roll) (Henning, Vol, VII, p. 212).
THOMAS | 1758 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Book 5
p. 50 (Thomas Nance deeds to Henry Watkins)
THOMAS | 1759 | Mecklenburg | Vestry Order - Daniel Nance, Thomas Nance,
William Nance, all ordered to engage in processioning
THOMAS | 1760 | Lunenburg | "Cumb. Parish, Lun. Co VA, Vestry Bk
1746-1816", L. C. Bell -- Processioning Returns - The land of Thomas
Malone. Present[ed by?] Joel Winfield and THOMAS Nance. No. 1 1760
THOMAS | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Early Wills 1746-1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B.
Elliott, p. 99 --Thomas Nance is appraising an estate.
THOMAS | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 7 p. 15
-- Thomas Nance deeds to Lester Bryant, 250a
THOMAS | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 7 p. 14
-- Thomas Nance witnesses a deed.
THOMAS | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961); "Early Wills 1746-1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott. p.87 -- will
of John Nance 2/28/1761; 7/6/1762, mentions son Thomas.
THOMAS | 1762 | Lunenburg | "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B.
Elliott. p. 93 1762 (Thomas Nance executor of a will)
THOMAS | 1762 | Lunenburg | "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B.
Elliott, p. 100 -- Thomas Nance appraising an estate.
THOMAS | 1762 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Book 9
p. 15 -- a deed refers to a patent of 1753 by "Thos." Nance.
THOMAS | 1763 | Halifax | (NR) -- 1763 - Thomas Nance, Pltf., vs. Robert
Perryman. Bk. 4, p. 14.
THOMAS | 1764 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", (1989) Book 8
p. 28 -- Thomas Nance witnesses Richard Nance & wife Mourning's 1764
deed to Townsend. Fedrick Nance also witnesses. "Mourning, wife of
Nance, relinquished dower"
THOMAS | 1764 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co. Patents 36, p. 645 15 Aug. 1764 --
Thomas Nance takes 400 a. on the branches of Juniper Cr. adj. Hawkins,
Walke, &c.
THOMAS | 1765 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2, 1765-1771",
Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p. 60 8 Jun 1765
-- Thomas Nance of Charlotte Co to John Haley, 400 a. on Junepur (NOTE:
Juniper) Cr, adj. Hankins, Watkins
THOMAS | 1767 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2, 1765-1771",
Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p. 372 -- Thomas
Nance witnesses a 10 Oct 1767 deed of Hunt to Norris
THOMAS | 1768 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2, 1765-1771",
Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p. 453 4 Apr 1768
Haley deeds to Shorter, 94 a. in Charl. Co on "Junepur" (NOTE: Juniper)
"said land being part of a larger tract granted to Hely by deed from
Thomas Nance".
THOMAS | 1768 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2, 1765-1771",
Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p. 194 Thomas
Nance witnesses 2 documents by Rivers granting his daus. some slaves and
some property
THOMAS | 1769 | Dinwiddie | "Extracts from Col. Halifax published in
Richmond, VA., Times Oct. 28, 1906. (per NR) -- 1769 - THOMAS Nance of
Dinwiddie purchased land in Bedford from Nathaniel Nance, also of Dinwiddie.
THOMAS | 1770 | Bedford | Bedford Co DB C-3, p. 399, Josiah Cox of
Cumberland Co. to THOMAS Nance of Dinwiddie Co. 320a. Walton's cornrt on
Little Otter River; witn. Nath. Nance; Josiah Cox of Cumberland Co. to
William Mead, 100a. on Otter River; witn. William Nance, THOMAS Nance.
[See NATHANIEL, this date]
THOMAS | 1773 | Halifax | "Extracts from Col. Halifax published in
Richmond, VA., Times" Oct. 28, 1906 (NR) -- Richard Nance made a deed to
his son THOMAS.
THOMAS | 1774 | Augusta | "VA Marriage Records", Bentley (1982) Augusta
Co. James Betts (another source has this Bates) m. Mary Jones,
"granddaughter of Thomas Nance" --
THOMAS | 1774 | Bedford | "Abstracts of Bedford Co VA Wills, Inventories
& Accounts 1754-1787", Abstracted by Joida Whitten (Texas, 1969) Bedford
Co. Records p. 219-21 - Will of Edward Gouldman, dated 13 Oct 1764.
Proved 26 Dec. 1774, Securities include. Thomas Nance.
THOMAS | 1775 | Bedford | "Abstracts of Bedford Co VA Wills, Inventories
& Accounts 1754-1787", Abstracted by Joida Whitten (Texas, 1969) Bedford
Co. Records p. 535-37 - Edward Goldman. Sale. Dated 3 Jan 1775. Thomas
Nance is one buyer.
THOMAS | 1778 | Bedford | "Abstracts of Bedford Co VA Wills, Inventories
& Accounts 1754-1787", Abstracted by Joida Whitten (Texas, 1969) --
Estate of John Bates, accts., "1778 May 2 to Sundries Sold ... name of
THOMAS Nance follows as one of the buyers...his name also appears in
other accounts
THOMAS | 1778 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15" (1989), Book
13 p. 37 (Wells deeds to him, part of land his father bgt. of Thomas
Nance and devised to him by will)
THOMAS | 1779 | Bedford | (NR) - "Virginians in the Revolution" by John
H. Gathaway has: Thomas Nance - Bedford Ensign Oath 1779.
THOMAS | 1780 | Bedford | Rev. War Pension App of William English has a
statement from Richard Robertson which says, in part, that the Company
of Capt. Peter Webber marched from Bedford (Co.) under Lt. Irving and
Ens. Thomas NANCE about 1 Oct. 1780 and joined headquarters at
Hillsborough, NC under Gen. Greene...Irving and Nance returned home to
THOMAS | 1780 | Bedford | (NR) March 25, 1780 -- Deed of Richard Nance
leaves entire estate to THOMAS Nance for "Natural Love and Affection".
Bk. 6, p. 407.
THOMAS | 1780 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co Deed Book 14, page 80 -- 27 Nov
1780 THOMAS Nance And Anne his wife of the Co of Brunswick, to Sarah
Warren & heirs of John Warren, 273 a. in the Co of Brunswick and
Meckingburg (sic) on the branch of Genito (NOTE: Geneto) Creek that was
granted unto Daniel Nance of Brunswick Co by Patent 5 Feb 1753
THOMAS | 1782 | Bedford | 1782 VA Census - Bedford County Tax List --
Thomas Nance 1 Poll 10 Slaves (snk)
THOMAS | 1782 | Bedford | THOMAS Nance is listed as a Bedford Co
taxpayer (NR)
THOMAS | 1783 | Mecklenburg | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) Thomas
Nance -- Ct Bklet=22; Certificates=1 ; Lists=8, 19, 25 ; Commissioner's
Book=IV p. 59
THOMAS | 1784 | Bedford | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA", N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 9, C. D. McDonald (1978) --
William Nance m. Mary Howard 3/3/1784. Surety THOMAS Nance. NOTE: This
appears in the Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy
THOMAS | 1784 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone;,
2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA[1996] Isham Nance m. c.1776 Frances
"Fanny" Malone. This genealogy says their children included Thomas, b.
1784 Meck.
THOMAS | 1787 | Bedford | "1787 Census of VA Bedford Co N. S. Yantie &
F. S. Love" Thomas Nance -- W.males 16-21= 1,/ blacks>16=3 / blacks< 16=7 )
THOMAS | 1787 | Bedford | 1787 VA Census (Tax List) - Bedford County -
Thomas Nance Self 1 White of 16 and under 21 3 Blacks over 16 7 Blacks
under 16 7 Horse, Mare, Colt or Mule 18 Cattle (snk)
THOMAS | 1787 | Halifax | (NR) - 1787 - THOMAS V. Nance and Zachariah
Nance, Defts., vs. Robert Sanders, Pltf., for debt. Bk 12, p. 149.
THOMAS | 1787 | Halifax | "1787 Census of VA Halifax Co N. S. Yantie &
F. S. Love" Thomas Nance -- (his taxes charged to William Nance) (could
this be Thomas V. ? - Halifax Co!)
THOMAS | 1788 | Bedford | Bedford Co WB 2 (1787-90) pp. 44-46 -- William
Howard's orphans - Guardian's Account by David Saunders, Guardian --
mentioned: Mrs. Nance for boarding 4 children for 1 year; THOMAS Nance
(clothing for the children); William Nance for 3 children for 1 year.
[See WILLIAM's entry]
THOMAS | 1789 | Halifax | Thomas W. Nance witnesses 1789 Will of James
Clay in Halifax Co VA. Possibly actually Thomas V. Nance ? Source: "Will
Book 2, 1783-1792, Halifax Co, VA", Marian D. Chiarito, 1989.
THOMAS | 1791 | Halifax | (NR) - 1791 - Thomas V. Nance, presented with
many others, to grand jury for voting when not a freeholder. Bk. 13, p.
THOMAS | 1791 | Mecklenburg | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Meck.
Co -- Thomas Nance m. Elizabeth Cleaton 12/20/1791; Surety Thomas Cleaton
THOMAS | 1795 | Mecklenburg | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Meck.
Co -- Thomas Nance m. Elizabeth Giles 10/4/1795; Surety John Cleaton
THOMAS | 1796 | Sussex | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Sussex Co
m. Sally Heath 12/27/1796
THOMAS | 1799 | Bedford | (NR) - "Virginians in the Revolution" by John
H. Gathaway has: Thomas Nance - Bedford Ensign Oath 1799. Also, Rev. War
Pension App of William English has a statement from Richard Robertson
which says, in part, that the Compnay of Capt. Peter Webber marched from
bedford (Co.) under Lt. Irving and Ens. Thomas NANCE about 1 Oct. 1780
and joined headquarters at Hillsborough, NC under Gen. Greene...Irving
and Nance returned home to Bedford.
THOMAS V. | 1771 | Henrico | "Colonial Wills of Henrico Co, Pt. II, B.
Weisiger - THOMAS VAUGHAN Nance witnesses the mar 25, 1771 will of
Richard Williamson
THOMAS V. | 1776 | ???? | (NR) - "Virginians in the Revolution" by John
H. Gwathmey has: Thomas V. Nance - 1st Continental Line. Robert B. Nance
observed: "He did not serve with much enthusiasm, for in the Virginia
Gazette for August, 1777 is a notice that if he did not report for duty
immediately, he would be declared a deserter".
THOMAS V. | 1785 | Halifax | "Families and History of Gibson Co,
Tennessee to 1989", Lee Davis U.D.C.Historical Society, Milan,
Tennessee. pg 100. French Heuguenot. Halifax Co. VA, Deed Book 13, p.
302 (William Nance who grants to sons Thomas V. Nance, Zachariah Nance,
and sons in law Edmund TUCKER & Daniel PALMER, power of attorney to
collect what is due as legacy of my wife Mary, bequeathed to her by her
father Timothy VAUGHN. Dated 28 Oct 1785 Recorded 20 Oct 1785) -- (In
Nance v. Woodward, High Court of Chancery, 1793, the Will of Timothy
Vaughn is dealt with, and is referred to as mentioning a daughter,
"Mary, m. William Nance" Source - The William and Mary Quarterly, Ser.
2, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Apr. 1931), pp. 106-135.)
THOMAS V. | 1787 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Index to Ct Order Bks of
Pitts. Co VA 1767 1800" March 21, 1787 (court action -- Thomas V. Nance
vs. Hezekiah Smith)
[-U-] [Top <#TOP>]
[-V-] [Top <#TOP>]
[-W-] [Top <#TOP>]
WILLIAM | 1726 | James City | (NR) - New Kent, James City Vestry Book at
St. Peter's Parish, 1648-1786 , lists WILLIAM Nance b. to James and Ann
Nance 20 January 1726 or 1727
WILLIAM | 1728 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (b. to John
and his wife Jane Nance 12 Jul 1728, bapt. 29 Jul 1728)
WILLIAM | 1730 | ???? | "DAR Patriot Index" (DAR, 1966) V.I., has Wm.
Nance b. 1730 d. 1800, m. ?- a Pvt., VA. -- the only plausible
candidates are the William b. to John & Jane 1728, and the William b. to
James and Ann Nance 1726/7.
WILLIAM | 1736 | Prince George | "Bristol Parish Register"; (children
Thomas and Sarah b. to William and his wife Ann Nance (spelled "Nances"
for Sarah's birth) between 1736-1743 -- This is clearly NOT John &
Jane's son William b. 1728, or James and Ann's son William b. 1726/7 --
this is the William Nance b. abt. 1715(?), m. Ann, whose antecedents are
WILLIAM | 1741 | Brunswick | "VA (Land) Patent Book 18 (19?)" p. 974,
(William Nance patents 129 a. on both sides of the S. Fork of Shining
Cr. in Brunswick Co 1 Jun 1741 - - Also -- Brunswick patents 1715-1798;
at ftp:// pub/deeds/brco.ndx - - #195A 19/974 129a-BR
01Jun1741 William Nance . . . -- this is probably not John & Jane's son
William b. 1728, or James and Ann's son William b. 1726/7; instead, it's
probably the William Nance b. abt. 1715(?), m. Ann, whose antecedents
are unknown -- who had son Thomas in 1736 in Bristol Parish, and who we
see in Brunswick Co in 1743
WILLIAM | 1743 | Brunswick | Brunswick Deeds p 335 - 7 Jul 1743 - "from
William Nance of Brunswick to John Ingram...129a. b.s. south fork of
Shining Cr in St. Andrew's Parish and Brunswick...The land was patented
to said William Nance 1 Jun 1741. Signed William (X his mark) Nance.
Wit: Daniel Nance... Anne, wife of said William relinquished dower. This
is the William Nance b. abt. 1715(?), m. Ann, whose antecedents are unknown.
WILLIAM | 1744 | James City | The William and Mary Quarterly, Ser. 2,
Vol. 21, No. 2 (Apr.1941), pp. 157-171. - - Will of Ralph Graves(?),
dated Feb. 11 1748/49, includes in part the following: "to son Richard
the divident of land lying on Chickahominy River in Jas. City Co., which
was purchased of Brown, Nance & Pond, I mean the upper part of the whole
land where Nance did dwell & in the year 1744 did make a dividing line
in the presence of Jas. Nance, Thos. Hilliard, Ralph Graves Jr.,
Christopher Bromfield & several others . . ." William?? William's 1692
WILLIAM | 1746 | Brunswick | "VA (Land) Patent Book 25 p. 239, (William
Nance patents 318 a. on the S. Side of Janeto (NOTE: Geneto) Cr. - NOTE:
per ernest stanley , Nov 15 1777 from John Nance and Mary, his wife, of
Meck. to Charles Floyd of Brunswick county for 400 Pds, 318 acres in
Brunswick county on the south side of Jenito ck...
WILLIAM | 1747 | Brunswick | "Bath Parish Register, 1827-1894 and St.
Andrews Parish Vestry Book, 1732-1797", W. L. Hopkins (1989) -- St.
Andrews Parish - Vestry 3 Oct 1747, William Nance (w. Randle Bracey and
John Eyell(?)) to procession from Pennington's Bridge to the horse ford
at Meherrin River
WILLIAM | 1747 | Brunswick | "VA (Land) Patent Book 25" p. 239, (William
Nance patents 318 a. Brunswick Co. 12 Jan 1746/47)
WILLIAM | 1748 | Brunswick | The William and Mary Quarterly, Ser. 1,
Vol. 26, No. 1 (Jul. 1917), pp. 59-64.; also, - - "VA Tax Records", w.
Index by Gary Parks (1983) Brunswick Co. (William Nance appears on poll
list) -- p 53-56 Burgesses, A Poll of their Voters, June 1748: William
Nance, Sampson Lanier, Thomas Lanoir, Robert Hicks, other Hicks,
Nicholas Lanier, William Petty.
WILLIAM | 1748 | Lunenburg | (NR) -- 1748 - August 20 land patent to
WILLIAM Nance, 390 a. on head branch of Great Creek, adjoining Malone
and Harwell. Bk. 33, p. 63. -- (The William m. to Ann has lived in
Brunswick for some time. This is probably either John & Jane's son
William b. 1728, or James and Ann's son William b. 1726/7)
WILLIAM | 1748 | Lunenburg | June 10, 1748 VA Tithables, Lunenburg
County -- Will Nance (snk)
WILLIAM | 1749 | Lunenburg | WILLIAM Nance ("Nants") listed in Lydall
Bacon's list of tithes for June 10, 1749, for the area "from Hounds
Creek to Little Ronoke R.", w. 1 tithe; 1 household (Lewis & Tho.
Dupree) away from Thomas Nants who is adj. to Richd. Nants and John
Nants who appear together. "Sunlight on the Southside", transcribed by
T. W. Duda (GenWeb Archives).
WILLIAM | 1752 | Lunenburg | 1752 VA Tithables, Lunenburg County -
William Nance . 1 (snk)
WILLIAM | 1756 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co. Patents 33, p. 223 16 Aug. 1756
William Nance takes 400 a. on the branches of the Roanoak R., adj.
Hickman, Fox &c.
WILLIAM | 1756 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co. Patents 33, p. 63 16 Aug. 1756
William Nance takes 390 a. on the head branches of the Great Creek, adj.
Malone, Harwell, &c. Connected to Wm. Malone Nance? This is clearly the
same William who took land on Great Cr. adj. Malone & Harwell in 1748.
WILLIAM | 1757 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15", (1989)
--John Nance deeds to WILLIAM Nance JR., 300a in Lunenburg on the
Meherrin River. Bk. 4, p. 498
WILLIAM | 1758 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill
(1895) (LOV Acc. No.34001) -- Son of Zachariah Nance and Susannah Duke
(Sherman) Nance. Born bef. 1758. Married a Miss Parrish -- died in 1806
leaving a widow and several children.
WILLIAM | 1758 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 5 p.24
(1758 Mitchell to Foster, refers to adj. lands of Richard and Wm. Nance)
WILLIAM | 1759 | Brunswick | Brunswick Co. Patent Book 29, p. 480 (cited
in Malone Genealogy) - 5-12-1759 Drury and Isham Malone take 970 a. on
both sides of Jeneto (NOTE: Geneto) Cr., adj. William Nance
WILLIAM | 1759 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 6
(witnesses Richard Nance p. 16 1759 of Dinwiddie Co. & wife Mary, to
Foster. /s/ Richd R Nance Mary M Nance [these may not be actual middle
initials, but rather reflections of the first letter of the name, i.e.,
they may have signed as R Nance and M Nance]. Also witnessed by John
Nance, Nathaniel Nance)
WILLIAM | 1759 | Mecklenburg | Vestry Order - Daniel Nance, Thomas
Nance, William Nance, all ordered to engage in processioning
WILLIAM | 1759 | New Kent | (NR) - Timothy Vaughn's will. Wife Sarah.
One daughter married to WILLIAM Nance (His will in Halifax Co. 1801).
WILLIAM | 1760 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill
(1895) (LOV Acc. No.34001) -- (Date is bef.) Brother of Zachariah Nance
(Sr) and Uncle of Zachariah Nance (Jr.) b. 1760. He rem. (from Charles
City Co?)to Halifax Co at an early period. He had one son named THOMAS
and a Son-in-law named Tucker, who visited New Kent Co. after the
Revolution to look after their interest in the Vaughn estate.
WILLIAM | 1760 | Henrico | "Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers", V. 4,
The Valentine Museum (Richmond, 1930) -- Henrico Co Minute Book 1755-62,
p. 409, also referred to at Henrico Co Deeds & Wills 1750-67 p. 610 -- 7
Apr 1760, Wm. Nance and Mary his wife acknowledge a deed of 93 a. in
Henrico Co. to to James Valentine
WILLIAM | 1760 | Lunenburg | | "Cumb. Parish, Lun. Co VA, Vestry Bk
1746-1816", L. C. Bell -- Processioning Returns - The lands of Thomas
Staples. Present[ed by?] Roger Madison and WILLIAM Nance. No. 19, Mar.
31, 1760, p. 507.
WILLIAM | 1760 | Lunenburg | "Cumb. Parish, Lun. Co VA, Vestry Bk
1746-1816", L. C. Bell -- Processioning Returns - The land of WILLIAM
Nance. Present[ed by?] himself. No. 1 1760
WILLIAM | 1760 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 6 p. 14
(William ??? deeds to Foster, lands adj. Richard Nance. "Francis, wife
of Nance, relinquished dower") (NR has William Nance deeds to James Foster)
WILLIAM | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 7 p. 20
(Walton deeds to William Nance, 235a);"Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15",
Books 1&2 p. 43 (1749 - Hawkins deeds to Walton, land on Meherrin River
"by Richard Nance's corner")
WILLIAM | 1761 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co. Wills, 1746 1825", L. C. Bell
(1961). "Early Wills 1746 1766 Lun. Co VA", K. B. Elliott. p.87 (will of
John Nance 2/28/1761; 7/6/1762, mentions son William
WILLIAM | 1762 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 7 p.52
--- Wells deeds to William Nance, 330a
WILLIAM | 1763 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 9 p. 5
-- William Nance deeds to Symcok Kennon
WILLIAM | 1763 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1 15", Book 9 p.28
-- William Nance deeds to Wilmoth
WILLIAM | 1763 | Lunenburg | Lun. Co Patents 35, p. 171, 23 May 1763
William Nance takes 400 a. on the N.E. Fork of the Great Creek, adj.
Floyd's lines
WILLIAM | 1766 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2,
1765-1771", Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p.
288 - 17 Sep 1766 William Nance of Charlotte Co to John Skelton, 130 a.
in Charlotte, b.s. Springfield Cr., being land whereon said Nance lived,
part of a larger tract sold to John Wells by George Walton and conveyed
by Wells to said Nance in Lun. Co, bounded by Wilmouth, Walton, Moore,
Davidson. [NOTE: George Walton was a witness to John Nance's 1761 Will,
and he also appears to have been a neighbor of John, re which see: John
WILLIAM | 1769 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2,
1765-1771", Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p.
225 3 Apr 1769 Foster & wife deed to Stark, 471 a. in Charlotte. The
land deeded is made up in part of land which Richard purchased from
Nathaniel Nance, John Nance and John Foster, and part from James Foster
given by will to son Richard (being part of what James Foster purchased
from William Nance).
WILLIAM | 1769 | Lunenburg | WILLIAM Nance deeds to to Thomas Wilmoth (NR)
WILLIAM | 1771 | Brunswick | Will Book (WB) 4 1761-1771 (reel 21) p.
51-51 will of William Nance, dated 11/17/1770, pro. 25 Feb. 1771, p.
60-61 inv. & appr. rec. 22 Apr. 1771; "VA Wills and Administrations
Brunswick Co."; "Genealogy VA Families, Tyler's" p. 574 -- son Isham
(gets 200a. in Mecklenburg adj. Reuben Nance and William Fox); son
Reuben (gets the 200a. where he now lives " being the upper part
adjacent to Richard Warthin"), son John (gets land William now lives on
plus 300a. in Mecklenburg adj. Drury Malone and Edward Epps), son-in-law
John Lanier, daus. Tabitha Nance, Elizabeth Glover, Mary Lanier, Sarah
Lanier. Witn: Joseph Floyd, John Nipper, Benjamin Walker
WILLIAM | 1771 | Charles City | (NM") Will of Zacahariah Nance of
Charles City Co. Names son William
WILLIAM | 1771 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2,
1765-1771", Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p.
436 2 Mar 1771 Davison to Moore, land in Charl. Co. on Spring Cr., adj.
lands of John Moore Sr & William Nance
WILLIAM | 1771 | Charlotte | "Charlotte Co. Deed Books 1 & 2,
1765-1771", Abstracted by J. L. Nance (Charlottesville VA, 1990) - p.
467 1 July 1771 John Foster & wife Eliz. deed to Stark, 150 a. in
Charlotte Co., beginning on Walton's Rd. and bounded by William Nance &
WILLIAM | 1771 | Halifax | "Extracts from Col. Halifax published in
Richmond, VA., Times" Oct. 28, 1906 (NR) -- WILLIAM Nance and wife moved
to NC
WILLIAM | 1771 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A.
Malone;, 2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA[1996] Isham Nance m. c.1776
Frances "Fanny" Malone. This genealogy says their children included
William, b. 1771 Meck..
WILLIAM | 1772 | Charlotte | WILLIAM Nance to Robert Smelt, Dec. 7. Bk.
3, p. 177 (NR)
WILLIAM | 1773 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co. Deed Book 4 p. 96 (cited in the
Malone genealogy) "3-27-1773: John and wife Mary Nance of Brunswick Co.
deed to John Lambert, Jr. of Meck. Co. land devised from father Wm.
Nance, adjoining Malone, Eppas, Harville, Evans and Floyd". See William,
1763 - he took land adj. Floyd's lines
WILLIAM | 1776 | Amelia | "Historical Notes on Am. Co., VA", Kathleen
Hadfield (1982) p.514 (appendix) - (as "Wm") During the Revolutionary
War, Allen Thorpe was a private in the 1st Regiment of the VA Militia,
as a subst. for Wm. Nance; - - "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA"
Southhampton Co William Nance m. Olive Thorpe 9 May 1794 in Southhampton
Co; - - Tabitha Nance m. Allen Thorp 29 Sep 1791 in Henrico Co, Surety
James Nance
WILLIAM | 1776 | Amelia | Wm. Nance (and Giles Nance) were among those
signing a petition volunteering to enlist
WILLIAM | 1776 | Mecklenburg | "Malone & Allied Families", R. A.
Malone;, 2d and Rev. Ed. - Thomasville, GA[1996] Isham Nance m. c.1776
Frances "Fanny" Malone. This genealogy describes Isham as the son of
William & Ann Nance.
WILLIAM | 1776 | Pittsylvania | "Intimate Hist. of Rev. in Pitts. Co.
VA", F. H. Hurt. p.103 (a soldier and patriot -- see BUCKNER)
WILLIAM | 1777 | Pittsylvania | "Intimate Hist. of Rev. in Pitts. Co.
VA", F. H. Hurt. pp. 159, 185. (He enlisted from Amelia in 1777.)
WILLIAM | 1778 | Henrico | James Hill and Anne his wife, sell to WILLIAM
Nance of Henrico Co , VA. 295 acres of land in Halifax Co. Bk. 10, p.
362. (NR)
WILLIAM | 1779 | Amelia | "Deed Books 15 17, Am. Co VA Deeds, 1778
1786", G. J. McConnaughey. (1993) p. 39 -- is witness to a deed (Boeford
to Blakely)
WILLIAM | 1781 | Halifax | Will Book 1, 1773-1783, Halifax Co., VA, M.
D. Chiarito -- William Nance is an appraiser of the estate of Godfrey
Piles, dated March 1781, returned 21 June 1781
WILLIAM | 1781 | Halifax | Will Book 1, 1773-1783, Halifax Co., VA, M.
D. Chiarito -- William Nance is an appraiser of the estate of John
Piles,returned 15 November 1781
WILLIAM | 1781 | Lunenburg | "Lun. Co, VA Deed Books 1-15", Book 13 p.
78 (appears as "Wm" reference in deed to adj. property)
WILLIAM | 1781 | Pittsylvania | "Intimate Hist. of Rev. in Pitts. Co.
VA", F. H. Hurt. pp. 159, 185. (He moved to Pitts. Co VA in 1781)
WILLIAM | 1782 | Charles City | On personal property tax list 1782-1806
(in 1797-98 and 1800, 2, incl. one Jr.) (NR)
WILLIAM | 1782 | Franklin | 1782 VA Census -Franklin County Tax Lists --
William Nance 4 Whites 8 Slaves (snk)
WILLIAM | 1782 | Halifax | VA Early Census - William Nance, Halifax Co.,
p. 23, 04 08
WILLIAM | 1782 | Halifax | VA Early Census - William Nance, Halifax Co.,
p. 23, 04 08
WILLIAM | 1782 | Halifax | 1782 VA Census -Halifax County - Pg. #23
William Nance 1 Tithes 8 Negroes 4 Horses 0 Mules 14 Cattle (snk)
WILLIAM | 1782 | Halifax | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1782 --
William Nance -- 4 Whites, 8 Blacks (adjacent Zachariah on list)
WILLIAM | 1782 | Halifax | WILLIAM Nance -- 1 Tithe, 8 Negros, 4 horses,
14 cattle - 1782 Halifax County, Virginia Personal Property Tax List;
Transcribed by Jeffrey C. Weaver (GenWeb Archives). NOTE: Zachariah is
NOT on this list. However, there are a number of VAUGHANS near him -
Drury, Sarah, Charles, Benjamin, Nicholas -- as well as Fulker FULKERSON.
WILLIAM | 1782 | Lunenburg | "Lunenburg County, Virginia Personal
Property Tax Lists, 1782 & 1785", T.L.C. Genealogy (1992) -- William
Nance on 1782 Pers. prop. tax list 1 white tithable > 21, 0 Black, 3
horses, 8 cattle
WILLIAM | 1782 | Pittsylvania | VA Early Census - William Nance,
Pittsylvania Co., p. 42, 07 00
WILLIAM | 1782 | Pittsylvania | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA", N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages 1700-1759", V. 1, Cecil D. McDonald, Jr.
(1972) ; "Marriage Records of Pitts. Co, VA 1767-1819", A. Vestal-Miller
(1996) -- William Nance m. Elizabeth Thornton 11/9/1782 -- According to
Malone Genealogy, William M. (presumably Malone) Nance, son of Giles
Nance and Mary Malone, m. Elizabeth Thornton). NR also says this was
William Malone; cites (Pittsylvania Co records) Bk. 1, p. 4.
WILLIAM | 1782 | Pittsylvania | 1782 VA Census - Pittsylvania County
-William Nance 7 whites (snk)
WILLIAM | 1782 | Pittsylvania | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1782 --
William Nance -- 7 Whites, 0 Blacks ; adj. to Clement and Martha. This
CANNOT be William Malone Nance; he had just married in 1782.
WILLIAM | 1783 | Charles City | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) Ct
Bklet=16; Certificates =; Lists=3 ; Commissioner's Book=I. p. 316
WILLIAM | 1783 | Charlotte | (NR) -- 1783 - William Nance deeds land to
Robert Smelt, Dec 7 , BK. 3, P. 177. (J. G. Sullivan materials shows
this as 1772, w. "Jean" Nance also signing!)
WILLIAM | 1783 | Charlotte | (NR) -- 1783 - William Nance, Jr. is deeded
land by George Walton, BK. 5, P. 76.
WILLIAM | 1783 | Halifax | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) Ct
Bklet=37; Commissioner's Book=II. p. 283a -- (same as Zachariah's)
WILLIAM | 1783 | Mecklenburg | Meck. Co. Marriages, 1765-1853 -- Judith
Nance m. Darling Allen; Surety Robert Nance, s. of William Nance
WILLIAM | 1784 | Bedford | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 9, C. D. McDonald (1978) --
William Nance m. Mary Howard 3/3/1784. Surety Thomas Nance. NOTE: Per
NR, "Extracts from Col. Halifax published in Richmond, VA., Times" Oct.
28, 1906, shows for 1774, WILLIAM Nance m. Mrs. Mary Hoard, widow. Their
children are Peter, Thomas, John, Hawkins, Paschal, Joel, Mourning
Bowcock, and Mary Ryan. NR, however, uses 1784 as date for their
marriage; and, it shows her as Mary (Thorpe) Hoard. NOTE: in
Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy: Virginia
WILLIAM | 1784 | Lunenburg | Processioning Returns --In obedience to an
Order of the Vestry of Cumberland Parish, bearing date of 8th day of
Jan. 1784, we the subscribers have assembled such of the freeholders as
would attend between Springfield Cr., Prince Edward line and Ledbetter
Creek.. (viz) WILLIAM Nance, William Smith, Thomas Chappell and George
Moor... p. 560. "Cumberland Parish - Lunnenburg Co VA. 1746-1816",
Landon C. Bell (per NR)
WILLIAM | 1785 | Botetourt | Wm. and James Nance are fined for not
attending as jurymen
WILLIAM | 1785 | Franklin | 1785 VA Census (Tax List) - Franklin County
Tax List - William Nance 6 Whites 1 Dwelling 7 Others (snk)
WILLIAM | 1785 | Halifax | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. IV, p. 59 --
List of White Persons and Houses in Halifax, 1785 -- William Nance,
Whites 8, dwelling house 28x16, log wall, 7cabins
WILLIAM | 1785 | Halifax | (NR) - Trial and conviction of Lewis Nance, a
Negro slave belonging to WILLIAM Nance. Lewis Nance, together with
several other slaves, is charged with stealing, found guilty, and to
receive 25 lashes on bare back. Bk. 11, p. 295.
WILLIAM | 1785 | Halifax | "Families and History of Gibson Co, Tennessee
to 1989", Lee Davis U.D.C.Historical Society, Milan, Tennessee. pg 100.
French Heuguenot. Halifax Co. VA, Deed Book 13, p. 302 (William Nance
grants to sons Thomas V. Nance, sons in law Edmund Tucker & Daniel
Palmer, a power of attorney to collect what is due as legacy of "my wife
Mary", bequeathed to her by her father Timothy Vaughn. Dated 28 Oct 1785
Recorded 20 Oct 1785)
WILLIAM | 1785 | Halifax | 1785 VA Census (Tax List) - Halifax County VA
Heads of Families - Nance, William, 8 Whites, 1 Dwelling, 7 Other
Buildings (snk)
WILLIAM | 1785 | Halifax | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1785 --
William Nance -- 8 White souls, 1 dwellings, 7 other buildings (adjacent
Zachariah on list)
WILLIAM | 1785 | Pittsylvania | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1785 --
William Nance -- 3 White souls, 0 dwellings, 0 other buildings--
(appears as Wm) -- it is POSSIBLE that this is William Malone Nance, who
had just married in 1782; it seems UNLIKELY that this is the William
Nance who was the head of a family of 7 in Pitts. Co in 1782.
WILLIAM | 1787 | Bedford | "1787 Census of VA Bedford Co N. S. Yantie &
F. S. Love" -- William Nance -- W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=0 / blacks<
16=0 )
WILLIAM | 1787 | Bedford | 1787 VA Census (Tax List) - Bedford County -
William Nance Self 1 Horse, Mare, Colt or Mule 2 Cattle (snk)
WILLIAM | 1787 | Charles City | "1787 Census of VA Charles City Co N. S.
Yantie & F. S. Love" -- William Nance (W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=0 /
blacks< 16=1 )
WILLIAM | 1787 | Charles City | 1787 VA Census (Tax List) - Charles City
County - William Nance Self 0 White of 16 and under 21 0 Blacks over 16
1 Blacks under 16 0 Horse 0 Cattle (snk)
WILLIAM | 1787 | Halifax | (NR) - 1787 - WILLIAM and Zachariah Nance,
Defts. tithes to work on road. Bk 12, p. 266.
WILLIAM | 1787 | Halifax | "1787 Census of VA Halifax Co N. S. Yantie &
F. S. Love" - William Nance --(W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=4 / blacks<
16=6 )
WILLIAM | 1788 | Bedford | Bedford Co WB 2 (1780-88) pp. 18-19 -- Estate
of William Howard - Execr. Jesse Tate - to Wm Nance for board of two
children of deceased
WILLIAM | 1788 | Bedford | Bedford Co WB 2 (1787-90) pp. 44-46 --
William Howard's orphans - Guardian's Account by David Saunders,
Guardian -- mentioned: Mrs. Nance for boarding 4 children for 1 year;
Thomas Nance (clothing for the children); WILLIAM Nance for 3 children
for 1 year. William Leftwich. Children of Wm. Howard were Sally, Bettey,
Suckey, Delphia, Nancy and William Howard.
WILLIAM | 1789 | Pittsylvania | "Alph. Indx to Ct Order Bks of Pitts.
Co, VA 1767-1800", NR -- (November 16, 1789 Qualified Guardian) Susanna
Nance, orphan of David Nance, dcsd., came into court and chose WILLIAM
Nance as her guardian.
WILLIAM | 1790 | Halifax | 1790 VA Census - Halifax County - Pg. #87
William Nance 8 White Souls (William, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 1 Dwelling 7
Other Buildings (snk)
WILLIAM | 1790 | Halifax | 1790 VA Census - Halifax County - Pg. #23
William Nance 4 Whites (William, ?, ?, ?) 8 Blacks (snk)
WILLIAM | 1790 | Pittsylvania | 1790 VA Census - Pittsylvania County -
Pg. #42 William Nance 7 Whites (William, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 0 Blacks
WILLIAM | 1793 | Nottoway | (NR) - - Thomas Young and Elizabeth his wife
vs. James Crenshaw, guardian of Susanna, WILLIAM, David and Mary Nance.
Order bk. 1, p. 40.
WILLIAM | 1794 | Southampton | WILLIAM NANCE m. OLIVE THORPE on 09 May
1794 in Southampton Co. VA (Source: Early American Marriages: Virginia
to 1800, Jordan R. Dodd)
WILLIAM | 1794 | Southhamptn | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ",
N. Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 24, C. D. McDonald (1978)
-- William Nance m. Olive Thorpe 9 May 1794 in Southhampton Co. NOTE:
Historical Notes on Am. Co., VA", Kathleen Hadfield (1982), p.514
(appendix), ( appears as "Wm") reports during the Revolutionary War,
Allen Thorpe was a private in the 1st Regiment of the VA Militia, as a
subst. for Wm. Nance; Note also that Tabitha Nance m. Allen Thorp 29 Sep
1791 in Henrico Co, Surety James Nance. NOTE: see SOLOMON and JAMES,
Giles Co, TN. Per Oct 25 1996 query from Jan Gerow , SOLOMON Nance was
born (1836) in Southhampton, VA to JAMES Nance (b.1797 in VA) and
Elizabeth Cooper, and James Nance's father was William Nance.
WILLIAM | 1795 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill
(1895) (LOV Acc. No.34001); "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V. D.
White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990)-- William Nance Born 17 Mar 1795
Charles City Co to Zachariah Nance and Jane (Wilkins) Nance.
WILLIAM | 1795 | Charlotte | WILLIAM NANCE m. MARTHA FULKS on 26 May
1795 in Charlotte Co. VA (Source: Early American Marriages: Virginia to
1800, Jordan R. Dodd)
WILLIAM | 1795 | Charlotte | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 23, C. D. McDonald (1978)
William Nance m. Martha Fulks 5/26/1795
WILLIAM | 1795 | Lunenburg | (NR) - James to WILLIAM Nance. Bk. 17, p. 17.
WILLIAM | 1795 | Southhampton | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA"
Southhampton Co William Nance m. Elizabeth Ellis 6/22/1795
WILLIAM | 1796 | Lunenburg | (NR) - WILLIAM and Elizabeth Nance deed to
Elizabeth Mitchell. Bk. 17, p. 214
WILLIAM | 1796 | Southhampton | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ",
N. Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 23, C. D. McDonald (1978)
-- William Nance m. Polly Bass 11/12/1796. (Also referenced in "VA
Genealogist" 9:168, but with date 25 Nov. 1796 )
WILLIAM | 1797 | Southampton | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. II, p.
175 -- WILLIAM and MARY Nance witness a 15 Feb 1797 deed from Joel &
Eliz. McLemore to Blunt
WILLIAM | 1798 | Bedford | Bedford Co WB 2 (1791-1798) pp. 225-227 -
Estate of William Howard; William Nance for boarding the children for
the years 1791 and 1792 - William Nance for boarding 3 children for 7
mo. -- cash paid William Nance for boarding one of the orphans for 1793
-- Mary Nance (land rent in 1795). Elizabeth Howard - William Leftwich.
Legatees: Sally Howard, Betsey Howard, Susanna Howard, Delphia Howard,
Nancy Lowry.
WILLIAM | 1798 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - 1798 - Division of 270 a. of
land, property of David Nance, dcsd., between David and William Nance,
orphans of said David dcsd. Court Orders Bk. 8, p. 273.
WILLIAM | 1798 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - A report of the division of 270
a. of land, property of David Nance, deceased, between David and WILLIAM
Nance, orphans of the said David Nance, dcsd., Order recorded. Sept 17.
Bk. 9, p. 33.
WILLIAM | 1798 | Pittsylvania | "Alpha. Indx to Crt Order Bks of Pitts.
Co, VA 1767-1800" (September 17, 1798 Order To Report Division Of Land)
William Nance; David Nance is also mentioned.
WILLIAM | 1799 | Halifax | "Halifax Co. Deed Bk 18 p. 237", (15 Oct 1799
Daniel Palmer sells Elias Palmer land in Halifax Co, William Nance Jr.
WILLIAM H. | 1790 | Pittsylvania | 1790 VA Census - Pittsylvania County
- William H. Nance 3 White Souls (William, ?, ?) (snk)
WILLIAM M. | 1760 | Amelia | "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V.
D. White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990), "Intimate Hist. of Rev. in Pitts.
Co. VA", F. H. Hurt. pp. 159, 185. -- William M. Nance b. 18 Jan 1760
Am. Co VA -- "Malone & Allied Families", R. A. Malone (1996) - reports
that Giles Nance and Mary (Nancy) Malone (m.c. 1754) had children
including William Malone, b. 1-18-1760, who m. Eliz. Thornton -- NOTE:
"VA Military Records", Bentley (1983) Pitts. Co. "1841 (State of VA)
Census of Rev. War Pensioners", p. 132 - incl. William M. Nance, aged 82
(b.1758), residing in Pitts. Co., Southern District -- as the head of a
WILLIAM M. | 1760 | Lunenburg | VA Pension Roll of 1835 (VA GenWeb
Archives - Copied and indexed by W. R. Navey) William M. Nance, res. in
Spottsylvania Co, Private - Sergeant, VA Militia, $49.00 annual
allowance, $122.50 amount received, August 31, 1833 pension started, age
74 (i.e., b.abt. 1760)
WILLIAM M. | 1776 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - "Virginians in the Revolution"
by John H. Gathaway has: William M. Nance - Pittsylvania
WILLIAM M. | 1780 | Pittsylvania | "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension
Files", V. D. White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990) -- William M. Nance (b.
1760 Amelia) rem. to Pitts. Co Dec 1780
WILLIAM M. | 1782 | Pittsylvania | "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension
Files", V. D. White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990) -- William M. Nance (b.
1760 Amelia) m. 18 Nov 1782 Elizabeth Thornton, Pitts. Co - NR confirms;
this is William Malone Nance: William Malone Nance to Elizabeth
Thornton, Nov. 9. Bk. 1, p. 4.
WILLIAM M. | 1786 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (per "The Nance
Memorial "Ex. I") Ricketts and Harris deed to Wm. Malone Nance, 100 a.,
WILLIAM M. | 1796 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (This is NM "Ex. I")
Giles deeds to "David and Wm. Nance, orphans of David Nance", 270 a. in
Nattoway (sic) 10/26/1796 Wm. M. Nance witnesses -- ergo, Wm. M. is NOT
the Wm., orphan of David, who is a grantee.
WILLIAM M. | 1796 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Giles
deeds to Cahall, 33 a. 10/30/1796 ; Wm. M. and David Nance witness
WILMUTH | 1794 | Bedford | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Records of VA ", N.
Murry; "Some VA Marriages, 1700-1799", Vol. 20, C. D. McDonald (1978);
Stephan -- Wilmuth Nance m. William Gibbs 24 Nov 1794 (Murry work does
not have husband's name, AND has a date of 4/8/1785 -- is this a
different marriage?) Per. Stephan, surety was Paschal Nance, and they
were married by Alderson Weeks. NOTE: Encyclopedia of American Quaker
Genealogy: Virginia
WM. HOW. | 1797 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - David Nance to William M. Nance,
both of Pittsylvania, for £100, 147 a. in Pittsylvania on the east fork
of the Cascade, to Pointers in Clement Nance's line, being all of the
claim the said David had to the land formerly possessed by David his
father. Wit: Clement Nance, Joseph Jones, WM. HOW. Nance, John
Bullington, Robert Bullington. 26 July. Bk. 11, p. 196.
WM. HOWE | 1797 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") David
Nance deeds to Wm. M. Nance, 141 a., 7/26/1797 -- Clement, Wm. Howe
Nance both witness (with others)
WM. M. | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Giles Nance, of Nottoway, sells
200 a. on Sugar Tree Creek to Robert Bullington. October 30. WM. M.
Nance and David Nance among witnesses. Bk. 11, p. 8.
WM. M. | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Giles Nance, of Nottoway, sells 33
a. on Cascade Creek to Peter Cahall. October 30. WM. M. Nance and David
Nance among witnesses. Bk. 11, p. 9.
WM. M. | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Giles Nance, of Nottoway, sells to
Clement Nance 54 a. on the branches of Cascade David Nance's line.
Wit: WM. M. Nance, and David Nance. October 30. Bk. 11, p. 10.
WM. M. | 1796 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - Giles Nance, of Nottoway, gift to
David and WILLIAM Nance, children and orphans of David Nance, deceased,
for love and affection, and for five shillings, 270 a. on Cascade,
October 26. Wit: WM. M. Nance, John Bullington, Robert Bullington.
(recorded Jan. 20, 1800). Bk. 12, p. 92.
WM. M. | 1797 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - David Nance to WILLIAM M. Nance,
both of Pittsylvania, for £100, 147 a. in Pittsylvania on the east fork
of the Cascade, to Pointers in Clement Nance's line, being all of the
claim the said David had to the land formerly possessed by David his
father. Wit: Clement Nance, Joseph Jones, Wm. How. Nance, John X
Bullington, Robert Bullington. 26 July. Bk. 11, p. 196.
WM. MALONE | 1774 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Wm.
Malone Nance and his wife Elizabeth deed to Strange, 141 a., 6/14/1774
WM. MALONE | 1776 | Pittsylvania | "Intimate Hist. of Rev. in Pitts. Co.
VA", F. H. Hurt. p. 143, 159, 185 (served w. Pitts. Co . forces; at
WM. MALONE | 1786 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I")
Ricketts and Harris deed to Wm. Malone Nance, 100 a., 11/3/1786; - -
Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM" "Ex. I") -1805- Mosias Nance and Peggy, his wife,
deed to Harris; Wm. M. Nance witnesses
WM. MALONE | 1787 | Pittsylvania | (NR) - William Malone Nance buys 100
a. on South fork of Sandy R. from William Ricketts and John Harris.
April 16. Bk. 8, p. 15
WM. MALONE | 1787 | Pittsylvania | "1787 Census of VA Pitts. Co", Yantie
& Love" Wm. Melone Nance -- W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=0 / blacks<
16=0 ) (In record, appears as Melone)
WM. MALONE | 1794 | Pittsylvania | (Nance Register) - Elizabeth Nance,
wife of WILLIAM M. Nance, relinquishes her dower in his deed of January
24, 1794 to James Strange. September 15. Bk. 10, p. 48.
WM. MALONE | 1796 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") Giles
deeds to Bullington, 72 a.10/30/1796 ; Wm. M. and David Nance witness.
According to "The NR", there is an entry in the Pitts. Co. Court Records
that on Jan 25, 1780 Robert Bullington was convicted of the murder (by
stabbing) of David Nance. In the 1782 Pitts. Co. Census, a Robert
Bullington lived I house away from Martha, Clement and William (Cahill
was in between Bullington and Martha).
WM. MALONE | 1797 | Pittsylvania | Pitts. Co. Deeds (NM "Ex. I") David
Nance deeds to William Malone Nance, 141 a. 7/26/1797
WYATT | 1794 | Mecklenburg | "Comp. Indexed Marriage Rcrds of VA" Meck.
Co Wyatt Nance m. Polly Cook bondsman John Cook
[-X-] [Top <#TOP>]
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[-Z-] [Top <#TOP>]
ZACHARIAH | 1745 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774,
w. several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- Nov. Ct., 1745 -
p.387 - James Nance deed to ZACHARIAS Nance recorded. Mary, wife of
James, relinquishes dower right.
ZACHARIAH | 1760 | ???? | "DAR Patriot Index" (DAR, 1966) V. I., has
Zachariah Nance b. 5-5-1760, d.12-22-1835, m.(1) Jane Wilkins, m.(2)
Eliz. (Morris) Bingley. A Pvt., VA
ZACHARIAH | 1760 | Charles City | "Soldiers of the Am. Rev. Buried in
IL", IL St. Gen. Soc.(1976), p. 173: Zachariah Nance, b. 5 May 1760,
Charles City Co VA, m.(1)Jane Wilkins, (2) Elizabeth (Morris) Bingley.
Service: Enlisted in New Kent Co VA in Capt. James Pendleton's Co., Col.
Charles Harrison's Reg. In battles of Monmouth and Stony Point. Pension
S31272 (Cont. VA): Elizabeth, wid. of Lewis Bingley, pensioned W24325
"(much family data on file in this claim)" NOTE: rem. to IL, which see...
ZACHARIAH | 1760 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill
(1895) (LOV Acc. No.34001); "Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files", V. D.
White (Nat. Hist. Pub. Co., 1990)-- Son of Zachariah Nance and Susannah
Duke (Sherman) Nance. Born May 5, 1760 in Charles City Co. Married (1)
on Dec. 31st 1785 New Kent Co., Jane Wilkins. Their children: Elizabeth
b.1786, Robert b.1788, James b.1789, Sally b.1791, William b. 1793,
Eaton b. 1794, George b.1798, Zachariah H. b. 17 Dec 1800. Jane
(Wilkins) Nance died Dec. 17th 1800. Zachariah then m. (2), on Dec. 15th
1802 in James City Co., Elizabeth (Morris) Bingley, b. abt.1772 in James
City Co, widow of Lewis Bingley who she had m. 1788. Zachariah and
Elizabeth's children: Otway b. 1803, d. 1804, Otway Bird b. 1806, Joshua
b. 1807, Cary b. 1809, Thomas Jefferson b. 1811, Allen Q. b. 1813,
Parthena Williams b. 1816. Zachariah and Elizabeth and children
Green Co Kentucky in 1806.
ZACHARIAH | 1769 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774,
w. several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- ZACHARIAH Nance
security for administration of the estate of Francis Tyree
ZACHARIAH | 1769 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774,
w. several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- ZACHARIAH Nance
witnesses Thos. Batt Lacy deed to John Dancy
ZACHARIAH | 1771 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774,
w. several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- 12/23/1771 -
will of ZACHARIAH Nance, probated 4 March 1772. Legacies to sons James,
land to John after his mother's death, William, Zachariah. daughters:
Elizabeth and Susannah. executors: James Nance and Henry South. Wit:
Charles Pearson, Henry Annistrand and Wm. Vaughn.
ZACHARIAH | 1771 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774,
w. several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- 11/05/1771 -
Zacharias Nance and Susanna deed to John Nance, a plantation on Balck
Swamp in Westover, 50a. Witnesses: Fur'a Southall, H. Southall, Thos. B.
Lacy, Benj. Dancy.
ZACHARIAH | 1771 | Charles City | (This is NM) Will of Zacahariah Nance
of Charles City Co. Names son ZACHARIAH Jr
ZACHARIAH | 1771 | Charles City | "Nance Fam. Gen. Notes", P. W. Hill
(1895) (LOV Acc. No.34001) -- Died 1771. A carpenter and wheelwright by
trade, he m. Susanah Duke Sherman. Their children: James, John,
Elizabeth, William, Susanah and Zachariah.
ZACHARIAH | 1772 | Charles City | "Charles City Co VA Records 1737-1774,
w. several 17th C. fragments", B. B. Weisiger (1986) -- 03/12/1772 -
Inventory of estate of Zachariah Nance. Include. Negroes Venus, Philis,
Tom, Ned, Mourning. Valus of est, £313/7/9.
ZACHARIAH | 1772 | Charles City | "VA Wills and Administrations Charles
City Co." (will) - also in Charles City Co. Records, 1766-74, p. 354-356
-- Inventory
ZACHARIAH | 1778 | Halifax | Will Book 1, 1773-1783, Halifax Co., VA, M.
D. Chiarito -- Zachariah witnesses 12 Nov. 1778 Will of Godfrey Piles
ZACHARIAH | 1780 | Charles City | 1850 Charles City, VA Census, Part 1 -
- - - Zachariah Nance 70
Male (b. 1780) White Farmer prop: $700 fr:VA - - Mary 69 Female/ White/
VA: Francis 40 Female/ White/ VA; Margurite Gregory 9 Female/White/ VA
ZACHARIAH | 1782 | Charles City | On personal property tax list
1782-1814 (NR)
ZACHARIAH | 1782 | Charles City | On personal property tax list
1782-1814 (in 1796, 2, incl. one Jr.) (NR)
ZACHARIAH | 1782 | Franklin | 1782 VA Census -Franklin County Tax Lists
-- Zachariah Nance 5 Whites (Listed With William) (snk)
ZACHARIAH | 1782 | Halifax | VA Early Census - Zachariah Nance, Halifax
Co., p. 23, 05 00
ZACHARIAH | 1782 | Halifax | VA Early Census - Zachariah Nance, Halifax
Co., p. 23, 05 00
ZACHARIAH | 1782 | Halifax | 1782 VA Census -Halifax County - Nance,
Zachariah 5 Whites, 0 Blacks (snk)
ZACHARIAH | 1782 | Halifax | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1782 -- 5
Whites, 0 Blacks (adjacent William on list)
ZACHARIAH | 1782 | New Kent | Zach: Nance is shown as being in Class No.
11, of the New Kent Military Classes in 1782. (Prob. Zachariah b. 1755
son of William?)
ZACHARIAH | 1783 | Halifax | Rev. War Public service Claims (VA) Ct
Bklet=37; Commissioner's Book=II. p.283a -- (same Book and page as
William's !)
ZACHARIAH | 1784 | ???? | "Rev War Bounty Land Grants Awarded By State
Govts", Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck (1996) - 100 a. awarded to Prvt.
Zacheriah (sic) Nance,VA 3 May 1784
ZACHARIAH | 1784 | ???? | LOV Electronic Card Index -- Revolutionary War
Bounty Warrants - - Nance, Zachariah - Matross (sic) (??) - Army / Cert
- (1) Capt. Jos. Pendleton, (2) Lt. Col. Ed. Carrington (Order to
deliver land warrant - Zachariah Nance - voucher 1784
ZACHARIAH | 1784 | Halifax | (NR) - 1784 - Zachariah Nance Deft., vs.
William Hobson, Pltf. 11, 99.
ZACHARIAH | 1785 | Franklin | 1785 VA Census (Tax List) - Franklin
County Tax List - Zachariah Nance 6 Whites 1 Dwelling 5 Others (With
WM.) (snk)
ZACHARIAH | 1785 | Halifax | "The Southside Virginian", Vol. IV, p. 59
-- List of White Persons and Houses in Halifax, 1785 -- Zachariah Nance,
Whites 6, dwelling, cabins 5
ZACHARIAH | 1785 | Halifax | 1785 VA Census (Tax List) - Halifax County
VA Heads of Families - Nance, Zachariah, 6 Whites, 1 Dwelling, 5 Other
Buildings (snk)
ZACHARIAH | 1785 | Halifax | VA Census - Heads of Families -- 1785
--Zachariah Nance -- 6 White souls, 1 dwellings, 5 other buildings
(adjacent William on list)
ZACHARIAH | 1787 | Charles City | "1787 Census of VA Charles City Co N.
S. Yantie & F. S. Love" -Zachariah Nance -- W.males 16-21= 0,/
blacks>16=1 / blacks< 16 =1 )
ZACHARIAH | 1787 | Charles City | 1787 VA Census (Tax List) - Charles
City County - Zachariah Nance Self 0 Whites of 16 and under 21 1 Black
over 16 1 Black under 16 1 Horse 0 Cattle (snk)
ZACHARIAH | 1787 | Halifax | (NR) - 1787 - Thomas V. Nance and ZACHARIAH
Nance, Defts., vs. Robert Sanders, Pltf., for debt. Bk 12, p. 149.
ZACHARIAH | 1787 | Halifax | (NR) - 1787 - William and ZACHARIAH Nance,
Defts. tithes to work on road. Bk 12, p. 266.
ZACHARIAH | 1787 | Halifax | "1787 Census of VA Halifax Co Yantie &
Love" -Zachariah Nance -- W.males 16-21= 0,/ blacks>16=1 / blacks< 16=0
) (in this compilation, rendered with only one "h"
ZACHARIAH | 1790 | Halifax | 1790 VA Census - Halifax County - Pg. #87
Zachariah Nance 6 White Souls (Zachariah, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 1 Dwellings 5
Other Buildings (snk)
ZACHARIAH | 1790 | Halifax | 1790 VA Census - Halifax County - Pg. #23
Zachariah Nance 5 Whites (Zachriah, ?, ?, ?, ?) 0 Blacks (snk)
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