Meowmie submitted this picture
I'm Dark - my birth day is sometime around Dec. 18, 2001.
I'm a feral cat success, adopted from
(check out where) there---> Domino's House <---here on November 1, 2002, along with
my brofur Buzz. Buzz didn't work out so he was returned to live with our mom.
Then we got my step brofur (check out his page) there---> Mouse <---here and Mouse's sister
(check out her page) there---> Minnie <---here who was my girlfuriend but she has passed on
to "Rainbow Bridge". I can be very friendly once I gets to know you but shy
before then. Not much bothers me... I'm pretty layed back. Love to sleep all
day and I have a purrticular place that I always lays in. I haven't been well
lately. Had exploritory surgery doc. found I was missing a lung, it was badly
deteriated..Would love to be able to tell mom whats the matter..
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Movies that have been made about the "Black Cat"
Dark's page last updated 12/19/2010
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