I will add all the NR2 updates I can get together for those "WHO HAVE ALREADY ORDERED"
at this time there are NO orders being
Here at NANCE Genealogy Clearinghouse
under Nance Genealogies in print you can find more information.
"I appreciate your concern and "best wishes." I HAVE had problems with my health, but feel like the situation, overall, IS improving. I just haven't been able to stay up and kicking for more than 3 or 4 months at one time without getting down for 8 or 9. In fact, I was in better shape last fall & winter than I'd been for several years. I fear some have the impression that I'm in a continual decline."
"I was finally able to make good progress on NR2 last winter. Had a lot of other things to catch up on, too, but was thinking I could finish by April. I crashed again in Feb., but am real close to finishing. NR2 is 85-90% complete, 250 color plates have already been printed, cover stock for 600 books has been purchased and all the equipment (with the exception of a laser printer) needed for printing and binding is in place."
"Had another re-constructive surgery in May that, hopefully, has solved most of the problems. I started PT about 10 days ago and it looks like I'm going to be down for a couple of more months. Will take another look at a lower back problem (injured in first unsuccessful re-construction), then. There is a possibility of more surgery, but I've worked through the lower back problem, without it, twice before during the last two years. I'm rambling, but to answer your question, I'm at least 3 or 4 months from even nearing a completion date. I have made some changes in NR2 ( many more than initially planned) that has caused some of the delay. I opened Pandora's Box (knew deep down that I was) about a year and a half into the project and lost at least one six months window of good health in a state of paranoia over what additions to make. It was always my intention to correct any errors that might have been in the original, however."
"I've recently located Dad's personal copy of NR1 with the hand written notes and corrections that he'd penciled in over many years. He'd loaned it to a researcher half way across the country. I had no idea what had happened to it. Penciling in margin notes in the new text, based on his, has been an ideal project for me over the last few months."
"I still have trouble sitting upright for more than 15 or 20 minutes at one time, so have taken five sessions over two days to write this reply. This epistle is probably more info than you wanted, but I need to bring several more folks up to date, and thought I would take advantage of your query, to write something that I can "copy" to others."
"<Name omitted> had suggested that it might be best just to put the project on "hold" for a while in order to reduce any stress I might be feeling. I didn't entirely agree with him a month ago and the above was written with that mind set. I'm beginning to have doubts about my situation, near term, and thinking that < > was probably right. I may be facing some medical decisions in the next few weeks and fear my concerns about Nance Register might influence those decisions. I'm now seriously considering postponing the project until further notice. I will make my decision by month's end and let you know."
Update March 6, 2002 Re[2]: NR2 Yes, Tom, it would be wonderful if someone else could pick up on this if Jim Nance is unable. I'd certainly want a copy. Patti hobbits8@worldnet.att.net
Update March 6, 2002 Re: NR2 How about if someone else pays for the printing of more copies? Any other ideas? As this was such a huge undertaking, it would be a shame for only a limited number of copies are available. An example would be "The Nance Memorial", how many of you would just LOVE to have your own hard copy of that? If it is the matter of packaging and mailing, I would love to volunteer for that. Setup a webpage for ordering and such (I would like to volunteer those services also). Please, let's not let all the effort that Jim has put forth into this great project be a "limited edition". Let us allow Jim Nance a greater part of Nance history. As he should be! Thank you, Tom Nance tnance9@aol.com
Update March 6, 2002 NR2 The status report I sent on the NR2 is for information to those who prepaid for the printing and might have changed their email or physical address since the last status report. If you have changed, you can get in touch with me at the following email address. (punkie@mindspring.com) At present, new requests for copies of the NR2 can not be filled and due to the health of Jim Nance, I do not have an answer for future printings. B. Bush
Update March 5, 2002 NR2 Jim Nance has informed me that he should be able to start the printing of "NR2" by the end of March.....................B. Bush
September 23, 2001 Requested latest update
April 13, 2001 IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR POSTAL ADDRESS within 3 years, please send new one.........or if you plan to change it before the end of this year, 2001. Also, if you know of someone who hasn't been contacted, who has ordered a copy of NR2, or has changed their email or postal address, please let us know......thanks, Beverly Bush
March 24, 2001 NOTE TO NANCE KIN ON STATUS OF NR2 Due to Jim Nance's health problems, he has been slower finishing the printing of the NR2 than he anticipated. Jim does realize that he has an obligation to the Nance kin who have made advance orders and he plans to complete the NR2 by the end of this year (2001), if not sooner. Jim says he wants the printing to be a first class edition, one that he and his Nance kin will be proud to possess. The improvements and additions to the original Nance Register will be: 1) 8 1/2 x 11 easy to read type and outline format (approximately 600 pages) 2) Laser printed on heavy archival quality (acid free) paper. 3) Hand bound paperback cover featuring recent professional rendering of the Nance Armes based on the latest research into official records from the College of Heralds. 4) Color plate of Nance Armes used in NR1 that has been slightly revised to conform to the "Rules of Heraldry." 5) An article on heraldry and the origin of the Nance Armes that is explanatory to the different renderings. 6) Additional "Records" have been included that were not available at the time of the original printing. (especially MS and the Carolinas) 7) Some families originally included in "Broken Lineages" have been moved, based on new information, to their proper place under the four major families. 8) Some minor corrections & updates have been made in the "Families" section. 9) There will be a new appendix featuring a few articles of recent research and some new theories on early family inter-relationships. 10) Nance of Cornwall will be included as an addendum. 11) At least one additional page of photographs will be included. 12) Finally, the index will be revised - primarily to include the Nance women. Jim Nance requested that we get this notice out to all the interested Nance kin and we think the NR2 will be well worth the wait. Beverly and Bob (Nance ancestry) Bush
November 09, 2000 Thanks to your help & some others, NR2 is really in pretty good shape; so far along that any consideration of a quick "copy" of NR1 is out of the question. The only way to do that, in less time than it will take to complete NR2, would be to break down one of the two copies I have & do a cheap photocopy. As you may recall, the original 500 copies were printed from offset stencils that produced very poor quality print that does not reproduce very well on modern copy machines. I'm sure you've seen at least a few pages or even chapters that have been done that way - a lot of copies have been made & used by various researchers - and know what I mean. The only way to get a good quality reproduction would be to type & proof the whole thing from scratch, and I think that would take a lot more time than what is going to be required to complete NR2 as it now stands. I'm at least 90% completed on most of the additional information that will be included as introductions, dedications, addendums, etc. anyway. I've been workng on these short pieces that required more thought and editing than typing throughout the year. It's the tedious day in day out typing/ (correcting as you go) of the main text that has been difficult for me during the last year or so. Unfortunately, it was while working on these alternative views and therories that I became a little paranoid about accuracy. It didn't help matters that a great number of records and copies of other folks research notes started showing up at the same time. I just felt that I had to study all in detail. I know now that I spent a lot more time than I should have carefully reading through everything anyone sent me. However, most of this was last spring; I was pretty much layed up anyway - so looking back I probably didn't really lose too much time that could have been spent working on NR2. I've also completed the binding machine, re-touched a few photos, etc. With all considered, a good deal of progress has been made in the last year.I certainly hope that you will have time to help with the proofing of the rest of the main text. The new index (very important, I think) is still an unknown factor as to time required, but I don't think it will be too bad if I can get a couple of people to help key in the names. Also, I'm going to have to do some re-formatting of text typed by others, before it will be ready for proofing - again, I don't think that will take a lot of time.
This page last updated 7/14/2008