Census and tax records of NANCE/NANTZ/NANTS
and other various spellings of the surnames NANCE that
I have been able to find.
PLEASE bear with me I am doing the best I can with
deciphering some of the handwriting on some of these
These transcriptions may
contain human errors. As always, confirm these, as you
would any other source material.
In census before 1850 I am trying to put names where it only list the # of
males and female.
The additions in this color "green
may include (name, SURNAME, middle name, age and birth
date)" and are MY inclusions.
Census are in alphabetical order per year/county/
page #./household # for each state.
Additions marked in orange
need work
Virginia was the 10th state
admitted on June 25, 1788.
of County Formations in Virginia 1617-1995
am also working on the census for Henry County, VA for
ALL who were there prior to 1850
Genealogy - GREAT resource for 1790-1800 Virgina Tax
List {Index only - part of site missing}
1607 VA
Captain John Smith, founded the first English Colony
at Jamestown Virginia in 1607.
There were no NANCE listed as
Early Virginia Pioneers
1668 VA Tithables
William NANCE Not Listed
as a tithable this year, nor in 1669.
1670 VA Tithables
1670 A list of Tythable persons from Lt Coll Jordans
Page 374, 7 Jun. 1670 William NANCE,
1 Tithable
1673 VA Tithables
1673 Page 34, 10 Jun 1673 William
NANCE, 2 Tithables one being Saml. LUIS
1674 Tithables
William NANCE, 1
1678 Tithables
7 June 1678 from Sunken Marsh to the upper end of
Surry County by Eve GREGORY
Wm. NANCE, Saml. LUIS, 2 acres
of Virginia, Maryland, and the improved parts of
Pennsylvania & New Jersey 1685
No NANCE listed
1720 VA
Book 15(*) Pg. 202 John NANCE
(Wife Mary)
Book 20(**) Pg. 254 John NANCE
(Wife Mary)
(All I have - this
is from the book "Virginia in 1720: A Reconstructed
(*Book 15 refers to " Index to Marriages of Old
Rappahannock & Essex Counties, 1655-1900. Eva
Eubanks Wilkerson)
(**Book 20 refers to Essex County Records, 1717-1722
(Wills ect #3. John Frederick Dorman)
A list of the tithables below Deep Creek in Amelia County for the year 17361737 VA TAX LIST
John NANCE, Sr. 2 tithables Deep Creek to the extent of the county downward1738 VA TAX LIST
A list of tithables below Deep Creek, taken by Charles Irby for the year 17381739 VA TAX LIST
John NANCE, Jr. Deep Ceek to the extent of the county downward1740 VA TAX LIST
John NANCE, Sr. Below Deep Creek in Raleigh Parish1741 VA TAX LIST
John NANCE, Sr. Below Deep Creek in Raleigh Parish1744 VA TAX LIST
John NANCE, Jr. Between Deep and Cellar Creek1746 VA TAX LIST
John NANCE, Jr. Between Deep and Cellar Creek1747 VA TAX LIST
John NANCE Between Deep and Cellar Creek1748 VA TITHABLES
John NANCE Between Deep and Cellar CreekBRUNSWICK COUNTY
1748 Poll for Drury STITH Page 20 William NANCE 26 w (1) 62-64
(Wife Ann (EPPS?), William
was son of William NANCE Sr. and Margaret TINSLEY)
(Names of the residents of Brunswick voting for
representatives of Brunswick for the sessions of
October, 1748 and April, 1749 and which resulted in election
of Sterling Clack and Drury Stith)
1748 Brunswick County VA Deed Book 3, Page 513 Pole
for Drury Stith
William Nance
1748 Brunswick County VA Deed Book 3, Page 515 Pole for
Sterling Clack
William Nance
A List of Tithables for JUNE 10, 1748 Taken By Lyddal BACON {page 61}
61, 10 Jun 1748 Will NANCE
3 Tithes
Page 61, 10 Jun 1748 Thos. NANCE, 1 Tithes
Pg. 62, 10 Jun 1748 John NANCE, 1 Tithes
Pg. 105-106, 10 Jun 1748
John NANCE, 1 Tithes
Pg. 105-106, 10 Jun 1748
John NANCE , 3 tithables
Pg. 62 10 Jun 1749 John NANCE, 1 Tithes
Pg. 61-62 10 Jun 1749 John NANCE , 3 tithables, 18 crows heads
Pg. 105-106 10 Jun 1749 Thos. NANCE, 1 Tithe, 6 crows heads
Pg. 105-106 10 Jun 1749 William
NANCE, 1 Tithe
A List of Tithables 10 Jun 1749 Taken by L. Bacon [From Hounds Creek to the extent of Lunenburg County downwards]
Richd. NANTS, 0 Tithes, 0 Crows Heads
John NANTS , 3 Tithes, 18 Crows Heads
Thos. NANCE , 1 Tithes, 6 Crows Heads
Jno. NANTS , 1 Tithes
Wm. NANTS, 1 Tithes
??Page 155-157 Richard NANCE 1 Tithe
Taken By Lyddal Bacon for 1750
Page 157 10 Jun 1750 John NANCE, 1 Tithe
Page 157 10 Jun 1750 Thos. NANCE, 1 Tithe
Page 157 10 Jun 1750 Rich. NANCE, 1 Tithe
Taken By Lyddal Bacon for 1750
Page 179 10 Jun 1750 William NANCE, 1 Tithe
A List of
Tithes taken by Samuel Tinsy for the year 1751
1st column Line 10 John Nance,
Ghiles Nance(**) 2 Tithes
(**Wife was Mary Nancy MALONE, son
of John NANCE, III and Martha Ann MAY)
Taken By Lyddal Bacon for 1751
Pg. 162 Ricd. NANCE
................................................ 1
Pg. 162 John Wood
John NANCE, Senr.
........................................ 3
Pg. 162 Thos. NANCE,
Junr. .........................................
A list of tithes for Nottoway Parish June 10th 1752LUNENBURG COUNTY
List taken by Lyddall Bacon
Pg. 179, 10 Jun 1752 Thos. NANCE, 1 Tithes
Pg. 179, 10 Jun 1752 John NANCE, 3 Tithes
List taken by Lyddall Bacon
Pg. 180, 10 Jun 1752 William NANCE, 1 Tithes
Pg. 180, 10 Jun 1752 Richard
NANCE, 1 Tithes (Wife was
Pg. 180, 10 Jun 1752 John NANCE, 1 Tithes
A list of tithables taken by Cha Irby in the lower end of Nottoway Paris Amelia1754 VA TITHABLES
1754 Amelia County A list of tithables taken by Charles Irby in the lower part of Nottoway Parish for the year 1754 1755 VA TITHABLES
Giles NANCE Below Deep Creek in Nottoway Parish1756 VA TITHABLES
A list of tithables in the lower part of Nottoway Parish Amelia County taken by Charles Irby June 10th 1756CHESTERFIELD COUNTY
List of tithables taken in the year 1756 by Archibald Cry1758 VA TITHABLES
Book 26, Pg. 168 Richard NANCE
Book 16, Pg. 694 Daniel NANCE
Book 45, Pg. 49 Nathaniel
Book 45, Pg. 51 Mary NANCE
Book 45, Pgs. 49 & 51 Richard NANCE
Book 34 Pg. 409 Mary NANCE
Book 34 Pg. 403, 409, 488, 432, 455, 471 William NANCE
Book 45, Pg. 29 Frances NANCE
Book 45, Pg. 49 John NANCE (possibly son of Richard NANCE and Mary LEONARD)
Book 45, Pg. 51 Nathaniel NANCE (Son of Richard NANCE and Mary LEONARD)
Book 45, Pg. 29 Richard NANCE (Wife Mary MOURNING)
Book 45, Pgs. 29 & 49 William NANCE (Wife Francis)
Nathaniel NANCE self1762 VA TITHABLES
A list of tithables taken in Nottoway Parish Amelia CountyJune the 10th 1762 by John Winn and Hampton WadeAMELIA COUNTY TAX LIST
Virginia Clerk Fees Belonging to James WOOD
Andrew NANCE &c. $150
A list of tithes in Nottoway Parish for the year 1763
A list of tithes in Nottoway Parish for the year 1764LUNENBURG COUNTY
Charles ALLEN, Gent. List of Tithes for 1764
Cornwall Parish page 215
Frederick NANCE 3 Tithes 300
(Son of John NANCE II and Jane SMART)
Cornwall Parish page 238 10 Jun 1764
Richard NANCE 2 Tithes 173 Acres Land
1765 VA
A list of tithes in Nottoway Parish for the year 1765
Page 13
Line 1 Giles NANCE. Jos 75
Land 2 Tithes
(Wife was Mary Nancy MALONE)
A list of tithes in Nottoway Parish for the year 1765
Page 13
Line 2 John NANCE 121 Land 1
Capt. John WINN'S Poll Page 3 Giles NANCE(**)
Col. Thos. TABB'S Poll(*) Page 10 Giles NANCE(**)
THOS. TABB'S POLL, Christ Hudson, John Clark, Richard
Smith and Christ Ford. Copy Test-- Richard JONES, Shf.
Dec 24 1768 Amelia,
This day the Sheriff of Amelia County made oath before
me that the polls contained within these sheets are true
and perfect copies of the names
of the persons polled at an Election of Burgesses for
the said County the 6th day of December, 1768. STEPHEN
(**One of the above Giles is son of
John Webb NANCE and Jane SMART? The other Giles NANCE
is the one who marr. Mary MALONE)
List of land and
tithes taken by Capt Robert Munford in the Nottoway
Parish for the year 1768 Page 6
Giles Nance, Jack, Joe 3 Tithes 136 Land
List of Tithables and land taken by Richard
"10th June, 1769. List of Tithables, Lunenburg County,
Cumberland Parish.
Page 271 Frek. NANCE 0
Tithables 100 Land
NOTE: North side of Buffalo Creek to the county line
and from mountain to mountain.
John NANCE 1 Tithe
A List of Tithes for the Year 1774
Cumberland Parish page 327-343 10 Jun
Thompson Staplies
William NANCE
6 Tithables
Gustavus Hendricks' list1778 VA TAX LIST
At a Meeting of the Commissioners at Henry County Courthouse on Tuesday the 14th day of July 1778. Present ...1779 VA TAX LIST
An alphabetical list of the taxes or pound rate imposed on the different persons property in the County of Henry1780 VA TAX LIST
Goochland, Virginia Business Papers of Irvine-Saunders -1782 MISC. VA RECORDS
Pg. 12 Giles NANCE
10 Whites; 2 Slaves.
(Wife Mary Malone)
1782 Amelia County, VA
Giles Nance, Jas Nance (under 21)
Joe, Clarissea, Daniel, F
Males 1
Slaves 3
Horses 7
Cattle 19
List of taxable property and of tithes taken in the
County of Bedford 1782
Line 13 Thomas NANCE 1 10 5 23
1 4
1 Free Male above 21, 10 Slaves, 5 Horses, 23 Cattle, 1
White above 16, 4 Black tithes above 16
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
(Son of Richard NANCE.
Bedford Co. Deed Book 6 Page 407 Richard NANCE
to his son
Thomas NANCE 25 Mar 1780 £500 - 8 Slaves and Entire Estate
Rec: 27 Mar 1780)
A list of
lands in Charles City County taken and Valued by
Peter Royster and John Gregory commissioner for
1782 Page 3
Line 53 Eaton NANCE 225 Acres Value 7 Total Value 78 15 0
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
A list of lands in Charles City County taken and
Valued by Peter Royster and John Gregory commissioner
for 1782 Page 5
Line 53 Eaton NANCE 202 Acres
Value 10 Total Value 101 0 0
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son of
James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of tithables the 10th of April 1782 Lower
Westeror District Page 7
6th line down Eaton Nance 1 0
11 0 8 2
Ben, Silvia, Frank, Daniel, Polt, Nan, Edmond, Henry, Jacob,
Ally, Kell
1 Free Male tithe, 11 Slaves, 8 Cattle, 2 Horses
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son of
James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of tithables the 10th of April 1782 Wilmington
District Page 8
9th line down John Nance 1 0 0
0 8 3
1 Free Male tithe, 0 Slaves, 8 Cattle, 3 Horses
List of tithables the 10th of April 1782 Wilmington
District Page 10
1st line down William Nance 1
0 0 0 4 1
1 Free Male tithe, 0 Slaves, 4 Cattle, 1 Horses
Zachariah NANCE (can't find)
A list of the enumerated in Charlotte
County for 10 April 1782 Page 15
Line 8 Hood Nance 1 0 1
1 White Tithe, 0 Slaves, 1 Horse, 6 Cattle
A list of the enumerated in Charlotte County for 10
April 1782 Page 15
Line 9 William Nance 1 0
1 4
1 White Tithe, 0 Slaves, 1 Horse, 4 Cattle
A List of Tithes and Taxable Property taken by Dun [Duncan] Rose gent the 10th day of April 1782 for the County of Dinwiddie.Messrs Shore & McConnico (at Mill)
7 11
3 1
-- -- --
Hugh Galt
John McConnico
At Store
John Lany
Peter Davis
Marshall Booker
George Craighead
William NANCE
4 Whites
8 Slaves
Zachariah NANCE
5 Whites
(Listed with William)
Tavener NANCE
6 Whites
1 Slave
A list of free males above 21 years old and other taxable taken 10th April 1782 in the County of Halifax Page 1~~~
Wm NANCE(**) 8 souls
in 1782; 4 whites; 8 slaves; 1 dwelling; 7 other houses, in
next census
(**Found info.
listed in book = The History and Genealogy of the NANCEs
by D. NANCE)
Personal Property Tax List
Pg. #23 William NANCE 04-08
1 Tithes, 8 Negroes, 4 Horses, 0 Mules, 14 Cattle
(Wife Mary VAUGHAN)
Pg. 23 Zachariah NANCE
5 Whites, 0 Blacks
Pg. 24 Tavener NANCE (NANTZ,
NANTY), 06-01
6 Whites, 1 Black, 1 Dwelling: 2 Other Houses
1782 An list of tithables of taxable property taken
by the several acting justices in Henry County May 1782
Agreeable to an Oath of **** *** 17**
Line 3 John Nance 1 3 1 13 - 2
5 3
1 White Tithe, 3 Negroes, 1 Horse, 13 Cattle, Amount Taxed 2
5 3
1782 An list of tithables of taxable property taken
by the several acting justices in Henry County May 1782
Agreeable to an Oath of **** *** 17**
Line 4 Reubin Nance 1 4 3 17 -
3 0 3
1 White Tithe, 4 Negroes, 3 Horse, 17 Cattle, Amount Taxed 3
0 3
1782 by Fothergill Page 91
John NANCE, White: 1, Black: 3
(Wife was Mary "Mollie" (EPPES?); John
was son of William NANCE and Ann (EPPES?))
Page 91 by Fothergill Frederick
NANCE, White: 1, Black: 24
(Son of John NANCE II and Jane SMART)
Page 91 by Fothergill Thomas NANCE, White: 1, Black: 10
Page 91 by Fothergill William
NANCE, White: 1, Black: 0
A list of tithable articles taken in Lunenburg
County, Virginia April 30th 1782
Names of owners, free male persons above the age of 21 years
and slaves
Page 14 1st column last line Frederick Nance, 1 24 7 41 0 0
13 14 3
1 Tithe, 24 Slaves, 7 Horses, 41 Cattle, 13 14 3 Taxes
A list of tithable articles taken in Lunenburg County
April 30th 1782
Names of owners, free male persons above the age of 21 years
and slaves
Page 15 1st line 2nd Column William Nance 1 0 3 8 0 0 - 0 18
1 Tithe, 0 Slaves, 3 Horses, 18 Cattle, 0 18 0 Taxes
1782 Lewis Parham Census
taker, Pg. 33 Robert NANCE 07-03
7 Whites; 3 Slaves
1782 Lewis Parham Census taker, Pg. 34 Daniel NANCE 04-07
4 Whites; 7 Slaves
1782 Lewis Parham Census taker, Pg. 34 Isham NANCE 07-06
7 Whites; 6 Slaves
(Son of William NANCE Ann (EPPES?) and
wife was Frances "Fanny" MALONE)
1782 Taken by William Starling Gentleman
Thomas NANCE 1 0 16 3 0 0 0 - 1 0 -
Isham NANCE, Harry, Han*, Peter?, Jacob, Edy, Eml 1 6 12 1 0 0
0 - 3 15 -
Daniel NANSE, Charles, Nan, Losk?, Sal, Tom, Beck 1 6 15 3 0 0
0 - 3 19 9
Robert NANSE, Cats, Lice, Dish 1 3 19 5 0 0 0 - 2 14 *
James NANCE(**) 8 souls; 1 dwelling; 4 other
(**Found listed in
book = The History and Genealogy of the NANCEs by D.
Pg. 36 James NANCE
7 Whites; 3 Slaves
James NANCE 250 acres
A list of tythables of enumerated actively liable to
**** taken in Pittsylvania County the 10th day of April 1782
Pg 12
2nd Column Line 27 Clement Nance
1 0 2 9
1 Tithe above 21, 0 Slaves, 2 Horses, 9 Cattle
A list of tythables of enumerated actively liable to
**** taken in Pittsylvania County the 10th day of April 1782
Pg 12
Pg 12 2nd Column Line 28 Martha Nance
0 1 1 0
0 Tithe above 21, 1 Slaves, 1 Horses, 0 Cattle
Pg. 42 Clement NANCE
2 White Souls, 0 blacks
Pg. 42 Martha (MAY) NANCE 01-01 0
taxable over 21, 1 slave, 1 horse
(Widow of John NANCE, III)
Pg. 42 William NANCE
7 White Souls, 0 blacks
Personal Property Tax
Clement NANCE 1 taxable over
21, 2 horses, 9 cattle
(Didn't find, may belong
somewhere else)
WM. H. NANCE 03-00
3 Whites; 0 Slaves
(Found listed in book = The History
and Genealogy of the NANCEs by D. NANCE)
Giles NANCE 800 acres
Mathew or Mary NANCE 200
acres (Need to see original)
Captain Joseph Black's Precinct John NANCE ? ? ?
NANCE, ?, ?, ?, ?
Eliab MOSS, 0 Tithes, 5 Horses, 0 Cattle, 4 Slaves,
1 Slave's name was Hannah NANCE
List of Taxable property in Amelia County taken for the year 1783
Name -
Over 16 - under 16 - wheels - horses - cattle - licenses
- taxes
Pg 14 Giles NANCE 2 1 0 4 22 0 0 (Wife
Mary Malone)
Pg 14
James NANCE 1 0 0 2 0 0 0
A List of
tithes and taxable property taken in Bedford County
between the 10th and 20th of April 1783 page 21
Last line 5 Thomas NANCE 1
4 7 11 7 25
5 Tithes, 1 White above 21, 4 Blacks over 16, 7 Blacks
under 16, 11 Total Blacks, 7 Horses, 25 Cattle
(Wife Sarah GIBBS, son of Richard
Eaton NANCE (Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
William NANCE
Zachariah NANCE
A list of the enumerated in Charlotte County for 1783
Page 11
Last Line Hood Nance
1 0 0 1 0 6 0
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks, 0 Horse, 1 Carriage, 0 Cattle,
6 Wheels, 0 License
A list of the enumerated in Charlotte County for 1783
Page 12
Line 1 William Nance 1 0 0
1 0 3 0
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks, 0 Horse, 1 Carriage, 0 Cattle,
3 Wheels, 0 License
A list of
free males above 21 years old and other taxable taken in
the County of Halifax for the 9th of March 1783 Page 2
Line 21 William Nance 1 5
5 4 0 12
1 Free Males, 5 Slaves over 16, 5 Slaves under 16, 4
Horses, 0 Carriages, 12 Cattle
(Wife Mary VAUGHAN)
A list of free males above 21 years old and other
taxable taken in the County of Halifax for the 9th of
March 1783 Page 2
Line 22 Zachriah Nance 1 0
0 3 0 6
1 Free Males, 0 Slaves over 16, 0 Slaves under 16, 3
Horses, 0 Carriages, 6 Cattle
A list of
free males above 21 years old and other taxable taken in
the County of Halifax for the 9th of March 1783 Page 15
2nd to the last line Tavner Nance
1 0 1 2 0 3
1 Free Males, 0 Slaves over 16, 1 Slaves under 16, 2
Horses, 0 Carriages, 3 Cattle
Frs. DEGRAFFENREIDT, Gent. List of Taxable
Property and Tithes for 1783
{page 398} Wm NANCE, Tax
Property = 1, Tythables = 1, Souls = 3
Frs. DEGRAFFENREIDT, Gent. List of Taxable
Property and Tithes for 1783
{page 398} Frederick NANCE
(Son of John NANCE II and Jane
John Stembridge
Tax Property = 28, Tythables = 15, Souls = 34
A list of tithable property taken for Lunenburg
County for 1783 Page 11
William Nance 1 0 1 6 0 0 0 - 0
13 6
1 Tithe, 0 Slaves, 1 Horses, 6 Cattle, 0 13 6 Taxes
(Wife Frances
(M.N.U.), son of John NANCE II and Jane SMART)
A list of tithable property taken for Lunenburg
County for 1783 Page 11
Frederick Nance 2 26 7 39 0 0
12 - 15 3 9
2 Tithe, 26 Slaves, 7 Horses, 39 Cattle, 12?, 15.3.9
(Wife Susannah STOKES, son of John
A list of
taxable property taken in Pittsylvania County for the
year 1783 due November the 20 in *pecie Page 17
column 2 line 17 William NANCE
1 0 1 4
1 white tithe over 21, 1 horse, 4 cattle
A list of
taxable property taken in Pittsylvania County for the
year 1783 due November the 20 in *pecie Page 18
column 1 line 30 Martha (MAY) NANCE 0 1 1 0
1 Slave, 1 Horse
(Widow of John NANCE, III)
A list of
taxable property taken in Pittsylvania County for the
year 1783 due November the 20 in *pecie Page 18
column 1 line 31 Clement NANCE 1 0
3 10
1 White Tithe, 3 Horses, 10 Cattle
Taken by Samuel Sherwin Gent returned
the 23 Apr 1784
Giles NANCE 3 0 5 21 0 0
(Wife Mary Malone)
A List of taxable property taken
for Bedford County for April 1784 page 26
Line 7 Thomas NANCE
1 4 7 11 5 24
5 Tithes, 1 White above 21, 4 Blacks over 16, 7
Blacks under 16, 11 Total Blacks, 5 Horses, 24
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
Thomas NANCE
320 10.3
164.0 2.9.2 1/2
Alterations since '83 Thomas FUQUA to
Thomas NANCE
28 3
4.4 1.5 1/2
to be made in the land tax in Charles City County for
Line 28 Formerly Charged Eaton NANCE Acres 150 Paid 4 Amount Land 36.17.6
Amount Tax 11.2 Now to be charged to Harwood Pearman
(wife was Mary Rogers EATON)
A list of
taxable property in Lower Westover precinct Charles City
County taken by William Christian for the year 1784 Page
2nd Column 2nd N Eaton Nance
1 3 6 3 3 0
Daniel, Patt, Sarah, Red, Lucky, Harry, Kitty, Barbary,
1 Free Male Tithes, 3 Slave above 16, 6 Slave under 16,
3 Horses, 3 Cattle, 0 Wheels
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son
of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
A list of
taxable property in Lower Wilmington precinct Charles
City County taken by Benjamin Edmondson for the year
2nd Column Line 8 William Nance
1 0 0 1 4 0
1 Free Male Tithes, 0 Slave above 16, 0 Slave under 16,
1 Horses, 4 Cattle, 0 Wheels
Zachariah NANCE
List of tythables and enumerated taxable articles taken in
the county Charlotte for the year 1784 Page 15
Line 4 Hood Nance 1 0 0 2 7 0
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks, 0 Horse, 2 Carriage, 7 Cattle, 0
Wheels, 0 License
List of tythables and enumerated taxable articles taken in
the county Charlotte for the year 1784 Page 15
Line 5 William Nance 1 0 0 2
4 0 0
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks, 0 Horse, 2 Carriage, 4 Cattle, 0
Wheels, 0 License
A list of free males above 21 years old and other taxable taken in the County of Halifax for March 1784 Page 2HENRY COUNTY PERSONAL PROPERTY
An alphabetical list of tithables of taxable personal
property taken by the several acting justices in the county
of Henry May 1784 Viz
Line 8 Peter Nance 1 1 0 0 0 1
0 0 - 1 12 0
1 Tythes, 1 White over 21, 1 Horses, 1.12.0 Amount Taxed
(Daniel Nance {below} brother?)
An alphabetical list of tithables of taxable personal
property taken by the several acting justices in the county
of Henry May 1784 Viz
Line 9 Daniel Nance 1 1 0 0 0
2 0 0 - 0 14 0
1 Tythes, 1 White over 21, 2 Horses, 0 14 0 Amount Taxed
(Wife Elizabeth Palmer, brother of
Peter Nance {above}?)
An alphabetical list of tithables of taxable personal
property taken by the several acting justices in the county
of Henry May 1784 Viz
Line 17 John Nance 2 1 0 1 2 1
11 0 - 1 14 9
2 Tythes, 1 White over 21, 1 Slave over 162 Slaves under 16,
1 Horse, 11 Cattle, 1 14 9 Amount Taxed
by Fothergill Page 91 William
NANCE White: 1 Black: 0
A list of tithable property taken for Lunenburg
County for 1784
Frederick Nance 2 26 8 33 0 0 14 16 8 3
2 Tithe, 26 Slaves, 8 Horses, 33 Cattle, 14?, 16.8.3
(Wife Susannah Stokes, son of John NANCE II and Jane SMART)
A list of tithable property taken for Lunenburg
County for 1784 Page 10
Line 1 William Nance 1 0 2 6 0 0 0 - 0 15 6
1 Tithe, 0 Slaves, 2 Horses, 6 Cattle, 0.15.6 Taxes
1784 Taken by William Starling Gentleman
Isham NANCE - Harry,
Hannah, Peter, Jacob, Eby, Emanual 1 2 4 10 3 0 0 0
1784 Taken by Roger Gregory Gent
Robert NANCE - Cats,
Dick 1 1 1 11 5 0 0 0
A copy list of taxable property taken in Pittsylvania County for year 1784 Page 161785 VA TAX LIST
A list of
taxable property in Amelia county April 1785
Name - Whites over 21 - Whites under 21 - Black Tithes -
Young Negroes - Horses - Cattle - Wheels
Giles NANCE 1 0 1 1 5 16
(Wife Mary Malone)
A List of tithes
and taxable property taken for Bedford County for
1785 page 25
2nd to last line Thomas NANCE
2 5 6 11 4 20 0 0
7 Tithes, 2 White above 21, 5 Blacks over 16, 6
Blacks under 16, 11 Total Blacks, 4 Horses, 20
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
A List of tithes
and taxable property taken for Bedford County for
1785 page 25
Last line William NANCE
1 2 1 3 2 7 0 0
3 Tithes, 1 White above 21, 2 Blacks over 16, 1
Blacks under 16, 3 Total Blacks, 2 Horses, 7 Cattle
(Wife Mary THORP)
Thomas NANCE
320 10.3
164.0 2.9.2 1/2
28 3
4.4 6._ 1/2 ??
A list of
taxable property in Lower Westover precinct Charles City
County taken by Stith Hardyman for the year 1785
2nd Column Eaton Nance 1 3
6 2 2 0
Jim, Daniel, Patt, Luck, Barbary, George, Kater, Kitt
1 Free Male Tithes, 3 Slave above 16, 6 Slave under 16,
2 Horses, 2 Cattle, 0 Wheels
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son of
James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
William NANCE
Zachariah NANCE
List of tythables and enumerated taxable articles taken
in the county Charlotte for the year 1785 Page 8
Line 11 William Nance 1 0
0 0 2 7
1 Free Males above 21, 0 Free Males 16-21, 0 Slaves over
16, 0 Total Slaves, 2 Mares, 7 Cattle
List of tythables and enumerated taxable articles taken
in the county Charlotte for the year 1785 Page 8
Line 4 Hood Nance 1 0 0 0
2 8
1 Free Males above 21, 0 Free Males 16-21, 0 Slaves over
16, 0 Total Slaves, 2 Mares, 8 Cattle
List of Jas. Bates - Page 87 William NANCE, 8 White Souls, 1
Dwelling, 7 Other Buildings
(Wife Mary VAUGHAN)
List of Jas. Bates - Page 87 Zachariah NANCE, 6 White Souls, 1 Dwelling, 5 Other Buildings
List of W. Terry - Page 88 Tavner NANTZ, 7 White Souls, 1
Dwelling, 2 Other Buildings
List of Jere. Pate -
Tavner NANTZ, 7
White Souls, 1 Dwelling, 2 Other Buildings
A list
of taxable property Halifax County 1785 Page 8
Line 10 Tavner Nantz 1 0 1
2 7 0 0
1 Whites above 21, 0 Slaves over 16, 1 Slaves under 16,
2 Horses, 7 Cattle
A list
of taxable property Halifax County 1785 Page 17
2nd line in Ns William Nantz
1 5 4 4 15 0 0
1 Whites above 21, 5 Slaves over 16, 4 Slaves
under 16, 4 Horses, 15 Cattle
(Wife Mary VAUGHAN)
A list
of taxable property Halifax County 1785 Page 17
3rd line in Ns Zachariah Nantz
1 0 1 5 7 0 0
1 Whites above 21, 0 Slaves over 16, 1 Slaves under 16,
5 Horses, 7 Cattle
A list
of taxable property Halifax County 1785 Page 17
4th line in Ns Tomas Nantz
1 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 Whites above 21, 0 Slaves over 16, 0 Slaves under 16,
1 Horses, 0 Cattle
An alphabetical list of Tithables and Taxable
Property taken by the several acting justices in the county
of Henry for the year 1785 - Waller Salmon
Line 1 Reuben Nance and 4
Negroes 4 1 1 2 2 7 16 0 - 1 14 0
4 Tythes, 1 White over 21, 1 White under 21, 2 Slave over
16, 2 Slaves under 16, 7 Horse. 16 Cattle, 1.14.0 Amount
An alphabetical list of Tithables and Taxable
Property taken by the several acting justices in the county
of Henry for the year 1785 - Waller Salmon
Line 2 John Nance and 3
Negroes 3 1 0 1 2 8 1 0 - 1 8 1 1/2
3 Tythes, 1 White over 21, 1 Slave over 162 Slaves under 16,
8 Horse, 1 Cattle, 1.8.1 1/2 Amount Taxed
(Reuben's brother)
A list of tithable property taken for Lunenburg
County for 1785
William Nance and James Nance 1 0 2 6 2 - 0 15 6
1 Tithe, 0 Slaves, 2 Horses, 6 Cattle, 2?, 0.15.6
A list of tithable property taken for Lunenburg
County for 1785
Frederick Nance, George Nance 3 24 8 35 13 - 19 14 9
3 Tithe, 24 Slaves, 8 Horses, 35 Cattle, 13?, 19.14.9
of taxable property taken in Pittsylvania County for the
year 1785 due in Specie of certificates Page 29
Column 2 Line 23 William Nance 1 0 1 2 7
1 White over 21, 0 Negroes over 16, 1 Negro under 16, 2
Horses, 7 Cattle
of taxable property taken in Pittsylvania County for the
year 1785 due in Specie of certificates Page 30
Column 1 Line 6 Clement NANCE
1 0 1 3 10
1 White over 21, 0 Negroes over 16, 1 Negro under 16, 3
Horses, 10 Cattle
Pittsylvania County Virginia Page 99
William Malone NANCE, 3 White Souls, 0 Dwellings,
0 Other Buildings
(Wife Elizabeth THORNTON)
Pittsylvania County Virginia Page 99
Clement NANCE 1 White Soul, 0 Dwellings, 0 Other
A List of
taxable property taken for Amelia County for 1786
Giles NANCE 1 0 1 1 5 20
A List of
taxable property taken for Bedford County for 1786
page 19
Line 13 of Ns 6 Thomas NANCE
1 5 7 12 5 20
6 Tithes, 1 White above 21, 5 Blacks over 16,
67Blacks under 16, 12 Total Blacks, 5 Horses, 20
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
Thomas NANCE ditto to 1785
28A tax is 0.1.1 1/2
To be
taken from Eaton NANCE Obliged from Harwood Pearmon 50 Acres
4/11 Price
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
A list of taxable property taken by
William Lightfoot for Wallingford precinct in Charles
City County for the year 1786 Page 3
Line 4 John Nance 0 8 5 0 0
Dick - Slave under 16
0 Stud Horse, 8 Horses, 5 Cattle, 2 Horses, 0
Wheel/Carriage, 0 Ordy Licence
A list of taxable property taken by William
Lightfoot for Wallingford precinct in Charles City County
for the year 1786 Page 3
Line 7 William Nance 0 1 0 0 0
0 Stud Horse, 1 Horses, 5 Cattle, 0 Horses, 0
Wheel/Carriage, 0 Ordy Licence
Zachariah NANCE
List of tythables and enumerated
taxable articles taken in the county Charlotte for the
year 1786 Page 10
Line 13 Hood Nance 1 0 0 0
2 6 0 0 0
1 Free Males above 21, 0 Free Males 16-21, 0 Slaves over
16, 0 Total Slaves, 2 Mares, 6 Cattle
A list
of taxable property in Halifax County taken by
James McCran 1786 Page 14
Line 14 Tavner Nance 1 0 1
3 7 0
1 Free males over 21, 0 Slaves over 16, 1 Slaves under
16, 3 Horses, 7 Cattle
A list
of taxable property in Halifax County taken by
James McCran 1786 Page 23
Line 22 Zachariah Nance 1
1 0 4 6 0
1 Free males over 21, 1 Slaves over 16, 0 Slaves under
16, 4 Horses, 6 Cattle
A list
of taxable property in Halifax County taken by
James McCran 1786 Page 23
Line 23 William Nance and
Thomas Nance 2 5 5 4 15 0
2 Free males over 21, 5 Slaves over 16, 5 Slaves under
16, 4 Horses, 15 Cattle
An alphabetical list of Tithables and Taxable
Property taken by the several acting justices in the county
of Henry for the year 1785 - Lanier Waller pg 22
Line 2 John Nance and 4
Negroes 2 1 0 1 3 1 8 0 - 2 14 0
2 Tythes, 1 White over 21, 1 Slave over 163 Slaves under 16,
1 Horse, 8 Cattle, 2.14.0 Amount Taxed
(Reuben's brother, wife Mary)
An alphabetical list of Tithables and Taxable
Property taken by the several acting justices in the county
of Henry for the year 1785 - Lanier Waller pg 22
Line 3 Reuben Nance and 5
Negroes 4 1 1 2 3 7 14 0 - 3 17 6
4 Tythes, 1 White over 21, 1 White under 212 Slave over 16,
3 Slaves under 16, 7 Horse, 14 Cattle, 3.17.6 Amount Taxed
(Wife Amy WILLIAMS or Nancy BROWN)
An alphabetical list of Tithables and Taxable
Property taken by the several acting justices in the county
of Henry for the year 1785 - Penn pg 23
Line 4 John Nance 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 - 0 10 0
1 Tythes, 1 White over 21, 0.10.0 Amount Taxed
(Wife Mary COX)
A list of tithable property taken for Lunenburg
County for 1786
William Nance 1 0 1 5 0 1 - 0 13 3
Frederick Nance 3 22 8 40 0 13 - 13 16 0
1786 Taken by William Starling Gentleman
Robert NANCE - Kate, Lucky, Dick, Beth, Lewis, Delsey
- 1 2 4 12 4 0 0 0
List of taxable property taken in Pittsylvania County for
the year 1786 Page 9
Column 2 Line 32 William NANCE
1 0 0 2 7
1 White over 21, 2 horses, 7 cattle
of taxable property taken in Pittsylvania County for the
year 1786 Page 23
Column 2 Line 31 Clement NANCE 1 0 0 3 12
1 White over 21, 3 Horses, 12 Cattle
page 358 James NANCE tax charged to Richard JONES Jr.
page 360 Giles NANCE
self 1-1-1-5-22
self, 1 White Male 16-21, 1 Black 16-99, 1 Black 0-16, 2
Horses, 22 Cattle
page 360 James NANCE
0-0-2-2-0 not tithable
self, 0 White Male 16-21, 0 Black 16-992 Black 0-16, 2
Horses, 0 Cattle
List of taxable property within the district of
Thomas Legwood Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the
year 1787 (B) page 10
April 4 William NANCE 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 0
0 Male above 16 under 21, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks under
16, 1 Horses, 2 Cattle
(Wife Mary THORP)
List of taxable property within the district of
Thomas Legwood Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the
year 1787 (B) page 10
April 4 Thomas NANCE 1 3 7 7
18 0 0 0
1 Male above 16 under 21, 3 Blacks above 16, 7 Blacks under
16, 7 Horses, 18 Cattle
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
List of
land tax within the district of Hen Armistead
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Charged Eaton NANCE Acres 75 Price 4/11 Land Amt 18.8.9
Tax 5.6
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son of James NANCE and Ann
List of
land tax within the district of Hen Armistead
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Charged John NANCE Acres
208 Price 6/11 Land Amt 65.17.4 Tax 19.9
List of
taxable property within the district of Henry Armistead
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
April 17 William Nance, William Nance Taxed, 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 Male tithe under 21, 0 Black Males over 16, 1 Black
Males under 16, 0 Horses, 0 Cattle
List of
taxable property within the district of Henry Armistead
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
April 21 Eaton Nance,
Eaton Nance Taxed, 1 2 3 2 3 0 0 0 0
1 Male tithe under 21, 2 Black Males over 16, 3 Black
Males under 16, 2 Horses, 3 Cattle
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son
of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of
taxable property within the district of Henry Armistead
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
June 25 Zachariah Nance, Zach Nance Taxed, 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0
0 Male tithe under 21, 1 Black Males over 16, 1 Black
Males under 16, 1 Horses, 0 Cattle
List of
taxable property within the district of Henry Armistead
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
July 2 John Nance, John Nance Taxed, 0 1 1 4 9 0 0 0 0
0 Male tithe under 21, 1 Black Males over 16, 1 Black
Males under 16, 4 Horses, 9 Cattle
A list of taxable property within the district of Thomas
Spencer commissioner in the county of Charlotte for the year
1787 (A) Page 8
April 9 Hood Nance, Hood Nance,
0 0 0 2 5 - 15 3
0 White Males 16-21, 0 Blacks above 21, 0 Blacks under 21, 2
Horses, 5 Cattle, 15.03 Tax
A list of taxable property within district of Thomas H Wooding commissioner of the North District of Halifax County for the year 1787 (A) Page 16HENRY COUNTY PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX
1787 A list of Taxable property taken by George
Waller commissioner in the Lower District of Henry County in
the year 1787
Line 4 John NANCE
0-1-3-1-8 0 0 0 0 - 2 16 0
Self , 0 Whites of 16 and under 21, 1 Black over 16, 3
Blacks under 16, 1 Horse, 8 Cattle, 2 16 0 Tax
(Wife was Mary "Mollie" (EPPES?); John
was son of William NANCE and Ann (EPPES?))
1787 A list of Taxable property taken by George
Waller commissioner in the Lower District of Henry County in
the year 1787
Line 3 Rubin NANCE 1-2-4-6-17
0 0 0 0 4 6 3
Self , 1 White of 16 and under 21, 2 Blacks over 16, 4
Blacks under 16, 6 Horses, 17, Cattle 4 6 3 Tax
Both John and Rubin were visited by commissioner on the
same day 4/29/1787 meaning they probably lived real
"A poll taken of a section of Delegates at Henry
County Courthouse
this 9th of April 1787 for Abraham PENN, Esq." included
#71. Reubin NANCE
1787 Lunenburg County, A list of taxable property within the district of Joshua Ragdale commissionerPITTSYLVANIA COUNTY PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX
Book of Taxable property withing the district of William Short commissioner of Pittsylvania County for the year 1787 for the auditors of publick accounts Page 11PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY COUNTY
Page 1292 Frederick NANCE self 1-1-0-2-0 stud horse1788 VA TAX LIST
List of taxable
property within the district of Henry Buford
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1788 (A) page 8
June 14 William NANCE
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithe
(Wife Mary THORP)
List of taxable
property within the district of Thos Legwood
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1788 (B) page 9
April 28 Thomas NANCE
1 1 5 1 8
1 White tithe, 1 White male 16-21, 5 Blacks above
16, 1 Black 12-16, 1 Horse, 8 Cattle
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
List of taxable property within the district
of Wm Davidson Commissioner in the county of
Botetourt for the year 1788 (B) Page 28
June 4 Lidia NANCE
0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 White Male above 16, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Black
Males under 16, 1 Horse
(Widow of John NANCE)
List of land tax within the district of Hen Armistead Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year 1788CHARLES CITY COUNTY PERSONAL PROPERTY
List of
tithables within the district of Henry Armistead
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
July 31 John Nance 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0
1 White tithe, 1 Black over 16, 1 Black under 16, 2
Horses, 0 C Wheels
List of
tithables within the district of Henry Armistead
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Sept 3 Eaton Nance 1 2 1 1
0 0 0 0
1 White tithe, 2 Black over 16, 1 Black under 16, 1
Horses, 0 C Wheels
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son
of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of
tithables within the district of Henry Armistead
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Oct 25 Zachariah Nance 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
1 White tithe, 1 Black over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1
Horses, 0 C Wheels
List of
tithables within the district of Henry Armistead
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Oct 25 William Nance 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 White tithe, 0 Black over 16, 1 Black under 16, 0
Horses, 0 C Wheels
A list of taxable property within district of Thomas
H Wooding commissioner of the North District of Halifax
County for the year 1788 (A) Page 17
April 16 William Nance,
William and Thomas Nance, 2 0 4 2 3 0
2 White Males over 21, 0 White Males
under 16-21, 4 Black over 16, 2 Blacks under 16, 3
Horses, 0 Cattle
A list of taxable property within
district of Thomas H Wooding commissioner of the North
District of Halifax County for the year 1788 (A) Page
April 16 Zachariah Nance,
Zachariah, 1 0 1 0 0 3
1 White Males over 21, 0 White Males under 16-21, 1
Black over 16, 0 Blacks under 16, 0 Horses, 3 Cattle
A list of taxable property within district of
Thoderick Carter commissioner of Halifax County for the year
1788 (B) Page 18
May 28 Tavener NANCE 1 0 1 4
1 white tithe, 0 Black tithe, 1 Blacks 12-16, 4 Horses
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Robert Devin
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1788 Page 15
March 28 Line 4 Clement NANCE 1 0 0 3
1 White over 16, 3 horses
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Robert Devin
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1788 Page 15
April 5 Line 4 William (Malone?)
NANCE 1 0 0 1
1 White over 16, 1 horses
List of
taxable property within the district of Thos
Logwood Commissioner in the county of
Bedford for the year 1789 (B) page 11
April 27 Thomas
NANCE 1 1 3 3 5
1 White Male above 21, 1 White Males of 16 to 21, 3
Black Males above 16, 3 Black males of 12 to 16, 5
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
List of taxable property within
the district of Henry Beeford Commissioner in
the county of Bedford for the year 1789 (A) page
(Hard to read these, may be NANCE)
March 16 William Nance? 0 1 0 1
June 15 Robert Nance? 0 1 0 3
(Might be Nimmo)
List of taxable property within the district
of Wm Davidson Commissioner in the county of
Botetourt for the year 1789 (B) Page 10
Oct 6th Lidia NANCE 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 White Male above 16, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Black Males
under 16, 1 Horse
(Widow of John NANCE)
List of land tax within the district of Hen Armistead Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year 1789HALIFAX COUNTY PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX LIST
A list of
taxable property within district of James Eastham
commissioner of the North District of Halifax County for
the year 1789 (A)
March 10 William Nance, William NANCE 1 0 4 2 4
1 White Males over 21, 0 White Males under 16-21, 4
Black over 16, 2 Blacks under 16, 4 Horses
A list of taxable property within district of James
Eastham commissioner of the North District of Halifax
County for the year 1789 (A)
March 10 Zachariah Nance, Zachariah Nance, 1 0 1 0
1 White Males over 21, 0 White Males under 16-21, 1
Black over 16, 0 Blacks under 16, 4 Horses
A list of taxable property within district of Thoderick
Carter commissioner of Halifax County for the year 1788
(B) Page 18
May 28 Tavener NANCE 1 0 0 2
1 White Males over 21, 0 White Males under 16-21, 0
Black over 16, 2 Blacks under 16, 4 Horses
Page 18
Persons Names chargeable With Tax = Tavener NANCE No
sons, 1 0 0 2
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Blacks of 12 to 16, 2
George Waller Book Taxable Property commencing 10 Mar
1789 as commissioner in Lower district of Henry County 1789
Line 1 March 21 Daniel Nance 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 2 0
1 White Tithe, 1 Horse, 5 2 0 Tax
(wife Elizabeth Palmer)
George Waller Book Taxable Property commencing 10 Mar
1789 as commissioner in Lower district of Henry County 1789
Line 4 April 3 John Nance 1 2
1 2 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 14 0
1 White Tithe, 2 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12-162 Horses, 1 14
0 Tax
George Waller Book Taxable Property commencing 10 Mar
1789 as commissioner in Lower district of Henry County 1789
Line 5 April 3 Reubin Nance 4
2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 12 0
4 White Tithe, 2 Blacks over 16, 6 Horses, 1 12 0 Tax
1787? A
list of taxable property in the Upper District Lunenburg
County, Samuel Hardy Commissioner Page 8
Mar 27 James NANCE 1 0 0 2
0 0 0 0 4
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks over
16, 0 Blacks of 12 to 16, 2 Horses
1787? A
list of taxable property in the Upper District Lunenburg
County, Samuel Hardy Commissioner Page 8
Mar 27 Frederick NANCE Jun.
2 4 0 4 0 0 1 0 3 8
2 White Tithe, 4
Blacks over 16, 0 Blacks of 12 to 16, 4 Horses,
1 Stud Horses
A list of taxable property in the Upper District
Lunenburg County, Samuel Hardy Commissioner Page 8
May 2 Frederick NANCE 3 8 2 5 0 1 0 0 10 10
3 White Tithe, 8 Blacks over 16, 2
Blacks of 12 to 16, 5 Horses
Line 12 Thomas NANCE
(No Land) - - - - - - - -
Line 13 Isham
NANCE 270 7/5 100 2 6 1 10 -
(Son of William NANCE and Ann
(EPPES?); wife was Frances "Fanny"
Line 16 Robert
NANCE 200 7/5 74 3 4 1 2 3
Poll of
Election for an Elector to choose a president held for
Northampton Co. on Wednesday the 7th of Jany, 1789
(Washington was a candidate for House of
Burgesses, from 1758-1765)
Votes for Henry Guy {117 votes}
No NANCE listed
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Robert Devin
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1789 B Page 15
March 31 Line 1 William (Malone?)
NANCE 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Blacks of 12 to 16, 1
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Robert Devin
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1789 B Page 15
30 April 2nd Line 2 Clement NANCE
1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithe, 1 Black over 16, 0 Blacks 12 to 16, 3
page 1292 Frederick NANCE self & 1 White Male
page 1233 Frederick NANCE self
George NANCE tax charged
to Frederick NANCE
Pg. #12 Giles NANCE 10-2
10 Whites (Giles, Mary, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?)
2 Slaves
List of taxable
property within the district of Thos L0gwood
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1790 (B) page 10
March 22 Thomas NANCE
1 1 5 2 8
1 White Male above 21, 1 White Males of 16 to 21, 5
Black Males above 16, 2 Black males of 12 to 16, 8
(Wife Sarah GIBBS, parents
unknown, father Richard Nance?)
List of land tax within the district of Hen Armistead Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year 1789CHARLES CITY COUNTY PERSONAL PROPERTY
List of tithable property within the district of
Henry Armistead Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1790 Page: 13
Dec 6 John NANCE 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0
2 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over
16, 1 Black under, 3 Horses
of tithable property within the district of
Henry Armistead Commissioner in Charles City
County for the year 1790 Page: 13
Dec 6 Zack(ariah) NANCE
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks
over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1 Horses
of tithable property within the
district of Henry Armistead
Commissioner in Charles City County
for the year 1790 Page: 13
Dec 6 William
NANCE 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over
16, 0 Black under 16, 0 Horses
List of tithable property within the district of
Henry Armistead Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1790 Page: 13
Dec 19 Eaton NANCE
1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 0
Black under 16, 1 Horses
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son of
James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
A list of taxable property within the district of
Thomas Spencer commissioner in the county of Charlotte for
the year 1790 (A) Page 11
March 18 Hood NANCE 1 0 0 2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over
16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 2 Horses, .04 Tax
Nathaniel NANCE 100 7/7 37 18 4
- 11 4
List of taxable
property within the district of Wood Tucker
Commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for the year
1790 (A) Page 9
April 10 Nathaniel NANCE 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 1 Black under 16, 0
A list
of the taxable property within the district of James
Eastham commissioner of the North district of Halifax
county for the year 1790 Page 45
March 18 Zachariah Nance 1 0 1 0 3
1 Male over 21, 0 Whites 16-21, 1 Blacks above 16, 0
Blacks 12-16, 3 Horses
A list of
the taxable property within the district of James
Eastham commissioner of the North district of Halifax
county for the year 1790 Page 46
July 22 William Nance 1 1 5 1 5
1 Male over 21, 1 Whites 16-21, 5 Blacks above 16, 1
Blacks 12-16, 5 Horses
A list of
the taxable property within the district of James
Eastham commissioner of the North district of Halifax
county for the year 1790 Page 46
July 22 Thomas V Nance 1 0 0 0 0
1 Male over 21, 0 Whites 16-21, 0 Blacks above 16, 0
Blacks 12-16, 0 Horses
NANCE 0-0-1-3-8
Pg. #23 Zachariah NANCE 05-00
5 Whites (Zachriah, ?, ?, ?, ?)
0 Blacks
Pg. #23 William NANCE 04-08
4 Whites (William, ?, ?, ?)
8 Blacks
Pg. #24 Tavner NANCE
6 Whites (Tavner, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
1 Slave
1 Dwelling
2 Other Houses
Pg. #87 William NANCE 08-01-07
8 White Souls (William, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?)
1 Dwelling
7 Other Buildings
Pg. #87 Zachariah NANCE 06-01-05
6 White Souls (Zachariah, ?, ?, ?, ?,
1 Dwellings
5 Other Buildings
List of
the taxable property within Henrico county for the year
1790 (A) Page 22
Line 4 of the Ns James NANCE
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1 Horse
George Waller Book Taxable Property commencing 10 Mar 1790 as commissioner in Lower district of Henry CountyLUNENBURG COUNTY
NANCE 0-10-12-10-40 taxed with Frederick NANCE
1790 A
list of taxable property in the Upper District Lunenburg
County, Samuel Hardy Commissioner
April 21 James Nance 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 0 4
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 2
Horses 0.4 Tax
1790 A
list of taxable property in the Upper District Lunenburg
County, Samuel Hardy Commissioner
April 22 Frederick Nance 2 9 3 6 0 1 0 0 - 11 12
2 White Tithes, 9 Blacks over 16, 3 Black 12 to 16, 6
Horses, 1?, 11.12 Tax
1790 A
list of taxable property in the Upper District Lunenburg
County, Samuel Hardy Commissioner
April 22 Frederick Nance Jr 1 4 0 5 0 0 0 0 - 2 10
1 White Tithes, 4 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 5
Horses, 2.10 Tax
Pg. #33 Robert NANCE
7 Whites (Robert, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
3 Slaves
Pg. #34 Daniel NANCE 04-07
4 Whites (Daniel, ?, ?, ?)
7 Slaves
Pg. #34 Isham NANCE
7 Whites (Isham, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
6 Slaves
Page 33 March
20 Isham NANCE 2 2 1
Page 33 March
20 Thomas NANCE,
Harry 2 2 1 4
Page 33 April
3 John NANCE 1 1 0
Page 33 April
3 Robert NANCE 1 2
2 4
Pg. #36 James NANCE
7 Whites (James, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
3 Slaves
Page 9 Apr 8 John
NANCE 2 0 1 0 0 0 0
Pg. 99? Line William H. NANCE
3 White Souls (William, ?, ?)
Pg. #42 William (Malone?) NANCE 07-00
7 Whites (William, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
0 Blacks
Pg. #42 Clement NANCE
2 Whites(Clement, ?)
0 Blacks
Pg. #42 Martha NANCE
1 White (Martha)
1 Black
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Robert Devin
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1790 B Page 14
March 25 Line 6 William NANCE 1 0 0 2
1 white over 16, 2 horses
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Robert Devin
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1790 B Page 14
March 26 Line 7 Clement NANCE 1 1 0 4
1 white over 16, 1 Black over 16, 4 horses
Upper Dist. Page 12 March 3
Phillip NANTZ 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Blacks 12 to 16, 2
1791 VA TAX
List of
taxable property within the district of Matthew
Pate Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the
year 1791 (A) page 14
Jul 22 William NANCE
1 0 1 0 0
1 White tithe, 0 Black tithes, 1 Black male 12-16,
, 0 Horses
(Wife Mary THORP)
List of
taxable property within the district of Thos
Logwood Commissioner in the county of Bedford for
the year 1791 (B) page 9
Feb 23 Thomas NANCE
3 7 0 9
3 White tithe, 7 Black tithes, 0 Black male 12-16,
9 Horses
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
Nathaniel NANCE
230 5/
57.10 - .17.3
List of land tax within the district of Joseph Vaiden
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1791
Charged Eaton NANCE
Acres 75 Price 4/11 Land Amt 18.8.9 Tax 1.5
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son
of James NANCE and Ann
List of land tax within the district of Joseph Vaiden
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1791
Charged John NANCE Acres 208 Price 6/4 Land Amt
65.17.11 Tax 5
List of
tithable property within the district of Joseph Vaiden
Commissioner in Charles City County for the year 1791
April 28 William NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1
List of
tithable property within the district of Joseph Vaiden
Commissioner in Charles City County for the year 1791
May 4 John NANCE 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under, 3
List of tithable property within the district of
Joseph Vaiden Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1791
Aug 18 Eaton NANCE 1 3 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son
of James NANCE and Ann
List of
tithable property within the district of Joseph Vaiden
Commissioner in Charles City County for the year 1791
Sept 20 Zackariah NANCE 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black under 16, 1
A list of taxable property within the district of
Thomas Spencer
commissioner in the county of Charlotte for the year
1791 (A) Page
June 6 Hood Nance, 1 0 0
3 - 0 6
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks under 12, 3
Horses, 0 Cattle, .06 Tax
List of taxable property within the district of
William Watts Commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie
for the year 1791 (A) Page 11
April 4 William NANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 0
A list of the taxable property within the district of
the North district of Halifax county for the year 1791
Page 19
April 20 William Nance 2 6 0 4
2 Whites, 6 Whites 16-21, 0 Blacks above 12, 4 Horses
A list
of the taxable property within the district of the
North district of Halifax county for the year 1791
Page 19
April 20 Thomas V Nance 1 0 0 0
1 Whites, 0 Whites 16-21, 0 Blacks above 12, 0 Horses
A list
of the taxable property within the district of the
North district of Halifax county for the year 1791
Page 19
July 21 Zachariah Nance 1 1 0 3
1 Whites, 1 Whites 16-21, 0 Blacks above 12, 3 Horses
Waller Book Taxable Property commencing 10 Mar 1791 as
commissioner in Lower district of Henry County
Line 1 March 19 William Nance
2 0 0 1
2 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 1
George Waller Book Taxable Property commencing 10 Mar
1791 as commissioner in Lower district of Henry County
Line 2 March 19 Reubin Nance
3 1 0 6
3 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 6
George Waller Book Taxable Property commencing 10 Mar
1791 as commissioner in Lower district of Henry County
Line 3 March 19 John Nance
1 2 1 0
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to 16, 0
1791 A
list of taxable property in the Upper District
Lunenburg County, John Billings Commissioner Page 11
(Page faded in some parts)
April 9 Frederick Nance Jr 2 9 2 5 0 0 1 0 0 - 11 0 0
April 28 Frederick Nance 1 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 18 0
May 19 William Nance 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 2 0
of Taxable property withing the district of Robert
Devin commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1791 A
Page 14
May 12 Line 8 William NANCE 1 0 0 2
1 white over 16, 2 horses
of Taxable property withing the district of Robert
Devin commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1791 A
Page 14
July 15 Line 14 Clement NANCE 1 1 0 4
1 white over 16, 1 Black over 16, 4 horses
1792 VA
List of
taxable property within the district of Thos
Logwood Commissioner in the county of Bedford
for the year 1792 (B) page ?
No date 1st line in N
Thomas NANCE 2 6 3 7
2 White tithe, 6 Black above 16, 3 Black males
12-16, 7 Horses
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
List of land
tax within the district of Joseph Vaiden
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for
the year 1792
Charged Eaton NANCE
Acres 75 Price 4/11 Land Amt 18.8.9 Tax 1.5
(Wife was Mary Rogers
EATON, son of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of land tax within the district of Joseph
Vaiden Commissioner in the county of Charles
City for the year 1792
Charged John NANCE Acres 208 Price 6/4 Land Amt
65.17.11 Tax 5
List of tithable property within the district of
Joseph Vaiden Commissioner in Charles City County
for the year 1792
May 15 Zackariah NANCE 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16,
1 Horses
of tithable property within the district of Joseph
Vaiden commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1792
May 15 William NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16,
1 Horses
List of tithable property within the district of
Joseph Vaiden commissioner in Charles City County
for the year 1792
May 16 John NANCE 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
2 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under, 3
List of tithable property within the district of
Joseph Vaiden commissioner in Charles City County
for the year 1792
Jul 19 Eaton NANCE 1 3
0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16,
1 Horses
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON,
son of James NANCE and Ann
A list of taxable property within the district of
Thomas Spencer commissioner in the county of
Charlotte for the year 1792 (A) Page
March 20 Hood Nance, 1
0 0 2 - 0 4
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks under 12,
2 Horses, 0 Cattle, .04 Tax
List of taxable property within the district of
Braddock Goodwyn commissioner in the county of
Dinwiddie for the year 1792 (B) Page 10
April 14 Nathaniel NANCE Nathaniel Nance and James
Cook 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 1 Horses
of taxable property within the district of Braddock
Goodwyn commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for
the year 1792 (B) Page 10
April 14 Thomas NANCE Thomas Nance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 0 Horses
of taxable property within the district of Braddock
Goodwyn commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for
the year 1792 (B) Page 10
June 16 William NANCE 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 1 Horses
A list of the taxable property within the district
of the North district of Halifax county for the year
1792 (A) Page 19
July 10 William Nance 2 5 0 3
2 Whites, 5 Whites 16-21, 0 Blacks above 12, 3
list of the taxable property within the district of
the North district of Halifax county for the year
1792 (A) Page 19
July 10 Thomas Nance 1 0 0 0
1 Whites, 0 Whites 16-21, 0 Blacks above 12, 0
list of the taxable property within the district of
the North district of Halifax county for the year
1792 (A) Page 19
July 10 Zachariah Nance 1 0 0 2
1 Whites, 0 Whites 16-21, 0 Blacks above 12, 0
list of the taxable property taken within the
district of Berryman Green commissioner in the
county of Halifax for the year 1792 (B) Page 26
June 20 Tavner Nance 1 0 0 2
1 Whites, 0 Whites 16-21, 0 Blacks above 12, 2
Waller Book Taxable Property in the county of Henry
for the year 1792
Line 5 April 23 John Nance 1 3 0 0
1 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16,
0 Horses
Waller Book Taxable Property in the county of Henry
for the year 1792
Line 7 April 30 William Nance 1 0 0 1
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16,
1 Horses
George Waller Book Taxable Property in the county of
Henry for the year 1792
Line 9 April 30 Reubin Nance 2 1 1 7
2 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to 16,
7 Horses
A list of taxable property in the Upper District
Lunenburg County, John Billings Commissioner Page 12
March 17 William Nance 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 4 0
April 15 Frederick Nance Sr 3 9 2 3 2 1 0 0 - 12 4
April 19 Frederick Nance Jr 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 - 1 16
Jun 10 John Webb Nance 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
of Taxable property withing the district of Robert
Devin commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1792 A
Page 17
2nd Column May 30 Line 7 William NANCE
1 0 0 2
1 white over 16, 2 horses
of Taxable property withing the district of Robert
Devin commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1792 A
Page 17
2nd Column May 30 Line 8 Clement NANCE
1 1 0 5
1 white over 16, 1 Black over 16, 5 horses
List of taxable
property within the district of Henry Buford
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1793 (A) page 17
July 31 William NANCE
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithe
(Wife Mary THORP)
List of taxable property within the district of Thos
Legwood Commissioner in the county of Bedford for
the year 1793 (B) page 11
July 3 Thomas NANCE 10
8 7 0 0 0 0 0
10 White tithe, 8 Blacks over 12, 7 Horses
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
List of land tax within the district of Joseph Vaiden Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year 1793HENRY
Waller Book Taxable Property in the county of Henry for
the year 1793
Line 3 March 18 John Nance 1 2 1 1
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to 16, 1
John Waller Book Taxable Property in the county of Henry
for the year 1793
Line 4 March 18 Reubin Nance 3 1 1 8
3 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to 16, 8
Waller Book Taxable Property in the county of Henry for
the year 1793
Line 10 April 29 William Nance 3 0 0 4
3 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 4
1793 A
list of taxable property in the Upper District Lunenburg
County, John Billings Commissioner Page 13 (page badly
April 11 Frederick Nance Jr 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 1 9 0
April 19 James Nance 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 0 4 0
April 19 ***? (Tavner) Nance 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 0 4 0
April 26 Frederick Nance 2 6 2 5 2 1 0 0 - 12-4-0
Clement NANCE
William (Malone?) NANCE
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1793 (B) page 9
1st column Line 2 of the Ns Archibald
(Whitfield) Nance
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 White tithe, 0 Blacks over 12, 1 Horses
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1793 (B) page 10
2nd column Line 2 of the Ns Thomas NANCE 9 8 4 0 0 0 0
0 0
9 White tithe, 8 Blacks over 12, 4 Horses
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
List of
land tax within the district of Joseph Vaiden
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Charged Eaton NANCE Acres
75 Price 4/11 Land Amt 18.8.9 Tax .11
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son
of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of
land tax within the district of Joseph Vaiden
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Charged John NANCE Acres 208 Price 6/4 Land Amt 65.5.11
Tax 3.3 1/2
Waller Book Taxable Property in the county of Henry for
the year 1794
Line 2 March 15 Reubin Nance
3 2 1 9
3 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to 16, 9
Waller Book Taxable Property in the county of Henry for
the year 1794
Line 3 March 15 William Nance
1 0 0 3
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 3
Waller Book Taxable Property in the county of Henry for
the year 1794
Line 5 March 18 Bird Nance
2 0 0 3
2 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 3
Waller Book Taxable Property in the county of Henry for
the year 1794
Line 11 March 18 John Nance
1 3 0 0
1 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 0
John Waller Book Taxable Property in the county of Henry
for the year 1794
Line 14 July 17 Daniel Nance
1 0 0 1
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 1
(wife Elizabeth Palmer)
1794 A
list of taxable property in the Upper District Lunenburg
County, Edward Jordon Commissioner Page 16
March 26 William Nance 0 0 0 1
0 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 1
March 26
James Nance1 0 0 1 0
April 5 Frederick Nance Sr 2 10 4 6 0 1
April 5 Tavner Nance 1 0 0 3
May 16 Frederick Nance Jr 1 2 2 2
List of Taxable property withing the
district of Robert Devin commissioner of Pittsylvania
County for 1794 B Page 25
2nd Column March 12 Line 1 Clement NANCE 1 1 0 5
1 white over 16, 1 Black over 16, 5 horses
List of Taxable property withing the
district of Robert Devin commissioner of Pittsylvania
County for 1794 B Page 25
2nd Column March 29 Line 9 William NANCE
1 0 0 2
1 white over 16, 2 horses
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1795 (A) page 13
Line 1 of the Ns Thomas
NANCE 3 7 8 4 0
3 White tithe, 7 Black tithes, 8 Black over 12, 4
(Wife Sarah GIBBS)
List of land tax within the district of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year 1795 Page 12HENRY
A list of taxable property in Henry
County for the year 1795
Line 2 March 16 John Nance 1 2 0 0
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 0
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1795
Line 6 March 30 Bird Nance 1 0 0 1
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 1
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1795
Line 7 March 30 Reubin Nance 3 3 2 9
3 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 2 Black 12 to 16, 9
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the year
Line 10 March 30 Daniel Nance
1 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 0
(wife Elizabeth Palmer)
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1795
Line 13 April 11 William Nance 1 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 0
1795 A
list of taxable property in the Upper District Lunenburg
County, Edward Jordon Commissioner Page 16
March 11 William Nance 0 0 0 1
March 11 James Nance 1 0 0 2
March 10 Frederick Nance Sr 2 10 3 6
April 4 Tavner Nance 1 0 0 3
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Robert Devin
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1795 B Page 13
March 16 Line 1 Clement NANCE 2 0 0 3
2 white over 16, 3 horses
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Robert Devin
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1795 B Page 25
May 23 Line 6 William NANCE 1 0 0 1
1 white over 16, 1 horses
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1796 (B) page 11
Line 7 of the Ns Thomas
NANCE 2 5 6 5
2 White tithe, 5 Black tithes, 6 Black over 12, 5
(Wife Sarah H. GIBBS)
William NANCE
Zachariah NANCE
Zachariah NANCE, Jr.
List of land tax within the district
of Edmund Christian Commissioner in the county of
Charles City for the year 1796
Charged Eaton NANCE
Acres 75 Price 4/11 Land Amt 18.8.9 Tax .11
(wife was Mary Rogers EATON, Son
of James and Ann (M.N.U.)
List of land tax within the district of Edmund
Christian Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1796
Charged John NANCE Acres 208 Price 6/4 Land Amt
65.17.9 Tax 3.3/2
List of tithable property within the district of
Edmund Christianson Commissioner in Charles City
County for the year 1796
April 22 John NANCE 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
3 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under, 2
List of tithable property within the
district of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1796
May 3 William NANCE 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1
List of tithable property within the
district of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1796
May 3 Zach(ariah)
NANCE 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 2
(wife was Susannah Duke SHERMAN,
son of James and Ann (M.N.U.)
List of tithable property within the
district of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1796
May 19 Eaton NANCE 1 2
2 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 2 Black under 16, 1
(wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son
of James and Ann (M.N.U.)
List of tithable property within the
district of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1796
May 3 Zach(ariah)
NANCE, Jr 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 0
(wife as Jane WILKINS, son of
Zachariah NANCE Sr. and Susannah Duke SHERMAN
A list of taxable property in Henry
County for the year 1796
Column 1 Line 3 March 28 Peter Nance 1 0 0 4
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 4
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1796
Column 1 Line 4 March 28 Daniel
Nance 1 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 0
(wife Elizabeth Palmer)
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1796
Column 2 Line 4 April 25 William Nance 1 0 0 5
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 5
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1796
Column 2 Line 6 April 25 16 John Nance 1 3 0 1
1 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 1
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the year
Column 2 Line 7 April 25 Reubin Nance 3 4 1 5
3 White Tithes, 4 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to 16, 5
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1796
Column 2 Line 8 April 30 Bird Nance 1 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 0
Philip NANCE 1 0 0 4
1 over 16
4 Horses, Mares, Colts & Mules
1796 A
list of taxable property in the Upper District Lunenburg
County, Edward Jordon Commissioner Page 12
March 23 Tavener Nance 2 1 0 2
April 14 William Nance 1 0 0 1
May 13 Frederick Nance 1 3 2 3 2
June 22 Frederick Nance Estate 2 11 3 5 2 1
List of Taxable property withing the
district of Robert Devin commissioner of Pittsylvania
County for 1796 B Page 30
Column 1 Aug 31 Line 3 William NANCE
& Thornton 2 0 0 1
2 white over 16, 1 horses
List of Taxable property withing the
district of Robert Devin commissioner of Pittsylvania
County for 1796 B Page 30
Column 1 Aug 31 Line 3 Clement NANCE 2
0 0 3
2 white over 16, 3 horses
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1797 (B) page 11
Line 7 of the Ns Thomas
NANCE 2 6 6 5
2 White tithe, 6 Black tithes, 6 Black over 12, 5
(Wife Sarah H. GIBBS)
List of taxable
property for the year 1797 (B) in the northern
district page 11
Line 8 of the Ns Archibald
Nance 1 0 0 3
1 White tithe, 0 Black tithes, 0 Black over 12, 3
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
A list of taxable property in Henry
County for the year 1797
Line 3 April 1 Peter Nance 1 0 0 2
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 2
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the year
Line 4 April 1 Daniel Nance
1 0 0 1
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 1
(wife Elizabeth Palmer)
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the year
Line 5 April 7 Reubin Nance 3 5 1 5
3 White Tithes, 5 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to 16, 5
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1797
Line 6 April 8 John Nance 1 3 0 2
1 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 2
Philip NANCE 1-0-0-3
1 White male over 16
3 Horses, Mares, Colts & Mules
1797 A list of taxable property in the Upper District
of Lunenburg County, James Smith Commissioner
March 20 Frederick Nance 1 3 2 5 2 0 0 0 0 0
April 13 Tavenor Nance 2 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Robert Devin
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1797 B Page 29
Column 1 March 15 Line 3 William (Malone?) NANCE 1 0 1 1
1 white tithe, 1 Negro over 16, 1 horse
List of Taxable property withing the district of Robert
Devin commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1797 B
Page 29
Column 2 March 15 Line 3 David NANCE at Fuolks 1 0 0 1
1 white tithe, 1 horses
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1798 (B) page 13
Line 6 of the Ns Thomas
NANCE 2 5 5 4 - 2 11
2 White tithe, 5 Black tithes, 5 Black over 12, 4
Horses 2.11 Tax
(Wife Sarah H GIBBS)
List of taxable property for the year 1798 (B) in
the northern district page 13
Line 21 of the Ns Archy Nance
1 1 2 3 - 0 97
1 White tithe, 1 Black tithes, 2 Black over 12, 3
Horses 0.97 Tax
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
Thomas NANCE
320 10/3 164. - -
2.7 3/4
28 3/
.5 3/4
List of land tax within the district of Edmund Christian
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Charged John NANCE 208 Acres 1 Dollars 6 Cents 220 Dollars
40 Cents -- Dollars 84 Cents
List of land tax within the
district of Edmund Christian Commissioner in the county of
Charles City for the year 1798
Charged Eaton NANCE 75 Acres
- Dollars 82 Cents 61 Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars 23 Cents
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son of
James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1798
April 19 William NANCE, Sr 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1798
June 8 William NANCE, Jr 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 0
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1798
June 21 Zach(ariah) NANCE, Sr 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1798
June 21 John NANCE 2 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0
2 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under, 5 Horses
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1798
Mar 16 Eaton NANCE 2 4 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
2 White Tithes, 4 Blacks over 16, 1 Black under 16, 1
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son of
James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1798
Sept 6 James NANCE 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under, 1 Horses
A list of the
taxable property in the district of Mel Spragins
commissioner of Halifax county for the year 1798 (A)
Page 48
April William Nance Jr 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 00
(The William that married widow
Judith Chick in 1805?)
A list of
the taxable property in the district of Mel Spragins
commissioner of Halifax county for the year 1798 (A)
Page 48
May 3 William NANCE Sr. 1
3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 2 37
(Wife Mary VAUGHAN)
A list of
the taxable property in the district of Mel Spragins
commissioner of Halifax county for the year 1798 (A)
Page 48
May 15 James NANCE 1 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 39
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the year
Line 1 April 28 Peter Nance 1 0 0 2 - 18
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 2
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the year
Line 2 April 28 Daniel Nance
1 0 0 1 - 9
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 1
(wife Elizabeth Palmer)
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the year
Line 3 April 28 John Nance 1 3 1 1 - 149
1 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to 16, 1
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1798
Line 5 April 7 Reubin Nance 3 5 1 5 - 255
3 White Tithes, 5 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to 16, 5
James NANCE 1-0-0-0
1 White Male over 16
1798 A list of taxable property in the Lower District of
Lunenburg County
April 2 Federick Nance 1 5 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 - 2 81
April 24 Tavenor Nance 2 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 - 10 71
List of Taxable property withing the
district of Jere White commissioner of Pittsylvania
County for 1798 B Page 21
May 28 Line 16 Clement NANCE,
Revd 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 79
2 Negroes over 16, 1 horse tax .79
(Son of John NANCE III and Martha
Ann MAY)
List of Taxable property withing the
district of Jere White commissioner of Pittsylvania
County for 1798 B Page 21
May 28 Line 17 Mosias NANCE
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 9
1 white tithe over 16, 1 horse, tax .09
(Son of Clement Malone NANCE Sr.
and Mary JONES)
List of Taxable property withing the
district of Jere White Devin commissioner of
Pittsylvania County for 1798 B Page 21
May 28 Line 18 William NANCE 2 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
2 white tithe over 16, 2 horses tax ----
Page 17 William NANCE 1 0 0 0
List of taxable
property within the district of Matt Pate
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1799 (A) page 27
July 22 Paschel NANCE
3 1 1 0 0 0
2 White tithe, 5 Black tithes, 5 Black over 12, 4
Horses 2.11 Tax
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1799 (B) page 11
Line 12 Thomas NANCE 2
6 6 5 - 3 24
(Wife Sarah H. GIBBS)
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1799 (B) page 11
Line 13 Archy NANCE 1
2 2 3 - 1 24
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1799 (B) page 11
Line 14 Mary NANCE 0 0
0 1 - 0 12
Thomas NANCE
320 10/3 164. - -
28 3/
4.4 .-
William NANCE
Zachariah NANCE (Wife was Jane WILKINS)
A list of taxable property within the district of
Stephen Bedford commissioner in the county of Charlotte
for the year 1799 (A) Page
April 11 Hood Nance, 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks under 12, 1
Horses, 0 Cattle, .12 Tax
List of tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1799
Mar 21 Eaton NANCE 3 4 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 - 1 00
3 White Tithes, 4 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1
Horses, 1.00 Tax
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son
of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of
tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1799
May 12 James NANCE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under, 0
List of
tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1799
May 15 John NANCE 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 - 60
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under, 5
Horses, .60 Tax
List of
tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1799
April 19 Will(iam) NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 56
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1
Horses, .56 Tax
List of tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1799
June 21 Zach(ariah) NANCE, Sr 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 00
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1
Horses, 1.00 Tax
9 Nathaniel NANCE 100 7/7 37
18 4 - 61
Page 9 Nathaniel NANCE 70 6/1 2 5 10 -
List of taxable property within the district of Braddock
Goodwyn commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for the
year 1799 (B) Page 11
March 18 Nathaniel NANCE (exempt) 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 -0
1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 1 Horses, .56 Tax
List of
taxable property in the Northern District of Halifax
county for the year 1799 (A) taken by Mel Spragins
April 5 William Nance 2 5 1
3 - 3 00
2 Whites over 16, 5 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12-16, 3
Horses, 3.00 Tax
(The William that married widow
Judith Chick in 1805?)
List of
taxable property in the Northern District of Halifax
county for the year 1799 (A) taken by Mel Spragins
June 14 James Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 00
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 1
Horses, 0.00 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the year
Line 1 March 25 John Nance 3 4 0 3 - 2 12
3 White Tithes, 4 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 3
Horses 2 12 Tax
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1799
Line 7 March 25 Reubin Nance 3 5 1 6 - 3 36
3 White Tithes, 5 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to 16, 6
Horses, 3 36 Tax
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1799
Line 11 April 24 Daniel Nance
1 0 0 1 - 12
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 1
Horse, 12 Tax
(wife Elizabeth Palmer)
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1799
Line 12 April 24 Peter Nance 1 0 0 2 - 12
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 2
Horses, 12 Tax
Philip NAANES 1001000
Page 21 Isham NANCE 270 1 24 344 80 1
(Son of William NANCE Ann (EPPES? I found no record of)
and wife was Frances "Fanny" MALONE)
Page 21 Robert NANCE 100 1 24 124 - 1
Page 22 John NANCE 133 1 24 124 0 0 62
Page 44 John NANCE 1 0 0 1
Page 44 Thos. NANCE 1 0 0 1
Page 45 John NANCE, Judy, Lewis, Lewis,
10 - 1 3 0 3
Page 45 Robert NANCE, Kate, Luck, Dick,
B**t, 16 - 1 4 0 4
(Parents unknown, wife Ann
Page 45 Isham NANCE, son Isham, Jacob,
*ady, 16 - 2 2 0 4
(Son of William NANCE Ann (EPPES? I found no record of)
and wife was Frances "Fanny" MALONE)
List of Taxable property withing the
district of Jeremiah White commissioner of Pittsylvania
County for 1799 B Page 18
April 19 Line 7 Mosias NANCE 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 12
1 white tithe over 16, 1 horse, tax .12
(Son of Clement Malone NANCE Sr. and Mary JONES)
List of Taxable property withing the
district of Jeremiah White commissioner of Pittsylvania
County for 1799 B Page 18
April 19 Line 8 Clement NANCE, Revd 2 Negroes over 16, 2
horse tax 1.12
(Son of John NANCE III and Martha Ann MAY)
List of Taxable property withing the
district of Jeremiah White commissioner of Pittsylvania
County for 1799 B Page 18
April 19 Line 9 William NANCE 1 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 24
1 white tithe over 16, 2 horses tax .24
Page 13 Apr 18 Thomas NANTZ 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 56
1 White Males, 1
Blacks over 16, 0 Blacks 12 to 16, 1 Horses. Tax = 56
of taxable property within the district of Matthew Pate
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year 1800 (A)
page 18
May 26 Paschal NANCE 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0
1 White tithe, 1 Black male over 12
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H.
of taxable property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year 1800 (B)
page 10
Line 9 of Ns Thomas NANCE
2 White Males, 5 Blacks over 16, 6 Blacks 12 to 16, 6 Horses
3.36 Tax
(Wife Sarah H. GIBBS)
List of taxable property within the district of John
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year 1800 (B)
page 10
Line 10 of Ns Archy NANCE
1 White Males, 7 Blacks over 16, 3
Blacks 12 to 16, 7 Horses 1.56 Tax
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H.
List of land tax within the district of
Edmund Christian Commissioner in the county of Charles
City for the year 1798
Charged John NANCE 208 Acres 1 Dollars 6 Cents 220
Dollars 40 Cents 1 Dollars 6 Cents
List of land tax within the district of Edmund Christian
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Charged Eaton NANCE 75
Acres - Dollars 82 Cents 61 Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars
29 Cents
((Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son
of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of tithable property within the
district of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in Charles
City County for the year 1799
Page 16 Apr 17 Eaton NANCE 4 4 0 2 0 0 0 0
0 0 - 2 00
4 White Tithes, 4 Blacks over 16 ,
0 Blacks over 12, 2 Horses, 2.00 Tax
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son of
James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
Page 16 May 3 William
NANCE, Jr. 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 56
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16 , 0 Blacks over 12, 2
Horses, .56 Tax
Page 16 May 3 Zack
NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 56
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16 , 0 Blacks over 12, 1
Horses, .56 Tax
(Wife was Jane WILKINS)
Page 16 May
3 William
NANCE, Sr. 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 56
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16 , 0 Blacks over 12, 1
Horses, .56 Tax
Page 16 May 3 James
NANCE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16 , 0 Blacks over 12, 0
Horses, 0 Tax
16 Jun 19 John
NANCE 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 24
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16 , 1 Blacks over 12, 3
Horses, 1.24 Tax
Page 16 Aug 9 John
NANCE, Jr. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 - 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16 , 0 Blacks over 12,
0 Horses, 0 Tax
A list of taxable
property within the district of Stephen Bedford
commissioner in the county of Charlotte for the year
1800 (A) Page 15
Apr 5 Hood NANCE 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks under 12, 1
Horses, 0 Cattle, .12 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1800 (A) taken by Mel Spragins
Page 41
August 6 William Nance Sr 2 5 1 4 - 2 68
2 Whites over 16, 5 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12-16, 4 Horses,
2.68 Tax
(Wife Mary VAUGHAN)
List of taxable property in the Northern District of Halifax
county for the year 1800 (A) taken by Mel Spragins Page 42
August 23 James Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 1 Horses,
0.12 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1800 (A) taken by Mel Spragins
Page 42
August 23 Campbell Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 1 Horses,
0.12 Tax
List of taxable property in the District of Halifax
county for the year 1800 (B) taken by Joseph Landford Page
August 25 John Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 1 Horses,
0.12 Tax
Henry County, Virginia, Page 11, Mar 31 John NANCE 1-4-0-2-0-0-0-0-2-12
1 White Tithe, 4 Slaves over 16, 0 Slaves 12 to 16, 2 Horses
, 2 ***, 12 Tax charged
(Same John? John
sold his property Nov 1799 moved to Jefferson County, TN
OR could he be the John who is in Rockingham Co. NC in
1800 Henry County, Virginia, Page 11, Apr 14 Daniel NANCE 2-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
2 White Tithes, 0 Tax charged
(Wife Elizabeth (PALMER?), I believe
this is the son of Peter NANCE)
1800 Henry County, Virginia, Page 11, Apr 23 Reubin NANCE 3-5-2-5-0-0-0-0-3-62
3 Whites Tithes, 5 Slaves over 16 , 2 Slaves between 12 and
16 , 5 Horses , 3 ***, 62 Tax charged
(Wife was Nancy BROWN, Reuben was son
of William NANCE and Ann (EPPES?))
William NANCE 1-0-0-0
1 White Male over 16
1800 A
list of taxable property in the Lower District of
Lunenburg County, taken by James Smith
March 25 Tavnor Nance 2 1 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 - 13 54
April 23 Frederick Nance 1 8 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 0
of Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1800 B Page 18
Line 10 Apr 23 Clement NANCE, Rev 0
0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 92
1 Black 12 to 16, 4 Horses (wife Mary
JONES) tax .92
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1800 B Page 18
Line 10 Apr 23 Mosaias NANCE
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 12
1 White Tithe, 1 Horse tax .12
(wife Margaret
"Peggy" DENTON)
List of Taxable
property withing the district of Jeremiah White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1800 B Page 19
Line 6 Jun 21 William H(owe) NANCE 1 0 1 2 0
0 0 0 0 0 68
1 White Tithe, 1 Black 12 to 16, 3
Horse tax .68
(wife Elizabeth Venable
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1800 B Page 19
Line 7 Jun 21 William M(alone) NANCE 2 0 0 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 36
2 White Tithe, 3 Horse tax .36
(Wife was
Elizabeth THORNTON)
Page 12 Apr 12 James NANCE 2 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 1
List of taxable
property within the district of Matthew Pate
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1801 (A) page 18
April 22 Paschal NANCE
4 2 1 0
4 White tithes, 2 Black males over 12, 1 Black male
over 12
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1801 (B) page 13
Line 1 of Ns Mary NANCE
0 0 0 1 - 12
0 White Males, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Blacks 12 to 16,
1 Horses 12 Tax
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1801 (B) page 13
Line 15 of Ns Thomas NANCE
2 5 6 8 - 3 60
2 White Males, 5 Blacks over 16, 6 Blacks 12 to 16,
8 Horses 3.60 Tax
(Wife Sarah H. GIBBS)
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1801 (B) page 13
Line 17 of Ns Archy NANCE
1 2 3 2 - 1.56
1 White Males, 2 Blacks over 16, 3 Blacks 12 to 16,
2 Horses 1.56 Tax
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
Thomas NANCE
320 1.70 544.
- 2.62
28 .50 14.-
List of land tax within the district of Edmund Christian
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Charged John NANCE 200 Acres 1 Dollars 6 Cents 220
Dollars 40 Cents 1 Dollars 6 Cents
List of land tax within the district of Edmund Christian
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Charged Eaton NANCE 75
Acres - Dollars 82 Cents 61 Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars
29 Cents
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son
of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1801
Mar 19 Eaton NANCE 3 4 0 3
0 0 0 0 0 - 2 12
3 White Tithes, 4 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 3
Horses, 2.12 Tax
(Wife was Mary Rogers EATON, son
of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1801
May 6 John NANCE 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 - 80
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under, 3
Horses, .80 Tax
List of
tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1801
Aug 20 William NANCE 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 - 56
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1
Horses, .56 Tax
(Son of Zachariah NANCE Sr and
Susannah Duke SHERMAN)
List of
tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1801
June 21 Zach(ariah) NANCE 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 00
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16, 1
Horses, 1.00 Tax
List of
tithable property within the district of Edmund
Christianson Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1801
May 12 James NANCE 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under, 0
Horses, .12 Tax
A list of taxable property within the district of
Stephen Bedford
commissioner in the county of Charlotte for the year
1801 (A) Page
March 27 Hood Nance, 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks under 12, 1
Horses, 0 Cattle, .12 Tax
List of taxable property within the district of Braddock
Goodwyn commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for the
year 1801 (A) Page 11
March 16 Nathaniel NANCE (exempt) 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 -0
1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 1 Horses, .56 Tax
List of
taxable property in the Northern District of Halifax
county for the year 1801 (A) taken by Mel Spragins Page
June 19 William Nance Sr 1 5 1 4 - 3 12
1 Whites over 16, 5 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12-16, 4
Horses, 3.12 Tax
(Wife Mary VAUGHAN)
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1801 (A) taken by Mel
Spragins Page 28
June 19 William Nance Jr 1
0 0 0 - 0 00
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 0
Horses, 0.00 Tax
(The William that married widow
Judith Chick in 1805?)
List of
taxable property in the Northern District of Halifax
county for the year 1801 (A) taken by Mel Spragins Page
August 15 James Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 1
Horses, 0.12 Tax
List of taxable property in the District of Halifax
county for the year 1801 (B) taken by Joseph Landford
Page 55
May 9 John W Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 1
Horses, 0.12 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry
County for the year 1801 Page 10
Line 1 March 30 John Nance 1 1 0 3 - 80
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 3
Horses 80 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the year
1801 Page 11
Line 3 April 23 Reubin Nance 2 5 3 6 - 4 24
2 White Tithes, 5 Blacks over 16, 3 Black 12 to 16, 6
Horses, 4 24 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the year
1801 Page 11
Line 6 July 3 Daniel Nance
3 0 0 1 - 12
3 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 1
Horse, 12 Tax
(wife Elizabeth Palmer)
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the year
1801 Page 11
Line 7 July 3 Peter Nance 2 0 0 1 - 12
2 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16, 1
Horses, 12 Tax
Hugh NANTZ 1-0-0-0
1 White Male over 16
Philip NANTZ 1-0-0-3
1 White Male over 16
3 Horses,
Mares, Colts & Mules
1801 A list of taxable property in the Lower District
of Lunenburg County, taken by Joseph Yarbrough page 14
March 13 Tavner Nance 2 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 60
April 14 Frederick Nance 1 11 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 44
1801 Nottoway County, Virginia, Page
14 March 13
Giles NANCE 2 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 80
(Wife Mary Nancy MALONE)
Nottoway County, Virginia, Page
14 March 13
Robert NANCE 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12
(Son? of Giles NANCE and Mary
Nancy MALONE?)
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1801 B Page ?
Line 3 April 23 William M(alone)
NANCE 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 - 0 36
2 White Tithe, 3 Horses, Tax .36
(Wife was
Elizabeth THORNTON)
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1801 B Page ?
Line 10 April 23 William H NANCE 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 - 1 56
2 White Tithe, 1 Black under 16, 2 Blacks over 16, 2
Horses, Tax 1.56
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1801 B Page ?
Line 17 July 25 Clement NANCE, Revd, 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 - 0 48
1 White Tithe, 4 Horses, Tax .48
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1801 B Page ?
Line 18 July 25 Mosias NANCE, 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 1 Horse, Tax .12
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1802 (B) page 41
Line 10 of Ns Thomas NANCE
2 5 6 0 - 2 64
2 White Males, 5 Blacks over 16, 6 Blacks 12 to 16,
0 Horses 2.64 Tax
(Wife Sarah H. GIBBS)
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1802 (B) page 41
Line 11 of Ns Archy
NANCE 1 2 2 2 - 1 12
1 White Males, 2 Blacks over 16, 2 Blacks 12 to 16,
2 Horses 1.12 Tax
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1802 (B) page 41
Line 17 of Ns Peter
NANCE 1 0 0 0 - 12
0 White Males, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Blacks 12 to 16,
0 Horses 12 Tax
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1802 (B) page 41
Line 18 of Ns Mary
NANCE 1 0 0 1 - 12
1 White Males, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Blacks 12 to 16,
0 Horses 12 Tax
Thomas NANCE
320 1.70 544.
- 2.62
28 .50 14.-
List of land tax within the district of Edmund
Christian Commissioner in the county of
Charles City for the year 1802
Charged John NANCE 200 Acres 1 Dollars 6 Cents
220 Dollars 40 Cents 1 Dollars 6 Cents
List of land tax within the district of Edmund
Christian Commissioner in the county of
Charles City for the year 1802
Charged Eaton NANCE
75 Acres - Dollars 82 Cents 61 Dollars 50
Cents -- Dollars 29 Cents
(Wife was Mary Rogers
EATON, son of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of tithable property within the district
of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in Charles
City County for the year 1802
April 28 Eaton NANCE
3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 68
3 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under 16, 3 Horses, 1.68 Tax
(Wife was Mary Rogers
EATON, son of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of tithable property within the district
of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in Charles
City County for the year 1802
May 6 John NANCE 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 24
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 3 Horses, 1.24 Tax
List of tithable property within the district
of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in Charles
City County for the year 1802
June 17 John NANCE, Jr 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
0 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 1 Horses, .12 Tax
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1802
Aug 7 Zach(ariah) NANCE 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 1
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black
under 16, 1 Horses, 1.00 Tax
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1802
Aug 7 William NANCE 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 56
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under 16, 1 Horses, .56 Tax
(Son of Zachariah NANCE
Sr and Susannah Duke SHERMAN)
List of taxable property within the district
of Braddock Goodwyn commissioner in the county
of Dinwiddie for the year 1802 (A) Page 11
March 15 Nathaniel NANCE (exempt) 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 -0 44
1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 0
Horses, .44 Tax
List of taxable property in the District of
Halifax county for the year 1802 (A) taken by
Joseph Landford Page 64
June 15 John Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12-16, 1 Horses, 0.12 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern
District of Halifax county for the year 1802
(B) taken by Mel Spragins Page 6
June 19 William Nance
Jr 1 0 0 0 - 0 00
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12-16, 0 Horses, 0.00 Tax
(The William that
married widow Judith Chick in 1805?)
List of taxable property in
the Northern District of Halifax county for
the year 1802 (B) taken by Mel Spragins Page 6
August 15 James Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12-16, 1 Horses, 0.12 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for
the year 1802 Page 10
Line 1 March 22 Allen Nance 1 0 0 2 - 24
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12
to 16, 2 Horse, 24 Tax
A list of taxable property in
Henry County for the year 1802 Page 10
Line 13 April 17 Reubin Nance 2 5 2 6 - 3 80
2 White Tithes, 5 Blacks over 16, 2 Black 12
to 16, 6 Horses 3 80 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for
the year 1802 Page 10
Line 14 April 17 John Nance 1 0 0 2 - 24
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12
to 16, 2 Horses, 24 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for
the year 1802 Page 11
Line 18 April 17 Peter Nance 1 0 0 3 - 12
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12
to 16, 3 Horses, 12 Tax
A list of taxable property in
Henry County for the year 1802 Page 11
Line 21 April 17 Isham Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12
to 16, 1 Horses, 0 Tax
William NANS 1-0-0-0
1 White Male over 16
1802 A
list of taxable property in the Lower District of
Lunenburg County, taken by Richard Bacon page 16
March 11 Frederick NANCE 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 12
March 16 Tavner Nance 1 2 1 5 0 1 0 0 0 - 14 42
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1802 B Page 44
Line 17 July 31 William M Nance 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 - 0 60
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1802 B Page 44
Line 20 July 25 Clement NANCE, Revd, 1 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 - 1 48
1 White Tithe, 2 Negroe over 16, 5 Horses, Tax= 1.48
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1802 B Page 44
Line 18 July 31 Mosias NANCE, 1 0 0 2 0 0
0 0 - 0 24
1 White Tithe, 2 Horses, Tax=$.24
List of Taxable property withing the district of
Jeremiah White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1802
B Page 44
Line 19 July 31 William H. NANCE, 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 24
1 White Tithe, 2 Negroes over 16, 3 Horses, Tax= 1.24
(Wife was Elizabeth THORNTON)
List of taxable
property within the district of Matthew Pate
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1803 (A) page 16
May 6 Paschal NANCE 1 0 2 1
1 White tithes, 0 Black males over 12, 2 Black male
over 12, 1 Horse
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1803 (B) page 41 (page badly faided)
Jun? 31 Archibald NANCE estate 3 1 1 0 - 1 56
3 White Males, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Blacks 12 to 16,
0 Horses 1.56 Tax
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1803 (B) page 41 (page badly faided)
*** 28 Peter NANCE 1 3 1 1 - 1 44
1 White Males, 3 Blacks over 16, 1 Blacks 12 to 16,
1 Horses 1.44 Tax
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
List of taxable
property within the district of John Leftwhich
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1802 (B) page 41 (page badly faided)
Aug? 31 Mary NANCE 1 0 0 2
Thomas NANCE to Nancy NANCE 127 acres
Thomas NANCE
193 1.70
328.10 1.57 1/2
28 .50
from Thomas NANCE
127 1.70
215.90 1.3 1/2
(Widow of Archibald W. NANCE)
List of land tax within the district of Edmund
Christian Commissioner in the county of
Charles City for the year 1803
Charged John NANCE 200 Acres 1 Dollars 6 Cents
220 Dollars 40 Cents 1 Dollars 6 Cents
List of land tax within the district of Edmund
Christian Commissioner in the county of
Charles City for the year 1803
Charged Mary NANCE 75 Acres - Dollars 82 Cents
61 Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars 29 Cents
List of tithable property within the district
of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in Charles
City County for the year 1803
July 21 Eaton NANCE
(estate?) 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 32
0 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under 16, 0 Horses, 1.32 Tax
(Wife was Mary Rogers
EATON, son of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of tithable property within the district
of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in Charles
City County for the year 1803
July 21 Zach(ariah) NANCE 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -
0 12
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black
under 16, 1 Horses, .12 Tax
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1803
July 21 Mary NANCE 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 12
0 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 1 Horses, .12 Tax
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1803
July 21 James NANCE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 00
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 0 Horses, 0 Tax
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1803
Aug 13 William NANCE
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 56
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under 16, 1 Horses, .56 Tax
(Son of Zachariah NANCE
Sr and Susannah Duke SHERMAN)
List of tithable property within the district
of Edmund Christianson Commissioner in Charles
City County for the year 1803
June 17 John NANCE, Jr 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 0 Horses, .00 Tax
A list of taxable property within the district
of Stephen Bedford
commissioner in the county of Charlotte for
the year 1803 (A) Page
April 14 Hood Nance, 1 0 0 2 - 0 24
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 2 Horses, 0 Cattle, .24 Tax
List of taxable property within the district
of Braddock Goodwyn commissioner in the county
of Dinwiddie for the year 1803 (B) Page 11
March 21 Nathaniel NANCE (exempt) 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 -0 44
1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 0
Horses, .44 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern
District of Halifax county for the year 1803
(A) taken by Mel Spragins Page 40
May 6 William Nance 1
0 0 0 - 0 00
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12-16, 0 Horses, 0.00 Tax
(The William that
married widow Judith Chick in 1805?)
List of taxable property in
the Northern District of Halifax county for
the year 1803 (A) taken by Mel Spragins Page
August 15 James Nance 1 0 0 2 - 0 24
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12-16, 2 Horses, 0.24 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern
District of Halifax county for the year 1803
(A) taken by Mel Spragins Page 40
August 20 Campbell Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0 00
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12-16, 0 Horses, 0.00 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for
the year 1803 Page 11
Line 9 April 11 Peter Nance 2 0 0 1 - 12
2 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12
to 16, 1 Horses, 12 Tax
A list of taxable property in
Henry County for the year 1803 Page 11
Line 11 April 16 Allen Nance 1 0 0 3 - 36
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12
to 16, 3 Horse, 36 Tax
A list of taxable property in
Henry County for the year 1803 Page 11
Line 13 April 23 Isham Nance 1 1 1 4 - 7 36
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12
to 16, 4 Horses, 7 36 Tax
A list of taxable property in
Henry County for the year 1803 Page 11
Line 26 April 23 Reubin Nance 2 6 4 11 - 5 72
2 White Tithes, 5 Blacks over 16, 2 Black 12
to 16, 6 Horses 3 80 Tax
1803 A list of
taxable property in the Upper District of
Lunenburg County, Richard Bacon Commissioner Page
Jun 16 Tavener NANCE 1 3 2
8 0 1 0 0 0 15 66
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah
White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1803 B
Page ?
Line 4 March 23 William H. NANCE, 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 56
1 White Tithe, 1 Negroe over 16, 1 Horse, Tax=.56
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah
White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1803 B
Page ?
Line 7 April 18 William M(alone) NANCE, 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 - 0 60
2 White Tithe, 5 Horses, Tax=.60
(Wife was
Elizabeth THORNTON)
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah
White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1803 B
Page ?
Line 13 May 14 Lett NANCE, 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 1 Horse, Tax=.12
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah
White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1803 B
Page ?
Line 17 August 6 Clement NANCE, Revd, 1 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 - 1 36
1 White Tithe, 2 Negroe over 16, 4 Horses, Tax=1.36
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah
White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1803 B
Page ?
Line 18 August 6 Mosias NANCE, 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 1 Horses, Tax=$.12
List of taxable
property within the district of Joseph Holt
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1804 (A) page 23
March 20 Paschal NANCE
1 1 1 2
1 White tithes, 1 Black males over 12, 1 Black male
over 12, 2 Horse
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable
property within the district of William Quarles
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1804 (B) page 19
April 23 Thomas NANCE 1 3 3 4
1 White Males, 3 Blacks over 16, 3 Blacks 12 to 16,
4 Horses
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable
property within the district of William Quarles
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1804 (B) page 20
May 4 Peter NANCE 1 3 2 2
1 White Males, 3 Blacks over 16, 2 Blacks 12 to 16,
2 Horses
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
List of taxable
property within the district of William Quarles
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1804 (B) page 20
May 4 Archer NANCE estate 0 3 3 3
0 White Males, 3 Blacks over 16, 3 Blacks 12 to 16,
3 Horses
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable
property within the district of William Quarles
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1804 (B) page 20
June 9 Mary NANCE 0 0 0 2
0 White Males, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Blacks 12 to 16,
2 Horses
Thomas NANCE ditto 1803 except
tax on 193 acres is 1.58
NANCE ditto 1803 except tax is 1.4
(Widow of Archibald W. NANCE)
List of land tax within the district of
Edmund Christian Commissioner in the
county of Charles City for the year 1804
Charged John NANCE 200 Acres 1 Dollars 6
Cents 220 Dollars 40 Cents 1 Dollars 6
List of land tax within the district of
Edmund Christian Commissioner in the
county of Charles City for the year 1804
Charged Mary (Rodgers EATON)
NANCE 75 Acres - Dollars 82 Cents
61 Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars 29 Cents
(Widow of Eaton
NANCE, son of James NANCE and Ann
List of tithable property within the
district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1804
April 14 James NANCE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 0 Horses, 0 Tax
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1804
April 14 Mary (Rodgers EATON)
NANCE 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 56
0 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 1 Horses, .56 Tax
(Widow of Eaton
NANCE, son of James NANCE and Ann
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1804
April 19 Zach(ariah) NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 - 0 56
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black
under 16, 1 Horses, .56 Tax
List of tithable property within the
district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1804
Aug 13 Will(iam) NANCE 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 44
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 1 Black
under 16, 0 Horses, .44 Tax
(Son of Zachariah
NANCE Sr and Susannah Duke SHERMAN)
A list of taxable property within the
district of Stephen Bedford commissioner
in the county of Charlotte for the year
1804 (A) Page 17
April 2 Hood Nance, 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 1 Horses, 0 Cattle, .12 Tax
A list of taxable property within the
district of Stephen Bedford commissioner
in the county of Charlotte for the year
1804 (A) Page 17
April 2 Clemmel (Campbell) Nance 1 0
0 1 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 1 Horses, 0 Cattle, .12 Tax
A list of taxable property within the
district of Stephen Bedford commissioner
in the county of Charlotte for the year
1804 (A) Page 17
April 2 Levi
Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 1 Horses, 0 Cattle, .12 Tax
List of taxable property within the
district of Braddock Goodwyn commissioner
in the county of Dinwiddie for the year
1804 (A) Page 11
March 19 Nathaniel NANCE (exempt)
Nathaniel Nance 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 44
1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 0
Horses, .44 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern
District of Halifax county for the year
1804 (B) taken by Mel Spragins Page 45
May 3 William Nance
1 0 0 0 - 0 00
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0
Black 12-16, 0 Horses, 0.00 Tax
(The William that
married widow Judith Chick in 1805?)
List of taxable property in the Northern
District of Halifax county for the year
1804 (B) taken by Mel Spragins Page 45
May 29 James Nance 1 0 0 3 - 0 36
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0
Black 12-16, 3 Horses, 0.36 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County
for the year 1804 Page 11
Line 1 March 10 Isham Nance 1 2 1 5 - 1 48
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 1 Black
12 to 16, 5 Horses, 1 48 Tax
A list of taxable property
in Henry County for the year 1804 Page 11
Line 4 April 26 Reubin Nance 3 6 4 6 - 5
3 White Tithes, 6 Blacks over 16, 4 Black
12 to 16, 6 Horses, 5 12 Tax
A list of taxable property
in Henry County for the year 1804 Page 12
Line 5 April 11 Peter Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12 to 16, 0 Horses, 0 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County
for the year 1804 Page 12
Line 6 May 18 John Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12 to 16, 0 Horse, 0 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County
for the year 1804 Page 12
Line 7 May 18 Buckner Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12 to 16, 0 Horses 0 Tax
1804 A list of taxable
property in the Upper District of
Lunenburg County, Richard Bacon
Commissioner Page 12
March 31 Tavner Nance 2 3 0 9 0 1 0 0 - 14
2 White Tithes, 3 Black Tithes, 9 Horses,
1?, 14.90 Tax
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah
White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1804 B
Page 24
Line 10 May 12 Mosias NANCE, 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 0 24
1 White Tithe, 2 Horses, Tax=$.24
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah
White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1804 B
Page 24
Line 11 May 12 William M(alone) NANCE, 2 0
1 4 0 0 0 0 - 0 92
2 White Tithe, 1 Negro over 16, 4 Horses, Tax=$.92
(Wife was Elizabeth THORNTON)
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah
White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1804 B
Page 24
Line 12 May 12 William H. NANCE, 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 - 0 80
1 White Tithe, 1 Negro over 16, 3 Horse, Tax=$.80
List of taxable property within
the district of Joseph Holt Commissioner in the county
of Bedford for the year 1805 (A) page 48
March 25 Paschal NANCE 1 1 1 2
1 White tithes, 1 Black males over 12, 1 Black male
over 12, 2 Horse
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable property within
the district of William Quarles Commissioner in the
county of Bedford for the year 1805 (B) page 21
March 25 Thomas NANCE 2 3 3 4
2 White Males, 3 Blacks over 16, 3 Blacks 12 to 16, 4
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable property within
the district of William Quarles Commissioner in the
county of Bedford for the year 1805 (B) page 21
March 25 Peter NANCE 1 2 1 2
1 White Males, 2 Blacks over 16, 1 Blacks 12 to 16, 2
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
List of taxable property within
the district of William Quarles Commissioner in the
county of Bedford for the year 1805 (B) page 21
Aug 9 Mary NANCE 1 0 0 2
1 White Males, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Blacks 12 to 16, 2
Book 2 Thomas NANCE 193, 1.70, 328.10, 1.58
Book 2 Thomas NANCE 28, 1.70, 215.90, 1.4
Book 2 Nancy (WILLIAMS)
NANCE 127, 1.70,
215.90, 1.4
(Widow of Archibald W.
List of land tax within the district of
Edmund Christian Commissioner in the
county of Charles City for the year 1805
Charged John NANCE 200 Acres 1 Dollars 6
Cents 220 Dollars 40 Cents 1 Dollars 6
List of land tax within the district of
Edmund Christian Commissioner in the
county of Charles City for the year 1805
Charged Mary (Rogers EATON)
NANCE 75 Acres - Dollars 82 Cents
61 Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars 29 Cents
(Widow of Eaton NANCE, son of James NANCE
and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of tithable property within the
district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1805
April 13 Zach(ariah) NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 - 0 56
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black
under 16, 1 Horses, .56 Tax
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1805
April 14 James NANCE 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 0 Horses, 42 Tax
List of tithable property within the
district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1805
April 26 Mary (Rogers EATON)
NANCE 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 56
0 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 1 Horses, .56 Tax
(Widow of Eaton
NANCE, son of James NANCE and Ann
List of tithable property within the
district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1805
Aug 10 Will(iam) NANCE
1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 - 1 00
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 1 Black
under 16, 0 Horses, 1.00 Tax
(Son of Zachariah
NANCE Sr and Susannah Duke SHERMAN)
List of tithable property
within the district of Edmund Christianson
Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1805
Aug 10 John NANCE 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 0 24
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under 16, 2 Horses, .24 Tax
A list of taxable property within the
district of Stephen Bedford
commissioner in the county of Charlotte
for the year 1805 (A) Page 17
April 20 Hood Nance, 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 2 Horses, 0 Cattle, .24 Tax
April 20 Clemmel (Campbell?) Nance 1
0 0 3 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 3 Horses, 0 Cattle, .36 Tax
April 20 Levy
(Levi) Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 1 Horses, 0 Cattle, .12 Tax
List of taxable property within the
district of Edward H Pegram commissioner
in the county of Dinwiddie for the year
1805 (B) Page 13
May 20 Nathaniel NANCE Nathaniel Nance 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 -0 00
1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 0
Horses, .00 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern
District of Halifax county for the year
1805 (A) taken by Mel Spragins Page 42
March 25 William
Nance 2 2 0 3 - 1 24
2 Whites over 16, 2 Blacks over 16, 0
Black 12-16, 3 Horses, 1.24 Tax
(The William that
married widow Judith Chick in 1805?)
List of taxable property
in the Northern District of Halifax county
for the year 1805 (A) taken by Mel
Spragins Page 42
March 25 James Nance 1 0 0 3 - 0 36
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0
Black 12-16, 3 Horses, 0.36 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County
for the year 1805 Page 10
Line 1 March 25 Isham Nance 1 1 0 4 - 92
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12 to 16, 3 Horses, 80 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County
for the year 1805 Page 10
Line 9 April 6 Reubin Nance 3 8 2 9 - 5 42
3 White Tithes, 8 Blacks over 16, 2 Black
12 to 16, 9 Horses, 5 42 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County
for the year 1805 Page 11
Line 5 April 29 John Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12 to 16, 0 Horse, 0 Tax
1805 A list of taxable
property in the Upper District of
Lunenburg County, Richard Bacon
Commissioner Page 12
July 14 Tavner Nance 1 4 0 7 0 1 0 0 - 15
July 14 John Nance 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 12
Peter NANCE 1-0-0-1
1 White Male
1 Horse, Mare, Colt, or Mule
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah
White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1805 B
Page 22
Line 2 March 18 William H. NANCE, 1 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 - 1 36
1 White Tithe, 2 Neg. over 16, 4 Horse, Tax=$1.36
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah
White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1805 B
Page 22
Line 7 April 15 William M(alone) NANCE, 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 - 0 36
1 White Tithe, 3 Horses, Tax=$.36
(Wife was Elizabeth THORNTON)
List of
Taxable property withing the district of Jeremiah
White commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1805 B
Page 22
Line 8 April 15 James NANCE, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
1 White Tithe, Tax=$.--
A list of
taxable property within the District of Armestead
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1806 A
March 24 Paschal (Washington)
NANCE 1 1 1 2
(Son of Archibald W. NANCE
and Nancy WILLIAMS)
A list of
taxable property within the District of Armestead
Commissioner in the county of Bedford for the year
1806 A
March 24 Peter NANCE 1 0 0 0
(Son of Thomas H. NANCE and
Sarah GIBBS)
A list of
taxable property within the Northern
District of Bedford County for the year 1806 B
March 24 Mary NANCE
1 0 0 1
Book 13 Thomas NANCE to Stephen HEWETT
Book 13 Nancy NANCE 127 1.70
215.90 1.4
List of land tax within the district of
Edward Walker Commissioner in the county
of Charles City for the year 1806
Charged John NANCE 200 Acres 1 Dollars 6
Cents 212 Dollars -- Cents 1 Dollars 3
List of land tax within the district of
Edward Walker Commissioner in the county
of Charles City for the year 1806
Charged Mary NANCE 75 Acres - Dollars 82
Cents 61 Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars 29
List of tithable property within the
district of Edward Walker Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1806
July 25 John NANCE 1 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 - 1.50
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 1 Black
under 16, 2 Horses, 1.50 Tax
List of tithable property within the
district of Edward Walker Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1806
Aug 15 William
NANCE 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 - 1 88
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 3 Black
under 16, 1 Horses, 1.88 Tax
(Son of Zachariah
NANCE Sr and Susannah Duke SHERMAN)
List of tithable property
within the district of Edward Walker
Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1806
Aug 18 Zachariah NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -
0 56
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black
under 16, 1 Horses, .56 Tax
List of tithable property within the
district of Edward Walker Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1806
Sapt 5 James NANCE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 0 Horses, .00 Tax
List of tithable property within the
district of Edward Walker Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1806
Sept 5 Mary (Rogers EATON)
NANCE 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 56
0 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 1 Horses, .56 Tax
(Widow of Eaton
NANCE, son of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
A list of taxable property within the
district of Stephen Bedford
commissioner in the county of Charlotte
for the year 1806 (A) Page 16
April 3 Hood Nance, 1 0 0 2 - 0 24
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 2 Horses, 0 Cattle, .24 Tax
April 3 Levi Nance
1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 1 Horses, 0 Cattle, .12 Tax
List of taxable property within the
district of Edward H Pegram commissioner
in the county of Dinwiddie for the year
1806 (B) Page 11
March 17 Nathaniel NANCE Nathaniel Nance 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 44
1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 0
Horses, .00 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County
for the year 1806 Page 9
Line 10 March 31 Isham Nance 1 1 0 3 - 80
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12 to 16, 3 Horses, 80 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County
for the year 1806 Page 9
Line 13 April 5 Reubin Nance 3 10 1 8 - 5
3 White Tithes, 10 Blacks over 16, 1 Black
12 to 16, 8 Horses, 5 80 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County
for the year 1806 Page 9
Line 14 May 18 John Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
12 to 16, 0 Horse, 0 Tax
1806 A list of taxable
property in the Upper District of
Lunenburg County, Richard Bacon
Commissioner Page 13
March 24 Tavner Nance 2 4 1 7 0 0 0 0 - 3
0 4
March 30 John Nance 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 - 0 0 12
List of
Taxable property withing the district of John White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1806 A Page
Column 2 Line 1 March 18 William H Nance 1 0 2 2 0 0
0 0 - 1 12
1 Tithe, 2 Blacks over 16, 2 Horses, Tax = 1.12
List of
Taxable property withing the district of John White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1806 A Page
Column 2 Line 13 May 10 William M(alone) NANCE, 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 - 0 48
2 White Tithe, 4 Horses, Tax=$.48
(Wife was
Elizabeth THORNTON)
List of
Taxable property withing the district of John White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1806 A Page
Column 2 Line 14 May 10 James NANCE, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
1 White Tithe, Tax=$.--
A list of
taxable property within the Southern District of
County for the auditor of public accounts Richmond
year 1807 A
Paschal (Washington)
NANCE 1 1 1 1
(Son of
Archibald W. NANCE and Nancy WILLIAMS)
A list of
taxable property within the Northern District of
County for the auditor of public accounts Richmond
year 1807 B
Mary NANCE 0 1 0 3
Book 13 Nancy (WILLIAMS)
NANCE 127,
1.70, 215.90, 1.4
(Widow of Archibald W. NANCE)
List of land tax within the district of Edward
Walker Commissioner in the county of Charles
City for the year 1807
Charged John NANCE 200 Acres 1 Dollars 6 Cents
212 Dollars -- Cents 1 Dollars 1 Cents
List of land tax within the district of Edward
Walker Commissioner in the county of Charles
City for the year 1807
Charged Mary NANCE 75 Acres - Dollars 82 Cents
61 Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars 29 Cents
List of tithable property within the district
of Edward Walker Commissioner in Charles City
County for the year 1807
April 16 Zachariah NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black
under 16, 1 Horses, .56 Tax
List of
tithable property within the district of
Edward Walker Commissioner in Charles City
County for the year 1807
0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 44
0 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 1 Horses, .44 Tax
(**Widow of John NANCE,
son of unknown parents)
List of
tithable property within the district of
Edward Walker Commissioner in Charles City
County for the year 1807
July 17 Henry (T.) NANCE 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under 16, 1 Horses, .12 Tax
List of
tithable property within the district of
Edward Walker Commissioner in Charles City
County for the year 1807
July 17 Kissey NANCE 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 76
0 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 2 Black
under 16, 0 Horses, 1.76 Tax
(Wife of
List of tithable property within the district
of Edward Walker Commissioner in Charles City
County for the year 1807
Aug 8 Mary (Rogers EATON)
NANCE 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 68
0 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under, 2 Horses, .68 Tax
(Widow of Eaton NANCE,
son of James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of
tithable property within the district of
Edward Walker Commissioner in Charles City
County for the year 1807
Aug 8 James NANCE 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 00
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks
over 16, 0 Black under, 0 Horses, .00 Tax
A list of taxable property within the district
of Stephen Bedford commissioner in the county
of Charlotte for the year 1807 (A) Page 16
May 16 Cammel (Campbell) Hood Nance, 1 0 0 1 -
0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 1 Horses, 0 Cattle, .12 Tax
A list of taxable property within the district
of Stephen Bedford commissioner in the county
of Charlotte for the year 1807 (A) Page 16
May 16 Hood Nance,
1 0 0 2 - 0 24
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 2 Horses, 0 Cattle, .24 Tax
A list of taxable property within the district
of Stephen Bedford commissioner in the county
of Charlotte for the year 1807 (A) Page 16
May 16 Levi Nance
1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks
under 12, 1 Horses, 0 Cattle, .12 Tax
List of taxable property within the district
of Edward H Pegram commissioner in the county
of Dinwiddie for the year 1807 (B) Page 10
March 16 Nathaniel NANCE Nathaniel Nance 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 -0 56
1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 1
Horses, .56 Tax
List of
taxable property within the district of Edward
H Pegram commissioner in the county of
Dinwiddie for the year 1807 (B) Page 10
March 21 Thomas NANCE Thomas Nance 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 -0 12
0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 1
Horses, .12 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for
the year 1807 Page 10
Line 9 April 4 Reubin Nance 3 9 1 6 0 0 1 14 -
9 12
3 White Tithes, 10 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12
to 16, 8 Horses, 5 80 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for
the year 1807 Page 10
Line 10 April 18 Isham Nance 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 -
1 24
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12
to 16, 3 Horses, 80 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for
the year 1807 Page 10
Line 11 May 18 John Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12
to 16, 0 Horse, 0 Tax
1807 A list of taxable property in the Upper
District of Lunenburg County, Richard Bacon
Commissioner Page 13
April 9 Tavner Nance 2 3 1 6 0 1 0 - 0 2
2 White Tithes, 3 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12
to 16, 6 Horse, 2.48 Tax
List of
Taxable property withing the district of John White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1807 A Page
2nd Column Line 17 May 25 James NANCE, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
1 White Tithe, Tax=$.--
List of
Taxable property withing the district of John White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1807 A Page
2nd Column Line 18 May 25 William M(alone) NANCE, 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 0 24
2 White Tithe, 2 Horses, Tax=$.24
(Wife was
Elizabeth THORNTON)
List of
Taxable property withing the district of John White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1807 A Page
Line 4 August 25 Will NANCE, Negroe, 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 12
1 White Tithe (sic), 1 Horse, Tax=$.12
List of Taxable property withing
the district of John White commissioner of
Pittsylvania County for 1807 A Page 26
Line 7 August 25 William H. NANCE, 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 - 1
1 White Tithe, 2 Neg. over 16, 2 Horses, Tax=$1.12
No taxes
collected this year in most counties
A list of
taxable property within the District of Armistead
Commissioner in the County of Bedford on the last
day of Feb 1809 A
John NANCE 1 0 0 0
A list of
taxable property within the District of Armistead
Commissioner in the County of Bedford on the last
day of Feb 1809 A
Paschal NANCE 1 0 0 0
(Son of Archibald W. NANCE and
A list of
taxable property for the county of Bedford and year
1809 B
March 27 Mary NANCE 1 0 0 1
A list of
taxable property for the county of Bedford and year
1809 B
March 27 Thomas NANCE 1 0 0 1
(Son? of Thomas NANCE and
Sarah GIBBS)
A list of
taxable property for the county of Bedford and year
1809 B
April 10 Peter NANCE 0 0 0 1
(Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
Book 13 Mary NANCE
215.90 1.4
(Dau. of Archibald Whitfield?
List of
land tax within the district of Edward Walker
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1809
Charged Nancy (SPRAGGINS) NANCE(**) 200 Acres 1
Dollars 6 Cents 212 Dollars -- Cents 1 Dollars 1
Bryans 33 1/3 Acres 1 Dollars 17
Cents 38 Dollars 99 Cents -- Dollars 18 Cents
dito Spraggins
32 Acres - Dollars 99 Cents 29 Dollars 44 Cents --
Dollars 13 Cents
(**Widow of John NANCE, son of
unknown parents)
List of
land tax within the district of Edward Walker
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1809
Charged Mary NANCE 75 Acres - Dollars 82 Cents 61
Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars 29 Cents
List of tithable property within the district of
Edward Walker Commissioner in Charles City County
for the year 1809
March 16 Mary (Rogers (EATON)) NANCE
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 56
0 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under, 1
Horses, .56 Tax
(Widow of Eaton NANCE, son of
James NANCE and Ann (M.N.U.))
List of
tithable property within the district of Edward
Walker Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1809
March 16 Zachariah NANCE, Sr
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 56
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black under 16,
1 Horses, .56 Tax
List of
tithable property within the district of Edward
Walker Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1809
March 16 James NANCE 1
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 56
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under, 0
Horses, 56 Tax
(**Son of Eaton NANCE and Mary
Rogers EATON)
List of
tithable property within the district of Edward
Walker Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1809
March 20 Henry T NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 56
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 16,
1 Horses, .56 Tax
List of
tithable property within the district of Edward
Walker Commissioner in Charles City County for the
year 1809
July 17 Kissey NANCE 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 88
0 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 1 Black under 16,
0 Horses, .88 Tax
(**Not sure who this is)
A list of taxable property within the district of
Stephen Bedford commissioner in the county of
Charlotte for the year 1809 (A) Page 18
April Cammel (Campbell?) Hood Nance, 1 0 0 2 - 0 24
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks under 12,
1 Horses, 0 Cattle, .24 Tax
A list of taxable property within the district of
Stephen Bedford commissioner in the county of
Charlotte for the year 1809 (A) Page 18
April John Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks under 12,
1 Horses, 0 Cattle, .12 Tax
List of taxable property within the district of
Edward Scott commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie
for the year 1809 (B) Page 8
March 16 Nathaniel NANCE Nathaniel Nance 1 0 1 0 0 0
0 -0 56
1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 1 Horses, .56
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1809 (A) taken by Robert
Hurt Page 39
March 27 James W Nance
1 0 0 - 0 12
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 1
Horses, 0.12 Tax
List of
taxable property in the Northern District of Halifax
county for the year 1809 (A) taken by Robert Hurt
Page 40
April 15 William Nance
10 0 2 - 0 24
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 2
Horses, .24 Tax
(The William that married
widow Judith Chick in 1805?)
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the
year 1809 Page 11
Line 9 March 1 Isham Nance
1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 - 80
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16,
3 Horses, 80 Tax
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1809
Page 11
Line 11 March 15 Reubin Nance
2 10 2 8 0 0 1 14 - 10 24
2 White Tithes, 10 Blacks over 16, 2 Black 12 to 16,
8 Horses, 5 80 Tax
1809 A list of taxable property in the Upper
District of Lunenburg County, Richard Bacon
Commissioner Page 11
March 4 Tavner Nance 1 5 0 5 0 0 0 - 0 2 80
List of
Taxable property withing the district of John White
commissioner of Pittsylvania County for 1809 B Page
2nd column Line 10 March 17 William W. NANCE, 3 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 - 0 72
3 White Tithe, 6 Horses, Tax=$.72
1810 Bedford County, Virginia, Pg.
Line 26 Mary NANCE
2 Free White Males of 10 and under
2 Free White Males of 16 and under
2 Free White Females of 16 and under 26
1 Free White Female over 45 (Mary abt 81? b. abt 1749? or Mary
abt 55 b. abt 1755?)
1 Slave
1810 Bedford, Virginia Roll: 67;
Page: 9; Image: 00014;
Line 12 William Gibbs
2 Free White Males under 10
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (William abt 40 b. abt 1770)
1 Free White Female under 10
1 Free White Female of 26and under 45 (Wilmuth (NANCE**) abt 40 b. abt
(**Dau. of Thomas NANCE and Sarah GIBBS)
1810 Bedford, Virginia, Page 11
Can't read page
(William NANCE abt. 37 b.
20 Apr 1773)
34 04 Jul 1776)
(**1st husband Archibald W.
NANCE, son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
John NANCE and Peter NANCE (listed in
tax records) could be listed in Bedford too, but
some lines cant be read.}
A list of
taxable property for the county of Bedford and year
1810 A
March John NANCE 1 0 0
(Wife Martha ESTES)
A list of
taxable property in the Northern District of Bedford
County for the year 1810 B
March 23 Peter NANCE 0
0 0 1
A list of
taxable property in the Northern District of Bedford
County for the year 1810 B
March 23 Mary NANCE 1
0 1 3
(Husband's name Thomas? died about 1806?)
Book 13 Mary NANCE 127, 1.70, 215.90, 1.4 Tax 1.04
(Husband's name Thomas? died
about 1806?)
Daniel NANCE 01-00-00
1 White (Daniel)
0 Slaves
0 Horses
Thomas NANCE 01-00-00
1 White
0 Slaves
0 Horses
1810 Charles City County, Virginia -
Pg. 29a written 945
Line 10 Ann NANCE(**) 30100-00110-0-0
3 Free White Males under 10
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Ann)
(**Not sure
who this is)
1810 Charles City County, Virginia -
Pg. 29b? written 946
Line 19 Zachariah NANCE(**) 20010-10010-05
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Zachariah abt. 30 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Mary (MOUNDCASTLE) abt. 27 b. abt.
5 slaves
(**Son of Eaton NANCE and Mary
Rogers EATON)
1810 Charles City County,
Virginia - Pg. 30a written 947
Line 5 James NANCE 00010-00101-0-4
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (James** abt 30 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female of 16 and
under 26
1 Free White Female over 45 (Mary
Rogers (EATON)* abt 60 b. abt 1750)
4 Slaves
(**Son of
Eaton NANCE and Mary Rogers EATON)
(*Widow of Eaton NANCE, son of James NANCE and
Ann (MN.U.))
1810 Charles
City County, Virginia - Pg. 32a written 951
Line 12 Kissy/Rigsy
NANCE(**) 10000-01010-0-3
1 Free White Male under 10
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 16
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Kissy)
3 Slaves
(**Not sure
who this is)
List of land tax within the district of Edward
Walker Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1810
Charged Nancy (SPRAGGINS) NANCE(**) 200 Acres 1
Dollars 6 Cents 212 Dollars -- Cents 1 Dollars 1
Bryans 33 1/3 Acres 1 Dollars 17
Cents 38 Dollars 99 Cents -- Dollars 18 Cents
Spraggins 32 Acres - Dollars 92 Cents 29 Dollars 44
Cents -- Dollars 13 Cents
(**Widow of John NANCE, son of
unknown parents)
List of land tax within the district of Edward
Walker Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1810
Charged Mary NANCE 75 Acres - Dollars 82 Cents 61
Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars 29 Cents
1810 Charlotte County, Virginia Pg. 59
written 990
Line 7 Cambel NANCE(**) 10010-00100-0-0
1 Free White Male under 10 {Son
abt 1 b. abt 1809}
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Campbell abt. 33 b. abt. 1777)
1 Free White Female of 16 and
under 26 (Elizabeth
(PALMER) abt. 23 b. abt. 1787)
0 All Other Persons, 0 Slaves
(**Son of Hood NANCE and
Elizabeth (CAMPBELL?))
A list of taxable property
within the district of Stephen Bedford
commissioner in the county of Charlotte for the
year 1810 (A) Page 16
May 4l Cammel (Campbell) Hood Nance, 1 0 0 2 - 0
1 White Tithe, 0 Blacks above 16, 0 Blacks under
12, 1 Horses, 0 Cattle, .24 Tax
1810 Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie, Virginia
Pg. #475 written 155
Line 16 Nath'l NANCE(**) 10001-22210-0-2*
1 Free White Male under 10
1 Free White Male over 45 (Nathaniel 79 b. 09 Dec 1731)
2 Free White Females under 10
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 16
2 Free White Females of 16 and under 26
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45
(**Son of Richard NANCE and Mary
1810 Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie, Virginia
Pg. #476 written 156
Line 2 Thomas NANCE(**) 30010-21010-0-0
3 Free White Males under 10 (Henry?
abt 1? b. abt 1809?, 1 son abt 8, and another
abt 9, both out by 1820)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Thomas abt 44? b. abt 1766)
2 Free White Females under 10 {Dau. abt
1? she is abt 10 in 1820, Dau. abt 2-6 she is
10-16 in 1820}
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 16
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Rebecca?
abt. 44 b. abt 1766)
(*There is a
Rebecca (widow?), over 45, as head
of household in 1820 Dinwiddie Co.
VA census)
(**Son of the above Nathanial NANCE
and wife Susanna (GIBBS?))
Petersburg, Dinwiddie, Virginia Page 123
Line 28 Robert MOUNTCASTLE 00110-00110-002
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 25
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 44 (Robert abt 34 b. abt 1776)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 25
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 44 (Mary (NANCE**) abt. 34 b. abt
(**Dau of Captain NANCE and
Mary Rogers EATON)
List of taxable property within the district of Edward
Scott commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for the
year 1810 (B) Page 10
Line 8 Nathaniel NANCE Nathaniel Nance 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
-0 68
1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 1 Horses, .68
List of taxable property within
the district of Edward Scott commissioner in the
county of Dinwiddie for the year 1810 (B) Page 10
Line 10 Thomas NANCE Thomas Nance 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 -0 12
0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under 12-16, 1 Horses, .12
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1810 (B) taken by Robert
Hurt Page 14
March 26 Frederick Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 12
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 1
Horses, 0.12 Tax
List of taxable property in the
Northern District of Halifax county for the year 1810
(B) taken by Robert Hurt Page 15
April 10 William Nance
10 0 2 - 0 12
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 2
Horses, .12 Tax
(The William that married widow
Judith Chick in 1805?)
List of taxable property in the
Northern District of Halifax county for the year 1810
(B) taken by Robert Hurt Page 15
May 12 Levi Nance 1 0 0
1 - 0 12
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 1
Horses, 0.12 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1810 (B) taken by Robert
Hurt Page 15
May 12 John Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0 00
1 Whites over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12-16, 0
Horses, 0.00 Tax
1810 Greensville County, Virginia -
Pg. #453
Line 9 Thomas NANCE(**) 00010-01100-00
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45
1 Free White Female of 10 and
under 16
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26
0 Slaves
(**Not sure
who this is)
Greensville County, Virginia -
Pg. #453
Line 10 Isham NANCE(**) 20010-10100-01
2 Free White Males under 10
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Isham)
1 Free White Female under 10
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26
1 Slave
(**Not sure
who this is, Son? of Reuben NANCE?)
(NANCE women marr.: BOOKER, GRAFTON)
(NOTE: Who I think could
be in census and how it may look)
1810 Halifax County, VA
Frederick NANCE(**) 00010-00000
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Frederick
abt. ? b. I have abt 1794 but I think it's earlier
then that?)
(Marr. 23 Mar 1814 Mary
WILLINGHAM in Halifax Co.)
1810 Halifax County, VA
John Wood NANCE(**) 00010-00000
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (John abt. 28?
b. abt 1782?)
(Marr. 13 Nov 1815 Mildred "Milly" FAULKERSON in
Halifax Co.)
(**Son of Tavener NANCE and Molly WILLINGHAM, John
is in Halifax Co. at least by 1806)
(If the 2 I have listed, Frederick and John, were married previously to others I am unaware of it at this time)
1810 Halifax County, VA
Levi NANCE(**) 00010-00000
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (Levi abt. 18?
b. abt 1792)
(I have nothing on this Levi)
(**Son's of Tavener and Mary (Willingham) NANCE)
1810 Halifax County, VA
William NANCE (unknown) 00010-00000
1 Free White Male of ??? (William b. abt 1790?)
(Marr. 10 Dec 1810 Delilah HANCOCK in Halifax Co.
Image #16B Line
3 Mar 26 Frederick
NANCE 01-00-01
1 White (Frederick)
0 Slaves
1 Horses
(Son of Tavner NANCE and Mary
#17B Line 3 Apr 10 William
NANCE 01-00-02
0 Slaves
2 Horses
of Tavner NANCE and Mary Molly WILLINGHAM)
(or the William that married Delilah HANCOCK?)
(or the William that married the widow Judith
#17B Line 11 May 12 Levi NANCE 01-00-01
1 White (Levi)
0 Slaves
1 Horse
(Son (b. 1782) of Tavner
(or Son of Hood NANCE and Elizabeth CAMPBELL)
Image #17B Line 14 May 12 John
(Wood) NANCE 01-00-00
1 White (John abt. 30 b.
abt 1780)
0 Slaves
0 Horses
*Son of Tavner NANCE and Mary
(NOTE: Who I think could be in
census and how it may look)
Isham NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Isham 33 b. 18
Nov 1777)
(**Son of Reuben and Ann Williamson NANCE)
(Marr. 17 Aug 1835, Susan Vauhgan, Mecklenberg
County, VA, Was there a previous marriage?)
(On tax list; see below, Reuben's son?)
Ignatious SIMMS
1 Free White Male
over 45 (Ignatious 65 b. 05 Sep 1745)
2 Free White Females under 10 (Exoney abt 5 b. abt
1805, Elenor abt 10 b. abt 1800)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 16 (Anna abt
16 b. abt 1794)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Janet
(NANCE**) abt 35 b. abt 1775)
(**Dau. of Frederick NANCE, mother unk.)
NANCE(*) (22301-10110)
2 Free White Males under 10 (Reuben 2 b. 28 May 1808,
Lessenby 9 b. 10 Aug 1801)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 16 (Edmund 13 b. 08
Jan 1797, Peyton 15 b. 18 Feb 1795)
3 Free White Males of 16 and under 26 (Stephen 17 b.
11 Jun 1793, Joseph(**) 20 b. 05 Feb 1790,
Clement(***) 23 b. 30 Sep 1787)
1 Free White Male over 45 (Reuben 65 b. 08 Jul 1745)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Nancy 6 b. 22 Mar 1804)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Sally 18
b. 02 Nov 1791)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Nancy
(BROWN) 43 b. 19 May 1767)
(*Reuben on the Henry County Tax list, See below)
(**Depending on when
census was taken Joseph was marr. to Mary "Polly"
PHILPOTT on 25 Oct 1810, so probably still at home)
(***Clement could be living on own, wasn't marr. to
Polly HAIL till 4 May 1813)
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1810
Page 11
Line 6 April 8 Isham NANCE 01-01-03 - 36
1 White (Isham)
1 Slave
3 Horses
36 Tax
(Wife Molly MALONE?; Isham was
son of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
A list of
taxable property in Henry County for the year 1810
Page 11
Line 9 April 8 Reuben NANCE 2 11 2 10 0 2 *** - 16 9
2 Whites (Reuben, ?)
11 Slaves
2 Blacks 12 to 16
10 Horses
(Wife was Nancy BROWN, Reuben
was son of William NANCE and Ann (EPPES?))
1810 Cabin Creek, Kanawha,
Virginia Roll: 69; Page: 121
Line 10 George HILL 20100-10100-00
2 Free White Males Under 10 (James abt 2 b. abt 1808;
Nelson? abt 3? b. abt 1807?)
1 Free White Male 16 to 26 (George
abt 24 b. abt 1786)
1 Free White Female Under 10 (Sarah
1 b. abt 1809)
1 Free White Female 16 to 26 (Elizabeth
(NANCE**) abt
24 b. abt 1786)
(**Parents unknown,
Possibly dau. of Daniel NANCE and Elizabeth
(Elizabeth NANCE marr. George HILL 5 Mar 1806 Kanawha,
1810 Charleston, Kanawha,
Virginia Roll: 69; Page: 120
Line 8 Peter KINGREY 30010-10110-00
3 Free White Males under 10
1 Free White Male of 25 and under 45 (Peter abt. 32 b. abt
1 Free White Female under 10
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 25 (Sarah (NANCE**) abt 24 b. abt 1786)
(**Parent's unknown, Possibly
dau. of Daniel NANCE and Elizabeth (PALMER?))
1810 Lunenburg,
Lunenburg, Virginia, by
Bentley/Jackson Pg. #336 written 12
Line 10 Tavner NANCE(**) 30101-41010-0-9
3 Free White Males under 10 (Johnson T. abt 8 b. abt 1802, David W.
abt 9 b. abt 1801, Jeremiah abt 10 b. abt 1800)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26
(Levi abt 18 b. abt
1 Free White Male over 45 (Tavener abt. 50 abt. 1760)
4 Free White Females under 10 (Narcissa D. 6 b. 11 Apr
1804, Louisana? abt 7 b. abt 1803, Susan Mae?, ?)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 16
(Fanny abt. 14 b. abt
1 Free White
Female of 26 and under 45 (Sally abt. 26 b. abt 1784)
(**Son of Frederick NANCE Sr.
and Susannah "Susan" WELLS)
1810 A list of taxable property in the Upper
District of Lunenburg County, Richard Bacon
Commissioner Page 9
March 17 Tavner Nance 2 4 0 5 0 0 0 - 0 2 36
Isham NANCE 01-03-04
1 White (Isham)
3 Slaves
4 Horses
(Son of William NANCE Ann (EPPES?)
and wife was Frances "Fanny" MALONE)
John NANCE 01-01-02
1 White (John)
1 Slave
2 Horses
(NOTE: Who I think could be in
census and how it may look)
1810 Pittsylvania County Virginia
William M(alone) NANCE 01211-13110
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16 (Robert N. 13 b. 21
Mar 1797)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (James 17 b. 25 Oct
1793, Fredrick 18 b. 02 Aug 1792)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (John W. 30 b. 23
Mar 1790)
1 Free White Male of 45 and up (William Malone 50 b. 18
Jan 1760)
1 Free White Female of Under 10 (Patsey B. 5 b. 12
Mar 1805)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 16 (Jane "Ginsy" 10
b. 12 Sep 1800, Mary 11 b. 12 Mar 1799)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Amelia 23 b. 2
Nov 1787)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Elizabeth
(THORNTON) abt 43 b. abt 1767)
Pittsylvania County Virginia
Martha NANCE
A list of
taxable property taken in the
42nd Regiment and South
district in the county of
Pittsylvania by James M
Williams commissioner of the
revenue for the year 1810
Image #15B Page 27
Line 14 April 9
Wm. M. NANCE and 2 sons 3 0 0 7 0 0
0 0 0 0 - 0 84
3 Whites (W(illia)m M(alone), ?, ?)
0 Slaves
7 Horses
84 tax
(Wife Elizabeth THORNTON, William
son of Giles NANCE and Mary Nancy MALONE)
list of taxable property taken
in the 42nd Regiment and South
district in the county of
Pittsylvania by James M Williams
commissioner of the revenue for
the year 1810 Image #15B Page 27
Line 15 April 9
Martha NANCE and 2 sons 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
1 White (Martha)
0 Slaves
1 Horses
12 tax
(**Not sure who this is)
1810 Prince Edward County, Virginia Page 258
Line 13 William VENABLE 00010-20100
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (William 30 b. 30 May 1780)
2 Free White Females under 10
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Frances (NANTZ**) 15 b. abt 1795)
(**Dau of Frederick NANTZ and Martha
Rockbridge County, Virginia
Line 14 Wm NANCE(**) 20110-20010
2 Free White Males under 10
1 Free White Male 16 to 26
1 Free White Male over 45 (William)
2 Free White Females under 10
1 Free White Female 26 to 45
(**Not sure who this
1810 Rockingham County, Virginia - Enumerator Daniel
Bryan page 1827
Line abt. 24 Solomon NANCE(**) 21001-10010-0-0
2 Free White Males under 10
1 Free White Male 10 to 15
1 Free White Male over 45 (Solomon)
1 Free White Female under 10
1 Free White Female 26 to 45
(Shown as HANCE in index, but the H
dont match the H in Henry on same page)
(**Not sure who this is)
1810 Shenandoah County, Virginia - Division: ? Reel No:
M252-71 PAGE NO: 194 Reference: Enumerarted by J.
Line 3 John NANCE
2 Free White Males under 10 {Son abt 4? b. abt 1806?, Son abt 8?
b. abt 1802?}
1 Free White Male 10 to 15 {Son abt
14? b. abt 1796}
1 Free White Male over 45 (John
shown as 70 in 1850 census {John** abt 30 b. abt 1780},
probably not over 45)
2 Free White Females under 10 {Dau.
abt 2? b. abt 1808?, Dau. abt 6? b. abt 1804?}
1 Free White Female 10 to 15 {Dau.
abt 13? b. abt 1797?}
1 Free White Female 16 to 25 {Dau.
16? b. abt 1794?)
1 Free White Female 26 to 44 (Mary
(ENGLISH?) b. 1766-1784)
(**Parents unknown, John NANCE
married Mary ENGLISH on 24 Aug 1793 in Shenandoah Co.
A wife Mary/Polly is shown as 59 in 1850, 69 in 1860
(Born 1791) census, meaning she can't be Mary ENGLISH)
A list of taxable property in the Northern District of Bedford County for the year 1811 BBEDFORD COUNTY LAND TAX
Book 13 Mary NANCE
127 1.70
215.90 1.4
(Husband's name Thomas? died about
List of land tax within the
district of Edward Walker Commissioner in the county
of Charles City for the year 1811
Charged Nancy NANCE 200 Acres 1 Dollars 6 Cents 212
Dollars -- Cents 1 Dollars 1 Cents
Bryans 33 1/3 Acres 1 Dollars 17
Cents 38 Dollars 99 Cents -- Dollars 18 Cents
Spraggins 32 Acres - Dollars 92 Cents 29 Dollars 44
Cents -- Dollars 13 Cents
List of land tax within the district of Edward Walker
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1811
Charged Mary NANCE 75 Acres - Dollars 82 Cents 61
Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars 29 Cents
List of land
tax within the district of Edward Walker Commissioner
in the county of Charles City for the year 1811
Charged James NANCE 15 Acres -- Dollars 82 Cents 12
Dollars 30 Cents -- Dollars 6 Cents
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the
year 1811 Page 13
Line 6 Isham Nance 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 68
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to
16, 2 Horses, 68 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the
year 1811 Page 13
Line 11 April 9 Reubin Nance 2 10 2 9 0 0 0 0 - 6
2 White Tithes, 10 Blacks over 16, 2 Black 12 to
16, 9 Horses, 6 36 Tax
William NANCE
1811 A list of taxable property in the Upper District
of Lunenburg County, Levi Clay Commissioner Page
Line 1 of Ns Tavner Nance 1 6 0 6 0 1 0 0 3 36
1811 A list
of taxable property in the Upper District of Lunenburg
County, Levi Clay Commissioner Page 10
Line 5 of Ns Jeremiah Nance 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12
1 Tithe, 1 Horse, 12 Tax
A list of
taxable property taken in the 42nd Regiment and South
district in the county of Pittsylvania by James M
Williams commissioner of the revenue for the year 1811
Page 27
Line 7 April 6 William M. NANCE, 3 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 84
3 White Males over 16, 7 Horses, Tax=.84
A list of
taxable property for the year 1812 A in the Northern
District Bedford County 1812 B
March Mary NANCE 2 1 0 3
(Husband's name Thomas? died
about 1806?)
A list of
taxable property for the year 1812 A in the Northern
District Bedford County 1812 B
March John NANCE 1 0 0 0
(Wife Martha ESTES)
A list of
taxable property for the year 1812 A in the Northern
District Bedford County 1812 B
March William NANCE 1 0 0 0
Book 13 Mary NANCE 127,
1.70, 215.90, 1.4 on the Main road to Liberty by Wm.
Hudnels Estate
(Husband's name Thomas? died about
List of land tax within the district of Philip
Southall Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1812
Charged Nancy NANCE 200 Acres 1 Dollars 6 Cents 212
Dollars -- Cents 1 Dollars 11 Cents
Bryans 33 1/3 Acres 1 Dollars 17
Cents 38 Dollars 99 Cents -- Dollars 18 Cents
Spraggins 32 Acres - Dollars 92 Cents 29 Dollars 44
Cents -- Dollars 13 Cents
List of land tax within the district of Philip
Southall Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1812
Charged Mary NANCE 75 Acres - Dollars 88 Cents 61
Dollars 50 Cents -- Dollars 29 Cents
List of land tax within the district of Philip
Southall Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1812
Charged James NANCE 15 Acres -- Dollars 82 Cents 12
Dollars 30 Cents -- Dollars 6 Cents
List of land
tax within the district of Philip Southall
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1812
Charged Zachariah NANCE 72 Acres -- Dollars 94 Cents
67 Dollars 68 Cents -- Dollars 32 Cents
A list of taxable property in
Henry County for the year 1811 Page 13
Line 3 March 9 Isham Nance 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 - 1 12
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to
16, 2 Horses, 1 12 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the
year 1811 Page 13
Line 3 March 13 Clement Nance 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 - 12
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to
16, 2 Horses, 12 Tax
A list of taxable property in
Henry County for the year 1811 Page 13
Line 15 April 9 Reubin Nance (desc) 2 11 1 8 0 0 0
0 - 6 24
2 White Tithes, 11 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to
16, 8 Horses, 6 24 Tax
1812 A list of taxable property in the Upper
District of Lunenburg County, Levi Clay
Commissioner Page 8
March 9 Tavner Nance 1 4 1 6 0 0 0 - 2 92
A list of
taxable property taken in the 42nd Regiment and South
district in the county of Pittsylvania by James M
Williams commissioner of the revenue for the year 1812
Page 25
Line 1 March 16 William M. NANCE, 3 1 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 28
3 White Tithe, 1 Black over 16, 7 Horses, Tax=$1.28
List of
taxable property for the year 1813 B
March 11 William NANCE 1
0 0 1
List of
taxable property for the year 1813 B
March 11 John NANCE 1 0
0 0
(Wife Martha ESTES)
List of taxable property for the
year 1813 B
March 11 Mary NANCE 1
1 0 3
Book 13 Mary NANCE 127,
1.70, 215.90, 1.38 Big Otter
(Dau. of Archibald Whitfield? NANCE
and Nancy WILLIAMS)
List of land tax within the
district of Philip Southall Commissioner in the county
of Charles City for the year 1813
Charged Nancy NANCE 200 Acres 1 Dollars 6 Cents 212
Dollars -- Cents 1 Dollars 35 Cents
Bryans 33 1/3 Acres 1 Dollars 17
Cents 38 Dollars 99 Cents -- Dollars 24 Cents
Spraggins 32 Acres - Dollars 92 Cents 29 Dollars 44
Cents -- Dollars 17 Cents
A list of taxable property in
Henry County for the year 1813 Page 10
Line 2 Isham Nance 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 - 1 50
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to
16, 2 Horses, 1 50 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the
year 1813 Page 10
Line 3 Clem Nance 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 - 16
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to
16, 1 Horses, 16 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the
year 1813 Page 10
Line 16 Reubin Nance estate 2 5 2 7 0 0 - 5 25
2 White Tithes, 5 Blacks over 16, 2 Black 12 to
16, 7 Horses, 5 25 Tax
1813 A list of taxable property in the Upper
District of Lunenburg County, Levi Clay
Commissioner Page 8
March 5 Tavner Nance 1 4 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 3
April 5 Jeremiah Nance 1 1 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 75
April 5 Johnson Nance 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
List of
taxable property for the year 1814 B
John NANCE 1 1 0 0
(Wife Martha ESTES)
List of
taxable property for the year 1814 B
Mary NANCE 1 1 0 2
List of
taxable property for the year 1814 B
Paschal NANCE 1 0 0 0
List of land tax within the
district of Philip Southall Commissioner in the county
of Charles City for the year 1814
Owner Nancy NANCE Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life,
200 Acres, Description --, Distance: 7 N, Rate Per
Acre: .71 Total Value: 88.75 Amount Tax Paid: 85,
Total Tax .75, Explanation:
Bryans Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 33 1/3
Acres, Description --, Distance: 10 E, Rate Per Acre:
1.06 Total Value: 212.0 Amount Tax Paid: 85, Total Tax
1.80, Explanation:
Spraggins Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 33 1/3
Acres, Discription --, Distance: 10 E, Rate Per Acre:
1.17 Total Value: 38.99 Amount Tax Paid: 85, Total Tax
1.33, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of Philip
Southall Commissioner in the county of Charles
City for the year 1814
Owner Mary NANCE Residence: ---, Estate: ---, 75
Acres, Description Moses Creek, Distance: 10 E, Rate
Per Acre: .92 Total Value: 29.44 Amount Tax Paid: 85,
Total Tax .52, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of Philip
Southall Commissioner in the county of Charles
City for the year 1814
Owner James NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 15 Acres, Description -----, Distance: ---, Rate
Per Acre: 1.46 Total Value: 109.50 Amount Tax Paid:
85, Total Tax .93, Explanation:
ditto Waddill Residence: Charles
City, Estate: Fee, 30 Acres, Description -----,
Distance: 7 N, Rate Per Acre: .82 Total Value: 12.30
Amount Tax Paid: 85, Total Tax .10, Explanation:
List of land
tax within the district of Philip Southall
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1814
Owner Zachariah NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 72 Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 N, Rate
Per Acre: .94 Total Value: 107.16 Amount Tax Paid: 85,
Total Tax .91, Explanation:
A list of taxable property in
Henry County for the year 1814 Page 12
1st column Line 2 of Ns Isham Nance 1 2 0 4 0 0 0 -
2 42
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16,
4 Horses, 2.42 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry
County for the year 1814 Page 13
2nd column Line 2 (Ns continued below Ps) Reuben
Nance decd 1 6 1 5 0 0 - 6 58
1 White Tithes, 6 Blacks over 16, 1 Black 12 to 16,
5 Horses, 6.58 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry
County for the year 1814 Page 13
2nd column Line 3 (Ns continued below Ps) Peyton
Nance 1 0 0 2 0 0 - 0 42
1 White Tithes, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black 12 to 16,
2 Horses, 0.42 Tax
1814 A list of taxable property in the Upper
District of Lunenburg County, Levi Clay
Commissioner Image 11
Line 1 Tavner Nance 1 4 1 5 0 0 - 5 00
Line 4 Jeremiah Nance 1 0 0 1 - 21
A List of
taxable property within the District of David W.
Quarles of the revenue in the County of Bedford for
the year 1815 A
May 4 John NANCE 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
(Wife Martha ESTES)
List of land tax within the
district of William Tyler Commissioner in the
county of Charles City for the year 1815
Owner Nancy NANCE Residence: Richmond, Estate:
Life, 200 Acres, Description --, Distance: 10 E N,
Rate Per Acre: 1.06 Total Value: 212.0 Amount Tax
Paid: 85, Total Tax 1.80, Explanation:
Bryants Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life,
33 1/3 Acres, Description --, Distance: --, Rate
Per Acre: 1.17 Total Value: 39 Amount Tax Paid:
85, Total Tax .33, Explanation:
Spraggins Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 32
Acres, Discription Moses Creek, Distance: --, Rate
Per Acre: .92 Total Value: 29.44 Amount Tax Paid:
85, Total Tax .25, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William
Tyler Commissioner in the county of Charles
City for the year 1815
Owner Mary NANCE Residence: ---, Estate: ---, 75
Acres, Description: --, Distance: --, Rate Per
Acre: .82 Total Value: 61.50 Amount Tax Paid: 85,
Total Tax .52, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William
Tyler Commissioner in the county of Charles
City for the year 1815
Owner James NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 15 Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7
North, Rate Per Acre: .82 Total Value: 109.50
Amount Tax Paid: 85, Total Tax .93, Explanation:
ditto Waddill Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 30 Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7
North, Rate Per Acre: .80 Total Value: 24.00
Amount Tax Paid: 85, Total Tax .20, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William
Tyler Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1815
Owner Zachariah NANCE Residence: Charles City,
Estate: Fee, 72 Acres, Description -----,
Distance: 7 N W, Rate Per Acre: .94 Total Value:
67.68 Amount Tax Paid: 85, Total Tax .57,
List of tithable property within the district of
William Tyler Commissioner in Charles City County
for the year 1815
March James NANCE 1 0 1 1 0 0 2
1 Free White Male above 16, 0 Slaves 7-12, 1
Slaves above 12, 1 Horses, 0 Mares, 0 Cattle, 2
List of tithable property within the district of
William Tyler Commissioner in Charles City County
for the year 1815
March 27 Zachariah NANCE 1 1 3 1 0 0 4
1 Free White Male above 16, 1 Slaves 7-12, 3
Slaves above 12, 1 Horses, 0 Mares, 0 Cattle, 4
List of tithable property within
the district of William Tyler Commissioner in
Charles City County for the year 1815
April 14 Kipey NANCE 0 1 3 1 0 0 4
0 Free White Male above 16, 1 Slaves 7-12, 3
Slaves above 12, 1 Horses, 0 Mares, 0 Cattle, 4
List of taxable property within the district of
Edward Scott commissioner in the county of
Dinwiddie for the year 1815 (B) Page 11
1st line of Ns March Nathaniel NANCE 1 1 0 0 1 1 -
1 04
1 Free Male over 16, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black
under 12-16, 0 Blacks 9, 1 Horses, 1 Cattle, 1.04
List of taxable property in the Northern District
of Halifax county for the year 1815(A) taken by
Robert Hurt Page 13
March 9 Frederick Nance 1 0 4 2 0 0 7 - 3 83
1 Whites over 16, 0 Slaves 9-12, 4 Slaves over 12,
2 Horses, 0 Stud Horses, 0 Mares, 7 Cattle, 3.83
List of taxable property in the
Northern District of Halifax county for the year
1815 (A) taken by Robert Hurt Page 13
April 4 William Nance 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 00
1 Whites over 16, 0 Slaves 9-12, 0 Slaves over 12,
0 Horses, 0 Stud Horses, 0 Mares, 0 Cattle, 0.00
List of taxable property in the Northern District
of Halifax county for the year 1815 (A) taken by
Robert Hurt Page 13
April 20 John W Nance 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 - 0 21
1 Whites over 16, 0 Slaves 9-12, 0 Slaves over 12,
1 Horses, 0 Stud Horses, 0 Mares, 0 Cattle, 0.16
Isham NANCE on Beaver Creek; 2 miles north of
Nancy (BROWN) NANCE on Leatherwood Creek; 7 miles
east of courthouse
Reuben NANCE (decd) on Leatherwood Creek; 6 miles
east of courthouse
A list of taxable property in
Henry County for the year 1815 Page 14
Line 2 March 7 Isham Nance 1 2 2 4 - 2 14
1 White Tithes, 2 Blacks over 16, 2 Black 12 to
16, 4 Horses, 2 14 Tax
A list of taxable property in Henry County for the
year 1815 Page 10
Line 14 April 10 Nancy Nance 1 1 7 8 26 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 - 10 14
1 White Tithes, 1 Blacks over 16, 7 Black 12 to
16, 8 Horses, 26 Cattle, 5 25 Tax
1815 A list of taxable property in the Upper
District of Lunenburg County, Levi Clay
Commissioner Page 9
Feb 27 Johnson Nance 2 0 0 1 -0 21
John Nance
Pascal Nance
Mary Nance
Pascal Nance
List of land tax within the district of William Tyler
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1816
Owner Nancy NANCE Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life,
200 Acres, Description --, Distance: 10 E, Rate Per
Acre: 1.06 Total Value: 212.0 Amount Tax Paid: 75,
Total Tax 1.60, Explanation:
Bryans Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 33 1/3
Acres, Description --, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
1.17 Total Value: 39 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.30, Explanation:
Spraggins Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 32 Acres,
Discription Moses Creek, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
.92 Total Value: 29.44 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.45, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William
Tyler Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1816
Owner Mary NANCE Residence: ---, Estate: ---, 75
Acres, Description: --, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
.82 Total Value: 61.50 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.52, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William
Tyler Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1816
Owner James NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 15 Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 North,
Rate Per Acre: .82 Total Value: 12.30 Amount Tax Paid:
75, Total Tax .08, Explanation:
ditto Waddill Residence: Charles City, Estate: Fee, 30
Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 North, Rate Per
Acre: .80 Total Value: 24.00 Amount Tax Paid: 75,
Total Tax .18, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William Tyler
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1816
Owner Zachariah NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 72 Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 N W,
Rate Per Acre: .94 Total Value: 67.68 Amount Tax Paid:
75, Total Tax .50, Explanation:
List of tithable property within the district of
William Tyler Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1816
March 20 James NANCE 1 1 1 - 0 88
1 Free White Male above 16, 0 Slaves over 12, 1
Horses, .88 Tax
List of tithable property within the district of
William Tyler Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1816
March 21 Zachariah NANCE 1 2 1 - 1 58
1 Free White Male above 16, 0 Slaves over 12, 1
Horses, .88 Tax
List of taxable property within the district of Edward
Scott commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for the
year 1816 (A) Page 12
3rd line of Ns March Nathaniel NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 - 0
1 Free Male over 16, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under
12-16, 1 Horses, 0.88 Tax
List of
taxable property within the district of Charles Roper
commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for the year
1816 (B) Page 12
4th line William NANCE 1 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 70
1 Free Male over 16, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under
12-16, 0 Horses, 0.70 Tax
Page 13 N
Line 8 Isham Nance
1 1
3 0
0 0
0 1 24
Line 14 Nancy Nance 2
7 10
0 0
0 0
6 70
1816 A list
of taxable property in the Upper District of Lunenburg
County, Levi Clay Commissioner Page 9
April 13 Johnson Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0 0
List of land tax within the district of William Tyler
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1817
Owner Nancy NANCE Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life,
200 Acres, Description --, Distance: 10 E, Rate Per
Acre: 1.06 Total Value: 212.0 Amount Tax Paid: 75,
Total Tax 1.60, Explanation:
Bryans Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 33 1/3
Acres, Description --, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
1.17 Total Value: 39 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.30, Explanation:
Spraggins Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 32 Acres,
Discription Moses Creek, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
.92 Total Value: 29.44 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.22, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William
Tyler Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1817
Owner Mary NANCE Residence: ---, Estate: ---, 75
Acres, Description: --, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
.82 Total Value: 61.50 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.45, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William
Tyler Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1817
Owner James NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 15 Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 North,
Rate Per Acre: .82 Total Value: 12.30 Amount Tax Paid:
75, Total Tax .08, Explanation:
ditto Waddill Residence: Charles City, Estate: Fee, 30
Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 North, Rate Per
Acre: .80 Total Value: 24.00 Amount Tax Paid: 75,
Total Tax .18, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William Tyler
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1817
Owner Zachariah NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 72 Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 N W,
Rate Per Acre: .94 Total Value: 67.68 Amount Tax Paid:
75, Total Tax .50, Explanation:
List of tithable property within the district of
William Tyler Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1817
March 9 Kepee NANCE 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 70
0 Free White Male above 16, 1 Slaves over 12, 0
Horses, .70 Tax
List of
tithable property within the district of William Tyler
Commissioner in Charles City County for the year 1817
March 9 James NANCE 1 1 1 - 0 88
1 Free White Male above 16, 1 Slaves over 12, 1
Horses, .88 Tax
List of tithable property within the district of
William Tyler Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1817
March 9 Zachariah NANCE 1 3 1 - 2.28
1 Free White Male above 16, 3 Slaves over 12, 1
Horses, 2.28 Tax
List of taxable property within the district of Edward
Scott commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for the
year 1817 (A) Page 11
1st line of Ns March Nathaniel NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 - 0
1 Free Male over 16, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under
12-16, 1 Horses, 0.88 Tax
List of
taxable property within the district of Peter Scott
commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for the year
1817 (B) Page 10
1st line of the Ns line William NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 - 0
1 Free Male over 16, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under
12-16, 1 Horses, 0.88 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1817 (A) taken by Henry
Terry Page 50
March 24 John W Nance 1 1 0 1 - 0 88
1 White Tithes, 1 Black 12 to 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 1
Horses, 0.88 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1817 (A) taken by Henry
Terry Page 50
March 28 Frederick Nance 1 0 3 2 - 2 46
1 White Tithes, 0 Black 12 to 16, 3 Blacks over 16, 2
Horses, 2.46 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1817 (A) taken by Henry
Terry Page 51
April 8 William Nance 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 00
1 White Tithes, 0 Black 12 to 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0
Horses, 0.00 Tax
Page 11 N
Line 10 Nancy Nance
1 8
10 0
0 0
7 40
1817 A list of taxable property in the Upper District
of Lunenburg County, Levi Clay Commissioner Page
Feb 20 Johnson Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 18
Book A Image
143b Feb 25
Line 17 Paschal NANCE 1 0 1
1 White Male over 16
0 Slaves above 12
1 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 18
Book A Image
144a March 23
Line 5 John NANCE 1 3 2
1 White Male over 16
3 Slaves above 12
2 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 2 46
(Wife Martha ESTES)
Book B Image 193a April 7
Line 8 Paschal W. NANCE 1 0 1
1 White Male over 16
0 Slaves above 12
1 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 18
Note: Horses 9 - 90
Book B Image
194a April 9
Line 3 Mary NANCE 0 2 1
0 White Male over 16
2 Slaves above 12
1 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 1 58
Book B Image
194a April 7
Line 4 Joel NANCE 1 1 2
0 0 1 30
1 White Male over 16
1 Slaves above 12
2 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 1 56
List of land tax within the district of William Tyler
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1818
Owner Nancy NANCE Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life,
200 Acres, Description --, Distance: 10 E, Rate Per
Acre: 1.06 Total Value: 212.0 Amount Tax Paid: 75,
Total Tax 1.60, Explanation:
Bryans Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 33 1/3
Acres, Description --, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
1.17 Total Value: 39 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.30, Explanation:
Spraggins Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 32 Acres,
Discription Moses Creek, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
.92 Total Value: 29.44 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.22, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William
Tyler Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1818
Owner Mary NANCE Residence: ---, Estate: ---, 75
Acres, Description: --, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
.82 Total Value: 61.50 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.45, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William
Tyler Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1818
Owner James NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 15 Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 North,
Rate Per Acre: .82 Total Value: 12.30 Amount Tax Paid:
75, Total Tax .08, Explanation:
ditto Waddill Residence: Charles City, Estate: Fee, 30
Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 North, Rate Per
Acre: .80 Total Value: 24.00 Amount Tax Paid: 75,
Total Tax .18, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William Tyler
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1818
Owner Zachariah NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 72 Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 N W,
Rate Per Acre: .94 Total Value: 67.68 Amount Tax Paid:
75, Total Tax .50, Explanation:
List of tithable property within the district of
William Tyler Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1818
March 9 Kepee NANCE 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 70
0 Free White Male above 16, 1 Slaves over 12, 0
Horses, .70 Tax
List of tithable property within the district of
William Tyler Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1818
March 9 Zachariah NANCE 1 3 1 - 2.28
1 Free White Male above 16, 3 Slaves over 12, 1
Horses, 2.28 Tax
List of
tithable property within the district of William Tyler
Commissioner in Charles City County for the year 1818
March 9 James NANCE 1 1 1 - 0 88
1 Free White Male above 16, 1 Slaves over 12, 1
Horses, .88 Tax
List of taxable property within the district of Peter
Scott commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for the
year 1818 (A)
2nd line of the Ns line William NANCE 1 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
1 Free Male over 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under
12-16, 0 Horses, 0.00 Tax
List of
taxable property within the district of Henry Young
commissioner in the county of Dinwiddie for the year
1818 (B) Page 12
1st line of Ns Nathaniel NANCE 1 1 0 1 0 0 - 0 88
1 Free Male over 16, 1 Blacks over 16, 0 Black under
12-16, 1 Horses, 0.88 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1818 (B) taken by Henry
Terry Page 22
Feb 6 John W Nance 1 1 0 1 - 0 88
1 White Tithes, 1 Black 12 to 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 1
Horses, 0.88 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1818 (B) taken by Henry
Terry Page 22
Feb 6 Frederick Nance 1 0 4 2 - 3 16
1 White Tithes, 0 Black 12 to 16, 4 Blacks over 16, 2
Horses, 3.16 Tax
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1818 (B) taken by Henry
Terry Page 23
April 20 Lewis Nance 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 00
1 White Tithes, 0 Black 12 to 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 0
Horses, 0.00 Tax
Page 3
Line 3 Cornelius Cayton 2
0 2
0 0 36
Page 11
Line 8 Peyton Nance
1 0
2 0
0 0
0 36
Line 10 Nancy Nance
2 8
8 0
0 0
7 04
1818 A list of taxable property in the Upper District
of Lunenburg County, Levi Clay Commissioner Page
April 9 Johnson Nance 1 1 0 0 - 0 70
Book B Image
276a Page 19 April 30
Line 6 Paschal W NANCE 1
0 1
1 White Male over 16
0 Slaves above 12
1 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 18
Book B Image
276a Page 19 May 1
Line 12 Paschal NANCE 1
3 3
1 White Male over 16
3 Slaves above 12
3 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 2 64
List of land tax within the district of William Tyler
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1819
Owner Nancy NANCE Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life,
200 Acres, Description --, Distance: 10 E, Rate Per
Acre: 1.06 Total Value: 212.0 Amount Tax Paid: 75,
Total Tax 1.60, Explanation:
Bryans Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 33 1/3
Acres, Description --, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
1.17 Total Value: 39 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.30, Explanation:
Spraggins Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 32 Acres,
Discription Moses Creek, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
.92 Total Value: 29.44 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.22, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William
Tyler Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1819
Owner Mary NANCE Residence: ---, Estate: ---, 75
Acres, Description: --, Distance: --, Rate Per Acre:
.82 Total Value: 61.50 Amount Tax Paid: 75, Total Tax
.45, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William
Tyler Commissioner in the county of Charles City
for the year 1819
Owner James NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 15 Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 North,
Rate Per Acre: .82 Total Value: 12.30 Amount Tax Paid:
75, Total Tax .08, Explanation:
ditto Waddill Residence: Charles City, Estate: Fee, 30
Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 North, Rate Per
Acre: .80 Total Value: 24.00 Amount Tax Paid: 75,
Total Tax .18, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of William Tyler
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1819
Owner Zachariah NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 72 Acres, Description -----, Distance: 7 N W,
Rate Per Acre: .94 Total Value: 67.68 Amount Tax Paid:
75, Total Tax .50, Explanation:
1819 A list of taxable property in the Upper District
of Lunenburg County, Levi Clay Commissioner Page
Feb 6 Johnson Nance 1 0 0 1 - 0 18
1820 Northern District, Bedford, Virginia Pg. #32
written 360, Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Line 26 Samuel BOWCOCK 100010-40101-
1 Free White Male under 10
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 44 (Samuel abt. 37 b. abt 1783)
4 Free White Females under 10
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 44 (Mourning (NANCE**) abt 25 b. abt 1795)
(**Dau. of William W. NANCE and Mary THORPE)
1820 Southern District, Bedford County, VA,
Pg. #17 written 91 and 403
Line 10 Jack NANCE(**)
2 Free White Males under 10
(Thaddeus Christopher? abt. 8 b. abt 1812, Spottswood 7
b. 23 Jul 1813)
1 Free White Males of 26 and under 45 (John
abt. 40 b. abt 1780)
3 Free White Females under 10 (Mary Katherine abt 1 b. abt 1819, Sarah Margaret abt. 4 b. abt
1816, Celia 6 b. 14 Apr 1814)
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Mary Martha (ESTES) abt. 33 b. abt
(**Suppose to be John that married
Mary ESTES?? Parents unknown. Possible son
of John NANCE and Mary THORPE?))
1820 Southern District, Bedford County, VA,
Pg. #17 written 91 and 403
Line 19 Pascal NANCE
000100-10100- 030001000001
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (Pascal 23 b. 07 Nov 1796)
1 Free White Female under 10
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 25 (Martha (CREASY) abt. 15 b. abt 1805)
(**Son of Archibald W. NANCE and Nancy WILLIAMS)
Northern District, Bedford County, Virginia, Page 41
Line 28 William HUDNALL 210101-41110-0
2 Free White Males under 10
1 Free
White Male of 10 and under 16 (Samuel W. 12 b. Jul. 15, 1808)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (Jabez Leftwich 15
b. 25 Oct 1805)
Free White Male over 45 (William
abt. 47 b. 20 Apr 1773)
4 Free White Females under 10 (Susan
2 b. 15 May 1818, Parthenia ?, Patsey?, Nancy 8 b. 13 Apr 1812)
1 Free
White Female of 10 and under 16
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 18 (Elizabeth 17 b. abt 1803)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Nancy (WILLIAMS-NANCE**) 44 04 Jul
(**1st husband Archibald W. NANCE, son of Thomas
NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
If Mary
(Thorp-Hoard) Nance is in Bedford Co. in 1820
where is she in census and tax records..
If that is her in the previous records Will
written in 1826 probated 1840)
Book B Image 359a Page 19 May 8 (son Wilson?)BOTETOURT COUNTY
1820 Botetourt County, Virginia - Enumeration Date:
August 7, 1820
Line 22 John WITHERS 100010-30010-0001000002
1 Free White Male under 10 (Alfred
<1 b. abt 1820)
1 Free White Male of 25 and under 45 (John abt. 26 b. abt. 1794)
3 Free White Females under 10 (Julia
Ann 3 b. abt. 1817, Mariah abt. 5 b. abt 1815, Emily abt
7 b. abt 1813)
1 Free White Female of 25 and under 45 (Martha (NANCE**) 28 b. abt 1792)
(**Parents unknown)
1820 Charles City County, Virginia Page 5
Line 15 James
NANCE 000010-01110-02
1 Free White Males - 26 thru 44 (James
abt 40 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Females - 10 thru 15
1 Free White Females - 16 thru 25
1 Free White Females - 26 thru 44
(Elizabeth (CREW) abt 21 b. abt 1799)
(**Son of Eaton NANCE and Mary Rogers EATON)
1820 Charles City County, Virginia Pg. #8
Line 18 Zachariah NANCE
2 Free White Males under 10 (Zachariah Fleming abt. 3 b. abt 1817, James
abt 5 b. abt 1815)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 18
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Zachariah abt. 40 b. abt 1780)
3 Free White Females under 10 (Mary abt. 3 b. abt. 1817, Julia abt. 4 b.
abt. 1816, ???)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 16 (Frances E. abt 10 b. abt 1810)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Mary (MOUNDCASTLE) abt.
37 b. abt. 1783)
(**Son of Eaton NANCE and Mary
Rogers EATON)
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1820
Owner Nancy NANCE Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life,
208 Acres, Description Chicken *. River, Distance: 16
E, Value Per Acre: 8.00 Total Value of Land: 1664.00
Total Tax 2.08, Explanation:
Bryans Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 33 1/3
Acres, Description Chicken *. River, Distance: 16 E,
Rate Per Acre: 8.00 Total Value: 266.68 2/3
Total Tax .30, Explanation:
Spraggins Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 32 Acres,
Discription Moses Creek, Distance: 16 E, Value Per
Acre: 3.50 Total Value:112.00 Total Tax .14,
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1820
Owner James NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 15 Acres, Description Story's Run, Distance: 6
North, Rate Per Acre: 5.00 Total Value: 225.00, Total
Tax .29,
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1820
Owner Zachariah NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 72 Acres, Description East River, Distance: 6
N, Rate Per Acre: 3.25 Total Value: 253.50,
Total Tax .50, Explanation:
List of tithable property within the district of
Edward Folks Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1820
March 9 Kepee NANCE 0 1 0 0 0 0 - 0 70
0 Free White Male above 16, 1 Slaves over 12, 0
Horses, .70 Tax
List of tithable property within the district of
Edward Folks Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1820
March 9 Zachariah NANCE 1 3 1 - 2.28
1 Free White Male above 16, 3 Slaves over 12, 1
Horses, 2.28 Tax
List of tithable property within the district of
Edward Folks Commissioner in Charles City County for
the year 1820
March 9 James NANCE 1 1 1 - 0 88
1 Free White Male above 16, 1 Slaves over 12, 1
Horses, .88 Tax
1820 Charlotte County Virginia - Pg. 20
written 77
Line 27 Campbell NANCE(**) 000010-400010 No
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Campbell abt. 43 b. abt. 1777)
4 Free White Females under 10 (Lucinda
4 b. 26 Aug 1816, Effe 6
b. 11 Mar 1814, Sarah abt. 8
b. abt 1812, Margaret?* 9 b. 1811)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Elizabeth (PALMER) abt. 33 b. abt.
1 people in Agriculture
(*Not sure in this
family .. This is the Margaret? that married David
(**Son of Hood NANCE and Elizabeth
1820 Charlotte County Virginia - Pg. 21
written 79 No Township Listed
Line 2 Elizabeth NANCE,
000000-000111 No Slaves
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Lucy abt 36 b. abt 1784)
1 Free White Female over 45 (Elizabeth
(CAMPBELL?) abt 63 b. abt
(**Widow of Hood NANCE, son of
unknown parents)
(NOTE: Census taker included 16-18 year olds in females)
1820 Dinwiddie, Virginia, Enumeration Date: August 7,
1820 Page 11
Line 20 Jowel HITCHCOCK 000010-00100-3
1 Free White Males of 26 and under 45 (Joel abt 30 b. abt 1790)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Mary (NANCE**) abt 30 b. abt 1800)
(**Parents unknown; Mary NANCE marr. Joel HITCHCOCK 13
Jan 1819 Dinwiddie Co. VA)
1820 Dinwiddie, Virginia, Pg.
Line 5th from bottom William NANCE(**) 000001-00010- 020100000010
1 Free White Male over 45 (William abt. 50 b. abt 1770)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Christiana abt. 47 b. abt. 1773)
2 People in Agriculture
1 Male Slave under 14
1 Female Slave of 26 and under 45
(**Parents unknown, correct
1820 Dinwiddie, Virginia, Pg.
#15 No Township Listed
Last line on page Rebecca NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16 (Henry? abt 11? b. abt 1809?)
1 Free White Female under 10 {Dau.
abt 10 she is 1 in 1810}
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 16 {Dau. abt 12-16 she is 2-6 in 1810}
1 Free White Female over 45 (Rebecca
abt. 54 b. abt 1766)
1 People in Agriculture, 1 Male Slave over 45
(**Widow of a Thomas NANCE,
son of unknown parents, same as
listed in Dinwiddie Co. VA in 1810?)
1820 Banister Township, Halifax
County, Virginia, Pg. #63 written 289
Line 3 John W(ood)
NANCE 100010-20010-0200-00000100000000
1 Free White Male under 10 (John
Thomas < 1 b. 15 Mar 1820)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45
(John Wood abt. 40 b. abt 1780)
2 Free White Females under 10 (Sarah
J. 2 b. 04 Aug 1818, Mary 4 b. 03 Sep 1816)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Mildred (FAULKERSON) abt. 46 abt.
2 People in Agriculture, 1 Female Slave under 14
(**Son of Tavener NANCE and
1820 Meadsville, Halifax, Virginia, Page #71
written 310
Line 14 Mary NANCE
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16
3 Free White Females under 10 (June? < 1 b. 1820?; ?; ?)
2 Free White Female of 10 and under 16
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Mary (WILLINGHAM) abt 25
b. abt 1795)
(**Widow? Marr. Frederick NANCE, 23
Mar 1814, son of Tavener NANCE and Molly WILLINGHAM)
1820 Meadsville, Halifax, Virginia, Page 73b Enumeration
Date: August 7, 1820
Line 16 Absolem COMER 321110-11010-04000
3 Free White Males under 10 (Henry
Campbell >1 b. abt 1820, Absolom George abt 6 b. abt
1814, ?)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (William
abt 13 b. abt 1807, Thomas abt 15 b. abt 1815)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 18 (Wiley
abt 17 b. abt 1803)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 25
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Absolom
abt 40 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Elizabeth
abt 8 b. abt 1812)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Amy abt 12 b. abt 1808)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45
(Rebecca (NANCE**) abt 38 b. abt. 1782)
(**Dau. of Hood NANCE and Elizabeth (CAMPBELL?))
Meadsville, Halifax, Virginia; Page: 78; NARA Roll:
M33_131; Image: 95B
Line 18 John DISMUKE 400110-10010
4 Free White Males under 10
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 18
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 25
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (John abt 40 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female under 10
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Mary
(NANCE**) abt 39 b. abt 1781)
(**Dau. of Hood NANCE and Elizabeth
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1820 (A) taken by Henry
Terry Page 50
*** 6 John W Nance 1 1 0
2 - 1 06
1 White Tithes, 1 Black 12 to 16, 0 Blacks over 16, 2
Horses, 1.06 Tax
(Son of Tavner NANCE and Mary
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1820 (A) taken by Henry
Terry Page 50
March 8 Polly (Mary WILLINGHAM) Nance 0
0 2 2 - 1 76
0 White Tithes, 0 Black 12 to 16, 2 Blacks over 16, 2
Horses, 1.76 Tax
(Widow of Frederick NANCE, son of
NOTE: I have copies of ALL of the census pages for 1820 Henry County I transcribed them for the VA USGENWEB Project.
1820 Henry
County, Virginia Pg. #35a written 872 No Township Listed
Line 10 Peyton NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male under 10 (Reuben
L. 3 b. 28 Nov 1817)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (Peyton Skipper 25 b. 18 Feb 1795)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Anne?
abt. 2)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26
(Eleanor A. (SIMMS) abt. 20 b. abt
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Nancy BROWN)
Henry County, Virginia Pg. #35a written 872 No Township
Line 12 Nancy NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16 (Reuben Sanders 12 b. 28 May 1808)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (Lessenby 19 b. 10 Aug 1801)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Nancy 16 b. 22 Mar 1804)
1 Free White Female over 45 (Nancy
(BROWN) 53 b. 19 May 1767)
(**Widow of Reuben NANCE, Son of
William NANCE Jr. and Ann EPPES)
Henry County, Virginia Pg. #35a written 872 No Township
Line 13 Edmund NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male under 10 (William
Ignacious 1 b. 26 Apr 1819)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (Edmund 23 b. 20 Aug 1797)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Anna (SIMMS) abt. 26 b. abt 1794)
(**Son of Reuben NANCE
and Nancy BROWN)
Line 2 Peyton Nance
1 1
2 3
0 0
0 2 64
Line 4 Nancy Nance
1 7
2 8
0 0
0 7 74
Line 5 Edmund Nance
1 1
1 1
0 0
0 1 58
KANAWHA COUNTY {later West Virginia}
1820 Cabin Creek, Kanawha, Virginia Roll: M33_142;
Image: 22
Line 4 George HILL 320010-30010
3 Free White Males Under 10 (Roland
abt 2 b. abt 1818; Andrew Jackson abt 6 b. abt 1814;
Gordon abt 8 b. abt 1812)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 16 (James abt 12 b. abt 1808; Nelson? abt 13? b. abt 1807?)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (George abt 34 b. abt 1786)
3 Free White Females under 10 (Sarah abt 10 b. abt 1809; Rebecca? abt 8? b. abt 1812?;
1 Free White Female of 26 and
under 45 (Elizabeth (NANCE**) abt
34 b. abt 1786)
(**Parents unknown, Possibly dau.
of Daniel NANCE and Elizabeth (PALMER?))
1820 Kanawa County, Virginia - Page 17
Line 20 Wilson NANCE(**) 100200-10010-0
1 Free White Male under 10
2 Free White Males of 16 and under 26
(Wilson abt 25 b. abt 1795)
1 Free White Female under 10
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Charlotte (ELLISON) abt. 20 b. abt
(**Parents unknown)
1820 Mecklenburg
County, Virginia - Page 155a; Enumeration Date:
August 7, 1820
Line 1 Edward GILES 200010-00010
2 Free White Males under 10 (William
abt 1 b. abt 1819, ?)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Edward 41 b. 24 Feb 1779)
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Fanny
(NANCE**) 28 b. 8 Apr 1792)
(**Dau. of Isham NANCE and Frances MALONE)
1820 Mecklenburg County,
Virginia - Pg. #155b No Township Listed
Line 21 Isaac NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Isaac abt. 23 b. abt 1797)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Mary abt 1 b. abt 1819)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Polly (STANDLEY) abt. 20 b. abt 1800)
(**Son of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
1820 Mecklenburg County,
Virginia - Page 158 No Township Listed
Line 15 Captain John NANCE(**)
2 Free White Males under 10 (John
abt. 10 b. abt. 1810, Isham abt 5 b. abt 1815)
1 Free White Male over 45 (Captain
John abt 43 b. abt 1777)
2 Free White Females under 10 (Sarah
abt 5 b. abt 1815)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 16 (Mary H. abt 11 b. abt 1809, Emily abt
12 b. abt 1808)
2 Free White Females 16 and under 26
1 Free White Female over 45 (Unknown abt 45 b. abt 1755)
(**Son of Isham
NANCE Sr. and Frances "Fanny" MALONE)
1820 Mecklenburg County,
Virginia - Pg. 158 No Township Listed
Line 16 Frances NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Mahala*? abt 17? b. abt 1803?)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Nancy abt 26 b. abt 1794)
1 Free White Female over 45 (Frances
(MALONE) abt 69 b. abt 1751)
(**Widow of
Isham NANCE Sr, son of William NANCE Jr. and Ann
(*Mahala NANCE marr. a Edward
POYTHRESS in 1828 Mecklenburg Co. VA)
1820 Patrick County, Virginia
Line 9 David PHILPOTT 301100-30100
3 Free White Males under 10 (Enos
abt. 3 b. abt 1817, Elijah abt. 5 b. abt 1815, Reuben 7
21 Dec 1813)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 18
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (David 38 b. 06 Oct 1791)
3 Free White Females under 10 (Nancy
abt. 3 b. abt 1817, Cyrene 9 b. 15 Nov 1811)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Sarah (NANCE**) 28 b. 02 Nov 1791)
(*Only David I could find to fit the ages of David and
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and Nancy BROWN)
1820 Pittsylvania
County, Virginia - Pg.
#51 written 777 No Township Listed
Line 14 James NANCE(**)
2 Free White Males under 10 (Robert
H. 2 b. 16 Mar 1818, William M. <1 b. 07 Apr 1820)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45
(James 37 b. 25 Oct 1783)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Charlotte (HARRISON) abt 25 b. abt
(**Son of William Malone NANCE and Elizabeth THORNTON)
1820 Pittsylvania County,
Virginia - Pg. #53 written 781 No
Township Listed
Line 32 William M. NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (Robert N. 23 b. 21 Mar 1797)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Fredrick 28 b. 02 Aug 1792)
1 Free White Male of 45 and up
(William Malone 60 b. 18 Jan 1760)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 16 (Patsey B. 15 b. 12 Mar 1805)
2 Free White Females of 16 and under 26 (Jane "Ginsy" 20 b. 12 Sep 1800, Mary
21 b. 12 Mar 1799)
1 Free White Female of 45 and up (Elizabeth
abt 53 b. abt 1867)
(**Son of Giles NANCE and Mary Nancy MALONE)
1820 Pittsylvania
County, Virginia -
Pg. #54 written 782 No Township Listed
Line 27 Clement NANCE(**) 000100-00100 1 in
Agriculture 0 Slaves
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26
(Clement abt 26 b. abt 1794)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26
(**Son? of James NANCE Sr. and
Martha SAMMONS ??)
1820 Pittsylvania
County, Virginia -
Pg. #70 written 814 No Township Listed
Line 26 Pascal NANCE(**) 000100-00000-0 11
in Agriculture 00-2240-0400-0000-0000
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (Pascal)
(**Not sure who this is, son? of
William W. NANCE and Mary THORPE ??)
Prince Edward, Virginia Page: 147; NARA Roll: M33_131;
Image: 161
Line 26 Charles B ANDERSON 110300-00110
1 Free White Male under 10
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16
3 Free White Males of 16 and under 26 (Charles Blanton 25 b. 25 Sep 1795)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 16
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Susannah (NANCE**) 21 b. 1 Jul
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Nancy SPRAGGINS)
1820 Prince
Edward County, Virginia
Line 6 William VENABLE 20010-00010-00101
2 Free White Males under 10
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (William 40 b. 30 May 1780)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Frances (NANTZ**) 25 b. abt 1795)
of Frederick NANTZ and Martha Hughes WATKINS)
1820 Southampton County, Virginia -
Pg. #123a written 235 263 crossed out No Township Listed
Line 4 Thomas NANCE(**) 100100-00100-0100
1 Free White Male under 10
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (Thomas abt 20 b. abt 1800)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26
1 in Agriculture, 0 Slaves
(**Son of William NANCE and
Elizabeth ELLIS)
1820 Southampton County, Virginia - Pg.
#123a written 235 263 crossed out No Township Listed
Line 16 James (W.) NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (James abt. 23 b. abt 1797)
1 Free White Female under 10
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Elizabeth (COOPER) abt. 22 b. abt 1798)
1 in Agriculture, 1 Female Slave under 14
(**Son of William NANCE and
Elizabeth ELLIS)
Book A Image
407a Page 49 Feb 24
Line 12 John NANCE 3 2 0
3 White Male over 16
2 Slaves above 12
0 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 1 87
Book A Image
408a Page 50 Feb 24
Line 3 Allen NANCE 0 1 0
0 White Male over 16
1 Slaves above 12
0 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 14
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Owner Nancy NANCE Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 208
Acres, Description Chicken *. River, Distance: 16 E,
Value Per Acre: 8.00 Total Value of Land: 1664.00 Total
Tax 1.50, Explanation:
Bryans Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 33 1/3
Acres, Description Chicken *. River, Distance: 16 E,
Rate Per Acre: 8.00 Total Value: 266.68 2/3 Total
Tax .24, Explanation:
Spraggins Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 32 Acres,
Discription Moses Creek, Distance: 16 E, Value Per Acre:
3.50 Total Value:112.00 Total Tax .11, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Owner James NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate: Fee,
45 Acres, Description Story's Run, Distance: 6 North,
Rate Per Acre: 5.00 Total Value: 225.00, Total Tax .29,
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year
Owner Zachariah NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 78 Acres, Description East River, Distance: 6
N, Rate Per Acre: 3.25 Total Value: 253.50. Total
Tax .23, Explanation:
List of tithable property within the district of Edward
Fulks Commissioner in Charles City County for the year
March 9 Zachariah NANCE 2 1 0 0 0 - 1 19 1/2
List of tithable property within the district of Edward
Fulks Commissioner in Charles City County for the year
March 9 James NANCE 1 1 0 0 - 66 1/2
List of tithable property within the
district of Edward Fulks Commissioner in Charles City
County for the year 1821
March 29 Kepee NANCE 2 0 0 0 - 1 06
List of taxable property in the Northern District of
Halifax county for the year 1821 (A) taken by Henry
Terry Page ??
*** 2 Polly (Mary WILLINGHAM) Nance
0 0 2 1 - Tax 1 19
(Widow of Frederick NANCE, son of
List of taxable property in the Northern
District of Halifax county for the year 1821 (A) taken
by Henry Terry Page ??
*** 28 John W Nance 1 0 2
0 - Tax 1 06
(Son of Tavner NANCE and Mary
(Columns unmarked)
Page 8 N
Apr 7 Nancy Nance
9 7
1 6
Apr 11 Edmund Nance
2 2
Apr 11 Peyton Nance
3 1
1821 A list of taxable property in the Upper District of
Lunenburg County, Thomas Wood Commissioner Page 19
March 9 Johnson T Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0 0
Book A Image
484a Page 26 March 25
Line 6 John NANCE 3 2 0
3 White Male over 16
2 Slaves above 12
0 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 1 87
Book A Image
484a Page 26 April 6
Line 13 Allen NANCE 0 1 0
3 White Male over 16
2 Slaves above 12
0 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 14
Book B Image
5194a Page 26 April 6
Line 3 Paschall W NANCE 1 1 0
1 White Male over 16
1 Slaves above 12
0 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 67
Book B Image
5194a Page 26 April 6
Line 4 Paschall NANCE 3 3 0
3 White Male over 16
3 Slaves above 12
0 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 2 0 0
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1822
Owner Nancy NANCE Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life,
208 Acres, Description Chicken *. River, Distance: 16
E, Value Per Acre: 8.00 Total Value of Land: 1664.00
Total Tax 1.50, Explanation:
Bryans Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 33 1/3
Acres, Description Chicken *. River, Distance: 16 E,
Rate Per Acre: 8.00 Total Value: 266.68 2/3
Total Tax .24, Explanation:
Spraggins Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 32 Acres,
Discription Moses Creek, Distance: 16 E, Value Per
Acre: 3.50 Total Value:112.00 Total Tax .11,
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1822
Owner James NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 45 Acres, Description Story's Run, Distance: 6
North, Rate Per Acre: 5.00 Total Value: 225.00, Total
Tax .21,
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1822
Owner Zachariah NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 78 Acres, Description East River, Distance: 6
N, Rate Per Acre: 3.25 Total Value: 253.50.
Total Tax .23, Explanation:
Feb 11 Peyton Nance
3 1
Feb 11 Edmund Nance
2 2
Apr 13 Terrell Nance
0 1
Apr 13 Nancy Nance
10 7
1822 A list of taxable property in the Upper District
of Lunenburg County, Thomas Wood Commissioner
Page 18
Feb 22 Johnson Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0 0
Book A Image
549a Page 34 March 25
Line 3 Paschal NANCE 1 0 0
1 White Male over 16
0 Slaves above 12
0 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 47
Book A Image
549a Page 34 March 25
Line 17 John NANCE 5 4 0
5 White Male over 16
4 Slaves above 12
0 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 2 83
Book B Image
576b Page 25 March 20
Line 8 Paschal NANCE 0 1 0
0 White Male over 16
1 Slaves above 12
0 Horses
Total Amount of Tax = 12
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year 1823
Owner Nancy NANCE Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 208
Acres, Description Chicken *. River, Distance: 16 E, Value
Per Acre: 8.00 Total Value of Land: 1664.00 Total Tax 1.34,
Bryans Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 33 1/3
Acres, Description Chicken *. River, Distance: 16 E, Rate
Per Acre: 8.00 Total Value: 266.68 2/3 Total Tax .22,
ditto Spraggins
Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 32 Acres, Discription
Moses Creek, Distance: 16 E, Value Per Acre: 3.50 Total
Value:112.00 Total Tax .09, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year 1823
Owner James NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate: Fee, 45
Acres, Description Story's Run, Distance: 6 North, Rate Per
Acre: 5.00 Total Value: 225.00, Total Tax .18,
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the year 1823
Owner Zachariah NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate: Fee,
78 Acres, Description East River, Distance: 6 N, Rate
Per Acre: 3.25 Total Value: 253.50. Total Tax .21,
Page 10 N
Line 3 Mar 10 Peyton Nance
3 3 0
0 0 1
Line 4 Mar 10 Edmund Nance
2 2 0
0 0 1
Line 8 Apr 4 Nancy Nance
10 7 0
0 0 5
Line 10 Apr 12 Terrell Nance
0 1 0
0 0 0
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1824
Owner Nancy NANCE Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life,
208 Acres, Description Chicken *. River, Distance: 16
E, Value Per Acre: 8.00 Total Value of Land: 1664.00
Total Tax 1.34, Explanation:
Bryans Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 33 1/3
Acres, Description Chicken *. River, Distance: 16 E,
Rate Per Acre: 8.00 Total Value: 266.68 2/3
Total Tax .22, Explanation:
Spraggins Residence: Richmond, Estate: Life, 32 Acres,
Discription Moses Creek, Distance: 16 E, Value Per
Acre: 3.50 Total Value:112.00 Total Tax .09,
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1824
Owner James NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 45 Acres, Description Story's Run, Distance: 6
North, Rate Per Acre: 5.00 Total Value: 225.00, Total
Tax .18, Explanation:
List of land tax within the district of Edward Folks
Commissioner in the county of Charles City for the
year 1824
Owner Zachariah NANCE Residence: Charles City, Estate:
Fee, 78 Acres, Description East River, Distance: 6
N, Rate Per Acre: 3.25 Total Value: 253.50.
Total Tax .21, Explanation:
Page 9 N
Line Feb 9 Edmund Nance
4 3
0 0
0 2 24
Line Feb 9 Lessonby Nance
1 4
0 0
0 0 95
Line Mar 7 Peyton Nance
4 2
0 0
0 2 12
Line Mar 20 Terrell Nance
0 1
0 0
0 0 12
1824 A list of taxable property in the Upper District
of Lunenburg County, Thomas Wood Commissioner
Page 18
March 9 Johnson Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0 0
Page 10 N
Line 2 Feb 14 Peyton Nance
4 2
0 0
0 02 12
Line 4 Edmund Nance
5 3
0 0
0 2 71
Line 8 Lessenby Nance
3 2
0 0
0 1 65
Line 12 Harden Nance
0 1
0 0
0 0 12
1825 A list of taxable property in the Upper District
of Lunenburg County, Thomas Wood Commissioner
Page 18
March 14 Johnson Nance 1 0 0 0 - 0 0
Page 9
Line Feb 6 Peyton Nance
4 2
0 0
0 2 12
Line Feb 13 Lessenby Nance
3 2
0 0
0 1 65
Line Mar 26 Edmund Nance
5 3
0 0
0 2 71 (94 Slaves
108 Horses 2 Studs)
Page 10 N
Line Feb 8 Terrell Nance
0 1
0 0
0 0 12
Line Feb 8 Lessenby Nance
3 3
0 0
0 1 37
Line Feb 8 Edmund Nance
4 3
0 0
0 2 24
Line Feb 8 Peyton Nance
4 3 0
0 0
2 24
Page 10 Page
Feb 11
Peyton Nance 2
2 0
0 0
1 18
Feb 11 Lessenby Nance
3 3
0 0
1 77
Feb 11 Edmund Nance
5 3
0 0
0 2 71
Mar 10 Terrell Nance 0
1 0
0 0
0 12
Page 16 Feb
9 Terrell Nance 1
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
Mar 9 Lessenby Nance
1 3
1 3
0 1
Apr 13 Edmund Nance 1
3 0
2 0
0 1 40
Apr 13 Clement Nance
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1830 Bedford
County, Virginia Page 133
Line 15 Samuel BOCOCK 2010001000000-1230010000000
2 Free White Males under 5
1 Free White Males of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male 40 and under 50 (Samuel abt. 47 b. abt 1783)
1 Free White Female under 5
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10
3 Free White Females of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Mourning (NANCE**) abt 35 b. abt
(**Dau. of William W. NANCE and Mary THORPE)
1830 Bedford,
Virginia. Schedule of the whole number of Persons within
the Division allotted to Nicholas
Garland by the Marshal of Eastern District (or Territory)
of Virginia, Pg. #139 No Township Listed
Line 7 John NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male under 5
(Benjamin Estes, <1 b. 17 Feb 1830)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10
(Edwin Thomas, 7 b. 17 Jan 1823)
2 Free White Males of 15 and under 20 (Thaddeus Christopher? abt. 18 b. abt
1812, Spottswood 16 b. 23 Jul 1813)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (John abt. 50 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Elizabeth Jane abt. 3 b. abt. 1827)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Celia 15 b. 14 Apr 1814,
Sarah Margaret abt. 14 b. abt 1816)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Martha A. (ESTES) abt. 33 b. abt 1797)
(Where's Albert? abt 6 b. abt 1830 b. abt 1824, and
Lucinda? abt 10 b. abt 1820, and Mary Katherine? 11 b.
abt 1819)
unknown. Possible son of John NANCE and Mary
Bedford County, Virginia - Schedule of the whole number of
Persons within the Division allotted to Nicholas
Garland by the Marshal of Eastern District (or Territory)
of Virginia, Pg. #148 No Township Listed
Line 14 Paschal NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male under 5 (Crow abt
4 b. abt 1826)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10
(Archibald abt. 7 b. abt 1823)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Paschal Washington 34 b. 07 Nov 1796)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Martha Ellen >1 b. 1830)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Nancy A. abt. 6 b. abt 1824, ??)
1 Free White female of 20 and under 30 (Marth (CREASY) abt. 25 b. abt 1805)
(**Son of
Archibald (Whitfield?) NANCE and Nancy WILLIAMS)
Bedford County, Virginia - Schedule of the whole number of
Persons within the Division allotted to Nicholas
Garland by the Marshal of Eastern District (or Territory)
of Virginia, Pg. #149 No Township Listed
Line 4 Allen B NANCE(**) 1000100000000-1000100000000
1 Free White Male under 5 (Archibald
Whitfield 1 b. 15 Feb 1829)
1 Free White Male of
20 and under 30 (Allen Blair 29 b.
15 Feb 1801)
1 Free White Female
under 5 (Frances A. abt. 3 b. abt
1 Free White Female of 20
and under 30 (Mary A. "Polly" (WADE)
23 b. 17 Jan 1807)
(**Son of
Archibald (Whitfield?) NANCE and Nancy WILLIAMS)
1830 Bedford
County, Virginia, page 163
Line 2 William HUDNALL 0100000100000-0022000100000
1 Free White Male of 5 and under
10 (Woodson, Thomas, or William?)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (William abt. 57 b. 20 Apr 1773)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Susan 12 b. 15 May 1818, Parthenia ?)
2 Free White Females of 15 and under 20 (Patsey?, Nancy 18 b. 13 Apr 1812)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Nancy (WILLIAMS-NANCE**) 54 04 Jul
(**1st husband Archibald W. NANCE, son
of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
If Mary
(Thorp-Hoard) Nance is in Bedford Co. in 1820-1830 where
is she in census and tax records..
If that is her in the previous records; Will written in
1826 probated 1840)
1830 Botetourt County, Virginia
Line 25 John WITHERS 100001000000000-1121010000000
1 Free White Male under 5
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (John abt. 36 b. abt. 1794)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Amanda
3 b. abt. 1827)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Frances abt 5 b. abt 1825)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Julia Ann 13 b. abt. 1817, Mariah abt.
15 b. abt 1815)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Emily abt 17 b. abt 1813)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Martha (NANCE**) 38 b. abt 1792)
(**Parents unknown, a Martha NANCE
married a John WITHERS 24 Dec 1812)
1830 Brunswick County, Virginia - Schedule
of the whole number of Persons within the Eastern Division
allotted to Bucannon?? by the Marshal of District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #266 No Township Listed
Line 14 Isaac NANCE
2 Free White Males under 5
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (William
Thomas 6 b. 29 Sep 1824)
1 Free White Male 30 and under 40 (Isaac*
abt 33? b. abt 1797)
3 Free White Females under 5
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Ann Jane abt 10 or Mary E. abt 11)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Polly (STANDLEY) abt 30 b. abt
(*The same
(**If same, son of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
1830 Charles City,
Virginia Pg. #107
Line 9 James NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (James abt 50 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female under 5 {Dau.
abt 5 she is abt 15 in 1840}
2 Free White Females of 30 and under 40 (Elizabeth (CREW) abt 31 b. abt 1799)
(**Son of Eaton NANCE and Mary Rogers EATON)
1830 Charles City, Virginia Pg. #112
Line 5 Zach. NANCE(**) 0120001000000-1021101000000
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Benjamin
abt. 7 b. abt 1823)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (Zachariah Fleming abt. 13 b. abt 1817,
abt 15 b. abt 1815)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50
(Zachariah abt. 50 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Letitia abt. 5 b. abt 1825)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Mary S. abt. 13 b. abt 1817, Julia abt.
14 b. abt. 1816)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Frances E. abt 20 b. abt 1810)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 {another dau?}
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Mary (MOUNDCASTLE) abt. 47 b. abt. 1783)
(**Son of Eaton NANCE and Mary Rogers EATON)
1830 Charles City, Virginia, Pg.
Line 22 William G. NANCE(**) 0000001000000-0000010100000
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (William G.)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60
(Parents unknown; Son of Zachariah NANCE and Jane
WILKINS? or son of Eaton NANCE and Mary Rogers EATON?
Same William who married a Altezera Finch BUFFIN in
abt. 1832?)
1830 Dinwiddie County, Virginia - Schedule
of the whole number of Persons within the Division
to Peter E. Scott by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #393 No Township Listed
Line 5 William NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (William abt. 60 b. abt 1770)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Christiana abt. 57 b. abt. 1773)
(**Parents unknown, correct family?)
1830 Dinwiddie County, Virginia - Schedule of the
whole number of Persons within the Division
allotted to Peter E. Scott by the Marshal of Eastern
District (or Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #421
Line 12 Joel HITCHCOCK 0000001000000-0000100000000
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Joel abt 40 b. abt 1790)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Mary (NANCE**) abt 30 b. abt 1800)
(**Parents unknown; Mary NANCE
marr. Joel HITCHCOCK 13 Jan 1819 Dinwiddie Co. VA)
1830 Dinwiddie County, Virginia
- Schedule of the whole number of Persons
within the Division allotted
to Bucannon?? by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #423 No Township Listed
Line 20 Rebecca NANCE(**)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40
1 Free White Female of 60 and under 70 (Rebecca abt. 64 b. abt 1766)
(**Widow of a Thomas NANCE, listed in Dinwiddie Co. VA
in 1810?)
1830 Petersburg, Dinwiddie, Virginia to Augustine Page
Line 9 Mary MOUNTCASTLE 0100000000000-0000010100000
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Mary Eaton (NANCE**) abt 53 b. abt
(**Dau. of Captain NANCE and Mary Rogers EATON)
Elizabeth City County, Virginia - Schedule of the whole
number of Persons within the Division allotted to Bryan
M. Lister by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #225 written Charlotte
Line 25 Elizabeth NANCE
1 Free White Female of 30 and 40
1 Free White Female of 70 and 80
(**Not sure who
this is)
Elizabeth City County, Virginia - Schedule of the whole
number of Persons within the Division allotted to Bryan
M. Lister by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #234 written Charlotte
Line 4 Johnson NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40
(Johnson abt 28 b. abt 1802)
1 Free White Female of
under 5
1 Free White
Female of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Female of 30 and
under 40 (Rebecca (PAMPLIN) abt.
29 b. abt. 1801)
(**Son of Tavener J. NANCE and Molly WILLINGHAM)
Halifax, Virginia Roll: 192; Page: 372
Line 21 James BATES 0000000010000-0010100010000
1 Free White Male 60 and under 70 (James abt 70 b. abt 1760)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Female of 60 and under 70 (Lavinia Frances (NANCE**) 60
b. 14 Dec 1769)
(**Dau. of Thomas Vaughan NANCE and Elizabeth?
1830 Halifax
County, Virginia - Schedule
of the whole number of Persons within the
Division allotted to *****
Irwin by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #376 written
Charlotte Township
Line 12 John H STEAGALL
1 Free White Male under 5 (Granville
abt. 1 b. abt 1829)
1 Free White Male 5 and under 10
1 Free White Male 30 and under 40
(John H. abt 32 b. abt 1798)
3 Free White Females under 5 (Augusta
abt. 1 b. abt 1829, America abt. 3 b. abt 1827)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Susannah (NANCE**) abt. 31 b. abt
(**Dau. of Hood NANCE and Elizabeth
Halifax County, Virginia - Schedule
of the whole number of Persons
within the Division
allotted to ***** Irwin by the
Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg.
Line 11 Absolum COMER 0310000100000-0001001000000
3 Free White Males of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Henry Campbell 11 b. abt 1820)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (Absolom abt 50 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Elizabeth abt 18 b. abt 1812)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Rebecca
(NANCE**) abt 48 b. abt. 1782)
(**Dau. of Hood NANCE and Elizabeth
1830 Halifax,
Virginia; Series: M19; Roll: 192; Page: 385
Line 6 John DISMUKES 0023101000000-0000100100000
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15
3 Free White Males of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (John abt 49 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Mary
(NANCE**) abt 50 b. abt 1781)
(**Dau. of Hood NANCE and Elizabeth
NOTE: I have copies of ALL of the census pages for 1830 Henry County I transcribed them for the VA USGENWEB Project.
Henry County, Virginia Schedule of the whole number of
Persons within the Division allotted to George
S. Staples by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #201 No Township Listed
Line 11 Benjamin MARSHALL, Jr.
1 Free White Male under 10 (Peyton
Samuel 1 b. Mar. 18, 1829)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Reuben
D. 7 b. 18 Dec 1823)
1 Free
White Male of 20 and under 30 (Benjamin
Alfriend 30 b. 13 Nov 1800)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Sarah
Lois <1 b. 05
Nov 1830, Francis Harper 3 b. 22 Oct 1827)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under
10 (Mary Brown 8 b. 18 Jun 1822)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Nancy (NANCE**) 26 b. 22 Mar 1804)
(**Dau. of Rueben NANCE and Nancy
Henry County, Virginia, Schedule of the
whole number of Persons within the Division allotted to
S. Staples by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #202 No Township Listed
Line 2 Edmund NANCE(**) 0021010000000-3200010000000
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (William Ignacious 11 b. 26 Apr 1819, ?)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Edmund** 33 b. 20 Aug 1797)
3 Free White Females under 5 (Eleanor
S. abt. 1 b. abt. 1829, Exoney <1 b. 10 Oct 1830)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Margaret abt 4 b. abt 1826, Jane
6 b. 31 Mar 1824)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Anna (SIMMS) 36 b. abt. 1794)
(**Son of Reuben NANCE
and Nancy BROWN)
Henry County, Virginia, Schedule
of the whole number of Persons within the Division
allotted to George
S. Staples by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #202 No Township Listed
Line 4 Lessonby NANCE(**) 1100200000000-1000100000000
1 Free White Male under 5 (John
Washington abt. 4 b. abt. 1826)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (William
abt. 6 b. abt 1824)
2 Free White Males of 20 and under 30 (Lessonby 29 b. 10 Aug 1801, and
brother? Reuben Sanders(**) 22 b. 28 May 1808)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Jane
S. 3 b. Jun 1827)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Exoney "Oney" D (SIMMS) abt. 25 b. abt
(**Sons of Reuben NANCE and Nancy BROWN)
Henry County, Virginia, Schedule
of the whole number of Persons within the Division
allotted to George
S. Staples by the Marshalof Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #202 No Township Listed
Line 6 Terrel NANCE(**) 1000010000000-2100100000000
1 Free White Male under 5 (Peyton
Tyler b. 07 May 1824)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Terrel 32 b. 17 Nov 1798)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Mary
Ann abt 1 b. abt 1829, Louisa Virginia abt 2 b. abt
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Jeanette 7 b. 15 Sep 1823)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Elizabeth (OAKS) 26 b. 11 Oct 1804)
(**Son of William? NANCE and
1830 Henry
County, Virginia,
Schedule of the whole number of Persons within the
Division allotted to George
S. Staples by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #202 No Township Listed
Line 7 Mary NANCE
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Clement?* b. abt 1795)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Eliza? abt 20 b. 1810 who marr. Elias
1 Free White Female of 60 and under 70 (Mary (TERRELL?) b. Bet. 1760–1770)
(*Could this be Clement NANCE b.
abt 1795 who marr. Lucinda GRIFFIN in 1833?
It's possible Mary died abt 1831 and Clement moved to
NC, sister Eliza went with him?)
1830 Kanawha
County, Virginia Roll: 191; Page: 195
Line 21 George HILL 0221001000000-0021001000000
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (William abt 8 b. abt 1822; George
Washington abt 10 b. abt 1820)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (Roland abt 12 b. abt 1818; Andrew
Jackson abt 15 b. abt 1814)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Gordon abt 18 b. abt 1812)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (George abt 44 b. abt 1786)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Margaret?; ???)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Sarah abt 20 b. abt
Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Elizabeth
(NANCE**) abt 44 b. abt 1786)
(**Parents unknown, Possibly dau.
of Daniel NANCE and Elizabeth (PALMER?))
1830 Mecklenburg
County, Virginia - Schedule of
the whole number of Persons within the Division allotted
to _________ by the Marshal of ________ District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #43 No Township Listed
Line 21 John NANCE(**)
0002000100000-1001200100000 Total 8
2 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Isham abt 16 b. abt 1814, John abt.
20 b. abt. 1810, )
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (John abt. 53 b. abt 1777)
1 Free White Female under 5
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Sarah abt 15 b. abt 1815)
2 Free White Females of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Unknown abt 55 b. abt 1755)
(**Son of Isham NANCE and Frances
1830 Part II, Mecklenburg County, Virginia Page 58
Line 14 Edward GILES 0110001000000-1020010000000
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Isham
abt 5 b. abt 1825)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (William abt 11 b. abt 1819)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Edward 50 b. 24 Feb 1779)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Elizabeth
abt 2 b. abt 1828)
2 Free White Females 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female 30 and under 40 (Fanny
(NANCE**) 38 b. 8 Apr 1792)
(**Dau. of Isham NANCE and Frances
Christiansburg, Montgomery, Virginia
Line Andrew Lykins 2000100000000-1100100000000
2 Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: (James<
1, John 3)
1 Free White Persons - Males - 20
thru 29: (Andrew 34)
1 Free White Persons - Females -
Under 5: (Sally 3)
1 Free White Persons - Females - 5
thru 9: (Parthene 5)
1 Free White Persons - Females -
20 thru 29: (Nancy (NANCE**) 36 b. 09 Jun 1794)
(**Parents unknown, ages from 1850
1830 Patrick County, Virginia
Line 9 David PHILPOTT 1011101000000-0001001000000
1 Free White Male under 5 (David
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (David* 38 b. 06 Oct 1791)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Sarah (NANCE**) 38 b. 02 Nov 1791)
(*Only David I found that fits close to David and
Sarah's ages)
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and Nancy BROWN)
1830 Pittsylvania County, Virginia -
Schedule of the whole number of Persons within the
Division allotted to Thos.
W. Wooding by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #312 written 301 No Township
Line 25 William NANCE
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20
2 Free White Males of 30 and under 40 (Frederick 38 b. 02 Aug 1792, Robert N
33 b. 21 Mar 1797)
1 Free White Male of 70 and under 80
(William Malone 70 b. 18 Jan 1760)
2 Free White Females of 20 and under 30 (Patsey 25 b. 12 Mar 1805, Jane 30 b.
12 Sep 1800)
1 Free White Female of 60 and under 70 (Elizabeth (THORNTON) abt. 63)
(**Son of Giles NANCE and Mary Nancy
1830 Pittsylvania County,
Virginia - Schedule of the whole number
of Persons within the Division allotted to
Thos. W. Wooding by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #323 No Township Listed
Line 20 James NANCE 0020001000000-1100110000000
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (Robert H. 12 b. 16 Mar 1818, William
M. 10 b. 07 Apr 1820)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50
(James 47 b. 25 Oct 1783)
1 Free White Female under 5
(Letitia Susan 1 b. 11 Apr 1829)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Keturia Jane 6 b. 24 Jun 1824)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Harriet*? abt 22
b. abt 1818)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Charlotte (HARRISON) 38 b. 08 Jun
(**Son of William Malone NANCE and Elizabeth THORNTON)
(Harriet NANCE marr. Richard KEESEE, 23 Dec 1838 in
Pittsylvania County, Virginia)
1830 Pittsylvania County, Virginia -
Schedule of the whole number of Persons within the
Division allotted to Thomas
W. Wooding by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #373 written 60 No Township
Line 24 Jno W(ood)
3 Free White Males under 5 (Jeremiah
J. 3 b. 27 Feb 1827, Jared 5 b. 05 Jul 1825, Clem C. abt
6 b. Dec 1823)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (James
F. 8 b. 03 Dec 1822)
1 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (John Thomas 10 b. 15 Mar 1820)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (John Wood abt 50 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Elizabeth
Jane 1 b. 20 Jan 1829)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Sarah J. 12 b. 04 Aug 1818, Mary 14 b.
03 Sep 1816)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Mildred (FAULKERSON) abt. 46 abt. 1784)
(**Son of Tavener NANCE and Mary
John NANCE, Jr.
Prince Edward, Virginia
Line 14 Charles B Anderson 1102110000000-2200200000000
1 Free White Male under 5
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9:
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19:
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29:
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Charles Blanton 35 b. 25 Sep 1795)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Ellen
<1 b. 1830)
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9:
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Susannah (NANCE**) 30 b. 1 Jul
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Nancy SPRAGGINS)
Mar 5
Lessenby Nance 1
3 1
2 0
0 0
1 56
Mar 5 Lessenby Nance
1 4
1 3
0 0
0 1 99
Apr 10 Terrel Nance
1 0
0 2
0 0
0 0 16
March 13
Terrell NANCE 1 0 0 1 Tax .06
1 White Male above 16
1 Horses, Mares or Cattle
April 7
Edmund NANCE 2 4 0 10 Tax 1.06
1 White Male above 16
4 Blacks above 16
0 Blacks from 12 to 16
1 Horses, Mares or Cattle
April 13
Hardin NANCE 1 0 0 1 Tax .06
1 White Male above 16
1 Horses, Mares or Cattle
John NANCE, Jr.
March 11
Terrell NANCE 1 0 0 0
1 White Male above 16
(Wife/Widow? of Robert N. NANCE,
son of William Malone NANCE and Elizabeth THORNTON)
Feb 9
Pleasant NANCE 1 0 0 0
1 White Male above 16
Feb 20
Hardin NANCE 1 0 0 1 Tax .06
1 White Male above 16
1 Horses, Mares or Cattle
Feb 20 Terrell NANCE 1 0 0 0
1 White Male above 16
John NANCE, Jr.
William M. NANCE
Private - Sergeant
Virginia Militia
$49.00 Annual Allowance
$122.50 Amount Received
August 31, 1833 Pension Started
Age 74
Apr 8 Pleasant NANCE 1 0 0 0
1 White Male above 16
May 7 Hardin NANCE 1 0 0 1 Tax .06
1 White Male above 16
1 Horses, Mares or Cattle
May 7 Terrell NANCE 1 0 0 1 Tax .06
1 White Male above 16
1 Horses, Mares or Cattle
May 6 Hardin
NANCE 1 0 0 1 Tax .06
1 White Male above 16
1 Horses, Mares or Cattle
1840 Amelia County, Virginia, Schedule of
the whole number of Persons within the Division
allotted to James W. Muse by the Marshal of Eastern
District (or Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #188
Line 22 William NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 60 and under 70 (William abt. 70 b. abt 1770)
1 Free White Female of 60 and under 70 (Christiana abt. 67 b.
abt. 1773)
(**Parents unknown)
1840 Southern District, Bedford,
Virginia. Schedule of the whole number of Persons within
the Division allotted
to T. T. Saunders by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #245 written 187, Southern
Line 4 Thadeus C. NANCE(**) 2100100000000-1200101000000
2 Free White Males under 5 (Elisha
Derastus 5 b. 31 Jan 1835, William Pleasant <1 b. 29
Oct 1839)
1 Free White Male of 5 and 10 (Thomas
Whitfield 8 abt. 22 Nov 1832)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Thaddeus Christopher? abt. 28 b. abt.
1 Free White Female under 5 (Sarah
Ann abt. 4 b. abt 1836)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Emeline abt. 6 b. abt 1834)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Sarah (JOHNSTON) 28 b. 06 Jun 1812)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Nancy JOHNSON? 40*)
(*Name and age from 1850 Bedford County VA census)
(**Son of John NANCE and Martha A. ESTES)
1840 Bedford County, Virginia Schedule of
the whole number of Persons within the Division allotted
to T. T. Saunders by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #256, Southern Dist.
Line 4 Paschal W.
NANCE(**) 1001001000000-1201010000000
1 Free White Male under 5 (Paschal Washington Jr. abt. 4 b. abt 1836)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Archibald abt. 17 b. abt. 1823)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Paschal Washington 43 b. 07 Nov 1796)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Susanah <1 b. 1840)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Martha abt. 9 b. abt.
1831, Eliza abt. 6 b. abt 1834)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Nancy abt. 16 b. abt.
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Martha (CREASY) abt. 35
b. abt. 1805)
(**Son of Archibald Whitfield? NANCE and Nancy WILLIAMS)
1840 Southern District, Bedford,
Virginia - Schedule of the whole number of Persons within
the Division allotted
to T. T. Saunders by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #264, written 56 Southern
Line 18 John NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male under 5 (John
Ferdinand 1 b. 11 Jun 1839)
1 Free White Male of 5 and 10 (Thorp
Hoard 9 b. 20 Feb 1831)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Benjamin Estes 10 b. 17 Feb 1830)
2 Free White Males of 15 and under 20 (Albert F. abt. 16 b. abt. 1824, Edwin
Thomas 17 b. 17 Jan 1823)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (John abt. 60 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Emeline Frances 4 b. 15 Feb 1836)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Martha E. 6 b. 06 Apr 1834)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Elizabeth Jane abt. 13
b. abt. 1827)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Martha A. (ESTES) abt. 43 b. abt 1797)
(**Parents unknown. Possibly son of William NANCE and
Mary THORPE ??)
1840 Bedford County, Virginia - Schedule of the whole
number of Persons within the Division allotted to T. T.
Saunders by the Marshal of Eastern District (or Territory)
of Virginia, Pg. #265, written 57 Southern Dist.
Line 26 Williamson BURNET
1 Free White Male of
20 and under 30 (Williamson
30 b. 12 Aug 1810)
2 Free White Females
under 5 (Nancy
> 1 b. abt 1840,
Martha abt 2 b. abt 1838)
1 Free White Female
of 20 and under 30 (Celia (NANCE**) abt 26 b. abt 1814)
(**Dau. of John NANCE
and Martha ESTES)
1840 Northern District, Bedford,
Virginia, Page 298
Line 31 Isaac
WADE 1000010000000-1100100000000
1 Free White Male
under 5 (Thadeous
abt 4 b. abt 1836)
1 Free White Male
of 30 and under 40 (Isaac Samuel abt 33 b. abt 1807)
1 Free White
Female Under 5
1 Free White
Female of 5 and under 10 (Martha Ann abt 6 b. abt 1834)
1 Free White
Female of 20 and under 30 (Mary (NANCE**) abt 21 b. abt
(**Dau. of John NANCE
and Martha ESTES)
1840 Charles City, Charles City
County, Virginia, Schedule of the whole number of Persons
within the Division allotted
to Robert E Walker by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #123 written 121, No Township
Line 1 Zacariah NANCE(**)
0001100010000-0001110100000 Slaves 000000-001000 2 in
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Benjamin Albert abt 17 b. abt 1823)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Zachariah Fleming Jr. abt 23 b. abt
1 Free White Male of 60 and under 70 (Zachariah abt 60 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Letitia abt 15 b. 1825)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Julia abt 24 b. abt 1816)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Frances abt 30 b. abt 1810)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Mary (MOUNDCASTLE) abt 57 b. abt 1783)
(**Son of Eaton
NANCE and Mary Rogers EATON)
1840 Charles City,
Charles City County, Virginia, Schedule of
the whole number of Persons within the Division allotted
to Robert E Walker by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #131, No Township Listed
Line 13 James NANCE
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (James abt 50 b. abt 1780)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 {Dau. abt 15 she's under 5 in 1830}
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Elizabeth (CREW) abt 41 b. abt 1799)
(**Son of Eaton NANCE and Mary Rogers EATON)
1840 Charlotte, Virginia, Schedule of the
whole number of Persons within the Division allotted
to George J.
Roberts by the Marshal of Eastern District
(or Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #157, No Township
Line 4 John P KEESEE
2100001000000-0110010000000-00000-00000-100000-001000- 9
Total 3 in Manufacturing
2 Free White Males under 5 (George
1 b. abt 1839)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (John
9 b. abt 1831)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (John Payton abt. 44 b. 24 Dec 1796)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Elizabeth 7 b. abt 1833)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Louisa abt. 11 b. abt 1829)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Ann Duke (NANCE**) 38 b. 20 Jan 1802)
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Nancy
1840 Chesterfield County, Virginia -
Schedule of the whole number of Persons within the
Division allotted to
Jos. Goode by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #178, No Township Listed,
Line 8 Thomas J. M. NANCE(**),
0000100000000-000010000000- Colored 001000-001000 No
Slaves 1 Manufacture and Trades
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Thomas abt 25? b. abt 1815?)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Sally C (ALLEN) abt 25? b. abt 1815?)
(**Parents unknown)
1840 Dinwiddie, Virginia Page 18
Line 22 Joel HITCHCOCK 0000000100000-0000100000000
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (Joel abt 50 b. abt 1790)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Mary (NANCE**) abt 40 b. abt 1800)
(**Parents unknown; Mary NANCE marr. Joel HITCHCOCK 13
Jan 1819 Dinwiddie Co. VA
Mary could have previously been married to a NANCE)
1840 Petersburg East Ward, Dinwiddie, Virginia, William
B. Stark, Page 90
Line 26 Martha? {Hard to read} MOUNTCASTLE
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
2 Free White Females of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Martha abt 40 b. abt 1800)
1 Free White Female of 60 and under 70 (Mary Eaton (NANCE**) abt 63 b. abt
(**Dau. of Captain NANCE and Mary Rogers EATON)
1840 Petersburg West Ward, Dinwiddie County, VA Census
Line 29 Zachariah PEARMAN 0000001000000-0000100000000
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Zachariah abt 40 b. abt 1800)
1 Free White Female 20 and under 30 (Mary (NANCE**) abt 24 b. abt 1816)
(**Dau. of Zachariah
1840 (City, County,
State): Floyd, Virginia
Name: Andrew Likins
2 Free White Males - Under 5: (Reuben 2,
Daniel 3)
1 Free White Persons - Males - 5
thru 9: ( Phillip 6, James 9)
1 Free White Persons - Males - 10
thru 14: (John 13)
1 Free White Persons - Males - 40
thru 49: (Andrew 44)
1 Free White Persons - Females -
Under 5: (?? died before 1850?)
2 Free White Persons - Females -
15 thru 19: (Sally 13, Parthene 15)
1 Free White Persons - Females -
40 thru 49: (Nancy (NANCE**) 44)
(**Parents unknown)
1840 Greensville County, Virginia - Schedule
of the whole number of Persons within the Division
allotted to
J*s. L. ***ham by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg. #408, No Township Listed
Line 9 James NANCE(**)
1100001000000-0011001000000 No Colored No Slaves Total 6,
1 Agriculture
1 Free White Male under 5
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (James abt 50? b. abt 1790?)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Elizabeth Ann (TOMLINSON) abt 45? b. abt
(**Parents unknown)
1840 North District, Halifax, Virginia
Line 8 John H. STEAGALL 2101101000000-0330010000000
2 Free White Males under 5 (Towns
abt. 4, John abt. 7)
1 Free White Male 5 and under 10 (Granville
abt. 10)
1 Free White Male 15 and under 20
1 Free White Male 20 and under 30
1 Free White Male 40 and under 50 (John
H. abt 42 b. abt 1798)
3 Free White Females of 5 and under 10
3 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Augusta abt. 11, America abt. 13)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Susannah (NANCE**) abt. 41 b. abt
(**Dau. of Hood NANCE and Elizabeth
1840 Henry County,
Virginia, Schedule of the whole number of Persons within
the Division allotted to
______ by the Marshal of ___________ District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg #287 No Township Listed
Line 26 Cornelius CAYTON, Sr
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (James
Henry NANCE 5 b. 10 May 1835)
1 Free White Male of 10 and
under 15 (Richard
Davner? NANCE** abt. 10, b. abt 1830*)
1 Free White Male of 60 and under 70 (Cornelius abt. 64 b. abt. 1776*)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Matilda NANCE** abt. 18
b. abt. 1822)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Nancy (DAVIS) abt. 50 b. abt 1790)
(**Children? of David NANCE {below}
and Mary "Polly" GROGAN)
(*Names/ages taken from 1850 Henry
County VA census)
Henry County, Virginia, Schedule of the
whole number of Persons within the Division allotted to
_____ by the Marshal of ___________ District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg #287 No Township Listed
Line 27 Cornelius CAYTON, Jr
1 Free White Male under 10 (Anderson
3 abt. 1837)
1 Free While Male of 20 and under 30 (Cornelius 25 b. 26 Mar 1815)
1 Free While Female of 20 and under 30 (Ollie (NANCE**) abt. 25 b. abt 1815)
(**Dau. of David NANCE {below}? and
Mary "Polly" GROGAN)
1840 Henry County,
Virginia, Schedule of the whole number of Persons within
the Division allotted to
_______ by the Marshal of ___________ District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg #288 No Township Listed
Line 2 Harden NANCE(**)
0102001000000-0011101000000 No Colored No Slaves Total 8,
4 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (William
9 b. abt. 1831)
2 Free White Males of 15 and under 20 (Henry abt 17 b. abt 1823, Fontaine
19 b. 15 Apr 1821)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Harden 44 b. 02 Jul 1796*)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Lucretia 13 b. abt. 1827)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Catherine*** 17 b. May 1823)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Sarah 20 b. abt. 1820)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Mary B. 43 b. 28 Mar 1797)
(**Son of John NANCE and Mary/Molly COX)
(*unmarried Nancy COX names Harden NANCE as her
cousin in her Will dated 10 Aug 1832 Henry Co. VA
(Nancy COX names her brothers
Bennett, William and sister Patsy COX), Nancy's father
Charles COX and Harden's mother Mollie COX were
(***Dau. of David
or Harden? Catherine NANCE marr. Blair EANES 09 Nov 1847
in Henry Co. VA)
Henry County, Virginia, Schedule of the whole
number of Persons within the Division allotted to
________ by the Marshal of __________ District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg #288 No Township Listed
Line 4 David NANCE(**) 0010000100000-0001100100000 No
Colored No Slaves Total 5, 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Chapel 12 b. abt. 1828)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (David 48 b. abt 1792)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Catherine?* 14 b. Aug 1826)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Eliza abt 25 b. abt
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Mary "Polly" (GROGAN) abt 50 b. abt
(**Son of John
NANCE and Mary/Molly COX)
of David or Harden? Catherine NANCE marr.
Blair EANES 09 Nov 1847 in Henry Co. VA)
Henry County, Virginia, Schedule
of the whole number of Persons within the Division
allotted to George
S. Staples by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Bk 33 Pg #292 No Township Listed
Line 6 Pleasant NANCE(**) 2000100000000-0001000100000
Total 5, 1 Agriculture
2 Free White Males under 10 (James
G. 3 b. 30 Oct 1837, and Harden 1 b. 20 Oct 1839)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Pleasant abt. 26 b. abt 1814)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Eliza (BARKER) abt. 18 b. abt. 1822)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60(*) (Pleasant's
mother? Betsy? abt 52? b. abt 1788?)
son of John? NANCE and Elizabeth? (M.N.U.) ??)
Henry County, Virginia - Schedule of the whole number
of Persons within the Division allotted to George
S. Staples by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Bk 33 Pg #298 No Township
Line 21 Benjamin MARSHAL
1 Free White Male under 5 (Saunders 3 b. abt 1837)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Benjamin 7 b. 04 Mar 1832)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Peyton Samuel 11 b. Mar. 18, 1829)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Reuben
D. 17 b. 18 Dec
1 Free White
Male of 20 and under 30 (??)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Benjamin 40 b. 13 Nov 1800)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Julia
1 b. 24
Jun 1839)
3 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Susan 5 b. 26 Nov 1834, Martha
Jane 6 b. 12
Sep 1833, Sarah Lois 10 b. 05
Nov 1830)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Francis Harper 13 b. 22 Oct 1827)
2 Free White Females
of 15 and under 20 (Mary
Brown 18 b. 18 Jun 1822, ??)
1 Free White Female
of 30 and under 40 (Nancy
(NANCE**) 36 b. 22 Mar 1804)
(**Dau. of Rueben
NANCE and Nancy BROWN)
Page 17 N
Line 4 Apr 11 Pleasant Nance
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 0
Line 14 Apr 23 Harden Nance
2 0
0 2
0 0
0 0 16
Kanawha, Virginia page 27 Image 54
Line 1 Geo. HILL 0001100100000-0000000010000
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (William abt 18 b. abt 1822)
1 Free White Male
of 20 and under 30 (George?,
Roland? or Andrew?)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (George
abt 54 b. abt 1786)
1 Free White Female of 60 and
under 70 (Elizabeth (NANCE**) abt 54 b. abt
(**Parents unknown Elizabeth NANCE
marr. George HILL, 5 Mar 1806 - Kanawha, Virginia)
1840 Lunenburg County, Virginia - Schedule
of the whole number of Persons within the Division
allotted to
William S. Bragg by the Marshal of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Virginia, Pg #290 No Township Listed
Line 30 Johnson T. NANCE(**)
0000001000000-0100001000000 No Colored Slaves
300000-201000 Total 9, 1 Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Johnson abt 38 b. abt 1802)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Edity abt. 6 b. abt 1834)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Rebecca (PAMPLIN) abt. 39 b. abt.
(**Son of Tavener J.
1840 Mecklenburg County, Virginia - Schedule of
the whole number of Persons within the Division allotted
to Jas.
T. Scaggin by the Marshal, 18th Regiment of Eastern
District (or Territory) of Virginia, Pg #398 No Township
Line 20 Isham NANCE(**)
0000100000000-3000100000000 No Colored, Slaves
000000-000100 Total 6, 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (James Isham abt 26 b. abt 1814)
3 Free White Females under 5 (Sarah abt. 4 b. 1836, Mary abt. 2 b. 1838,
Martha <1 b 1840)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Susan (VAUGHAN) abt 22
b. abt 1818)
(**Possibly the son of Isham
NANCE, Jr. and Nancy RAINEY)
1840 East District, Mecklenburg,
Virginia Page: 396
Line Jas W Drumwright 2000001000000-0100100000000
2 Free White Males - Under 5: (George abt 4 b. abt 1836 and ???)
1 Free White Male - 40 thru 49: (James abt 42 b. abt 1798)
1 Free White Female - 5 thru 9:
(Sarah abt 8 b. abt 1832)
1 Free White Female - 20 thru 29: (Lucy Ann (NANCE**)) abt 26 b. abt
(**Dau of Thomas NANCE and Sarah MALONE)
1840 Regiment 107, Pittsylvania, Virginia Page 69
Line 2 Charles LEWIS
2 Free White Males under 5 (Samuel
abt 3 b. abt 1837, Vincent abt 1 b. abt 1839)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Richard
abt 6 b. abt 1834)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 14 (William abt 12 b. abt 1828)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Charles abt 38 b. abt 1802)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Martha M. (NANCE**) 35 b. 10 or 12 Mar
(**Dau. of William M. NANCE and
unknown mother)
1840 Regiment 107, Pittsylvania, Virginia Page: 84;
Image: 174
Line 14 Richd KEESEE 1000100000000-0000200000000
1 Free White Male under 5
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Richard abt 24 b. abt 1816)
2 Free White Females of 20 and under 30 (Harriet (NANCE**) abt 22 b. abt 1818,
(**Possibly dau. of James NANCE
and Charlotte HARRISON?)
Harriet NANCE marr. Richard KEESEE, 23 Dec 1838 in
Pittsylvania County, Virginia)
1840 Pittsylvania County, Virginia -
Schedule of the whole number of Persons within the
Division allotted to William
Buford by the Marshal of Eastern District (or Territory)
of Virginia, Pg #115 No Township Listed, Southern Dist.
Line 1 James NANCE(**)
0100000100000-0011101000000 No Colored
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10
(James Layfette 6 b. 11 Feb 1834)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60
(James 57 b. 25 Oct 1783)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Letitia Susan 11 b. 11 Apr 1829)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Keturia Jane 16 b. 24 Jun 1824)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Charlotte (HARRISON) abt. 45 b. abt.
of William Malone NANCE and Elizabeth THORNTON?)
1840 Pittsylvania County
Virginia, Schedule of the whole number of
Persons within the Division allotted to William
Buford by the Marshal of Eastern District (or Territory)
of Virginia, Pg #115 No Township Listed, Southern District
Line 19 William M. NANCE(**)
Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services included
in the Foregoing William M. NANCE 82 years old
1 Free White Male under 5 years
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (William(*) M. 20 b. 7 Apr 1820)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (John 50 b. 23 Mar 1790)
1 Free White Male of 80 and under 90 (William Malone 80 b. 18 Jan 1760)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Patsey B. 35 b. 12 Mar 1805)
1 Free White Female of 70 and under 80 (Elizabeth (THORNTON) abt. 73 b. abt.
(**Son of Giles NANCE and Mary Nancy MALONE)
1840 Pittsylvania County Virginia, Schedule
of the whole number of Persons within the Division
allotted to William
Buford by the Marshal of Eastern District (or Territory)
of Virginia, Pg #135 No Township Listed, Southern District
Line 6 John NANCE(**)
0112000100000-0011000100000 No Colored, Slaves
100000-010000 Total 10, 1 in Manufactures or Trade
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Joseph 10 b. 26 Aug 1830)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
(Jeremiah J. 13 b. 27 Feb 1827)
2 Free White Males of 15 and under 20 (Jared
W 15 b. 05 Jul 1825, Clem C. abt 16 b. Dec 1823, or
James F. 18 b. 03 Dec 1822)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (John Wood abt. 50 b. abt. 1790)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Pauline J. abt 9
b. abt 1831 or Elizabeth Jane 11 b. 20 Jan 1829 or
Emeline 12 b. abt 1828)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Female is 20; There are 2 females 10-15
in 1830)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Mildred (FAULKERSON) abt. 56 abt. 1784)
(**Son of Tavener NANCE and Mary Molly WILLINGHAM)
Pg 132 #155 Southern District William
M. NANCE Age 82, Southern District
(Wife was Elizabeth THORNTON)
John W(ood)
(Wife was Mildred FAULKERSON)
1840 Prince Edward County, Virginia - Schedule of the whole number of Persons within the Division allotted
NOTE: I have the FTM CD's for the 1850 VA Census which are copies of the census pages.
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in No Township Listed in
the County of Amelia State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 1st day of Oct,
1850 Saml. ******** Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 60A 933 M432
25 383 383 Christiana NANCE,
77, F, W, 1200, Virginia
of William NANCE, Son of unknown parents)
Schedule 2. Slave Inhabitants in ______ in the County
of Amelia State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 1st day of Oct,
1850 Saml L. ******** Ass't Marshal
2nd Column Christiana NANCE
Line 20 1 Slave, 37, Male, Black
Line 21 1 Slave, 22, Male, Black
Line 22 1 Slave, 12, Male, Black
Line 23 1 Slave, 9, Male, Black
Line 24 1 Slave, 8, Male, Black
Line 25 1 Slave, 5, Male, Black
Line 26 1 Slave, 3, Female, Black
Line 27 1 Slave, 50, Female, Black
Schedule 3. Persons who Died during the Year ending
1st June, 1850 in ______ in the County
of Amelia State of Virginia, enumerated
by me Samuel ****** Ass't Marshal Page 61 106
Line 7 W(illia)m
NANCE, 79 Years Old, Male,
White, Free, Born VA, Died in Oct., Cause of Death
Consumption, 3 weeks Ill
Schedule 3. Persons who Died during the Year ending
1st June, 1850 in ______ in the County
of Amelia State of Virginia, enumerated by me Samuel ******
Ass't Marshal Page 61 106
Line 8 Susan NANCE, 26, F, B,
Slave, Oct, Consumption
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in the Southern Division in the County of Bedford State of VirginiaSchedule I. Free Inhabitants in the Southern Division
in the County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 22nd day of
Augt, 1850 G. A. Burton Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 230b M432 935
16 286 286 Benjamin E(stes) NANCE(**),
21, M, Farmer, Virginia
17 286 286 Elizabeth (Rosser (TINSLEY))
NANCE, 20, F, Virginia
18 286 286 Martha E(stes) NANCE,
F, 2, Virginia
19 286 286 Delilah R. NANCE 2/12, F,
(**Son of John NANCE and Martha A.
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in the Southern Division
in the County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 22nd day of
Augt, 1850 G. A. Burton Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 231b M432 935
2 293 293 Silas G WADE,
31, M, W, Blacksmith, 23110, Virginia
3 293 293 Nancy (NANCE**)
WADE, 28, F, W, Virginia
4 293 293 Joseph G WHITTON, 20, M, W,
Laborer, Virginia
(**Dau. of Paschal Washington NANCE and
Martha "Patsey" CREASY)
I. Free Inhabitants in the Southern Division in the County
of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 6th day of
Sept, 1850 G. A. Burton Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 241a M432 935
3 441 441 Thorp H(oard) NANCE, 20, M
Farmer, Virginia, Married within the year;
4 441 441 Sarah E(lizabeth (McCABE))
NANCE, 18, F, Virginia,
Married within the year;
5 441 441 Eliza(beth)
NANCE, 22, F, Virginia
(**Son of John
NANCE and Martha A. ESTES)
I. Free Inhabitants in the Southern Division in the County
of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 6th day of
Sept, 1850 G. A. Burton Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 241b M432 935
18 452 452 Edward (Edwin?) T(homas) NANCE(**),
29, M, Farmer, 800, Virginia
19 452 452 Sally (Carter (SNOW))
NANCE, 20, F, Virginia
20 452 452 Mary T(homas)
NANCE, 5, F, Virginia
21 452 452 Elizabeth F. NANCE, 3, F, Virginia
(**Son of John
NANCE and Martha A. ESTES)
I. Free Inhabitants in the Southern Division in the County
of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 7th day of Oct,
1850 G. A. Burton Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 262a M432 935
15 756 756 Thadeous (Christopher?)
38, M, Farmer, 2300, Virginia
16 756 756 Sarah ("Sally" (JOHNSON))
NANCE, 37, F, Virginia
17 756 756 Thomas D (Whitfield)
NANCE, 18, M, Laborer, Virginia
18 756 756 Elisha D(erastus) NANCE, 15, M, Virginia,
Attending school
19 756 756 Sarah Ann NANCE, 14, F,
Virginia, Attending school
20 756 756 William P(leasant)
NANCE, 10 M, Virginia, Attending school
21 756 756 Emeline NANCE, 15, F,
Virginia, Attending school
22 756 756 Nancy JOHNSON, 50, F,
Virginia, Couldn't read or write
of John NANCE and Martha A. ESTES)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in the Southern Division
in the County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 29th day of
Nov, 1850 G. A. Burton Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 277b M432 935
8 984 984 Williamson
BURNETT, 40, M, Virginia
9 984 984 Celia Ann (NANCE**)
BURNETT, 36, F, Virginia
10 984 984 Martha A BURNETT,
12, F, Virginia
11 984 984 Nancy
F, Virginia
12 984 984 Thos
M, Virginia
13 984 984 John
M, Virginia
14 984 984 Sarah
F, Virginia
15 984 984 Albert
M, Virginia
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Martha ESTES)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in the Southern Division
in the County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 29th day of Nov, 1850 G. A. Burton
Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 277b M432 935
32 988 988 Isaac (Samuel)
WADE, 40, M, Farmer, 1500, Virginia
33 988 988 Mary (Katherine (NANCE)**)
WADE, 31, F, Virginia
34 988 988 Martha Ann WADE,
16, F, Virginia
35 988 988 Thadeous M WADE, 14,
M, Virginia
36 988 988 Lutitia M WADE,
12, F, Virginia
37 988 988 Mary A WADE,
7, F, Virginia
38 988 988 John M H WADE,
4, M, Virginia
39 988 988 Jeremiah T WADE,
1, M, Virginia
40 988 988 Tilghman A WIGHT, 22, M,
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Martha ESTES)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in the Southern Division
in the County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 20th day of
Nov, 1850 G. A. Burton Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 303a M432 935
32 1365 1365 Joel (Mayse) RIGHT, 28, M, -, 540,
33 1365 1365 Martha E.
16, F, Virginia
34 1365 1365 Adolphus
RIGHT, 37, M, Virginia
35 1365 1365 Jubal
RIGHT, 20, M, Virginia
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Martha ESTES)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in the Southern Division in the
County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 29th day of
Nov, 1850 G. A. Burton Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 307a M432 935
11 1419 1419 Albert NANCE,
27, M, Laborer, Virginia
12 1419 1419 John (Ferdinand) NANCE, 14, M, Virginia
(Added later to census not in same
handwriting as previous entries.
Could this be Albert F. and his
brother John F. sons of John and Martha (ESTES) NANCE??)
2. Slave Inhabitants in Southern Division in the County of
Bedford State of
Virginia enumerated by me on the 22nd
day of August, 1850 G. A. Burton Ass't Marshal
1st Column Benj. NANCE
Line 17 1 Slave, 45, Female, Black
Line 18 1 Slave, 35, Male, Black
Line 19 1 Slave, 12, Female, Black
Thorp H NANCE Births of slaves: 1795, 1800, 1824, 1825, 1828, 1830, 1832, 1838, 1839, 1842, 1847, 1849, 1850
Edwin T NANCE Births of slaves: 1832, 1836
Thadeous NANCE Births of slaves: 1832, 1835, 1836, 1838, 1841, 1846, 1848
Schedule 3. Persons who Died during the Year ending
1st June, 1850 in Northern Division in
the Countyof Bedford State of Virginia,
enumerated by me John. ****** Ass't Marshal Page 106
Line 7 Nancy NANCE,
32 Year Old, Female, Black, Slave, Born VA, Died in August,
Cause of Death Unknown, 5 Days Ill
(Not sure who
this is)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in No Township Listed in
the County of Charles City State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 26th day of
July, 1850 Sam'l Wadd*le? Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 387a M932
939 M432
7 4 4 James NANCE(**),
66 (70*), M, W, Farmer, 1000,
8 4 4 Elizabeth
(CREW) NANCE, 51, F, W, Virginia
9 4 4 Raney McMARNIER, 57, F, W, 200,
10 4 4 Letitia HELLMAND, 9, F, Virginia
(**Son of Eaton NANCE and Mary Rogers
(*Per death record he was 89 (b. abt 1780) when he died in
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in No Township Listed in the
County of Charles City State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 5th day of August, 1850 Sam'l Wadd*le? Ass't
Marshal PAGE NO: 394b M932 939 M432
18 127 127 Benjamin A(lbert)
27, M, Wheelright, 1000, Virginia
19 127 127 Susan E. (STAGG)
NANCE, 27, F, Virginia
20 127 127 Julia A(nn) NANCE,
1, F, Virginia
21 127 127 Fulton SMITH, 50, M, Mul.,
none, Virginia
(**Son of
Zachariah NANCE and Mary MOUNTCASTLE)
James NANCE Births of slaves: 1792, 1805, 1830, 1833, 1843
Benjamine A NANCE Births of slaves: 1800, 1815, 1826, 1834, 1837, 1841, 1848
Zachariah NANCE Births of slaves: 1795, 1802, 1808, 1815, 1832
Zacharia F NANCE Births of slaves: 1800, 1825, 1831, 1832, 1835, 1840, 1840, 1849, 1849
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in Charlotte Division in the
County of Charles City State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 26th day of August, 1850
Geo. J. Roberts Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 33a M932 939 M432
REEL NO: 940
11 489 489 Johnson T. NANCE(**),
48, M, W, Planter, 300, Virginia, Lunenburg
12 489 489 Rebecca (PAMPLIN)
NANCE, 49, F, W, Virginia, Lunenburg
13 489 489 Edithe A. E(lizabeth)
NANCE, 16, F, W, Virginia, Charlotte
(**Son of Tavener J. NANCE and Molly
Johnson T NANCE
Births of slaves: 1837, 1839
1850 Cumberland, Virginia Page 302B
11 287 287 Richard B COLLINS, 50, M, Virginia
12 287 287 Susan (NANCE**) COLLINS,
44, Virginia
13 287 287 Lucy COLLINS,
18, F, Virginia
14 287 287 Savannah
COLLINS, 16, F, Virginia
15 287 287 John J COLLINS,
14, M, Virginia
16 287 287 Richard COLLINS,
10, M, Virginia
17 287 287 William COLLINS,
6, M, Virginia
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Nancy
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in The City of
Petersburg in the County of Dinwiddie State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 31st day of
Aug 1850 A. J. Smith Ass't Marshal, Page 346A
1 377 409 Z(achariah)
PEARMAN, 50, M, W, Shoemaker, Virginia
2 377 409 M(ary)
F, W, Virginia
3 377 408 Mary PEARMAN, 10, F,
Virginia, Attends School
4 377 408 Mary PEARMAN, 60, F, W,
5 377 408 A. NORMANT, 47, F, Virginia
6 377
408 Z. M. PEARMAN, 18, M, Clerk, Virginia
(**Dau. of Zachariah NANCE and Mary MOUNDCASTLE)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The Northern District in the
County of Charles City State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 16th day of
August, 1850 Rb.? H. Branch Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 442b M432
40 122 122 Biddy ELAM, 60, F, Virginia,
over 20 can't read/write, Pauper
41 122 122 Will (a negro), 110, M, B,
None, VA, Blind, Pauper
42 122 122 Tom (a negro), 100, M, B,
Basket Maker, VA, over 20 can't read/write, Pauper
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The
Northern District in the County of Charles City State of
enumerated by me on the 5th day of
August, 1850 Rb.? H. Branch Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 443a M432
1 122 122 Levy BOWDEN?, 79, M, ***,
over 20 can't read/write, Pauper
2 122 122 John C. HAMILTON, 54, M, ***,
3 122 122 Martha JONES, 60, F,
Virginia, over 20 can't read/write, Pauper
4 122 122 Henry NANCE(**),
49, M, None, Virginia, Pauper
5 122 122 Jessee? CAUDER, 39, M,
Virginia, Pauper
6 122 122 Frances PEACH, 30, F,
Virginia, over 20 can't read/write, Pauper
7 122 122 Caroline V. HENRY?, 7, F,
Virginia, attending school, Pauper
8 122 122 Daniel BUTTIE?, 6, M,
Virginia, Pauper
sure who this is)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The Southern
Division in the County of Dinwiddie City State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 24th day of August, 1850
Robt.? Davise? Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 481B M432
14 184 185 Joel HITCHCOCK, 60, M, Virginia
15 184 185 Mary (NANCE**) HITCHCOCK,
40(*), M, Virginia
16 184 185 Susan SHELLY, 35, F,
17 184 185 Martha SHELLY,
7, F, Virginia
18 184 185 Mary SHELLY,
5, Virginia
(*Is probably closer to 50)
(**Parents unknown; Mary NANCE marr.
Joel HITCHCOCK 13 Jan 1819 Dinwiddie Co. VA)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The Southern Division in the
County of Dinwiddie City State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 28th day of
August, 1850 Robt.? Davise? Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 482b M432
40 207 208 Martha HALL, 81, F, $728,
41 207 208 Debora NANCE(**),
45, F, Virginia, over 20 can't read/write
42 207 208 David WILKINSON, 18, M,
None, Virginia, Idiot
sure who this is)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in Turner's District in
the County of Fauquire State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 11th day of
Sept, 1850 W. H. **** Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 309a M432 943
11 597 599 John W. NANCE(**),
34, M, Farmer, Virginia
12 597 599 Lucetta NANCE, 32, F,
13 597 599 Martha NANCE, 4, F, Virginia
14 597 599 Alexander NANCE, 3, M,
15 597 599 Mary M. NANCE, 1, F,
(**Not sure who
this is)
1850 District 15, Floyd, Virginia, USA Roll:
M432_943; Page: 381A; Image: 365
11 62 62 Andrew Le Kins 54
Parthene Le Kins 25
Laley Le Kins 23
Nancy (NANCE**) Le Kins
John Le Kins 23
James Le Kins 19
Phillip Le Kins 16
Daniel Le Kins 13
Reuben Le Kins 12
Lydia Le Kins 7
District 18, Greenbrier, Virginia, USA
350 1044 1044 Eli AMICK, 35 Carpenter, VA
Mary (NANCE) Amick
35, VA
Jruisa F Amick 10
John Amick 6
Mahala Amick 4
Sarah M Amick 1
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The
Northern District in the County of Halifax State of Virginia
by me on the 5th day of Sept, 1850 Wm
P. Barksdale? Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 20b written 77 M432
40 302 305 John H
STEGALL, 52, M, Virginia
41 302 305 Susan (NANCE**)
42 302 305 America A STEGALL,
23, F, Virginia
Schedule I. Free
Inhabitants in The Northern District in the County of
Halifax State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 5th day of Sept, 1850 Wm
P. Ba
3 302 305 John
4 302 305 Towns K STEGALL, 14
5 302 305 Virginia STEGALL,
9, F, Virginia
6 302 305 John WASHPERN, 4
(**Dau. of Hood NANCE and Elizabeth (CAMPBELL?))
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The Northern District
in the County of Halifax State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 9th day of Dec, 1850 Wm P. Barksdale? Ass't
Marshal PAGE NO: 20b written 54 M432
22 861 864 (Lavinia) Frances
(NANCE) BATES, 80, F, Virginia
23 861 864 Sarah BATES, 47, F, Virginia
(Possibly? dau. of Thomas Vaughn
NANCE, son of William NANCE (1826-1801))
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in S District in the
County of Halifax State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the third day of Sept, 1850 W. G. Berry? Ass't
Marshal PAGE NO: 62a M432
35 52 52 Isiah B. KENT, 39, M, Planter,
1600, Virginia
36 52 52 Lucinda KENT, 38, F, Virginia
37 52 52 Ann K. KENT, 13, F, Virginia
38 52 52 Richard W. KENT, 11, M,
39 52 52 John J. KENT, 9, M, Virginia
40 52 52 Alexander B. KENT, 7, M,
41 52 52 Thomas NANCE?(**),
25, M, Carpenter, Virginia
35 52 52 Dodfron? MORRIS?, 16, M,
Laborer, Virginia
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in S
District in the County of Halifax State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the third day of Sept, 1850 W. G. Berry? Ass't
Marshal PAGE NO: 62b M432
1 52 52 George H. KENT, 5, M, Virginia
sure who this is)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The South Eastern District
in the County of Hanover State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 12th day of
December, 1850 W. J. Taylor Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 418b M432
39 190 190 Thomas NANCE,
30, M, Laborer, Virginia
40 190 190 Margaret (MARTIN) NANCE, 20, F,
41 190 190 Jane W. NANCE, 1, F,
sure who these are, counted twice?)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The South Eastern District
in the County of Hanover State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 13th day of
December, 1850 W. J. Taylor Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 420a M432
24 211 211 Thomas NANCE,
27, M, Laborer, Virginia
25 211 211 Margaret (MARTIN) NANCE, 20, F,
26 211 211 G(eorge) W(allace)
NANCE, 1, F, Virginia
(Not sure who
these are, counted twice?)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in Western District in the
County of Henrico State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 8th day of August, 1850 G.
T. Hulce? Ass't Marshal Page: 528a, Image:, Roll: M432 951
6 348 369 Philip KAOLL, 32, M, Gardner,
2500, France
5 348 369 Altizera (BUFFIN-NANTZ**)
KAOLL, 36, F, 600, Virginia
7 348 369 Amanda NANTZ(*),
16, F, Virginia, Attends School
8 348 369 Emily? NANTZ(*),
13, F, Virginia, Attends School
9 348 369 Altizera HUGHES, 11, F,
Virginia, Attends School
10 348 369 Margaret E. KAOLL, 7, F,
11 348 369 Peter? KAOLL, 3, M, Virginia
(**1st husband of William J. NANCE,
Son of unknown parents)
(*Daughters of William J. NANCE and Altizera BUFFIN)
Schedule I.
Free Inhabitants in No Township Listed in the County of
Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 14th day of August, 1850 Tho. E. **enegard??
Ass't Marshal Page: 29a, Image: 57, Roll: M432 952
26 244 244 (Thomas)
Jefferson LEMON, 50, M, Farmer, 300, Virginia
27 244 244 Sentea (Zeresha
(BARKER)) LEMON, 48, F, Virginia
28 244 244 Nancy LEMON, 18, F, Virginia
28 244 244 George W(ashington)
LEMON, 16, M, farmer, Virginia
30 244 244 Thomas (Jefferson)
LEMON, 13, M, Virginia
31 244 244 Sally LEMON, 11, F, Virginia
32 244 244 Martha LEMON, 9, F, Virginia
33 244 244 William LEMON 4, M, Virginia
34 244 244 Daniel (Webster)
LEMON, 2, M, Virginia
35 244 244 Ruth DAULTON, 45, F, Virginia, Couldn't read or
36 244 244 Stanly NANCE, 22,
M, Farmer, Virginia, Couldn't read or write
wife was Zeresha BARKER and sister to Eliza
BARKER/NANCE #528 below.)
(Have not found who Stanley
NANCE is yet.)
page real hard to read numbering may be
off previous page had Dwellings and Families in the 100
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in No
Township Listed in the County of Henry State of Virginia
by me on the 14th day of August, 1850
Tho. E. Donigan Ass't Marshal Page: 11a, Image: 21, Roll:
M432 952
34 273 273 Cornlius CAYTON, 74, M,
Farmer, 300, Virginia
35 273 273 Richard (Davner?)
21, M, Farmer, Virginia, Over 20, Couldn't read or write
(**Parents unknown)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in No Township Listed in the
County of Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 31st day of August, 1850 Tho. E. Denegard??
Ass't Marshal Page No: 38b, Image: 76 Roll: M432 952
24 528 528 Pleasant NANCE(**), 36, M, Farmer, Virginia,
Couldn't read or write
25 528 528 Eliza (BARKER)
NANCE, 28, F, Virginia
26 528 528 James G(arland)
NANCE, 13, M, Virginia, Attending school
27 528 528 Harden NANCE, 11, M, Virginia, Attending school
28 528 528 John A(llen)
NANCE, 8, M, Virginia, Attending school
29 528 528 Charles NANCE,
7, M, Virginia
30 528 528 Elkanah
NANCE, 4, M, Virginia
(**Possibly son of John? NANCE and Elizabeth (M.N.U.))
Schedule I.
Free Inhabitants in No Township Listed in the County of
Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 31st day of August, 1850 Tho. E. Denegard??
Ass't Marshal Page No: 41b Image: , Roll: M432 952
25 564 564 Betsey NANCE(*), 62, F, VA, Couldn't read or
(*Could Betsy be the 50-60 year old
female living with Pleasant NANCE in 1840 Henry County
VA census?)
(Could this be Pleasant NANCE's {above} mother???)
Schedule I.
Free Inhabitants in No Township Listed in the County of
Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 8th day of Oct, 1850 Tho. E. Denegard?? Ass't
Marshal Page No: 58b image: , Roll: M432 952
29 822 822 Fontain NANCE(**), 29, M, Farmer,
400, Virginia
30 822 822 Jemina (Vincent (GRANT))
NANCE, 22, F, North Carolina
31 822 822 Louisana NANCE, 3, F, Virginia
32 822 822 Adison F. (Toplay?)
NANCE, M, 1/12, Virginia
33 822 822 William LAND, 23, M, Farmer, 340, Virginia,
Couldn't read or write
of Hardin NANCE and Mary B. (M.N.U.
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in No Township
Listed in the County of Henry State of Virginia
by me on the 8th day of Oct, 1850 Tho. E. Denegard??
Ass't Marshal Page No: 58b, Image: , Roll: M432 952
40 825 825 Cornelius CAYTON, 35, M Farmer,
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in No
Township Listed in the County of Henry State of Virginia
by me on the 8th day of Oct, 1850 Tho. E. Denegard?? Ass't
Marshal Page No: 58b, Image: , Roll: M432 952
1 825 825 Olley (NANCE**)
CAYTON, 35, F, Virginia
2 825 825 Anderson CAYTON, 13, F, Virginia
3 825 825 Henry CAYTON, 9, M, Virginia
4 825 825 Mary CAYTON, 6, F, Virginia
5 825 825 (Not named) CAYTON, 1/12, M, Virginia
of David NANCE {below}? Olly NANCE marr. Cornelius CAYTON
15 Jan 1834 NC)
Schedule I. Free
Inhabitants in No Township Listed in the County of
Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 9th day of August, 1850 Tho. E.
Denegard?? Ass't Marshal Page No: 59b, Image: , Roll:
M432 952
11 833 833 Elijah SAMS, 32, M, Virginia
12 833 833 Sally
(NANCE**) SAMS, 32, F,
13 833 833 Laura SAMS, 5, F, Virginia
14 833 833 William SAMS, 4, M, Virginia
15 833 833 Hughes SAMS, 2, M, Virginia
(**Dau. of Hardin NANCE and Mary B.
Schedule I. Free
Inhabitants in No Township Listed in the County of Henry
State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 9th day of August, 1850 Tho. E. Denegard??
Ass't Marshal Page N: 59b, Image:, Roll: M432 952
32 836 836 Harden NANCE(**), 54, M, Farmer,
600, Virginia
33 836 836 Mary (B.) NANCE,
53, F, Virginia
34 836 836 Lucretia NANCE, 24, F, Virginia
35 836 836 William NANCE, 19, M, Farmer, Virginia
36 836 836 Mary R. NANCE, 7, F, Virginia, Attending school
(**Son of
John NANCE and Mary/Molly COX)
Schedule I. Free
Inhabitants in No Township Listed in the County of Henry
State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 10th day of October, 1850 Tho. E. Denegard??
Ass't Marshal Page: 60b Image:, Roll: M432 952
19 849 849 David NANCE(**), 58, M, Carpenter, 50,
20 849 849 Eliza (LEWIS)
NANCE(*), 35, F, Virginia
21 849 849 Chapel NANCE, 22, M, Laborer, Virginia
(**Son of John NANCE and
Mary/Molly COX)
Schedule I. Free
Inhabitants in No Township Listed in the County of Henry
State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 10th day of October, 1850 Tho. E. Denegard??
Ass't Marshal Page 60b, Image: , Roll: M432 952
22 850 850 William COX, 36, M, Farmer, Virginia
23 850 850 (Minerva) Jamenia
(CAYTON) COX, 35, F, Virginia
24 850 850 Perry? COX, 20, M, ***, Virginia
25 850 850 John COX, 15, M, ***, Virginia
26 850 850 James COX, 12, M, Virginia
27 850 850 Lucy COX, 11, F, Virginia
28 850 850 America COX, 9, F, Virginia
29 850 850 Nancy COX, 7, F,
30 850 850 Mary COX, 5, F, Virginia
31 850 850 Polina COX, 3, F,
32 850 850 William COX, 6/12, M, Virginia
33 850 850 Elenor
NANCE(**), 26, F,
(**Dau. of David NANCE and Mary "Polly" GROGAN)
Page ? N
Line 1 of N Tully Nance
1 0
0 0 1 Metallic
Clock ..... 20
Line 3 Fontain Nance
1 0
0 1 ..... 22 1/2
Line 5 David Nance
2 0
0 0 1 Metallic
Clock ..... 00
Line 8 Harden Nance 2
0 0 2
1 Metallic Clock ..... 00
Line 10 Pleasant Nance
1 0
0 1 ..... 2 17 1/2
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in No Township Listed
in the County of Lunenburg State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 4th day of Sept, 1850 Wm. Thompson
Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 16b M432 958
18 233 233 Ja(me)s
L. NANCE(**), 36, M,
Farmer, Virginia
19 233 233 Susan NANCE, 34, F, Virginia
20 233 233 Sarah NANCE, 14, F, Virginia
21 233 233 Mary NANCE, 12, F, Virginia
22 233 233 Martha NANCE, 10, F, Virginia
23 233 233 Jas? NANCE, 8, M, Virginia
24 233 233 Eliza NANCE, 5, F, Virginia
25 233 233 Lucy NANCE, 1/12, F, Virginia
sure who this is)
1850 Regiment 22, Mecklenburg, Virginia, Roll:
960; Page: 128a
40 482 482 Thomas A Walthall, 37, M, -, Coach Maker, 500,
41 482 482 Savanah (NANCE**-ANDERSON)
Walthall, 50, F, -, VA
42 482 482 Henry Walthall, 14, M, -, VA
1850 Regiment 22, Mecklenburg, Virginia, Roll: 960; Page:
1 482 482 Silas Walthall, 12, M, -, VA
2 482 482 Ellen Anderson, 20, F, -, VA
3 482 482 Joseph Anderson, 18, M, -, VA
4 482 482 Robert Walthall, 27, M, -, Blacksmith, VA
5 482 482 William Birthright, 21, M, -, Coach Maker, VA
6 482 482 Michael Nowlan, 25, M, -, Coach Painter, Ireland
7 482 482 Phillip Markel, 50, M, -, Ditto, PA
8 482 482 George Brooks, 14, M, -, VA
(**Dau of John NANCE and Nancy
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in 98th Regiment in
the County of Mecklenburg State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 10th day of Sept, 1850 J. O. Knox
Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 52b M432
21 66 66 William ELVIN, 47, M, Taylor, England
22 66 66 Mary (ROBERTS?-NANCE)
ELVIN, 46, F, Virginia
23 66 66 Lucy NANCE, 18, F,
husband and father of Lucy, John? NANCE)
Schedule I.
Free Inhabitants in 98th Regiment in the County of
Mecklenburg State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 27th day of Sept, 1850 J. O. Knox
Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 63a M432
5 235 235 Sally WARTMAN 46, F, Virginia, Pauper
6 235 235 Lucretia NANCE, 39,
F, Virginia, Pauper
(Both are daus. of John NANCE and
unknown mother)
1850 Regiment 98, Mecklenburg, Virginia, Roll:
960; Page: 63a
7 236 236 Mary (NANCE**) Rainey,
40, F, VA
Drucilla Rainey, 20, F, VA
(**Dau. of John NANCE and unknown
mother, Widow of Buckner Rainey)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in 98th Regiment in
the County of Mecklenburg State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 27th day of Sept, 1850 J. O. Knox
Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 63a M432
30 241 241 Edward POYTHRESS, 52, M, Laborer, Virginia
31 241 241 Mahala (NANCE**) POYTHRESS,
47, F, Virginia
32 241 241 Sarah A POYTHRESS,
18, F, Virginia
33 241 241 Harriett POYTHRESS,
16, F, Virginia
34 241 241 George POYTHRESS,
12, M, Virginia
(**Dau. of Isham NANCE and Frances
MALONE; Mahala NANCE marr. Edward POYTHRESS, 02 Nov
1828, Mecklenburg Co. VA)
Regiment 98, Mecklenburg, Virginia, USA
322 Jas W Drumright 52
Lucy A(nn (NANCE**))
Drumright 36
Sarah Drumright 18
George Drumright 14
Bettie Drumright 9
Melvira Drumright 4
(**Dau. of Thomas NANCE and Sarah MALONE)
1850 Northern District, Patrick, Virginia, USA
12 374 385 Jane (NANCE**) SIMS,
F, Virginia
(Widow of Ignatious SIMMS, dau. of
John NANCE and Mary (EPPES?))
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The Southern
District in the County of Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 25th day of Sept, 1850 Wm. H.
Wooding Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 93a M432 968
3 375 375 James NANCE(**), 64, M, Farmer,
3000, Virginia
4 375 375 Nancy (DALTON) NANCE,
45, F, Virginia
5 375 375 Letitia (Susan)
NANCE, 21, F, Virginia
6 375 375 James (Lafayette)
NANCE, 17, M, Virginia
7 375 375 Davis PETTY, 46, M, Virginia, can't read/write
(**Son of William Malone NANCE and
Elizabeth THORNTON)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The Southern
District in the County of Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 18th day of Sept, 1850 Wm. H.
Wooding Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 103b M432 968
36 521 521 Jerrard W. NANCE,
25, M, Laborer, Virginia
37 521 521 Perlina (Pauline Jackson
(TATUM)) NANCE, 21, F, Virginia
38 521 521 George W. NANCE, 2, M, Virginia
39 521 521 William G(reen)
NANCE, 1/12, M, Virginia
(**Son of John Wood NANCE and
Mildred "Milly" FAULKERSON)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The Southern
District in the County of Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 18th day of Sept, 1850 Wm. H.
Wooding Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 103b M432 968
40 522 522 Mildred (FAULKERSON) NANCE(**), 66, F,
41 522 522 Joseph W. NANCE, 20, M, Virginia
42 522 522 John FORBES(**),
38, M, M. Clergyman, Virginia
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The Southern District in
the County of Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 18th day of Sept, 1850 Wm. H.
Wooding Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 104a M432 968
1 522 522 Mary (H. (NANCE))
FORBES, 32, F, Virginia
2 522 522 Mary FORBES, 9, F, Virginia
3 522 522 Sarah FORBES, ?, F, Virginia
4 522 522 William FORBES, 4, M, Virginia
5 522 522 Nathan FORBES, 3/12, M, Virginia
(**Widow of John Wood NANCE, son of
Tavener NANCE and
(*Listed as John HOBBS in 1860
Pittsylvania County VA Census)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The Southern
District 623 in the County of Pittsylvania State of
enumerated by me on the 30th day of October, 1850 Wm. H.
Wooding Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 110b M432 968
25 623 623 Elizabeth (THORNTON) NANCE(**), 80, F, Virginia
26 623 623 John (W.) NANCE,
60, M, Farmer, Virginia
(**Widow of William Malone NANCE, son of Giles
NANCE and Mary Nancy MALONE)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The Southern
District in the County of Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 30th day of October, 1850 Wm. H.
Wooding Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 110b M432 968
27 624 624 Pleasant STEPHENS, 40, M, Farmer, Virginia
28 624 624 Jane (NANCE**)
STEPHENS, 50, F, Virginia
29 624 624 Benjamin STEPHENS, 12, M, Virginia , Attending
30 624 624 Martha STEPHENS, 10, F, VA, Attending School
31 624 624 Elizabeth STEPHENS, 8, F, Virginia
of William Malone NANCE and Elizabeth THORNTON)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in The Southern
District in the County of Pittsylvania State of
enumerated by me on the 1 day of Nov., 1850 Wm. H.
Wooding Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 113b M432 968
39 670 670 Blair H(olbrook) EANES, 25, M, Laborer,
40 670 670 Catherine (NANCE**) EANES, 23, F, Virginia
41 670 670 Mary E. EANES, 2, F, Virginia
42 670 670 Rebecca J. EANES, 1, F, Virginia
(**Parents unknown - Father either
David or Harden Nance (of Henry Co. VA - both had
daus. named Catherine);
Catherine NANCE marr. Blair EANES 09 Nov 1847 in
Henry Co. VA)
I. Free Inhabitants in The Southern District in the County
of Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 1 day of Nov., 1850 Wm. H. Wooding
Ass't Marshal PAGE NO: 113b M432 968
1 671 671 Samuel GALDUN, 57, M, W, Farmer, 600, Virginia
2 671 671 Mary (NANCE**)
GALDUN, 57, F, Virginia
3 671 671 Virginia GALDUN, 11, F, Virginia
4 671 671 Letitia GALDUN, 9, F, Virginia
of William Malone NANCE and Elizabeth THORNTON)
1860 Southern District, Pittsylvania,
Virginia Post Office: Danville
40 914 914 Jno M Tatum 42
1860 Southern District, Pittsylvania, Virginia Post
Office: Danville
Susan N Tatum 36
Mary F Tatum 19
Henry L Tatum 11
4 914 914 Eveline Nance, 34,
Seamstress, 2000,
Bettie Nance 6
Charles R Nance 4
Ann Price 30
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in Danville in the
County of Pittsylvania State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 11 day of November, 1850 Wm. H. Wooding Ass't
Marshal PAGE NO: 164b M432 968
34 60 60 William FITZGERALD, 27, M, Virginia
35 60 60 Elizabeth (Jane (NANCE**))
FITZGERALD, 21, F, Virginia
36 60 60 Margiana FITZGERALD, 2, F, Virginia
37 60 60 James WHILEASS, 21, M, Virginia
38 60 60 James ATKINSON, 22, M, Virginia
(**Dau. of John Wood NANCE and
Mildred "Milly" FAULKERSON)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in Danville in the
County of Pittsylvania State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 11 day of November, 1850 Wm. H. Wooding Ass't
Marshal PAGE NO: 166b M432 968
20 88 88 William EDWARD, 21 M, Virginia
21 88 88 Joseph NANCE(**), 39, M,
22 88 88 Robert NANCE(**), 28, M, Virginia
23 88 88 Robert MOSLEY 19 M, Virginia
24 88 88 Philip CARTER, 21, M, Virginia
(**Not sure who these are)
1850 Northern District, Pittsylvania, Virginia,
USA 197B
15 394 394 Richard KEESEE, 34, M, Overseer, VA
16 394 394 Harriet
32, F, VA
17 394 394 Booker
18 394 394 Jesse
19 394 394 Virginia
20 394 394 Jane
KEESEE, 4/12, F,
21 394 394 Avory
KEESEE, 18, M.
None, VA
dau. of James NANCE and Charlotte HARRISON?
(Harriet NANCE marr. Richard KEESEE, 23 Dec 1838 in
Pittsylvania County, Virginia)
1850 Northern District,
Pittsylvania, Virginia, Roll: 968; Page: 243a
17 1068 1068 James H Bow 31, Tanner,
600. VA
Caturah (NANCE**) Bow 21
Henry Bow 4
George Bow 2
(**Dau. of James NANCE and Charlotte HARRISON)
SCHEDULE 2. - Slave Inhabitants in The Southern
District, in the County of Pittsylvania, State of
enumerated by me , on the 23 & 25 day of
September, 1850. Wm H. Wooding Ass't Marshall, Image 18
Lime 3 Name of Slave Owner: James NANCE
All Slaves Owned:
Number Age
Gender Race
Male Black
Female Black
Female Black
Female Black
Male Black
Female Black
Female Black
Female Black
SCHEDULE 2. - Slave Inhabitants
in The Southern District, in the County of Pittsylvania,
State of Virginia,
enumerated by me , on the 23 & 25 day of
September, 1850. Wm H. Wooding Ass't Marshall, Image 18
Lime 42 Name of Slave Owner: James NANCE
All Slaves Owned:
Number Age
Gender Race
Female Black
Southern District, Pittsylvania, Virginia
Name of Slave Owner: Samuel Gaulden
All Slaves Owned:
Age Gender Race
Male Black
Female Black
Female Black
2 Male
(Slave names from Will: Harry, Kate,
Stephen, Mary)
(Wife was Mary NANCE dau. of William Malone NANCE and
Elizabeth THORNTON)
Jerrard W NANCE Births of slaves: 1836, 1837, 1838
Mildred NANCE Births of slaves: 1760, 1770
Elizabeth NANCE
Births of slaves: 1800
1850 Prince Edward, Virginia
10 243 243 W(illia)m G
VENABLE, 31, M, 15000, P(rince) E(dward)
11 243 243 Salley F VENABLE, 26, F, Charlotte
12 243 243 Frederick N VENABLE, 2, M, P(rince) E(dward)
13 243 243 Mildred L VENABLE, 2/12, F, P(rince) E(dward)
14 243 243 D(avid) C(hoate) PROCTOR, 55, M, Clergyman
OSP, New England
15 243 243 Fanny W (VENABLE-NANTZ**)
PROCTOR, 55, F, P(rince) E(dward)
16 243 243 Mary L PROCTOR, 20, F, P(rince) E(dward)
17 243 243 John PROCTOR, 18, M, P(rince) E(dward), Student
18 243 243 David PROCTOR, 15, M, KY, Syudent
19 243 243 Jerry BROOKS, 19, M, Unknown
20 243 243 Tho BRIGHTWELL, 23, M, P(rince) E(dward)
21 243 243 John TURNER, 33, M, Mul., Shoemaker, Unknown
of Frederick NANTZ and Martha Hughes WATKINS)
1850 District 57, Roanoke, Virginia
John WITHERS, 55, M, Virginia
58, F, Virginia
Mariah WITHERS, 28, F, Virginia
Julia A WITHERS, 26, F, Virginia
Amanda WITHERS, 23, F, Virginia
(**Parents unknown)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in 67th District in
the County of Washington State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 6th day of Sep., 1850 T. Clemming?
Ass't Marshal, Page: 137A
19 997 997 Noel HOWINGSTON, 47, M, Virginia
20 997 997 Ollef (NANCE**)
45, F, Virginia
21 997 997 Jabbers
21, M, Virginia
22 997 997 William
14, M, Virginia
23 997 997 Patsey
12, F, Virginia
24 997 997 Nancy
9, F, Virginia
25 997 997 Louisa
7, F, Virginia
26 997 997 Alfred
5, M, Virginia
27 997 997 Peter
3, M, Virginia
28 997 997 Noel
H)WINGSTON, 4/12, M, Virginia
(**Parents unknown, Olliff "Ollie"
NANCE marr. Noel HOWINGTON in 1827 NC)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Eastern? **** District in the County
of Bedford State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 21st day of June 1860 Thorp H. NANCE Ass't
Marshal Post Office Davis Mills Page 466a, Sheet 16
32 121-121 Thomas W(hitfield?) NANCE, 28,
M, Farmer, 3500, 1500, Virginia
33 121-121 E(lizabeth?) J(ane?) (JOHNSON) NANCE, 26, F,
34 121-121 S(arah?) M. NANCE,
6, F, Virginia
35 121-121 J. F. (Virginia?)
NANCE, 4, F, Virginia
36 121-121 Infant, (John T.?)
NANCE, 10/12, M, Virginia
37 121-121 Eben LANDSDONN, 15, M, Farm Hand, Virginia ,
Attending School
(**Son of Thaddeus Christopher?
NANCE and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Eastern? **** District in the County
of Bedford State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 22nd day of June 1860 T. H. NANCE Ass't
Marshal Post Office Davis Mills Page 466b Sheet 17
13 124 124 Thaddeus C(hristopher?) NANCE(**), 48, M, Farmer,
7000, 15000, Virginia
14 124 124 M(argaret) C. (PATE) NANCE, 45, F, Virginia
15 124 124 M. C. H. (McHenry?)
NANCE, 8, M, Virginia
16 124 124 U. or V. D. (Elisha?
Derastus?) NANCE, 25, M, Deputy Sheriff, 0, 300,
(**Son of
John NANCE and Martha A. ESTES)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in Southern Revenue
District in the County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 14th day of July 1860 T. H. NANCE
Ass't Marshal Post Office Davis Mills Page
19 486 486 Isaac (Samuel)
WADE, 51, M, Farmer, 1100, 2300, Virginia
20 486 486 M(ary) K(atherine (NANCE**))
WADE, 43, F, Virginia
21 486 486 M(artha) A(nn)
WADE, 16, F, Virginia, Attending School
22 486 486 Jno
WADE, 13, M, Virginia,
Attending School
23 486 486 J
Shorp WADE, 10, M, Virginia,
Attending School
24 486 486 J
M WADE, 8, M, Virginia,
Attending School
25 486 486 J
L WADE, 6, M, Virginia,
Attending School
26 486 486 W(illia)m C WADE, 3,
M, Virginia, Attending School
27 486 486 W
L WADE, 3/12, M, Virginia,
Attending School
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Martha
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Southern Revenue District in the
County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 9th day of Aug 1860 T. H. NANCE
Ass't Marshal Post Office Davis Mills Page 590b
39 1003 1003 Edwin (Thomas) NANCE(**), 38, M, Farmer,
2500, 2500, Virginia
40 1003 1003 S(arah) C(arter (SNOW)) NANCE, 35, F,
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in Southern Revenue District
in the County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 9th day of Aug 1860 T. H. NANCE
Ass't Marshal Post Office Davis Mills Page 591a
1 1003 1003 M(ary) T(homas) NANCE, 14, F, Virginia,
Attending School
2 1003 1003 F? (Elizabeth) B(etty?) NANCE, 12, F, Virginia,
Attending School
3 1003 1003 P? (George?) P(arker) NANCE, 9, M, Virginia,
Attending School
4 1003 1003 E. C. (Kate)
NANCE, 7, F, Virginia, Attending School
5 1003 1003 (John) A(lexander) NANCE, 4, M, Virginia
6 1003 1003 O(phelia?) R.
NANCE, 1, F, Virginia
(**Son of John NANCE and Martha A.
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Southern Revenue District in the
County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 21st day of August 1860 T. H.
NANCE Ass't Marshal Post Office Davis Mills Page 592b?
31 1015 1015 Albert T. NANCE(**), 36, M, Farmer, 3200, 4200,
32 1015 1015 J(ane Gaddy (WHITTEN))
NANCE, 26, F, Virginia
33 1015 1015 M(artha) A(lice) NANCE, 7, F, Virginia
34 1015 1015 J(oh)no(than) C. NANCE, 5, M, Virginia
35 1015 1015 G. E. (s/b S. E.?
Sarah Elizabeth) NANCE, 3, F, Virginia
36 1015 1015 M(ollie) A.
NANCE, 2, F, Virginia
37 1015 1015 Infant (William Abner)
NANCE, 3/12, M, Virginia
(**Son of John NANCE and Martha A.
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in Southern Revenue
District in the County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 9th day of Aug 1860 T. H. NANCE
Ass't Marshal Post Office Davis Mills Page
24 1247 1247 S(ilas)
G WADE, 41, M, Blacksmith, Virginia
25 1247 1247 N(ancy
A. (NANCE**)) WADE, 37, F, Virginia
26 1247 1247 H WADE, 9, F, Virginia, Attending School
27 1247 1247 P(leasant)
A WADE, 7, M, Virginia, Attending School
28 1247 1247 S(usan)
E WADE, 5, F, Virginia
29 1247 1247 Jno W WADE, 10/12, F, Virginia
(**Dau. of Paschal
Washington NANCE and Martha "Patsey" CREASY)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Southern Revenue District in the
County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 9th day of Aug 1860 T. H. NANCE
Ass't Marshal Post Office Davis Mills Page 627b?
12 1258 1258 A(rchibald?)
NANCE(**), 37, M,
Farmer, 1450, 2000, Virginia
13 1258 1258 L(ucy) F. (HUGHES) NANCE, 21, F, Virginia
14 1258 1258 M(ary Elizabeth)
G. M. NANCE, 9, F, Virginia, Attending School
15 1258 1258 G. (Samuel Hughes)
NANCE, 2, M, Virginia
16 1258 1258 H(ardaway) NANCE, 10/12, M,
(**Son of Paschal Washington NANCE
Sr. and Martha "Patsey" CREASY)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Southern Revenue District in the
County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 9th day of Aug 1860 T. H. NANCE
Ass't Marshal Post Office Davis Mills Page 627b?
17 1259 1259 P. J. C. NANCE(**), 24, M, Farmer,
2100, 2000, Virginia
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Southern Revenue District in the
County of Bedford State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 24 day of Aug 1860 Thorp H. NANCE
Ass't Marshal Post Office Davis Mills Page 634a
35 1315 1315 T(ilghman) A(ddison) COBB Jr., 40, M, Farmer,
4450, 8700, Virginia
36 1315 1315 E(liza) J(ane NANCE**)) COBB, 26, F,
37 1315 1315 J. L. COBB, 11/12, M, Virginia
38 1315 1315 S(usan?)
NANCE(**), 21, F,
1500, Virginia
(**Daus. of Paschal Washington NANCE
Sr. and Martha "Patsey" CREASY)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Eastern? **** District in the County
of Bedford State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 15th day of Sept 1860 Thorp H. NANCE Ass't
Marshal Post Office Davis Mills Page 673a
23 1597 1597 Thorp H(oard) NANCE(**), 29, M,
Manufacturer of Tobacco, 7000, 1000, Virginia
24 1597 1597 S(arah) E(lizabeth (McCABE)) NANCE, 27, F,
25 1597 1597 I(anthia) Adilia
NANCE, 9, F, Virginia, Attending School
26 1597 1597 C. A. NANCE, 7, F, Virginia, Attending School
27 1597 1597 Jno. W(alter)
NANCE, 5, M, Virginia
28 1597 1597 Albin (Allen)
NANCE, 3, M, Virginia
29 1597 1597 K(ate) H(oward) NANCE, 1/12, F, Virginia
30 1597 1597 James P. McCABE, 21, M, Manufacturer of
Tobacco, 0, 2000, Virginia
31 1597 1597 A. F. McCABE, 17, F, 0, 1000, Virginia
32 1597 1597 Alex MAXEY, 21, M, Laborer, Virginia
(**Son of John NANCE and Martha A.
362 S. Revinew Dist. A(rchibald?) NANCE
359 S. Revinew Dist. A(lbert) T. NANCE
359 S. Revinew Dist. Edwin T(homas) NANCE
356 S. Revinew Dist. John F. NANCE
362 S. Revinew Dist. P. J. C. NANCE
337 S. Revinew Dist. T(haddeus) C. NANCE
337 S. Revinew Dist. Thomas W. NANCE
356 S. Revinew Dist. Thorp H(oad) NANCE
Schedule 3. Persons who Died during the Year
ending 1st June, 1860 in Southern District in the
County of Bedford State of Virginia, enumerated by me T.
H. NANCE Ass't Marshal Page 106
Line 4 M(artha (CREASY)) NANCE(**), 55, F, -, -,
Marr., Virginia, Died in Feb., Cause of Death Unknown, 14
Days ill
(**Wife of Paschal Washington NANCE
Sr., son of Archibald Whitfield? NANCE and Nancy
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in St Andrews Parish District in the
County of Brunswick State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 23rd day of July 1860 B. B.
WILKES Ass't Marshal Post
Office Lawrenceville, Page
1 89 80 (James)
Isham L. NANCE(**),
66(*), M, Overseer, 0, 800,
2 89 80 Susan (VAUGHAN)
NANCE, 42, F, Virginia
3 89 80 Mary E. NANCE, 22, F, Virginia
4 89 80 Martha J. NANCE, 20, F, Virginia
5 89 80 James R. NANCE, 18, M, Virginia
6 89 80 Eliza E. NANCE, 14, F, Virginia
7 89 80 Lucy A. NANCE, 10, F, Virginia, Attending School
8 89 80 Julia B(elle) NANCE,
5, F, Virginia
(*This is what is on census, Isham
suppose to be 46? He is shown as 36 in 1850, 20-30 in
(**Possibly could be the son of
Isham NANCE and Nancy RAINEY)
Meherrin, Brunswick, Virginia Roll: M653_1337; Page:
632, Post Office: Crichtons Store
147 144 James Drumright 62
Lucy A(nn (NANCE**)) Drumright
Sarah A Drumright 28
Mildred M Drumright 13
Cora A Drumright 8
Walter N Drumright 5
Fannie Edmunds 32
Merita Edmunds 11/12
Thomas Valentine 14
(**Dau. of Thomas NANCE and
1-- Free Inhabitants in St Andrews Parish District in
the County of Brunswick State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 5 & 6 day of Sept 1860 B.
B. WILKES Ass't Marshal Post Office San Marino, Page
15 568 539 James W RAWLINGS, 23, M, Virginia
16 568 539 Sarah F (NANCE**)
24, F, Virginia
17 568 539 Wm E RAWLINGS,
1, M, Virginia
18 568 539 Thos G RAWLINGS, 3/12, M, Virginia
(**Dau. of Isham NANCE and Sarah
Laure E. NANCE Birth: ??, VA
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in _________ in the County of Cabell
State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 27th day of June 1860 C. H. Mills Ass't
Marshal Post Office Falls Mills Page 100b
6 692 668 Clement NANCE(**), 37, M, Day Laborer, 0, 100,
Ohio, over 20 can't read/write
7 692 668 Martha (PORTER)
NANCE, 27, F, Virginia
8 692 668 Ellen NANCE, 5, F, Virginia
9 692 668 Eliza NANCE, 3, F, Virginia
10 692 668 Angelina NANCE, 1, F, Virginia
11 692 668 Christiana ELKINS, 24, F, Virginia
sure who this is)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the
County of Charles City State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 17th day of July 1860 R. H. R*** Ass't
Marshal Post Office Appersons Page 152a
4 284 284 B(enjamin)
A(lbert) NANCE(**), 37, M,
Wheelwright, 4000, 15845, Virginia
5 284 284 Susan E. (STAGG)
NANCE, 37, F, Virginia
6 284 284 Julia (Ann) NANCE,
12, F, Virginia, Attending School
7 284 284 Benj(amine Woodward)
NANCE, 9, M, Virginia, Attending School
8 284 284 John F(leming)
NANCE, 7, M, Virginia, Attending School
9 284 284 William A(lbert)
NANCE, 6, M, Virginia, Attending School
10 284 284 Charles S(tagg)
NANCE, 5, M, Virginia
11 284 284 Littleberry (Manley)
NANCE, 3, M, Virginia
12 284 284 Edwin (Everett)
NANCE, 1, M, Virginia
of Zachariah NANCE and Mary MOUNDCASTLE)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the
County of Charles City State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 17th day of July 1860 R. H. R**** Ass't
Marshal Post Office Chal City *** House Page 159?
8 344 344 James NANCE(**), 76 (80*), M, Farmer, 1000, 2655, VA
9 344 344 Moaning HARDEMAN, 50, F, VA
10 344 344 James M. HUBBARD(***), 16, M, VA
11 344 344 Hannah BORONIA?, 37, F, Mulato, VA
12 344 344 Betsy A BORONIA?, 9/12, F, Mulato, VA
of Eaton NANCE and Mary Rogers EATON)
(*Per death record he was 89 (b. abt 1780) when he died
in 1869)
(**James NANCE's nephew per 1869 death register)
1860 Charles City, Virginia Gender: Male Post
Office: Charles City
James A LADD, 40, M, Merchant, 1500, 4895, Virginia
Fanny E (NANCE**) LADD, 53,
F, Virginia
Henry L LADD, 20, M, Virginia
James E LADD, 18, M, Virginia
Juliet E LADD, 15, F, Virginia
Robt LADD, 14, M, Virginia
John HARRIS, 16, M, B, Virginia
Beverly CHRISTIAN, 10
(**Dau. of Zachariah NANCE and Mary
Pg. 152 Appersen B(enjamin) A(lbert). NANCE
16 Slaves of which
5 employed
Pg. 159 James NANCE
2 Slaves of which
1 employed
Schedule 3. Persons who Died during the Year
ending 1st June, 1860 in Manchester Northern District
in the Countyof Chesterfield State of Virginia, enumerated
by me S. T. Hancock Ass't Marshal Page 155
Line 4 S(allie?)
C. NANCE, 42 Year Old, Female, -, -,
Widowed, Born VA, Died in Dec., Cause of Death Congestion
of Bowels, 24 Days, Ill
1860 Cumberland, Virginia Page 53
25 400 403 Rich(ar)d (B.) COLLINS, 60, M, Virginia
26 400 403 Susan (C. (NANCE**))
COLLINS, 50, F, Virginia
27 400 403 John COLLINS, 25, M, Virginia
28 400 403 Savanah COLLINS, 26, F, Virginia
29 400 403 William COLLINS, 16, M, Virginia
30 400 403 David C COLLINS, 4, M, Virginia
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Nanc
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Revenue District No. 2 in the County
of Dinwiddie State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the ___ day of Aug 1860 Wm. P***
Ass't Marshal Post Office __________ Page 102b
37 285 277 Norman CRAWFORD, 68, M, Farmer, 4500, 4310,
38 285 277 Debora NANCE, 60,
F, Virginia
39 285 277 John B. HITCHCOCK, 42, M, Virginia
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in Revenue District No. 2 in
the County of Dinwiddie State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the ___ day of Aug 1860 Wm. P***
Ass't Marshal Post Office __________ Page 103a
1 285 277 Rebecca E. HITCHCOCK, 38, F, Virginia
2 285 277 Virginia HITCHCOCK, 23, F, Virginia
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in St. Paul's Parish in the County of
Hanover State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 27 day of Aug 1860 Thos. H. White Ass't
Marshal Post Office Ashland Page 359
3 270 270 T(homas)
N. NANCE(**), 40, M,
Overseer, 0, 200, Virginia
4 270 270 M(argaret) N. (MARTIN) NANCE, 26,
F, Virginia
5 270 270 J(ane) W. NANCE,
11, F, Virginia
6 270 270 G(eorge) W(allace) NANCE, 9, M, Virginia
7 270 270 M(arshall) F.
NANCE, 7, M, Virginia
8 270 270 L(ewelling)
NANCE, 3/12, F, Virginia
(**Parents unknown)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in 3rd Ward City of Richmond in the
County of Henrico State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 13th day of June 1860 Jno. Appleyard Ass't
Marshal Post Office Richmond City, Page written 19
18 116 137 Eaton NANCE(**), 35, M, Attorney at
law, 9000, 8000, Virginia
19 116 137 Anne E(liza (VAIDEN))
NANCE, 29, F, Virginia
20 116 137 Warrington NANCE, 8, M, Virginia
21 116 137 Ann Etonia NANCE, 6, F, Virginia
22 116 137 W(illia)m V(aiden) NANCE, 3, M, Virginia
23 116 137 Eaton NANCE, 1, M, Virginia
24 116 137 Mary MONTALLE, 54, F, Gentle Woman, -, 10000,
of Zachariah NANCE and Mary MOUNDCASTLE)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in 1 Ward of Richmond City in the County
of Henrico State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 13th day of July 1860 James Moore
Ass't Marshal Post Office Richmond City Page 94
6 493 693 Z(achariah)
F(leming) NANCE(**), 43, M,
Wheelwright, -, 100, Virginia
7 493 693 Mary M. (Sims (WALKER))
NANCE, 42, F, Virginia
8 493 693 Sally F(reeman)
NANCE, 13, F, Virginia, Attends School
9 493 693 Benjamin E(atin)
NANCE, 12, M, Virginia, Attends School
10 493 693 Robert F(leming)
NANCE, 10, M, Virginia
11 493 693 Mary T. (Lucy)
NANCE, 9, F, Virginia
(**Son of Zachariah NANCE and Mary
1860 Eastern Division, Henrico, Virginia 135
37 1000 1020 Isaah T WALLACE, 30, M, Bapt Preacher, 1850,
7500, Virginia
38 1000 1020 Emily J(ane (NANCE**))
WALLACE, 23, F, Virginia
39 1000 1020 Coranella G WALLACE, 1, F, Virginia
40 1000 1020 W(illia)m N
WALLACE, 3/12, M, Virginia
of William G. NANCE and Altezera Finch BUFFIN)
1860 Eastern Division, Henrico, Virginia, 324
764 Peter WILLS, M W 30
Amanda F (NANCE**) WILLS,
F, 25 Virginia
Laura V WILLS, F, 8 Virginia
Peter T WILLS, M, 1 Virginia
(**Dau. of William J. NANCE and
Altizera BUFFIN)
1860 Richmond Ward 2, Henrico, Virginia
J(oseph) L L BRAY, 36, M,
Mary (NANCE**) BRAY, 30, F,
South Carolina
Mary M BRAY, 8, F, Virginia
Anna F BRAY, 7, F, Virginia
Charles D BRAY, 3, M, Virginia
George SCOTT, 30, M
Chas A WEED, 32, M
(**Dau. of William G. NANCE and
052 2 W. Richmond NANCE
012 1 W. Richmond B. A. NANCE
033 2 W. Richmond E(aton?) NANCE
012 1 W. Richmond Z(achariah) F(leming) NANCE
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the County
of Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 20th day of June 1860 J. M. Richardson
Ass't Marshal Post Office Irisburg Page 9b
24 64 64 Cha(rle)s (Allen) BARKER, 30, M,
Blacksmith, 250, VA
25 64 64 Eliza(beth) BARKER,
37, F, VA
26 64 64 Rebecca (Anne)
27 64 64 Isbell(e McDANIEL)
BARKER, 74, F, VA, Can't read/write
28 64 64 Allen NANCE(**), 18, M, Laborer, VA,
(**No idea who
this is. Could it be John Allen NANCE - Pleasant
NANCE's son counted in 2 different homes??)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the County
of Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 20th day of June 1860 J. M. Richardson Ass't
Marshal, Post Office Irisburg Page 10a
23 70 70 Pleas(ant)
NANCE(**), 46, M,
Farmer, Real Estate 650, Personal 300, VA, Can't read or
24 70 70 Eliza (BARKER)
NANCE, 38, F, Virginia
25 70 70 Hardin NANCE, 20, M, Laborer, Virginia
26 70 70 John (Allen) NANCE,
13(*), M, Virginia
27 70 70 Henry (F.) NANCE,
7, M, Virginia
28 70 70 Sarah (A.)
NANCE, 5, F, Virginia
29 70 70 Susan (Isabel) NANCE, 4, F, Virginia
son of John? NANCE and Elizabeth? (M.N.U.)
(*This is what is on census John's age is suppose to be
18 b. 12 Jan 1842)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the County
of Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 20th day of June 1860 J. M. Richardson Ass't
Marshal, Post Office Irisburg Page 10a
29 71 71 James (Garland "Crockett") NANCE(**),
22, M, Laborer, Virginia
30 71 71 Louisa (Jane (BARKER))
NANCE, 18, F, Virginia
(**Son of Pleasant NANCE and Eliza
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the County
of Henry State of Virginia enumerated by me, on the 16
day of July 1860 J. M. Richardson Ass't Marshal Post
Office Martinsville Page 66a Listed as a Poor House
16 475 487 John BEALE, 41, M, Superintendent of Poor
House, -, 530, VA
17 475 487 Nancy BEALE, 39, F, VA
18 475 487 Mary BEALE, 10, F, VA
19 475 487 Thos. BEALE, 8, M, VA
20 475 487 Betsy NANCE(**), 84(*), F, VA, over 20 can't read or
write, Pauper
21 475 487 Joshua PLEASTER, 82, M, VA, over 20 can't read
or write, Pauper
22 475 487 Phebe TURNER, 76, F, VA, over 20 can't read or
write, Pauper
23 475 487 Susan HANCOCK, 72, F, VA, over 20 can't read or
write, Pauper
24 475 487 Jane MORRIS, 68, F, VA, over 20 can't read or
write, Pauper
25 475 487 Wilmoth WELLS, 52, F, VA, over 20 can't read or
write, Pauper
26 475 487 Susan CARTER, 48, F, VA, over 20 can't read or
write, Pauper
27 475 487 Nancy TURNER, 47, F, VA, over 20 can't read or
write, Pauper
28 475 487 Harriet PLEASTER, 26, F, VA, over 20 can't read
or write, Pauper
29 475 487 Caroline WRAY, 26, F, VA, over 20 can't read or
write, Pauper
30 475 487 Letty DAMSEN, 70, F, Black, VA, over 20 can't
read or write, Pauper
31 475 487 Billy HARRIS, 80, F, Black, VA, over 20 can't
read or write, Pauper
32 475 487 John COUSINS, 30, M, Mul, VA, over 20 can't
read or write, Pauper
33 475 487 Willison WRAY, 3, M, VA, Pauper
(*Age suppose to be 72? Same Betsy
in the 1850 Henry County VA census listed as 62?)
sure who this is)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the
County of Henry State of Virginia enumerated by me,
on the 24th day of Aug 1860 J. M. Richardson Ass't Marshal
Post Office Horse Pasture Page 568a
10 968 993 James (Clement?)
NANCE(**), 43, M,
Farmer, 0, 165, North Carolina
11 968 993 Sarah ("Sallie" A.
(CLARK)) NANCE, 26, F, Virginia
12 968 993 Willis (Aaron)
NANCE, 8, M, Virginia
13 968 993 (John Henry) ?
NANCE, 6, M, Virginia
14 968 993 James (Newton)
NANCE, 4, M, Virginia
15 968 993 George (Washington)
NANCE, 3, M, Virginia
16 968 993 Levi NANCE, 1, M, Virginia
17 968 993 Martha (Ann)
NANCE, 1/12, F, Virginia
(**Son of Martha NANCE(*) and
(James? COCHRAN?))
(*Possibly dau. of (John?) NANCE and Mary "Molly" COX
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the
County of Henry State of Virginia enumerated by me,
on the 13 day of Sept 1860 J. M. Richardson Ass't Marshal
Post Office Ridgeway Page 167a
33 1189 1220 David NANCE(**), 75, M, Laborer, 0,
75, North Carolina, over 20 can't read or write
34 1189 1220 Eleanor NANCE, 35, F, North Carolina, Can't
read or write
35 1189 1220 Chapell NANCE, 26, M, North Carolina, Can't
read or write, Idiotic
36 1189 1220 Parley (Decalb)
NANCE, 8, M, Virginia
37 1189 1220 Roxey NANCE, 7, F, Virginia
38 1189 1220 Arkansas NANCE, 2, F, Virginia
(**Son of John NANCE and Mary
"Molly" COX)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the
County of Henry State of Virginia enumerated by me,
on the 13 day of Sept 1860 J. M. Richardson Ass't Marshal
Post Office Ridgeway Page 168a
21 1195 1226 Hardin NANCE,
63, M, Farmer, 2000, 1150, Virginia
22 1195 1226 Mary (B.) (BENNETT?) NANCE, 62, F,
23 1195 1226 Lucretia NANCE, 37, F, Virginia
24 1195 1226 Mary NANCE, 17, F, Virginia
25 1195 1226 George COX, 18, M, Mulatto, Laborer, Virginia
26 1195 1226 Matilda COX, 13, F, Mulatto, Virginia
(**Son of John NANCE and Mary
"Molly" COX)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the
County of Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 13 day of Sept 1860 J. M. Richardson Ass't
Marshal Post Office Ridgeway Page 168a
27 1196 1227 Turley (Terrell)
NANCE(**), 35, M,
Farmer, 30, Virginia, over 20 can't read or write
28 1196 1227 Julia (Ann (MCDANIEL))
NANCE, 26, F, Virginia, over 20 can't read or write
29 1196 1227 James NANCE, 6, M, Virginia
30 1196 1227 Jno (Jonathan)
NANCE, 5, M, Virginia
31 1196 1227 Geo(rge) NANCE,
3, M, Virginia
32 1196 1227 Mary NANCE, 3/12, F, Virginia
33 1196 1227 Betsy NANCE, 80(*),
F, Virginia, Can't read or write
34 1196 1227 Martha MCDANIEL, 75, F, Virginia, Can't read
or write
(**Parents unknown. Possibly great grandson of
John NANCE and Mary "Molly" COX)
(*Age suppose to be 72? Same
Betsy in the 1850 Henry County VA census listed as 62?
Is Betsy Terrell's grandmother?)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the
County of Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 14 day of Sept 1860 J. M. Richardson Ass't
MarshalPost Office Ridgeway Page 169a
28 1203 1235 Fontaine NANCE(**), 39, M, Farmer,
3500, 500, Virginia
29 1203 1235 Jemima (Vincent
(GRANT)) NANCE, 36, F, Virginia
30 1203 1235 Lou(isana F.)
NANCE, 12, F, Virginia
31 1203 1235 Addison (Toplady)
NANCE, 10, M, Virginia
32 1203 1235 (Frances)
Jemima NANCE, 8, F, Virginia
33 1203 1235 James (B.)
NANCE, 3, M, Virginia
34 1203 1235 Mary (S.)
NANCE, 1, F, Virginia
35 1203 1235 Wesley HUNLEY, 18, M, Laborer, Virginia
(**Son of Hardin H? NANCE and Mary
B. (M.N.U. - BENNETT?))
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________
in the County of Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 16 day of Sept 1860 J. M. Richardson
Ass't MarshalPost Office Ridgeway Page 173b
31 1229 1262 Eligah SAMMS, 40, M, Virginia
32 1229 1262 Sarah (NANCE**)
SAMMS, 40, F, Virginia
33 1229 1262 Laura SAMMS,
16, F, Virginia
34 1229 1262 Wm SAMMS,
14, M, Virginia
35 1229 1262 Hughes SAMMS,
12, M, Virginia
36 1229 1262 Mary SAMMS,
8, F, Virginia
37 1229 1262 Henry SAMMS,
5, M, Virginia
38 1229 1262 Benja SAMMS,
3, M, Virginia
39 1229 1262 Sarah SAMMS,
4/12, F, Virginia
(**Dau. of Hardin NANCE and Mary B.
(M.N.U. - BENNETT?))
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in _________ in the
County of Henry State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 16 day of Sept 1860 J. M. Richardson Ass't
MarshalPost Office Ridgeway Page 174a
20 1236 1270 Joseph BRIM, 52, M, Farmer, 1400, 400, North
21 1236 1270 Nancy (C.)
BRIM, 50, F, North Carolina
22 1236 1270 Sally (Jane)
BRIM, 21, F, North Carolina
23 1236 1270 Mary BRIM, 19, F, North Carolina
24 1236 1270 Martha BRIM, 16, F, North Carolina
25 1236 1270 Joseph BRIM, 14, M, Kentucky
26 1236 1270 William BRIM, 12, M, North Carolina
27 1236 1270 Nancy BRIM, 7, F, North Carolina
28 1236 1270 James NANCE(**), 27, M, Laborer, North
(**Not sure who this is, Son? of David
Henry County, Virginia Agricultural Census Schedule 4
Productions of Agriculture in ______ in the
County of Henry in the
State of Virginia Enumerated by me, on the 18 day of
June in 1860 J. M. Richardson Ass't Marshal Post
Office Irisburg page 83
Line 3 Pleasant Nance -
Improved = 22 - Unimproved = 58 - Cash Value of Farm =
400 - Value of Farm implements = $10 - Horses = 1 -
Mules = 0 - Cows = 1 - Oxen = 2 - Other Cattle = 4 -
Sheep = 0 - Swine = 7 - Value of Livestock = $100 -
Wheat = 32 - Rye = 0 - Indian Corn = 100 bush. - Oats
= 0 - Rice - 0 - Tobacco = 1000 lbs - Cotton = 0 -
Wool = 0 - Peas/Beans = 3 bush. - Potatoes = 0 - Sweet
Potatoes = 0 - Barley = 0 - Buckwheat 0 - Value of
Orchard products = $ 0 - Butter = 25 lbs - Cheese = 0
- Hay = 0 - Clover Seed = 0 - Grass Seeds = 0 -
Hops = 0 - Dew Hemp = 0 - Water Hemp = 0 - Othere Hemp
= 0 - Flax = 0 - Flaxseed = 0 - Silk Cocoons = 0 -
Maple Sugar = 0 - Cane Sugar = 0 - Molasses = 0 -
Beeswax = 0 - Honey = 0 - Value of Homemade Manu. = $5
- Value of slaughtered Animals = $65
Kanawha, Virginia, Post Office: Kanawha Court House
10 1583 1585 Samuel Bocock, 77, M, Farmer, VA
11 1583 1585 Morning (NANCE**)
Bocock, 65, F, VA
(**Dau. of William NANCE and Mary
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in _________ in the County of Lunenburg
Page No. 66 State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 28th day of July 1860 G. A. Wood Ass't
Marshal Post OfficeRidgeway Page 1000, Pleasant Grove P.
36 503 489 W(illia)m T.
ELLIS, 39, M, Farmer, 1100, 8512, Virginia?
37 503 489 E(dity) A. E(lizabeth (NANCE)) ELLIS, 27, F,
38 503 489 Luther? ELLIS, 4, M, Virginia?
38 503 489 Johnson T. NANTS
(NANCE**), 60, M, Virginia?
39 503 489 Rebecca (PAMPLIN) NANTS (NANCE), 70, F, Virginia?
(**Son of Tavener J. NANCE and Molly
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in The 98th Regiment in the County of
Mecklenburg State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 5th day of July 1860 C. D**night Ass't
Marshal Post Office Lambrady Grove Page 277
22 374 364 Lucretia NANCE(**), 54, F, Virginia,
sure who this is)
1860 Regiment 98, Mecklenburg, Virginia Post
Office: Lombardy Grove Roll: M653_1362; Page: 276
32 369 360 Henry Davis, 75, M, Farmer, VA
Edwin Davis 25
Mary (NANCE**) Raney
50, F, Servant, VA
(**Dau. of John NANCE and unknown
mother, Widow of Buckner Rainey)
1860 Regiment 98, Mecklenburg, Virginia, Post
Office: St Tamany
224 Henry KINKER, 29, M, Virginia
Lucy (NANCE**) KINKER, 27,
F, Virginia
Sarah KINKER, 5, F, Virginia
William KINKER, 1, M, Virginia
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Mary
District of Nicholas, Nicholas, Virginia
147 123 Eli Amick 38
Mary (NANCE**) Amick
Pernella Amick 20
Jno Amick 16
Malinlda Amick 13
Sarah M Amick 10
Elizabeth Amick 7
Lorenda D Amick 3
(**Parents unknown)
Petersburg (Independent City)
Schedule I. Free Inhabitants in East
Ward in the City of
Petersburg State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 6th day of July, 1860 Wm. Fenn Ass't Marshal
Page: 205a written 144
33 1365 1338 Z(achariah)
PEARMAN, 60, M, Boot & *** Dealer, 500, 4000, Virginia
34 1365 1338 Mary S (NANCE**)
PEARMAN, 40, F, Virginia
35 1365 1338 Mary PEARMAN, 63, F, Virginia
36 1365 1338 William SCOTT, 29, M, Virginia
(**Dau. of Zachariah NANCE and Mary
1860 North District, Pittsylvania, Virginia Post
Office: Sandy River Roll: M653_1370; Page: 205
3 344 344 James H Bowe 41, M, Farmer, 2000, 3000, VA
Keturah J (NANCE**) Bowe,
36, F, VA
Henry C Bowe 14
George W Bowe 12
James R Bowe 10
Sarah A Bowe 4
William M Bowe 2
(**Dau. of James NANCE and Charlotte
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in North District in
the County of Pittsylvania State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 5 day of August 1860 Zack S. Finney Ass't
Marshal Post Office Crafton Page 225a
13 488 488 Richard NANCE(**), 32, M, Farm
Laborer, Virginia
14 488 488 Louisa (BLACKWELL)
NANCE, 23, F, Virginia
15 488 488 (James) William
NANCE, 7, M, Virginia
16 488 488 George NANCE, 5, M, Virginia
17 488 488 Delaware NANCE, 2, F, Virginia
18 488 488 John (C.) NANCE,
1, M, Virginia
19 488 488 Mary BLACKWELL, 59, F, Virginia
(**Son of unknown NANCE and Susan S.
Schedule I.
Free Inhabitants in The Southern District in the County of
Pittsylvania State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 26 day of June, 1860 Drury Blair Ass't
Marshal Post Office _________PAGE NO: 377b written 18
24 136 136 Pleasant H. STEPHENS, 49, M, Farmer, 500, 300,
Virginia, can't read/write
25 136 136 Jane (NANCE**)
STEPHENS, 58, F, Virginia,
can't read/write
26 136 136 Benjamin F. STEPHENS, 21, M, Farm Hand, Virginia,
can't read/write
27 136 136 Mary A. STEPHENS, 18, F,
27 136 136
Elizabeth W. STEPHENS, 16, F, Virginia
of William Malone NANCE and Elizabeth THORNTON)
Schedule I.
Free Inhabitants in The Southern District in the County of
Pittsylvania State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 28 day of June, 1860 Drury Blair Ass't
Marshal Post Office _________PAGE NO: 377b
38 163 163 Mary (NANCE**)
GAULDIN, 64, F, Farmer, 500, 1350, Virginia, can't
39 163 163 Letitia GAULDIN, 17, F, Virginia
of William Malone NANCE and Elizabeth THORNTON)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in The Southern District in the County of
Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 28 day of June 1860 Druny Blair
Finney Ass't Marshal Post Office _______ Page 379a
3 175 175 John A. HAMPTON, 32, M, Miller, 1600, 200,
Virginia, Married within the year
4 175 175 Narcipa J. HAMPTON, 32, F, North Carolina
5 175 175 Charles NANCE(**), 15, M, Cart
Driver, North Carolina
(**Not sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in the Southern District in the County of
Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 28th day of August 1860 Drury
Blair Ass't Marshal Post Office Danville Page 478a
37 913 913 W(illia)m
M NANCE(**), 38, M,
Clerk, 0, 50, Virginia
38 913 913 Caroline (M. T.
(HOWARD)) NANCE, 36, F, North Carolina
39 913 913 I(sabella)
G.? NANCE, 14, F,
Virginia, Attends School
(**Son of James NANCE and Charlotte
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in the Southern District in the County of
Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 28th day of August 1860 Drury
Blair Ass't Marshal Post Office Danville Page 478a
40 914 914 Jas. M. TATUM, 42, M, Merchant, 0, 1000,
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in The Southern District in
the County of Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 28 day of August 1860 Druny Blair
Ass't Marshal Post Office Danville Page 478b
1 914 914 Susan A. NANCE(*), 36, F, Millines, North
2 914 914 Mary A. NANCE, 19, F, Virginia
3 914 914 Henry S. NANCE, 11, M, Virginia, Attends School
4 914 914 Eveline (A.) NANCE(**), 36, F, Seamstrip, 2000,
3000, North Carolina
5 914 914 Bettie NANCE, 6, F, Virginia
6 914 914 Charles R. NANCE, 4, M, Virginia
7 914 914 Ann PRICE, 30, F, North Carolina
(*Not sure who
this is)
(**Widow of Robert (Henry?)
NANCE died 22 Dec 1859 Pittsylvania Co. VA, son of James
NANCE and Charlotte HARRISON)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in the Southern District in the County of
Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 31 day of August 1860 Drury Blair
Ass't Marshal Post Office Danville Page 493
15 1023 1023 C. C.?? CHAPLIN, 28, Clergyman, 0, 150,
16 1023 1023 Lucy E. CHAPLIN, 26, F, Virginia
17 1023 1023 Luanna E. CHAPLIN, 3, F, Virginia
18 1023 1023 Susan E. CHAPLIN, 1, F, Virginia
19 1023 1023 Charles G. CHAPLIN, 2/12, M, Virginia
20 1023 1023 Joseph A. NANCE(**), 40, M, Clerk, 0,
50, Virginia
21 1023 1023 Mary B. NANCE,
25, F, Virginia
21 1023 1023 Wm? T. OAKLEY, 15, M, Virginia, Attending
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in the Southern District in the County of
Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 22nd day of Sept 1860 Drury Blair
Ass't Marshal Post Office Ringold Page 527b
32 1269 1269 John HOBBS(**) , 42, M, Meth.
Clergyman, 0, 100, VA
33 1269 1269 Mary (NANCE)
HOBBS, 43, F, VA
34 1269 1269 Mary HOBBS, 18, F, VA
35 1269 1269 Sarah HOBBS, 15, F, VA
36 1269 1269 William HOBBS, 14, M, Labourer, VA
37 1269 1269 Nathanie HOBBS, 12, M, VA
38 1269 1269 Aradia HOBBS, 8, F, VA
39 1269 1269 George HOBBS, 6, M, VA
40 1269 1269 Pollie A HOBBS, 4 or 21?, F, , VA, Attending
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in the Southern District in
the County of Pittsylvania State of Virginia
enumerated by me, on the 22nd day of Sept 1860 Drury Blair
Ass't Marshal Post Office Ringold Page 528a
1 1269 1269 Elizabeth HOBBS, 4, F, VA
2 1269 1269 John HOBBS, 2, M, VA
3 1269 1269 Mildred (FAULKERSON) NANCE(**), 60, F, 0, 9700, Virginia
(**Widow of John Wood NANCE,
son of Tavener NANCE and Mary Molly
(*Listed as John FORBES in 1850
Pittsylvania County VA Census and marriage record)
507 Southern District Eveline A. NANCE
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in _______________ in the County of
Warwick State of Virginia enumerated by me,
on the 27th day of June 1860 Tho. Curlez Jr.? Ass't
Marshal Post Office, Page 351, Post Office: Warwick C.L
19 57 55 Richard NANCE(**), 38, M, Taylor, 0,
1000, Virginia
20 57 55 Ann (CHALLIS)
NANCE, 40, F, Housekeeper, Virginia
21 57 55 Margerate NANCE, 14, F, Virginia, Attending
22 57 55 Sarah NANCE, 7, F, Virginia, Attending School
MCCabe District
Page 31
Line 22 Edwin T. NANCE 1 Male over 21; taxed 40 cents;
also 1 male over 16 Total levy on persons and property
70 cents
Line 29 Thadeas C. NANCE 1 Male over 21; taxed 40
cents; also 1 male over 16 Total levy on persons and
property 70 cents
Line 35 John F. NANCE 1 Male over 21; taxed 40 cents;
also 1 male over 16 Total levy on persons and property
70 cents
Page 32
Line 13 Elisha D NANCE 1 Male over 21; taxed 40 cents;
also 1 male over 16 Total levy on persons and property
70 cents
Line 19 Archibald NANCE 1 Male over 21; taxed 40
cents; also 1 male over 16 Total levy on persons and
property 70 cents
Line 20 Thomas W. NANCE 1 Male over 21; taxed 40
cents; also 1 male over 16 Total levy on persons and
property 70 cents
Line 21 Paschall J. C. NANCE 1 Male over 21; taxed 40
cents; also 1 male over 16 Total levy on persons and
property 70 cents
Line 31 Wm. P. NANCE 1 Male over 21; taxed 40 cents;
also 1 male over 16 Total levy on persons and property
70 cents
list of persons in Division No. 5, of Collection
District No. 5 of the state of Virginia liable to a
tax under Excise laws of the United States, and the
amount there of, as assessed by Thomas V. ********
Asistant Assessor, and by _______, assessor, returned
to the Collector of said District, for the month of
May 1865
Line No.
Article or Occupation No. of
Abstract Quality
Rate of Tax Amount of
Tax Total Date of
Tho. W. Nance
10.08 ------
Thorp. H. Nance
Davies Mill Buggy
------ ------
Thorp. H. Nance
Davies Mill Silver Plate
Thorp. H. Nance
Davies Mill
30.00 ------
list of persons in Division No. 1, of Collection
District No. 2 of the state of Virginia liable to a
tax under Excise laws of the United States, and the
amount there of, as assessed by H. Frank Ackerman,
Assistant Assessor, and by J. M. Wood, assessor,
returned to the Collector of said District, for the
month of September 1865
Line No. Name
Location Article
or Occupation No. of
Abstract Quality
Rate of Tax Amount of
Tax Total Date of
T. H. Nance
Tabacco man
597.00 ------
list of persons in Division No. 19, of Collection
District No. 4 of the state of Virginia liable to a
tax under Excise laws of the United States, and the
amount there of, as assessed by J. A. Townson,
Assistant Assessor, and by John M. Down?, assessor,
returned to the Collector of said District, for the
month of October 1865
Line No.
Article or Occupation No. of
Abstract Quality
Rate of Tax Amount of
Tax Total Date of
W. A. Nance Charles City
1 Carriage
W. A. Nance Charles
City 1 Watch
---- 2.00
W. A. Nance Charles
City 1 Piano
list of persons in Division No. 8, of Collection
District No. 1 of the state of Virginia liable to a
tax under Excise laws of the United States, and the
amount there of, as assessed by J. A. Towson,
Assistant Assessor, and by John B. A. Smith, assessor,
returned to the Collector of said District, for the
month of May 1866
Line No. Name
Location Article
or Occupation No. of
Abstract Quality
Rate of Tax Amount of
Tax Total Date of
B(enjamin) A(lbert) Nance
Charles City
One Watch
------- ------
B. A. Nance
Charles City One
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Williamsville Township in the County
of Bath State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 25th day of July 1870 John Clark Jr. Ass't
Marshal Post Office, Roll 1635 Page 45b
21 116 116 Joseph BAXTER, 47, M, W, Hotel Keeper (Bath
***), 20000, 3000, Massachusetts, ***., Male over 21
22 116 116 Sarah E. BAXTER, 45, F, W, Keeping House, New
23 116 116 H. P. COSBY, 30, M, W, Clerk in Hotel, VA, Male
over 21
24 116 116 Jane BLUNDELL, 50, F, W, House Keeper, VA
25 116 116 John HUNDY, 44, M, B, Hotel Waiter (Bath Alum
shops?), VA, Dec., Maleover 21
26 116 116 Amelia SCOTT, 40, F, B, VA, Can't read/write
27 116 116 Elvira NANCE(**), 50, F, B,
Virginia, Can't read/write
28 116 116 Lucy WILLIS, 22, F, B, VA, Can't read/write
29 116 116 Mary HUNTER, 22, F, B, VA,
30 116 116 Thomas WALKER, 23, M, B, VA, Male over 21
31 116 116 Henry LACY, 24, M, B, VA, Male over 21
32 116 116 Oliver GRAY, 30, M, B, VA, Male over 21
33 116 116 William N. JAMES, 23, M, B, VA, Male over 21
34 116 116 Peter HULL, 28, M, B, VA, Can't read/write,
Male over 21
35 116 116 Caroline FROGG, 40, F, B, VA, can't read/write
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Warm Springs Township in the County of
Bath State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 8th day of September 1870 John Clark Jr.
Ass't Marshal Post Office Bath C. H. VA, Roll 1635 Page
3 117 117 William B. NANCE(**), 59, M, W, Wagon
Maker, 200, 300, Virginia, Male Citizen over 21
4 117 117 Elizabeth NANCE, 74, F, W, Keeping House,
5 117 117 James W. NANCE, 29, M, W, Waggon Maker,
Virginia, Male Citizen over 21
6 117 117 Mary J. NANCE, 27, F, W, At Home, Virginia
7 117 117 Charles W. NANCE, 2, M, W, Virginia
8 117 117 John NANCE, 58, M, W, Farm Laborer, Virginia,
Male Citizen over 21
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Chamblisburg Township in the County of
Bedford State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 13th day of Aug 1870 J. L. Hatcher Ass't
Marshal Post Office, M593 1635 Page 52b Post Office:
8 25 22 Beverly R. JETER, 53, M, W, Farmer, 930, 440,
Virginia, Male over 21
9 25 22 Mary A. JETER, 52, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia
10 25 22 Nelson A. CAFER, 22, M, W, Farmer, Virginia
11 25 22 Mary P. CAFER, 18, F, W, At Home, Virginia
12 25 22 Frank NANCE(**), 31, M, B, Farm
Laborer, 500, 275, Virginia, Can't read-write, Male
Citizen of U.S. over 21
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Chamblisburg Township in the County of
Bedford State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 13th day of Aug 1870 J. L. Hatcher Ass't
Marshal Post Office, M593 1635 Page 52b Post Office:
30 29 26 Jack KASEY, 50, M, B, Farmer, Virginia, Can't
read/write, Male over 21
31 29 26 Susan KASEY, 34, F, B, Keeping House, Virginia,
Can't read/write
32 29 26 Louisa KASEY, 28, F, B, Domestic Servt.,
Virginia, Can't read/write
33 29 26 Polly KASEY, 13, F, B, At Home, Virginia, Can't
34 29 26 Henry C. KASEY, 8, M, B, Virginia
35 29 26 Mary A. KASEY, 7, F, B, Virginia
36 29 26 James KASEY, 4, M, B, Virginia
37 29 26 Susan J. KASEY, 1, F, B, Virginia
38 29 26 Ellen NANCE(**), 21, F, B, Domestic
Serv., Virginia, Can't read-write
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Chamblisburg Township in the County of
Bedford State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 6th day of Sept. 1870 J. L. Hatcher Ass't
Marshal Post Office, M593 1635 Page 87a Post Office:
26 497 394 Wm * PREAS?, 50, M, W, Farmer, -, 100, VA, Male
over 21
27 497 394 Thomas P. PREAS., 18, M, W, Farm Laborer,
.... 497 394 Other PREAS.
.... 497 394 Family Members
40 497 394 Harriet NANCE(**), 50, F, B, Domestic
Serv., Virginia, Can't read or write
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Lisbon Township in the County of
Bedford State of Virginia enumerated by me,
on the 6th day of Sept. 1870 A. H. Curtins Ass't Marshal
Post Office, M593 1635 Page 274b Post Office: Liberty
12 8 8 Robt D. BINKS, 23, M, W, Farmer, 3300, 1500,
Virginia, Male over 21
13 8 8 Emma E. BINKS, 20, F, W, Keeping House, 0, 600,
14 8 8 Robt. A. HAYNES, 24, M, W, Farm Laborer, Virginia,
Male over 21
15 8 8 Susan BINKS, F, B, 16, Domestic Servent, Virginia,
can't read/write
16 8 8 Jenville DICKERSON, F, B, 38, Domestic Servent,
Virginia, can't read/write
17 8 8 Harrison BLACK, 46, M, B, Farm Laborer, Virginia,
can't read/write, Male over 21
18 8 8 Winston DICKERSON, 17, M, B, Farm Laborer,
Virginia, can't read/write
19 8 8 Moses NANCE(**), 22, M, B, Farm
Laborer, Virginia, Can't read/write, Male U.S. Citizen
over 21
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Otter Township in the County of
Bedford State of Virginia enumerated by me,
on the 24 day of June 1870 Jno. S. Watson Ass't Marshal
Post Office, M593 1635 Page 288b Post Office: Lowery
38 49 49 Charles PADGET, 27, M, W, Farmer, 700, Virginia
39 49 49 Arion PADGET, 29, F, W, Virginia
40 49 49 Emma J. PADGET, 3, F, W, Virginia
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in Otter Township in the
County of Bedford State of Virginia enumerated by me,
on the 24 day of June 1870 Jno. S. Watson Ass't
MarshalPost Office, M593 1635 Page 289a Post Office:
5 49 49 William NANCE(**), 35, M, B, Farm
Laborer, Virginia, Can't read or write, U.S. Citizen over
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Otter Township in the County of
Bedford State of Virginia enumerated by me,
on the 24 day of June 1870 Jno. S. Watson Ass't Marshal
Post Office, M593 1635 Page 289a Post Office: Lowery
16 52 52 Martha NANCE(**), 25, F, B, Domestic
Serv., Virginia, Can't read or write
17 52 52 Sam'l NANCE, 15, M, B, Farm Laborer, Virginia
18 52 52 Charles WALKER, 24, M, M, Works on RR, 300, 150,
Virginia, can't read/write Male over 21
19 52 52 Louisa WALKER, 28, F, B, Keeping House, Virginia,
can't read/write
20 52 52 Charles W. WALKER, 8/12, M, W, Virginia, Oct
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Otter Township in the County of
Bedford State of Virginia enumerated by me,
on the 17th day of June 1870 Jno. S. Watson Ass't Marshal
Post Office, M593 1635 Page 300 Post Office: Liberty
20 4 4 J. H. OVERSTREET, 32, M, W, 5000, 800, Virginia,
Male over 21
21 4 4 Susan V. OVERSTREET, 30, F, W, Keeping House,
22 4 4 Elsie M. OVERSTREET, 7, F, W, Virginia
23 4 4 Jessie * OVERSTREET, 5, F, W, Virginia
24 4 4 Everett OVERSTREET, 2, M, W, Virginia
25 4 4 Cyrus OVERSTREET, 1, M, W, Virginia
26 4 4 Fanny NANCE(**), 15, F, W, Farm Laborer,
Virginia, Can't read or write
(**Not sure who this is)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in Otter Township in
the County of Bedford State of Virginia enumerated by me,
on the 18th day of July 1870 A. H. Curtins Ass't Marshal
Post Office, M593 1635 Page 319b Post Office: Liberty
3 257 251 Silas G WADE, 52, M, W, Farmer, 2300, 500,
4 257 251 Nancy
WADE, 46, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia
5 257 251 Pleasant
WADE, 18, M, W, At Home, Virginia
6 257 251 Susan
E WADE, 14, F, W, At Home, Virginia
7 257 251 John
W WADE, 11, M, W, At Home,
8 257 251 Thos
S WADE, 7, M, W, Virginia
(**Dau. of Paschal
Washington NANCE, Sr., and Martha "Patsey" CREASY)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Otter Township in the County of
Bedford State of Virginia enumerated by me,
on the 19th day of July 1870 A. H. Curtins Ass't Marshal
Post Office, M593 1635 Page 320b Post Office: Liberty
3 280 275 Archibald NANCE(**), 46, M, W, Farmer,
1000, 340, Virginia, Male Citizen of U.S. over 21
4 280 275 Lucy F. (HUGHES)
NANCE, 30, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia
5 280 275 Samuel (Hughes)
NANCE, 12, M, W, At Home, Virginia, Can't read or write
6 280 275 Hardaway NANCE, 10, M, W, Virginia
7 280 275 Paschal (Washington)
NANCE, 6, M, W, Virginia
8 280 275 James NANCE, 5, M, W, Virginia
9 280 275 W(illia)m H. NANCE,
2, M, W, Virginia
(**Son of
Paschal Washington NANCE Sr. and Martha "Patsey" CREASY)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Chamblisburg Township in the County of
Bedford State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 19th day of July 1870 A. H. Curtins Ass't
MarshalPost Office, M593 1635 Page 321a Post Office:
6 288 281 Wm A. WADE, 68, M, W, Farmer, 1500, 660,
Virginia, Male over 21
7 288 281 Mary A WADE, 49, F, W, Virginia, Keeping House,
8 288 281 John WADE, 19, M, W, Virginia, Attending School
9 288 281 Davis WADE, 16, M, W, Virginia, can't write
10 288 281 Madeline WADE, 15, F, W, Virginia, Attending
11 288 281 Samuel WADE, 12, M, W, Virginia, can't write
12 288 281 Udora WADE, 8, F, W, Virginia
13 288 281 Charles WADE, 4, M, W, Virginia
14 288 281 Marinda (Jane (WADE)) NANCE(**), 24, F, W, At Home,
0, 200, Virginia
15 288 281 Emeline HUGHES, 12, F, B, Domestic ***,
Virginia, can't read/write
(**Wife {widow?} of Paschal
Washington NANCE, Jr., son of Paschal Washington NANCE
Sr. and Martha "Patsey" CREASY)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in the township of Otter in the County of
Bedford State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 19th day of July 1870 A. H. Curtins Ass't
Marshal Post Office, M593 1635 Page 321b Post Office:
18 299 292 James B. WOOD, 56, M, W, Farmer, 960, 190,
Virginia, Male citizen over 21
19 299 292 Julia A. WOOD, 54, F, W, Keeping House,
20 299 292 Isaac N. ANGEL, 30, M, W, R.R. Laborer,
Virginia, Male citizen over 21
21 299 292 Elizabeth ANGEL, 25, F, W, Keeping House,
22 299 292 Queen NANCE(**), 18, F, W, At home,
sure who this is)
Schedule 1.
Inhabitants in Staunton Township, in the County of Bedford
State of Virginia, enumerated by
me on the 29th day of July 1870 Thos. W. Turner Ass't
Marshall Post Office Liberty, VA. M593 1635 page 342b
15 95 95 Thorpe H(oard) NANCE(**), 38, M, W, Farmer,
3000, 500 , VA, Male Citizen of U.S. over
16 95 95 Ann E(va Morton (PATE))
NANCE, 36, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia
17 95 95 (Ianthia Adelia)
Delia NANCE, 17, F, W, At Home, Virginia
18 95 95 Mackie NANCE, 15, F, W, At Home, Virginia
19 95 95 (John) Walter
NANCE, 14, M, W, At Home, Virginia
20 95 95 (Allen) Albon
NANCE, 12, M, W, At Home, Virginia
21 95 95 (Dabney) Pate
NANCE, 6, M, W, Virginia
22 95 95 Lillian NANCE, 4, F, W, Virginia
23 95 95 Benjamin (Howard)
NANCE, 2, M, W, Virginia
of John NANCE and Martha A. ESTES)
Schedule 1.
Inhabitants in Staunton Township, in the County of Bedford
State of Virginia, enumerated by
me on the 29th day of July 1870 Thos. W. Turner Ass't
Marshall Post Office Liberty, VA. M593 1635 page 342b
36 99 99 W(illia)m
P(leasant) NANCE(**), 30, M, W, Farmer, 1500,
300, Virginia, Male Citizen of U.S. over 21
37 99 99 S(arah) P(orter (CHEATWOOD))
NANCE, 25, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia
38 99 99 Martha HANCOCK, 35, F, B, Keeping House, Virginia
39 99 99 Alice HANCOCK, 12, F, Mulatto, At Home, Virginia
40 99 99 Robert HANCOCK, 9, M, B, Virginia
Schedule 1. Inhabitants in St. Aunton Township, in the
County of Bedford State of Virginia, enumerated by
me on the 29th day of July 1870 Thos. W. Turner Ass't
MarshallPost Office Liberty, VA. M593 1635 page 343a
1 99 99 Martha HANCOCK, 6, F, B, Virginia
2 99 99 Charles HANCOCK, 2, M, B, Virginia
3 99 99 Whes BOARD, 25, M, B, Farm Laborer, Virginia,
can't read/write
4 99 99 Rush SAUNDERS, 12, M, B, Farm Laborer, Virginia,
can't read/write
(**Son of
Thaddeus (Christopher?)
NANCE and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
Schedule 1. Inhabitants in Staunton Township, in
the County of Bedford State of Virginia, enumerated by
me on the 30th day of July 1870 Thos. W. Turner Ass't
Marshall Post Office Liberty, VA. Roll: M593 1635 page
14 108 108 Tho(mas)
W(hitfield) NANCE(**), 38, M, W, Farmer,
1200, 400, Virginia, Male Citizen of U.S. over 21
15 108 108 Elizabeth J(ane
(JOHNSON)) NANCE, 35, F, W, Keeping House,
16 108 108 Sarah M. NANCE, 16, F, W, Virginia, Attending
17 108 108 Virginia F. NANCE, 14, F, W, Virginia,
Attending School
18 108 108 John T. NANCE, 10, M, W, Virginia, Attending
19 108 108 Margaret (Whitfield)
NANCE, 8, F, W, Virginia
of Thaddeus (Christopher?) NANCE
and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
Schedule 1. Inhabitants in the township of
Staunton, in the County of Bedford State of Virginia,
enumerated by me on
the 6th day of Aug 1870 Thos. W. Turner Ass't Marshall,
Post Office Liberty, VA. Roll: M593 1635 page 354a written 34
32 259 259 Sarah WAUGH(*), 70, F, W, At Home, VA
33 259 259 Elisha
D(erastus) NANCE(**), 30, M, W, Farmer,
1500, 1000, Virginia
34 259 259 Sally (J.
(HANCOCK)) NANCE, 27, F, W, Keeping House,
35 259 259 James F NANCE, 4, M, W, Virginia
36 259 259 Lelia (E.) NANCE,
2, F, W, Virginia
37 259 259 (D)Erastus (Lee) NANCE, 9/12, M, W, Virginia
(*May belong
in previous family 258)
(**Son of Thaddeus (Christopher?)
NANCE and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
Schedule 1. Inhabitants in The Township of
Staunton, in the County of Bedford State of Virginia,
enumerated by
me on the 6th day of Aug. 1870 Thos. W. Turner Ass't
MarshallPost Office Liberty, VA. Roll: M593 1635 page 354a
35 267 267 John F(erdinand) NANCE(**), 31, M, W,
Farmer/Miller, 2600, 400, VA, Male Citizen of U.S. over 21
36 267 267 Lucy (M. (PETERS))
NANCE, 21, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia
37 267 267 (John) Albert W(esley) NANCE, 4, M, W, Virginia
38 267 267 Wm (Wilber) A(shby) NANCE, 2, M, W, Virginia
(**Son of John NANCE and Martha A.
Schedule 1. Inhabitants in Staunton Township, in
the County of Bedford State of Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 13th day of Aug. 1870 Post Office Liberty, VA.
Thos. W. Turner Ass't Marshall M593 1635 page 362b
28 396 391 Jane (Gaddy (WHITTEN)) NANCE(**), 36, F, W, Keeping
House, Virginia
29 396 391 Martha (Alice)
NANCE, 15, F, W, At Home, Virginia,
Attending School
30 396 391 John C. NANCE, 14, M, W, At Home, Virginia,
Attending School
31 396 391 Sally B. (Elizabeth)
NANCE, 13, F, W, At Home, Virginia, Attending School
32 396 391 Molly A. NANCE, 12, F, W, At Home, Virginia,
Attending School, Can't write
33 396 391 W(illia)m A(bner) NANCE, 8, M, W, Virginia
34 396 391 Albert C. (Sidney)
NANCE, 6, M, W, Virginia
35 396 391 Thomas MORRIS, 23, M, W, Farmer, Virginia,
Can't read-write, Male Citizen of U.S. over 21
(**Widow of Albert F. NANCE, son of
John NANCE and Martha A. ESTES)
Schedule 3. Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870 in Staunton in the CountyBRUNSWICK COUNTY
1870 Meherrin, Brunswick, Virginia Roll:
M593_1637; Page: 9B
13 142 142 James W Drumright 70
Lucy A(nn NANCE**) Drumright
Sarah A Drumright 28
Mildred M Drumright 23
Cora J Drumright 18
Walter M Drumright 14
(**Dau. of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
Schedule 1. Inhabitants in Meherrin Township, in
the County of Brunswick State of Virginia, enumerated by
me on the 31st day of August 1870, George B.C. or H. Lucy
Ass't Marshall page 15b Post Office: Mingerville?
26 249 249 Jacob NANCE(**), 50, M, W, Laborer,
Virginia, can't read/write
27 249 249 Eveline (CRICHTON)
NANCE, 40, F, W, House Keeper, Virginia, can't read/write
28 249 249 Amanda NANCE, 14, F, W, Laborer, Virginia,
can't read/write
29 249 249 Charlotte NANCE, 12, F, W, Laborer, Virginia,
can't read/write
30 249 249 Benjamin NANCE, 11, M, W, Virginia,
can't read/write
(**Son of Jacob NANCE and Susan
Schedule 1.
Inhabitants in Harrison Township, in the County of Charles
City State of Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 16th day of July 1870 Post Office Wilson's Landing.
Lemuel E. Babcock Ass't Marshall M593 1639 page 546a
3 368 368 Benj(amin)
A(lbert) NANCE(**), 47, M, W,
Virginia, Male over 21
4 368 368 Susan (E. (STAGG))
NANCE, 45, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia
5 368 368 Julia (Ann) NANCE,
21, F, W, At Home, Virginia
6 368 368 Benjamin (Woodward)
NANCE, 20, M, W, Works in Sawmill, Virginia
7 368 368 John F(leming)
NANCE, 18, M, W, At Home, Virginia
8 368 368 William (Albert)
NANCE, 17, M, W, At Home, Virginia
9 368 368 Charles (Stagg)
NANCE, 15, M, W, At Home, Virginia
10 368 368 Littleberry (Manley)
NANCE, 13, F, W, At Home, Virginia
11 368 368 Edwin (Everett)
NANCE, 11, M, W, At Home, Virginia
12 368 368 Walter M. NANCE, 8, M, W, At Home, Virginia
(**Son of Zachariah NANCE and Mary
Schedule 1. Inhabitants in Harrison Township, in
the County of Charles City State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on
the 11th day of August 1870, Lemuel E. Babcock Ass't
Marshall Post Office Wilson's Landing, M593 1639 page 577b
32 926 886 Edward NANCE(**), 51, M, W, Farmer,
1000, 100, Virginia, Male citizen over 21
33 926 886 Catherine NANCE, 46, F, W, Keeping House,
34 926 886 James H. NANCE, 27, M, W, Labourer, Virginia,
Male citizen over 21
35 926 886 Caroline NANCE, 23, F, W, At Home, Virginia
36 926 886 Emma NANCE, 26?, F, W, At Home, Virginia
sure who this is)
1870: Madison, Cumberland, Virginia Page 47B
11 106 130 Richard COLLINS, 70, M, VA
Susan (NANCE**) Collins
66, VA
Richard K Collins 29
William Collins 27
Elisa Collins 19
David Collins 8
Lee Ayres 9
James R Collins 3/12
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Nancy
Schedule 1.
Inhabitants in Little River Township, in the County of
Floyd State of Virginia, enumerated by
me on the 22nd day of July 1870 B. R. ELLIOTT Ass't
Marshall, Post Office: Floyd M593 Roll 1646 Page 90a
9 139 137 (John)
Allan NANCE(**), 28,
M, W, Chair Maker, -, 150, Virginia, Male citizen over 21
10 139 137 Zariah (Thaney
(MCDANIEL)) NANCE, 29, F, W, Keeping House,
11 139 137 Mary Ann NANCE, 9, F, W, At Home, Virginia
12 139 137 Eliza Jane NANCE, 2, F, W, At Home, Virginia
13 139 137 Rebecca MCDANIEL (Zariah's
mother), 50, F, W, At Home, Virginia
(**Son of Pleasant NANCE and Eliza
Schedule 1.
Inhabitants in Gills Creek Township, in the County of
Franklin State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 8th day of August 1870 Thos. B. Claiborne
Ass't Marshall,Post Office: Rocky Mount. Page 353a
1 245 246 Isham NANCE(**), 75, M, B, M**LIA, Virginia,
Can't read/write, U.S. Citizen over 21
2 245 246 Jenny NANCE, 58, F, B, Keeping House, Virginia,
Can't read or write
3 245 246 Jefferson NANCE, 61, M, B, Farm Laborer?,
Virginia, Can't read or write, U.S. Citizen over 21
sure who this is)
Schedule 1.
Inhabitants in Gills Creek Township, in the County of
Franklin State of Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 8th day of August 1870 Thos. B. Claiborne Ass't
Marshall,Post Office: Rocky Mount. Page 358b M593 1639
13 327 328 Asa HOLLAND, 68, M, W, Farmer, 10000, 2000,
Virginia, Male over 21
14 327 328 Martha HOLLAND, 62, F, W, Keeps House, Virginia
15 327 328 Mark HOLLAND, 32, M, W, Farm Laborer, Virginia,
Male over 21
16 327 328 John NANCE(**), 12, M, W, Farm
Laborer, Virginia
sure who this is)
Schedule 1.
Inhabitants in _________ in the County of Greene State of
Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 26th day of June 1870 Dounny L. ***** Ass't
Marshall, Post Office: Slumendsville Page 256a
1 16 16 Cintis SHIFTELL, 35, M, W, Farm Laborer, can't
read/write, Male citizen over 21
2 16 16 Williamson NANCE,
11, F, B, Domestic Servent, Virginia,
can't read/write
sure who this is)
Schedule 1.
Inhabitants in Lower Revenue District in the County of
Hanover State of Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 2 day of July 1870 Dounny L. ***** Ass't Marshall,
Post Office: Beaver Dam Depot Page 19a M593 Roll 1651
31 265 269 Ann (Eliza (VAIDEN)) NANCE(**), 39, F, W, Keeping
House, 6000, 500, Virginia
32 265 269 (Ann) Etrina
NANCE, 15, F, W, At Home, Virginia
33 265 269 William (Vaiden)
NANCE, 13, M, W, At Home, Virginia
34 265 269 Eaton NANCE, 11, M, W, At Home, Virginia
35 265 269 Novella (Hudnall)
NANCE, 9, F, W, At Home, Virginia
36 265 269 (Mary) Ida NANCE,
7, F, W, At Home, Virginia
37 265 269 Julia (W.) NANCE,
5, F, W, At Home, Virginia
38 265 269 Georgia PATTERSON, 22, F, W, Domestic Servant,
(**Widow of Eaton NANCE d. 30 Oct
1869, son of Zachariah NANCE and Mary MOUNDCASTLE)
Schedule 1.
Inhabitants in Lower Revenue District in the County of
Hanover State of Virginia, enumerated by me on the
8 day of Sept 1870 Dounny L. ***** Ass't Marshall, Post
Office: Beaver Dam Depot Page 100a written 198 M593 Roll
16 1586 1626 Thomas
VANCE(*), 51, M, W,
Farmer, Virginia
17 1586 1626 Margarett (MARTIN) VANCE, 38, F, W,
Keeping, House, Virginia
18 1586 1626 George (Wallace)
VANCE, 20, M, W, Farm Laborer, Virginia
19 1586 1626 Marshall (F.)
VANCE, 12, M, W, Attending School, Virginia
20 1586 1626 Lewellin VANCE, 10, M, W,
Attending School, Virginia
21 1586 1626 Ida (L.)
VANCE, 2, F, W, Virginia
22 1586 1626 Emma VANCE, 1, F, W, Virginia
(*Original does say
VANCE. Suppose to be NANCE see family in 1850, 1860 and
1880 Hanover County VA census)
(**Parents unknown)
Schedule 3. Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870 in Lower Revenue District inHENRICO COUNTY
Schedule 1.
Inhabitants in Varina Township in the County of Henrico
State of Virginia, enumerated by me on the
29th day of August 1870 Dounny L. ***** Ass't
Marshall,Post Office: Richmond Page 444a M593 Roll 1655
24 26 26 W(illia)m J. MAYS,
48, M, W, Lawyer, Virginia
25 26 26 Emeline NANCE(**), 24, F, B,
Virginia, can't read/write
26 26 26 Walter NANCE, 3, M,
B, At Home, Virginia, can't read/write
sure who this is)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in Leatherwood
Township in the County of Henry State of Virginia
by me, on the 4th day of July 1870 J. T. Pedigo? Ass't
MarshalPost Office Martinsville Page 36b Roll 1656
10 73 73 (Christopher)
Kit NANCE(**), 70,
M, B, Farmer, Virginia, Can't read/write, Male Citizen of
U.S. of 21 years of age and upwards
11 73 73 (Lucinda) Cinda
NANCE, 57, F, B, Keeping House, Virginia, Can't read/write
12 73 73 John (H.) NANCE,
17, M, B, Farm Laborer, Virginia, Can't read/write
13 73 73 Mary NANCE, 14, F, B, Farm Laborer, Virginia,
Can't read/write
14 73 73 Joseph NANCE, 11, M, B, At Home, Virginia, Can't
unknown, where is dau. Louise? abt 4 b. abt 1866)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in Leatherwood
Township in the County of Henry State of Virginia
by me, on the 4th day of July 1870 J. T. Pedigo? Ass't
MarshalPost Office Martinsville Page 37b Roll 1656
9 90 90 Jack NANCE(**), 51, M, B, Farm
Laborer, Virginia, Can't read or write, Male Citizen of
U.S. of 21 years of age and upwards
10 90 90 Mary NANCE, 11, F, B, Keeping House, Virginia,
Can't read or write
sure who this is)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in 2 District
Ridgeway Township in the County of Henry State of
Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 11 day of Aug 1870 J. T. Pedigo? Ass't
Marshal Post Office Horse Pasture Page 118b M593 Roll
31 4 5 Elijah SAMS, 50, M, W, Virginia
32 4 5 Sarah (NANCE**) SAMS,
50, F, W, Virginia
33 4 5 Laura SAMS, 22, F, W, Virginia
34 4 5 Francis SAMS, 15, F, W, Virginia
35 4 5 Benj F SAMS, 13, M, W, Virginia
36 4 5 Robert Isaac SAMS, 7, M, W, Virginia
(**Dau. of Hardin NANCE and Mary B. (M.N.U. - BENNETT?))
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in 2 District
Ridgeway Township in the County of Henry State of Virginia
by me, on the 22 day of Aug 1870 J. T. Pedigo? Ass't
Marshal Post Office Horse Pasture Page 135a M593 Roll 1656
2 258 259 Fontaine NANCE(**), 48, M, W, Farmer,
500, 200, Virginia, Male Citizen of U.S. over 21
3 258 259 Jeminia (Vincent (GRANT))
NANCE, 44, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia
4 258 259 Louisiana (F.)
NANCE, 22, F, M, Without Occupation, Virginia
5 258 259 Addison A. (Toplady)
NANCE, 20, M, Farm Laborer, Virginia
6 258 259 Frances J(emina)
NANCE, 17, F, W, Without Occupation, Virginia
7 258 259 Mary T. NANCE, 11, F, W, At Home, Illinois,
Can't read/write
8 258 259 Archibald (Harding)
NANCE, 8, M, W, Virginia
9 258 259 Adair A(da) NANCE,
2, F, W, Virginia
(**Son of Hardin NANCE and Mary B. (M.N.U. - BENNETT?))
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in 2 District
Ridgeway Township in the County of Henry State of Virginia
by me, on the 23 day of Aug 1870 J. T. Pedigo? Ass't
Marshal Post Office Horse Pasture Page 137b M593 Roll 1656
21 295 296 Hardin NANCE(**), 76, M, W, Farmer,
500, 200, Virginia, Male Citizen of U.S. over 21
22 295 296 Mary B. (BENNETT?) NANCE,
73, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia
23 295 296 Lucretia (NANCE)
WATSON, 47, F, W, No Occupation, Virginia
24 295 296 Mary R. (NANCE)
KING, 27, F, W, No Occupation, Virginia
25 295 296 Maud KING, 3, F, W, Virginia
(**Possibly son of John? NANCE and
Mary/Molly COX?)
Schedule 3-- Production of Agriculture in Ridgeway
Township in the County
of Henry, in the State of Virginia Post Office
Horse Pasture Page 3 Image 2
Numbers of Acerage, Improved, Woodland or Other
Line 36 Parley DeKalb NANCE,
10 * 0
Schedule 3-- Production of Agriculture in Ridgeway
Township in the County
of Henry, in the State of Virginia Post Office
Horse Pasture Page 3 Image 2
Line 38 Fontaine NANCE
55 30 20
Schedule 3-- Production of Agriculture in Ridgeway
Township in the County
of Henry, in the State of Virginia Post Office
Horse Pasture Page 4 Image 3
Numbers of Acerage, Improved, Woodland or Other
Line 14 Hardin NANCE
30 20 50
1870 Yokum Station, Lee, Virginia 394a
38 40 40 Eli VANOVER, 52, M, W, Works on farm, -, 100,
39 40 40 Nancy (BAILEY-NANCE**)
VANOVER, 42, F, W, Keeping House, Harlan Co. KY
40 40 40 Alexander (NANCE*)
VANOVER, 14, M, W, At Home, Harlan Co. KY
Yokum Station, Lee, Virginia 394b
1 40 40 Mary (D. NANCE*)
VANOVER, 12, F, W, At Home, Harlan Co. KY, Can't
2 40 40 Martha (NANCE*)
VANOVER, 10, F, W, At
Home, Harlan Co. KY, Can't read/write
3 40 40 Louisa J VANOVER, 2,
F, W, At Home, Harlan Co. KY
4 40 40 Felix VANOVER, 12/12, M, W,
At Home, Harlan Co. KY
(**1st husband was William
"Bill" NANCE, son of Clement C. NANCE and Sarah
"Sally" WOOTEN)
(*Parents were William "Bill" NANCE and Nancy
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Northern Division in the County of
Loudoun State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the24th day of June 1870 John B. Dalton Ass't
Marshal Post Office Leesburg Page: 53a Roll 1659
2 277 282 Joel L NIXON, 52, M, W, *** Sheriffs ******, -,
400, VA, Male over 21
14 277 282 James NANCE(**), 20, M, B, In jail
for crime, Virginia, can't read/write
sure who this is)
Schedule 1-- Free Inhabitants in Pleasant Grove
Township in the County of Luneunburg State of Virginia
by me, on the 25th day of June 1870 Leon Conjornes Ass't
Marshal Post Office Keysville Page: 582a Roll 1661
1 204 207 Johnson F. NANCE(**), 70, M, W, Farmer,
0, 100, Virginia, Can't read/write, U.S. Citizen over 21
2 204 207 Elizabeth (NANCE*)
ELLIS, 33, F, W, Keeping House, 708, 0, Virginia, Can't
3 204 207 Lurtres J. ELLIS, 13, M, W, Labor on Farm,
Virginia, can't read/write
4 204 207 Victoria L. ELLIS, 8, F, W, Virginia
5 204 207 William J. ELLIS, 3, M, W, Virginia
(**Son of Tavener J. NANCE and Molly
(*Dau. Johnson T. NANCE and Rebecca PAMPLIN)
1870 Westville, Mathews, Virginia 185
11 364 371 I(saiah) T
WALLACE, 41, M, W, Baptist Minister, Virginia
12 364 371 Emily J(ane (NANCE**))
WALLACE, 33, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia
13 364 371 Cora G WALLACE, 11, F, W, Virginia
14 364 371 I(saiah) T WALLACE,
7, M, W, Virginia
15 364 371 Willie WALLACE, 6, M, W, Virginia
16 364 371 Eugene WALLACE, 4, M, W, Virginia
17 364 371 Bettie B WALLACE, 7/12, F, W, Virginia
of William G. NANCE and Altezera Finch BUFFIN)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Flat Creek Township in the County of
Mecklenburg State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 18th day of July 1870 William Townies Jr.
Ass't Marshal Post Office Boydton Page: 251b Roll 1663
30 331 274 Mary FAWCETT, 70, F, W, Poor House, Virginia,
Can't read/write
31 331 274 Pinkey FAWCETT, 10, F, M, Poor House, Virginia,
Can't read/write
32 331 274 Albert FAWCETT, 7, M, M, Poor House, Virginia,
Can't read/write
33 331 274 Croecy NANCE, 60,
F, W, Poor House, Virginia, Can't read/write
sure who this is)
Schedule 1--
Free Inhabitants in Flat Creek Township in the County of
Mecklenburg State of Virginia enumerated
by me, on the 31 day of August 1870 William Townes, Jr.
Ass't Marshal Post Office Boydton Page: 400a Roll 1663
2 265 235 Susan (VAUGHAN) NANCE(**), 54, F, W, Keeps
House, 200, Virginia
3 265 235 Eliza (E.) NANCE,
25, F, W, At Home, Virginia
4 265 235 Lucy (A.) NANCE,
23, F, W, At Home, Virginia
5 265 235 Julia (Belle)
NANCE, 26(*), F, W, At Home,
(*Julia suppose to be 13 she was b.
21 Dec 1857)
(**Widow of James Isham NANCE, son
of unknown parents)
1870 Buckhorn, Mecklenburg, Virginia 278
1 1 1 Henry KINKER, 40, M, W, New York
2 1 1 Lucy (NANCE**) KINKER,
37, F, Keeps House, Virginia
3 1 1 Alice KINKER, 15, F, Virginia, Attends School
4 1 1 William H KINKER, 12, M, Virginia, Attends School
5 1 1 Samuel KINKER, 9, M, Virginia, Attends School
6 1 1 Mary (E.) KINKER, 6,
F, Virginia
8 1 1 Annie (C.) KINKER, 3,
F, Virginia
9 1 1 George KINKER, 1, M, Virginia
of John NANCE and Mary ROBERTS)
1 -- Inhabitants in Auburn Township in the county of
Montgomery, State of Virginia, enumerated by
me on the 10th day of August, 1870 Post office: Central
Depot VA A. A. Hobson? Ass't Marshal Page 68b M593 1664
29 431 452 Pleasant NANCE(**), 56, M, W, Farm Laborer,
500, Virginia,
Can't read/write, Male Citizen of U.S. over 21
30 421 452 Eliza F. (BARKER)
NANCE, 49, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia, Can't write
30 421 452 Henry (F.) NANCE,
18, M, W, Works on Farm, Virginia, Can't read/write
30 421 452 Sarah A. NANCE, 16, F, W, At Home, Virginia,
Can't write
30 421 452 Susan
NANCE, 13, F, W, At Home, Virginia, Can't write
son of John? NANCE and Elizabeth? (M.N.U.) ??)
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Auburn Township in the county
of Montgomery, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 10th day of August, 1870 Post office: Central
Depot VA A. A. Hobson? Ass't Marshal Page 69b
10 445 466 Charles (C.) NANCE(**), 26, M, W, Chair Maker,
Virginia, Can't read/write, Male Citizen of U.S. over 21
11 445 466 Paulina (PRICE)
NANCE, 24, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia, Can't read or
12 445 466 William (Gordon)
NANCE, 4, M, W, At Home, Virginia
13 445 466 Alise NANCE, 3, F, W, At Home, Virginia
14 445 466
(Robert) James
NANCE, 5/12 (Feb.), M, W, At Home, Virginia
(**Son of Pleasant NANCE and Eliza
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Auburn Township in the county
of Montgomery, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 11th day of August, 1870 Post office:
Christianburg VA A. A. Hobson? Ass't Marshal Page 70a
33 456 478 Elkany NANCE(**), 23, M, W, Chair Maker, 0,
100, Virginia,
can't read/write, Male Citizen of U.S. over 21
34 456 478 Sarah (PRICE)
NANCE, 24, F, W, Keeping House, Virginia
35 456 478 Nancy B(ell)
NANCE, 3, F, W, At Home, Virginia
36 456 478 Jepe? (Jesse) B(ooker) NANCE, 2, M, W, At Home,
37 456 478 John P(leasant) NANCE, 8/12 (Nov.?), M,
W, At Home, Virginia
(**Son of Pleasant NANCE and
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Mayo River District
in the county of Patrick, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 25th day of June, 1870 John Stoops Ass't
Marshal Page 522a Post Office: Jim's Store? Roll 1670
29 485 497 Sallie
(A. (CLARK)) NANCE(**),
37, F, W, Keeping House, 0, 150, Virginia, can't
30 485 497 Willis (Aaron)
NANCE, 18, M, W, Laborer, Virginia, can't read/write
31 485 497 John (Henry)
NANCE, 17, M, Laborer, Virginia, can't read/write
32 485 497 James (Newton)
NANCE, 15, M, Laborer, Virginia, can't read/write
33 485 497 George (Washington)
NANCE, 13, M, Laborer, Virginia, can't read/write
34 485 497 Mary(*)
NANCE, 11, F, *** - in house, Virginia, can't read/write
35 485 497 Tobias ("Toby" Overton)
NANCE, 9, M, Virginia
36 485 497 (Mary E.) Mollie
NANCE, 7, F, Virginia
37 485 497 (Issac) Clay
NANCE, 4, M, W, Virginia
38 485 497 Frances M(arion)
NANCE, 1, M, W, Virginia
to be Martha?)
(**Widow of James C(lement?) NANCE, son of Martha
NANCE and (James? COCHRAN?))
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Subdivision North Of Danville River in the
County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 24th day of August, 1870 J. W. COLE Ass't
Marshal Page 39a Post Office: Chatham Roll M593 1671
39 5748 5778 Doctor NANCE(**), 26, M, B, Factory
Hand, VA, can't read/write, Male over 21
40 5748 5778 Susan NANCE, 19, F, B, Keeping House, VA,
can't read/write
(Family counted twice? see below
family 39 3904 3922)
(**Not sure who
this is. Could this be Callhill NANCE? in 1910 &
1920 Pittsylvania Co. VA census)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Subdivision North Of Danville River in the
County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 21st day of June, 1870 J. W. COLE Ass't
Marshal Page 82a Post Office: Whitmell & Pleasant Gap
Roll M593 1671
38 411 414 J. L. MATTHEWS, 28, M, W, Farmer, 0, 100,
Virginia, Male citizen over 21
39 411 414 Julia H. MATTHEWS, 35, F, W, Keeping House,
40 411 414 Jane Smith NANCE(**), 26, F, W, Domestic
Servant, Virginia
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Subdivision North Of Danville
River in the County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia,
by me on the 22nd day of June, 1870 J. W. COLE Ass't
Marshal Page 82b Post Office: Whitmell & Pleasant Gap
Roll M593 1671
1 411 414 Florence M. NANCE,
11, F, W, Virginia, Attending School
2 411 414 Lorrie B. NANCE,
9, F, W, Virginia, Attending School
3 411 414 William H. NANCE,
7, M, W, Virginia, Attending School
sure who this is, was her maiden name SMITH?)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Subdivision North Of Dan. River in the
County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 2nd day of August, 1870 _______ Ass't Marshal
Page 283a written 468 Post Office: Chatham Roll M593 1671
33 3838 3856 Pleasant (H.)
STEPHENS, 61, M, W, Farmer, Virginia
34 3838 3856 Jane (NANCE**)
STEPHENS, 59, F, W, Keeping House, 250, -, Virginia
35 3838 3856 Mary A. A. STEPHENS, 28, F, W, Without
Occupation -, -, Virginia
of William Malone NANCE and Elizabeth THORNTON)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Subdivision North Of Danville River in the
County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 2nd day of August, 1870 J. W. COLE Ass't
Marshal Page 283b written 468 Post Office: Chatham Roll
M593 1671
10 3842 3860 Mary M(ay (NANCE**))
GUALDIN, 70, F, W, Keeping House, 600, 100, Virginia,
can't read/write
11 3842 3860 Letitia GUALDIN, 24, F, W, Ay Home, Virginia
12 3842 3860 Mary GUALDIN, 17, F, B, Domestic Servant,
Virginia, can't read/write
of William Malone NANCE and Elizabeth THORNTON)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Subdivision North Of Danville River in the
County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 3rd day of August, 1870 C. W. COLE Ass't
Marshal Page 288a Post Office: Chatham Roll M593 1671
37 3904 3922 Allen T. HOUGHEY 27, M, W, Factory Hand, 115,
-, Virginia, Male over 21
38 3904 3922 Lu****y HOUGHEY, 35, F, W, Keeping House,
39 3904 3922 Doctor NANCE,
20, M, B, Virginia
40 3904 3922 Susan NANCE,
19, F, B, Keeping House, Virginia, can't read/write
counted twice? see above family 39 5748 5778)
(**Not sure who this is. Could this be
Callhill NANCE? in 1910 & 1920 Pittsylvania Co. VA
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Subdivision North Of Danville River in the
County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 23rd day of August, 1870 C. W. COLE Ass't
Marshal Page 374b Post Office: Chatham Roll M593 1671
1 57*4 5734 Collie CARTER, 57, M, W, Supt. poor house,
1100, 800, Male over21
2 57*4 5734 (at least 40 persons in
all, listed in this household)
31 57*4 5734 George NANCE,
16, M, W, Pauper at P. H., Virginia, can't read or write
sure who this is)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Southern District including the town of
Danville in the County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia,
enumerated by me on the 28th day of June, 1870 L. M.
Shumacker Ass't Marshal Page 400b Post Office: Danville
Roll M593 1671
10 12 12 M. H. CLARK, 38, M, W, Engine Builder, 2000, 100,
Ireland, Parents foreign birth, Male over 21
11 12 12 Sarah E. CLARK, 34, F, Keeping House, Virginia
12 12 12 Margaret H. CLARK, 13, F, W, Virginia, Father of
foreign birth, Attending School,
13 12 12 Ella V. CLARK, 11, F, W, VA, Father of foreign
birth, Attending School
14 12 12 Willie F. CLARK, 10, F, W, Virginia, Father of
foreign birth, Attending School
14 12 12 Anna L. CLARK, 8, F, W, Virginia, Father of
foreign birth, Attending School
15 12 12 Emma G. CLARK, 6, F, W, Virginia, Father of
foreign birth
17 12 12 C. M. NANCE, 50, F,
Seamstrep (ss), North Carolina
sure who this is)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Agnia Township in the County of Stafford,
State of Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 19 day of August, 1870 **** **** Ass't Marshal Page
400b Post Office: Post Office: Stafford C. N.
9 167 168 W(illia)m
J. (George) NANTES,
30, M, W, Grocer Retired, -, 400, Prince Edward Isle,
Mother & Father of foreign birth, Male over 21
10 167 168 Susanna (KENDALL)
NANTES, 28, F, W, Keeps House, Prince Edward Island,
Mother and Father of foreign birth
11 167 168 John O. NANTES, 10, M, W, At Home, Prince
Edward Island, Mother and Father of foreign birth
12 167 168 W(illiam) H.
NANTES, 8, M, W, At Home, Prince Edward Island, Mother and
Father of foreign birth
13 167 168 George A(xworthy)
NANTES, 6, M, W, At Home, Prince Edward Island, Mother and
Father of foreign birth
14 167 168 Charles F(rederick) NANTES,
4, M, W, At Home, Prince Edward Island, Mother and Father
of foreign birth
(**Son of John Ogle NANTES and
Lavenia Cecilia AXWORTHY)
(Counted twice? see - Corry Ward
1, Erie, Pennsylvania Page 194B)
1875 VA TAX
Charlemont Township
Line 29 William P. NANCE 1 Male over 21
Lisbon Township
Line 17 Moses NANCE Flattop Int. 1 colored male over 21
Otter Township
Line 21 Arch NANCE 1 Male over 21
Staunton Township page 21
Line 14 Elisha D NANCE
Line 15 Thos W. NANCE
Line 16 John F. NANCE
Line 17 Jane G. NANCE
Line 18 McHenry NANCE
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Chamblissburg Mag. District in the county
of Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on
the 23rd & 24th day of June, 1880 Geo. W. Lazenby
Enumerator, Page 47a, Page: 33 Superviser's Dist.: 2,
Enumeration Dist.: 13
49 281 285 Thomas W(hitfield) NANCE(**), W, M, 49, Self,
Marr., Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
50 281 285 Elizabeth D(eliah
(NELMS)) NANCE, Wife, 42, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Thaddeus Christopher?
NANCE and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
1880 Chamblissburgh, Bedford, Virginia 28C
25 386 393 William M RAMSEY, W, M, 28, Self, Marr.,
Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
26 386 393 Virginia (NANCE**)
RAMSEY, W, F, 24, Wife, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
(**Dau. of Thomas Whitfield NANCE
and Elizabeth Jane JOHNSON)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Forest Mag. District in the county of
Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on
the 4th day of June, 1880 N. D. Hawkins Enumerator, Page
92a, Page: 9 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration Dist.: 16
17 76 76 (William) Pleasant NANCE, W, M, 40, Self,
Marr., Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
18 76 76 Sallie P(orter (CHEATWOOD))
NANCE, W, F, 38, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
19 76 76 Lula (Preston)
NANCE, W, F, 9, Dau., Single, Attending School, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
20 76 76 Russell C. NANCE, W, M, 8, Son, Single, Attending
School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
21 76 76 Mary L(eighton)
NANCE, W, F, 7, Dau., Single, Attending School, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
22 76 76 Lillie (Vernon)
NANCE, W, F, 4, Dau., Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
23 76 76 Julie (Reese)
NANCE, W, F, 9/12, Sept., Dau., Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Thaddeus Christopher?
NANCE and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Lisbon Mag. District in the county of
Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on the Nineth
day of June, 1880 Wm. L. Minpin Enumerator, Page 212a,
Page: 20 Superviser's Dist.: 4, Enumeration Dist.: 20
Roll: T9_1355
32 146 146 Moses NANCE(**), B, M, 33, Self,
Married, Farm Laborer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
33 146 146 Phillis (SALE)
NANCE, B, F, 28, Wife, Married, can't read/write,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
34 146 146 Mcwalter NANCE, B, M, 6, Son, VA, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
35 146 146 Sarah E. NANCE, B, F, 5, Dau. VA, Dau, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
36 146 146 Sarah W. BROWN, B, F, 71, Boarder, Widow, At
Home, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of unknown NANCE and Fannie
(M.N.U.), or her last name may have been NANCE)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Lisbon Mag. District in the county of
Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on the Twenty
Fifth day of June, 1880 Wm. L. Minpin Enumerator, Page
230c, Page: 20 Superviser's Dist.: 4, Enumeration Dist.:
20 Roll: T9_1356
41 389 397 Harriet (JOHNSON) NANCE(**), B, F, 60, Self,
Widow, Keeping House, can't read/write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
42 389 397 George NANCE, B, M, 25, Son, Single, At Home,
can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
of Berry NANCE, son of unknown parents)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Lisbon Mag. District in the county of
Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on the Nineth
day of June, 1880 Wm. L. Minpin Enumerator, Page 233a,
Page: 20 Superviser's Dist.: 4, Enumeration Dist.: 20
Roll: T9_1356
11 430 442 George NANCE, B,
M, 23, Self, Single, Farm Laborer, can't read/write,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
12 430 442 ***** JOHNSON?, B, F, 4*, Mother, Widow, Keeps
House, can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
sure who this is)
1880 Otter, Bedford, Virginia Page 281B
28 13 13 Tilahman (Addison)
COBBS, W, M, 63, Marr., Farming, Virginia
29 13 13 Eliza J(ane (NANCE**))
Cobbs, W, F. 47, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Virginia
30 13 13 John D. COBBS, W, M, 19, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
31 13 13 Irene COBBS, W, F, 9, Dau, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Paschal Washington
NANCE and Martha "Patsey" CREASY)
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Otter District in the
county of Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on
the 5th & 7th
day of June, 1880 A. B. Clayton Enumerator, Page 285b,
Page: 18 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration Dist.: 25
Roll: T9_1356
15 85 85 Arch(ibald)
NANCE, W, M, 57, Self, Marr., Farming, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
16 85 85 Lucy (F. HUGHES)
NANCE, W, F, 43, Marr., Keeps House, Virginia, Virginia,
17 85 85 Samuel (Hughes)
NANCE, W, M, 22, Son, Single, Works On Farm, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
18 85 85 Paschal (Washington)
NANCE(*), W, M, 17, Son,
Single, Works On Farm, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
19 85 85 James NANCE, W, M, 15, Son, Single, Works On
Farm, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
20 85 85 William (H.) NANCE,
W, M, 12, Son, Single, At School, Male, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
21 85 85 Martha NANCE, W, F,
3, Dau, Single, Attends School, Virginia, Virginia,
22 85 85 Thomas NANCE, W,
M, 7, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
23 85 85 Fannie (B.) NANCE,
W, F, 5, Dau, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
24 85 85 Peter NANCE, W, M, 2, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Paschal Washington NANCE
and Martha "Patsey" CREASY)
twice? See below)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Otter District in the county of Bedford,
State of Virginia, enumerated by me on the 24th day
of June, 1880 A. B. Clayton Enumerator, Page 299b, Page:
39 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration Dist.: 23 Roll:
46 340 353 John FRANKLIN, M, W, 54, Married, Farming,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
47 340 353 Bille FRANKLIN, W, F, 33, Wife, Married,
Keeping House, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
48 340 353 Rosa FRANKLIN, W, F, 20, Dau., Single, At Home,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
49 340 353 Ora FRANKLIN, W, F, 12, Dau., Single, At Home,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
50 340 353 Mary FRANKLIN, W, F, 11, Dau., Single, At Home,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Otter District in the county
of Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on the
24th day
of June, 1880 A. B. Clayton Enumerator, Page 300c, Page:
39 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration Dist.: 23 Roll:
1 340 353 Virginia FRANKLIN, W, F, 9, Dau., Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
2 340 353 John FRANKLIN, W, M, 7, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
3 340 353 Thomes FRANKLIN, W, M, 5, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
4 340 353 David FRANKLIN, W, M, 2, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
5 340 353 Brother FRANKLIN, W, M, 3/12, March?, Son,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
6 340 353 Paschal (Washington) NANCE(*)(**),
W, M, 17, Border, Single, Works On Farm, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Archibald NANCE and Lucy
(*Counted twice? See above)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Staunton Mag. District in the county of
Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 22 day of June, 1880 J. E. Lazenby Enumerator, Page
303b, Page: 2 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration Dist.: 24
47 21 21 Elisha D(erastus) NANCE, W, M,
45, Self, Marr., Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
48 21 21 Sally J. (HANCOCK)
NANCE, W, F, 38, Wife, Marr., Keeps House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
49 21 21 James F. NANCE, W,
M, 5, Son, Single, Farm
Laborer, Virginia, Virginia,
50 21 21 Lelia NANCE, W, F,
11, Dau, Single, Attends School, Virginia, Virginia,
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants
in Staunton Mag. District in the county of Bedford, State
of Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 22 day of June, 1880 J. E. Lazenby
Enumerator, Page 304a, Page: 2 Superviser's Dist.:
2, Enumeration Dist.: 24
1 21 21 Derastus L(ee) NANCE,
W, M, 10, Son, Single, Attends School, Virginia, Virginia,
2 21 21 Thaddeus C(hristopher) NANCE,
W, M, 9, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
3 21 21 Ernest L. NANCE,
W, M, 5, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
4 21 21 Emma S. NANCE, W,
F, 3, Dau, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
5 21 21 Benj(amin) H(oward) NANCE,
W, M, 8/12, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
6 21 21 Eliza (Ann Walker (LEFTWICH) HANCOCK,
W, F, 62, Mother-in-law, Widowed, ***, Virginia, Virginia,
7 21 21 Rebecca BARLOW, B, F, 70, Servant, Widowed, Cook,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
8 21 21 R*** RUCKER, B, F, 7, Nurse?, Single, Nurse,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of
Thaddeus Christopher? NANCE and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Staunton Mag. District in the county of
Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 4 & 5 day of June, 1880 J. E. Lazenby
Enumerator, Page 305a, Page: 5 Superviser's Dist.: 2,
Enumeration Dist.: 24
34 41 41 W(illia)m J(esse) PETERS, W, M, 30, Married,
Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
35 41 41 Sarah J. (NANCE**)
PETERS, W, F, 26, Wife, Married, Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
36 41 41 W(illia)m L. PETERS,
W, M, 5, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
37 41 41 John T. NANCE(**), W, M, 20, Farm
Laborer, Brother-in-law, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
38 41 41 Adaline QUAILES, B, F, 35, Servent, Single, Cook,
can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Children of Thomas Whitfield
NANCE and Elizabeth Jane JOHNSON)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Staunton Mag. District in the county of
Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on the 4
5 day of June, 1880 J. E. Lazenby Enumerator,Page 305a,
Page: 5 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration Dist.: 24 Roll:
47 44 44 McHenry (P.) NANCE(**), W, M, 27, Self,
Married, Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
48 44 44 Mildred M(atilda (PETERS))
NANCE, W, F, 26, Wife, Married, Keeps House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
49 44 44 Thaddeus H(aywood)
NANCE, W, M, 4, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
50 44 44 W(illia)m J(esse) NANCE, W, M, 2, Son,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Thaddeus Christopher?
NANCE and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Staunton Mag. District in the county of
Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on the
19 day of June, 1880 J. E. Lazenby Enumerator, Page 320c,
Page: 36 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration Dist.: 24
Roll: T9_1356
47 300 300 John F(erdinand) NANCE(**), W, M, 40, Marr.,
Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
48 300 300 Lucy M (PETERS)
NANCE, W, F, 31, Wife, Marr., Keeps House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
49 300 300 John (Albert)
NANCE, W, M, 14, Son, Single, Farm Laborer, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
50 300 300 Wilbur (Ashby)
NANCE, W, M, 12, Son, Single, Farm Laborer, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Staunton Mag. District in the
county of Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on
the 19
day of June, 1880 J. E. Lazenby Enumerator, Page 321a,
Page: 36 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration Dist.: 24
Roll: T9_1356
1 300 300 Mary E(stes) NANCE,
W, F, 7, Dau., Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
2 300 300 Rob(er)t E(dwin) NANCE, W, M, 1, Son,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of
John NANCE and Martha A. ESTES)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Staunton Mag. District in the county of
Bedford, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on the
29 day of June, 1880 T. C. Spain Enumerator, Page 346d,
Page: 40 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration Dist.: 25
Roll: T9_1356
19 338 338 Jane E. (Gaddy (WHITTEN)) NANCE,
W, F, 46, Self, Widow, Farmer, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
20 338 338 John O. NANCE, W, M, 25, Son, Laborer, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
20 338 338 (Sarah) Sallie (Elizabeth) NANCE,
W, F, 23, Dau., Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia,
21 338 338 Mary A. NANCE,
W, F, 21, Dau., Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia,
22 338 338 W(illia)m A(bner) NANCE,
W, M, 20, Son, Laborer, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
23 338 338 A(lbert) S(idney)
NANCE, W, M, 18, Son,
Laborer, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
of Albert F. NANCE, son of John NANCE and Martha A. ESTES)
#1182 John NANCE,
50,W, Laborer, VA
Mary NANCE, 42
Mary E. NANCE, 21
Hester NANCE, 19
William W. NANCE, 18
Adeline C. NANCE, 15
Robert J. NANCE, 12
Ann E. NANCE, 10
John L. NANCE, 7
Joseph E. NANCE, 4
Agnes A. C. NANCE, 3
#1687 Robert F. NANCE,
48, W, Blacksmith, VA
Magdalin H. NANCE, 48
Hetty V. NANCE, 18
Margaret E. NANCE, 15
Martha J. NANCE, 13
Catherine E. NANCE, 9
#1699 William NANCE,
54, W, Farmer, MD
Hester C. NANCE, 56, VA
John C. NANCE, 22
Robert M. NANCE, 15
#1740 George F. NANCE,
26, W, Farmer, VA
Cassandera NANCE, 20
William L. NANCE, 3
Mary S. NANCE, 1/12
(**All those above in 1880 Botetourt
County, VA census, From the "NANCE Register"?
I have been unable to locate in the census and have no
idea who any of them are)
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Otter Creek Mag.
Dist. in the county of Campbell, State of Virginia,
enumerated by me
on the 1st day of June, 1880, Wm M. Dooley Enumerator,
Page B, Page: 2 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration Dist.:
21 11 11 J(essie) W(hitfield) DOWDY,
W, M, 32, Head, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
22 11 11 Mary E. (NANCE**)
DOWDY, W, F, 27, Wife, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
23 11 11 Hettie S. DOWDY, W, F, 6, Dau., Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
24 11 11 Lizzie V. DOWDY, W,
F, 6, Dau., Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
25 11 11 Tyree V. DOWDY,
W, M, 2, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Archibald
NANCE and Elizabeth W. WILLIAMS)
1880 Harrison, Charles City, Virginia 152B
James A. Ladd W, M, 61, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia,
Fannie (NANCE**) Ladd
74, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
Robt. A. Ladd 34, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Sarah E. Ladd 30, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Charles H. Ladd 2, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
Annie Waddia 20, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
of Zachariah NANCE and Mary MOUNDCASTLE)
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Harrison Township in
the county of Charles City, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 17
day of June, 1880 John R. Waddice Enumerator, Page 163b,
Page: 23 Superviser's Dist.: 1, Enumeration Dist.: 11
Roll: T9_1360
39 176 176 (William)
Willie (Albert) NANCE,
W, M, 27, Self, Marr., Doctor, Virginia, Virginia,
40 176 176 N(annie)
V(irginia (WYATT))
NANCE, W, F, 22, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
41 176 176 L. B. WYATT, W, F, 18, Sis-in-law, Marr., At
Home, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of
Benjamin Albert NANCE and Susan E. STAGG)
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Harrison Township in
the county of Charles City, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 21
day of June, 1880 John R. Waddice Enumerator, Page 166b,
Page: 31 Superviser's Dist.: 1, Enumeration Dist.: 11
Roll: T9_1360
32 232 232 B(enjamin)
A(lbert) NANCE(**), W, M, 57, Self,
Married, Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
33 232 232 Susan E. (STAGG)
NANCE, W, F, 57, Wife, Married, Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
34 232 232 Charlie (Charles Stagg)
NANCE, W, M, 24, Son, Single, Wheelright, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
35 232 232 Edwin (Everette)
NANCE, W, M, 20, Son, Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia,
36 232 232 Walter (M.) NANCE,
W, M, 17, Son, Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia,
37 232 232 Edmonia TAYLOR, W, F, 24 Neice, Single, At
Home, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
38 232 232 Robt. F***GUR??, B, M, 14, Single, Servant,
can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Zachariah NANCE and Mary
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Harrison Township in
the county of Charles City, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the ___
day of June, 1880 John R. Waddice Enumerator, Page 167d,
Page: 30 Superviser's Dist.: 1, Enumeration Dist.: 11
Roll: T9_1360
3 284 284 B(enjamin)
W(oodson or Woodward?)
NANCE(**), W, M, 30,
Self, Married, Farmer, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
4 284 284 Sallie G(larster (MAJOR))
NANCE, W, F, 35, Wife,
Marr., Keeping House, Virginia, Virginia,
5 284 284 Electra NANCE, W, F, 6, Dau., Single, At
Home, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
6 284 284 (Mary Susan) Sue
NANCE, W, F, 4, Dau., Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia,
7 284 284 (Gertrude) Gerdy
NANCE, W, F, 2, Dau., Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia,
8 284 284 Ben(jamin) M(ajor) NANCE, W, M, 2/12, Apr.,
Son, Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
9 284 284 Francis JONES, B, F, 18, Servent, Single,
can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of
Benjamin Albert NANCE and Susan E. STAGG)
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Harrison Township in
the county of Charles City, State of Virginia, enumerated
by me on the 21
day of June, 1880 John R. Waddice Enumerator, Page 171c,
Page: 39 Superviser's Dist.: 1, Enumeration Dist.: 11
Roll: T9_1360
21 297 297 William E. NANCE(**), B, M, 51, Self,
Married, Farm Laborer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
22 297 297 Mary NANCE, B, F, 46, Wife, Married, Keeping
House, can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
23 297 297 Frank NANCE, B, M, 12, Son, Single, At Home,
can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
23 297 297 David NANCE, B, M, 7, Son, Single, At Home,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
sure who this is)
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Tyler Township in the
county of Charles City, State of Virginia, enumerated by
me on the 21 day
of June, 1880 John R. Waddice Enumerator, Page 191A, Page:
31 Superviser's Dist.: 1, Enumeration Dist.: 12 Roll:
37 252 270 John F(leming) NANCE(**), W, M, 27, Self,
Married, Wheel Wright, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
38 252 270 Marg(are)t C(ollier (CRUMP)) NANCE, W, F, 26,
Wife, Married, Keeps House, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
39 252 270 Mary E(lizabeth)
NANCE, W, F, 3, Dau, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
40 252 270 Julia G. (Ann)
NANCE, W, F, 2, Dau, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
41 252 270 James NANCE, W, M, 6/12, Nov., Son, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
42 252 270 George JASPER, B, M, 17, Border, Single, Farm
Laborer, can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
43 252 270 Little B. (Littlebury
Manley) NANCE(**),
W, M, 22, Border (Brother),
Single, Lawyer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
of Benjamin Albert NANCE and Susan E. STAGG)
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Tyler Township
in the county of Charles City, State of Virginia,
enumerated by me on the 21 day
of June, 1880 John R. Waddice Enumerator, Page 191B,
Page: 32 Superviser's Dist.: 1, Enumeration Dist.: 12
Roll: T9_1360
25 257 276 Edw(ard)
MAJOR, W, M, 33, Self, Marr., Gen. Mechanic, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
26 257 276 Julia A(nn (NANCE**))
MAJOR, W, F, 31, Wife, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
27 257 276 Benj. G. MAJOR, W, M, 8, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
28 257 276 Edw V MAJOR, W, M, 7, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
29 257 276 John B MAJOR, W, M, 6, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
30 257 276 George MAJOR, W, M, 5, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
31 257 276 William MAJOR, W, M, 4, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
32 257 276 Susan E. MAJOR, W, F, 10/12, Dau, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Benjamin Albert NANCE and
Susan E. STAGG)
1880 Wythe, Elizabeth City, Virginia, USA Roll:
1363; Page: 83C
11 193 206 Fillmore TODD, Head, W, M, 26, Marr.,
Sarah (NANCE) TODD, Wife, W,
F, 26, Marr., VA
Claudius TODD, Son, W, M, 6, Single, VA
Jesse F. TODD, Son, W, M, 4, Single, VA
Harry TODD, Son, W, M, 1, Single, VA
Ann (CHELLIS) MANSE(*) (NANCE**), Mother-in-law, W,
F, 54, VA
(*MANSE is what is on census)
(**Widow of Richard NANCE)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in Brown Hill Magistrial District in the
county of Franklin, State of Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 15th day of June, 1880 S. Coleman Enumerator, Page
64b, Page: 30 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration Dist.:
27 263 263 (John) Jackson A(llen)
NANCE(**), W, M, 39,
Self, Married, Chair Maker, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
28 263 263 Zariah (Thaney
(MCDANIEL)) NANCE, W, F, 40, Wife, Married, Keeps
House, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
29 263 263 Eliza J(ane)
NANCE, W, F, 16, Dau, Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia,
(**Son of Pleasant NANCE and Eliza
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in 104 Enumeration District in the county of
Franklin, State of Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 30th day of June, 1880 R. H. B. Keesey Enumerator,
Page 109a, Page: 47 Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration
Dist.: 104
43 417 477 John (C.) NANTZ(**),
W, M, 21, Marr., Farmer, can't read/write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
44 417 477 Mary (L.
(MITCHELL)) NANTZ, W, F, 28, Wife, Marr., Keeps
House, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
45 417 477 Minnie Lee NANTZ, W, F, 2, Dau, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
46 417 477 Sallie Kate NANTZ, W, F, 1, Dau, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Richard NANCE and Louisa
1880 Brown Hill, Franklin, Virginia
Asa HOLLY, W, M, 23, Self, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
Mary (Ann (NANCE**)) HOLLY,
W, F, 17, Wife, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Allen W. HOLLY, W, M, 11/12, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
(**Dau. John Allen NANCE and Zeriah
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in Wilson District in
the county of Grayson, State of Virginia, enumerated by me
on the 3d day of
June, 1880 N. H. Fulton Enumerator, Page 382b, Page: 6
Superviser's Dist.: 5, Enumeration Dist.: 37 Roll: T9_1368
14 46 46 John NANCE(**), B, M, 63, Self, Marr.,
House Carpenter, can't read/write, North Carolina, North
Carolina, North Carolina
15 46 46 Jennie NANCE, B, F, 63, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, can't read/write, North Carolina, North Carolina,
North Carolina
16 46 46 Tilda THOMSON, B, F, 10, Grandchild, Single,
can't read/write, North Carolina, North Carolina, North
sure who this is)
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in part of Henry
Magistrial District in the county of Hanover, State of
Virginia, enumerated by me on
the 23rd day of June, 1880 Jos. F. Peddy Enumerator, Page
190a, Page: 51 Superviser's Dist.: 3, Enumeration Dist.:
67 Roll: T9_1370
46 426 431 Thomas V. NANCE(**), W, M, 59, Self,
Married, Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
47 426 431 Margaret A. (MARTIN) NANCE, W, F, 47, Keeping
House, Wife, Married, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
48 426 431 Marshall (F.)
NANCE, W, M, 24, Son, Single, Laborer, Virginia, Virginia,
49 426 431 Lewelling NANCE, W, M, 20, Son, Single,
Laborer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
50 426 431 Ida L(ee) NANCE,
W, F, 12, Dau., Single, At
School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Schedule 1 -- Inhabitants in part of Henry Magistrial
District in the county of Hanover, State of Virginia,
enumerated by me on the
23rd day of June, 1880 Jos. F. Peddy Enumerator,
Page 190b, Page: 51 Superviser's Dist.: 3, Enumeration
Dist.: 67 Roll: T9_1370
1 426 431 Emma (Newell)
NANCE, W, F, 10, Dau., Single, Virginia, Virginia,
2 426 431 Mary W. LIVESEY, W, F, 13, -, At Home, can't
write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Parents unknown)
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in part of Henry Magistrial District in the
county of Hanover, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on
the 24th day of June, 1880 Jos. Peddy Enumerator,
Page 191a, Page: 53 Superviser's Dist.: 3, Enumeration
Dist.: 6 Roll: T9_1370
38 442 447 George W(allace) NANCE(**), W, M, 27, Self,
Married, Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
39 442 447 Bettie J(ane (WOOD))
NANCE, W, F, 24, Wife, Married, Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
40 442 447 John H(ampton)
NANCE, W, M, 1, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
41 442 447 Nannie R. LIVESEY, W, F, 10, Servant, Nurse,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Thomas N. NANCE and Margaret A. (M.N.U.))
Schedule 1 --
Inhabitants in part of 2 District Manor Ward in the county
of Henrico, State of Virginia, enumerated by me on the
4th day of June, 1880 ***** Riechinbough Enumerator, Page
70a, Page: 13 Superviser's Dist.: 3, Enumeration Dist.: 80
Roll: T9_1371
7 204 125 Dr.? O. FAIRFAX, W, M, 74, Marr., Physician,
Virginia, --, --
8 204 125 Mary R. FAIRFAX, W, F, 69, Wife, Marr., At Home,
Virginia, --, --
9 204 125 Jennie FAIRFAX, W, F, 40, Dau., Single, At Home,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
10 204 125 Cary FAIRFAX, W, M, 44, Son, Single, At Home,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
11 204 125 Ethelburd FAIRFAX, W, M, 35, Son, Single, Clk
at Railroad, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
12 204 125 Edith MENIME, W, F, 33, Dau., Marr., At Home,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
13 204 125 Thor FAIRFAX, W, M, 31, Son, Single, Clk at
Railroad, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
14 204 125 Elvira NANCE(**), B, F, 50, Cook,
Widow, Cook, can't read/write, Virginia, --, --
15 204 125 Betty SMITH, Mul., F, 16, Servant, Single,
Servant, Virginia, --, --
sure who this is)
1880 Varina, Henrico, Virginia, 252A
40 82 89 John S LEAR, Self, W, M, 30, Marr., Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
41 82 89 L(aura) V (WILLS) LEAR, Wife F
26, Marr., Virginia, Virginia
42 82 89 Wm W Lear Son
M, W, 6 Virginia
43 82 89 Annie S
Lear Daughter F
5 Virginia
44 82 89 Peter C
WILLS, W, M, 51, Father-in-law, Marr., Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
45 82 89 Amanda
(NANCE**) Wills
Mother-in-law W F
46 Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
46 82 89 Alice Lear Daughter
F 0
47 82 89 Susan
Lear Daughter F
3 Virginia
(**Dau. of William G. NANCE and
Altezera Finch BUFFIN)
1880 Richmond, Henrico, Virginia 408B
20 701 380 427 I(saiah) T.
WALLACE, W, M, 51, Head, Marr., Minister, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
21 701 380 427 Emily J(ane
(NANCE**)) WALLACE, W, F, 42, Wife, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
22 701 380 427 Jennie I. WALLACE, W, F, 20, Dau., Single
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
23 701 380 427 I(saiah) T
WALLACE, W, M, 16, Son, Single Virginia, Virginia,
24 701 380 427 Willie WALLACE, W, M, 14, Son, Single
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
25 701 380 427 Eugene WALLACE, W, M, 12, Son, Single
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
26 701 380 427 Betty (B.) WALLACE,
W, F, 10, Dau., Single Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
27 701 380 427 Lillian WALLACE, W, F, 8, Dau., Single
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of William G. NANCE and
Altezera Finch BUFFIN)
1880 Horse Pasture, Henry, Virginia
Page 2A
41 23 28 Willis G. CLARK, W, M, 18, Head, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
42 23 28 Martha A(nn
(NANCE**)) CLARK, W, F, 18, Wife, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of James C. NANCE
and Sarah Anne CLARK)
1880 Horse Pasture, Henry, Virginia
Page 2A
43 23 29 James L. CLARK, W, M, 23, Head, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
44 23 29 Mary E. (NANCE)
CLARK, W, F, 17, Wife, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
(**Dau. of James C. NANCE
and Sarah Anne CLARK)
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Leatherwood
District, in the County of Henry, State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 15th
day of June, 1880 ??? F. Gravely Enumerator Roll: T9_1373;
Page: 67 Page: 31; Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration
District: 139;
24 260 274 James M(onroe)
BARKER, W, M, 35, Marr., Farmer, Virginia, Virginia,
25 260 274 Elizabeth (Ann (ROACH))
BARKER, W, F, 32, Wife, Marr., At Home, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
26 260 274 (James) Monroe
BARKER, W, M, 10, Son, Single, Works on Farm, Attending
School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
27 260 274 Kelney BARKER, W, M, 8, Son, Single, Attending
School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
28 260 274 Gordon BARKER, W, M, 5, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
29 260 274 Doctor BARKER, W, M, 29, Brother, Single, Works
on Farm, Attends School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
30 260 274 John (Riley) NANCE(**), W, M, 21, Nephew,
Works on Farm, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
31 260 274 Emma (Jackson)
EARLES, W, F, 16, Niece, Single, At Home, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
32 260 274 Alice ROACH, W, F, 16, Wife's Sister, Single,
At Home, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Living in
the home of his Aunt and Uncle (John Riley NANCE
is Louisa J.'s son (below #198-200)
Son by her 1st husband James Garland "Crockett"
NANCE, James M. BARKER is Louisa's brother.)
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Leatherwood
District, in the County of Henry, State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 21st
day of June, 1880 ??? F. Gravely Enumerator Roll: T9_1373;
Page: 73 Page: 43; Superviser's Dist.: 2, Enumeration
District: 129;
1 366 380 Christopher NANCE(**), B, M, 65, Marr.,
Farmer, can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
2 366 380 Lucinda NANCE, Mul., F, 60, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
3 366 380 John H(enry) NANCE,
Mul., M, 28, Son, Single, Works on farm, can't read/write,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Parents unknown)
1880 Leatherwood, Henry, Virginia
Essex MARTIN, Mul, M, 30, Head, Marr., Works On Farm,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Mary (NANCE**) MARTIN, Mul,
F, 27, Wife, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Letitia MARTIN, Mul, F, 2, Dau., Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Christopher NANCE and Lucinda (M.N.U.))
1880 Ridgeway, Henry, Virginia Page 126A
35 128 128 Loucy (NANCE**)
WATSON, W, F, 57, Head, Div., Virginia, North Carolina,
North Carolina
(**Dau. of Hardin NANCE and Mary B.
(M.N.U. - BENNETT?))
1880 Ridgeway, Henry, Virginia Page 126A
40 130 130 Mary R. (NANCE**)
KING, W, F, 37, Div., Farmer, Virginia, North Carolina,
North Carolina
41 130 130 Maud L. KING, W, F, 14, Single, None, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau., of Hardin NANCE and (M.N.U. - BENNETT?))
1880 Ridgeway, Henry, Virginia, Page 127b
34 138 138 Elija SAMS, W, M, 60, Head, Marr., Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
36 138 138 Sally
(NANCE**) SAMS, W, F, 62,
Wife, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
37 138 138 Francisco
SAMS, W, M, 24, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
38 138 138 Frank
SAMS, W, M, 23, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
39 138 138 Robt.
SAMS, W, M, 18, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
40 138 138 Betsy
SAMS, W, F, 84, Mother, Widow, Virginia, Virginia,
(**Dau. of Hardin NANCE and Mary B. (M.N.U. - BENNETT?))
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Irisburg District,
in the County of Henry, State of Virginia enumerated by
me on the ??st day of ???, 1880 ??? Enumerator Roll:
T9_1373; Page: 151B; Enumeration District: 133;
19 117 119 Doctor NANCE(**), B, M, 38, Self, Marr.,
Works In Tobacco Factory, can't read/write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
20 117 119 Leanna (MARTIN)
NANCE, B, F, 32, Keeping House, Wife, Marr., can't
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
21 117 119 Jane NANCE, B, F, 9, Dau., Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
22 117 119 William NANCE, B, M, 7, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
23 117 119 Agnes NANCE, B, F, 5, Dau., Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
24 117 119 Gracy NANCE, B, F, 3, Dau., Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
25 117 119 Persey NANCE, B, M, 1, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Westley NANCE and Patsey (M.N.U.))
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Irisburg District,
in the County of Henry, State of Virginia enumerated by me
the 21st day of June, 1880 Benjamin *. Dyer Enumerator
Roll: T9_1373; Page: 156C; Enumeration District: 133;
22 198 200 Josiah PRICE, W, M, 32, Self, Marr., Farmer,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
23 198 200 Louisa J(ane
(BARKER-NANCE**)) PRICE, W, F, 36, Wife, Marr,
Keeping House, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
24 198 200 J(esse) B(ooker) PRICE, W, M, 10, Son,
Single, Works on Farm, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
25 198 200 William (Monroe) NANCE(*), W, M, 18, Step-son,
Single, Works on farm, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
26 198 200 Mollie J(o) NANCE(*),
W, F, 16, Step-dau., Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia,
(**Louisa's 1st husband was James
Garland "Crockett" NANCE, son of Pleasant NANCE and
Eliza F. BARKER)
(*Children of James Garland "Crockett" NANCE and
Louisa Jane BARKER)
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Flat Creek District,
in the County of Mecklenburg, State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the 8th day
of June, 1880 A. W. Bracey Enumerator Page No. 14,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No. 147
page 182b Roll: T9_1378;
50 124 124 Mrs. Eliza (NANCE**)
MORRISS, W, F, 32, Self, Widow, Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Flat Creek District, in the
County of Mecklenburg, State of Virginia enumerated by me
on the 8th day of
June, 1880 A. W. Bracey Enumerator Page No. 14,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No. 147
page 182b Roll: T9_1378;
1 124 124 Lucey (A.) NANCE(**),
W, F, 30, Sister, Single, At Home, Bedridden, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
1 124 124 Julia (Belle) NANCE(**), W, F, 22, Sister,
Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
1 124 124 Johnie NANCE, W,
M, 12, Nephew, Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia,
(**Daus. of Isham NANCE and Susan
Schedule I. --
Inhabitants in South Hill District, in the County of
Mecklenburg, State of Virginia enumerated by me on the 24
& 25 day
of June, 1880 Jno. C. Sirus Enumerator Page No. 34,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No. 149
Roll: T9_1378; Page: 245B;
5 317 317 Jacob NANCE, B,
M, 80, Self, Marr., Farm Laborer, Can't read/write,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
6 317 317 Everline NANCE, B, F, 60, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, Attending School, Can't read/write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
7 317 317 James NANCE, B, M, 15, Son, Single, Farm
Laborer, Can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
8 317 317 Charolotte TERFULE, B, F, 19, Step-dau., Single,
At Home, Attending School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
sure who this is)
1880 Flat Creek, Mecklenburg, Virginia 177C
17 25 25 Henry KINKER, W, M, 49, Self, Marr., New York,
Germany, Germany
18 25 25 Lucy G. (NANCE**)
KINKER, W, M, 48, Wife, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
18 25 25 Sarah A. KINKER, W, F, 20, Dau., Single,
Virginia, New York, Virginia
19 25 25 Mary E KINKER, W, F, 16, Dau., Single, Virginia,
New York, Virginia
20 25 25 Annie C KINKER, W, F, 14, Dau., Single, Virginia,
New York, Virginia
21 25 25 George KINKER, W, M, 12, Son, Single, Virginia,
New York, Virginia
22 25 25 John H. KINKER, W, M, 9, Son, Single, Virginia,
New York, Virginia
23 25 25 Robert KINKER, W, M, 7, Son, Single, Virginia,
New York, Virginia
25 25 25 James E. KINKER, W, M, 1, Son, Single, Virginia,
New York, Virginia
20 25 25 Sam HUNDLEY, W, M, 17, --, Single, Laborer,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
of John NANCE and Mary ROBERTS)
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in 55th Enumeration
Dist., in the County of Montgomery, State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the
12th day of June, 1880 F. D. Surface Enumerator Page No.
17, Supervisor's Dist. No. 5, Enumeration District No. 55
page 464a
15 136 136 Alkena NANCE(**), W, M, 32, Self,
Marr., Chair Maker, Can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia,
16 136 136 Mary (Clark OWENS)
NANCE, W, F, 33, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
17 136 136 Nannie B(ell)
NANCE, W, F, 13, Dau., Single, Can't read/write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
18 136 136 Jesse B(ooker)
NANCE, W, M, 11, Son, Single, Can't write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
19 136 136 John P(leasant)
NANCE, W, M, 9, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
20 136 136 Sallie M(aud)
NANCE, W, F, 4, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
21 136 136 Frank S(tone)
NANCE, W, M, 2, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
22 136 136 Myrtle G. NANCE, W, F, 4/12 (June), Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Pleasant NANCE and Eliza
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in St. Peters Dist., in
the County of New Kent, State of Virginia enumerated by me
on the 24th day of June, 1880
W. A. Hicks Enumerator Page No. 13, Supervisor's Dist. No.
1st, Enumeration District No. 58 page 389a; Roll: T9_1379;
Page: 389A;
9 4 4 Ann E(liza
W, F, 46, Self, Widowed, Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
10 4 4 Eaton NANCE, W, M, 21, Farmer, Son, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
11 4 4 Novella NANCE, W, F, 19, At Home, Dau, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
12 4 4 (Mary) Ida NANCE, W,
F, 17, Dau, Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
13 4 4 Julia (W) NANCE, W,
F, 15, Dau, Single, At Home, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Widow of Eaton NANCE, son of
Zachariah NANCE and Mary MOUNDCASTLE)
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Mayo Mag. District,
in the County of Patrick, State of Virginia enumerated by
me on the 19 day of
June, 1880 Edward Parr Enumerator Page No. 33,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No. 158
page 55a; Roll: T9_1383;
48 286 286 John H(enry) NANCE(**), W, M, 24, Self,
Marr., Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
49 286 286 Jemima (Eddie (SHELTON))
NANCE, W, F, 22, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
50 286 286 George W. NANCE, W, M, 1, Son, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of
James Clement? NANCE and Sarah Anne CLARK)
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Mayo Mag. District,
in the County of Patrick, State of Virginia enumerated by
me on the 29 day of
June, 1880 A. J. Stedman Enumerator Page No. 89,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No. 159
page 89b; Roll: T9_1383;
14 425 425 Willis (Aaron) NANCE(**), W, M, 26, Self,
Marr., Farm Laborer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
15 425 425 Alice (Josephine
(CAMPBELL)) NANCE, W, F, 22, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
16 425 425 George (William) NANCE,
W, M, 4, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
17 425 425 Thomas (Franklin) NANCE,
W, M, 3, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
18 425 425 (Mary) Annie
NANCE, W, F, 1, Dau., Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of James Clement? NANCE and
Sarah Anne CLARK)
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Callands Magt.
Dist., in the County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia
enumerated by me on the 2nd day of June, 1880
L. A. Morman? Enumerator Page No. 5, Supervisor's Dist.
No. 25, Enumeration District No. 165 page 70a; Roll:
T9_1384; (page very hard to read)
31 36 37 Oliver H. DODD, W, M, 31, Head, Marr., Farmer,
Virginia, **, **
32 36 37 L? F? DOOD, W, F, 25, Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
33 36 37 John * DOOD, W, M, 5/12, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
34 36 37 Richard NANCE(**), W, M, 55, Labors
On Farm, Other, Widow, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
35 36 37 *** ***, B, M, 14?, Servant, Labors On Farm,
sure who this is, Richard NANCE who marr. Lucy BLACKWELL
and Ella DEARIN??)
Schedule I. --
Inhabitants in Callands Magt. Dist., in the County of
Pittsylvania, State of Virginia enumerated by me on the 11
day of June, 1880
L. A. Morman? Enumerator Page No. 21, Supervisor's Dist.
No. 2, Enumeration District No. 165 page 78a; Roll:
T9_1384; (page very hard to read)
12 169 173 Fannie A. PALL, W, F, 39, Keeping House,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
13 169 173 Wm. P. DERRIN, W, M, 19, Son, Clerk In Store,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
14 169 173 Bell W. DERRIN, W, F, 14, Dau., At Home,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
15 169 173 James A DERRIN, W, M, 12, Son, Single, At
School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
16 169 173 Pomp NANCE(**), Black, Male, 22,
Single, Labors On Farm, Other, Virginia,
17 169 173 Dollie? HUNDLEY, B, F, 14, Servant, Single,
House Servant, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of
Spencer NANCE and unknown mother)
Schedule I. --
Inhabitants in Callands Magt. Dist., in the County of
Pittsylvania, State of Virginia enumerated by me on the
2nd day of June, 1880
L. A. Morman? Enumerator Page No. 47, Supervisor's Dist.
No. 2, Enumeration District No. 165 page 91c; Roll:
T9_1384; (page very hard to read)
3 395 409 Jack NANCE(**), B, M, 60, Self,
Widower, Labors On Farm, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
4 395 409 Puss NANCE, B, F, 21, Dau., At Home, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
5 395 409 Fannie NANCE, B, F, 3, Grand Dau., Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
sure who this is)
Schedule I. --
Inhabitants in Pigg River Magistrial District, in the
County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia enumerated by me
on the 26th day of June, 1880 H. S. Bell Enumerator Page
No. 61, Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No.
171 page 273a
15 556 556 Christopher CUNNINGHAM, B, M, 50, Married,
Farmer, can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
16 556 556 Dillie CUNNINGHAM, B, F, 45, Wife, Married,
Keeping House, can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia,
17 556 556 Douglas CUNNINGHAM, B, M, 18, Son, Single,
Works on Farm, can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia,
18 556 556 Nancy CUNNINGHAM, B, F, 16, Dau., Single, Works
on Farm, Attends School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
19 556 556 Margaret CUNNINGHAM, B, F, 12, Dau., Single,
Works on Farm, Attends School, can't read/write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
20 556 556 Pochahantis CUNNINGHAM, B, F, 8, Dau., Single,
can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
21 556 556 Daisey CUNNINGHAM, B, M, 6, Son, Single, can't
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
22 556 556 Sally CUNNINGHAM, B, F, 4, Dau., Single, can't
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
23 556 556 Millie NANCE(**), B, F, 22,
Step-Dau., Single, Works On Farm, Virginia, Virginia,
sure who this is)
Schedule I. --
Inhabitants in Tunstall Magistrial District, in the County
of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia enumerated by me on the
day of June, 1880 S. L. **unnelle Enumerator Page No. 82,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No. 171
page 395a, Roll: T9_1385;
10 278 279 Dolly NANCE(**), B, F, 70, Self,
Widow, Farming, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
11 278 279 Fanny NANCE, B, F, 11, Grand-Dau, Single, At
Home, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
12 278 279 Ralph PAYNE, B, M, 25, Single, Attending
School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
sure who this is)
1880 Tunstall, Pittsylvania, Virginia Page
10 194 205 John H. FORBES, W, M, 63, Head, Marr.,
Local Minister, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
11 194 205 Mary H. (NANCE**) FORBES,
W, F, 63, Wife, Marr.,Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
12 194 205 George T. FORBES, W, M, 23, Son, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
13 194 205 Elizabeth M. FORBES, W, F, 21, Dau.,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
14 194 205 Sarah (FORBES) Mc
CORMICK, W, F, 35, Dau., Widow, Virginia, Virginia,
15 194 205 Charles R. BRYANT, W, M, 15, Grandson,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of John Wood NANCE and
Schedule I. --
Inhabitants in Tunstall Magistrial District, in the County
of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia enumerated by me on the
day of June, 1880 L. A. Power? Enumerator Page No. 54,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No. 177
page 431b, Roll: T9_1385;
24 470 471 John H. PEYSON, W, M, 40, -, Married, Farmer,
Virginia, North Carolina, North Carolina
25 470 471 Virginia C. (GAULDEN)
PEYSON, W, F, 40, Wife, Married, Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
26 470 471 William L. PEYSON, W, M, 19, Son, Single, Works
on farm, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
27 470 471 Robert L. PEYSON, W, M, 14, Son, Single, Works
on farm, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
28 470 471 Mary B. PEYSON, W, F, 12, Dau., Single, At
Home, can't write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
29 470 471 N. Elizabeth PEYSON, W, F, 9, Dau., Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
30 470 471 John K. PEYSON, W, M, 9, Son, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
31 470 471 James B. PEYSON, W, M, 4, Son, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
32 470 471 Samuel A PEYSON, W, M, 10/12, July, Son,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
33 470 471 Mary M(ay (NANCE**)) GAULDEN, W, F,
80, Mother-in-law, Widow, At Home, can't write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
of William Malone NANCE and Elizabeth THORNTON)
I. -- Inhabitants in Tunstall Magistrial District, in the
County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia enumerated by me
on the 29
day of June, 1880 L. A. Power? Enumerator Page No. 54,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No. 177
page 431b, Roll: T9_1385;
34 471 472 B(lair)
Halbrook EANES, W, M, 56, Head, Marr., Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
471 472 Catherine
EANES, W, F, 58, Wife, Marr., North Carolina, North
Carolina, North Carolina
471 472 Arthur
W. EANES, W, M, 18, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
North Carolina
471 472 Harder
EANES, W, M, 16,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina
471 472 Thomas
J. EANES, W, M, 14,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina
471 472 Robert
L. EANES, W, M, 12,
Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina
unknown, Catherine NANCE marr. Blair Holbrook EANES
on 09 Nov 1847 in Henry Co. VA
Possibly dau. of David NANCE and Mary GROGAN)
I. -- Inhabitants in Tunstall Magistrial District, in the
County of Pittsylvania, State of Virginia enumerated by me
on the 29
day of June, 1880 L. A. Power? Enumerator Page No. 54,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No. 177
page 431b, Roll: T9_1385;
40 472 473 Jessee MCDANIEL, Mul?, M, 64, Marr., Farmer,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
41 472 473 Nicey (NANCE**)
MCDANIEL, Mul?, F, 57, Wife, Keeping House, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
42 472 473 Rala
Hill (Callhill) NANCE(**), B, M, 30,
Brother-in-law, Widow, Works on Farm, Virginia, Virginia,
43 472 473 Peter ADAMS, Mul, M, 21, Servant, Single,
on Farm, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
44 472 473 John H. DABBS, Mul,
M, 20, Servant, Single,
Works on Farm, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Not sure who these are)
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Hiwassie District in the
County of Pulaski, State of Virginia enumerated by me on
the 9th day of
June, 1880 C. W. Lovell Enumerator Page No. 14,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 5, Enumeration District No. 58 page
250b Roll: T9_1386;
3 117 120 Pleasant NANCE(**), W, M, 66, -, Married,
Farmer, can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
4 117 120 Eliza F. (BARKER)
NANCE, W, F, 59, Wife, Married, Keeping House, can
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
5 117 120 Henry NANCE, W, M, 25, Son, Single, Works on
Farm, cant read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
6 117 120 Sarah (Isebell)
NANCE, W, F, 23, Dau., Single, can read/write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
7 117 120 Susan NANCE, W, F, 21, Dau., Single, can read,
cant write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
8 117 120 Jos(eph) C(rockett) NANCE, W, M, 7,
Grandson(*), Single, Attends
School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(*This may be the son of Alkena
NANCE and Sarah Price NANCE (Sarah died 1874?) their son
Joseph b. 1874
he is missing from 1880 Montgomery County census with
father Alkena who is the son of Pleasant)
(**Possible son of John? NANCE and Elizabeth? (M.N.U.)
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Hiwassie District in the
County of Pulaski, State of Virginia enumerated by me on
the 9th day of
June, 1880 C. W. Lovell Enumerator Page No. 14,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 5, Enumeration District No. 58 page
250b Roll: T9_1386;
9 118 121 Charles NANCE(**), W, M, 40, Married, Farmer,
can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
10 118 121 Perlina (PRICE)
NANCE, W, F, 33, Wife, Married, can't write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
11 118 121 William NANCE, W, M, 15, Son, Single, Works on
Farm, Attends School, can't read/write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
12 118 121 Alice NANCE, W, F, 13, Dau., Single, Attends
School, can read, can't write, Virginia, Virginia,
13 118 121 James R(obert)
NANCE, W, M, 10, Son, Single, Attends School, can read,
can't write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
14 118 121 Jessie NANCE, W, M, 9, Son, Single, Attends
School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
15 118 121 John A(llen)
NANCE, W, M, 6, Son, Single, Attends School, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
16 118 121 Sallie A. NANCE, W, M, 5, Dau., Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
17 118 121 Eliza J. NANCE, W, F, 3, Dau., Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
18 118 121 Rachel NANCE, W, F, 10/12 (July), Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
19 118 121 David ADKINS, W, M, 40, Brother-in-Law, Works
Farm, Can't read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Pleasant NANCE and Eliza
1880 Stafford, Virginia Page 489A
47 360 370 W(illiam)
G(eorge) NANTES(**), W, M, 40, Head,
Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
48 360 370 Susanna (KENDALL)
NANTES, W, F, 39, Wife, Marr., Virginia
49 360 370 Jno. O. NANTES,
W, M, 20, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
50 360 370 W(illia)m H. NANTES,
W, M, 17, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Stafford, Virginia Page 489B
1 360 370 Geo(rge) A(xworthy) NANTES,
W, M, 16, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
2 360 370 Cha(rle)s F(rederick) NANTES,
W, M, 14, Son, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of John Ogle NANTES and
Lavenia Cecilia AXWORTHY)
Schedule I. -- Inhabitants in Kinderbrook District
in the County of Washington, State of Virginia enumerated
by me on the
26 day of June, 1880 Jas. S. Pugh Enumerator Page No. 56,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 5, Enumeration District No. 97 page
9 488 488 Noal
HOWINGTON, W, M, 75, Head, Marr., Farm Laborer, North
Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina
10 488 488 Oliva (NANCE**)
HOWINGTON, W, F, 69, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, North
Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina
unknown at this time, Olliff "Ollie" NANCE marr. Noel
No NANCE listed
Lewellyn NANCE
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Alleghany, Supervisor's
Dist. No. 284, Enumeration
District No. 5, Sheet No.:
Township or other division of county: Covington Magistrial
District, Name of Institute _____Name of Incorporated
city, town, or village:
Covington, Ward of City:______ Enumerated by me on the
20th day of June, 1900, Geo. T. M. Clintic, Enumerator
page: 209b
442 466 W. M. NANCE(**),
Head, W, M, --- ---- (1856),
44, Widow, 28, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Clerk in
94 442 466 Robert NANCE, Son, W, M, May 1873, 27, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Laundry Hand
(**Not sure who this is, could be
Schedule No. 1
Population State Virginia, County Bedford, Supervisor's
Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 3 Township
or other
division of county: Chamblessburg Magistrial District,
Name of Institute ---- Name of Incorporated city,
town, or village, within the above-
named: ______, Ward of City: Enumerated by me on the 20th
day of June, 1900, W. M. Broudinbrough, Enumerator. Sheet
No.: 17, page: 45b
67 323 325 Thomas W(hitfield) NANCE, Head,
W, M, Nov 1832, 67, Marr., 23, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Farmer
68 323 325 Delia E(lizabeth (NELMS))
NANCE, W, F, Jan 1845, 55, Marr., 23, 0, 0, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Thaddeus Christopher?
NANCE and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
1900 Chamblissburg, Bedford, Virginia 2B
52 26 W(illia)m M RAMSEY,
Head, W, M, May 1850 50, Marr., 20, Virginia, Virginia,
53 26 Virginia (F. (NANCE**))
RAMSEY, Wife, W, F, Oct 1856 43, Marr., 20, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
54 26 Elmo RAMSEY, Son, W, M, 17, Virginia, Virginia,
55 26 Margareth RAMSEY, Dau. W, F, 8, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
56 26 Virginia E RAMSEY, Dau., W, F, 6, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
57 26 Joseph Fields Boarder
M 20
of Thomas Whitfield NANCE and Elizabeth Jane JOHNSON)
No. 1 Population State Virginia, County Bedford, Supervisor's
Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 5B, Sheet
No.: 19,
Township or other division of county: ***** District, Name
of Institute ---- Name of Incorporated city, town, or
village, within the
above-named: ______, Ward of City: Enumerated by me on the
19th day of Jun 1900, Geo. T. M. Clintic,
Enumerator. page: 46B
98 283 288 William P(leasant)
NANCE(**), Head, W,
M, Jul 1841, 59, Marr., 26, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
99 283 288 Sarah P(orter (CHEATWOOD))
NANCE, Wife, W, F, Apr 1843, 57, Marr., 26, 6, 6,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
100 283 288 Loula P(reston)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Dec 1873, 26, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, Teacher
Schedule No. 1 Population State
Virginia, County Bedford, Supervisor's
Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 6A, Sheet
No.: 19,
Township or other division of county: ***** District, Name
of Institute ---- Name of Incorporated city, town, or
village, within the
above-named: ______, Ward of City: Enumerated by me on the
19th day of Jun 1900, Geo. T. M. Clintic,
Enumerator. page: 47A
1 283 288 Mary L(eighton)
NANCE, Dau. W, F, Oct 1877, 23, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, Teacher
2 283 288 Julia R(reese)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Sep 1881, 19, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, At School
3 283 288 Florence (Royal)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Sep 1883, 17, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, At School
(**Son of
Thaddeus Christopher? NANCE and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
Schedule No. 1
Population State Virginia, County Bedford, Township or
other division of county: _________, Name of Institute:
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the
above-named: Bedford, Ward of City:________ Enumerated by
me on the
12th day of June, 1900, James Gray Enumerator. Sheet No.:
15, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 6
page: 136b, Bridge Street
92 275 *** Jermy? CAMPBELL, Head, W, M, Oct 1889, 60,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
93 275 *** Robert CAMPBELL, Brother, W, M, Feb 1842, 58,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
94 275 *** Nancy CAMPBELL, Sister, W, F, Dec 1848, 51,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
95 275 *** William CAMPBELL, Brother, W, M, May 1856, 44,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
96 275 *** Letty BUFORD, Sister, W, F, Nov 1844, 55, M,
29, 0, 0, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
97 275 *** ***** *****, Border, W, M, Apr 1879, 21,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Clerk in Grocer
98 275 *** Morris BARKETT, Border, W, M, Sep 1875, 26,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Dry Goods Merch.
99 275 *** Robert C. KAGLING, Border, W, M, Apr 1867, 33,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Grocer Merchant
100 275 *** John (T.) NANCE(**),
Border, W, M, Aug 1859, 40, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, *** Dry Good ***
(**Son of Thomas Whitfield NANCE and
Elizabeth Jane JOHNSON)
Schedule No. 1
Population State Virginia, County Bedford, Township or
other division of county: South Central, Name of
Institute: _____
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the
above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____ Enumerated
by me on the
13 day of June, 1900, ******** Enumerator. Sheet No.: 13,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 9 page:
32 236 236 William A(bner) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Mar 1860, 40,
Marr., 12, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
33 236 236 Lillian B. (Vernon
(WHORLEY)) NANCE, Wife, W, F, Feb 1870, 30,
Marr., 12, 7, 7, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
34 236 236 William M. NANCE, Son, W, M, Jun 1889, 10, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farm laborer
35 236 236 Laurence D. NANCE, Son, W, M, Nov 1890, 9, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
36 236 236 John L. NANCE, Son, W, M, Apr 1892, 8, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
37 236 236 Linda V(ernon)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Jan 1894, 6, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
38 236 236 Melba C(laire)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Sep 1895, 7, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
39 236 236 Peter (Otey)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Jul 1892, 8, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
40 236 236 Rassor (Burton) NANCE, Son,
W, M, Jun 1899, 11/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
41 236 236 Eliza A. MILTON, Aunt, W, F, Jul 1822, 78, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
42 236 236 Ella S. AUSTIN, Aunt, W, F, Jun 1840, 60, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Albert F. NANCE and Jane
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Township or
other division of county: Otter District, Name of
_____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____
Enumerated by me on the
15th day of June, 1900, John A. Wilson Enumerator. Sheet
No.: 13, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6th, Enumeration District
No. 14 page: 271a
33 135 135 Samuel (Hughes) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Apr
1858, 42, Marr., 14, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
34 135 135 Susie (Elizabeth
(ADAMS)) NANCE, Wife, W, F, Jan 1862, 38, Marr.,
14, 6, 6, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
35 135 135 Claude (O.)
NANCE, Dau. (Son), W, F (M), Nov 1886, 14, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
36 135 135 (Mabel) Sister (E.) NANCE, Dau., W, F, Sep 1888,
11, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
37 135 135 McAmos NANCE, Son, W, M, Sep 1891, 8, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
38 135 135 Fannie M(ae)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Sep 1894, 5, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
39 135 135 Joseph C(line)
NANCE, Son, W, M, May 1897, 3, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
40 135 135 George A(rchie)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Aug 1899, 9/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Archibald NANCE and Lucy
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Township or
other division of county: Staunton Township, Name of
_____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____
Enumerated by me on the
4 day of June, 1900, M. P. Rucker Enumerator. Sheet No.:
2, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 15
page: 287a
20 22 22 McHenry (P.) NANCE(**),
Head, W, M, Apr 1852, 48, Marr., x(*),
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
21 22 22 Mildred M(atilda (PETERS))
NANCE, Wife, W, F, Aug 1852, 47, Marr., x(*), 8, 6, Virginia, Virginia,
22 22 22 Thadeous H(aywood)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Jun 1876, 24, Marr., 0, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, Day Laborer
23 22 22 Nannie B(ell (LIPSCOMB))
NANCE, Dau-in-Law, W, F, May 1866, 34, Marr., 0, 0, 0,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
24 22 22 George R(adford)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Oct 1882, 17, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, At School
25 22 22 Susan C(lara) NANCE,
Dau., W, F, Jan 1885, 15, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
26 22 22 Hubert A(shby)
NANCE, Son, W, M, May 1887, 13, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
At School
27 22 22 Edward H(oward)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Apr 1889, 11, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
28 22 22 Oscar L(ittleton)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Aug 1891, 8, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
(*This is what is on census, suppose
to be 25, listed as 35 years in 1910, marr. 14 Mar.
(**Son of Thaddeus Christopher? NANCE and Sally "Sarah"
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Township or
other division of county: Staunton Township, Name of
_____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____
Enumerated by me on the
5 day of June, 1900, M. P. Rucker Enumerator. Sheet No.:
2, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 15
page: 287b
72 32 32 Thadeous (Christopher) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Aug,
1871, 28, Marr., 5, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
73 32 32 Margaret (Virginia (CUNDIFF)) NANCE, Wife, W,
F, Oct., 1874, 26, Marr., 5, 3, 2, Virginia, Virginia,
74 32 32 Catherine (Sallie
Kathleen) NANCE, Dau., W, F, Jul 1897, 3, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
75 32 32 Zula B(raxton)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Sep 1899, 8/12, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of
Elisha Derastus NANCE and Sallie J. HANCOCK)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Township or
other division of county: Staunton Township, Name of
_____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____
Enumerated by me on the
5 day of June, 1900, M. P. Rucker Enumerator. Sheet No.:
2, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 15
page: 287b
76 33 33 James (F.) NANCE(**),
Head, W, M, Jun 1866, 33, Marr., 3, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Farmer
77 33 33 Ada (BURROUGHS)
NANCE, Wife, W, F, Feb 1875, 25, Marr., 3, 2, 2, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
78 33 33 Lillian H. NANCE, Dau., W, F, Apr 1898, 2,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
79 33 33 Ida B. NANCE, Dau., W, F, Sep 1899, 8/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of
Elisha Derastus NANCE and Sallie J. HANCOCK)
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Virginia, County:
Bedford, Township or other division of county: Staunton
Township, Name of Institute:
_____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____
Enumerated by me on the
15 day of June, 1900, M. P. Rucker Enumerator. Sheet No.:
8, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 15
page: 293a
12 130 131 David (Leslie) THAXTON, Head, M, W, Aug
1872, 27, Marr., 3, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
13 130 131 Annie H (NANCE**)
THAXTON, Wife, F, W, Aug 1881, 18, Marr., 3, 1, 1,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
14 130 131 Rubie THAXTON, Dau,. F, W, Jun 1899, 11/12,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
15 130 131 James THAXTON, Brother, M, W, Jun 1868, 31,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Elisha
Derastus NANCE and Sallie J. HANCOCK)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Township or
other division of county: Staunton Township, Name of
_____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____
Enumerated by me on the
15 day of June, 1900, M. P. Rucker Enumerator. Sheet No.:
8, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 15
page: 293a
47 136 138 Sallie (J. (HANCOCK)) NANCE(**), Head, W, F, Jan.,
1842, 58, Widow, 36, 10, 9, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
48 136 138 Hattie NANCE, Dau, W, F, Sep 1884, 15, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
49 136 138 Walter (Scott)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Apr 1887, 13, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, At School
of Elisha Derastus NANCE, son of Thaddeus Christopher?
NANCE and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Township or
other division of county: Staunton Township, Name of
Institute: _____
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the
above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____ Enumerated
by me on the
15 day of June, 1900, M. P. Rucker Enumerator. Sheet No.:
8, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 15
page: 293a
50 137 139 Derastus (Lee) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Sep
1869, 30, Widow, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Virginia, County:
Bedford, Township or other division of county: Staunton
Township, Name of Institute: _____
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the
above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____ Enumerated
by me on the
15 day of June, 1900, M. P. Rucker Enumerator. Sheet No.:
8, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 15
page: 293b
51 137 139 Ora LEWIS, 6c, W, M, Mar 1891, 9, Single,
Indiana, Indiana,
Indiana, At School
(**Son of Elisha Derastus NANCE and
Sallie J. HANCOCK)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Township or
other division of county: Staunton Magistrial District,
Name of
Institute: _____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or
village, within the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of
City:_____ Enumerated by me on
the 16 and 18 day of June, 1900, John H. Musgrove
Enumerator. Sheet No.: 11, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6,
Enumeration District No. 16 page: 310a
36 198 201 John (Ferdinand) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, June, 1840, 59,
Marr., 35, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
37 198 201 Lucy N. (PETERS)
NANCE, Wife, W, F, Oct 1848, 51, Marr., 35, 6, 5,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
38 198 201 Sarah E(mma)
NANCE, Daughter, W, F, Oct 1882, 17, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of John NANCE and Martha A.
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Township or
other division of county: Staunton Magistrial District,
Name of
Institute: _____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or
village, within the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of
City:_____ Enumerated by me on
the 16 and 18 day of June, 1900, John H. Musgrove
Enumerator. Sheet No.: 11, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6,
Enumeration District No. 16 page: 310a
39 199 202 Robert (Edwin) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Mar
1879, 21, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
(**Son of
John Ferdinand NANCE and Lucy M. PETERS)
No. 1 Population State: Virginia, County: Bedford,
Township or other division of county: Staunton
Magistrial District, Name of
Institute: _____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or
village, within the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of
City:_____ Enumerated by me on
the 16 and 18 day of June, 1900, John H. Musgrove
Enumerator. Sheet No.: 11, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6,
Enumeration District No. 16 page: 310a
40 200 203 James (Bell)
LEFTWICH, Head, W, M, Jun 1870, 30, Marr., 5, Kentucky
41 200 203 (Mary) Elsie (Estes (NANCE**)) LEFTWICH,
Wife, W, F, Oct 1872, 27, Marr., 5, Virginia, Virginia,
42 200 203 Junis LEFTWICH, 4, Single, Virginia, Kentucky,
(**Dau. of John Ferdinand NANCE and
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Supervisor's
Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No. 16, Sheet
No.: 14,
Township or other division of county: Staunton Magistrial
District, Name of Institute: _____ Name of Incorporated
city, town, or village:
Bedford City, Ward of City:_____ Enumerated by me on the
25 day of June, 1900, John H. Musgrove Enumerator.
page: 313b
51 258 261 (Albert W.) John NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Jun 1866, 34,
Marr., 13, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
52 258 261 Flora (Susan
(CREASY)) NANCE, Wife, W, F, Apr 1866, 34, Marr.,
13, 7, 7, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
53 258 261 Mary G(ypsy)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Apr 1888, 12, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
54 258 261 Henry G(rady)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Sep 1889, 10, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, Farm laborer
55 258 261 Lucy E. NANCE, Dau, W, F, *** 1891, 9, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
56 258 261 Willie (Peters)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Nov 1892, 7, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
57 258 261 John S(pottswood)
NANCE, Son, W, M, May 1895, 5, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
58 258 261 Grover O. NANCE, Son, W, M, Jun 1897, 3,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
59 258 261 Lena (V.) NANCE,
Dau, W, F, Jun 1899, 1, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
(**Son of John Ferdinand NANCE and
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Township or
other division of county: Staunton Magistrial District,
of Institute: _____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or
village, within the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of
City:_____ Enumerated by
me on the 2th day of June, 1900, J. T. Lamsdowne
Enumerator. Sheet No.: 6, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6,
Enumeration District No. 17 page: 321b
88 121 121 Charles (Edward)
CARTER, Head, W, M, Jun 1856, 43, Marr., 19, 1, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
89 121 121 Sallie B. (NANCE**)
CARTER, wife, W, F, Jun 1856, 43, Marr., 19, 4, 4,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
90 121 121 Albert N. CARTER, Son, W, M, Jun 1884, 16, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
91 121 121 Lillie P. CARTER, Dau., W, F, Aug 1881, 18, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
92 121 121 Moses CARTER, Son, W, M, Nov 1885, 14, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
93 121 121 Ambrose E. CARTER, Son, W, M, Jun 1887, 12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
94 121 121 Mollie H. NANCE(**), Sister-in-law, W,
F, Mar 1860, 40, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
95 121 121 Wm. S. DOWDY, Boarder, W, M, Oct 1877, 22, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farm Laborer
(**Daus. of Albert F. NANCE and Jane
Fincastle, Botetourt, Virginia Sheet Number 16
274 284 J(ohn) J
Cook Aug 1844 55
Levenia B (NANCE)
Cook Feb 1868 36, Marr., 5, 2, 2, NC
Rheney A (NANCE) Cook(*)
Dasey (NANCE) Cook(*)
(Were born out of wedlock)
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Virginia, County:
Campbell, Township or other division of county: Otter
River Dist., Name of Institute:
_____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village,
within the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____
Enumerated by me on the
15th day of June, 1900, W. A. PERRON Enumerator. Sheet
No.: 9, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No.
23 page: 118a
20 158 158 Jessie M (Whitfield) DOWDY, Head, M, W,
Aug 1847, 52, Marr., 28, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
21 158 158 Mary E(lizabeth
(NANCE**)) DOWDY, Wife, F, W, Sep 1851, 48,
Marr., 28, 8, 6, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
22 158 158 Elisabeth DOWDY, Dau., F, W, Mar 1876, 24,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
23 158 158 Jessie W DOWDY,
Son, M, W, Nov 1880, 19, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
24 158 158 Royal A DOWDY,
Son, M, W, Sept 1883, 16, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
25 158 158 Blanch M DOWDY,
Dau., F, W, Jul 1887, 13, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
26 158 158 Rossevelt
WILKINSON, Grand Son, M, W, Nov 1893, 6, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Archibald
NANCE and Elizabeth W. WILLIAMS)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Campbell, Township or
other division of county: Otter River Dist., Name of
_____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____
Enumerated by me on the
15th day of June, 1900, W. A. PERRON Enumerator. Sheet
No.: 9, Supervisor's Dist. No. 6, Enumeration District No.
23 page: 118b
78 167 167 Albert (Sidney) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Oct
1867, 32, Marr., 11, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
79 167 167 Dollie M. (WILLS)
NANCE, Wife, W, F, Dec 1868, 31, Marr., 11, 2, 2,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
80 167 167 Albert (Sidney)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Sep 1891, 8, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
81 167 167 Millie NANCE, Dau, W, F, Dec 1892, 7, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Albert F. NANCE and Jane
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Charles City, Township
or other division of county: Harrison District, Name of
_____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or
village, within the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of
City:_____ Enumerated by me on the
First day of June, 1900, Cowler M. Vaiden Enumerator.
Sheet No.: 1, Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration
District No. 2 page: 218a
40 8 8 Charles (Stagg) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Jul
1855, 44, Marr., 15, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
41 8 8 Sallie G(larster
(MAJOR-NANCE*)) NANCE, Wife, W, F, Mar 1845, 55,
Marr., 15, 5, 5, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
42 8 8 Electra NANCE, (Step-)Dau.,
W, F, Dec 1873, 26, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
43 8 8 Mary S(usan) NANCE, (Step-)Dau., W, F,
Dec 1875, 24, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
44 8 8 Gertrude NANCE, (Step-)Dau., W, F,
Feb 1878, 22, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
45 8 8 Benjamin (Major) NANCE,
(Step-)Son, W, M, Apr 1880,
20, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farm Laborer
46 8 8 Charles E(dwin) NANCE,
Son, W, M, Nov 1886, 13, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, At School
(**Son of Benjamin Albert NANCE and
Susan E. STAGG)
(Married 1st Benjamin Woodward NANCE, Charles NANCEs
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Charles City, Township
or other division of county: Harrison District, Name of
_____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____
Enumerated by me on the
Fourth day of June, 1900, Cowler M. Vaiden Enumerator.
Sheet No.: 1, Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration
District No. 2 page: 219a
6 18 18 Littleberry M(anley) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Oct,
1857, 42, Marr., 19, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Lawyer
7 18 18 Edmonia D. (TAYLOR)
NANCE, Wife, W, F, Dec., 1855, 44, Marr., 19, 6, 4,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
8 18 18 Alice E(lizabeth)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Aug 1884, 15, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, At School
9 18 18 Walter M(anley)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Aug 1886, 13, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, At School
10 18 18 George E(verett) NANCE,
Son, W, M, Aug 1889, 12, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, At School
11 18 18 Mattie C(amilia)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Sep 1888, 11, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, At School
12 18 18 Alice M. TAYLOR, Sister-in-Law?, W, F, Jun 1846,
53, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, School Teacher
13 18 18 Willie A. WILLIS, Servant, B, F, Jun 1875, 24,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of
Benjamin Albert NANCE and Susan E. STAGG)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Charles City, Township
or other division of county: Harrison District, Name of
_____ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: Bedford City, Ward of City:_____
Enumerated by me on the
Seventh day of June, 1900, C. M. Vaiden Enumerator. Sheet
No.: 5, Supervisor's Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No.
2 page: 222b
82 72 72 Edwin E(verett) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, May,
1860, 40, Marr., 10, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
83 72 72 Edna S(arah (HERRICK))
NANCE, Wife, W, F, Apr, 1868, 32, Marr., 10, 4, 3, New
York, New York, New York
84 72 72 Laurie E(verett)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Jan 1893, 7, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, New York
85 72 72 Lester L(eman)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Aug 1897, 2, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, New York
86 72 72 Leslie L. (Albert)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Aug 1897, 2, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, New York
87 72 72 Leman HERRICK, Father-in-Law, W, M, Aug 1825, 74,
Marr., 55, New York, Connecticut, New York
88 72 72 Sarah HERRICK, Mother-in-Law, W, F, Nov 1825, 74,
Marr., 55, 6, 3, New York, New York, New York
89 72 72 Robert BIRDLES, Clerk, W, M, Feb 1872, 28, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
Clerk in Store
90 72 72 Alice WALLACE, Servant, B, F, Dec 1877, 22, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Cook
(**Son of Benjamin Albert NANCE and
Susan E. STAGG)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Charles City, Township
or other division of county: Tyler Magistrial District,
Name of Institute:
County **** Lines 33 to 34 inclusive Name of Incorporated
city, town, or village, within the above-named
division______ Ward of City: X Enumerated
by me on the 21st day of June, 1900, Edward H. Major
Enumerator. Sheet No.: 16, Supervisor's Dist. No. 2,
Enumeration District No. 3 page: 259
23 - 293 276 John F(leming) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Oct,
1852, 47, Marr. 23, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Shreiff
Birth: 1853
24 - 293 276 Margaret J. (Collier
(CRUMP)) NANCE, Wife, W, F, July, 1853, 46,
Marr., 23, 13, 8, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
25 - 293 276 Mary E(lizabeth)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Mar, 1878, 22, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, School Teacher
26 - 293 276 Julia A(nn)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, July, 1879, 21, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, School Teacher
27 - 293 276 (Margaret Virginia)
Jennie NANCE, Dau., W, F, Nov, 1880, 19, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, At School
28 - 293 276 Sallie NANCE, Dau., W, F, May, 1882, 18,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
29 - 293 276 Bell NANCE, Dau., W, F, May, 1884, 16,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
30 - 293 276 Rom NANCE, Dau., W, F, Dec, 1888, 11, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
31 - 293 276 Ella NANCE, Dau., W, F, July, 1890, 9,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
32 - 293 276 Fannie NANCE, Dau, W, F, Dec, 1893, 6,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
33 - 293 276 Riley JONES, Prisoner, B, M, ***, 1822, 18,
Wd, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Lunatic, 12
34 - 293 276 Susan GORDON, Prisoner, B, F, May, 1870, 30,
Marr., 10, 3, 3, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Prisoner
(**Son of Benjamin Albert NANCE and
Susan E. STAGG)
1900 Staunton, Bedford, Virginia Page 287B, Sheet
61 30 30 Samuel LAZENBY, Head, W, M, Jul 1864, 35, Marr.,
12, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
62 30 30 Lelia C (NANCE**)
LAZENBY, Wife, W, F, Dec 1868, 31, Marr., 12, 6, 6,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
63 30 30 Maybel LAZENBY, Dau., F, W, Aug 1888, 11, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
64 30 30 Christopher LAZENBY, Son, W, M Aug 1890, 10,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
65 30 30 Florence LAZENBY, Dau., W, F, Aug 1892, 7,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
66 30 30 Mamie LAZENBY, Dau., W, F, Sep 1894, 6, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
67 30 30 James E LAZENBY, Son, W, M, Nov 1895, 4, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
68 30 30 Adalade LAZENBY, Dau., W, F, Feb 1899, 1, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Elisha Derastus NANCE and
Sallie J. HANCOCK)
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Virginia, County: Chesterfield, Supervisor's Dist. No. 3rd Va, Enumeration District No. 5, Sheet No.: 9B,Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Chesterfield, Township
or other division of county: _______, Name of Institute:
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the
above-named: Manchester City, Ward of City: Third
Enumerated by me on the
6th day of June, 1900, Theodore H. Smith, E. 11th Street
Enumerator. Sheet No.: 7, Supervisor's Dist. No. 3,
Enumeration District No. 52 page: 237b
94 21 136 157 Sarah CLAPTON, Head, W, F, Nov 1843, 56,
Widow, -, 7, 5, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
95 21 136 157 Betty CLAPTON, Dau., W, F, Sep 1876, 23,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Bench Broker
96 21 136 157 Robert CLAPTON, Son, W, M, Dec 1878, 21,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Laborer (Day)
97 21 136 157 Viola NANCE(**), Dau., W, F, Sep 1870, 29,
Widow, -, 1, 1, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Bench Broker
98 21 136 157 Bessie L(ee) NANCE, GrandDau.,
W, F, *** 1892, 8, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
At School
99 21 136 157 Ernest FOTTY, Brother, W, M, Jun 1847, 52,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Carpenter (House)
100 21 136 157 Edward WORRELL, Border, W, M, Nov 1876, 23,
Single, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Laboror
(Iron Wks)
(**Widow of Amos NANCE, son of
unknown parents)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Elizabeth City, Supervisor's
Dist. No. 2, Enumeration District No. 10 Sheet
No.: 1A,Township or other
division of county: Hawpkin Majisterial District, Name of
Institute: ______ Name of Incorporated city,
town, or village: Hawpkin, Ward of City: ____ Enumerated
by me on the 1st day of June, 1900, Y. T. Taylor,
Enumerator. page: 146a
36 - 7 8 Ann E(liza
Head, W, F, Mar 1831, 69, Widow, -, 7, 4, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
of Eaton NANCE, son of Zachariah NANCE and Mary
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Floyd, Township or
other division of county: Part Indian Valley District,
Name of Institute:
______ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: _______, Ward of City: ____ Enumerated by
me on the 5th day of
June, 1900, A. Lee Guthrie,Enumerator. Sheet No.: 3,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 5, Enumeration District No. 14
page: 94a
41 - 50 50 Emery? ALLEY, Head, W, M, Jan 1868, 32, Marr.,
12, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
42 - 50 50 Henretta J. ALLEY, Wife, W, F, July 1874, 25,
Marr., 12, 0, 0, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
43 - 50 50 Henry NANCE(**), Servant, W, M, Mar
1894, 6, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Servant
44 - 50 50 Kyle PHILLIPS, Servant, W, M, May 1887, 13,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farm Laborer
sure who this is)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Franklin, Township or
other division of county: Gills Creek District, Name of
Institute: ______ Name of Incorporated city, town, or
village, within the above-named: _______, Ward of City:
____ Enumerated by
me on the 1st day of June, 1900, A. B. Garrett,
Enumerator. Sheet No.: 1, Supervisor's Dist. No. 5,
Enumeration District No. 27 page: 88a
31 - 5 5 John C. NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Sep
1859, 40, Marr., 25, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
32 - 5 5 Mary L. (MITCHELL) NANCE,
Wife, W, F, Dec 1849, 50, Marr., 25, 7, 6, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
33 - 5 5 Sallie Kate NANCE, Dau, W, F, May 1879, 21, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
34 - 5 5 Mattie B. NANCE, Dau, W, F, Sep 1881, 18, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
35 - 5 5 Essie (T.) NANCE,
Dau, W, F, Sep, 1883, 16, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
36 - 5 5 Julia H. NANCE, Dau, W, F, Apr 1886, 14, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
37 - 5 5 Willie B. NANCE, Dau, W, F, July 1890, 9, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Richard NANCE and Louisa
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Virginia, County:
Franklin, Township or other division of county: Gills
Creek District, Name of Institute:
______ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village,
within the above-named: _______, Ward of City: ____
Enumerated by me on the 14th
day of June, 1900, Thomas J. Dudley, Enumerator. Sheet
No.: 9A, Supervisor's Dist. No. 5, Enumeration District
No. 28 page: 114A
40 146 147 Thomas L(ee) JONES, Head, M, W, Jan 1870,
30, Marr., 7, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
41 146 147 Minnie L(ee
(NANCE**)) JONES, Wife, F, W, Mar 1877, 23,
Marr., 7, 3, 3, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
42 146 147 Mary E JONES, Dau., F, W, Oct 1894, 5, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
43 146 147 Charlie H JONES, Son, M, W, Sept 1896, 3,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
44 146 147 Annie P JONES, Dau.., F, W, Dec 1897, 2,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
45 146 147 Ernest MITCHEL, Servant, B, M, May 1886, 14,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of John C.
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Frederick, Township or
other division of county: Shawnee District (Part of), Name
of Institute: ______ Name of Incorporated city, town, or
village, within the above-named: _______, Ward of City:
____ Enumerated by me
on the 7 day of June, 1900, Jno. Clark Cather, Enumerator.
Sheet No.: 4, Supervisor's Dist. No. 7, Enumeration
District No. 27 page: 89a
31 - 63 66 James NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Apr
1842, 58, Widow, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, Farmer Laborer
32 - 63 66 Ada H. NANCE, Dau, W, F, Oct 1883, 16, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
33 - 63 66 Andrew D. NANCE, Son, W, M, Nov 1888, 13,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
sure who this is)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Frederick, Township or
other division of county: Shawnee District (Part of), Name
of Institute: ______ Name of Incorporated city, town, or
village, within the above-named: _______, Ward of City:
____ Enumerated by me
on the 7 day of June, 1900, Jno. Clark Cather, Enumerator.
Sheet No.: 4, Supervisor's Dist. No. 7, Enumeration
District No. 27 page: 89a
44 - 68 71 James NANCE,
Head, W, M, Jul 1878, 21, M, 2, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Day Laborer
45 - 68 71 Doris NANCE, Wife, W, F, May 1876, 24, M, 2, 4,
4, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Can read/write, Speaks
46 - 68 71 William C. NANCE, Son, W, M, Apr 1895, 5,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
46 - 68 71 Senaid? E. NANCE, Son, W, M, Mar 1897, 3,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
46 - 68 71 Mamie? A. NANCE, Dau, W, M, Nov 1899, 7/12,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
sure who this is, is James above his father?)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Giles, Township or
other division of county: Pearisburg District, Name of
______ Name of Incorporated city, town, or
village, within the above-named: _______, Ward of City:
____ Enumerated by me on the 9th
day of June, 1900, C. J. French, Enumerator. Sheet No.: 7,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 9, Enumeration District No. 20
page: 178
29 - 98 102 William (Gordon) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Sept
1864, 35, Marr., 16, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
30 - 98 102 Gillie W. (Virginia
(ELKINS)) NANCE, Wife, W, F, Feb 1861, 39, Marr.,
16, 2, 2, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
31 - 98 102 Jessie E. NANCE, Dau, W, F, Jan 1890, 10, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
32 - 98 102 William E(arl)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Feb 1896, 4, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
33 - 98 102 Walter McDANIEL, Border, W, M, Jun 1882, 18, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Charles C. NANCE and
Perlina PRICE)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Hanover, Township or
other division of county: Henry Magisterial District, Name
Institute: ______ Name of Incorporated city, town,
or village, within the above-named: _______, Ward of City:
____ Enumerated by me on the
7 day of June, 1900, George Haw, Enumerator. Sheet No.:
10, Supervisor's Dist. No. 3, Enumeration District No. 24
page: 319b
72 - 231 337 W. A. HEATH, Head, W, M, 1875?, 25?, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
73 - 231 237 John? NANCE(**), Border?, W, M,
***, 1877, 22, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farm
sure who this is)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Hanover, Township or
other division of county: Henry Magisterial District, Name
Institute: ______ Name of Incorporated city, town,
or village, within the above-named: _______, Ward of City:
____ Enumerated by me on
the 26th day of June, 1900, George Haw, Enumerator. Sheet
No.: 10, Supervisor's Dist. No. 3, Enumeration District
No. 24 page: 319b
99 - 235 242 Geo(rge) W(allace)
NANCE(**), Head, W,
M, Apr, 1852, 48, Marr., 24, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Farmer
100 - 235 242 Betty J(ane (WOOD)) NANCE,
Wife, W, F, May, 1856, 44, Marr., 24, 3, 3, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Virginia, County:
Hanover, Township or other division of county: Henry
Magisterial District, Name of Institute:
______ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: _______, Ward of City: ____ Enumerated by
me on the 26th day of
June, 1900, George Haw, Enumerator. Sheet No.: 10,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 3, Enumeration District No. 24
page: 320a
1 - 235 242 (Wallace) Elsey
NANCE, Son, W, M, ***, 1888, 12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
2 - 235 242 Hattie L(ee)
NANCE, Dau, W, F, ***, 1889?, 11, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
of Thomas N. NANCE and Margaret
A. (M.N.U.))
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Henrico, Township or
other division of county: Fairfield Magisterial District
(Part of),
Name of Institute: ______ Name of Incorporated city, town,
or village, within the above-named: _______, Ward of City:
____ Enumerated by
me on the 18 day of June, 1900, John C. Fowler,
Enumerator. Sheet No.: 25, Supervisor's Dist. No. 3,
Enumeration District No. 31 page: 106b
65 465 575 Thomas E. DEAN, Head, W, M, Jan 1877, 23, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
66 465 575 Charles H. DEAN, Brother, W, M, Jun 1881, 18, Single,
24, 3, 3, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, laborer Locomotive
67 465 575 William W. COLEMAN, Cousin, W, M, Aug 1879, 21,
Virginia, Virginia, Laborer Farm
68 465 575 Marshall NANCE(**), Border, W, M, (Jan 1846*, 44), Marr., 6,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Laborer Farm
69 465 575 Mary (LIVESAY) NANCE,
Border, W, F, Mar 1870, 30, Marr., 6, 3 {4?***}, 3, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Housekeeper
70 465 575 James DABNEY, Border, B, M, Jan 1837, 63, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Laborer Farm
71 465 575 Hugh NANCE,
Border, W, M, Oct 1895, 4, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
72 465 575 Fletcher L(ee) NANCE, Border, W,
M, Nov 1897, 2, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
73 465 575 Leslie P(owell) NANCE, Border,
W, M, Apr 1900, 2/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
(*What is listed on census, Marshall
was b. in 1856)
(**Son of Thomas N. NANCE and Margaret
A. (M.N.U.))
(***There is a son Willie L. Nance listed on Birth
Register b. 12 Mar 1883 Henrico Co. VA)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Henrico, Township or
other division of county: Richmond City, Name of
______ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: _______, Ward of City: Cleey? Enumerated
by me on the 5
day of June, 1900, R. N. Northern, West Main Enumerator.
Sheet No.: 7, Supervisor's Dist. No. 3, Enumeration
District No. 66 page: 188b
67 1125 107 129 George WAYETT, Head, W, M, -, 1855, 45,
Marr., 23, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
68 1125 107 129 Laura V. WAYETT, Wife, W, F, Sep 1862, 37,
Marr., 23, 2, 0, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
69 1125 107 129 William W(est) NANCE(**), Nephew, W, M, Sep
1885, 14, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
70 1125 107 129 Virginia WAYETT, Mother, W, F, Dec 1827,
73, Widow, -, 9, 5, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
71 1125 107 129 Laurie B. COFFMAN, Sister, W, F, Nov 1867,
32, Marr., 11, 0, 0, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
72 1125 107 129 Ida GARRISON, Servant, B, F, May 1865, 35,
Widow, -, 1, 1, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of William Albert NANCE and
Virginia Ann "Nannie" WYATT)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Henrico, Township or
other division of county: Richmond City, Name of
______ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: _______, Ward of City: Jefferson
Enumerated by me on the
9th day of June, 1900, James M. Granger, Enumerator. Sheet
No.: 6, Supervisor's Dist. No. 3, Enumeration District No.
89 page: 205a
21 2313 82 82 *. J. RIDENOR, Head, W, M, Feb, 1860, 40, M,
10, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Druggist
22 2313 82 82 L. W. RIDENOR, Wife, W, F, Apr 1859, 41, M,
10, 3, 3, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
23 2313 82 82 H. C. RIDENOR, Son, W, M, Feb 1893, 7,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
24 2313 82 82 *. H. RIDENOR, Son, W, M, Jul 1895, 5,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
25 2313 82 82 J. M. RIDENOR, Dau, W, F, Jun 1898, 2,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
26 2313 82 82 Katie RIDENOR, Sister, W, F, Jan 1855, 45,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
27 2313 82 82 Jenni NANCE(**), Border, W, F, Apr
1882, 18, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, School
sure who this is)
Schedule No. 1
Population State: Virginia, County: Henrico, Township or
other division of county: Richmond City, Name of
______ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within
the above-named: _______, Ward of City: Jefferson
Enumerated by me on the
9th day of June, 1900, James M. Granger, Enumerator. Sheet
No.: 6, Supervisor's Dist. No. 3, Enumeration District No.
89 page: 205a
53 704 23 25 Lewellen NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Jan 1860, 40,
Marr., 13, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Laborer
54 704 23 25 Mary W. (SMITH)
NANCE, Wife, W, F, May 1860, 40, Marr., 13, 2, 1,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
55 704 23 25 Alma M. NANCE, Dau, W, F, Jan 1890, 10,
Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, At School
56 704 23 25 Ida S. NANCE, Sister, W, F, Mar 1868, 32, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
57 704 23 25 Emma N. NANCE, Sister, W, F, Feb 1872, 28, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
58 704 23 25 Dorsey KELLY, Boarder, W, M, Feb 1880, 20, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
59 704 23 25 Joseph MARTIN, Border, W, M, May 1878, 22, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Laborer
(**Son of Thomas N. NANCE and Margaret A. (M.N.U.))
Henrico, Virginia 16A
5 356 Amanda F (NANCE**) WILLIS,
Head, W, F, Dec 1833, 66, Widow, -, 7, 1, VA, VA, VA
of William G. NANCE and Altezera Finch BUFFIN)
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State Virginia,
County Henry, Supervisor's
District No. 5, Enumeration District No. 46, Sheet No. 12
Township or other division
of county Horse Pasture Dist., Name of Institution___,
Name of incorporated city town or village Martinsville
Town., Ward of city ___, Enumerated by me on the 20th day
of June, 1900, Norborne E. Pedigo, Enumerator , page 12a
written 4866
15 207 208 George
NANCE(**), Head, W,
M, Mch 1862, 38, Marr., 19, -, -, Virginia, Virginia,
16 207 208 (Mary
Elizabeth) Bettie (ROBERTSON) NANCE, Wife, W, F, 11 1859,
40, Marr., 19, 7, 6, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
17 207 208 (James) Hardin
NANCE, Son, M, W, Jun 1884, 16, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
18 207 208
Babe (Isaac) NANCE,
Son, M, W, Jun 1886, 15, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
19 207 208
Mollie (Lee) NANCE,
Dau., M, W, Dec 1887, 12, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
20 207 208
Jessie (Bernard)
NANCE, Son, M, W, Feb 1891,
9, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
21 207 208
John (Daniel)
NANCE, Son, M, W, Mch 1894,
6, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
22 207 208
Cora (Dell)
NANCE, Dau., M, W, Apr 1898,
2, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of James Clement? NANCE and
Sarah Anne CLARK)
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Virginia, County:
Henry, Sheet No.: 15,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 5, Enumeration District No. 48
Township or other division of county: Horse Pasture
Magisterial District, Name of Institute: ______ Name of
Incorporated city, town,
or village: Horse Past., Ward of City: ______ Enumerated
by me on the 28th day of June, 1900, Jon. A. Ward,
Enumerator. page: 53a
35 239 247 Brice SHULTZ, Head, W, M, Mar 1855, 45, Marr.,
23, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Manager Poor House
36 239 247 Ida SHULTZ, Wife, W, F, Jun 1857, 43, Marr.,
23, 4, 4, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
37 239 247 Felia? SHULTZ, Dau, W, F, Jun 1879, 21, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Teacher
38 239 247 Gertrude SHULTZ, Dau, W, F, May 1894, 6,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
39 239 247 Brice SHULTZ, Son, W, F, Sep 1895, 4, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
40 239 247 Helen SHULTZ, Dau, W, F, May 1899, 1, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
41 239 247 Criss NANCE(**), Servant, *, M, Jan
1858, 42, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farm
42 239 247 Hamb KELLEY, Servant, B, M, May 1871, 29,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Servant
(**Not sure who this is)
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Virginia, County:
Henry, Sheet No.: 2,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 5, Enumeration District No. 49
Township or other division of county: Irisburg Township,
Name of Institute: ______ Name of Incorporated city, town,
or village,:
________, Ward of City: ______ Enumerated by me on the 4th
day of June, 1900, Patrick H. Barker Jr.,
Enumerator. Page: 56a
10 - 22 23 Jno. R(iley) NANCE(**), Head, W, M, Feb, 1859, 41,
M, 19, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
11 - 22 23 Emma (Jackson (EARLES))
NANCE, Wife, W, F, Feb 1864, 36, M, 19, 7, 7, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
12 - 22 23 Stafford (Lee)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Jan 1881, 19, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, Farm Laborer
13 - 22 23 (William) Rorer
NANCE, Son, W, M, Feb 1885, 15, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, At School
14 - 22 23 James (Oliver)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Aug 1888, 11, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, At School
15 - 22 23 Dorsey (L.)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Oct 1891, 8, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, At School
16 - 22 23 Mattie (Lou)
NANCE, Dau, W, F, Aug 1893, 6, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
17 - 22 23 Clara (Ethel)
NANCE, Dau, W, F, Jul 1895, 4, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
17 - 22 23 Mollie (Jo)
NANCE, Dau, W, F, May 1899, 1, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
(**Son of James Garland "Crockett"
NANCE and Louisa Jane BARKER)
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Virginia, County:
Henry, Supervisor's Dist.
No. 5, Enumeration District No. 49, Sheet
No.: 2,
Township or other division of county: Irisburg Township,
Name of Institute: ______ Name of Incorporated city, town,
or village:
________, Ward of City: ______ Enumerated by me on the 4th
day of June, 1900, Patrick H. Barker Jr., Enumerator.
Page: 56A
41 - 26 27 (John)
Allen NANCE(**),
Head, W, M, Jan 1842, 58, Marr., 39, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Wheelwright
42 - 26 27 Zeriah (Thaney
(McDANIEL)) NANCE, Wife, W, F, Feb 1840, 59,
Marr., 39, 2, 1, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Pleasant NANCE and Eliza
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Virginia, County:
Henry, Supervisor's Dist.
No. 5, Enumeration District No. 49,
Sheet No.:
2, Township or other
division of county: Irisburg Township, Name of Institute:
______ Name of Incorporated city, town, or village:
________, Ward of City: ______ Enumerated by me on the 4th
day of June, 1900, Patrick H. Barker Jr., Enumerator.
Page: 56a
43 - 27 28 Nat(haniel) BARKER,
Head, W, M, Aug 1863, 37, M, 17, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Farmer
44 - 27 28 Eliza (Jane (NANCE**))
BARKER, Wife, W, F, Oct 1863, 36, M, 17, 9, 4, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
45 - 27 28 Bettie A. BARKER, Dau., W, F, Feb 1884, 16,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
46 - 27 28 Luzani BARKER, Dau., W, F, June 1886, 13,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
47 - 27 28 Nanni BARKER, Dau., W, F, May 1889, 11, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
48 - 27 28 Mimmi BARKER, Dau., W, F, Apr 1891, 9, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
49 - 27 28 Jno. COLE, Lodger, W, M, Aug 1876, 23, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farm Laborer
(**Dau of John Allen NANCE and
Zeriah Thaney MCDANIEL)
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State: Virginia,
County: Henry, Supervisor's
District No. 5, Enumeration District No. 50, Sheet
No. 1A, Township
or other division of county Irisburg District Part of,
Name of Institution___, Name of incorporated city town
or village ______, Ward of city ___, Enumerated by me on
the 1st day of June, 1900, James O. Stone, Enumerator ,
Page 65A
12 4 4 Lucy A. NANCE, Head,
B, F, Mar 1862, 48, Single, -, 1, 1, Virginia, Virginia,
13 4 4 Fanny A. NANCE, Dau, B, F, Feb 1875, 25, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farm Laborer
14 4 4 Jack NANCE(**),
Father, B, M, Apr 1815, 85, Widow, Virginia, Virginia,
15 4 4 Peter TRENT, Boarder, B, M, Feb 1891, 9, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Not sure who this is)
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State Virginia,
County Henry, Supervisor's
District No. 5, Enumeration District No. 50, Sheet
No. 5, Township or other
division of county Irisburg District (Part of), Name of
Institution___, Name of incorporated city town
or village ______, Ward of city ___, Enumerated by me on
the 8 day of June, 1900, James O. Stone, Enumerator page
4 71 71 William NANCE(**), Head, B, M, Jun
1872, 27, Marr., 4, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
5 71 71 Belle (GRANVILLE)
NANCE, Wife, B, F, Feb 1872, 28, Marr., 4, 2, 2, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
6 71 71 Girtrue NANCE, Dau., B, F, Jan 1898, 2, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
7 71 71 Maggie NANCE, Dau., B, F, Sep 1899, 8/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
8 71 71 Granville GLASF, Brother, B, F, Oct 1878, 21,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farm Laborour
(**Dock NANCE and Leana MARTIN)
1900 Tunstall, Pittsylvania, Virginia, Roll: 1723; Page: 1;PULASKI COUNTY
Population Schedule State Virginia, County
Pulaski, Supervisor's District No. 9, Enumeration District
No. 43, Sheet No. 11,
Township or other division of county Dublin Magistrial
District 1 (Part of), Name of Institution X, Name of
incorporated city
town or village X, Ward of city X, Enumerated by me
on the 12 day of June, 1900, Chas. M. Gifford, Enumerator
page 301 or 11b
60 199 204 (Elkanah) Alchanny NANCE(**),
Head, W, M, Mar 1848, 52, Marr., 26, Virginia, --,
Virginia, R. R. Watchman
61 199 204 Mollie (Mary
Clark (OWENS)) NANCE, Wife, W, F, Sep 1846, 53,
Marr., 26, 7, 6, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
62 199 204 Frank (Stone)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Apr 1878, 22, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, R. R. Laborer
63 199 204 Clara (Oveda)
NANCE, Dau., W, F, Jun 1879, 20, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
64 199 204 Beverly (Deaton)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Dec 1881,
18, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Laborer, T. Furnace
65 199 204 (George)
Rice NANCE, Son, W, M, Oct
1883, 16, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
66 199 204 (Sallie)
Maud (NANCE)
GARRITSON, Dau., W, F, Jun 1876, 23, Marr., 0, 1, 1,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
67 199 204 Hiram H GARRITSON, Grandson, W, M, May
1900, 0/12, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
68 199 204 Frank (Marion)
GARRITSON, Son-in-law, W, M, Nov 1869, 30, Marr., 0, -, -,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, R. R. Locomotive T**man
69 199 204 Maggie GARRITSON, Visitor, W, F, Dec 1888, 11,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Pleasant NANCE and Eliza
Schedule State Virginia, County Pulaski, Supervisor's
District No. 2839, Enumeration District No. 45, Sheet No.
Township or other division of county Hiwassie Magisterial
District Part of, Name of Institution X, Name of
incorporated city town or village
X, Ward of city X, Enumerated by me on the 2nd day of
June, 1900, William H. Showalter, Enumerator page 3346 or
57 32 34 Ira GRAHAM, Head, W, M, Nov 1833, 66, Marr., 35,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
58 32 34 Amanda GRAHAM, Wife, W, F, Jun 1844, 55, Marr.,
10, 9, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
59 32 34 Linda GRAHAM, Dau., W, F, Oct 1882, 17, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Servant
60 32 34 Lena M GRAHAM, Dau., W, F, Jul 1885, 14, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
61 32 34 Levie THORNTON, Dau., W, F, May 1872, 28, M, 7, 3
, 3, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Washwoman
62 32 34 William THORNTON, Grandson, W, M, May 1893, 7,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
63 32 34 Linsey THORNTON, Grandson, W, M, Aug 1894, 5,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
64 32 34 Lawrence THORNTON, Grandson, W, M, Dec 1895, M,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
65 32 34 Henry NANCE(**),
Boarder, W, M, Aug 1854, 46, Marr., 5, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Day Laborer, Can't read/write/speak English
might be the son of Pleasant NANCE and Eliza BARKER.
Can't find the rest of his family in census as of
2/23/2011, Dau. Allie below with RHODES?)
Schedule State Virginia, County Pulaski, Supervisor's
District No. 7, Enumeration District No. 45, Sheet No. 3,
Township or other division of county Hiwassie Magisterial
District Part of, Name of Institution X, Name of
incorporated city town
or village X, Ward of city X, Enumerated by me on
the 4 day of June, 1900, William H. Showatter, Enumerator
page 3352 or 40a
12 40 42 Alexander EAST, Head, W, M, Apr 1865, 35, M, 8,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
13 40 42 Sarah (NANCE**)
EAST, Wife, W, M (F*), Mar
1859, 41, Marr., 8, 3, 3, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Can't read, write, can speak English
14 40 42 Elma G. EAST, Dau., W, F, May 1886, 14, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, At School
12 40 42 Jesse J. EAST, Son, W, M, Jun 1890, 9, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
12 40 42 Lula EAST, Dau., W, F, Jun 1895, 5, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
12 40 42 Daisy EAST, Dau., W, F, Jul 1896, 4, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
12 40 42 P. Harvey EAST, Son, W, M, May 1898, 2, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(*M where sex is listed)
(**Dau. of Pleasant NANCE and Eliza F. BARKER)
Schedule State Virginia, County Pulaski, Supervisor's
District No. 9, Enumeration District No. 47, Sheet No. 7,
Township or other division of county Newbern District Part
of, Name of Institution X, Name of incorporated city town
or village
within the above division X, Ward of city X, Enumerated by
me on the 13 day of June, 1900, J. H. Altizer, Enumerator
page 3968 or 78a
21 118 120 James MORRIS, Head, W, M, Nov 1846, 53, Marr.,
32, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer
22 118 120 Nancie D. MORRIS, Wife, W, F, Apr 1851, 49,
Marr., 32, 10, 9, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
23 118 120 John S. MORRIS, Son, W, M, Dec 1876, 23,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farm laborer
24 118 120 Walter P. MORRIS, Son, W, M, Mar 1884, 16, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farm laborer
25 118 120 Sarah E. MORRIS, Dau., W, F, Jan 1887, 13, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
26 118 120 Clora M. MORRIS, Dau., W, F, Jul 1892, 7, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
27 118 120 Crocket C. NANCE(**), Boarder, W,
M, Dec 1876, 23, Widow, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Day
Laborer, Can read, write and speak English,
might be the son of Elkanah "Alcanie" NANCE and Sarah
PRICE, husband of Callie M. FARMER, she died 05 Oct 1899
in Pulaski County, VA)
Voter Registration recorded in 1902-1903
Name, Date of Birth, Age, Ocupation, State, Co., Prec, Date
A(lkena) NANCE(***) , 29 March 1848, 54, wheelright, 54, 18, 18 Dublin 13-Sep-19021910 VA CENSUS
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State: Virginia, County: Campbell, Township or other Division of County: Otter River District (part of),Schedule No. 1 -- Population State: Virginia,
County: Campbell, Township or other Division of County:
Lynchburg City,
Name of Incorporated Place ___, Name of Institution
___________________ Ward of city ___, Enumerated by me on
26 day of April, 1910, R. Bert ***thers, Enumerator
Supervisor's District No. 6, Enumeration District No. 83,
Sheet No. 16B page 146B
77 1004 248 328 Elmo H
GOODWIN, Head, M, W, 27, Marr. 1, 4, Virginia, Virginia,
78 1004 248 328 Kate
GOODWIN, Wife, F, W, 26, Marr. 1, 4, 2, 2, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
79 1004 248 328 Elmo
H GOODWIN, Son, M, W, 3, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
80 1004 248 328 William
GOODWIN, Son, M, W, 6/12,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
81 1004 248 328 Mary
BREAZEAL, Aunt, F, W, 50, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
82 1004 248 328 Ridgeway
HATCHER, Boarder, M, W, 19, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
83 1004 248 328 Julia NANCE(**),
Lodger, F, W, 26, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
84 1004 248 328 Eva
REED, Servant, F, Mul. 19, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
sure who this is)
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State: Virginia,
County: Campbell, Township or other Division of County:
Lynchburg City, Name
of Incorporated Place ___, Name of Institution
___________________ Ward of city ___, Enumerated by me on
the 26 day of April,
1910, R. Bert ***thers, Enumerator Supervisor's District
No. 6, Enumeration District No. 83, Sheet No. 16B page
85 1014 249 329 Layman CARROLL, Head, M, W, 52, Marr. 1,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
86 1014 249 329 Lucy
CARROLL, Wife, F, W, 52, Marr. 1, -, 0, 0, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
87 1014 249 329 Boarder NANCE(**),
Lodger, M, W, 30, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
88 1014 249 329 Isabell
BURKS, Servant, F, B, 50, Marr. 1, -, 11, 6, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
sure who this is)
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State: Virginia, County: Charles City, Supervisor's District No. 4, Enumeration District No. 19,FLOYD COUNTY
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State: Virginia, County: Henrico, Township or other Division of County: _________, Name ofSchedule No. 1
-- Population State: Virginia, County: Henrico, Township
or other Division of County: Fairfield District, Name
of Incorporated Place ________, Name of Institution
___________________ Ward of city ___, Enumerated by me on
the 27 day of April,
1910, W. M. Marryonan, Enumerator Supervisor's District
No. 304, Enumeration District No. 32 Sheet No. 19 page
117, Harvey Road
36 - 242 244 Marshall (F.) NANCE(**),
Head, M, W, 54, Marr. 1, 17, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
English, Laborer, Farm
37 - 242 244 Mary W. (LIVESAY) NANCE,
Wife, F, W, 42, Marr. 1, 17, 6, 6, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, English
38 - 242 244 Hugh NANCE, Son, M, W, 19, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English
39 - 242 244 Fletcher (Lee)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 11, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English
40 - 242 244 Leslie (Powell)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 10, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English
41 - 242 244 (Thomas) Nelson
NANCE, Son, M, W, 6, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English
42 - 242 244 (Mary) Evelyn
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 3, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English
(**Son of Thomas N. NANCE and Margaret A. (M.N.U.))
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State: Virginia, County: Henry, Township or other Division of County: Horse Pasture Magistrial DistrictISLE OF WRIGHT COUNTY
1910 Rocky Station, Lee, Virginia Page 70BMONTGOMERY COUNTY
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Montgomery,
Supervisor's District No. 6, Enumeration District No. 101,
Sheet No. 16B, Township or other division of county X,
Name of Institution X, Name of incorporated place Radford
City (Part of),
Ward of city East Ward, Enumerated by me on the 26 day of
April, 1910, M. G. Caldwell, Sheet 16B Enumerator page
5551 or 187a
69 - 323 331 Rice G. (George Rice) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 25,
Marr. 1, 2, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English,
70 - 323 331 Levy (C.
(ROBERTSON)) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 22, Marr. 1, 2,
1, 1, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, None
71 - 323 331 Beverly D(eaton)
NANCE(**), Brother, M, W, 27,
Marr. 1, 7, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English,
Inspector, Retting Railroad
72 - 323 331 Lula (Hoge (CARR))
NANCE, Sis-in-law, F, W, 26, Marr. 1, 7, 3, 1, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, English, None
73 - 323 331 Roy NANCE, Son, M, W, 4/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
74 - 323 331 Robert (Beverly)
NANCE, Nephew, M, W, 2, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, None
(**Sons of Elkanah "Alcanie" NANCE and Mary
Clark OWENS)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Montgomery,
Supervisor's District No. 6, Enumeration District No. 10,
Sheet No. 77A, Township or other division of county X,
Name of Institution X, Name of incorporated place Radford
Ward of city East Ward, Enumerated by me on the 26 day of
April, 1910, M. G. Caldwell, Enumerator page 5601 or 77a
22 332 340 Alkena NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 62,
Marr. 2, 36, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English,
Watchman, Railroad Crossing, Can read/write
23 332 340 Mary (Clark (OWENS))
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 63, Marr. 1, 36, 5, 5, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, English, None, can read/write
24 332 340 Frank (Stone)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 31, Marr. 1, 9, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, English, Brakeman, Railroad
25 332 340 Florence (HOLLY)
NANCE, Dau-in-law, F, W, 26, Marr. 1, 9, 1, 1, Tennessee,
Virginia, Tennessee, English, None, can read/write
26 332 340 Wilson NANCE, Grand-son, M, W, 2, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, None
27 332 340 Clara (Oveda)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 29, Marr. 1, 6, 2, 0, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, English, None
28 332 340 Stafford (Lee)
NANCE(*), Son-in-law, M, W,
28, Marr. 1, 6, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English,
Coal Engineer, Railroad, can read/write
(**Son of Pleasant NANCE and Eliza
(*Son of John Riley NANCE and Emma Jackson EARLES)
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia,
County Montgomery, Supervisor's District No. 6,
Enumeration District No. 101,
Sheet No. 18A, Township or other division of county X,
Name of Institution X, Name of incorporated place Radford
City (Part of),
Ward of city East Ward, Enumerated by me on the 27 day of
*****, 1910, M. G. Caldwell, Enumerator page 570 or 189a
47 357 366 Frank GARRETSON,
Head, M, W, 40, Marr. 2, 13, West Virginia, West Virginia,
Virginia, Boilermaker Railroad
48 357 366 (Sallie)
Maud (NANCE**)
Wife, F, W, 33, Marr. 1, 13, 3, 2, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, None
49 357 366 Denna GARRETSON,
Dau., F, W, 19, Single, Virginia, West Virginia, Virginia
50 357 366 Guy GARRETSON,
Son, M, W, 16, Single, Virginia, West Virginia, Virginia
Population Schedule --
Population State Virginia, County Montgomery, Supervisor's
District No. 6, Enumeration District No. 101,
Sheet No. 18A, Township or other division of county X,
Name of Institution X, Name of incorporated place Radford
City (Part of),
Ward of city East Ward, Enumerated by me on the 27 day of
*****, 1910, M. G. Caldwell, Enumerator page 570 or 189b
51 357 366 James GARRETSON,
Son, M, W, 9, Single, Virginia, West Virginia, Virginia
52 357 366 Mary GARRETSON,
Dau., F, W, 5, Single, Virginia, West Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Elkanah
"Alcanie" NANCE and Mary Clark OWENS)
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia,
County New Kent, Supervisor's District No. 306 ,
Enumeration District No.
59, Sheet No. 5B, Township or other division of county
Black Creek District, Name of incorporated place X, Ward
of city X,
Name of Institution X, Enumerated
by me on the 23 day of Apr, 1910, Lamuel M. Ellyson,
Enumerator, Page 202B
89 90 92 Garth H
BELKNAP, Head, M, W, 31, Marr. 1, 5, Indiana, Ohio,
90 90 92 Mary E (NANCE**)
BELKNAP, Wife, F, W, 31, Marr. 1, 5, 2, 2, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
91 90 92 Margaret V
BELKNAP, Dau., F, W, 4, Single, Virginia, Indiana,
92 90 92 Haber W BELKNAP, Dau., F, W, 2, Single,
Virginia, Indiana, Virginia
(**Dau. of John
Fleming NANCE and Margaret Collier CRUMP)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Norfolk,
Supervisor's District No. 2, Enumeration District No. 81,
No. 15b, Township or other division of county Washington
District (part of), Name of Institution X, Name of
incorporated place Radford City,
Ward of city East Ward, Enumerated by me on the 22nd day
of April, 1910, J. W. Gwynne, Enumerator, page 159,
Seaboard Avenue
81 68 302 318 Henry W. DUNNING, Head, M, W, 33, M1, 5, -,
-, North Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina,
English, Engineer
82 68 302 318 Johnnie C? DUNNING, Wife, F, W, 27, M1, 5,
2, 2, North Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina,
English, None
83 68 302 318 Winston J. DUNNING, Son, M, W, 4, Single,
Virginia, North Carolina, North Carolina, None
84 68 302 318 Helen E. DUNNING, Dau., F, W, 2, Single,
Virginia, North Carolina, North Carolina, None
85 68 302 318 William E. NANCE(**), Lodger, M, W, 19,
North Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina, English,
(**Not sure who this is)
1910 Chatham, Pittsylvania, Virginia Roll:
T624_1641; Page: 24A
26 251 252 William Daniel 82
Elmer L Daniel 62
James Daniel 38, Marr., 11
Mollie (NANCE**) Daniel, Dau.-in-law, F, W, 37, Marr.1,
11, 0, 0, VA, VA, VA
(**Dau. of Richard NANCE and Mary
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia,
County Pittsylvania, Supervisor's District No. 356,
Enumeration District No. 88,
Sheet No. 13B, Township or other division of county
Collands Magisterial District (part of), Name of
Institution X, Name of incorporated
place X, Ward of city X, Enumerated by me on the 4th day
of May, 1910, W. M. Lawrence, Enumerator, page 61B
91 233 239 Pomp NANCE(**), Head, M, Mul., 47,
Marr. 1, 16, -, -, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, English, Laborer, Farm Emp.
91 233 239 Millie
NANCE, Wife, F, Mul., 36, Marr. 1, 16, 2, 2, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, English, None
91 233 239 Willie
Lee NANCE, Son, M, Mul., 6, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, None
91 233 239 Zachariah
Lee NANCE, Son, M, Mul., 3/12 Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, None
(**Son of Spencer NANCE and unknown mother)
1910 Danville Ward 3, Danville (Independent City),
Pittsylvania County, Virginia, Page 70A, Sheet 7A
18 647 106 130 Foster T HARRIS, Head, M, W, 22, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
19 647 106 130 Maggie L(ou
(NANCE**)) HARRIS, Wife, F, W, 20, Marr.,
Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina
20 647 106 130 Clarence HARRIS, Son, M, W, 1 7/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee
21 647 106 130 Harvey HARRIS, Son, M, W, 1/12, Virginia,
Virginia, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Addison T. NANCE and Mary
Rebecca COBB)
1910 Danville Ward 3, Danville (Independent City),
Virginia Page 70A
27 645 108 132 William J(oseph)
CHAPMAM, Head, M, W, 30, Marr., 7, North Carolina, North
Carolina, North Carolina
28 645 108 132 Mary B(elle
(NANCE**)) CHAPMAM, Wife, F, W, 25, Marr., 7, 3,
2, North Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina
29 645 108 132 Dewey CHAPMAM, Son, M, W, 3, Single,
Virginia, North Carolina, North Carolina
30 645 108 132 Lauie CHAPMAM, Son, M, W, 1 5/12, Single,
Virginia, North Carolina, North Carolina
(**Dau. of Addison T.
NANCE and Mary Rebecca COBB)
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia,
County Pittsylvania, Supervisor's District No. 306,
Enumeration District No. 22,
Sheet No. 13B, Township or other division of county
Collands Magisterial District (part of), Name of
Institution X, Name of incorporated
place Danville City, Ward of city X, Enumerated by me on
the 22 day of April, 1910, William B. Prowlka?,
Enumerator, Page 87B
74 411 256 314 Addison T(oplady) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 59,
M1, 32, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Policeman,
75 411 256 314 Mary A. (Rebecca (COBB)) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 48, M1, 32,
10, 8, North Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina,
English, None
76 411 256 314 Ashley J(ohnson)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 22, Single,
North Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, English,
Laborer, Cotton Mill
77 411 256 314 James C(rawford)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 19, Single,
Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, English, Laborer, Cotton
78 411 256 314 George L(indsey) NANCE,
Son, M, W, 17, Single,
Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, English, Laborer, Cotton
79 411 256 314 Mattie M(atilda) NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 15, Single,
North Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, English,
Laborer, Cigarette Factory
80 411 256 314 Archy A(ddison)
NANCE, Dau., M, W, 14, Single,
North Carolina, Vitginia, North Carolina, English, None
81 411 256 314 Lilly SHRIEVER, Boarder, F, W, 17, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Seamstress, Pant
(**Son of Fountaine NANCE and Jemina
Vincent GRANT)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County
Pittsylvania, Supervisor's District No. 5, Enumeration
District No. 23,
Sheet No. 5A, Township or other division of county X, Name
of Institution X, Name of incorporated place City Danville
(part of),
Ward of city 4 (part of), Enumerated by me on the 18 day
of April, 1910, T. L. East, Enumerator, Page 103A, Stoker
39 156 71 90 William (Andrew) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 36,
Marr. 1, 17, North Carolina, North Carolina, North
Carolina, English, Carpenter, House
40 156 71 90 Bettie (Ann (BURTON))
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 32, Marr. 1, 17, 7, 4, North Carolina,
North Carolina, North Carolina, English, None
41 156 71 90 David (Franklin)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 14, Single, North Carolina, North
Carolina, North Carolina, English, Folder, Cotton Mill
42 156 71 90 Annie (Frances)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 11, Single, North Carolina, North
Carolina, North Carolina, English, None
43 156 71 90 Taylor (McKinley)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 9, Single, North Carolina, North
Carolina, North Carolina, None
44 156 71 90 (Mary) Alice
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 1 1/12, Single, Virginia, North
Carolina, North Carolina, None
(**Son of William Emsley NANCE and
Cynthia D. WILLIAMS)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County
Pittsylvania, Supervisor's District No. 306 , Enumeration
No. 114, Sheet No. 1A, Township or other division of
county Turnstall Magistrial District, Name of Institution
X, Name of incorporated
place X, Ward of city X, Enumerated by me on the 15 day of
April, 1910, Harry E. Long, Enumerator, page 205a, Daniel
Ferry Road
41 - 7 8 Callhill NANCE(**), Head, M, B, 62, Marr. 3,
22, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Farmer, General
Farm, Emp
42 - 7 8 Susie NANCE, Wife, F, B, 40, Marr. 1, 22, 4, 2,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, None
43 - 7 8 Vereenie? NANCE, Dau., F, B, 17, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Farm Laborer, House
44 - 7 8 Biddie MCDANIEL, Neice, F, B, 8, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, None
45 - 7 8 Mary MCDANIEL, Neice, F, B, 7, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, None
(**Parents unknown)
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia,
County Pittsylvania, Supervisor's District No. 306 ,
Enumeration District
No. 114, Sheet No. 14B, Township or other division of
county Turnstall Magistrial District, Name of incorporated
place X,
Ward of city X,Name of
Institution X, Enumerated by
me on the 12 day of May, 1910, Harry E. Long, Enumerator,
Page 218B
265 275 William F MABES, Head, M, W, 49, Marr. 1, 28,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
93 265 275 Mary
J(oe (NANCE**))
MABES, Wife, F, W, 47, Marr. 1, 28, 11, 6,
94 265 275 Rufis
F(ountain) MABES, Son, M, W, 21, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
95 265 275 Mely
V MABES, Dau., F, W, 15,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
96 265 275 (Thomas)
Tommy J(efferson) MABES, Son,
M, W, 12, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
97 265 275 James
M MABES, Son, M, W, 8,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
98 265 275 Harry
MABES, Son, M, W, 4,
Single,Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of James Garland "Crockett"
NANCE and Louisa Jane BARKER)
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Pulaski, Supervisor's District No. 9 Enumeration DistrictRichmond City {Independent City}
1910 Richmond Washington Ward, Richmond
(Independent City), Virginia 15A
46 1319 240 279 James G(arrett)
LAFOON, Head, M, W, 29, Marr.,7, Virginia, Virginia,
47 1319 240 279 Bettie B (NANCE**)
LAFOON, Wife, F, W, 28, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
48 1319 240 279 Virginia LAFOON, Dau., F, W, 5,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
49 1319 240 279 Lucy F(rances (HUGHES)) NANCE(*), Mother-in-law,
F, W, 72, Widow, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Archibald NANCE and Lucy
Frances HUGHES)
(*Widow of Archibald NANCE, Son of Paschal Washington
NANCE Sr. and Martha "Patsey" CREASY)
1910 Richmond Washington Ward, Richmond
(Independent City), Virginia
53 217 171 201 Geo(rge) P(ittman) GAY, Head, M, W, 43,
Marr., 4, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
54 217 171 201 Viola
(L. (NANCE**)) GAY, Wife, F,
W, 42, Marr. 2, 4, 2, 2, Virginia,
55 217 171 201 Bessie
L GAY, Dau., F, W, 7/12, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
56 217 171 201 Louise C Nance, (Step-)Dau., F, W, 18, Single,
Milliner, Can
(**Dau. of Walter NANCE and Sarah A.
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Roanoke,
Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration District No. 108,
Sheet No. 3B, Township or other division of county____, Name
of incorporated place Roanoke City, Ward
of city Highland
(part of), Name of
Institution X, Enumerated by
me on the 16 day of April, 1910, Floyd E. Ellis,
Enumerator, Page 3B
68 512 46 56 Mary (OVERSTREET) NANCE(**), Head, F, W, 50,
Widow, -, 3, 1, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English,
Proptier?, Boarding House
69 512 46 56 (John) William
W. WOMACK, Son-in-law, M, W, 23, M1, 0, -, -, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, English, Carpenter, Rail Road
70 512 46 56 Tessa (Juderson
(NANCE)) WOMACK, Dau., F, W, 18, M1, 0, 0, 0,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, None
71 512 46 56 Melford OVERSTREET, Boarder, M, W, 22, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
English, Salesman, Dry Goods
72 512 46 56 Howard CLAYTON, Boarder, M, W, 22, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Collector, ***
Trust Co.
73 512 46 56 Howard LONGHORN, Boarder, M, W, 23, M1, 2,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Carpenter, R. Road
74 512 46 56 Hetty LONGHORN, Boarder, F, W, 22, M1, 2, 0,
0, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, None
75 512 46 56 Carey GARDEN, Boarder, M, W, 25, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
English, Laborer, Gre** House
76 512 46 56 Elbert MERRILL, Boarder, M, W, 19, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Carpenter, House
(**Widow of James NANCE, son of
Archibald NANCE and Lucy F. HUGHES)
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia,
County Roanoke, Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration
District No. 109,
Sheet No. 4B, Township or other division of county____, Name
of incorporated place Roanoke City, Ward
of city Jefferson,
Name of Institution X, Enumerated
by me on the 18 day of April, 1910, Jack Bray, Enumerator,
Page 23B
55 86 L(aben) I(vey)
Head, M, W, 36, Marr. 1, 11, North Carolina, North Carolina,
North Carolina
55 86 (Evangeline) Fanny (JACKSON) NANTZ, Wife, F, W, 30,
Marr. 1, 11, 2, 2, North Carolina, North Carolina, North
55 86 Grace NANTZ, Dau., F, W, 9, Single, North Carolina,
North Carolina, North Carolina
55 86 (William) Graham NANTZ,
Son, M, W, 6, Single, North Carolina, North Carolina, North
of David Lawson NANTZ and Frances C. HOVIS)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Roanoke,
Supervisor's District No. 6, Enumeration District No. 105,
Sheet No. 9A, Township or other division of county X, Name
of Institution X, Name of incorporated place Roanoke City
(part of),
Ward of city Jefferson? (part of), Enumerated by me on the
19 day of April, 1910, Joel Asberry, Enumerator, page 38A
43 109 130 155 Elbert HANCOCK, Head, M, W, 32, Marr. 1, 5,
0, 0, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Car Builder,
R. R. Shop
44 109 130 155 Cara HANCOCK, Wife, M, W, 36, Marr. 1, 5,
0, 0, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, None
45 109 130 155 Kate NANCE(**), Boarder, F, W, 27,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, **all* Lady, Dry
46 109 130 155 Kasy? CAULLY?, Boarder, M, W, 21, Single,
-, 0, 0, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Helper, R.
R. Shop
sure who this is)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Roanoke,
Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration District No. 111,
Sheet No. **A, Township or other division of county
District 9, Name of Institution X, Name of incorporated
place Roanoke City
(part of), Ward of city Highland (part of), Enumerated by
me on the 21 day of April, 1910, Edmund S Ridge,
Enumerator, page 64A
5 504 239 288 John T(homas) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 47,
Marr. 1, 5, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English,
Salesman, Dry Goods Store
6 504 239 288 Mary E(ugenia
(ABERNATHY)) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 36, Marr. 1, 5,
0, 0, South Carolina, South Carolina, South Carolina,
English, None
(**Son of Thomas Whitfield NANCE
and Elizabeth Jane JOHNSON)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Roanoke,
Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration District No. 122,
Sheet No. 1A, Township or other division of county X, Name
of Institution X, Name of incorporated place Roanoke City
(part of), Ward
of city Melrose (part of),Enumerated by me on the 15th day
of April, 1910, Elizabeth H. Patterson, Enumerator, Page
162A, First Avenue
41 715 8 11 Charles OPENCHAIN?, Head, M, W, 73, Marr. 2,
46, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
42 715 8 11 Mary OPENCHAIN?, Wife, F, W, 66, Marr. 2, 46,
5, 3, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Keeper,
Boarding House
43 715 8 11 Lavinia TROUT, Dau., F, W, 42, Widow, 8, 3, 3,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Helper, Boarding
44 715 8 11 Guy TROUT, Grand Son, M, W, 11, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
45 715 8 11 Reine? TROUT, Grand Dau., F, W, 8, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
46 715 8 11 Mildred TROUT, Grand Dau., F, W, 4, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
47 715 8 11 Dennis CALDWELL, Boarder, M, W, 27, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Fireman, Railroad
48 715 8 11 Henry STONE, Boarder, M, W, 26, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Fireman, Railroad
49 715 8 11 William NANCE(**), Boarder, M, W, 50,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Shipping
Clerk, Wholesale Dry Goods
50 715 8 11 Gertrude BOOTHE, Boarder, F, W, 27, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, Seamstress, Overall
(**Not sure who this is)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Roanoke,
Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration District No. 123,
Sheet No. 3A, Township or other division of county X, Name
of Institution X, Name of incorporated place Roanoke City
(part of),
Ward of city Melrose (part of), Enumerated by me on the
16th day of April, 1910, Oliver L. White, Enumerator, page
28 1031 28 32 Lewis Z(olley) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 30,
Marr. 1, 10, Indian Territory, Virginia, North Carolina,
English, Fireman?, Railroad
29 1031 28 32 Rebecca (GODBY)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 22?, Marr. 1, 10, 3, 3, North Carolina,
North Carolina, North Carolina, English, None
30 1031 28 32 Mamie L. NANCE, Dau., F, W, 7, Single,
North Carolina, Indian Territory, North Carolina
31 1031 28 32 Ella M(ae)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 6, Single,
North Carolina, Indian Territory, North
32 1031 28 32 Calvin M(onroe)
NANCE, Son, F, W, 2, Single,
Virginia, Indian Territory, North Carolina
33 1031 28 32 (Lydia) Lidda
(Ann (BENSON)) NANCE(*), Mother, F, W, 60, Widow, -,
4, 3, North Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina,
English, None
34 1031 28 32 Naomi NANCE, Sister, F, W, 27, Single,
Indian Territory, Virginia, North Carolina, English, ****,
(**Son of Martin Van Buren NANCE and
of Martin Van Buren NANCE, son of unknown parents)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Roanoke,
Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration District No. 126,
Sheet No. 6B, Township or other division of county X, Name
of Institution X, Name of incorporated place Roanoke City
(part of),
Ward of city Melrose (part of), Enumerated by me on the
19th day of April, 1910, Waller D. Booth, Enumerator, page
76 1302 99 115 Richard (Earl) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 29,
Marr. 1, 3, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia,
English, Moulder, Rail R. Shops?
77 1302 99 115 (Alice)
Beatrice (DOWDY) NANCE,
Wife, F, W, 24, Marr. 1, 3, 1, 1, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, English, None
78 1302 99 115 Helen B. NANCE, Dau., F, W, 1 3/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, None
(**Son of Archibald NANCE and Lucy
HUGHES. As listed on death certificate)
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia,
County Smyth, Supervisor's District No. 9 Enumeration
District No. 82,
Sheet No. 22A, Township or other division of county Seven
Mile Ford Precinct, Name of Institution X, Name of
place X, Ward of city X, Enumerated by me on the 2 day of
May, 1910, William *****, Enumerator, Page 56A
30 138 139 Willia G LEWIS, Head, M, W, 55, Marr. 1, 28,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
31 138 139 Mary B LEWIS, Wife, F, W, Marr. 1, 28, 1, 1,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
32 138 139 Dora E
NANCE(*), F, W, 25,
Marr. 1, 11/12, 1, 1, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
33 138 139 John W
NANCE(*), Grand Son,
M, W, 11/12, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
34 138 139 John R
Son-in-law, M, W, 24, Single(**), Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
35 138 139 Mahaly BARTLEY, -, F, W, 26, Single, West
Virginia, West Virginia, West Virginia
(*Last name maybe suppose to be
MANTZ, Shown as MANTZ in 1920 and 1930)
(**What's on census, suppose to be
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Washington,
Supervisor's District No. 9 Enumeration District
No. 6, Sheet No. 22A, Township or other division of county
Bristol City (Part of), Name of Institution X, Name of
place X, Ward of city X, Enumerated by me on the 29th day
of April, 1910, John B. Keller, Enumerator, Page 38A
35 - 229 229 Emmit? NANCE(**),
Head, M, W, 50, Marr. 1, 30, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
English, ****, School Teacher?
36 - 229 229 Margaret NANCE, Wife,
F, W, 46, Marr. 1, 30, 0, 0, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
English, None
37 - 229 229 Ray NANCE, Adopted Son, M, W, 16, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
English, None
38 - 229 229 Sarah CALLIN, Neice?, F, W, 14, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, English, None
(**Not sure who this is)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Washington,
Supervisor's District No. 9th Enumeration District
No. 124, Sheet No. 5B, Township or other division of
county Abingdon Mag. District (part of) Name of
Institution X, Name of
incorporated place X, Ward of city X, Enumerated by me on
the 20 day of April, 1910, Basil H. Musick, Enumerator,
page 141
59 - 65 70 Henry NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 69,
Marr. 3, 7, Tennessee, Virginia, Tennessee, English,
Laborer, Odd Jobs
60 - 65 70 Sarah NANCE, Wife, F, W, 53, Marr. 2, 7, 7, 7,
Tennessee, -, -, None
(**Not sure who this is)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Amherst,
Supervisor's District No. 10 Enumeration District
No. 13, Sheet No. 20B, Township or other division of
county Elon Mags. Dist. Name of Institution State
Epileptic Colony, Name
of incorporated place X, Ward of city X, Enumerated by me
on the 12 day of Jan., 1920, J. M. Ware, Enumerator, page
86 - - - Ellen NANCE(**), M, W, 19, Marr.,
North Carolina, United States, United States, Patient
sure who this is)
1920 Chamblissburg, Bedford, Virginia, 14A
35 287 Benjaman H(oward) Nance(**), Head, M, W, 40,
Widow(*), Virginia, Virginia,
(**Son of Elisha Derastus NANCE and
Sallie J. HANCOCK)
(*Divorced, his ex - Hattie Brown WHORLEY, remarried and
is living in Roanoke with their 2 daughters)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Bedford,
Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration District No.
46, Sheet No. 20B, Township or other division of county
Goodes Township, Name of incorporated place X, Ward of
X, Name of X, Enumerated by me on the 9 day of Jan., 1920,
Charles L. Rayster?, Enumerator, page 6A
22 - 78 78 Albert T. NEWMAN, Head, 0, F, M, W, 57, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Wheelwright, Oen Shop
23 - 78 78 Emma *. NEWMAN, Wife, F, W, 59, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, None
24 - 78 78 Guy *. NEWMAN, Son, M, W, 20, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, None
25 - 78 78 (Joseph)
Joe C(line) NANCE(**), None, M, W, 22,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Auto Mechanic
(**Son of Samuel Hughes NANCE and
Susan Elizabeth "Susie" ADAMS)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Bedford,
Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration
District No. 53, Sheet No. 4A, Township or other division
of county Forest District, Name of incorporated place X,
Ward of city X, Name of X, Enumerated by me on the 23 day
of Jan., 1920, W. J. Hubbard, Enumerator, page 94A
29 Fm 61 63 William P(leasant) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 80,
Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer, General Farm
30 Fm 61 63 Sarah P(orter
(CHEATWOOD)) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 77, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, None
31 Fm 61 63 Lula P(reston)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 46, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
32 Fm 61 63 Calvin T. HUGHES, Adopted Son, M, W, 11,
Single, Virginia, North Carolina, Virginia
(**Son of Thaddeus Christopher?
NANCE and Sally "Sarah" JOHNSTON)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Bedford,
Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration
District No. 58, Sheet No. 9A, Township or other division
of county Liberty District, Name of incorporated place X,
Ward of city X, Name of X, Enumerated by me on the 21st
day of Jan., 1920, Joshua Kings? Enumerator, page 153A
7 Fm 121 123 William A(bner) NANCE(**), Head, 0, F, M, W,
59, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Farmer, General
8 Fm 121 123 Lillian B. (Vernon
(WHORLEY)) NANCE, Wife, -, -, F, W, 50, Marr., Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, None
9 Fm 121 123 Melba (Claire)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 23, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
10 Fm 121 123 Peter O(tey)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 22, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Teacher, Public School
11 Fm 121 123 Rosser B(urton)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 20, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Farmer , General Farm
12 Fm 121 123 Harold (Albert)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 18, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Farmer , Home Farm
13 Fm 121 123 (Thomas) Edward
NANCE, Son, M, W, 16, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Farmer , Home Farm
14 Fm 121 123 (Joseph) Alton
NANCE, Son, M, W, 14, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Farmer , Home Farm
15 Fm 121 123 Ivan (V.)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 10, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Albert F. NANCE and Jane
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Bedford,
Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration District
No. 59, Sheet No. 4B, Township or other division of
county Liberty District, Name of incorporated place
Bedford Town,
Ward of city X, Name of X, Enumerated by me on the 6th day
of Jan., 1920, Roy T. Butien? Enumerator, page 171B
81 305 85 92 Thadeus H(aywood) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 42,
Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Tabacco ***, Emp, -,
82 305 85 92 Mary L(ena (ROBERTSON))
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 48, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
83 305 85 92 Hubert R(obertson)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 14, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
84 305 85 92 McHenry NANCE, Son, M, W, 12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
85 305 85 92 Robert F(rancis)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 5, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
86 305 85 92 George W(illiam) NANCE,
Son, M, W, 3 6/12, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of
McHenry P. NANCE and Mildred Matilda PETERS)
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Bedford,
Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration District
No. 59, Sheet No. 30B, Township or other division of
county Liberty District, Name of incorporated place
Bedford Town,
Ward of city X, Name of X, Enumerated by me on the 27th
& 28th day of Jan., 1920, Roy T. Butien? Enumerator,
page 197B
57 - 625 657 George R(adford) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 37,
Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Tabacco ***, Owner
****, Emp, -
57 - 625 657 Myrtle (Leigh
(CARNER)) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 36, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of McHenry P. NANCE and
Mildred Matilda PETERS)
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Buckingham, Supervisor's District No. 10 Enumeration DistrictCAMPBELL COUNTY
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Campbell, Supervisor's District No. 6 Enumeration DistrictCHARLES CITY COUNTY
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Charles City, Supervisor's District No. 2 Enumeration DistrictELIZABETH CITY COUNTY
1920 Chesapeake, Elizabeth City, Virginia Roll: T625_1887; Page: 7AFLUVANNA COUNTY
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State Virginia, County Fluvanna, Supervisor's District No. 10, Enumeration District No. 94,GILES COUNTY
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State Virginia, County Giles, Supervisor's District No. 9, Enumeration District No. 30, Sheet No. 14B,HANOVER COUNTY
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State Virginia, County Hanover, Supervisor's District No. 3, Enumeration District No. 361, SheetHENRICO COUNTY
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Henrico, Supervisor's District No. 3 Enumeration District No. 43, SheetHENRY COUNTY
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State Virginia, County Henry, Supervisor's District No. 5, Enumeration District No. 106,KING WILLIAM COUNTY
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County King William, Supervisor's District No. 3rd Enumeration DistrictMONTGOMERY COUNTY
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State Virginia,
County Montgomery, Supervisor's District No. 6,
Enumeration District No. 11,
Sheet No. 11A, Township or other division of county ______
Name of incorporated place Radford City, Ward of city
Name of Institution___, Enumerated by me on the 8 day of
Jan., 1920, Hollis H. Howard, Enumerator page 8151 or a
38 215 241 Frank M(arion) GARRETSON,
Head, M, W, 51, Marr., West Virginia, West Virginia, West
39 215 241 (Sallie)
Maude (NANCE**)
Wife, F, W, 42, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
40 215 241 James H GARRETSON,
Son, M, W, 19, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
41 215 241 Pearl GARRETSON,
Dau.-in-law, F, W, 18, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
42 215 241 Mary GARRETSON,
Dau., F, W, 15, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
43 215 241 Mozelle I
GARRETSON, (Grand-)Dau.(*), F, W, 7/12 ,
Single, Virginia, Virginia,
(**Dau. of Elkanah "Alcanie" NANCE and Mary
Clark OWENS)
(*Suppose to be Grand-dau.)
Schedule No. 1 --
Population State Virginia, County Montgomery, Supervisor's
District No. 6, Enumeration District No. 17,
Sheet No. 1, Township or other division of county Radford
Name of incorporated place Radford City, Ward of city
Name of Institution___, Enumerated by me on the 2 day of
Jan., 1920, Hollis H. Howard, Enumerator, Page ??a
43 9 9 Beverly D(eaton) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 39, Married, Can
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
44 9 9 Lula (Hoge (CARR))
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 36,
Married, Can read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
45 9 9 Robert (Beverly)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 11,
Single, Attends School, Can read/write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
46 9 9 Lucile NANCE, Dau.,
F, W, 8, Single, Attends School, Virginia, Virginia,
47 9 9 Louisa NANCE, Dau.,
F, W, 8, Single, Attends School, Virginia, Virginia,
48 9 9 Woodrow R(ussell "Woody")
NANCE, Son, M, W, 6, Single,
Does not Attend School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
49 9 9 Helen NANCE, Dau., F,
W, 4 6/12, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
50 9 9 Ruby NANCE, Dau., F, W, 1 4/12, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(Bottom of page is unreadable filled
in with green what I have)
(**Son of Elkanah "Alcanie" NANCE and Mary
Clark OWENS)
Schedule No. 1
-- Population State Virginia, County Montgomery,
Supervisor's District No. 6, Enumeration District
No. 17, Sheet No. 3, Township or other division of county
Radford Name of incorporated place Radford City, Ward of
East, Name of Institution___, Enumerated by me on the 3
day of Jan., 1920, Hollis H. Howard, Enumerator, Page 60a
43 51 57 NANCE L. STAFFORD(**), Head, M, W, 38,
Single(*), Can read/write,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Speaks English, ???, coal
45 51 57 Clara (Oveda (NANCE)) NANCE,
Wife, F, W, 38, Single(*),
Can read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Speaks
English, Occupation none
46 51 57 Wallace R. NANCE, Son, M, W, 7, Single, Attends
School, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, None,
47 51 57 Ray NANCE, Son, M, W, 5, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, None
48 51 57 Mary (Clark (OWENS)) NANCE,
Mother(-in-law***) F, W, 70,
Single, Can read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
Speaks English, None
(**This is what is on census,
suppose to be Stafford Lee NANCE, son of John Riley NANCE and
Emma Jackson EARLES)
(*What is listed
on census, suppose to be marr.)
(***Suppose to be mother-in-law,
this is Clara's mother)
(Clara Oveda NANCE is the dau. of Elkanah "Alcanie"
NANCE and Mary Clark OWENS)
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia,
County New Kent County, Supervisor's District No. 3
Enumeration District
No. 58, Sheet No. 9A, Township or other division of county
Black Creek District, Name of incorporated place ____,
of city____, Name of
Institution X, Enumerated by
me on the 21 day of Jan, 1920, John W. Black, Enumerator,
Page 97A
16 Fm 169 217
Whitmell P TUNSTALL, Head, M, W, 30, Marr., Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
17 Fm
169 217 (Alice Elizabeth)
Bessie (NANCE**)
TUNSTALL, Wife, F, W, 35, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
18 Fm
169 217 Manly
W TUNSTALL, Son, M, W, 6, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
19 Fm
169 217 Littleberry
N TUNSTALL, Son, M, W, 3,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
20 Fm
169 217 Garnett
E TUNSTALL, Son, M, W, 3/12,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Littlebury
Manley NANCE and Edmonia D. TAYLOR)
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Norfolk County, Supervisor's District No. 2 Enumeration DistrictPITTSYLVANIA COUNTY
1920 Callands, Pittsylvania, Virginia Roll: T625_1904; Page: 15APortsmouth (Independent City)
Population Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Norfolk, Supervisor's District No. -- Enumeration District No. ---,PULASKI COUNTY
Schedule -- Population State Virginia, County Pulaski,
Supervisor's District No. 9 Enumeration District No. 60,
Sheet No. 8B, Township or other division of county
Hiwassee District, Name of Institution X, Name of
incorporated place X,
Ward of city X, Enumerated by me on the 10 - 11 day of
February, 1920, W. J. Funk, Enumerator, page 62b
57 126 * Alexander EAST, Head, M, W, 56, Marr., Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
58 126 * Sarah (NANCE**) EAST, Wife, F, W, 60, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
59 126 * Harvey EAST, Son, M, W, 20, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
60 126 * (Viola
EAST, Dau.-in-law, F, W, 17, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
(**Dau. of Pleasant
NANCE and Eliza F. BARKER)
Schedule No. 1
-- Population State Virginia, County Pulaski, Supervisor's
District No. 9, Enumeration District No. 61, Sheet
No. 14B, Township or other division of county Newbern
Magistrial District Name of incorporated place ___, Ward
of city ____,
Name of Institution___, Enumerated by me on the 23rd and
24th day of Jan., 1920, K. B. Alexander, Enumerator Page
52 FM 261 262 Joseph C(rockett) NANCE(**), Head, R, -, M, W,
46, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia , Farm Laborer,
General Farm
53 FM 261 262 Laura B(elle (SMITH))
NANCE, Wife, -, -, F, W, 46, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
54 FM 261 262 Emory L(ee)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 16, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
55 FM 261 262 Janie E(lizabeth)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 14, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
56 FM 261 262 Virginia A. NANCE, Dau., F, W, 8, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
57 FM 261 262 Guy? FARMER, Step Son, M, W, 22, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
of Elkanah "Alcanie" NANCE and Mary Clark OWENS)
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State Virginia,
County Pulaski, Supervisor's District No. 9, Enumeration
District No. 68, Sheet
No. 5A, Township or other division of county Pulaski Mag.
Dist. Name of incorporated place Pulaski, Ward of city 2,
of Institution___, Enumerated by me on the 7th and 8 day
of Jan., 1920, Tyler H. Stafford, Enumerator, Page 123A
33 78 81 Bruce HELTON,
Head, R, M, W, 23, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
34 78 81 Mary HELTON, Wife, F, W, 22, Marr., Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
35 78 81 Thelma HELTON, Dau?, F, W, 4 7/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
36 78 81 Vick (Victoria (EAGLE)) NANCE(**), Mother, F, W, 57,
Widow, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
37 78 81 Thomas HILL, Boarder, M, W, 59, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Widow of John Allen NANCE, son of
Pleasant NANCE and Eliza F. BARKER)
Schedule No. 1
-- Population State Virginia, County Pulaski, Supervisor's
District No. 9, Enumeration District No.
64, Sheet No. 5A, Township or other division of county
______ Name of incorporated place Pulaski, Ward of city 2,
Name of Institution___, Enumerated by me on the 7th and 8
day of Jan., 1920, M*y V. Pillock, Enumerator Page 142A
74 *** 83 106 Frank S(tone) NANCE(**), Head, R, -, M, W,
39, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
75 *** 83 106 Florance (HOLLY)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 36, Marr., Tennessee, Virginia,
76 *** 83 106 Wilson (Witt)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 12, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
77 *** 83 106 Dana (Doris)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 9, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
78 *** 83 106 (Frank) Rufus
NANCE, Son, M, W, 6, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee
(**Son of Elkanah "Alcanie" NANCE
and Mary Clark OWENS)
1920 Pulaski Ward 2, Pulaski, Virginia 12B
55 246 (Joe) Mack WYRICK,
Head, M, W, 28, Marr, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
56 246 Norah (NANCE**) WYRICK,
Wife, F, W, 22, Marr, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
57 246 Mack WYRICK Jr., Son, M, W, 8, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
58 246 Clyde WYRICK, Son, M, W, 5, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
59 246 Dorothy WYRICK, Dau., F, W, 1 6/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Jesse NANCE and E.
(Independent City)
1920 Richmond Madison Ward, Richmond (Independent
City), Virginia 8A
13 155 Robert E COOK, Head, M, W, 45, Marr., Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
14 155 Mattie (NANCE**) COOK,
Wife, F, W, 47, Marr., Virginia
15 155 Archie COOK, Son, M, W, 23, Virginia, Virginia,
16 155 Minnie COOK, Dau., F, W, 15, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
17 155 Bettie (NANCE**)
Lafoon, Sister-in-law, F, W, 37, Widow, VA
18 155 Virginia Lafoon Niece-in-law, F, W, 14,
Single, Virginia
of Archibald NANCE and Lucy Frances HUGHES)
1920 Richmond Madison Ward, Richmond (Independent
City), Virginia 29B
92 622 1011 Thomas A(rchibald) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 47,
Marr.,Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
93 622 1011 (Margaret) Maggie
(HALL) Nance Wife
F 41
94 622 1011 Hetty Nance Daughter
F 16
95 622 1011 Erlean N Nance Daughter
F 13
96 622 1011 Eva Nance Daughter
F 11
97 622 1011 Adelaide Nance Daughter
F 9
98 622 1011 Audrey A Nance Daughter
F 3
(**Son of Archibald NANCE and Lucy
Frances HUGHES)
1920 Richmond Madison Ward, Richmond (Independent
City), Virginia 142B
98 217 93 107 George P GAY, Head, M, W, 54, Marr,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
99 217 Viola L (NANCE**)
GAY, Wife, F, W, 52, Marr, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
100 217 Calub U NEWBY, Son-in-law, M, W, 28, Marr,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Richmond Madison Ward,
Richmond (Independent City), Virginia 143A
1 217 Bessie L NEWBY, Dau., F, W, 27, Marr,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
2 217 Thelma L NEWBY, Dau., F, W, 5, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
3 217 Jane A NEWBY, Dau., F, W, 1 4/12, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Walter NANCE and Sarah A.
1920 Richmond Lee Ward, Richmond (Independent
City), Virginia 109A Sheet 2A
16 1218 25 29 Allan (Page)
WALKER, Head, M, W, 44, Marr, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
17 1218 25 29 Electra N (NANCE**) WALKER,
Wife, F, W, 43, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
18 1218 25 29 Frances P WALKER,
Dau., F, W, 5, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
19 1218 25 29 Mary E WALKER,
Dau., F, W, 3, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
(**Dau. of Benjamin NANCE and Sallie
Glarster MAJOR)
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State Virginia, County Roanoke, Supervisor's District No. 6, Enumeration District No. 23, Sheet No. 31B,TAZEWELL COUNTY
Schedule No. 1 -- Population State Virginia, County Tazewell, Supervisor's District No. 9, Enumeration District No. 130, Sheet No. 15A,MONTGOMERY COUNTY
Vol. 63 E.D. 17 Sheet 1 Line 43
Beverly O. (Deaton) NANCE,
(Male), W, 39, VA,
Montgomery, Radford, VA
Lula (Bell CARR) NANCE, Wife,
36, VA
Robert (Beverly) NANCE, Son,
11, VA (listed in NANCE REGISTER as
"The largest single contributor to Part I")
Lucile NANCE, Dau., 8, VA
Louise NANCE, Dau., 8, VA
Woodrow R(ussell "Woody")
NANCE, Son, 6, VA (My Grandfather)
Vol. 27 E.D. 31 Sheet 10 Line 43 (these 2 belong
Helen NANCE, Dau., 4 6/12, VA
Ruby T. NANCE, Dau., 1 11/12, VA
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: __________, County: Amherst, Ward of City: ________, Block No: ____ TownshipBEDFORD COUNTY
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: __________, County: Bedford, Ward of City: _______________, Block No: ____Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: _____, County: Buckingham, Ward of City: _______________, Block No: ____
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: Lynchburg City, County: Campbell, Ward of City: 2 (part of), Block No: ____CHARLES CITY COUNTY
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: _____, County: Charles City, Ward of City: _______________, Block No: ____Charlottesville {Independent City}
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: Charlottsville, County: ___________, Ward of City: 4th pt., Block No: 505,FLUVANNA COUNTY
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: _____, County: Fluvanna, Ward of City: _______________, Block No: ____GILES COUNTY
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: _____, County: Giles, Ward of City: _______________, Block No: ____HANOVER COUNTY
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: _____, County: Hanover, Ward of City: _______________, Block No: ____HENRICO COUNTY
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: Richmond City, County: Henrico, Ward of City: Lee, Block No: 611,HENRY COUNTY
Schedule State: Virginia, County: Henry, Incorporated
place: _____, Ward of City: Raleigh Court # 1, Block
No: ____
Township or other division of county: Quatermoon?
District Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution:
__________, Enumeration
District No. 45-6 Supervisor's District No. 10, Sheet
No. 4B, Enumerated by me on April 8 1930, Mrs. D. F.
Roach, Enuerator, Page: 4B
52 - 63 64 John (Henry) NANCE,
Head, M, Neg., 78, Marr., 32, Virginia, Virginia,
Virginia, Farmer, General Farm
53 - 63 64 Annie (B. (ALLEN))
NANCE, Wife, F, Neg., 57, Marr., 14, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
54 - 63 64 Katheleen HAMPTON, Grandau., F, Neg., 12,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Schedule State: Virginia, County: Henry, Incorporated
place: _____, Ward of City: Raleigh Court # 1, Block
No: ____
Township or other division of county: ****** Mag.
District Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution:
__________, Enumeration
District No. 45-7 Supervisor's District No. 10, Sheet
No. 8A, Enumerated by me on April 19 1930, *** ****,
Enumerator, Page: 17A
30 - 131 135 John L. NANCE,
Head, R, -, -, Yes, M, Neg., 49, Marr., 22, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
31 - 131 135 Kate H. NANCE, Wife, F, Neg., 47, Marr.,
20, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
32 - 131 135 Mary K. NANCE, Dau., F, Neg, 22,
Single,Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
33 - 131 135 Hally NANCE, Dau., F, Neg, 20, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
34 - 131 135 Theordore R. NANCE, Son, M, Neg, 18,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
35 - 131 135 Carleton NANCE, Son, M, Neg, 14, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
36 - 131 135 Lizzie B. NANCE, Dau., F, Neg, 12,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
37 - 131 135 Carrie L. NANCE, Dau., F, Neg, 9, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
38 - 131 135 Harrell G. NANCE, Son, M, Neg, 7, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
39 - 131 135 John L. NANCE, Son, M, Neg, 5, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
40 - 131 135 Percy M. NANCE, Son, M, Neg, 2, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
41 - 131 135 Martha Anne NANCE, Mother, F, Neg., 71,
Widow, 14, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
sure who this is)
Schedule State: Virginia, County: Henry, Incorporated
place: _____, Ward of City: Raleigh Court # 1, Block
No: ____
Township or other division of county: ****** Mag.
District Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution:
__________, Enumeration
District No. 45-7 Supervisor's District No. 10, Sheet
No. 8A, Enumerated by me on April 19 1930, *** ****,
Enumerator, Page: 17A
8 - 197 197 Tom F(ranklin)
NANCE(**), Head,
M, W, 54, Marr., 22, No, Yes, Virginia, Virginia,
9 - 197 197 Georgia (Ellington (WATKINS)) NANCE, Wife, F, W,
48, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
10 - 197 197 Ernest (William)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 1*, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
11 - 197 197 Manie (Della) NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 1*, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
12 - 197 197 Cora NANCE, Dau., F, W, 14, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
13 - 197 197 Jessie NANCE, Son, M, W, 13, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
14 - 197 197 Charlie (Davis) NANCE,
Son, M, W, 11, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
15 - 197 197 Raymond NANCE, Son, M, W, 7, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
16 - 197 197 Thurmon NANCE, Son, M, W, 7, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
17 - 197 197 Reuben NANCE, Son, M, W, 5, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Willis Aaron NANCE and
Alice Josephine CAMPBELL)
Population Schedule State: Virginia,
Incorporated place: _____, County:
Henry, Ward of City: _____, Block No:
____ Township or other
division of county: Leatherwood Mag. District (part
of) Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution:
__________, Enumeration District
No. 45-7 Supervisor's District No. 10, Sheet No.
10A, Enumerated by me on April 23, 1930, Cecil W.
Barber, Enumerator, Page: 19A
49 169 172 James H(arrison) NANCE(**), M, Neg., 40,
Marr., 21, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
50 169 172 Mary
Francis (WATKINS)
NANCE, Wife, F, Neg., 39, Marr., 20, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
Population Schedule State:
Virginia, Incorporated place: _____, County:
Henry, Ward of City: _____, Block No:
____ Township or other
division of county: Leatherwood Mag. District (part
of) Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution:
__________, Enumeration District
No. 45-7 Supervisor's District No. 10, Sheet No.
10B, Enumerated by me on April 23, 1930, Cecil W.
Barber, Enumerator, Page: 19B
1 169 172 William S(tafford)
NANCE, Son, M, Neg., 16, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
1 169 172 Anna
G NANCE, Dau., F, Neg., 12, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
1 169 172 Amelia
NANCE, Dau., F, Neg., 10,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
1 169 172 Carrie L(ee) NANCE,
Dau., F, Neg., 8, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
1 169 172 Rubinna NANCE,
Dau., F, Neg., 6, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
1 169 172 Prudence NANCE,
Dau., F, Neg., 5, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
1 169 172 Ellina NANCE,
Dau., F, Neg., 3, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
1 169 172 James Laypeth (Layfette) NANCE,
Son, M, Neg., 1, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
(**Son of
John Henry NANCE and Anna
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: _____, County: Highland, Ward of City: _____, Block No: ____ TownshipMONTGOMERY COUNTY
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: _____, County: Montgomery, Ward of City: _____, Block No: ____ TownshipNORFOLK COUNTY
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: Portsmouth City, County: Norfolk, Ward of City: ________, Block No: ____,PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY
1930 Danville, Danville (Independent City), Virginia, USA Page: 6BPULASKI COUNTY
Schedule State Virginia, County Pulaski, Ward of City
3, Block No.___ Supervisor's District No. 8,
Enumeration District No. 78-12, Sheet No. 12B,
Township or other division of county ______ Name of
place Pulaski Town, Institution _________, Enumerated
by me on April 21 1930, J M*Fall, Enumerator page ___
Apr 14 93 - 203 261 Frank (Stone) NANCE(**), Head, M, W,
47, Marr., 17, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Hoaler?,
Iron Furnace
Apr 14 94 - 203 261 Florence (HOLLY)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 46, Marr., 16, Tennessee, Virginia,
Apr 14 95 - 203 261 (Frank) Rufus NANCE, Son, M, W, 16,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee
Apr 14 96 - 203 261 Thomas NANCE, Son, M, W, 7,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee
(**Son of Elkanah
"Alcanie" NANCE and Mary Clark OWENS)
Schedule State Virginia, County Pulaski, Supervisor's
District No. 8, Enumeration District No. 78-4,
Sheet No. 8A, Township or other division of county
Hiwassee District Name of incorporated place ________,
Institution _________, Enumerated by me on April 17
1930, W. E. Phillips, Enumerator page 108
42 155 155 Alexander EAST, Head, M, W, 65, Marr, 20,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
43 155 155 Sarah (NANCE**)
EAST, Wife, F, W, 75, Marr., 33, Virginia, Virginia,
44 155 155 Cynthia PEAK, Servant, F, W, 40, Widow,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
45 155 155 Emma PEAK, Dau., F, W, 15, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
46 155 155 Mary PEAK, Dau., F, W, 3 6/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of
Pleasant NANCE and Eliza BARKER)
Schedule State Virginia, County Pulaski, Supervisor's
District No. 8, Enumeration District No.
78-8, Sheet No. 7B, Township or other division of
county Newbern Name of incorporated place ________,
Institution _________, Enumerated by me on April
11 1930, W. C. Jennings, Enumerator page 136
66 136 136 Joseph C(rockett) NANCE(**), Head, M, W,
56, Married, 22, no, can read/write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia, Speaks English, Farming Laborer
67 136 136 Laura B(elle (SMITH))
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 57, Married, 35, no, can
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Speaks
English, none,
68 136 136 Emory Lee NANCE, Son, M, W, 21, Single, can
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Speaks
English, Laborer
69 136 136 Guy FARMER, Step-son, M, W, 22, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Son of Elkanah "Alcanie"
NANCE and Sarah PRICE)
Schedule State Virginia, County Pulaski,
Supervisor's District No. 8, Enumeration District
No. 78-11,
Sheet No. 20B, Township or other division of
county Newbern Name of incorporated place
________, Ward of City: 2,
Institution _________, Enumerated by me on April
16 1930, Osie G. Jennings, Enumerator page 191,
Ridge Avenue
81 346 433 (George)
Emmitt FARMER, Head, M, W, 20, Marr., Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
82 346 433 Dana (NANCE**) FARMER, Wife, F, W, 20,
Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee
83 346 433 Frank FARMER, Son, M, W, 4/12, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of
Frank Stone NANCE and Florence Erminie HOLLEY)
Population Schedule State Virginia, County Pulaski,
Supervisor's District No. 8, Enumeration District No.
Sheet No. 20B, Township or other division of county
Newbern Name of incorporated place ________, Ward of
City: 2,
Institution _________, Enumerated by me on April 16
1930, Osie G. Jennings, Enumerator page 191, Ridge
84 - 347 434 Wilson (Witt Carol)
NANCE(**), Head,
M, W, 22, Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia,
Bookeeper Printers Office
85 - 347 434 Mona (QUESENBERRY) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 23,
Marr., Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, No
of Frank Stone NANCE and Florence Erminie
Radford {Independent City}
Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place:
Radford City, County: Independent
City, Ward of City: West, Block
No: ____
Township or other division of county: _____
Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution:
__________, Enumeration District No. 115-1
Supervisor's District No. 9, Sheet No. 8A,
Enumerated by me on April 5, 1930, Mildred L. Hall,
Enumerator, Page: 216A
25 176 184 Beverly
D(eaton) NANCE(**),
Head, M, W, 47, Marr., 21, Not Attending School, Can
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Speaks
English, Locomotive Engineer, Not A Veteran
26 176 184 Lula (Bell CARR)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 45, Married, 19, No, can
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
27 176 184 Robert B(everly)
NANCE(*), Son, M, W, 21,
Single, Attends School, can read/write, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
28 176 184 Lucille NANCE, Dau., F, W, 19, Single, can
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Sales lady,
Electric Company
29 176 184 Louisa NANCE, Dau., F, W, 19, Single, can
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
30 176 184 Woodrow (Russell
"Woody") NANCE, Son, M, W, 17, Single,
Attends School, Can read/write, Virginia, Virginia,
31 176 184 Helen W? NANCE, Dau, F, W, 14, Single, -,
Attends School, can read/write, Virginia, Virginia,
32 176 184 Ruby T(helma)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 12, Single, Attends School, can
read/write, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(*Listed in NANCE
REGISTER as "The largest single contributor to
Part I")
(**Son of Elkanah
"Alcanie" NANCE and Mary Clark OWENS)
Roanoke City {Independent City}
Population Schedule State: Virginia, Incorporated place: Roanoke City, County: _________,Ward of City: Jefferson, Block No: 278, Population
Schedule State: Virginia, County: Independent City,
Incorporated place: Roanoke City, Ward of City: Raleigh
Court # 1,
Block No: ____ Township or other division of county:
_____ Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution:
__________, Enumeration District
No. 117-33 Supervisor's District No. 9, , Sheet No. 30A,
Enumerated by me on April 12 1930, Mrs.D. O. Draper,
Enuerator, Page: 260A
1 505 368 489 Lester P. CHILDRESS, Head, 0, 10000, R, M,
W, 40, Marr., 37, No, Yes, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
2 505 368 489 Mary V. (NANCE**) CHILDRESS, Wife, F, W, 27, M,
25, No, Yes, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
3 505 368 489 M. Kindred NANCE(**), Brother-in-law, M, W, 20,
Single, -, No, Yes, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Children of Thaddeus
Christopher NANCE and Margaret Virginia "Maggie" CUNDIFF)
Schedule State: Virginia, County: Independent City,
Incorporated place: Roanoke City, Ward of City: Nimball
Pt of, Block
No: 1120 Township or other division of county: _____
Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution: __________,
Enumeration District
No. 117-9 Supervisor's District No. 9, , Sheet No. 13A,
Enumerated by me on April 9 1930, James D. Sparks,
Enuerator, Page: 262A
8 340 187 193 Pomp NANCE(**), Head, M, Neg.,
55, Marr., 20, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Laborer,
**** railroad
9 340 187 193 Nannie M(ittie
(BOWE)) NANCE, Wife, F, Neg., 55, Marr., 20,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, None
10 340 187 193 Otto W. NANCE, Son, M, Neg., 20, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia, Yes, Laborer, Storage
11 340 187 193 Alexander HUGHS, Grandson, M, Neg., 4
*/12, Single, -, No, No, Pennsylvania, **, **
(**Son of Spencer NANCE and
Population Schedule State: Virginia,
Incorporated place: Vinton town, County: Roanoke,
Ward of City: West, Block No: ____ Township
or other division of county: Big Lick Mag. Dist.,
Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution:
__________, Enumeration District No. 81-1
Supervisor's District No. 9, Sheet No. 7B,
Enumerated by me on April 5, 1930, Mrs. Roy Fowler,
Enumerator, Page: 7B
92 737 145 158 Harry G JOHNSON, Head, M, W, 31,
Marr., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
93 737 145 158 Kathleen N (NANCE**)
JOHNSON, Wife, F, W, 31, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
94 737 145 158 Harry G JOHNSON, Son, M, W, 8,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
95 737 145 158 Marilyn V JOHNSON, Dau., F, W, 6,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
96 737 145 158 Warren L JOHNSON, Brother, M, W, 24,
Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Dau. of Thaddeus
Christopher NANCE and Margaret
Virginia "Maggie" CUNDIFF)
Population Schedule State: Virginia,
Incorporated place: Vinton town, County:
Roanoke, Ward of City: West,
Block No: ____ Township
or other division of county: Big Lick Mag. Dist.,
Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution:
__________, Enumeration District No. 81-1
Supervisor's District No. 9, Sheet No. 16A,
Enumerated by me on April 12, 1930, Mrs. Roy Fowler,
Enumerator, Page: 16A
28 310 319 350 Samuel H McLAIN, Head, M, W, 70,
Marr., 34, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
29 310 319 350 Johnie
E McLAIN, Wife, F, W, 59, Marr., 23, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
30 310 319 350 Helen
H McLAIN, Dau, F, W, 35, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
31 310 319 350 Jane (Lula)
B(ell (McLAIN)) NANCE(**), Dau., F, W, 26,
Div., Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
32 310 319 350 Rachael J. NANCE, Granddau.,
F, W, 7, Single, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(**Ex-wife of Richard
Christopher NANCE, son of Thaddeus Christopher NANCE
and Margaret Virginia "Maggie" CUNDIFF)
Population Schedule State: Virginia,
Incorporated place: Harrisonburg City, County:
Rockingham, Ward of City: 1, Block
No: ____
Township or other division of county: Henry District
Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution:
__________, Enumeration District
No. 108-2 Supervisor's District No. 3, Sheet No.
15B, Enumerated by me on April 16, 1930, Edgar A
Zagler, Enumerator, Page: 175B
57 326 341 Ernest
Head, M, Neg., 24, Marr., 24, South Carolina, South
Carolina, South Carolina
58 326 341 Lillian NANCE, Wife, F, Neg., 23, Marr.,
22, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
59 326 341 James NANCE, Brother, M, Neg., 43, Marr.,
18, South Carolina, South Carolina, South Carolina
(**Not sure who this is)
Schedule State: Virginia, County: Southampton,
Incorporated place: Franklin Town, Ward of City:
_________ Block
No: _____ Township or other division of county: _____
Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution: Raiford
Hospital 68-80, Enumeration
District No. 88-14 Supervisor's District No. 12, Sheet
No. 3B, Enumerated by me on April 2 1930, Mabel R.
Young, Enuerator, Page: 148B
68 - 51 52 R L RAIFORD
Dr., Head, M, W, 49, Marr., 25,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
69 - 51 52 Lora B RAIFORD,
Wife, F, W, 50, Marr., 27, Virginia, Virginia,
70 - 51 52 Morgan B RAIFORD,
Son, M, W, 17, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
71 - 51 52 Fletcher L
RAIFORD, Son, M, W, 14, Single,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
72 - 51 52 Mary A BURGLOS, Mother,
F, W, 81, Widow, 28, Kentucky, New York, Kentucky
73 - 51 52 Eunice SPIVEY,
Lodger, F, W, 21, Single, Virginia,
Virginia, Virginia
74 - 51 52 Virgie BLYTHE, Lodger, F,
W, 21, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
75 - 51 52 Julia BRAUCH, Lodger, F,
W, 22, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
76 - 51 52 Francis TURNER, Lodger,
F, W, 18, Single, Virginia, Virginia,
77 - 51 52 James E(dwin?) NANCE Dr.(*), Lodger, M, W, 29,
Single, North Carolina, North Carolina, North
Carolina, Doctor, Raiford Hospital
78 - 51 52 Beulah (Essie (NANCE**)) BLYTHE, Lodger, F, W,
31, Marr., 28, North Carolina, North Carolina, North
Carolina, Nurse
79 - 51 52 Ruel T BLYTHE, Lodger, M, W, 28, Marr., 26,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
80 - 51 52 Mattie AUSTIN, Lodger, F, Neg, 36, Marr.,
21, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
(*Son of Robert Anderson NANCE
and Nancy Fanny Cotton SNIDER? Counted twice? Is at home in
Davidson County, NC too)
(**Dau. of James
Marshall NANCE and Merritt Lula DAVIS)
1930 Franklin, Southampton,
Virginia 16A
29 346 M(arion) R(yvers)
JOYNER, Head, M, W, 25, Marr.,
Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
30 346 (Mary) Helen
N (NANCE**) Joyner,
Wife, F, W, 21, Marr., Virginia, Virginia,
(**Dau. of William Rorer NANCE and Janie Franklin
SUFFOLK CITY (Independent City)
Schedule State: Virginia, County: ***********,
Incorporated place: Suffolk City, Ward of City: First
part of First Ward
Block No: _____ Township or other division of county:
_____ Unincorporated Place: _________ Institution:
Enumeration District No. 119-1
Supervisor's District No. 14, Sheet No. 1A, Enumerated
by me on April 2 1930, Julianne Butler, Enumerator,
Page: 188
29 356 6 8 Oscar M(onroe)
NANCE(**), Head,
R, 2500, No, M, W, 32, Marr., 23, North Carolina,
North Carolina, North Carolina, Fireman, City Fire
30 356 6 8 Sally M(ay (RABON))
NANCE, Wife, -, -, -, -, F, W, 33, Marr., 24, No, Yes,
North Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina
31 356 6 8 Robert R(awls)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 5, Single, Virginia, North Carolina,
North Carolina
(**Son of Willie Wilbur NANCE
and Francis K. "Fannie" BROWN)
reconstructed this from 1940 census; Listed as "Same
place" in 1940 census}
Head, M, W,
33, Marr.,
Ruth (Elizabeth (COVINGTON)) NANCE,
Wife, F, W,
20, Marr.,
of Thomas
Franklin NANCE
and Georgia
Henry County,
Head, M, W,
46, Marr.,
Alice A. (CLARK)
Wife, F, W,
40, Marr.,
Luther B(lanton)
NANCE, Son, M,
W, 6, Single,
of Tobias
"Toby" Overton
James O(liver)
Head, M, W,
47, Marr.,
Maggie (Susan
NANCE, Wife,
F, W, 39,
NANCE, Dau.,
F, W, 20,
Vera (NANCE)
F, W, 19,
Lawrence) Dosie
NANCE, Son, M,
W, 14, Single,
Jr, Grandson,
M, W, 1,
of John Riley
NANCE and Emma
Radford City,
Head, M, W,
22, Marr.,
Highest grade:
7, Born: VA {Married
within the
Elizabeth (SOWERS)
NANCE, Wife,
F, W, 19, VA {Married within the year}
(**Son of
Beverly Deaton
NANCE and Lucy
Bell "Lula"
Radford City {Independent City}
Radford City,
James R(ichard)
Head, M, W,
40, Marr.,
Jeannie (Elizabeth (NANCE)**) TRAIL, Wife, F, W, 29,
Eleanor V
TRAIL, Dau.,
F, W, 10,
Nancy E TRAIL,
Dau., F, W, 8,
Single, Virginia
Isabel C
TRAIL, Dau.,
F, W, 6,
TRAIL, Dau.,
F, W, 4,
Frances L
TRAIL, Dau.,
F, W, 1,
of James
Crockett NANCE
and Laura
Belle SMITH)
Richmond City {Independent City}
Richmond City,
John J(ames)
TYLER, Head,
M, 59 Virginia
Hattie L(ee (NANCE)) TYLER, 51, Virginia
F, 79, Widow,
Thomas F PEAY,
15, Single,
of George
Wallace NANCE,
son of Thomas
N. NANCE and
Margaret A.
1940 Ward 6,
Alexandria, Alexandria City, Alexandria City,
Virginia, 6A
12 151
Hugh L MOOSE, Head,
M, 44, Marr., Texas
13 151
Iola (NANCE) MOOSE, Wife, F,
35, Marr., Texas
14 151
Hugh L MOOSE, Son,
M, 11, Single, Arizona
15 151 Kate (ROSE) NANCE(**),
Mother-in-law, F, W, 60, Widow, Texas
(**Widow of Ezekiel T.
NANCE, son of Thomas Newton NANCE and Iona
1940 Arlington
County, Arlington, Virginia, 61A
9 55 Jack(son) J(unious) NANCE(**), Head, M,
26, North Carolina
10 55 Eloise P (PARKER)
NANCE, Wife, F, 25, North Carolina
(**Son of John
Henry Gordon NANCE and Melinda GUY)
1940 Arlington
County, Arlington, Virginia, 65A
5 335 Ivan V NANCE(**), Head, M,
30, Marr., Virginia
6 335 Katherine
Wife, F, 29, Marr., Minnesota
7 335 Ivan (V.) NANCE, Son, M,
6, Single, Washington D C
8 335 Karen
L NANCE, Dau., F, 2, Single, Virginia
(**Son of William Abner
NANCE and Lillian Vernon WHORLEY)
Chamblissburg Magisterial District, Bedford,
Virginia, Page 15A Sheet 1A
11 5 Elmo T RAMSEY, Head, M, W, 57, Marr.,
12 5 Hattie RAMSEY, Wife, F, W, 56, Marr.,
13 5 Ben(jamin) H(oward) NANCE(**), Lodger,
M, W, 54, Widow, Virginia
(**Son of Thorpe Hoard
NANCE and Ann Eva Morton PATE)
Chamblissburg Magisterial District, Bedford,
Virginia, 15B Sheet 1B
53 17 W
Von HUDDLESTON, Head, M, W, 49, Marr., Virginia
54 17 Florence
HUDDLESTON, Wife, F, W, 52, Marr., Virginia
55 17 Louise
HUDDLESTON, Dau., F, W, 17, Single, Virginia
56 17 Weider
HUDDLESTON, Son, M, W, 15, Single, Virginia
57 17 Ruth H (Mildred
W, 21, Marr., Virginia
58 17 Mary
HUDDLESTON, Mother, F, W, 87, Widow, Virginia
(**Wife of Floyd Otey
NANCE, son of Walter Scott NANCE and Sarah
Elizabeth "Sallie" WATSON)
1940 Forest
Magisterial District, Bedford, Virginia, Page
110A Sheet 13A
23 240 Julia R(eese) NANCE(**), Head, F, W, 59,
Single, Virginia
24 240
J Phillip SINGLETON(*), Nephew, M, W, 28,
Single, Virginia
25 240
Nellie V HARRIS,
Servant, F, 35, Virginia
(**Dau. of William
Pleasant NANCE and Sarah PORTER)
(*Son of Mary Leighton NANCE and Harry
Middleton SINGLETON)
1940 Forest
Magisterial District, Bedford, Virginia, Pg 133a
Sheet 16A
2 260 Asson P KNIGHT, Head, M, W, 68, Marr.,
3 260 Helen W KNIGHT,
Wife, F, W, 54,
Marr., Virginia
4 260 Sally A KNIGHT, Dau., F, 12, Single,
5 260 John W(illiam) NANCE(**), Boarder, M, W,
31, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Wilber Ashby
1940 Forest
Magisterial District, Bedford, Virginia, 139A
Sheet 17A
22 282 Theodore H CAMPBELL, Head, M, W, 54,
Marr., Virginia
23 282 Eva S CAMPBELL, Wife, F, W, 45, Marr.
24 282 Theodore H CAMPBELL, Son, M, W, 18,
Single, Virginia
25 282 John W CAMPBELL, Son. M, W, 12, Single,
26 282 Wilbur A(shby) NANCE Jr(**), Boarder,
M, W, 35, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Wilber
Ashby NANCE and Laura Ann STANHAGEN)
Bedford, Liberty Magisterial
District, Bedford, Virginia,
133a Sheet 11A
3 212 Harry W FIZER,
Head, M, W, 41, Marr.,
4 212 Margaret K FIZER,
Wife, F, W, 33, Marr.,
5 212 Clarence E FIZER, Son,
M, W, 13, Single, Virginia
6 212 R Elizabeth FIZER,
Dau., F, W, 11, Single,
7 212 E Marie STIFF, Lodger,
F, W, 22, Single, Virginia
8 212 M Nellie STIFF,
Lodger, F, W, 28, Single,
9 212 L (Lucy) Helen
Lodger, F, W, 26, Single,
of Robert Edwin NANCE Sr.
and Lily J. MORGAN)
1940 Bedford,
Liberty Magisterial District, Bedford, Virginia,
Page 153A Sheet 61A
9-13 39 185 Albert W
Lodger, M, W, 31, Marr., Virginia
39 185 Elizabeth
P H NANCE, Lodger's wife, F, W, 24, Marr.,
(**Son of John Albert
Wesley NANCE and Flora Susan CREASY)
1940 Bedford,
Liberty Magisterial District,
Bedford, Virginia, 169A Sheet 1A
1 1 Robert A SCOTT, Head, M, W,
55, Marr., Maryland
2 1 Cara Lee SCOTT, Wife, F, W,
37, Marr., Kentucky
3 1 Robert A SCOTT, Son, M, W, 14,
Single, Indiana
4 1 Barbara June SCOTT, Dau., F,
W, 12, Single, Virginia
5 1 Mallie C WITHERS, Dining room
superintendent, F, 68, Virginia
6 1 Laura (Ann)
Housekeeper, F, W, 53, Widow,
(**Widow of Wilber
Ashby NANCE Sr., son of John Ferdinand NANCE
and Lucy M. PETERS)
Sixteenth Census
of the United States: 1940,
Population Schedule State:
Virginia, County: Bedford,
Incorporated place: _____, Ward of
City: ___, Unincorporated
Place:______, Township or other
division of county: Liberty
Magist. District, Block No: ____
Institution: __,
S. D. No. -- E. D. No.
--- Sheet No. 2B Enumerated
by me on ---- --, 1940, Hubert R.
NANCE, Enumerator, Page: 174B
62 40 G(eorge)
Radford NANCE(**),
Head, M, W, 57, Marr., Virginia
63 40 Myrtle
L(eigh (CARNER))
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 56, Marr., Virginia
(**Son of
McHenry P. NANCE and Mildred Matilda
Census of the United States: 1940,
Population Schedule State: Virginia,
County: Bedford, Incorporated place:
_____, Ward of
City: ___, Unincorporated
Place:______, Township or other
division of county: Liberty Magist.
District, Block No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. -- E. D. No. ---
Sheet No. 8B Enumerated by me on ----
--, 1940, -------------, Enumerator,
Page: 180B
58 160 Mac
Henry NANCE(**),
Head, M, W, 32, Single, Virginia
59 160 Hubert R(obertson)
NANCE, Brother, M, 35,
60 160 R(obert)
Francis NANCE, Brother, M, 26,
Single, Virginia
(**Son of
Thaddeus Haywood NANCE and Mary Lena
Sixteenth Census
of the United States: 1940, Population Schedule
State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Incorporated
place: _____, Ward of
City: ___, Unincorporated Place:______, Township
or other division of county: Liberty Magist.
District, Block No: ____ Institution: __,
S. D. No. -- E. D. No. --- Sheet No.
61A Enumerated by me on ---- --, 1940, ------,
Enumerator, Page: 185A
11 199
Lodger, F, W, 26, Virginia
12 199
Lodger's sister, F, W, 20, Virginia
13 199 Katherine NANCE(**), Lodger,
F, W, 40, Single, Virginia
13 199
Ethlene N MARTIN,
Lodger, F, W, 23, Virginia
14 199
Lodger, F, W, 35, Virginia
15 199
Lodger, M, W, 65, Massachusetts
16 199
Lodger, F, W, 91, Virginia
(**Not sure who this is)
Census of the United
States: 1940, Population
Schedule State:
Virginia, County:
Bedford, Incorporated
place: _____, Ward of
City: ___,
Place:______, Township
or other division of
county: Liberty Magist.
District, Block No: ____
Institution: __,
S. D. No. -- E. D.
No. --- Sheet No.
3A Enumerated by me on
---- --, 1940, ------,
Enumerator, Page: 249A
25 47 Rosser
Head, M, W, 40, Marr., Virginia
26 47 Kathryn
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 38, Marr.,
27 47 Margaret
E NANCE, Dau., F, W, 14, Single, Ohio
28 47 Rosser
NANCE, Son, M, W, 7, Single, Virginia
29 47 Anna
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 5, Single, Virginia
30 47 Helen
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 3, Single, Virginia
(**Son of
William Abner NANCE and Lillian
Census of the United States: 1940,
Population Schedule State: Virginia,
County: Bedford, Incorporated place:
_____, Ward of
City: ___, Unincorporated
Place:______, Township or other
division of county: Liberty Magist.
District, Block No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. -- E. D. No. ---
Sheet No. 3B Enumerated by me on ----
--, 1940, ---------, Enumerator, Page:
43 50 William A(bner)
Head, M, W, 80, Marr., Virginia
50 Lillian
70, Marr., Virginia
50 Peter
NANCE, Son, M, W, 40, Single, Virginia
50 Harold
NANCE, Son, M, 35, Marr., Virginia
(**Son of Albert
F. NANCE and Jane Gaddy WHITTEN)
Census of the United States: 1940,
Population Schedule State: Virginia,
County: Bedford, Incorporated place:
_____, Ward of
City: ___, Unincorporated
Place:______, Township or other
division of county: Liberty Magist.
District, Block No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. -- E. D. No. ---
Sheet No. 8A Enumerated by me on ----
--, 1940, ---------, Enumerator, Page:
25 55 Rebecca MILLER, Head, F, W, 79,
Widow, Virginia
24 55 Maude (Virginia
(MILLER)) NANCE(**), Dau.,
F, W, 53, Widow, Virginia
(**Widow of
Thomas L NANCE, son of James S.
NANCE and Eliza CLOSE, per marriage
Census of the United States: 1940,
Population Schedule State: Virginia,
County: Bedford, Incorporated place:
_____, Ward of
City: ___, Unincorporated
Place:______, Township or other
division of county: Liberty Magist.
District, Block No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. -- E. D. No. ---
Sheet No. 10B Enumerated by me on ----
--, 1940, -----------, Enumerator,
Page: 256B
68 112 Homer F(uqua)
Head, M, W, 29, Marr., Virginia
112 Dovie
(GIBBS)) NANCE, Wife, F, W,
29, Marr., Virginia
112 Shirley
E NANCE, Dau., F, W, 5, Single,
71 112 Edith L(ee)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 4, Single, Virginia
72 112 Mary E(llen)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 5/12, Single,
of Derastas Lee NANCE and Martha
Elizabeth FUQUA)
Census of the United States: 1940,
Population Schedule State: Virginia,
County: Bedford, Incorporated place:
_____, Ward of
City: ___, Unincorporated
Place:______, Township or other
division of county: Staunton Magist.
District, Block No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. 6 E. D. No.
10-23 Sheet No. 5B Enumerated by
me on April --, 1940, Bobbie B.
Hancock, Enumerator, Page: 259B
61 95 (Margaret)
Maggie V(irginia
NANCE(**), Head,
F, W, 65, Widow, Virginia
95 Zula
B(raxton) NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 39, Single, Virginia
95 Thadeus
NANCE, Son, M, W, 23, Marr., Virginia
95 (Ella) Louise
NANCE, Dau.-in-law, F, W, 21, Marr.,
(**Widow of
Thaddeus Christopher NANCE, son of
Elisha Derastus NANCE and Sallie J.
Sixteenth Census
of the United States: 1940, Population Schedule
State: Virginia, County: Bedford, Incorporated
place: _____, Ward of
City: ___, Unincorporated Place:______, Township
or other division of county: Staunton Magist.
District, Block No: ____ Institution: __,
S. D. No. 6 E. D. No. 10-23 Sheet
No. 1A Enumerated by me on April 2, 1940, Bobbie
B. Hancock, Enumerator, Page: 355A
29 8 John P HUDDLESTON, Head, M, W, 32, Marr.,
30 8 Agnes E (NANCE**)
Wife, F, W, 30,
Marr., Virginia
31 8 Nancy S HUDDLESTON,
Dau., F, W, 7,
Single, Virginia
(**Dau. of Walter Scott
NANCE and Sallie E. WATSON)
Census of the
United States:
place: _____,
Ward of
City: ___,
Township or
other division
of county:
Block No: ____
S. D. No.
6 E. D.
Sheet No. 2A
Enumerated by
me on April
--, 1940,
Bobbie B.
Page: 356A
15 25 500 Derastus L(ee)
Head, M, W, 70, Widow,
16 25 Thelma E(liza)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 33,
Single, Virginia
25 Ray
NANCE, Son, M, W, 25,
Single, Virginia
25 Mary
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 23,
Single, Virginia
(**Son of Elisha Derastus NANCE and Sallie J. HANCOCK)
Census of the
United States:
1940, Population
Schedule State:
Virginia, County:
place: _____, Ward
City: ___,
Township or other
division of
county: Staunton
Magist. District,
Block No: ____
Institution: __,
S. D. No. 6
E. D. No.
10-23 Sheet
No. 2A Enumerated
by me on April --,
1940, Bobbie B.
Enumerator, Page:
19 26 19 5 Frank
Head, M, W, 36, Marr., Virginia
26 Clarice
W, 34, Marr., Virginia
26 Howard
NANCE, Son, M, W, 11, Single, Virginia
26 Elizabeth
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 9, Single, Virginia
26 William
NANCE, Son, M, W, 7, Single, Virginia
26 Walter
NANCE, Son, M, W, 6, Single, Virginia
26 Robert
NANCE, Son, M, W, 3, Single, Virginia
26 Lewis
M THURMAN, Hired hand-lodger, M, 23,
(**Son of
Derastas Lee NANCE and Martha
Elizabeth FUQUA)
Census of the
United States:
1940, Population
Schedule State:
Virginia, County:
place: _____, Ward
City: ___,
Township or other
division of
county: Staunton
Magist. District,
Block No: ____
Institution: __,
S. D. No. 6
E. D. No.
10-23 Sheet
No. 3A Enumerated
by me on April --,
1940, Bobbie B.
Enumerator, Page:
29 45 Henry E(dward)
Head, M, W, 50, Marr., Virginia
30 45 Annie H(all
W, 43, Marr., Virginia
(**Son of
McHenry P. NANCE and Mildred Matilda
Staunton, Bedford, Virginia 4A
6 60 Mack P(leasant)
SCOTT, Head, M, 52, Marr., VA
7 60 Lucy E(lla
(NANCE**)) SCOTT, Wife, F,
W, 48, Marr., Virginia
8 60 Malcom A SCOTT, Son, M, W, 25,
Single, Virginia
9 60 Miller M SCOTT, Son, M, W, 19,
Single, Virginia
(**Dau. of
Albert Wesley NANCE and Flora Susan
Sixteenth Census of the United States:
1940, Population Schedule State:
Virginia, County: Bedford,
Incorporated place: _____, Ward of
City: ___, Unincorporated
Place:______, Township or other
division of county: Staunton Magist.
District, Block No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. 6 E. D. No.
10-23 Sheet No. 8B Enumerated by
me on April --, 1940, Bobbie B.
Hancock, Enumerator, Page: 362B
76 147 Walter S(cott)
Head, M, W, 52, Marr., Virginia
77 147 Sallie E(lizabeth
(WATSON)) NANCE, Wife, F, W,
50, Marr., Virginia
147 (James)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 22, Single, Virginia
147 John
NANCE, Son, M, W, 20, Single, Virginia
147 Laurie
NANCE, Son, M, W, 18, Single, Virginia
81 147 Ruby G(aynelle)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 11, Single,
147 Floyd
NANCE, Son, M, W, 26, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Elisha
Derastus NANCE and Sallie J.
Census of the United States: 1940,
Population Schedule State: Virginia,
County: Bedford, Incorporated place:
_____, Ward of
City: ___, Unincorporated Place: Moneta,
Township or other division of county:
Staunton Magist. District, Block No:
____ Institution: __,
S. D. No. 6 E. D. No. 10-23
Sheet No. 9A Enumerated by me on April
19, 1940, Bobbie B. Hancock, Enumerator,
Page: 363A
3 148 R 2 Watson
Head, M, W, 24, Marr., Virginia
4 148 Pauline M (MARTIN)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 25, Marr., Virginia
(**Son of Walter
Scott NANCE and Sarah Elizabeth
"Sallie" WATSON)
Census of the United States: 1940,
Population Schedule State: Virginia, County:
Bedford, Incorporated
place: _____, Ward
City: ___, Unincorporated
Place:______, Township
or other division of county: Staunton
Magist. District, Block
No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. 6
E. D. No. 10-23 Sheet
No. 6A Enumerated
by me on April 16, 1940, Bobbie B.
Hancock, Enumerator, Page: 375A
35 - 97 O 3500 Robert
Head, M, W, 61, Widow, 7th, Virginia,
Same House
36 - 97 - - Rachael
(Jackson) NANCE, Dau., F, W,
23, Single, H-4, Virginia
37 - 97 - - Wesley P. NANCE, Son, M, W,
20, Single, H-1, Virginia, Same House
38 - 97 - - Wade H(ampton) NANCE,
Son, M, W, 19, Single, H-2, Virginia,
Same House
- 97 - - Manning F(annie)
NANCE, Dau., F, M, W, 17, Single, H-2,
Virginia, Same House
(**Son of John
Ferdinand NANCE and Lucy M. PETERS)
Census of the United States: 1940,
Population Schedule State: Virginia, County:
Bedford, Incorporated place: _____, Ward of
City: ___, Unincorporated Place: Maneta,
Township or other division of county:
Staunton Magist. District, Block No: ____
Institution: __,
S. D. No. 6 E. D. No. 10-23
Sheet No. 8A Enumerated by me on April 19,
1940, Bobbie B. Hancock, Enumerator, Page:
19 133 James B(ell)
LEFTWICH, Head, M, W, 70, Marr., Virginia
20 133 Mary E(stes
(NANCE)) LEFTWICH, F, W, 67, Marr.,
(**Dau. of John
Ferdinand NANCE and Lucy M. PETERS)
Census of the United States:
1940, Population Schedule State:
Virginia, County: Bedford,
Incorporated place: _____, Ward
City: ___, Unincorporated Place:
_________, Township or other
division of county: Staunton
Magist. District, Block No: ____
Institution: __,
S. D. No. 6 E. D. No.
10-23 Sheet No. 7A
Enumerated by me on April 12,
1940, Bobbie B. Hancock,
Enumerator, Page: 390A
12 111 Elmo L(onza)
DUDLEY, Head, M, W, 59, Marr.,
13 111 (Sallie)
Wife, F, W, 60, Marr., Virginia
(**Dau. of
John C. NANCE and Mary L.
Bristol {Independent City}
Bristol, Bristol City, Virginia 19A
16 330 Guy E MOREFIELD, Head, M, W, 37, Marr.,
17 330 Hattie S MOREFIELD, Wife, F, W, 30,
Marr., Tennessee
18 330 Mary B SNYDER, Dau., F, W, 23 Tennessee
19 330 Lucy B(ell
(NANCE**-WEBB)) CUMBOW, Housekeeper,
F, W, 54, Widow, Virginia
20 330 Walter CUMBOW, Housekeeper's son, M, W,
27, Single, Virginia
(**Dau. of Henry NANCE and
1940 Garden,
Buchanan, Virginia 36A
33 362 Hobart G(arrett)
MINTON, Head, M, 43, Marr., Tennessee
34 362 Ruth A(nn
(NANCE**)) MINTON, 38, Marr.,
35 362 Hobart MINTON, 21, Single, Tennessee
36 362 Ray MINTON,
15, Single, Kentucky
(**Dau. of Wade D. NANCE and Lois A. RAULSTON)
1940 Toga,
Francisco Magisterial District, Buckingham,
Virginia, 7B
72 121 Percy NANCE(**), Head, M,
Neg., 67, Marr., Virginia
73 121 Nannie NANCE, Wife, F, Neg., 68, Marr.,
74 121 Edward P NANCE, Son, M, Neg., 35, Single,
75 121
Roman NANCE, Son, M,
Neg., 23, Single, Virginia
76 121
Shirley NANCE, Son,
M, Neg., 11, Single, Virginia
sure who this is)
1940 Brookville
Magisterial District, Campbell, Virginia, 3A
11 43 Mark A(mos) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 48,
Marr., Virginia
12 43 Mattie (WEEKS)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 53, Marr., Virginia
13 43 Calvin L(ouis)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 21, Marr., Virginia
14 43 Warren C(laude)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 20, Single, Virginia
15 43 Lawrence R(eginald)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 16, Single, Virginia
16 43 Thomas C NANCE, Son, M, W, 14, Single,
17 43 (Lindburg) Lindy P(erino) NANCE, Son, M,
W, 11, Single, Virginia
18 43 Thelma B HOWELL, Dau.-in-law, F, W, 20,
of Samuel Hughes
NANCE and Susan
Elizabeth "Susie"
1940 Otter River
Magisterial District, Campbell, Virginia 217 17B
74 284 Albert S(idney) NANCE(**),
Head M, W 77, Marr., Virginia
75 284 Dolly M. (WILLS)
NANCE, Wife,
F, W, 71, Marr., Virginia
76 284 Albert S(idney) NANCE, Son,
M, W, 48, Virginia
284 Emily L
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 22, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Albert F. NANCE
and Dollie M. WILLS)
1940 Rustburg,
Campbell, Virginia 7A
14 103 Arthur C WITT, Head, M, W, 54, Marr.,
15 103 Mabel E (NANCE**)
WITT, Wife, F, 50, Marr., Virginia
16 103 Ellen G WITT, Dau., F, W, 19, Single,
17 103 Aubrey P WITT, Dau., F, W, 14, Single,
(**Dau of Samuel Hughes
NANCE and Susan Elizabeth "Susie" ADAMS)
1940 Tyler Magisterial
District, Charles City, Virginia, 55B Sheet 16B
64 263 Ella S NANCE(**), Head, F, 48, Single,
65 263 Fannie NANCE(**),
Sister, F, W, 43, Single, Virginia
66 263 Mattie C NANCE(*),
Cousin, F, W, 52, Virginia
(**Daus. of John Fleming NANCE
Sr. and Margaret Collier "Maggie" CRUMP)
of Littlebury Manley
NANCE and Edmonia
Dercina TAYLOR)
Charlottesville City
{Independent City}
1940 Ward 2,
Charlottesville, Charlottesville City, Charlottesville
City, Virginia, 16A
26 293 Charles B(enjamin) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 28, Marr.,
30 293 Ferrand H (PARKER)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 22, Marr.,
(**Son of Benjamin Major NANCE
and Margaret Elizabeth BAGBY)
1940 Ward 4,
Charlottesville, Charlottesville City, Charlottesville
City, Virginia, 14A
22 324 Sallie P (PATTERSON) NANCE(**), Head, F, 54, Widow,
23 324 Lilly G BRENNAMAN, Sister, F, 65,
of William Vaiden
"Willie" NANCE, son of
Eaton NANCE and Ann
1940 Bermuda Magisterial
District, Chesterfield, Virginia, 15B
58 267 Harry M
JONES, Head, M, 39, Marr., Virginia
59 267 Elizabeth JONES, Wife, F,
30, Marr., Virginia
60 267 Martha TURNER,
Mother-in-law, F, 69, Widow, North Carolina
61 267 Dorothy NANCE(**), Niece, F, 13, Single,
North Carolina
sure who this is, could be
dau. of Franklin Alexander
NANCE and Sammie Moseley
1940 Midlothian
Magisterial District, Chesterfield, Virginia, 2A
17 26 Artchar G(eorge) NANCE(**), Head, M, W,
39, Marr., Virginia, Rural Barbour Alabama
18 26 Kathleen (HORTMAN)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 28, Marr., Alabama
19 26 Bebe NANCE, Dau., F, W, 9,
Single, Alabama
(**Son of Samuel Hughes NANCE
and Susan Elizabeth "Susie" ADAMS)
1940 Midlothian
Magisterial District, Chesterfield, Virginia, 3B
55 49 Joseph C(line) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 42, Marr.,
56 49 Ada L(ee
(TONEY)) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 35, Marr.,
57 49 Joseph
(Cline) NANCE, Son, M, W, 16, Single,
58 49 Robert (S.) NANCE, Son, M, W, 15,
Single, Florida
59 49 Constance (Leah) NANCE, Dau., F, W, 10,
Single, Virginia
(**Son of Samuel Hughes NANCE
and Susan Elizabeth "Susie" ADAMS)
1940 Westover Hills,
Manchester Magisterial District, Chesterfield,
Virginia, 3B
66 67 Thomas A(rchibald) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 61, Marr.,
67 67 Maggie (HALL) NANCE, Wife, F, 60,
Marr., Virginia
68 67 Maxine N McDANIEL,
Granddau., F, W, 16, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Archibald NANCE and
Lucy Frances HUGHES)
1940 Westover Hills,
Manchester Magisterial District, Chesterfield,
Virginia, 10A
8 229 George L(loyd) NUNNALLY, Head, M,
W, 37, Marr., Virginia
9 229 Eva (NANCE**)
NUNNALLY, Wife, F, W, 31, Marr., Virginia
10 229 Patricia A NUNNALLY, Dau., F, W, 9, Single,
11 229 Audrey NANCE(**),
Sister-in-law, F, W, 23, Single, Virginia
(**Dau's. of Thomas Archibald
NANCE and Maggie HALL)
Danville City {Independent City}
1940 Danville,
Danville City, Virginia 2B
72 39 William J. CHAPMAN, Head, M, W, 61,
Marr., Truck Driver, North Carolina
73 39 Mary (Belle
(NANCE**)) Chapman, Wife, F, W, 55,
Marr., North Carolina
(**Dau. of Addison T.
NANCE and Mary Rebecca COBB)
1940 Danville,
Danville City, Virginia 9B
77 178 Jno W(illiam)
JACKSON, Head, M, W, 68, Marr., North Carolina
78 178 Martha E (Marcena (NANCE)**)
JACKSON, Wife, F, W, 65, Marr., North Carolina
79 178 Chas W JACKSON, Son, M,
W, 46, Single, Virginia
80 178 Beulah V JACKSON, Dau., F, W, 35, Single,
81 178 Herbert U GANNON, Son-in-law, M, W, 27,
Marr., Virginia
82 178 Nadine (JACKSON) GANNON,
Dau, F, W, 25, Marr., Virginia
83 178 Maxina A GANNON, Granddau., F, W, 2,
Single, Virginia
(**Dau. of Daniel
Chrisenberry NANCE and Eliza Jane KEARNS)
1940 Danville,
Danville City, Virginia 29b
50 92 F(oster) T
HARRIS, Head, M, W, 53, Marr., Virginia
51 92 Maggie L (NANCE**)
HARRIS, Wife, F, W, 50, Marr., Texas
52 92 Gaynell HARRIS, W, 26, Virginia
53 92 Gladys SCOTT, F, 22, Virginia
54 92 Earl SCOTT, M, 25, Virginia
55 92 Rodger E SCOTT, M, 7/12, Virginia
(**Dau. of Addison T. NANCE
and Mary Rebecca COBB)
1940 Ward 1, Danville,
Danville City, Virginia, 3A
8 49 Taylor M(cKinley) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 39, Marr.,
North Carolina
9 49 (Mary) Alice (BUIE) NANCE, Wife, F, W,
42, Marr., North Carolina
10 49 Mary (Alice)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 17, Single, North Carolina
11 49 Annie Mai NANCE, Dau., F, W, 15, Single, North
12 49 (Taylor) Edwin
NANCE, Son, M, W, 13, Single, Virginia
13 49 Robert (Andrew)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 11, Single, Virginia
14 49 Alvertia BUIE, Sister-in-law, F, W, 25, Single,
North Carolina
(**Son of William
Andrew NANCE and Betty Ann BURTON)
1940 Ward 3, Danville,
Danville City, Virginia, 5B
63 101 William N (Andrew) NANCE(**), Head, M, W,
67, Marr., North Carolina
64 101 Bettie A(nn
(BURTON)) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 63,
Marr., North Carolina
65 101 (Mary) Alice N (NANCE) SAYE,
Dau., F, W, 31, Div., Virginia
66 101 William L SAYE, Grandson, M, W, 10, Single,
(**Son of William Emsley NANCE
and Cynthia D. WILLIAMS)
1940 Ward 5, Danville,
Danville City, Virginia, 5B
73 115 Gay (Thomas (MAHAN)) NANCE(**), Head, F, W, 40, Widow,
74 115 (David)
Frank(lin) NANCE, Son, M,
W, 20, Single, Virginia
75 115 (Francis)
Lorraine NANCE, Dau., F, W, 17, Single, Virginia
76 115 Helen (Hughes) NANCE, Dau., F, W,
14, Single, Virginia
77 115 (William)
Harold NANCE, Son, M, W, 12, Single, Virginia
78 115 Ida MAHAN, Mother F, W, 68,
Widow, Virginia
(**Widow of David Franklin
NANCE, son of William Andrew NANCE and Betty Ann
1940 Ward 6, Danville,
Danville City, Virginia, 6B
52 123 Arch(ibald) A(ddison) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 42, Marr.,
53 123 Ila W (DAVIS) NANCE,
Wife, F, W, 40, Marr., Virginia
54 123 Arch(ibald)
A(ddison) NANCE, Son, M,
W, 18, Single, Virginia
55 123 Alfred W(ayne) NANCE, Son, M, W, 14,
Single, Virginia
(**Son of Addison Toplady
NANCE and Mary A. Rebecca COBB)
1940 Ward 6, Danville,
Danville City, Virginia, 314B 10B
61 423 174 R 15 John W MARTIN,
Head, M, W, 37, Marr., Oklahoma
61 423 174 Clara M
Wife, F, W, 34, Marr., Virginia
61 423 174 Juanita
MARTIN, Dau., F, W, 12, Single, Virginia
61 423 174 Joyce Ann
MARTIN, Dau., F, W, 8, Single, Virginia
61 423 174 John W
MARTIN, Son, M, W, 2, Single, Virginia
61 423 174 James C
MARTIN, Son, M, W, 1, Single, Virginia
67 423 174
Viola (FULLER) NANCE(**),
Sister-in-law, F, W, 41, Widow, Virginia
68 423 174
Louise (May)
NANCE, Niece, F, W, 19, Single,
(**Widow of George Lindsey
NANCE, son of Addison Toplady NANCE and Mary A.
Rebecca COBB)
1940 Ward 7,
Danville, Danville City, Virginia, 11A
23 181 A(shley) J(ohnson) NANCE(**), Head, M,
52, Marr., Virginia
24 181 Mary L(each (DAVIS))
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 48, Marr., Virginia
25 181 Erma (Davis)
MAJOR, Dau., F, W, 25, Virginia
26 181 Betty Jean MAJOR, Granddau., F, 7, Single,
(**Son of Addison Toplady
NANCE and Mary A. Rebecca COBB)
1940 Ward 9,
Danville, Danville City, Virginia, 3A
18 43 Walter NANCE,
Head, M, Neg., 38, Marr., North Carolina
19 43 Hattie NANCE, Wife, F, Neg., 30, Marr.,
North Carolina
sure who this is)
1940 Ward 9, Danville,
Danville City, Virginia, 6A
23 123 Robert L(ee) NANCE(**), Head, M, W,
55, Marr., North Carolina
243 123 Julia (May (PRUITTE)) NANCE,
Wife, F, W, 55, Marr.,
25 123 Loraine (P.) NANCE Adopted Dau.,
F, W, 18, Single, Virginia
26 123 Lesley R(aines) NANCE, Son, M, W,
32, Marr., North Carolina
27 123 Lucy B (Turphennia (BOAZ)) NANCE,
Dau.-in-law, F, W, 36, Marr., Virginia
28 123 Jean M(arie) NANCE, (Grand)Dau., F, W, 8,
Single, Virginia
29 123 Lesley R(aines)
NANCE, (Grand)Son, M,
W, 3, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Tobias "Toby" Overton
1940 Ward 9, Danville,
Danville City, Virginia, 419A Sheet 9A
5 909 Dolly P (Virginia (POWELL)) NANCE(**), Head, F, W, 62, Widow,
6 909 John F(rancis)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 35, Single, Virginia
7 909 Elizabeth (Emily)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 29, Single, Virginia
8 909 Charles T JENNINGS, Lodger, M, 25, Virginia
10 909 Robert E NANCE(*),
Uncle, M, 36, North Carolina
(*Not sure
who this is, Dolly's mother
was a NANCE? or is he an
Uncle-in-law?, Don't have a
brother Robert for John..
(**Widow of John T. NANCE,
son of John NANCE and Emily
1940 Ward 9, Danville,
Danville City, Virginia, 4A
31 70 James (Crawford) NANCE(**), Head, M, 49, Marr.,
32 70 Mary (Elizabeth (MCGUIRE))
NANCE, Wife, F, 40, Marr., Virginia
(**Son of
Addison Toplady NANCE and Mary
A. Rebecca COBB)
1940 Chesapeake
Magisterial District, Elizabeth City, Virginia, 85A
Sheet 13A
18 285 John (Bowen) NANCE(**), Head, M, W,
27, Marr., Oregon
19 285 Carolyn (Browne (NORTON))
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 25, Marr., Oregon
of Ralph Ramsey NANCE and Iva Mae
Chesapeake Magisterial
District, Elizabeth City, Virginia 10B, Institution:
Veterans Administration Facility
64 Will NANCE(**), M, Neg., 42,
South Carolina
sure who this is)
1940 Wythe Magisterial
District, Elizabeth City, Virginia, 277B
73 1117 38 William E(mmerson) NANCE(**), Head, M, W,
26, Marr., Tennessee
74 1117 38 Eva M (FARMER)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 25, Marr., Virginia
75 1117 38 Betty J NANCE, Dau., F, W, 3, Single,
76 1117 38 Mary E(llen)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 1, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Tandy Edgar NANCE
and Maude Claire BRYAM)
1940 Falls Church, Falls
Church Magisterial District, Fairfax, Virginia, 166A
23 26 Mary E KEITH, Head, F, 61, South Carolina
24 26 James S KEITH, Son, M, 26, Single, Virginia
25 26 Harriet KEITH, Dau., F, 17, Single, District Of
26 26 Barnett K WALTERS, Grandson, M, 19, Single,
South Carolina
27 26 Alan M WALKER, Lodger, M, 54, Georgia
28 26 Edward C SNEAD, Lodger, M, 26, Single, Virginia
29 26 Charles E(vans) NANCE(**), Lodger, M, 21,
30 26 Kathleen (Virginia (GUNDER)) NANCE,
Lodger, F, 18, District Of Columbia
(**Son of Charles Elisha NANCE
and Faye Irene EVANS)
1940 Providence
Magisterial District, Fairfax, Virginia, 4A
20 87 Charles E(lisha) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 46, Marr.,
21 87 Ida (STYLES)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 34, Marr., Kentucky
(**Son of
Clarence T. NANCE and Cora Elisha
1940 Fork Union
Magisterial District, Fluvanna, Virginia, 4B
61 73 Lucy NANCE(**), Head, F, Neg., 83,
Widoe, Virginia
62 73 Fannie MORTON, Dau., F, Neg., 63, Virginia
(**Dau. of
John NANCE and Lucy
1940 Upper Ward,
Fredericksburg City, Virginia, 1A
29 8 George L(awrence) NANCE(**), Head, M, W,
28, Marr., Tennessee
30 8 Sara M(argaret (POSEY))
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 25, Marr., Tennessee
31 8 Sara A NANCE, Dau., F, W, 4, Single, Virginia
32 8 Rosella F(aye)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 3, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Tandy Edgar NANCE and
Maude Claire BRYAM)
1940 Pearisburg Magisterial
District, Giles, Virginia 10B
173 Robert J(ames) NANCE(**), Head, M, W,
69, Marr., Virginia
173 Emma L(ou (OWENS)) NANCE, Wife, F,
W, 71, Marr., Virginia
173 Charley E(skridge) NANCE Son, M, W,
34, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Charles C.
NANCE and Perlina PRICE)
1940 Pearisburg, Giles,
Virginia Page 75B Sheet 20B
335 J Jessie (NANCE) CRAIG, Head,
F, W, 51, Marr., Virginia
335 (William) Huston CRAIG,
Son, M, W, 34, Single, Virginia
335 Gillia A (ELKINS)
Mother F, W, 80, Widow, Virginia
(**Widow of William Gordon NANCE, son of
Charles C. NANCE and Perlina PRICE)
1940 Pearisburg, Giles,
Virginia Roll: T627_4264; Page: 16A
21 235 O 100 (William)
Earl J NANSE(**), Head, M, W, 44, Marr.,
Same House, Virginia, Stone Mason, Building
22 235 Lura (Elizabeth
(ELKINS)) NANSE, Wife, F, W, 42,
Marr., Virginia
23 235 Ineze (Mae) NANSE, Dau., F, W, 21,
Single, Virginia
24 235 Mary (Lee)
NANSE, Dau., F, W, 20, Single, Virginia
25 235 William (Gordon) NANSE, Son, M, W,
18, Single, Virginia
26 235 Jessie (James) NANSE, Son, M, W, 17,
Single, Virginia
27 235 Harry (Estell) NANSE, Son, M, W,
15, Single, Virginia
28 235 Paul (Carr)
NANSE, Son, M, W, 13, Single, Virginia
29 235 (Audrey)
Ellen NANSE, Dau., F, W, 11, Single, Virginia
30 235 Annie (Josephine) NANSE, Dau., F,
W, 9, Single, Virginia
31 235 (Earl)
Junior NANSE, Son, M, W, 6, Single, Virginia
32 235 (Lora)
Jaunita NANSE, Dau., F, W, 4, Single, Virginia
(**Son of William Gordon NANCE and
Gillie Virginia ELKINS)
1940 Emporia, Hicksford
Magisterial District, Greensville, Virginia, 5A
24 87 Georgie L (LEE)
SLATE, Head, F, W, 51, Widow, Virginia
25 87 Emma Lea SLATE, Dau., F, W, 27,
Single, Virginia
26 87 Adolphus SLATE, Son, M, W, 25,
Single, Virginia
27 87 Rebecca SLATE, Dau., F, W, 20,
Single, Virginia
28 87 Sammy SLATE, Son, M, W, 18, Single,
29 87 George W SLATE, Son, M, W, 11, Single, Virginia
30 87 Bettie LEE, Sister, F, W, 54, Single, Virginia
31 87 Lee
(Manley) NANCE(**),
Nephew, M, W, 27, Single, Virginia
32 87 Johnnie GRENAWAY, Servant, M, Neg., 36,
Single, Virginia
33 87 Joe Wiley MANS, Servant, M, Neg, 26,
Single, Virginia
(**Son of Walter
Manley NANCE and Lula Rebecca LEE)
1940 Henry
Magisterial District, Hanover, Virginia, 179A
Sheet 12A
29 199 Wallace (Elzie) NANCE,
Head, M, W, 52, Marr., Virginia
30 199 (Virginia)
Virgie May (MARTIN) NANCE,
Wife, F, W, 48, Marr., Virginia
31 199 Wilbur
(Lee) NANCE, Son, M,
W, 25, Marr., Virginia
32 199 (Bertha)
Margaret (FORD)
NANCE, Dau.-in-law, F, W, 20, Marr., Virginia
(**Son of George Wallace
NANCE and Betty Jane WOOD)
1940 Henry Magisterial
District, Hanover, Virginia, Page 211A, Sheet 11A
40 216 John (Hampton) NANCE(**), Head, M, W,
61, Marr., Virginia
41 216 Ida (BEADLES?)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 62, Marr., Virginia
(**Son of George Wallace NANCE
and Betty Jane WOOD)
1940 Fairfield
Magisterial District, Henrico, Virginia, 4A
18 62 Hugh NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 45,
Marr., Virginia
19 62 Lottie (TILLER)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 34, Marr., Virginia
(**Son of Marshall F.
Magisterial District, Henrico, Virginia, 4B
45 70 Olley ALEXANDER, Head, M, W, 44, Marr.,
46 70 Treva
ALEXANDER, Wife, F, W 35, Marr., Ohio
47 70 Bryant ALEXANDER, Son, M, W, 12, Single,
48 70 Mary ALEXANDER, Dau., F, W, 10, Single,
49 70 Marie NANCE(**), Lodger,
F, W, 9, Single, Virginia
50 70 Billy CORBIN, Lodger, M, W, 9, Single,
(**Not sure who
this is)
Fairfield Magisterial
District, Henrico, Virginia,
55 75 Laurie
Head, M, W, 47, Marr.,
75 Vera (HUGHES)
NANCE, Wife, F, W,
32, Marr., Virginia
75 Barbra
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 5,
Single, Virginia
of Edwin Everett NANCE and
Sarah Edna HERRICK)
Fairfield Magisterial
District, Henrico, Virginia,
47 173 Edwin E(verett)
Head, M, W, 80, Marr., Virginia
173 (Sarah)
Wife, F, W, 72, Marr., New York
173 Leslie
NANCE, Son, M, W, 42, Marr, Virginia
173 Adalade
NANCE, Dau.-in-law, F, W, 36, Marr.,
173 Edna
E NANCE, Granddau., F, 17, Single,
(**Son of
Benjamin Albert NANCE and Susan E.
1940 Fairfield
Magisterial District, Henrico, Virginia, 14A
20 241 Lester L(eman) NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 42, Marr., Virginia
21 241
F, W, 38, Marr., Ohio
22 241
Lester L NANCE, Son,
M, W, 13, Single, Virginia
23 241
Joseph PEACE,
Lodger, M, W, 52, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Edwin Everett
NANCE and Sarah Edna HERRICK)
1940 Varina
Magisterial District, Henrico, Virginia, 2B
63 34 George E(verett) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 52,
Marr., Virginia
64 34 Jessie S (SEXTON)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 50, Marr., Virginia
65 34 Dorothy S(exton)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 22, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Littlebury
Manley NANCE and Edmonia D. TAYLOR)
Leatherwood Magisterial
District, Henry, Virginia Page
177B Sheets 11B
46 160 James
(Hairston) NANCE(**),
Head, M, Neg., 49, Marr.,
47 160 Mary F(rances
F, Neg., 52, Marr., Virginia
48 160 William (Stafford)
NANCE, Son, M, Neg., 26, Single,
49 160 Anna M (Gertrude) NANCE,
Dau., F, Neg., 24, Single,
50 160 Armelia NANCE, Dau., F,
Neg., 20, Single, Virginia
51 160 Carrie N (Lee)
NANCE, Dau., F, Neg., 19,
Single, Virginia
52 160 Rheubeno NANCE, Dau., F,
Neg., 16, Single, Virginia
53 160 Pruedena NANCE, Dau., F,
Neg., 15, Single, Virginia
54 160 Elnora NANCE, Dau., F,
Neg., 13, Single, Virginia
55 160 James L(ayfette)
NANCE, Son, M, Neg., 10, Single,
of John Henry
NANCE and Anna B.
Census of the
United States:
1940, Population
Schedule State:
Virginia, County:
Henry, Incorporated
place:____, Ward
City: ___, Unincorporated
Place: ________,
or other
division of
county: Horse
District, Block
No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. 5
E. D. No.
45-2 Sheet
No. 11B
by me on April
25, 1940, Robert
W. Marshall,
Page: 85B
- 188 R 10 W(illiam)
Rorer NANCE(**),
Head, M, W, 55, Marr., Virginia,
Henry Co. Virginia, Salesman,
78 - - - - Janie (GRAVELY) NANCE,
Wife, F, W, 48, Marr.,
Virginia, Teacher
(**Son of
John Riley NANCE and Emma
Jackson EARLES)
Sixteenth Census
of the United States: 1940, Population Schedule
State: Virginia, County:
Henry, Incorporated
place: Martinsville
Cotton Mill Section, Ward
of City: ___, Unincorporated
Place: Jones Creek, Township
or other division of county: Jones Creek, Block
No: ____ Institution:
__, S. D. No. 5
E. D. No. 45-8 Sheet
No. 1B Enumerated
by me on April 11, 1940, J. B. Firth,
Enumerator, Page: 165B
61 11 R 5.00 Ernest W(illiam)
Head, M, W, 38, Marr., 7, VA,
Lived 1935: Martinsville,
Henry Co. Virginia
62 - - - Ruth (Elizabeth
(COVINGTON)) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 25,
Marr., 7, Virginia, Lived 1935: Henry Co.
63 - - - Jerry W(illiam)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 4, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Thomas Franklin
NANCE and Georgia Ellington WATKINS)
Sixteenth Census
of the United States: 1940, Population Schedule
State: Virginia, County:
Henry, Incorporated
place: 7, Ward
of City: ___, Unincorporated
Place: Fieldale, Township
or other division of county: Martinsville, Block
No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. 5
E. D. No. 45-8 Sheet
No. 17B Enumerated
by me on April __, 1940, J. B. Firth,
Enumerator, Page: 201B
50 301 O 1800 Luther D(ell) NANCE(**),
Head, M, W, 51, Marr., 4, VA, Lived in 1935, R,
Henry Co. Virginia
51 301 - - Alice A. (CLARK) NANCE, Wife, F, W,
45, Marr., 4, VA, R, Henry Co. Virginia
52 301 - - Luther B(lanton) NANCE, Son, M, W,
10, Single, VA, R, Henry Co. Virginia
53 301 - - Lula D(elane)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 4, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Tobias "Toby"
Overton NANCE and Flora ROBERTSON)
Sixteenth Census
of the United States: 1940, Population Schedule
State: Virginia, County:
Henry, Incorporated
place: 7, Ward
of City: ___, Unincorporated
Place: Fieldale, Township
or other division of county: Martinsville, Block
No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. 5
E. D. No. 45-9 Sheet
No. B Enumerated by
me on April 19, 1940, Viola B Collins,
Enumerator, Page: 223B
49 283 R 5** James O(liver) NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 52, Marr., 7, Virginia, Same house
50 283 - - Maggie (Susan (GILLEY)) NANCE, Wife,
F, W, 44, Marr., 6, Virginia, Same house
51 283 - - Mildred (Elaine)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 25, Single, 8, Virginia, Same
52 283 - - Vera (NANCE) FRAZIER, Dau., F, W, 24,
Marr., 9, Virginia, Same house
53 283 - - (James
Lawrence) Dosie NANCE, Son, M, W, 19,
Single, Virginia, Same house
54 283 - - Glen FRAZIER Jr, Grandson, M, W, 5,
Single, Virginia, Same house
(**Son of John Riley NANCE
and Emma Jackson EARLES)
Census of the United States: 1940,
Population Schedule State: Virginia, County:
Henry, Incorporated
place:____, Ward
of City: ___, Unincorporated
Place: ________, Township
or other division of county: Irisburg
District, Block
No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. 5
E. D. No. 45-5 Sheet
No. 9A Enumerated
by me on April 15, 1940, Cecil W.
Barker, Enumerator, Page: 236B
34 134 0 160 Rorer J(ames) BARKER, Head, M,
W, 45, Marr., Virginia, Same House, Grader,
State Highway, Virginia
36 134 0
160 Otha Clara (NANCE**) BARKER,
Wife, F, W, 43, Marr., Virginia
37 134 0
160 Doris O BARKER,
Dau., F, W, 23, Single, Virginia
38 134 0
160 Rower BARKER, Son,
M, W, 8, Single, Virginia
(**Dau of John Riley NANCE
and Emma Jackson EARLES)
1940 Reed
Creek Magisterial District, Henry, Virginia,
238A Sheet 3B
78 49 O 1000 J(ohn)
W(illiam) MORRIS,
Head, M, W, 58, Marr., Virginia
79 49 Alice
(Spencer (FRYE)) MORRIS,
Wife, F, W, 51, Marr., Virginia
80 49 Faye
WHITEN, Dau., F, W, 22, Single, West Virginia
Reed Creek
Magisterial District, Henry,
Virginia, 238A Sheet 4A
1 49
Vincent MORRIS, Son, M, W, 20, Single, West
2 49 Curtis MORRIS, Son, M, W, 15, Single,
3 49 Marie MORRIS, Dau., F, W, 13, Single,
4 49 Elizabeth MORRIS, Dau., F, W, 11, Single,
5 49 Launa MORRIS, Dau., F, W, 9, Single,
6 49 (Ottie
Paul) Handy NANCE(**),
Son-in-law, M, W, 34, Marr., North Carolina
7 49 Irene (MORRIS) NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 34, Marr., Virginia
8 49 J W CHILDRESS, Grandson, M, W, 13,
Single, Virginia
9 49 Elma HERNDON, Son-in-law, M, W, 29,
Marr., Virginia
10 49 Ruth (MORRIS)
HERNDON, Dau., F, W, 18, Marr., Virginia
11 49 Patsy Ruth HERNDON, Granddau., F, W,
5/12, Single, Virginia
(**Grandson of Clemuel
Columbus "Lum" NANCE Jr. and Sallie
WRIGHT, son of their dau. Effie NANCE?)
Reed Creek
Magisterial District, Henry, Virginia Page
312A Sheet 61A
20 350 Artie NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 33,
Marr., Virginia
(**Not sure who this is)
Sixteenth Census of
the United States: 1940, Population Schedule State:
Virginia, County: Henry, Incorporated
place: Ridgeway T,
Ward of City: ___, Unincorporated
Place: ________, Township
or other division of county: _____, Block
No: ____ Institution:
S. D. No. 5
E. D. No. 45-13 Sheet
No. 3A Enumerated
by me on April 9, 1940, Mrs Nellie P. Cox,
Enumerator, Page: 316A
14 42 R 4 No Rob(er)t
B(everly) NANCE(**), Head, M, W,
34, Marr., VA, Martinsville Henry Virginia,
Student Teacher, University
15 42 - - (Jenny Lind)
Lennie (COX) NANCE,
Wife, F, 39, Marr., Virginia,
Same House, Teacher, Public School
(**Son of Beverly Deaton NANCE
and Lucy Bell "Lula" CARR)
Ridgeway Magisterial District, Henry,
Virginia, 334B Sheet 14B
75 229 Henry NANCE(**), Head,
M, W, 34, Marr., Virginia
76 229 Effie NANCE, Wife, F, W, 24, Marr.,
(**Parents unknown,
possibly son of Thomas Franklin NANCE and
Georgia Ellington WATKINS ??)
1940 West Point,
West Point Magisterial District, King William,
Virginia, 74A
397 B(enjamin)
M(ajor) NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 60, Marr., Virginia
24 397 Margaret (Elizabeth
(BAGBY)) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 53, Marr.,
25 397 Barbara (Holt)
NANCE, Dau., F, W, 15, Single, Virginia
26 397 Francis
BAGBY, Brother(-in-law),
M, W, 63, Single, Virginia
27 397 Jimmy DANIEL, Roomer, M, W, 27, Single,
(**Son of Benjamin
Woodward NANCE and Sallie Glarster MAJOR)
Lynchburg City
Ward 2, Lynchburg, Lynchburg City, Lynchburg
City, Virginia, 7A
1 1014 135 O 4000 Lula P(reston) NANCE(**), Head, F,
W, 67, Single, Virginia
2 1014
135 Calvin O HUGHES,
Foster-son, M, W, 31, Marr., Virginia
3 1014
135 Victoria E HUGHES,
F, W, 28, Marr., Maryland
4 1014
135 Calvin D HUGHES,
Foster-grandson, M, W, 1, Single, Virginia
(**Dau. of William
Pleasant NANCE and Sarah PORTER)
Ward 2, Lynchburg, Lynchburg City, Lynchburg
City, Virginia, 12B
71 247 Julian T(homas) NANCE,
Head, M, W, 32, Marr., Virginia
72 247
Ruby (BYRD) NANCE, Wife, F,
W, 28, Marr., Virginia
73 247
Helen HICKS, Lodger,
F, W, 39, Div., Virginia
(**Son of John T. NANCE
and Dolly Virginia POWELL)
Lynchburg, Lynchburg City, Virginia Sheet
Number: 22A
Roy G SMITH, 28 Head
Myrtle L SMITH, 20 Wife
Sylvia L SMITH, 2 Daughter
Jewel L SMITH, 1 Daughter
Artwin Howell 26 Partner
Thelma B(eatrice
25 P's Wife, VA, VA, VA
Charles R Howell 2 P's Son
Gilerto E Howell 20 P's
(**Dau. of Mack Amos
NANCE and Mattie Katherine "May" WEEKS)
Lynchburg Hospital, Lynchburg City, Virginia
Page 141A Sheet 24A
24 Christine J(eter) NANCE(**), Student, F, W,
22, Single, Virginia, Nurse
(**Dau. of Robert Edwin
NANCE Sr. and Lily J. MORGAN)
Martinsville City
1940 Ward 2,
Martinsville, Martinsville City, Martinsville
City, Virginia, 9A
23 173 Dean HANDY, Head, M, W, 21, Marr.,
23 173 Virginia HANDY, Wife, F, W, 22, Marr.,
23 173 Jessie (Willis) NANCE(**), Lodger,
M, W, 24, Marr., North Carolina
23 173 Madeline (GRANGER) NANCE,
Lodger, F, W, 21, Marr., Virginia
23 173 Loretta (Fay) NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 9/12, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Thomas Franklin
NANCE and Georgia Ellington WATKINS)
Ward 2, Martinsville, Martinsville City,
Martinsville City, Virginia, 15A
6 270 Thomas F(ranklin) NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 65, Marr., North Carolina
7 270 Georgia (Ellington
Wife, F, W, 59, Marr., North Carolina
8 270 Charlie D(avis) NANCE,
Son, M, W, 23, Single, North Carolina
9 270 H Raymond NANCE, Son, M, W, 20, Single,
North Carolina
10 270 Thurman G(eorge)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 18, Single, North Carolina
11 270 Reuben NANCE, Son, M, W, 16, Single,
North Carolina
12 270 Cora NANCE, Dau., F, W, 25, Single, North
13 270 Lois J NANCE, Granddau., F, W, 6, Single,
(**Son of Willis Aaron
NANCE and Alice Josephine CAMPBELL)
Schedule State: Virginia, County:
Montgomery, Incorporated
place: Radford City, Ward
of City: East, Unincorporated
Place: _________, Township
or other division of county: ___________, Block
No: ____ Institution:
__________, S. D.
No. 6 , E. D.
No. 117-1 Sheet
No. 3A Enumerated
by me on April , 1940, Laura E Pryor,
Enumerator, Page: 10A
22 122 67 R 25 Beverly D(eaton)
NANCE, Head, M, W, 58, Marr., Born: VA,
Lived 1935: Same Place, Car Inspector, Steam
23 122 67 - 25 Lucy (CARR) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 54,
Marr., Virginia
24 122 67 - 25 Lucile NANCE, Dau., F, W, 29,
Single, Virginia, Book Keeper, Book Store
(**Son of Elkanah "Alcanie"
NANCE and Mary Clark OWENS)
Schedule State: Virginia, County:
Montgomery, Incorporated
place: Radford City, Ward
of City: East, Unincorporated
Place: _________, Township
or other division of county: ___________, Block
No: ____ Institution:
__________, S. D.
No. 6, E. D.
No. 117-1 Sheet
No. 8B Enumerated
by me on April , 1940, Laura E Pryor,
Enumerator, Page: 15B (2nd floor rear apart.)
41 500 184 R 12 Woodrow (Russell) NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 27, Marr., Highest grade: 7, Born: Virginia,
Lived 1935: Same Place, Working, Waiter,
42 500 184 - 12 (Sarah) Elizabeth (SOWERS)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 24, H-2, Virginia, Residence
1935: Same Place, Working, Buttonhole Maker,
Shirt Factory
43 500 184 - 12 Barbara Ann NANCE, Dau., F, W,
3, Single, None, Virginia
44 500 184 - 12 Woodrow (Russell "Tony") NANCE
Jr., Son, M, W, 2, Single, None, Virginia
(**Son of Beverly Deaton
NANCE and Lucy Bell "Lula" CARR)
St Peters, New Kent, Virginia 1b
51 12 Archie BRADLEY, Head, M, W, 56, Marr.,
52 12 Sallie NANCE(**)
Wife, F, W, 56, Marr., Virginia
(**Dau. of John Fleming
NANCE and Margaret Collier CRUMP)
1940 Ward 2,
Newport News, Newport News City, Newport News
City, Virginia, 12B
66 343 John RUTH, Head, M, B, 54, Marr., South
67 343 Mary RUTH, Wife, F, B, 52, Marr., South
68 343 Barton RUTH, Son, M, B, 24, South
69 343 Mattie (RUTH) NANCE(**), Dau., F,
B, 39, Marr., South Carolina
70 343 Johnnie NANCE, Grandson, M, B, 19, South
71 343
Lankford JONES,
Grandson, M, B, 28, South Carolina
sure who this is)
1940 Deep Creek
Magisterial District, Norfolk, Virginia, 14A
40 297 George CUNNINGHAM, Head, M, W, 52, Marr.,
41 297
Wife, F, W, 50, Marr., Virginia
297 George
CUNNINGHAM, Son, M, 14, Single, Virginia
297 Warren
CUNNINGHAM, Son, M, W, 12, Single, Virginia
297 Mary
CHRISMAN, Dau., F, W, 21, Marr., Virginia
297 Glenn H NANCE(**), Lodger,
M, W, 20, Marr., Virginia
sure who this is)
1940 Area A,
Norfolk, Norfolk City Voting Precinct 27,
Norfolk City, Virginia, 24B
80 Charley T Nantz,
Enlisted soldier, M, W, 34, Marr., Kentucky,
Last Place of Residence: San Diego, California
sure who this is)
Area B, Norfolk, Norfolk City Voting
Precinct 30, Norfolk City, Virginia,
58 273 Charlie
S NANTZ(**),
Head, M, 34, Marr., Kentucky, D C,
District Of Columbia
59 273 Mary C NANTZ, Wife, F,
25, Marr., North Carolina
(**Not sure who
this is)
1940 Area C,
Norfolk, Norfolk City Voting Precinct 16,
Norfolk City, Virginia 64A
17 345 Mary NANCE(**), Head, F,
W, 45 Div., Virginia
(**Not sure who
this is)
1940 Area C,
Norfolk, Norfolk City Voting Precinct 24,
Norfolk City, Virginia, 11B
243 Grace
B. GALLAMORE, Head, F, W, 63, Div., North
243 Katherine
McCORMICK, Lodger, F, W, 32, Div., Pennsylvania
69 243
Lodger's son, M, W, 13, Single, Virginia
70 243 W. Raymond NANCE(**), Lodger,
M, W, 48, Marr., North Carolina
71 243 Mary ATKINSON, Lodger, F, W, 52, Widow,
North Carolina
72 243 Thomas E ATKINSON, Lodger's son, M, W,
22, Single, Virginia
(**Not sure who this is)
Norfolk, Norfolk City, Virginia Page 758B Sheet
41 830 115 R 40 Hoyle H(eyward)
MILLER, Head, M, W, 37, Marr., South Carolina
42 830
Elsie N (NANCE**) MILLER, Wife,
F, W, 37, Marr., South Carolina
43 830
Hoyle H(eyward) MILLER, Son,
M, W, 7, Single, Virginia
(**Dau. of Carroll Drayton
NANCE Sr. and Norma MOORE)
1940 Orange, Madison
Magisterial District, Orange, Virginia, 1B
59 19 Maria F BOND, Head, F, W, 66, Virginia
60 19 Champie B WICKLAND, Dau., F, W, 34,
61 19 Linda M WICKLAND, GrandDau., F,
W, 7, Single, Virginia
62 19 Thomas D BOND, Son, M, W, 45, Virginia
63 19 Samuel W DUGGINS, Boarder, M, 26, Single,
64 19 Hubert M NANCE(**), Boarder, M, W,
24, Single, Virginia
(**Not sure who this is, possible
son of Henry Grady NANCE Sr. and Ada Grace OVERSTREET)
Mayo River Magisterial District, Patrick, Virginia, 13B
57 222 Nannie (CRITZ)
MARTIN, Head, F, W, 58, Widow, Virginia
58 222 Buch MARTIN, Dau., F, W, 22,
Single, Virginia
59 222 Nannie Sue MARTIN, Dau., F, W, 18,
Single, Virginia
60 222 Erna (MARTIN) NANCE(**), Dau., F, W, 24, Marr.,
61 222 Jerry F(ranklin) NANCE,
Grandson, M, W, 0/12, Virginia
62 222 Susie CRITZ, Sister, F, W, 72, Single,
(**Wife of Dorsey Lawrence "Jimmy"
NANCE, son of James Oliver NANCE and Maggie Susan
Callands, Pittsylvania, Virginia 13a
9 192 Perry G(arvin)
SAUNDERS, Head, M, W, 35, Marr., Virginia
10 192 Gladys (Jackson
F, W, 28, Marr., Virginia
11 192 Perry SAUNDERS, Son, M, W,
15, Single, Virginia
12 192 Johnnie SAUNDERS, Dau., F,
W, 13, Single, Virginia
13 192 Micheal SAUNDERS, Son, M,
W, 11, Single, Virginia
14 192 Gillstein SAUNDERS, Dau.,
F, W, 3, Single, Virginia
15 192 Perry Ann SAUNDERS, Dau.,
F, W, 2, Single, Virginia
(**Dau. of William Rorer NANCE
and Janie F GRAVELY)
Tunstall Magisterial District, Pittsylvania, Virginia,
804B Sheet 24B
41 385 Sallie E (Bell (EMERSON)) NANCE,
Wife, F, W, 28, Marr., Virginia
42 385 W(illiam)
Burnell NANCE, Son, M, W, 9, Single, Virginia
43 385 Lewis E NANCE, Son, M, W,
6, Single, Virginia
44 385 Norma J(oan) NANCE, Dau., F, W, 4,
Single, Virginia
45 385 Thomas L(eon) NANCE, Son, M, W, 2,
Single, Virginia
(**Husband John William Bethel
NANCE was added on a later page {see below})
Tunstall Magisterial District, Pittsylvania, Virginia
806A Sheet 61A
13 385
(John William) Bethel NANCE,
Husband, M, W, 31 Marr., North Carolina, Last Place of
Residence: Danville, Virginia
(**Son of Luther Dan NANCE and
Maggie Della SHELTON)
1940 Prospect Magisterial
District, Prince Edward, Virginia, 2A
8 19 Ernest NANCE(**), Head, M, B,
34, Marr., North Carolina
9 19 Lelia (COLES)
NANCE, Wife, F, B, 30, Marr., Virginia
10 19 Charlie NANCE, Son, M, B, 15, Single, Virginia
11 19 Mary NANCE, Dau., F, B, 8, Single, Virginia
12 19 Nancy COLES, Mother-in-law, F, B, 62, Virginia
(**Parents unknown)
Newbern Magisterial District, Pulaski, Virginia, 106A
Sheet 13A
37 205 (Joseph) Crockett NANCE(**),
Head, M, W, 65, Marr., Virginia
38 205 Laura (Belle (SMITH)) NANCE, Wife,
F, W, 65, Marr., Virginia
39 205 (Emory)
Lee NANCE, Son, M, W, 36, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Elkanah "Alcanie"
NANCE and Mary Clark OWENS)
Ward 2, Pulaski, Pulaski Magisterial District,
Pulaski, Virginia 161A 3A
9 37 Wilson W(itt) NANCE(**), Head,
M, W, 32, Marr., Virginia
10 37 Mona E (QUESENBERRY)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 33, Marr., Virginia
37 Francis
A(lleen) NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 9, Single,Virginia
37 Mary J(osephine) NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 7, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Frank Stone
NANCE and Florence Erminie HOLLEY)
Ward 2, Pulaski, Pulaski Magisterial District,
Pulaski, Virginia, 176A Sheet 18A
31 305 Frank S(tone) NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 61, Marr., Virginia
32 305 Florence
E(rminie (HOLLEY)) NANCE,
Wife, F, W, 56, Marr., Tennessee
33 305 F(rank) Rufus NANCE, Son,
M, W, 26, Single, Virginia
34 305 Thomas
A(lkaney) NANCE, Son,
M, W, 17, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Elkanah "Alcanie"
NANCE and Mary Clark OWENS)
Ward 3, Pulaski, Pulaski Magisterial District,
Pulaski, Virginia 198B Sheet 1B
55 14 (Archie) Glenn NANCE(**),
Head, M, W, 34, Marr., North Carolina
56 14 Blanche (Mae (AUST)) NANCE, Wife, F,
W, 25, Marr., Virginia
57 14 Donnald (Allen) NANCE, Son, M, W, 4,
Single, Virginia
(**Son of Jesse J. NANCE and
Florence E. MCCASKILL)
Ward 3, Pulaski, Pulaski Magisterial District,
Pulaski, Virginia, 211A Sheet 2A
14 24 George W(illia)m NANCE(**), Clerk, M, W,
23, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Thaddeus Haywood NANCE
and Mary Lena ROBERTSON)
Pulaski, Pulaski, Virginia, North Cupland 215 18B
41 307 George E(mmitt)
FARMER, M, W, 30, Marr., Virginia
42 307 Dana D(oris (NANCE**))
FARMER, M, W, 30, Marr., Virginia
(**Dau. of Frank Stone NANCE and
Florence Erminie HOLLY)
Radford City {Independent
City, also see Montgomery County}
Radford, Radford City, Virginia Page 66A,
Sheet 4A
40 64 James R(ichard) TRAIL,
Head, M, W, 45, Marr., Virginia, Same House
1940 Radford, Radford City, Virginia Page 66B,
Sheet 4B
41 64 Jeannie (Elizabeth
(NANCE)**) TRAIL, Wife, F, W, 34,
Marr., Virginia
42 64 Eleanor V TRAIL, Dau., F, W, 15, Single,
43 64 Nancy E(lizabeth)
TRAIL, Dau., F, W, 13, Single, Virginia
44 64 Isabel C(ora)
TRAIL, Dau., F, W, 11, Single, Virginia
45 64 Jeanette TRAIL, Dau., F, W, 9, Single,
46 64 Frances L TRAIL, Dau., F, W, 6, Single,
47 64 James R(ichard)
TRAIL, Son, M, W, 2, Single, Virginia
(**Dau. of James
Crockett NANCE and Laura Belle SMITH)
Radford, Radford City, Virginia 16A Sheet
22 210 E 15 Dan ROBERTSON, Head, M, W, 25,
Marr., Virginia
23 210 Helen (NANCE**)
ROBERTSON, Wife, F, W, 23, Marr., Virginia
(**Dau of Beverly
Deaton NANCE and Lucy Bell CARR)
East Ward, Radford, Radford City, Radford City,
Virginia, 61A
39 82 Clara S (Oveda (NANCE**)) NANCE(*), Head,
F, W, 58, Widow, Virginia
40 82 Wallace (Adams) NANCE,
Son, M, W, 26, Single, Virginia
41 82 Ray (Daisy) NANCE,
Son, M, W, 24, Single, Virginia
(**Dau. of Elkanah "Alcanie"
NANCE and Mary Clark OWENS)
(*Widow of Stafford Lee NANCE, son of John Riley
"Johney" NANCE and Emma Jackson EARLES)
Richmond City {Independent City}
Clay Ward, Richmond, Richmond City, Richmond
City, Virginia, 1A
1 1211 1 O 3500 Rosalie
Head, F, W, 38, Marr., Virginia
2 1211
1 Leslie P(owell) NANCE(**), Husband, M, W,
40, Marr., Virginia
3 1211
1 Odell R(osalie) NANCE, Dau.,
F, 15, Single, Virginia
4 1211
1 Evelyn L
JOHNSON, Sister, F, W, 47, Div., Virginia
5 1211
1 Helen E JOHNSON,
Niece, F, W, 23, Single, Virginia
6 1211
1 Sadie D HEALEY,
Sister, F, W, 31, Single, Virginia
7 1211
1 Charles HEALEY,
Father, M, W, 68, Widow, New York
(**Son of Marshall F.
Clay Ward, Richmond, Richmond City,
Richmond City, Virginia, 7B
57 187 William MAJOR, Head, M, W, 62,
Marr., Virginia
58 187 Gertrude (NANCE**)
MAJOR, Wife, F, W, 62, Marr., Virginia
59 187 Charles N MAJOR, Son, M, W, 25,
Single, Virginia
60 187 Floyd B WHITLEY, Son-in-law, M, W,
18, Marr., North Carolina
61 187 Gertrude A (MAJOR)
F, W, 18, Marr., Virginia
(**Dau. of Benjamin
W. NANCE and Sallie Glarster MAJOR)
Jefferson Ward, Richmond, Richmond City,
Richmond City, Virginia, 2B
60 42 Fletcher Lee NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 39, Marr., Truck
Driver, Virginia
61 42 Nina Belle NANCE, Wife, F, W, 32, Marr.,
(**Son of Marshall F.
1940 Madison
Ward, Richmond, Richmond City, Richmond City,
Virginia, 9B
70 187
R 18 Arthur
DANDRIDGE, Head, M, Neg., 35, Marr., Virginia
71 187
Wife, F, Neg., 30, Marr., Virginia
72 187
Dau., F, Neg., 6, Single, Virginia
73 187
Fannie WHITE,
Lodger, F, 75, Widow, Virginia
74 187 Mack NANCE(**), Lodger,
M, Neg., 54, Marr., South Carolina
75 187
Mary NANCE, Lodger, F,
Neg., 27, Marr., Virginia
sure who this is)
1940 Madison
Ward, Richmond, Richmond City, Richmond City,
Virginia, 10B
68 508 R 40 Rosa B.
Head, F, B, 50 Marr., Virginia
sure who this is)
Madison Ward, Richmond, Richmond City, Richmond
City, Virginia, 7B
48 161
John J(ames) TYLER, Head, M,
W, 64, Marr., Virginia
49 161
Hattie L(ee (NANCE))
TYLER, Wife, F, W,
56, Marr., Virginia
50 161 Bettie J(ane (WOOD)) NANCE(**),
Mother-in-law, F, W, 84, Widow, Virginia
51 161
Thos ? PEAY,
Foster-son, M, W, 20, Single, Virginia
(**Widow of George Wallace
NANCE, son of Thomas N. NANCE and Margaret A. (M.N.U.))
Madison Ward, Richmond, Richmond City, Richmond
City, Virginia, 2A
7 403 26 O 2000 Alice D (Beatrice (DOWDY))
Head, F, W, 54, Widow, Virginia
8 403
26 Thomas W(ilson) NANCE, Son, M,
W, 27, Single, Virginia
9 403
26 Amos H(ardy) NANCE, Son, M,
W, 20, Single, Virginia
10 403
26 Dorothy B(elle) NANCE, Dau., F,
W, 19, Single, Virginia
11 403
26 Helen N (B. (NANCE)) WILSON,
Dau., F, 31, Marr., Virginia
12 403
26 Helen J
WILSON, Granddau., F, 12, Single, Virginia
(**Widow of Richard Earl
"Dick" NANCE, son of son of Archibald NANCE
and Lucy HUGHES)
Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia 1B
63 2718 22 O 4500 Allan P(age)
WALKER, Head, M, W, 65, Marr., Virginia
643 2718 22 Electra N (NANCE**)
WALKER, Wife, F, W, 65, Marr., Virginia
64 2718 22 Frances P WALKER,
Dau., F, W, 26,
Single, Virginia
65 2718 22 Mary E WALKER,
Dau., F, W, 23,
Single, Virginia
(**Dau. of Benjamin NANCE
and Sallie Glarster MAJOR)
Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia 3B
76 74 Robert E COOK, Head, M, W, 66, Marr.,
77 75 Mattie (NANCE**)
COOK, Wife, F, W, 68, Marr., Virginia
(**Dau. of Archibald
NANCE and Lucy Frances HUGHES)
Roanoke City {Independent City}
Area A, Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City,
Virginia, 2A
31 33 Charles J HUNDLEY, Head, M, W, 61, Marr.,
32 33 Emma M HUNDLEY, Wife, F, 61, Marr.,
33 33 Grover L HUNDLEY, Son, M, 26, Single,
34 33 Bernice J HUNDLEY, Son, M, 19, Single,
35 33 Otis W(illiam)
Son-in-law, M, W, 27, Marr., North Carolina
36 33 Ella M (HUNDLEY) NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 23, Marr., Virginia
(**Son of Henry Martin
NANCE and Dora Frankie SANE)
Area A, Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City,
Virginia, 11A
227 J
Leonard SPANGLER, Head, M, W, 45, Marr.,
227 Gertrude
L SPANGLER, Wife, F, W, 42, Marr., Virginia
227 Edith
E SPANGLER, Dau., F, W, 23, Single, Virginia
227 Fred
M SPANGLER, Son, M, W, 21, Single, Virginia
22 227
Son, M, W, 12, Single, Virginia
30 1531 227 Willie P(eters) NANCE(**), Lodger,
M, W, 47, Single, Virginia
(**Son of John Albert
Wesley NANCE and Flora Susan CREASY)
1940 Area B,
Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City, Virginia,
38 31 Frank A DILLON, Head, M, W, 55, Marr.,
39 31 Julia
Wife, F, W, 52,
Marr., Virginia
40 31 Raymond
A DILLON, Son, M, W, 28, Single, Virginia
B, Roanoke, Roanoke City,
Roanoke City, Virginia, 2B
41 31 Oscar
W DILLON, Son, M, W, 22, Single, Virginia
42 31 Samuel
C JONES, Lodger, M, W, 42, Single, Tennessee
43 31 Lula NANCE(**), Servant,
F, Neg., 24, Single, Virginia, Bedford Virginia,
Servant, Private Family
(**Not sure who this is)
Area B, Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City,
Virginia, 3A
31 1329 59 O 6000 Charles E CLINGENPEEL,
Head, M, W, 65,
Marr., Virginia
32 1329
Wife, F, W, 46, Marr., Virginia
33 1329
59 Raymond E
CLINGENPEEL, Son, M, W, 16, Single, Virginia
34 1329
59 Frankie E (CLINGENPEEL)
NANCE(**), Dau., F,
W, 35, Marr., Virginia
(**Wife of Harold Albert
NANCE, son of William Abner NANCE and Lillian
Area B, Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City,
Virginia, 4A
1 119 51 R 10 J W PATTERSON, Head, M, Neg.,
31, Marr., Virginia
2 119 51 Ernestine PATTERSON,
Wife, F, Neg.,
27, Marr., Virginia
3 119 51 Peggy PATTERSON,
Dau., F, Neg.,
4, Single, Virginia
4 119 51 James Louis PATTERSON,
Son, M, Neg.,
3, Single, Virginia
5 119 51 Eugene (C.) NANCE(**), Lodger,
M, Neg., 25, Marr., Virginia
6 119 51 Ruth NANCE,
Lodger's wife, F, Neg.,
23, Marr., West Virginia
(**Son of Joe Cephus NANCE
and Willie Sue JENNINGS)
1940 Area B,
Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City, Virginia,
62 340 74 O Pomp NANCE(**), Head, M,
Neg., 72, Marr., Virginia
63 340
74 (Nannie) Mittie NANCE,
Wife, F, Neg., 67, Marr., Virginia
64 340
74 Otto (W.) NANCE, Son, M,
Neg., 30, Marr., Virginia
65 340
74 Mary NANCE,
Dau.-in-law, F, Neg., 28, Marr., Virginia
66 340
74 Gearldine (Retelle) NANCE,
Granddau., F, Neg., 4, Single, Virginia
67 340
74 Alfred NANCE,
Grandson, M, Neg., 2, Single, Virginia
68 340
74 Alexander
HUGH, Grandson, M, Neg., 14, Single,
(**Parents unknown)
Area B, Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City,
Virginia, 6A
40 137 O(scar) L(ittleton)
Head, M, W, 48, Marr., Virginia
41 137
Hettie M(ina (WHITLOW))
NANCE, Wife, F, W,
48, Marr., Virginia
137 O(scar) L(ittleton) NANCE,
Son, M, W, 19, Single, Virginia
43 137
Sarah (Lee) NANCE, Dau., F,
W, 16, Single, Virginia
44 137
Frederick (M.) NANCE, Son, M, W,
15, Single, Virginia
45 137 (Robert) Edward
NANCE, Son, M, W, 12, Single, Virginia
46 137
Mildred (Louise) NANCE, Dau.,
F, W, 7, Single, Virginia
47 137
Sister-in-law, F, W, 72, Single, Virginia
(**Son of McHenry
P. NANCE and Mildred Matilda PETERS)
Area B, Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City,
Virginia, 6A
5 112 Verna
A TRENT, Head, F, W, 44, Marr., Virginia
6 112
William H TRENT,
Son, M, W, 11, Single, Virginia
7 112 Glenn (Hamilton) NANCE(**),
Son-in-law, M, W, 20, Marr., Virginia
8 112 (Emma) Jewell
Dau., F, W, 21, Marr., Virginia
(**Son of Henry Grady
Area B, Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City,
Virginia, 10A
26 180 Lewis Z(olley) NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 63, Marr., Texas
27 180
Wife, F, W, 59, Marr., Virginia
28 180
Ella Mae NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 35, Single, Virginia
29 180
Raymond H NANCE,
Son, M, W, 19, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Martin Van Buren
NANCE and Lydia A. "Lidda" BENSON)
Area B, Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City,
Virginia, 13A
33 219 Hubert A(shby) NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 52, Marr., Virginia
34 219
Verna (Louise (WRIGHT))
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 45, Marr., Virginia
35 219
H(ubert) Ashaby NANCE,
Son, M, W, 16, Single, Virginia
(**Son of McHenry P. NANCE
and Mildred Matilda PETERS)
1940 Area B,
Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City, Virginia,
46 307 71 R 3 Annie NANCE(**), Head, F, Neg.,
28, Single, Virginia
47 307 71 Bertha (NANCE**)
JOHNSON, Sister, F, Neg., 32, Marr., Virginia
(**Parents unknown)
1940 Area B,
Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City, Virginia
42 83 Mary E. NANCE(**), Head, F,
W, 64, Widow, South Carolina
(**Not sure who this is,
widow of John T. NANCE)
Area B, Roanoke, Roanoke City, Roanoke City, Virginia,
21 417 James H(iram)
GARRETSON, Head, M, W, 39, Marr., Virginia
22 417 Pearl M GARRETSON, Wife, F, W, 38, Marr.,
23 417 Mayella GARRETSON, Dau., F, W, 20, Single,
24 417 Lloyd GARRETSON, Son, M, W, 15, Single,
25 417 Roger GARRETSON, Son, M, W, 13, Single,
26 417 (Sallie) Maude (NANCE**) Garretson, Mother,
F, W, 63, Widow, Virginia
(**Dau. of Elkanah "Alcanie"
NANCE and Mary Clark OWENS)
Ward 2, Vinton, Big Lick Magisterial District,
Roanoke, Virginia, 31A Sheet 10A
7 173 Samuel
H McLAIN, Head, M, W, 80, Marr., Virginia
8 173 Esta
Wife, F, W, 69,
Marr., Virginia
9 173 Helen
Dau., F, W, 46,
Single, Virginia, File Clerk
10 173 Lula B(elle (MCLAIN))
NANCE(**), Dau.-in-law(*), F, W, 35,
Widow(*), Virginia
11 173 Rachael NANCE,
Granddau., F, W, 17, Single, Virginia
(*This is what is on
census, Lula is their dau., and is not a
widow, ex-husband (Richard d. 1955) is still
alive, they divorced prior to 1930 census)
(**Ex-wife of Richard Christopher NANCE, son of Thaddeus Christopher
NANCE and Margaret Virginia "Maggie"
North Roanoke, Big Lick Magisterial District,
Roanoke, Virginia, 96A Sheet 10A
23 215 C(alvin) M(onroe) NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 32, Marr., Virginia
24 215
Irene P (PATTON) NANCE, Wife,
F, W, 29, Marr., Virginia
25 215
Calvin M(aurice) NANCE, Son, M,
W, 7, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Lewis Zolley
1940 Big Lick
Magisterial District, Roanoke, Virginia, 132A
Sheet 1A
22 5 Mckendred NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 29, Marr., Virginia
23 5 Irene (DAVIS)
NANCE, Wife, F, W, 24, Marr., Virginia
24 5 Mckendred NANCE, Son, M, W, 1, Single,
(**Son of Thaddeus
Christopher NANCE and Margaret Virginia
"Maggie" CUNDIFF)
1940 Big Lick
Magisterial District, Roanoke, Virginia, 133A
Sheet 16A
21 122 R 15 Henry (Grady) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 50,
Marr., Virginia
22 122
Mary (Frances (HUBBARD))
Wife, F, W, 39, Marr., Virginia
23 122
Henry (Edward) NANCE, Son, M,
W, 14,
Single, Virginia
24 122
Edwin NANCE, Son, M,
W, 12,
Single, Virginia
25 122
(Gladys) Mildred NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 10,
Single, Virginia
26 122
Mary (Francis) NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 2, Single, Virginia
27 122
Betty Lou NANCE,
Dau., F, W, 5/12,
Single, Virginia
(**Son of John Albert
Wesley NANCE and Flora Susan CREASY)
1940 Roanoke, Roanoke City,
Virginia Sheet Number: 1B
823 Peter G WRIGHT 66
Daisy (Hendrix
Marr., VA
Helen Wright 18
Daisy Franklin 30
Maytle Daughtrey 30
(**Dau. of Parley Decalb NANCE and
Mary Ann "Molly" LAND)
1940 Roanoke,
Roanoke City, Virginia 500B Sheet 16B
52 1304 284 R 13 Walter BOBBITT,
Head, M, W, 37, Marr., Virginia
53 1304
284 Mamie (NANCE**) BOBBITT,
Wife, F, W, 38, Marr., Virginia
54 1304
284 Gurdine
BOBBITT, Dau., F, W, 15, Single, Virginia
55 1304
284 Lillian
BOBBITT, Dau., F, W, 12, Single, Virginia
56 1304
284 Andrea
BOBBITT, Son, M, W, 10,
Single, Virginia
57 1304
284 Sarah O(livia (FARMER-NANCE)) HOWE,
Mother-in-law, F, W, 62, Widow, Virginia
(**Dau. of Joseph Crockett
NANCE and Sarah Olivia FARMER)
1940 Roanoke,
Roanoke City, Virginia Sheet 5A
Image 815
13 70 Jacob HARVEY, Head, M, W, 87, Marr.,
14 70 Hattie (WHORLEY-NANCE**)
HARVEY, Wife, F, W, 50, Marr., Virginia
15 70 Joseph BUSH, Lodger, M, W, 66, Widow,
(**1st husband Benjamin
Howard NANCE, son of Elisha Derastus NANCE and
Sallie J. HANCOCK)
Roanoke, Roanoke City, Virginia 757A Sheet 11A
6 978 2 O 8000 H(arry)
G(raves) JOHNSON,
Head, M, W, 41, Marr., Virginia
7 978 Kathelin (NANCE**)
Wife, F, W, 41,
Marr., Virginia
8 978 H(arry) G(raves) JOHNSON
Jr., Son, M, W, 18,
Single, Virginia
(**Dau. of Thaddeus
Christopher NANCE and Margaret CUNDIFF)
1940 Franklin,
Franklin Magisterial District, Southampton,
Virginia, 187B Sheet 20B
59 410 Samuel B BRADSHAW, Head, M, W, 31, Marr.,
60 410
Wife, F, W, 32, Marr., Virginia
61 410
Robert Edward NANCE(**), Lodger,
M, W, 36, Single, North Carolina
(**Son of Robert Yancy
NANCE and Maggie Louise POWELL)
1940 Jerusalem,
Southampton, Virginia 6A
3 30 O 1000 Ruel T(homas)
BLYTHE, Head, M, W, 36, Marr., Virginia
4 30 Beulah N (NANCE**)
BLYTHE, Wife, F, W, 41, Marr., North Carolina
(**Dau. of James Marshall
NANCE and Merritt Lula Davis)
1940 Ward 2,
Suffolk, Suffolk City, Suffolk City, Virginia,
18 132
Elisha R WYATTE,
Head, M, W, 49, Marr., Virginia
19 132
Evie WYATTE, Wife,
F, W, 46, Marr., Virginia
20 132 Charles (Hoyt) NANCE(**), Lodger,
M, W, 35, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Willie
Wilbur NANCE and Fannie K. BROWN)
1940 Ward 2,
Suffolk, Suffolk City, Suffolk City, Virginia,
24 134 Oscar M(onroe) NANCE(**), Head, M,
W, 42, Marr., North Carolina
25 134 Sallie M(ay
(RABON)) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 43, Marr.,
North Carolina
26 134 Robert R(awls)
NANCE, Son, M, W, 15, Single, Virginia
(**Son of Willie Wilbur
NANCE and Fannie K. BROWN)
1940 Abingdon,
Washington, Virginia 20B
72 392 R 20 800 George GRANT, Head, M, W, 60,
Marr., Virgina, Same Place
73 392
Annie Louise (NANCE**) GRANT, Wife,
F, W, 56, Marr., Mississippi
74 392
Nancy GRANT, F, W,
26, Single,
75 392
Marcus GRANT, M, W,
22, Single,
76 392
Annie Louise GRANT,
F, W, 15, Single, Virgina
(**Dau. of Marcus NANCE and