Welcome to NANCE/SOWERS Genealogy and More
Hi my name is Sonia NANCE Roberts and this site has long
been a hobby of mine. I've been working on these pages since 5 Oct.
1997. Hope you enjoy and we have a connection! For those who
have been here before glad you stopped by again! For those who
haven't been here hope you enjoy your visit and find it fun and
informative! The links on the left will take you to my many
- My main hobby is My Genealogy
pages. The surnames I am researching are NANCE and SOWERS
mostly from Virginia.
- NANCE and SOWERS "Libraries" this
is ALL the information I have gathered on ALL NANCE and SOWERS
- My husband's ROBERTS and MCDANEL
- The Cat's House - Are pictures and
stories about my 7 cats and some other useful information, funny
pictures and anything else I came across about cat's
- Cockatiels - Information and
pictures of the Cockatiel birds I have owned (We also now have a Macaw)
- Mini Cooper - Pictures of my
favorite car and how I acquired my sixth MINI (more to come)
- LINUX OS - Stuff I have learned
and gathered from learning how to use LINUX/FEDORA
- Our Little Neck Of The Woods -
Hubby and I had a log home built. Here are our steps and lots
of pictures of how it progressed.
Sonia Nance-Roberts

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