My Visit To Ernest Hemingway's House (Feb. 8, 2007)
in Key West, Florida
The legendary American novelist Ernest Hemingway lived in Key West for a decade in the 1930s, in a stone mansion on Whitehead Street with his wife, Pauline, and a polydactyl (six-toed) cat

named Snowball. About 50 of Snowball's descendents still inhabit his former home in Key West, which was turned into a museum in 1964. Now, the authorities want the proprietors of Hemingway House to license the cats under the Animal Welfare Act.
The US department of agriculture wants to fine the museum's owners up to $200 a day for "exhibiting" the animals without a licence, according to a lawsuit filed in Miami, but the trustees insist that tourists pay to see the house, of which the cats are merely residents.
It is sad that it has come to this over one person's dislike over "one" cat!
Some residents of Hemingways


Fencing has been installed to keep the cats in

Living Quarters

The Cemetery