Census and tax records of NANCE/NANTZ/NANTS
and other various spellings of the surnames NANCE that
I have been able to find.
PLEASE bear with me I am doing the best I can with
deciphering some of the handwriting on some of these
These transcriptions may
contain human errors. As always, confirm these, as you
would any other source material.
In census before 1850 I am trying to put names
where it only list the # of males and female.
The additions in this color "green
may include (name, SURNAME, middle name, age and birth
date)" and are MY inclusions.
Census are in alphabetical order per year/county/ page
#/household # for each state.
Orange - more research needed
1782-1781 TN CENSUS
Taken from NC Land Grants
Davis NANCE Grant
#315-400A-1782- Cain Break Branch on waters of Buffalow
The territorial census schedules and the 1800 TN census were lost or destroyed.
The 1810 census of Tennessee was
lost, except for Grainger and Rutherford counties
DAVIDSON COUNTY {census missing}
1810 Davidson County, TN {What
it may look like}
William Howe NANTZ(**) 20010-20010
2 Free White Males under 10 (Samuel
Venable abt 5 b. 14 Jun 1805, Josiah
Crenshaw 6 b. 19 Feb 1804)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (William
Howe 31 b. 05 May 1779)
2 Free White Females under 10 (Susan Massey 1 b. 11
Dec 1809, Martha abt. 3 b. abt 1807,
Mary Ann 8 b. 4 Aug 1802)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26
(Elizabeth Venable (MORTON) 30 b. 01 Jan 1780)
(**Son of David NANCE and Mary CRENSHAW)
Grainger County, TN
Samuel NANCE 11110-21010
1 Free White Male under 10
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Samuel)
2 Free White Females under 10
1 Free White Female 10 and under 16
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45
(From Nance Register? can't find,
suppose to be VANCE?)
Samuel NANCE
{probably the John Nance who
sold property in Henry Co. VA and moved to
Jefferson Co. TN around 1800}
KNOX COUNTY {census missing}
1810 Knox County, TN {What it may
look like}
Thomas NANCE 20001-00010
2 Free White Males under 10 (Thomas abt 1 b.
abt 1809, Lemuel abt 2 b. abt 1808)
1 Free White Male over 45 (Thomas abt 45? abt 1775?
or older)
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45
(What it might look like)
(Thomas V NANCE marr. Mary COOPER on 27 Aug 1808 in Knox
Co. TN)
(Son? of Thomas NANCE and Sarah GIBBS??)
1810 Knox County TN {What it may
look like}
Peter NANCE 20010-10010
2 Free White Males under 10 (Pryor abt 1 b. abt 1809,
Leonard abt 8 b. abt. 1812)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Peter abt. 36 b.
abt. 1774)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Harriet 1 b. 27 Dec 1808)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Mary Emeline
(PRYOR) 28 b. 18 Nov 1782)
(What it might look like, Constructed from 1830 census)
(**Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
Knox County TN {What
it may look like}
NANCE 11010-00010
1 Free White Male under 10
(Thomas Jefferson
abt 3 b. abt 1807, Joel* abt
5 b. abt 1805)
1 Free White Male of 16 and
under 26 (Josiah abt 25 b. abt
1 Free White Female of 16
and under 26 (Wife 20-25)
(*Joel possibly the son of Josiah?)
(**Son? of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS
1810 Jefferson,
Rutherford, Tennessee Schedule of the whole number of
within the division allotted Ezekiel Pickfor? Page 21b
written 40
Line 1 Bird NANCE(**)
3 Free White Males of under 10 (William
Hannah 10 b. 07 Jan 1800, John M. 12 b. 04 Mar 1798)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Bird 38 b 24 Jul 1772)
2 Free White Females under 10 (Lucy
abt 5 b. 1805, Sally abt. 6 b abt. 1804)
1 Free
White Female 10 and under 16 (Elizabeth
abt 16 b. abt 1794)
1 Free
White Female 26 and under 45 (Sarah
Louise "Sally" (MACK) abt 26 b abt 1785)
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
1810 Jefferson,
Rutherford, Tennessee Schedule of the whole number of
within the division allotted Ezekiel Pickfor? Page 21b
written 40
Line 2 William NANCE(**) 31010-310100-3
3 Free White Males of under 10 (Martin
abt. 2 b. abt. 1808, Henry 9 b. 7 Aug. 1800, Reuben abt.
12 b. abt. 1798)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16 (Joseph abt. 17 b. 3 Feb 1793)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (William 42 b. 24 Dec 1768)
Free White Females under 10 (Tabitha
6 b. abt 1804)
Free White Female 10 and under 16 (??)
Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Lucy A. 29?
b. abt 1781?)
of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
(Patrick 13, b. abt 1797 died before 1810?)
1810 Jefferson,
Rutherford, Tennessee Schedule of the whole number of
within the division allotted Ezekiel Pickfor? Page 21b
written 40
Line 8 Allen NANCE(**) 10010-40110
1 Free White Male of under 10 (Allen
abt. 10 b. abt. 1800)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Allen 34 b. 18 Jan 1776)
4 Free White Females under 10 (Emaline
abt. 6 b. abt 1804, Mary abt. 7 b. abt 1803, June abt. 4
b. abt 1806, Nancy abt 9 b. abt 1801)
Free White Female 16 and under 26
Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Elizabeth
(NANCE**) abt 32 b. abt 1778)
(**Son of
Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
(*Dau. of John NANCE and Mary
"Mollie" (EPPES last name?))
1810 Jefferson,
Rutherford, Tennessee Schedule of the whole number of
persons within the division allotted Ezekiel Pickfor? Page
21b written 40
Line 10 Obed. GARNER 21010-01010-02
2 Free White Males of under 10 (John Nance >1 b 15 Jun 1810)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16 (Obadiah
abt 11 b. abt 1799)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Obadiah Brice abt 40 b. abt 1770)
1 Free White Female 10 and under 16
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Elinor (NANCE**) abt 37 b. abt 1777)
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Mary (M.N.U.)
1810 Jefferson, Rutherford, Tennessee Page 24A
Line 3 James SANFORD 41311-02210-00
4 Free White Males under 10
(Joseph abt 2 b. abt 1808, Peyton abt 8 b. abt
1802, ?, ?)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16 (Reuben abt 12 b. abt 1798)
3 Free White Males of 16 and under 26 (George abt 16 b. abt 1794, Robert
abt 20 b. abt 1790, John abt 22 b. abt 1788)
1 Free White Males of 26 thru 44
1 Free White Male over 45 (James
45 b. abt 1765)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 16 (Lucy abt 15 b. abt 1795)
2 Free White Females of 16 and under 26 (Elzabeth abt 18 b. abt 1792)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Sarah (NANCE**) 43 b. 14 Jul
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
1810 Nashville Rutherford, Tennessee Schedule
of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted
Ezekiel Pickfor?
Page 2a Line 14 Dan'l NANCE(**) 11111-21011
1 Free White Male of under 10 (Sterling
2 b. 08 May 1808)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16
1 Free White Male of 18 and under 26
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45
1 Free White Male of 45 or above (Daniel abt. 59 b. abt. 1761)
2 Free White Females under 10 (Elizabeth?
6-15? b. 1795-1804?)
1 Free White Female 10 and under 16
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Nancy (BALDRIDGE) abt 38 b. abt
1 Free White Female of 45 or above
(**Parents unknown)
(Not sure if same Daniel NANCE family, but son
Sterling was born in Rutherford Co. TN, Daniel
married prior to Nancy?? {marr. in 05 Mar 1808})
1810 Nashville, Rutherford,
Tennessee - Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted Ezekiel
Page 8b written 14 Line 9 Isaac
2 Free White Males of under 10 (John <1
b. abt. 1810, Drury 4 b. 16 Aug
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16 (Isaac abt. 13 b. abt. 1797)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Isaac 36 b. 13 Feb 1774)
1 Free White Male of 45 or above
5 Free White Females under 10
(Sarah abt 5 b. abt 1805, Polly abt. 6 b. abt. 1804,
Clementine L. 8 b. abt. 14 May 1802, Jane abt 10 b.
abt 1800, ??)
1 Free White Female 10 and under 16 (Tabitha abt. 12 b. abt 1798)
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Jane (SMITH) abt. 32 b. abt 1778)
3 Slaves
(**Son of Reuben
(The 2 below, Reuban and Thomas,
could have come from "The NANCE Register" I have been
unable to find in census)
Reuban NANCE 10010-40110
1 Free White Male of under 10
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Reuban)
4 Free White Females under 10
1 Free White Female 16 and under 26
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45
Thomas NANCE 10011-20110
1 Free White Male of under 10
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Thomas)
1 Free White Male of 45 or above
2 Free White Females under 10
1 Free White Female 16 and under 26
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45
WILLIAMSON COUNTY {census missing}
1810 Williamson,
Tennessee {What it may look like}
Line 31 Reuben NANCE 20???-00100
2 Free White Males of under 10 (Reuben? abt 2 b. abt
1 Free White Male 16 and under 36 (Reuben)
1 Free White Female 16 and under 26 {Francis? abt 16?}
(**Not sure who this is, a Reuben NANCE
marr. Francis INGRAM on 08 Sep 1807 in Williamson
County, TN)
Justea? Capt Company Edward WADE Esgn John B. DEMPSEY
Page 16 Line 4 Reuben
Reuben NANCE (wife Rosanna (BROWN?))
1814 - 1815 TAX LISTS
Reuben NANCE (wife Rosanna (BROWN?))
12/28/1816 John NANCE
ayres by John Haworth $5.62 his Direct tax this year for
Jefferson County.
James Carmichael
1818 - TAX LISTS
1819 - TAX LISTS
{Most East Tennessee
counties for 1820 are missing, those included:
Anderson, Bledsoe, Blount, Campbell, Carter,
Claiborne, Cocke, Grainger, Greene, Hamilton, Hawkins,
Jefferson, Knox, McMinn, Marion, Monroe, Morgan,
Rhea, Roane, Sevier, Sullivan, Washington}
1820 Bedford,
Tennessee Page No: 23 written 46 Reel no: M33-122 Sheet
No: 27 Enumerated by: Joseph M. Kisickl
Line 22 Reuban NANCE(**)
320010-00010-0-100-0000-0000-0000-0000-0 N520
3 Free White Males under 10 (John
C. abt. 8 b. abt. 1812, Bird 6 b. Aug. 1814, Jackson 3
b. 01 Jan 1817)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 16 (Clement abt. 13 b. abt. 1807)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45
(Reuban 35 b. 08 Jul 1785)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Francis?(*) abt. 31 b. abt 1789)
1 in Agri.
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and
(*Had her last name as INGRAM-ARMSTRONG, removing
because of a discrepancy, See 1820 Williamson
Co. TN)
1820 Davidson,
Tennessee Page 78 written 129
Line 1 William NANCE
1 Free White Male under 10 (John 6
b. 15 May 1814)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (William Franklin? abt. 39 b. abt. 1781)
2 Free White Females under 10 (Missouri
abt. 9 b. abt. 1811, Sophia abt. 7 b. abt. 1813, or
Susan abt. 4 b. abt. 1816)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 16 (Catherine abt. 14 b. abt. 1806,
Elizabeth abt. 13 b. abt. 1807)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Nancy (LOWE) abt. 35 b. abt. 1785)
(**Son of John? NANCE and
Mollie/Mary? COX ?? of Rockingham Co. NC. Brother of
Frederick, David and Hardin??)
1820 Davidson,
Tennessee, Page 78 written 129
Line 26 William H. NANTZ(**) 311110-22110-
3 Free White Male under 10 (James T.
1 b. 07 Jun 1819, William Lewis 3 b. 03 Sep 1817, Clement
Woodson 9 b. 26 Mar 1811)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16 (Samuel Venable abt 15 b. 14 Jun 1805)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (Josiah Crenshaw 16 b. 19 Feb 1804)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45
1 Free White Male over 45 (William
Howe 41 b. 05 May 1779)
2 Free White Females under 10 (Antoinette
abt 2 b. abt 1818, Sicily 5 b. 12 Jan 1815)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 16 (Elizabeth Venable 7 b. 23 Dec 1813,
Susan Massey 11 b. 11 Dec 1809)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Martha abt. 13 b. abt 1807)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Elizabeth Venable (MORTON) 40 b.
01 Jan 1780)
(**Son of David NANCE and Mary CRENSHAW)
(Both William's are on same page
and it is quit obvious that NANCE/NANTZ is spelled
1820 Giles County
Tennessee Page 5 written 4
Line 29 Joseph NANTZ(**) 300010-10100-000100
3 Free White Males under 10 (William
Henry abt. 2 b. abt. 1818, James Washington 3 b. 04 Nov
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Joseph abt. 27 b. 3 Feb 1793)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Martha
J. abt. 1 b. abt. 1819)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Eleanor (BLACK) abt. 30 b. abt. 1800)
(**Son of William NANCE and Lucy A. (M.N.U.))
GRAINGER COUNTY {Census missing}
1820 Grainger,
Tennessee, {What it
may look like}
Reuben NANCE 30010-31010
3 Free White Male under 10 (Preston 4 b. 14 Feb 1816,
John 6 b. abt 17 Jan 1814, Jefferson abt 10 b. abt
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Reuben abt. 40
b. abt. 1780)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Annice abt. 3 b. abt.
1817, Susannah 4 b, 7 Feb 1806, Louisa abt 8 b. abt
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 16 (Sarah abt 7 b.
abt 1813)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Rosanna abt.
36 b. abt 1874)
(*Constructed from 1830 - 1850 census)
1820 Hardin County, Tennessee 160a
Line 19 Allen NANCE
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (Allen 25 b. abt 1795)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26
(Children not counted? possibly a
Hugh b 1817? and Elizabeth b. 1816?)
{census missing}
COUNTY {census missing}
1820 Jefferson County, TN {What it
may look like}
John NANCE 30010-00010
3 Free White Males under 10 (Charles 2 b. abt 1818,
William E. 4 b. 24 Sep 1815, Calvin Bird 6 b. 06 Jun
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (John abt. 37 b.
abt 1783)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Sarah (ORE) 33
b. 17 Sep 1786)
KNOX COUNTY {census missing}
1820 Knox County, TN {What
it may look like}
Thomas V. NANCE 32001-00010
3 Free White Males under 10 (John abt 3 b.
abt 1817, Jefferson abt 5 b. abt 1815, Archibald
10 b 10 Dec 1810)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 16 (Thomas
abt 11 b. abt 1809, Lemuel abt 12 b. abt
1 Free White Male over
45 (Thomas abt 45? abt 1775? or older)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Caroline
abt. 8 b. Abt. 1812)
1 Free White Female 26
and under 45 (Mary (COOPER) 38 b. 18
Nov 1782)
(Thomas V NANCE marr. Mary COOPER on 27 Aug 1808 in
Knox Co. TN)
1820 Knox County TN {What it may
look like}
Peter NANCE 31110-21010
3 Free White Males under 10 (Calloway 2 b. 1 Mar 1818,
Harvey abt 7 b. abt 1813, James Madison 9 b. 21 Dec
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 16 (Pryor abt 11 b.
abt 1809)
1 Free While Male of 16 and under 26 (Leonard abt 18
b. abt. 1812)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Peter abt. 46 b.
abt. 1774)
3 Free White Females under 10 (Mary Emeline abt 3 b.
abt 1817, Caroline abt 8 b. abt 1812)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 16 (Harriet 11 b.
27 Dec 1808)
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Mary Emeline
(PRYOR) 38 b. 18 Nov 1782)
(What it might
look like, Constructed from
1830 census)
1820 Knox County TN
it may look like}
Arthur SCOTT
1 Free White Male over 45 (Arthur abt. 68 b.
abt. Jan 1752)
1 Free White Female under 10
1 Free White Female of 26 and under 45 (Elizabeth
(NANCE**) abt 35? b. abt 1785?)
(Arthur SCOTT and Elizabeth NANCE marr. 23 Dec 1813
**Parents?? Constructed from 1830 census)
Knox County TN {What
it may look like}
NANCE 11010-00010
1 Free White Male under 10
(son abt 5)
2 Free White Male of 10 and
under 16 (Thomas Jefferson abt 13
b. abt 1807, Joel* abt 15 b.
abt 1805)
1 Free White Male of 26 and
under 45 (Josiah abt 35 b. abt
1 Free White Female of 26 and
under 45 (Serena Sibbie (YOUNG) abt 36 b. abt
(*Joel possibly the son of Josiah?)
The number of persons within my precinct consisting of
Rutherford County appears in a schedule hereto and
subscribed by me this 10th day January in the year one
Eight hundred and Twenty James Neely assistant
to the Marshall of West Tennessee. Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted to James
Rutherford, Rutherford, Tennessee Pg. 81b
Line 4 Drury NANCE
2 Free White Males under 10 (John N. abt 10 b. abt 1810, William W. 8 b.
22 Jun 1812)
1 Free White Male 16 and under 26 (Drury S. 14 b. 16 Aug 1806)
1 Free White Female 10 and under 16 (Polly
abt. 16 b. abt. 1804)
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Jane (SMITH)* abt. 42 b. abt.
2 in Agriculture
(*Widow of Isaac NANCE, son of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
Rutherford, Rutherford, Tennessee, Pg.
Line 5 John NANCE(**) 100100-10100-0100-1
1 Free White Male under 10 (Benjamin 1 b 08* Apr 1819)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 26 (John 22 b. 04 Mar 1798)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Angeline 1 b. 01* Apr 1819)
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26 (Anne (GAMBILL) 24 b. 24 Dec 1796)
1 in Agriculture
(**Son of Bird NANCE and Mary
"Polly" HANNAH)
(*1 of these birth dates is off)
1820 Rutherford,
Rutherford, Tennessee, Pg. 82b
Line 7 William NANCE
1 Free White Male under 10
1 Free White Male 10 and under 16
1 Free White Male over 45 (William
over 45)
2 Free White Females under 10
1 Female of 10 and under 16
1 Free White Female of 16 and under 26
1 in Agriculture 2 in Manufacturing
(Counted twice see page 100b in
Murfreesboro below)
1820 Rutherford,
Rutherford, Tennessee Pg. 83b
Line 4 Isham NANCE(**)
2 Males under 10 (John Green?
abt 10? b. abt 1810?)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Isham 43 18 Nov 1777)
1 Female under 10 (Sarah abt 9 b.
15 Apr 1811)
1 Female of 10 and under 16
2 Females of 16 and under 26
1 in Agriculture
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Amy
Rutherford, Tennessee, Pg.
Line 29 Allen NANCE(**) 101110-42110-0200-3010-0010-0000-0000
1 Free White Male of under 10 (John
Green? abt 10? b. abt 1810?)
1 Free White Male of 16 and under 18
1 Free White Male of 18 and under 26 (Allen abt. 20 b. abt. 1800)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Allen 44 b. 18 Jan 1776)
4 Free White Females under 10 (Susan>
1 b. abt 1820, America abt. 10 b. abt. 1810, {Sally? who marr. Gardner
2 Free White Females 10 and under 16 (Jane/June abt. 14 b. abt. 1806, Emaline
abt. 16 b. abt. 1804 )
1 Free White Female 16 and under 26 (Mary
abt. 17 b. abt. 1803, or Nancy? abt 19 b. abt 1801)
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Elizabeth
(NANCE*) abt 42 b. abt. 1778)
2 in Agriculture
(**Son of Reuben NANCE
(*Dau. of John NANCE and Mary "Mollie" (EPPES (last
1820 Murfreesboro,
Rutherford, Tennessee, Pg. 92b
Line 31 Alexander McCULLOCK 311201-20010-040010-00301
3 Free White Male of under 10 (Alexander 10 b. 1809, Isaac 4 b. 1816,
William 1 b. 1819)
1 Free White Male of 10 under 16 (James 13 b. 1807)
1 Free White Male 16 and under 18 (Reuben 15 b. 1805)
2 Free White Males of 16 and under 26 (Allen 22 b. 1798, Richard 17 b. 1803)
1 Free White Male over 45 (Alexander
50 b. 15 Aug 1770)
2 Free White Females under 10 (Sarah abt 6 b. abt 1814, Elizabeth abt b. abt
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Susanna
39 b. 10 Aug. 1781)
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and Amy
1820 Murfreesboro,
Rutherford, Tennessee Pg. 100b
Line 22 William NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of under 10 (John
Green? abt 10? b. abt 1810?)
1 Free White Male 10 and under 16 (Martin
abt. 12 b. abt. 1808)
1 Free White Male over 45 (William
52 b. 24 Dec 1768)
3 Free White Females under 10 (Emily
<1 b. abt 1820, Caroline abt 7 b. abt 1813, ??)
1 Female of 10 and under 16 (Tabitha
abt 14 b. abt 1806)
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Lucy
A. 39? b. abt 1781?)
4 in Agriculture
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and
(Counted twice see page 82b in
Rutherford above)
1820 Rutherford,
Rutherford, Tennessee
Line 2 William POSEY 000010-00010
1 Male 16-26 (William Squire 22 b.
02 May 1798)
1 Female 16-26 (Ann (NANCE**) 19 b.
22 Jun 1801)
(**Dau. of Isaac NANCE and Nancy
1820 Smith, Tennessee, Microfilm#:
M33-125 Enumerator: Price F. Martin Page: 76
Line 1403 Line 19 Harwood NANCE(**) 00001-00001-0-100-0000-0000-0000-0000-0
1 Free White Male over 45 (Harwood
abt 59 b. abt 1761)
1 Free White Female over 45 (Martha
(CARDWELL) abt 57 b. abt 1773)
1 in Agriculture
(**Son of Richard NANCE and Mary
1820 Franklin, Williamson, Tennessee Page: 116; NARA
Roll: M33_125; Image: 130
Line 19 James Sanford 120201-10201
1 Free White Male of under 10 (??)
2 Free White Males 10 and under 16 (Joseph
abt 12 b. abt 1808, ??)
2 Free White Males of 16 and under 26 (Peyton abt 18 b. abt 1802, Reuben abt
22 b. abt 1798)
1 Free White Male over 45 (James 65
b. abt 1755)
1 Free White Female under 10
2 Free White Females 26 and under 45
1 Free White Female over 45 (Sarah
(NANCE**) 53 b. 14 Jul 1767)
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
1820 Franklin, Williamson, Tennessee, Page: 117; NARA
Roll: M33_125; Image: 131
Line 15 (James) Burwell
Warren 000010-30100
1 Free White Male - 26 thru 44 (James
3 Free White Females - Under 10 (Mary
<1; Lucinda 1; ??)
1 Free White Female - 16 thru 25 (Elizabeth
(NANCE**) 24)
(**Dau. of Bird NANCE and Mary HANNAH)
1820 Franklin,
Williamson, Tennessee, Page 138 written
Line 31 Reuben NANCE
1 Free White Male of under 10
1 Free White Male 10 and under 16 (Reuben?
abt 12 b. abt 1808)
1 Free White Male 16 and under 18
1 Free White Male 26 and under 45 (Reuben
abt 36 b. abt 1784)
1 Free White Female 16 and under 26 {Francis?
abt 26? b. abt 1796?}
1 in Agriculture
(Don't know who this Reuben is)
(NOTE: Not sure Francis INGRAM/ARMSTRONG is connected to
the correct Reuben..
A Reuben NANCE marr. Francis INGRAM on 08 Sep 1807 in
Williamson County, TN This is probably them??)
(There is another Reuben father of John C. abt. 8 b.
abt. 1812, Bird 6 b. Aug. 1814, Jackson 3 b. 01 Jan 1817
Clement? abt. 10 b. abt. 1810 who is in Bedford Co. TN
census in 1820, So who is this Reuben?)
1820 Franklin, Williamson, Tennessee, Page
165 written 61
Line 3 Stephen NANCE(**)
2 Free White Males under 10 (Stephen
abt. 1 b. abt 1819, Reuben 3 b 23 Jan 1817)
1 Free White Male of 26 and under 45 (Stephen 27 b. abt. 11 Jun 1793)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Mary?
abt 5? b. abt 1815?)
1 Free White Female 16 and under 26 (Sarah M. (HUGHES) abt 21 b. abt 1799)
1 in Agriculture
2 Female Slaves under 14
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Nancy
Franklin, Williamson, Tennessee Page 167
written 63
Line 5 William H. NANCE(**)
2 Free White Males 18 and under 26
(William Hannah 20 b 07 Jan 1800; and ?)
1 Free White Female under 10 (Sarah
R. (Sally) >1 b 20 Jun 1820)
1 Free White Female 16 and under 26 (Mary
BOLAND 20 b 13 Apr 1800)
1 in Agriculture
1 Male Slave under 14
1 Male Slave of 14 and under 26
(**Son of Bird NANCE and Mary
"Polly" HANNAH)
1821 - TAX LISTS
Reuben NANCE (wife Francis
1822 - TAX LISTS
Bakers Comp. for the year 1822 pg 11
Land - W Polls - B Polls - _ Studs - Carriages -
Public Tax - County Tax - Jury Tax - Poor Tax
Line 28 John NANCE
231 1
1 0
0 0 80
3/4 66 1/2 77
1/4 47 1/2
1823 -
Captain John
Bakers Company for the year 1823 pg 52
Land - W Polls - B Polls - _ Studs - Carriages -
Public Tax - County Tax - Jury Tax - Poor Tax
Line 8 John NANCE
231 1
1 0
0 0 80
3/4 66 1/2 68
47 1/2
1824 -
Captain John Bakers Company for the year 1824 pg 81
Land - W Polls - B Polls - _ Studs - Carriages -
Public Tax - County Tax - Jury Tax - Poor Tax
Line 22 John NACE(*)
231 1
1 0
0 0 80
3/4 66 1/2 72
47 1/2
(*NACE is what is on list)
Capt. Bates
Company 1825 pg 145
State Land - School Land - W Polls - B Polls - _
Studs - Carriages - Public Tax - County Tax - Jury
Tax - Poor Tax
Line 22 John NANCE
231 129 1
1 0
0 0
105 83 92 3/4
1826 - TAX LISTS
The following is a list of Enumerations as returned by the justice of the peace for the County of
1827 - TAX LISTS
Clement NANCE
Stephen NANCE 136 acres, 2
slaves 1 poll wife Sarah HUGHES
Capt Bates Company for the
year 1827
State Land - School Land - W Polls - B Polls -
_ Studs - Carriages - Public Tax - County Tax
- Jury Tax - Poor Tax - Tax for ? - School Tax
Line 26 John NANCE
231 129 1
1 0
0 0 1.30
1/2 1.55 1.14 1/2
78 1/2 48
1/4 24
1828 - TAX LISTS
Jefferson NANCE
Stephen NANCE 136 acres, 2
slaves 1 poll wife Sarah HUGHES
Capt Bates Company for the
year 1828 Page 256
State Land - School Land - W Polls - B Polls -
_ Studs - Carriages - Public Tax - County Tax
- Jury Tax - Poor Tax - School Tax
Line 2 John NANCE
231 129
1 3
0 0
0 1.31 1/2
1.32 1/2 1.24
1/2 88 1/2
24 1/4
1829 - TAX LISTS
66 Last Line William H. NANCE Lands Situation: 231 7/8 acres; W: 1;
B: 5; Lots: "; Horses: "; P.C.: "; Amount: 9.68 3/4
(William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
Page 67 Line 1 Josiah
C. NANCE Lands Situation: 50 acres; W: 1; B: ";
Lots: "; Horses: "; P.C.: "; Amount:
1.12 1/2 pd.
(Wife unknown possible father of
Thomas J. NANCE who marr. Leanna LNU who moved to
Page 67 Line 2 William
NANCE Lands Situation: 50 acres; W: 1; B: ";
Lots: "; Horses: "; P.C.: "; Amount:
62 1/2 -
(William NANCE and Nancy LOWE,
(Son of John? NANCE and
Mollie/Mary COX ?? of Rockingham Co. NC. Brother
of Frederick, David and Hardin??))
Stephen NANCE 136 acres, 2
slaves 1 poll wife Sarah HUGHES
Capt Bates Company for the year 1829 Page 311
State Land - School Land - W Polls - B Polls -
_ Studs - Carriages - Public Tax - County Tax
- Jury Tax - Poor Tax - School Tax
Line 16 John NANCE 231
1 3
0 0
0 1.31
1.33 1.25 89
24 1/2
1830 TN Census
1830 Bedford,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted
_______ By the Marshal of the ________ District (or
Territory) of ______ Page 46 written 40
Line 20 Francis NANCE(**)
Total 9
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Thomas
8 b. 20 Jul 1822)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Jackson 13 b. 01 Jan 1817)
2 Free White Males of 15 and under 20 (Stanley Bird 16 b. Aug. 1814, John C.
abt. 18 b. abt. 1812)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Clement? abt. 20 b. abt. 1810)
1 Free White Female under 5 (??)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Sarah B. abt. 6 b. abt 1824)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Elizabeth abt. 10 b. abt 1820)
1 Free White Females of 40 and under 50 (Francis(*) abt. 41 b. abt 1789)
(**Widow of Reuben NANCE Jr., son of Reuben NANCE and
(*Had her as last name as INGRAM-ARMSTRONG, removing
because of a discrepency
see Williamson Co. TN records for Reuben NANCE and
Francis INGRAM)
1830 Bedford, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted
By the Marshal of the ________ District (or
Territory) of ______ Series: M19; Roll: 174; Page:
Line 2 J(ames) H(ester) LILES
1 Free White Male under 5:
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (Benjamin W. 6 abt Nov 1824)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (Robert J. 10 b. 06 May 1820)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (James Hester 35 b. 12 Oct 1794)
1 Free White Female under 5:
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30:
1 Free White Female 30 and under 40 (Margaret Lucy (NANCE**) 36 b.
16 Jan 1795)
(**Parents unknown. Margaret Lucy NANCE marr.
James LILE 02 Nov 1816)
1830 Eastern
Division, Blount, Tennessee Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the
division allotted ______ by the Marshal of
the ______District (or Territory) of _______
Line 6 Benjamin DUNCAN
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (James B abt 1 b. 1829)
2 Free White Males of 30 and under 40 (Benjamin 26 b. abt 1804)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Harriet (NANCE**) 22 b. 27 Dec
(**Dau. of Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline PRYOR)
1830 Davidson, Tennessee, Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division
allotted ______ by the Marshal of the ______District (or
Territory) of _______ Page 250
Line 17 Archibald BUSH 1000100000000-1000100000000
1 Free White Male under 5 (William
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Archibald Filbert 28 b. 07 Dec 1802)
1 Free White Females under 5 (Elizabeth
1 Free White Females of 20 and under 30 (Mary Ann (NANCE**) 28 b. 4 Aug 1802)
(**Dau. of William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable
1830 Davidson, Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted ______ by the Marshal of the ______District (or
Territory) of _______ Page 250
Line 18 W(illia)m
Total 23
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (Frederick Washington 9 b. 19 Feb 1821,
William Lewis 13 b. 03 Sep 1817)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (William Howe 51 b. 05 May 1779)
2 Free White Females under 5 (America
Lucinda abt. 5 b. abt. 1825)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Angelina Virginia 7 b. 01 Apr 1823,
Antoinette abt. 10 b. abt 1820)
2 Free White Females of 15 and under 20 (Sisily 14 b. 12 Jan. 1816, Elizabeth
Venable 17 b. 23 Dec 1813)
1 Free White Females of 40 and under 50 (Elizabeth Venable (MORTON) 50 b. 01 Jan
(**Son of David NANCE and Mary CRENSHAW)
1830 Davidson, Tennessee, Schedule of
the whole number of persons within the division
allotted ______ by the Marshal of the ______District (or
Territory) of _______ Page 250
Line 19 Josiah NANCE(**)
Total 4
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Josiah Crenshaw 26 b. 19 Feb 1804)
1 Free White Females of 20 and under 30 (Bethenia Hardin (SNEED) 23 b. 13 Apr
(**Son William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1830 Gibson, Tennessee Schedule of the whole number of
persons within the division
allotted ______ by the Marshal of the ______District (or
Territory) of _______ Page 224
Line 21 John BRYANT 0111000100000-0111000100000
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Martin abt 12 b. abt 1818)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Laurel abt 5 b. abt 1815)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (John 55 b. abt 1775)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Caroline abt 9 b. abt 1821)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Sarah Ann abt 10 b. abt 1820)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Dida abt 18 b. abt 1812)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Fanny (NANCE**) abt. 50 b. abt 1780)
(**Dau. of Zachariah NANCE and Mary BROWN)
1830 Gibson, Tennessee
Sheriff's List - A List of the Free Inhabitants of Gibson
County of Tennessee
taken agreeable to an act of the Legislature of said State
by John A. Raines, Commissioner 1830
{Not listed under NANCE in 1830 Gibson Co. TN census}
#1512. James NANCE(**)
Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (James abt 46 b. abt
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50
(**Son of Zachariah NANCE and Mary BROWN?)
1830 Giles, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted
John Brown by the Marshal of the WesternDistrict (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 204
Line 1 Joseph NANCE(**)
2020110000000-1200010000000-000000-000000-000000-000000 10
2 Free White Males under 5 (Andrew
Jackson abt. 3 b. abt. 1827, Thomas Jefferson abt. 1 b.
abt. 1830)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (William Henry abt. 12 b. abt. 1818,
James Washington 11 b. abt 1819)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Joseph abt. 27 b. 3 Feb 1793)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Tabitha
abt. 1 b. abt. 1829)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Martha J. abt. 14 b. abt. 1816, Mary
Ann 7 b. 10 Feb 1823)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Eleanor (BLACK) abt. 30 b. abt. 1800)
(**Son of
William NANCE and Lucy A. (M.N.U.))
1830 Giles, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division
allotted John ____ by the Marshal of the EasternDistrict
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 150
Line 15 Reuben NANCE(**)
2200110000000-1000010000000-000000-000000-000000-000000 8
2 Free White Males under 5 (William
abt. 2 b. abt. 1828, Joseph Henry abt. 4 b. abt. 1826)
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (Jefferson Amiza 7 b. 22 Nov 1823,
Martin M. abt. 11 b. abt. 1819)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Reuben abt. 32 b. abt. 1798)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Mary
Ann abt. <1 b. abt. 1830)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Cassandra Jane? (BLACK) abt. 36 b. abt.
(Some names and ages taken from 1850
Giles Co. TN Census)
(**Son of William NANCE and Lucy A. (M.N.U.))
1830 Grainger, Tennessee, Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division allotted
Noah Jarnagir? by the Marshal of the Eastern District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 379
Line 9 Martin VINEYARD
2 Free White Males under 5
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Martin 30 b. 22 Jan 1800)
Free White Females under 5
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Louisa Jane (NANCE**) abt. 28 b. abt
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna LNU)
1830 Grainger, Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
Noah Jarnagir? by the Marshal of the Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 379
Line 14 Benjamin CAVENDER 0000100000000-10010010000000
1 Free White Male 20 and Under 30 (Benjamin abt 24 b. abt 1806)
1 Free White Female Under 5 (Parthena? <1)
1 Free White Female of 15 and Under 20 (Sally (NANCE**) abt 18
b. abt 1812)
(**Dau. of Rueben
NANCE and Rosanna LNU)
1830 Grainger, Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
Noah Jarnagir? by the Marshal of the Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 379
Line 15 Reuben NANCE(**)
0111101000000-1010010000000-000000-000000-000000-000000 8
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (William
9 b. 06 Sep 1821)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Preston Pryor 14 b. 14 Feb 1816)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (John 16 b. abt 17 Jan 1814)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Jefferson abt 20 b. abt 1810)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Reuben abt. 50 b. abt. 1780)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Margaret
5 b. 28 Jul 1825)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Annice abt. 13 b. abt.
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (*)(Rosanna abt. 46 b. abt 1874)
(*Misscoded?? This is what is on census.)
(**Son of John NANCE and Mary "Mollie" (EPPES last
Grainger, Tennessee, Schedule of
the whole number of persons within the division
Noah Jarnagir? by the Marshal of the Eastern District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 379
Line 16 Jacob VINEYARD
1 Free White Male under 5 (Govener
abt 2 b. abt 1828)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Jacob 27 b. 13 Apr 1803)
1 Free White Female under 5
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Susannah (NANCE**) 24 b. 07 Feb 1806)
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
1830 Grainger, Tennessee, Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division
allotted ________ by the Marshal of the _________ District
(or Territory) of ________ Page 397
Line 22 Clement C. NANCE
1200010000000-1001000000000-000000-000000-000000-000000 6
1 Free White Male under 5 (Penalton
abt. 1 b. abt. 1830)
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Clement C. abt. 33 b. 20 Sep 1797)
1 Free White Females under 5 (Martha
< 1 b. abt. 1830)
1 Free White Females of 15 and under 20 (Elizabeth (PHILIPS) abt. 22 b. abt.
(**Parents unknown, could be John
NANCE and Mary "Mollie" (EPPES last name?) ??)
1830 Hardin, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number of
persons within the division allotted
James Robinson by the Marshal of the WesternDistrict (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 408
Line 7 Allen NANTS(**)
3300010000000-1010200000000-000000-000000-000000-000000 11
3 Free White Males under 5 (John 4
b. 26 Oct 1826)
3 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (Obadiah 6 b. 15 Jul 1824, Isaac 8 b.04
May 1822, William 10 b. 23 Apr 1820)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Allen 35 b. abt 1795)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Martha
1 b. 02 Jan 1829)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Elizabeth abt 14 b. abt 1816)
2 Free White Females of 20 and under 30
(**Listed as
NANCE in 1820, Not sure who this is, divorced and wife
has other kids?)
(Stephen 12 b. 13 Apr 1818, Hugh 13 b. 25 Dec 1817,
Anne 13 b. 17 Jul 1817 (or 1816)
1830 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted
________ by the Marshal of the _________ District (or
Territory) of ________ Page 41
Line 17 Stephen NANCE(**)
Total 13
1 Free White Male under 5
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Lessonby
abt. 5 b. abt 1825)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (Stephen abt. 11 b. abt 1819, Reuben 13
b 23 Jan 1817)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Stephen 37 b. 11 Jun 1793)
1 Free White Female under 5
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Mary*? abt 15? b. abt 1815?)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Sarah (HUGHES) abt. 32
b. abt 1798)
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and
Nancy BROWN)
(*A Mary NANCE marries a Eli AMICK on 30 Aug 1838
Henry Co. TN)
1830 Henry, Tennessee,
Schedule of the whole number of persons within the
division allotted ________
by the Marshal of the _________ District (or Territory) of
________ Page 41
Line 18 Clem NANCE(**)
Total 7
1 Free White Male under 5 (Thomas
abt. 2 b. abt 1828)
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (John Bunyan 7 b. 20 May 1823,
William B. abt. 4 b. abt
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 {Son abt 10? b. abt 1820?}
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Clement abt 36 b. abt 1794)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Mary
Jane 5 b. abt 1825)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Frances (BERRY) abt 41 b. abt 1789)
(**Son of Richard NANCE {in 1800
Rockingham Co. NC census} ??)
1830 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted ________
by the Marshal of the _________ District (or Territory) of
________ Page 41
Line 19 Frederick NANCE(**)
Total 2
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Frederick abt 47 b. abt 1783)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Mary (BERRY) abt 41 b.
abt 1789)
(**Son of?
John? NANCE and Mollie/Mary COX ??)
1830 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division
allotted ________ by the Marshal of the _________ District
(or Territory) of ________ Page 41
Line 20 William NANCE
Total 8
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (John
William abt 7 b. abt 1823)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (William F. 15 b. 07 Apr 1814)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (William abt 45 b. abt 1785)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Martha?
abt 2 b. 1828)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Wife abt 30 b. abt 1800?
She is 30-40 in 1840 too)
(Could this be William NANCE and
Nancy LOWE)
Clement NANCE (wife Frances BERRY)
Stephen NANCE (wife Sarah HUGHES)
(Son of Reuben NANCE and Nancy BROWN)
Frederick NANCE (wife Mary BERRY)
William NANCE (wife unknown)
1830 Jefferson County, TN Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division allotted
R. F. McFarland by the Marshal
of the _________District (or Territory) of ________ Page
41 Microfilm #M19-180 District 4 Reference 22 Nov. 1830
Pg. 317 Ln# 1039
Line 1 John NANCE(**)
0221001000000-0000010000100-510000-302000-000000-000000 19
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (Noah 6 b. 23 May 1824, Greenville Penn
9 b. 25 Oct 1821)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (Charles Claiborne 12 b. abt 1818,
William E. 14 b. 24 Sep 1815)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Calvin Bird 16 b. 06 Jun 1813)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (John abt. 47 b. abt 1783)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Sarah (ORE) 33 b. 17 Sep 1786)
1 Free White Female of 80 and under 90 (Mary? John's mother? she was abt 72 b.
abt 1758)
(**Son of John NANCE and Mary "Mollie" (EPPES last
Capt Bates
Company for the year 1830 Page 311
State Land - School Land - W Polls - B Polls - _ Studs
- Carriages - Public Tax - County Tax - Jury Tax -
Poor Tax - School Tax
Line 11 John NANCE 231
129 1
3 0
0 0
1.31 1.32 1/2 1.26 3/4
88 24 1/4
1830 Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee Schedule of
the whole number of persons within the division allotted
Thomas C. Lyon by the Marshal of the Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 316
Line 2 Paschal NANCE(**)
Total 2
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (Paschal abt 57 b. abt. 1773)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30
(**Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H.
1830 Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee Schedule of
the whole number of persons within the division
allotted Thomas C. Lyon by the Marshal of the Eastern
District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 337
Line 22 Polly NANCE(**)
Total 6
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (William Henderson? abt. 10 b. abt.
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (John or Jefferson?)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Archibald 20 b. 10 Dec 1810)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Caroline abt. 18 b. Abt.
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Mary Polly (COOPER) 48 b. 18 Nov 1782)
(**Widow of Thomas NANCE, son? of Thomas NANCE and Sarah
1830 Knox, Tennessee Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted
Tho. C. Lyon by the Marshal of the Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 362
Line 17 Joel NANCE(**) 2000100000000-0001000000000-000000-000000-000000-000000-
Total 4
2 Free White Males under 5 {Wright?
2 b. 1828, Josiah? 4 b. 1826}
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Joel abt 25 b. abt 1805)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Sarah? abt 17 b. abt 1813)
(**Could this be the father of
Wright NANCE who marr. Catherine DOTY??)
1830 Knox, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
------- by the Marshal of the Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 363
Line 13 Josiah NANCE(**)
Total 4
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (James abt 11 b. abt 1819)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Jesse 17 b. 08 Feb 1813)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Josiah abt 45 b. abt 1785)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Serena "Sibbie" (YOUNG) 46 b. 12
Aug 1784)
(**Son? of Thomas NANCE and Sarah GIBBS ??)
1830 Knox,
Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted ---------- by the Marshal of the Eastern District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 378
Line 15 Peter NANCE(**)
Total 12 or 15 both written
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Calloway 12 b. 1 Mar 1818)
2 Free White Males of 15 and under 20 (Harvey abt 17 b. abt 1813, James
Madison 19 b. 21 Dec 1810)
2 Free White Males of 20 and under 30 (Pryor abt 21 b. abt 1809, Leonard
Claiborn abt 28 b. abt. 1802)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (Peter 54 b. 12 Dec 1775)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Louisa
Minerva 4 b. 01 Dec 1825)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Lucy Ann 8 b. 30 Aug 1822)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Mary Emeline abt 13 b. abt 1817)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (?)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Mary Emeline (PRYOR) 48 b. 18 Nov 1782)
(**Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
1830 Knox,
Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted ---------- by the Marshal of the Eastern District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 378
Line 22 Arthur SCOTT 0000000010000-0010001000000
1 Free White Male of 60 and under 70 (Arthur abt. 78 b. abt. Jan 1752)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Elizabeth (NANCE**) abt 45? b. abt
(**Parents unknown. Sister
of Peter {above}? Elizabeth
NANCE and Arthur
SCOTT marr. 23 Dec 1813 Knox County, TN)
1830 Knox,
Tennessee Series: M19; Roll: 178; Page: 383
Line 24 Absalom WEAVER 0000100000000-0001000000000
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Absalom abt. 23 b. abt. 1807)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Eleanor Ellen (NANCE**) abt 19 b.
abt 1810)
(**Dau. of Josiah NANCE and Sibby YOUNG)
1830 Madison,
Tennessee - Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted to
Dan'l Maderig? By the Marshal of the ****ern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee. Page #104
Line 1 Peter NANCE(**)
Total 4
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Peter abt 34 b. abt 1796)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Mary
A. <1 b. 1830, Ann E. abt 2 b. abt 1828)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Sarah abt 28 b. abt 1802)
(**Not sure who parents are, possibly? son
of William NANCE and Lucy A. (M.N.U.)))
1830 Maury County, Tennessee - Schedule of
the whole number of persons within the division
allotted to ________ By the Marshal of the Western
District (or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #398
Line 15 Henry NANCE(**)
11 Total
1 Free White Male under 5 (Thomas
Frank 0 b. 09 Oct 1830)
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (William Lovell 10 b. 19 May 1819)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Henry 30 b. 07 Aug 1800)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Emily
C. 2 b. 03 Jun 1828, Mary Hicks 4 b. 19 Oct 1826)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Margaret abt 12 b. abt. 1818))
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Sarah Ann (NELSON) abt 30 b. abt 1800)
(**Son of William NANCE and Lucy
(*A Margaret Nance married a William King Owens in 1832,
Maury Co. TN)
1830 Maury,
Tennessee - Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted to
Russel M. William By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #334
Line 23 Sarah NANCE(**)
0002200000000-0001001000000-000000-020000- 8 Total
2 Free White Males of 15 and under 20
(Thomas Clinton 18 b. 11 Sep 1812, Wiley Bird abt. 16 b.
abt. 1814)
2 Free White Males of 20 and under 30 (James Harvey 21 b. 11 Jul 1809, ??)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Mary Louise abt. 20 b. abt. 1810)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Sarah Louise (MACK) abt. 45 b. abt
(**Widow of Capt. Bird NANCE, son of Reuben NANCE and
Andrew NANCE
1 Free White Male of 30 and
under 40
Total in family 8
Elizabeth NANCE
1 Free White Female of
30 and under 40
Total in family 4
(From Nance Register)
1830 Rutherford County, Tennessee - Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division allotted
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western
District (or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #280
Line 5 Alexander McCULLOCK 0020200100000-1011001000000-
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (Isaac 14 b. 1816,
William 11 b. 1819)
2 Free White Males of 20 under 30 (Alexander 20 b. 1809,
23 b. 1807 OR Reuben 25 b. 1805)
1 Free White Male over 45 (Alexander abt. 60 b. abt. 1770)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Susannah 10 b. 1820, Martha 8 b. 1822)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Elizabeth 5 b. 1815)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Sarah 16 b. 1814)
1 Free White Female 26 and under 45 (Susanna (NANCE**)) 49
b. 10 Aug. 1781)
(**Dau. of Reuben
1830 Rutherford County, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western
District (or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #320
Line Elizabeth HOGWOOD(**)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Female of under 5
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Elizabeth (NANCE) abt. 30 b. abt 1800)
(**Elizabeth NANCE {parent's unknown} m. Ransom HOGWOOD
9 Jul 1824)
1830 Rutherford County, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #325
Line 6 Isaac NANCY(**)
6 Total
1 Free White Male under 5 (William T. 5 b. 29 Sep 1824)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Isaac abt. 32 b. abt 1798)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Ann Jane abt. 5 b. abt 1825, Unk b.
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Mary 10 b. abt 1819)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Polly (STANDLEY) abt. 30
b. abt 1800)
(**Son of Isaac
1830 Rutherford County, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #326
Line 12 Drury NANCE(**)
2000100000000-0001000000000-000000-010000-000000-000000- 5
2 Free White Males under 5 (Peyton G. abt 2 b. abt. 1828, John William?
<1 b. abt. 1830)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Drury S. 24 b. 16 Aug 1806)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Mary R. abt. 16 b. abt.
(**Son of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
1830 Rutherford County,
Tennessee - Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #327
Line 11 Martin NANCE(**)
0000100000000-1000100000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 3
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Martin abt. 22 b. abt. 1808)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Mary
Jane 1 b. abt 1829)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Elizabeth (CHISSENHALL) 18 b. abt 1812)
(**Son of William NANCE and Lucy A. (M.N.U.))
1830 Rutherford County, Tennessee - of
the whole number of persons within the division allotted
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #327
Line 26 Jno NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Benjamin? 11 b 08* Apr 1819?)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (John 32 b. 04 Mar 1798)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Martha
Ann 3 b. 07 Dec 1827)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Mary Jane 9 b. 22 Jan
1821, Angeline 11 b. 01* Apr 1819 (on grave marker))
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Anne (GAMBRILL) 34 b. 24 Dec 1796)
(**Son of Bird NANCE and Mary "Polly" HANNAH)
(*1 of these birth dates is off)
Rutherford County, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the
division allotted
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the
Western District (or Territory) of Tennessee.
Page #328
Line 5 William POSEY
1 Free White Male under 5
1 Free White Male of 10 under 15
1 Free White Male of 30 under 40 (William abt. 32 b. abt 1798)
1 Free White Females of 5 under 10
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Ann (NANCE**) 29 b. abt 1801
(**Dau. of Isaac NANCE and
Nancy (M.N.U.))
Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western
District (or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #328
Line 23 Everet HAYNES 1000100000000-0100100000000
1 Free White Male under 10 (Isaac
abt 2 b. abt 1828)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Everett B. 29 b. 11 Sep 1801)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Sarah (NANCE**) abt. 26 b. abt. 1804)
(**Dau. of Bird NANCE and
Mary "Polly" HANNAH)
1830 Rutherford
County, Tennessee - Schedule of the whole number of
persons within the division allotted
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #334
Line 24 Jonathan Gentry? (hard to read)
1 Free White Males Under 5
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Jonathan 25 b. 09 Apr 1805)
1 Free White Female under 5
(Parthena <1)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Sarah (NANCE**) 19 b. 15 Apr
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30
(**Dau? of Isham NANCE ??, mother
1830 Rutherford County, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #335
Line 3 Jno NANCE
0000100000000-1000100000000-000000-010000-000000-000000- 4
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (John** abt 20 b. abt 1810)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Mary
F. <1 b. abt 1830)
(**Son of Isaac NANCE and Jane
1830 Rutherford County, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #337
Line 7 Allen NANCE(**)
16 Total
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (Allen 54 b. 18 Jan 1776)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10
(Susan abt 10 b. abt 1820)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Sarah "Sally" abt 15 b. abt 1815)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (June abt 24 b. abt 1806)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Elizabeth "Betsy" (NANCE*) abt 52 b.
abt 1778)
(*Dau. of John NANCE
and Mary "Mollie" (EPPES last name?))
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
Rutherford County, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western
District (or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #337
Line 8 Gardner WOOLBANKS 0000100000000-1001000000000
1 Free White 20 and under 30 (Gardiner
(WILBANKS) 33 b. 15 Mar 1797)
1 Free White Female under 5
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Sally (NANCE**) abt. 16)
(**Parents unknown, possible dau?
of Allen NANCE and Elizabeth
"Betsy" NANCE ?? {above})
Rutherford County, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #337
Line 25 William NANCE(**)
25 Total
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40
1 Free White Male of 60 and under 70 (William 62 b. 24 Dec 1768)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Adeline 9 b. 13 Sep 1821)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Emily abt. 9 b. abt 1821)
2 Free White Female of 15 and
under 20 (Caroline B. abt. 17 b.
abt 1813, ??)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Lucy A. 49? abt 1781?)
(**Son of Reuben
1830 Rutherford County, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #338
Line 3 Jno NANCE(**)
0000100000000-1000100000000-000000-010000-000000-000000- 4
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (John Green abt 20 b. abt 1810)
1 Free White Female under 5
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Mary (STEWART) abt. 20 b. abt. 1820)
(Or is this John NANCE who marr. Martha SLACK?)
1830 Rutherford County,
Tennessee - Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #341
Line 26 Jane NANCE(**)
0001000000000-0000000100000-000000-010000-000000-000000- 3
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20
(William 18 b. 22 Jun 1812)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Jane (SMITH) abt. 42 b. abt.
(**Widow of Isaac NANCE, son of Reuben NANCE and
1830 Rutherford
County, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
to William Mitchell By the Marshal of the Western District
(or Territory) of Tennessee. Page #344
Line 25 Joseph NANCE(**)
0110010000000-0012001000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 7
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Joseph)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
2 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Elizabeth? abt 16 b. abt 1804)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50
(**Not sure who this is)
1830 Smith,
Tennessee, Schedule of whole number in
inhabitants within this Division
allotted by me Don C. Page written 33 MICROFILM#: M19-181
Page 33 #111
Line 4 Harwood NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 60 and under 70 (Harwood abt 69 b. abt 1761)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Martha (CARDWELL) abt 57 b. abt 1773)
1 Male Slave under 10
1 Female Slave under 10
4 Total for household
(**Son of Richard NANCE and Mary
1830 Wayne,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted
John Rayburn by the Marshal of the ________ District (or
Territory) of West Tennessee Page 287
Line 18 William H. NANCE(**)
Total 6
2 Free White Males under 5 (William Wiley 1 b. 25 Feb 1829, James 4 b. 02
Apr 1826)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (William Hannah 30 b. 07 Jan 1800)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Sarah R. 10 b. 20 Jun 1820)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Polly H. 8 b. 03 Jun
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Mary "Polly" BOLAND 30
b. 13 Apr 1800)
(**Son of Bird NANCE and Mary "Polly" HANNAH)
1830 Washington, Tennessee Schedule of
the whole number of persons within the division
John Rayburn by the Marshal of the ________ District
(or Territory) of West Tennessee Page 200
Line 17 Jesse CROUCH 0001000010000-0000000010000
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Allen? abt 19 b. abt 1811)
1 Free White Male of 60 and under 70 (Jesse Hiter 70 b. 25 Apr 1760)
1 Free White Female 60 and under 70 (Mary (NANCE**) 60 b. 30 May 1770)
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
1830 Williamson County, Tennessee - Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted William Martin by the Marshal of the Western
District (or Territory) of Tennessee, Page 165
Line 2 Reuben NANCE
1000100000000-1000100000000-210000-000000-001000-000000- 8
1 Free White Male under 5
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Reuben abt 22 b. abt 1808)
1 Free White Female under 5
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30
2 Male Slaves under 10
1 Male Slave 10 and under 24
1 Free Colored Male of 24 and under 36
(*Son of Reuben whose wife was
Francis INGRAM???)
(Parents? marriage bond 08 Sep 1807 Williamson County,
TN, for Reuben and Francis INGRAM)
Williamson, Tennessee Series: M19; Roll: 182; Page:
(James) Burrell WARREN 3200010000000-2300010000000
3 Free White Males - Under 5
(John <1 b. 1830; ??; ??)
2 Free White Males - 5 thru 9 (Bird abt 9 b. abt 1831; ??)
1 Free White Male - 30 thru 39 (James
37 b. 04 May 1793)
2 Free White Females - Under 5
3 Free White Females - 5 thru 9 (Mary
abt 9 b. abt 1810; Lucinda 10 b. 16 May 1819; ??)
1 Free White Female - 30 thru 39 (Elizabeth
(NANCE**) abt 34 b. abt 1796)
(**Dau. of Bird NANCE and Mary "Polly" HANNAH)
(other children possibilities: Sarah? (1818?), William?
(1823?), James? (1826?), Nancy? (1827?) and David?
1831 TN Tax Records
Clement NANCE (wife Frances BERRY)
William NANCE
16 acres
Stephen NANCE 313 acres
Sarah M. HUGHES)
Frederick NANCE (wife Mary BERRY)
First Name, Last Name, Date, Serial No., Chapter Section Description
C. W. NANCE 1845 48 218.18 Payment for running line between TN and KY
C. W. NANCE 1849 50 51.2 Stone's River Turnpike Company incorporated
C. W. NANCE 1849 50 52.1 Davidson Co. - Washington Institute trustee
Clement NANCE 1845 48 93.1 Davidson Co. - Mill Creek Valley Turnpike Company commissioner
Leonard C. NANCE 1837 43 259.1 Roane Co. - concerning alteration of Rhea Co. line
Peter NANCE 1837 43 177.17 Maryville and Knoxville Turnpike Company commissioner
Richard NANCE 1843 47 74.1 Rutherford Co. - concerning alteration of Bedford Co. line
William NANCE 1849 50 14.5 Columbia, Mooresville, Cornersville, and Lewisburg Turnpike Company
William L. NANCE 1849 50 40.10 Nashville Mechanics' Manufacturing Company incorporated
P(eter) R(andolph) NANTS 1849 50 117.4 Obion Co. - Eromathian Society of Westbrook Academy
Allen NANTS 1832 Yardin County
1832 TN Tax Records
Francis NANCE
Josiah NANCE
William NANCE
Reuben NANCE
Clement C NANCE
Reuben NANCE (wife Francis INGRAM?)
Clement NANCE (wife Frances BERRY)
Cloan? NANCE
Frederick NANCE
Stephen NANCE (wife Sarah M. HUGHES)
William NANCE
Paschal NANCE
Knoxville Polly NANCE
Allen NANCE (Wife Elizabeth NANCE)
John NANCE (Wife Mary STEWART? or Mary SLACK?)
Joseph NANCE
Martin NANCE
William NANCE
Reuben NANCE
William H. NANCE
1833 TN Tax List
A list o
fthe Free male inhabitants
of Claiborne County
Tennessee who hath attained
the age of twenty
one years and upwards taken
in the year of 1833 John
Mason Commissioner to
Claiborne County
list Page 5 John NANCE (couldn't find on page)
list of the Free
male inhabitants
of Claiborne
County Tennessee
who hath attained
the age of twenty
one years and
upwards taken in
the year of 1833
John Mason
Commissioner to
Claiborne County
228 John NANCE 636
A list of
the ***us for the year 1833 over Twenty One
years old (This 9 Sept 1833)
215 Allen NANCE
William NANCE 325 Acres
William NANCE 75 acres
Clement NANCE (wife Frances BERRY)
Stephen NANCE 136 acres (wife Sarah M. HUGHES)
Reuben NANCE
of Enumerations of the free male
inhabitants from the age of twenty one
** * *** in the County of White
Capt Godwich Co.
Page 14 Claiburn NANCE No 1088
1834 TN Tax List
Reuben NANCE
John NANCE, Jr.
Clement NANCE
Jefferson NANCE
1835 TN Tax List
Thomas NANCE 1 White Poll
William NANCE 325 Acres
Stephen NANCE 130 acres (wife Sarah M. HUGHES)
Reuben NANCE 63 acres
1836 TN Tax List
101 Line 10 Richard
Land: 75; Value:
250; Tax: 25;
School Lands: ;
Value: ; Tax: ;
No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ;
Slaves 12 to 50:
Value: ; Tax: ;
Carriages: ;
Value: ; Tax: ;
White Polls: 1;
Tax: 25; Amount
of State Tax: 37
1/2; Total
County and State
Tax: .75
of Frederick
Woodson NANCE
and Rachel
242 Line 10 John
Land: 100; Value: 800; Tax: 80;
School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No
Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to
50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value:
; Tax: ; White Polls: 1; Tax: 25;
Amount of State Tax: 47; Total
County and State Tax: 95
(Son of Bird
NANCE and Mary "Polly" HANNAH;
wife Ann GAMBILL)
District 16 Page 156 Line 15 Reuben
NANCE Acres Land: 100; Value: 800; Tax: 80;
School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls:
1; Tax: 25; Amount of State Tax: 52 1/2; Total County and
State Tax: 1.05
District 17 Page 167 Line 6 Joseph
NANCE Acres Land: 366; Value: 1500; Tax: 1450;
School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots:1 ; Value: 300;
Tax: 32; Slaves 12 to 50: 3;
Value: 2400; Tax: 2.40; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 25; Amount of State Tax: 2.22 1/2; Total
County and State Tax: 4.45
64 Line 6 Reuben
Land: -; Value: -; Tax: -;
School Lands: 400; Value: 1250;
Tax: 1.80; No Lots: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls: ;
Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: .60;
Total County and State Tax: 1.80
Page 64 Line
7 Jefferson NANCE Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax:
; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
White Polls: 1; Tax: 37 1/2; Amount of State
Tax: 12 1/2; Total County and State Tax: 37
64 Line 9 John
NANCE, Jur. Acres
Land: 100; Value: 375; Tax: 3.00;
School Lands: 15; Value: 20; Tax: 03;
No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12
to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; White Polls:1; Tax: ; Amount of
State Tax: 1.01; Total County and
State Tax: 3.03
Since the list was made out &
ordered by the court to be received
& not double taxed?
Page 68 Line 1 John NANCE Acres Land: 200;
Value: 2000; Tax: 56 1/4; School
Lands: 39 3/4; Value: 50; Tax:
07 1/2; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax:
; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls: 1;
Tax: 37 1/2; Amount of State
Tax: 33 3/4; Total County and
State Tax: 1.01 1/4
Page 85 Line
15 Clemment NANCE Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School
Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 37 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2;
Total County and State Tax: 37 1/2
Page 183
Line 5 Allen NANCE Acres: 51; Value: 510; Tax 127-;
School Land:-; Value:-; Tax:-; Slaves: 12 to 50:-;
Value:-; Tax:-:
Carriage:-; Value:-; Tax:-; White Poll: 1; Tax:
75; Amount of State Tax .38; Total State
& County Tax: 202 1/2
District No.
2 Page 296 Line 5 Stephen
NANCE Acres Land: 90; Value: 6000; Tax:
6.00; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
White Polls: ; Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: 3.00;
Total County and State Tax: 6.00
No. 4 Page 315 Line 6 Stephen NANCE
Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School
Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50:1 ;
Value: 700; Tax: 70; Carriages: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls: 1; Tax:
37 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2;
Total County and State Tax: 37 1/2
(wife Sarah M. HUGHES, Son of
Reuben NANCE and Nancy BROWN)
No. 7 Page
353 Line 10 William NANCE Acres: 325; Value: 1600;
Tax 1.60; School Land:-; Value:-; Tax:-;
Slaves: 12 to 50: 3; Value: 1600; Tax: 1.60:
Carriage:-; Value:-; Tax:-; White Poll: ;
Tax: ; Amount of State Tax 1.60; Total
State & County Tax: 3.20
No. 7 Page
353 Line 11 Reuben NANCE Acres: 163; Value: 815; Tax 81
1/2; School Land:-; Value:-; Tax:-; Slaves: 12 to
50: ; Value: ; Tax: :
Carriage:-; Value:-; Tax:-; White Poll: 1; Tax: 37
1/2; Amount of State Tax 12 1/2; Total State &
County Tax: 37 1/2
1836 Henry
County, Tennessee Tax List; District No. 12 Page
378 Line 2 Thomas NANCE(**) Acres Land:
; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
No Lots: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls: 1; Tax:
37 1/12; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2; Total County
and State Tax: 37 1/2
(**Wife was Susan KEY.
Possibly son of John NANTES and Francis
District No.
12 Page 378 Line 3 William
NANCE Acres Land: 20; Value: 100; Tax:
10; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: ; Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: 5; Total
County and State Tax: .10
District No.
7 Page 59 Line 4 John NANCE
Acres Land: 205; Value: 2050; Tax: 3.07 1/2; School
Lands: 169; Value: 500; Tax: 75; No Lots: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: 7;
Value: 3.000; Tax: 4.50; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
White Polls: 1; Tax: 37 1/12; Amount of State Tax:
2.90; Total County and State Tax: 8.70
District No.
7 Page 59 Line 5 Calvin B. NANCE Acres Land:
; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No
Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 37 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2;
Total County and State Tax: 37 1/2
Page 209
Line 12 Peter NANCE
Acres Land: 132; Value: 1920; Tax: 570; School Lands:
44; Value: 80; Tax: 24; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: ; Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: 1.00; Total
County and State Tax: 6.00
District No.
17 Page 223 Line 12 Thomas
NANCE Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School
Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls:1; Tax: 37; Amount of State Tax: ; Total County
and State Tax: 37
Page 356 Line 5 John NANCE Acres Land:
200; Value: 1000; Tax: 80; School Lands: ; Value:
; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to
50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 25; Amount of State Tax: 62; Total
County and State Tax: 1.05
Page 356 Line 7 William W. NANCE Acres
Land: 73; Value: 803; Tax: 64; School Lands: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves
12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: -; Tax: -; Amount of State Tax: 40; Total
County and State Tax: 6*
Page 356 Line 8 Elizabeth NANCE Acres
Land: 200; Value: 1600; Tax: 1.28; School Lands: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves
12 to 50: 2;
Value: 1600; Tax: 1.28; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax:
; White Polls: ; Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: 160;
Total County and State Tax: 256
(Widow of Allen NANCE)
Page 441 Line 8 William F. NANCE Acres
Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50:
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 25; Amount of State Tax: 12; Total
County and State Tax: 25
Civil District #3 Page 131 Line 4 William
H. NANCE Acres Land: 50; Value: 400; Tax: 1.50;
School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls:
1; Tax: 93 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 32; Total County and
State Tax: 24 3/4
Page 587
Line 8 Reuben NANCE
Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 50; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2; Total
County and State Tax: 50
Page 587
Line 9 Isaac NANCE Acres
Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax:
; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 1.00; Amount of State Tax: 25; Total
County and State Tax: 100
1837 TN Tax List
District No. 9 Page 266 Line 12 Richard NANCE Acres Land: 75;
Value: 750; Tax: 372; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No
Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 50; Total
County and State Tax: 1.00
(Son of Frederick Woodson NANCE
and Rachel LEATHERS; wife Elizabeth HILL)
District No. 20 Page 297 Line 18 John NANCE Acres Land: 100;
Value: 700; Tax: 35; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No
Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 47; Total
County and State Tax: 95
(Son of Bird NANCE and Mary
"Polly" HANNAH; wife Ann GAMBILL)
1st District
Page 361 Line 4 Allen NANCE
Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2;
Total County and State Tax: 75
1837 Henry
County, Tennessee Tax List; District No. 4 Page 92
Line 5 Stephen NANCE
Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: 1; Value: 700; Tax: 35;
Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls: 1; Tax: 12
1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2; Total County and
State Tax: .50
1837 Henry
County, Tennessee Tax List; District No. 7 Page 105
Line 29 William NANCE
Acres Land: 325; Value: 1600; Tax: 80; School Lands: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: 4; Value: 1700; Tax:
.85; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls: ; Tax:
; Amount of State Tax: 1.65; Total County and State
Tax: 4.95
1837 Henry
County, Tennessee Tax List; District No. 12 Page 126
Line 17 John W. NANCE
Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of
State Tax: 12 1/2; Total County and State Tax: 50
1837 Henry
County, Tennessee Tax List; District No. 12 Page 126
Line 18 William NANCE
Acres Land: 16 ; Value: 64; Tax: .03 1/4; School
Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls: ; Tax: ;
Amount of State Tax: .03 1/4; Total County and State
Tax: .09 3/4
1837 Henry
County, Tennessee Tax List; District No. 12 Page 126
Line 19 Thomas NANCE(**) Acres Land: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No
Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls: 1; Tax: 12
1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2; Total County and
State Tax: .50
(**Wife was Susan KEY. Possibly
son of John NANTES and Francis CRAWFORD)
1837 Henry County, Tennessee Tax
List; District No. 13 Page 130 Line 17 Clement NANCE(**) Acres Land: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls: 1; Tax: 12
1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2; Total County and
State Tax: 50
(**Wife was Frances BERRY, Son
of? John? NANCE and Mollie/Mary COX ??))
District No. 4th Page 90 Line 30 Thomas NANCE Acres Land: ; Value:
; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value:
; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2; Total
County and State Tax: .50
Supplimentary List of Taxables in District No. 1 as
per Commissioners Return
Page 125 Line 19 Clabourn NANCE
Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: 50; Value:
200; Tax: 20; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to
50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: ; Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: ; Total County
and State Tax: 80
No. 12 Page 204 Line 12 Clabourn
L. NANCE Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School
Lands: 450; Value: 1500; Tax: 75; No Lots: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: 2;
Value: 1200; Tax: 60; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
White Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 147
1/2; Total County and State Tax: 4.42 1/2
Page 327 Line 3 John NANCE Acres Land:
200; Value: 1000; Tax: .50; School Lands: ; Value:
; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to
50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 62
1/2; Total County and State Tax: 1.15
(Wife Mary STEWART? or the
John that marr. Martha SLACK?)
Page 327 Line 6 Elizabeth NANCE Acres
Land: 118; Value: 11652; Tax: .82 1/2; School
Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax:
; Slaves 12 to 50: 2;
Value: 1600; Tax: .80; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax:
; White Polls: ; Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: 1.62
1/2; Total County and State Tax: 2.92 1/2
of Allen NANCE)
Page 327 Line 9 Wm W. NANCE Acres Land:
68; Value: 816; Tax: 40 3/4; School Lands: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves
12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: ; Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: 40 3/4; Total
County and State Tax: .73 1/2256
Page 367 Line 8 Richard NANCE Acres Land:
40; Value: 150; Tax: 7 1/2; School Lands: ; Value:
; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to
50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: ; Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: 7 1/2; Total
County and State Tax: 13 1/2
Page 367 Line 9 Wm F. NANCE Acres Land: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No
Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12
1/2; Total County and State Tax: .25
Page 342 Line 15 Wm W. NANCE Acres Land: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: 2; Value: 200; Tax:
104; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12
1/2; Total County and State Tax: .43
1838 TN Tax List
District No.
9 Page 84 Line 25 Richard
NANCE Acres Land: 75; Value: 750; Tax:
; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
White Polls: 1; Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: 50
(Son of Frederick Woodson
NANCE and Rachel LEATHERS; wife Elizabeth
District No.
20 Page 116 Line 14 John NANCE
Acres Land: 100; Value: 700; Tax: ; School Lands: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12
to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: 4 1/2
(Son of Bird NANCE and Mary
"Polly" HANNAH; wife Ann GAMBILL)
District #3 Arch NANCE
1839 TN Tax List
District No.
? Page 88 Line 17 Richard
NANCE Acres Land: 75; Value: 600; Tax: 30;
School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 13; Amount of State Tax: 43; Total
County and State Tax:
(Son of Frederick Woodson NANCE
and Rachel LEATHERS; wife Elizabeth HILL)
District No.
? Page 121 Line 16 John NANCE
Acres Land: 100; Value: 700; Tax: 35; School Lands: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12
to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 12; Amount of State Tax: 47
(Son of Bird NANCE and Mary
"Polly" HANNAH; wife Ann GAMBILL)
District No.
Page 272 Line 15 James M(adison) NANCE Acres
Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax:
; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2
District No.
4 Page 13 Line Joel NANCE
Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 2 1/2; Amount of State Tax:12 1/2
District No.
5 Page 240 Line 12 John S.
NANCE Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School
Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Slaves 12 to 50: 1;
Value: 700; Tax: .35; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
White Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12
1/2; Amount of State Tax: 1.37 1/2
No. 6 Page
247 Mrs E(lizabeth (DUNAWAY?))
Land: .60; Value: 600; Tax: .30; School
Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value:
; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: 2;
Value: 1300; Tax: .65; Carriages: ; Value:
; Tax: ; White Polls: ; Tax: Amount of
State Tax: .95; Total County
and State Tax: 2.37 1/2
(2nd wife of William
District No. 6 Page
247 Josiah C. NANCE Acres Land: 50;
Value: 500; Tax: .25; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: 2;
Value: 1200; Tax: .65; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
White Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 97 1/2; Total
County and State Tax: 2.62
(Wife unknown possible father of
Thomas J. NANCE who marr. Leanna LNU who moved to MO?)
District No.
6 Page 247 Wm H.
NANCE, heirs Acres Land:
120; Value: 1200; Tax: 60; School Lands: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: ; Tax: ; Amount of State Tax: 60; Total
County and State
Tax: 1.50
(Heirs of William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth
Venable MORTON)
District No.
6 Page 410 Line 21 Martin NANCE
Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ; Value: ;
Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2; Total County and State Tax: .50
1840 Bedford, Tennessee, Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division
allotted A. H. ***** by the Marshal of the _____ District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 40
Line 16 Richard NANCE
10 Total - 4 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of under 5 (Jonathan
Woods 4 b. 30 Jul 1836*)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Benjamin
Franklin 6 b. 18 Sep 1834)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Richard 30 b. 8 Jun 1810)
3 Free White Females under 5 (Amanda
Lee <1 b. 10 Jan 1840; Sarah A. 4 b. 17 Apr 1836*;
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Elizabeth (HILL) 26 b. 29 Sep 1814)
(*Year of birth off on 1 or 2 of
(**Son of Frederick Woodson NANCE and Rachel LEATHERS)
1840 Bedford, Tennessee, Schedule of
the whole number of persons within the division
allotted ______ by the Marshal of the _____ District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 56
Line 3 James H LISLE
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Joseph McDonald 7 b. 14 Sep 1832)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Jasper N. 04 Apr 1828)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Benjamin W. 16 abt Nov 1824)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Robert J. 20 b. 06 May 1820)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50
(James Hester 45 b. 12 Oct 1794)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Clara
B. 3
b. 17 Jul 1837)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 ( Mary J. 5 b. 28 Jan 1835)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Sarah Elizabeth 9 b. 04 Apr 1830)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Margaret Lucy (NANCE**) 46 b. 16 Jan
(**Parents unknown. Margaret Lucy
NANCE marr. James LILE 02 Nov 1816)
1840 Bedford, Tennessee,
Schedule of the whole number of persons within the
division allotted E.
D. Rushing by the Marshal of the Middle District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 71 No. 20 District
Line 16 John NANCE(**)
11 Total 2 in Agriculture
3 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (William B. 10 b. 22 Oct. 1829, John
Bradley 8 b. 23 Dec 1831, Thomas J. 6 b. 25 Mar 1834)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (John M. 42 b. 4 Mar 1798)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Nancy
4 b. 19 Dec 1836)
3 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Martha Ann 12 b. 7 Dec 1827, Elizabeth
abt. 14 b. abt. 1826, Sally R. 15 b. 13 Nov 1824)
2 Free White Females of 15 and under 20 (Susan 18 b. 16 Sep 1822, Mary Jane 19
b. 22 jan 1821)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Angeline 21 b. 1 Apr 1819)
(**Son of Bird NANCE and Mary "Polly" HANNAH)
District No. 5 Page 26 Line 5 Stephen NANCE Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
School Lands:
; Value: ;
Tax: ; No
Lots: ; Value:
; Tax: ;
Slaves 12 to
50: ;
Value: ; Tax:
; Carriages: ;
Value: ; Tax:
; White Polls:
1; Tax: 12
1/2; Amount of
State Tax: 12
1/2; Total
County and
State Tax: 50
District No. 5 Page 26 Line 5 Reuben B. NANCE Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
School Lands:
; Value: ;
Tax: ; No
Lots: ; Value:
; Tax: ;
Slaves 12 to
50: ;
Value: ; Tax:
; Carriages: ;
Value: ; Tax:
; White Polls:
1; Tax: 12
1/2; Amount of
State Tax: 12
1/2; Total
County and
State Tax: 50
District No. 6 Page 29 Line 26 William M. NANCE Acres Land: 5; Value: 25; Tax:
01; School
Lands: ;
Value: ; Tax:
; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax:
; Slaves 12 to
50: ;
Value: ; Tax:
; Carriages: ;
Value: ; Tax:
; White Polls:
1; Tax: 12
1/2; Amount of
State Tax: 12
1/2; Total
County and
State Tax: 54
District No. 6 Page 29 Line 28 William NANCE Acres Land:200; Value: 1500; Tax:
75; School
Lands: ;
Value: ; Tax:
; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax:
; Slaves 12 to
50: 4;
Value: 1600;
Tax: 80;
Carriages: ;
Value: ; Tax:
; White Polls:
; Tax: ;
Amount of
State Tax:
1.55; Total
County and
State Tax:
No. 7 Page 35 Line 19 William NANCE
Acres Land: 273; Value: 1500; Tax:
75; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12
to 50: 4;
Value: 1600; Tax: 80; Carriages: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; White Polls: ; Tax:
; Amount of State Tax: 1.55; Total
County and State Tax: 4.65
No. 7 Page 35 Line 19 Reuben NANCE
Acres Land: 3220; Value: 2000; Tax:
7.00; School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax:
; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves
12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value:
; Tax: ; White Polls: 1; Tax: 12
1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2;
Total County and State Tax: 3.50
District No.
15 Page 60 Line 16 John
NANCE, Jr Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
School Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
White Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State
Tax: 12 1/2; Total County and State Tax: 50
No. 15 Page 60 Line 17 James NANCE Acres
Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School Lands: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax:
; White Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of
State Tax: 12 1/2; Total County and State
Tax: 50
No. 15 Page 60 Line 19 Thomas NANCE
Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School
Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value:
; Tax: ; White Polls: 1; Tax: 12
1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2;
Total County and State Tax: 50
District No.
15 Page 63 Line 20 Clement C.
NANCE Acres Land: ; Value: ; Tax: ; School
Lands: ; Value: ; Tax: ; No Lots: ; Value: ; Tax: ;
Slaves 12 to 50: ;
Value: ; Tax: ; Carriages: ; Value: ; Tax: ; White
Polls: 1; Tax: 12 1/2; Amount of State Tax: 12 1/2;
Total County and State Tax: 50
1840 Benton, Tennessee, Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division
allotted ______by the Marshal of the ______ District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 3
Line 18 J(ames) K(ing) NANCE(**)
1221001000000-2211010000000-000000-000000- 14 Total - 5 in
1 Free White Male under 5 (Levi
abt. 1 b. abt. 1839)
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (Peter Sanford 13 b. 09
Mar 1827, W.A.J. abt 15 b. abt 1825)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Richard Sanford 18 b. 22 Oct 1822)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (James 47 b. 18 Feb 1793)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Polly
abt. 5 b. abt. 1835, Elizabeth 3 b. 13 Nov 1837)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Julia Ann abt. 9 b. abt. 1831, Eliza
abt. 7 b. abt. 1833)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Narcissa (RAINWATER?) abt. 35 b. abt.
(**Son of Peter NANCE and Ursula KING)
1840 Benton,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted
Ephraim Perkins by the Marshal of the ______ District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 21
Line 14 W(illiam) H. NANCE(**)
0011000100000-0010001000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 5
Total - 2 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (William abt 55 b. abt
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Deborah Eliza (ATKINS)
abt. 50 b. abt. 1790)
(**Son of Richard Sanford NANCE
b. 1764 and unknown mother)
Name, Age, Sex, Marital Status, Birth Place, Death Month, Disease or C.O.D
Thomas J. NANCE, 2, M, S,
TN, Sept, Bilious Fever (Typhoid, malaria, hepatitis or
elevated temperature and bile emesis)
Blount, Tennessee, Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division allotted
***** ****** by the Marshal of the ______ District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 130
Last Line James M. NANCE(**)
1001100000000-0001100000000-100000-000000-000000-000000- 6
Total - 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of under 5 (James
Blanton 1 b. 8 Apr 1839)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (James Madison 30 b. 21 Dec 1810)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Elizabeth (TITLOW) 25 b. 29 Mar 1815
(**Son of Peter NANCE and Mary
Emeline PRYOR)
1840 Blount, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted
***** ****** by the Marshal of the ______ District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page ---
Line 7 Benjamin DUNCAN 0210010000000-0101001000000
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (George R abt 6 b. abt 1834, Peter F
abt 8 b. abt 1832)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
(James B abt 11 b. 1829)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Benjamin abt. 36 b. abt 1804)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Harriet (NANCE**) 31 b. 27 Dec 1808)
(**Dau. of Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline PRYOR)
1840 Davidson,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted Wm. J.
Hagans by the Marshal of the ______ District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 101 Civil District No. 6
Line 1 Josiah C. NANCE
2 Free White Males of under 5 (Constantine
and Josiah W. both 3 b. 11 Dec 1837)
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (James W. 9 b. 18 Apr 1831, William 5 b.
3 Apr 1835)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Josiah Crenshaw 36 b. 19 Feb 1804)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Mary
America < 1 b. abt. 1840)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Elizabeth Morton 8 b. 30 Dec 1832)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Bethenia Hardin (SNEED) 33 b. 13 Apr
(**Son of William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth V. MORTON)
1840 Davidson, Tennessee,
Schedule of the whole number of persons within the
division allotted Wm. J. Hagans
by the Marshal of the ______ District (or Territory) of
Tennessee Page 101 Civil District No. 6
Line 2 Archibald BUSH 1210010010000-2110010000000
1 Free White Male of under 5 (Ben
abt 3 b. abt 1837)
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (Clement abt 6 b. abt 1834, Josiah W.)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (William G.)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Archibald Filbert 38 b. 07 Dec 1802)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Martha
Jane abt 2 b. abt 1838, Susan Bethenia)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10
(Mary Ann abt 5 b. 1835)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Elizabeth V.)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Mary Ann (NANCE**) 38 b. 4 Aug 1802)
(**Dau. of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth V. MORTON)
1840 Davidson, Tennessee, Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division allotted Wm.
J. Hagansby the Marshal of the ______ District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 101 Civil District No. 6
Line 11 Elizabeth V. NANCE(**)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Antoinette M. 11 b. 20 Jun 1829)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (America Lucinda abt. 15 b. abt. Nov
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Elizabeth Venable (MORTON) 60 b. 1 Jan
(**Widow of William Howe NANCE, son David NANCE and Mary
Davidson, Tennessee Roll: 520; Page: 332
Line 31 Philip Mallary 2111001000000-0101010000000)
2 Free White Males under 5: (Jno abt 2 b. abt
1 Free White Males - 5 thru 9:
(Clement abt 7 b. abt 1833)
1 Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14:
1 Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19:
1 Free White Male of 40 thru 49: (Philip abt 45 b. abt
1 Free White Females - 5 thru 9: (Martha abt 9 b. abt
1 Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19:
11 Free White Female of 30 thru 39: (Martha
(NANCE**) abt 32 b. abt 1808)
(**Dau. of William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth V. MORTON)
Joseph NANCE
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (Joseph)
Total in family 6
Josiah NANCE
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Josiah)
Total in family 8
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Eliza)
Total in family 4
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Julin)
Total in family 7
(These were taken from "The NANCE
Register", have been unable to locate records)
1840 Fayette, Tennessee Roll: 521;
Page: 143
Line 21 John A. NANCE 0000100000000-0001000000000
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20
(Hard to read 1st letter of last
name, could also be NAVE??)
Fayette, Tennessee Roll: 521; Page: 143
Line 29 Enock Lynn 0010001000000-0200000000000
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Enoch 44 b. abt 1796)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Sarah 8 b. abt
*1 Free White Female of 10 and
under 15 (Anna abt 12 b. abt 1828)
*1 Free white Female of 40 and under 50 (Sucricia
(NANCE**) abt 45 b. abt 1795)
(*Incomplete, no female older than 10 marked)
1840 Franklin,
Tennessee Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted
Thomas W. Grubbs by the Marshal of the Middle District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 27
Line 2 Archibald
W. NANCE(**) 1010010000000-1100100000000-010000-000000-000000-000000-
7 Total - 1 in Manufacturing
1 Free White Male of under 5
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Thomas abt 8 17 Apr 1832)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Archibald W. 30 b. 10 Dec 1810)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Eliza abt. 5 b. ab. 1835)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Mary Ann 6 b. 17 Dec 1833)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Sarah (STEVENS) abt. 25
b. abt 1815)
(**Son of Thomas NANCE Sr. and Mary Polly COOPER)
1840 Gibson, Tennessee Schedule of the whole number of
persons within the division allotted
Thomas W. Grubbs by the Marshal of the Middle District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 223
Line 11 John BRIANT 0000000010000-0100000100000
1 Free White Male of 60 and under 70 (John abt 65 b. abt 1775)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Fanny (NANCE**) abt. 60 b. abt 1780)
(**Dau. of Zachariah NANCE and Mary BROWN)
1840 Giles,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted
Thomas W. Grubbs by the Marshal of the ______ District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 126
Line 3 Reuben NANCE(**)
13 Total - 4 in Agriculture - 2 in Manufacturing
1 Free White Male of under 5 (Samuel
abt. 2 b. abt May 1838)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (James
abt. 8 b. 04 Dec 1831)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (Joseph Henry? abt. 14 b. abt. 1826,
William abt. 12 b. abt. 1828)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Jefferson Amiza 17 b. 22 Nov 1823)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Martin M. abt. 21 b. 18 Jul 1819)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Reuben abt. 42 b. abt. 1798)
1 Free White Female of under 5 (Emily
abt. 3 b. abt 1837)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Mary Ann abt. 10 b. abt. 1830, Martha
Ellen 6 b. 30 Sep 1833)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Catherine E. (JAMES) abt. 17 b. abt
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Cassandra Jane? (BLACK) abt. 45 b. abt.
(Names and ages taken from 1850
Giles Co. TN Census)
(**Son of William NANCE and Lucy A. (M.N.U.))
1840 Giles,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted
Thomas W. Grubbs by the Marshal of the ______ District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 130
Line 25 Joseph NANCE(**)
0310001000000-0011010000000-000000-000000-210100-110100 -
15 Total - 4 in Agruculture - 5 in Manufactoring
3 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (Thomas Jefferson abt. 10 b. abt. 1830,
Samuel Joseph abt. 7 b. abt 1833)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Andrew Jackson abt. 13 b. abt. 1827)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Joseph 47 b. 3 Feb 1793)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Tabitha abt. 11 b. abt. 1829)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Mary Ann 17 b. 10 Feb 1823)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Eleanor (BLACK) abt. 40 b. abt. 1800)
(**Son of
William NANCE and Lucy A. (M.N.U.))
1840 Grainger, Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
Saml. B. Tate by the Marshal of the Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 111
Line 5 John NANCE, Jr.(**)
1000100000000-2100100000000-000000-000000-000000-000000 6
Total 1 in Con??
1 Free White Male under 5 (Julian 3
b. 19 May 1837)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (John 26 b. 17 Jan 1814)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Rosanna
5 b. 27 Dec 1834, Caroline > 1 b. 15 Oct 1839)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Sarah 7 b. 25 Mar 1833)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Cecelia (VINEYARD) 27 b. 13 Aug 1813)
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
1840 Grainger, Tennessee,
Schedule of the whole number of persons within the
division allotted
Saml. B. Tate by the Marshal of the Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 111
Line 17 Clement C. NANCE(**)
2021001000000-123010000000-000000-000000 13 Total 1 in
2 Free White Male under 5 (John
< 1 b. abt 1840)
2 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Penalton abt. 10 b. abt. 1830, ?)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Clement C. abt. 45 b. abt. 1795)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Caroline
abt. 2 b. abt. 1838)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Elizabeth abt. 5 b. abt. 1836, Eliza
abt. 7 b. abt. 1833)
3 Free White Females of 10 and under 15 (Martha abt. 10 b. abt. 1831, Mary abt
13 b. abt 1837, ?)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Elizabeth (PHILIPS) abt. 34 b. abt.
(**Parents unknown. Could they be
John NANCE and Mary "Mollie" (EPPES last name?) ??)
1840 Grainger, Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted Saml. B. Tate
by the Marshal of the Eastern District (or Territory) of
Tennessee Page 112
Line 22 Jefferson NANCE(**)
0000010000000-0000010000000-100000-010000-000000-000000- 4
Total 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Jefferson abt 30 b. abt 1810)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (June (CHURCHMAN) abt 32 b. abt 1808
(**Son of Reuben
NANCE and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
Grainger, Tennessee, Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division allotted
Saml. B. Tate by the Marshal of the Eastern District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 113
Line 8 Jacob VINEYARD
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Govener abt 12 b. abt 1828)
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Jacob 37 b. 13 Apr 1803)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Lousan
1 b. abt 1839, Dianna 4 b. abt 1836)
2 Free White Female of 5 and under 10
(Eliza abt 6 b. abt 1834)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Susannah (NANCE**) 34 b. 07 Feb 1806)
(**Dau of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
1840 Grainger, Tennessee, Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division allotted
Saml. B. Tate by the Marshal of the Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 116
Line 4 Pryor NANCE(**)
1000100000000-1000100000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 4
Total 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male under 5 (Calvin 2
b. Jul 1838)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Preston Pryor 24 b. 14 Feb 1816)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Jane 3
b. 17 Mar 1837)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Mary (VINEYARD) 23 b. Dec 1816)
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
1840 Grainger, Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
Saml. B. Tate by the Marshal of the Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 116
Line 5 William NANCE(**)
0001000000000-0001000000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 2
Total 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (William 19 b. 06 Sep 1821)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Mary Ann (TABLER) 17 b. 18 Apr 1823)
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and
Rosanna LNU)
1840 Grainger, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted
Saml. B. Tate by the Marshal of the Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 117
Line 22 Martin VINEYARD 21200100000000-02100100000000
2 Free White Males under 5 (Daniel
abt 2 b. abt 1838, Noe abt 4 b. abt 1836)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Tilman
abt 7 abt 1833)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Martin 40 b. 22 Jan 1800)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Mary abt 8 b. abt 1832)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Louisa Jane (NANCE**) abt. 38 b. abt
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
1840 Hardin County, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted
Christopher H. McGinnis by the Marshal of the __________
District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 229
Line 23 Allen NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Benjamin
9 b. 23 Feb 1831)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (John 14 b. 26 Oct 1826)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Hugh 20 b. 25 Dec 1817)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Allen 45 b. abt 1795)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Martha 11 b. 02 Jan 1829)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40
(**Not sure who this Allen is, Son
of Allen who was son of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS
(Other children include, Obadiah 6 b. 15 Jul 1824, Isaac
8 b. 04 May 1822, William 10 b. 23 Apr 1820)
1840 Hardin County, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted
Christopher H. McGinnis by the Marshal of the __________
District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 231
Line 16 David S. ALLISON 0000100000000-0000100000000
1 Free White Male 20 and under 30 (David S. abt. 25 b. abt. 1815)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Elizabeth (NANCE**) abt.
24 b. abt. 1816)
(**Father the above Allen NANCE??)
1840 Henderson, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted
William Morgan by the Marshal of the __________ District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 353
Line 14 Elijah BOREN 0100001000000-1020010000000
1 Free White
Male of 5 and under 10 (William
abt 7 b. abt 1833)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Elijah 42 b. 06 Dec 1797)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Eliza
abt 4 b. abt 1836)
2 Free White Females of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Sarah (NANCE**) 45 b. 04 Sep 1804)
(**Dau. of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
1840 Henderson,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted
William Morgan by the Marshal of the __________ District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 368
Line 26 Thomas NANCE(**)
1122001000000-1210010000000-000000-000000 - 12 Total - 1
in Agriculture
1 Free White Male under 5 (Kinchen
abt. 1 b. abt 1839)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (1
other son 10? b. abt 1830)
2 Free White Males of 10 and under 15 (Isaac 12 b. Sept 1828, John abt 4 b.
abt 1826)
2 Free White Males of 15 and under 20 (Ivy 18 b. 23 Feb 1822; Joel 18 b. 18
Dec 1822))
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Thomas 39 b. abt. 1801)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Rebecca
Ann 3 b. 10 Aug 1837)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10 (Patsey abt. 5 b. abt. 1835, 1 other
dau. abt. 9 b. abt 1831)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Elizabeth abt. 13 b. abt 1827)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Nancy (IVEY) abt. 25 b. abt 1805)
(**Son of Hudson NANCE Sr. and
Elizabeth "Betsy" HUBBARD)
1840 Henry,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted James O. Gaines?
by the Marshal of the County of Henry District (or
Territory) of West Tennessee Page 447
Line 7 Stephen NANCE(**)
0011101000000-0102000000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 7
Total 2 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Lessonby
abt. 15 b. abt 1825)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30
(Reuben B. 23 b 23 Jan 1817)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Stephen 47 b. 11 Jun 1793)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10
2 Free White Females of 15 and under 20 (Lesson abt. 15 b. abt 1825, ?)
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Nancy BROWN)
1840 Henry,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted James O. Gaines?
by the Marshal of the County of Henry District (or
Territory) of West Tennessee Page 450
Line 7 William NANCE(**)
0110000000000-2120010000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 8
Total 2 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (John
William abt 2 b. 1838)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30
(William* 26 b. 07 Apr 1814)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Sarah
4 b. abt 1836)
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10
2 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Elizabeth (Hill) 37 b. 24 Nov 1807)
(Correct family? *William not
(**Son of possibly a William NANCE found in 1830 Henry
County TN census and below)
1840 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted James O.
Gaines? by the Marshal of the County of Henry District (or
Territory) of West Tennessee Page 455
Line 8 John NANCE(**)
1100000100000-1010001000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 6
Total 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male under 5 (Green
abt. 3 b. abt. 1837)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Peyton S. (KEY?*) 6 b. 20 Jul 1834)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (John abt. 57 b. abt. 1783)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Angeline
3 b. 14 Dec 1836)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Phebe (??-KEY) abt. 40 b. abt. 1800)
(**Father possibly James T. NANTES
from (Virginia or France, mother unknown)
(*Last name listed as KEY in 1850, NANCE in all other
1840 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted James O. Gaines?
by the Marshal of the County of Henry District (or
Territory) of West Tennessee Page 457
Line 10 Frederick NANCE
0000000100000-0000000100000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 2
Total 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (Frederick, abt 57 b. abt 1783)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Mary (BERRY) abt 51 b.
abt 1789)
(**Son of? John? NANCE and
Mollie/Mary COX ??)
1840 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted James O.
by the Marshal of the County of Henry District (or
Territory) of West Tennessee Page 457
Line 25 William NANCE
0111000100000-0010010000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 6
Total 4 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (John William?* abt 17 b. abt 1823)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (William** abt 55 b. abt 1785)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Wife abt 40 b. abt 1800? She is 30-40
in 1840 too)
(**Father of William who marr
Elizabeth HILL? {above})
(*Could be the John William NANCE b. abt 1823 who marr
Amanda BLYTHE in 1844 Henry Co. TN?)
1840 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted James O.
by the Marshal of the County of Henry District (or
Territory) of West Tennessee Page 457
Line 26 Thomas NANCE(**)
0000100000000-2000100000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 4
Total 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Thomas S. 26 b. 6 Dec 1813)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Cornelia
abt. 2 b abt. 1838, Julia abt. 1 b. abt. 1840)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Susan (KEY) abt. 23 b. abt. 1817)
(**Son of John NANTES and Francis CRAWFORD)
1840 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted James O.
Gaines? by the Marshal of the County of Henry District (or
Territory) of West Tennessee Page 457
Line 27 John W. NANCE
2000100000000-1000100000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 5
Total 1 in Agriculture
2 Free White Males under 5 (Francis
Marion 2 b. 20 Feb 1838, Rutherford Dodd 3 b. 20 Feb
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (John W. 26. b. 15 May 1814)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Susan
Alabama 1 b. 03 Apr 1839)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Nancy (SIMMONS) 25 b. 20 Feb 1815)
(**Son of William Franklin? NANCE Sr. and Nancy LOWE)
1840 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule of
the whole number of persons within the division
allotted ________ by the Marshal of the _________District
(or Territory) of ________ Page 458
Line 21 Clement NANCE 0112001000000-0010001000000
1 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (Elisha B. abt 7 b. abt 1837)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Thomas abt 12 b. abt 1828)
2 Free White Males of 15 and under 20 (John B NANCE was 17 b. 20 May 1823,
William B NANCE was abt 18 b. abt 1822)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50 (Clement abt 46 b. abt 1794)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Mary Jane was 15 b. 02 Sep 1825)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Frances (BERRY) abt 51 b. abt 1789)
(**Son of Richard NANCE {in 1800
Rockingham Co. NC census} ??)
1840 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted James O. Gaines?
by the Marshal of the County of Henry District (or
Territory) of West Tennessee Page 462
Line 14 William NANCE
15 Total 6 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 70 and under 80 (William 72 b. 24 Dec 1768)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Adeline 20 b. 13 Sep 1821)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Lucy (M.N.U.) abt 65 b. abt 1775)
1840 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted James
O. Gaines? by the Marshal of the County of Henry District
(or Territory) of West Tennessee Page 473
Line 4 William M. NANCE(**)
0000100000000-1000100000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 3
Total 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (William Madison 30 b. 18 Dec 1809)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Maryann Eveline 1 b. 22 Nov 1839)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Statirah Elizabeth (WEATHERLY) 25 b. 05
Oct 1815)
(**Son of John Wesley NANCE
Sr. and Christiana Betty RYAN)
1840 Henry, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted James O.
by the Marshal of the County of Henry District (or
Territory) of West Tennessee Page 475
Line 17 Reuben NANCE(**)
0210010000000-2010010000000-000000-000000-000000-000000 -
8 Total - 3 in Agriculture
2 Free White Males or 5 and under 10 (Patrick Henry abt 6 b. Sep 1834, Joseph
W. abt 8 b. abt 1832)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40 (Reuben abt 40 b. abt. 1800)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Sarah E.
abt 1 b. abt 1839, Almira J.
3 b. 09 Mar 1837)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Nancy E. abt 11 b. abt 1829)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Tabitha abt. 34 b. abt. 1806)
(**Son of John Wesley NANCE Sr. and Christiana Betty
(Could one of the above William
NANCE be William NANCE and Elizabeth DUNAWAY?)
1840 Jefferson, Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted Russell Snodgrass Resident of Jefferson County
by the Marshal of the County of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 302 Microfilm #M704-526
Line 11 Benjamin CLEAVENGER(*)
3 Free White Males Under 5
1 Free White Male 30 and Under 40 (Benjamin abt 24 b. abt 1806)
1 Free White Female of 15 and Under 20 (Sally (NANCE**) abt 26
b. abt 1814)
(*Suppose to be CAVENDER?, double check, children don't
(**Dau. of
Reuben NANCE an Rosanna LNU)
1840 Jefferson,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted Russell Snodgrass
of Jefferson County by the Marshal of the County of
Eastern District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 302
Microfilm #M704-526
Line 14 Reuben NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (Reuben abt 54 b. abt 1786)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Susannah (DOBBINS-TATE) NANCE abt. 48
b. abt 1792)
(Per marr. record a Reuben NANCE marr. Susan TATE 11 Jun 1837 in Jefferson Co. TN)
(Son of
1840 Jefferson,
Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted Russell Snodgrass Resident
of Jefferson County by the Marshal of the County of
Eastern District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 305
Microfilm #M704-526
Line 13 John NANCE
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Noah 15 b. 23 May 1824)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Greenville P. 18 b. 25 Oct 1821)
2 Free White Males of 20 and under 30 (Charles Claiborne abt. 12 b abt 1818,
Calvin Bird 27 b. 06 Jun 1813)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (John abt. 57 b. abt 1783 )
1 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Mary Elizabeth abt. 10 b. abt. 1830)
1 Free White Female of 40 and under 50 (Sarah (ORE) 54 b. 17 Sep 1786)
(**Son of John NANCE and Mary
"Mollie" (EPPES?))
NOTE: I have ALL of the copies of the census pages for 1840 Knox County
1840 Knox,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted S. H. Love
by the Marshal of the County of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 11
Line 18 Jesse NANCE(**)
1000100000000-1001000000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 4
1 Free White Male under 5 (Joel abt
1 b. abt 1839)
1 Free White Male 20 and under 30 (Jesse
abt 26 b. abt 1814)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Mary
M. abt 2 b abt 1838)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Lucinda (CLAPP) abt 17 b. abt 1823)
(**I believe son of Josiah C.
NANCE and Serena Sibbie YOUNG)
1840 Knox,
Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted S. H. Love
by the Marshal of the County of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 14
Line 3 Pryor NANCE(**)
10 Total
1 Free White Male under 5 (Peter D.
abt. <1 b. abt. 1840)
1 Free White Male 20 and under 30 (Pryor
abt. 30 b. abt. 1809)
1 Free White Female 15 and under 20 (Harriet
Emeline (DAVIS) 20 b. 5 Mar 1819)
(**Son of Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline PRYOR)
1840 Knox,
Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted S. H. Love
by the Marshal of the County of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 50
Line 9 Peter NANCE(**)
0000100010000-0010100100000-000000-000000-010100-010200 10
1 Free White Male 20 and under 30 (Calloway 12 b. 1 Mar 1818)
1 Free White Male 60 and under 70 (Peter
65 b. abt. 12 Dec 1775)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Louisa Minerva 14 b. 01 Dec 1825)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Lucy Ann 18 b. 30 Aug 1822)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Mary Emeline (PRYOR) 58 b. 18 Nov 1782)
(**Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
1840 Knox, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted
S. H. Love by the Marshal of the County of Eastern
District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 50
Line 24 Caroline (NANCE**) PLUMLEE
1 Free White Male of
5 and under 10 (Edward
abt. 8 b. abt. 1832)
1 Free White Female
under 5 (Caroline
abt. 1 b. abt. 1839)
1 Free White Female
of 5 and under 10 (Americus abt. 6 b.
abt. 1834)
1 Free White Female
of 10 and under 15 (Harriet abt. 9 b.
abt. 1831)
1 Free White Female
of 30 and under 40 (Caroline abt. 28 b. Abt.
(**Dau. of Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline PRYOR)
1840 Madison,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted Daniel Madding
Resident of _____ by the Marshal of the County of ______
District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 69
Line 31 Henry NANCE(**)
0200001000000-2110100000000-000000-000000-000000-000100 -
9 Total
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (Thomas Frank 10 b. 9 Oct 1830, Joseph
P. 8 b. 12 Aug 1832)
1 Free White Male 40 and under 50 (Henry
40 b. 07 Aug 1800)
2 Free White Females under 5 (Laura
Randall 1 b. 22 Dec 1839, ??)
1 Free White Female 5 and under 10 (Jane
Charlotte 5 b. 15 Sep 1835)
1 Free White Female 10 and under 15 (Mary
14 b. 19 Oct 1826)
1 Free White Female 20 and under 30 (Nancy
Anna (WILLIAMS) 25 b. abt. 1815)
(**Son of William
NANCE and Lucy A. (M.N.U.))
1840 Madison, Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted Daniel Madding
Resident of _____ by the Marshal of the County of
______ District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 120
Line 22 Peter NANCE(**)
1 Free White Male 30 and under 40 (Peter abt 44 b. abt 1796)
1 Free White Female 5 and under 10 (Mary A abt 9 b. abt 1831)
1 Free White Female 10 and under 15 (Ann E abt 12 b. abt 1828)
1 Free White Female
40 and under 50 (Sarah abt
38 b. abt 1802)
(Names and ages from 1850 Madison Co.
TN census)
(**Not sure who this
is, brother? of Henry above?)
Maury, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted Powhatan
Resident of _____ by the Marshal of the County of ______
District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 358
Line 4 Thomas NANCE
0001100100000-0000000000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 7
Total 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male 15 and under 20
1 Free White Male 20 and under 30
1 Free White Male 50 and under 60 (Thomas)
(Not sure who this is)
McMinn, Tennessee, Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division allotted John
S. Bridges
by the Marshal of the County of Eastern District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 88 Reel No: M704-527
Line 27 Terrell NANCE(**) 2110001000000-0211001000000-000000-000000-000000-000000-2-0200000-000000-0000-0
2 Free White Males of under 5 (Peter
5 b. abt. 1835, Jacob 4 b. abt. 1836)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (James
7 b. 30 Apr 1833)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Marshall 10 b. abt. 1830)
1 Free White Male 40 and under 50 (Terrell
42 b. 17 Nov 1798)
2 Free White Females 5 and under 10 (Martha
abt. 8 b. abt. 1832)
1 Free White Female 10 and under 15 (Mary
D. abt. 11 b. abt. 1829, Louisa Virginia abt 12 b. abt
1 Free White Female 15 and under 20 (Jeanette
J. 17 b. 15 Sep 1823)
1 Free White Female 40 and under 50 (Elizabeth
36 b. 11 Oct 1804)
10 Total 2 in Agriculture
(**Son of William? NANCE and Mary?
1840 Roane,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted James
Gamble by the Marshal of the County of _______ District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 77
Line 2 Leonard C. NANCE
2000020000000-1000100000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 4
Total - 1 in Agriculture
2 Free White Males of under 5 (Leonard
abt. 2 b. abt. 1838, Beverly
Pryor <1 b. abt. 1840)
2 Free White Males of 30 and under 40 (Leonard Claiborne
38 b. abt. 1802)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Mary
Jane 3 b. 9 Nov 1837)
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Nancy Jane (TIPTON) abt. 25 b. abt.
(**Son of Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline PRYOR)
1840 Rutherford, Tennessee Roll: 533; Page: 58
Line 22 Tho(mas) W
SHELTON 1100000100000-1001010000000
1 Free White Male under 5 (James
F. 4)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (J. Godfrey 6)
1 Free White Male of 50 and under 60 (Thomas 48)
1 Free White Female under 5
(Sarah 1)
1 Free White Female of 15 and under 20 (Mary Jane 19)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Elizabeth (NANCE**) 38)
(**Parents unknown)
1840 Rutherford,
Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
allotted ______ by the Marshal of the Middle District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 58
Line 30 Thomas LATIMER
Total - 3 in Agriculture
2 Free White Males under 5 (Peyton
abt. 3 b. abt 1837, John H. abt 1 b. abt. 1839)
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10 (Jas. P. 8 b. abt. 1832, Thos. A.
abt. 5 abt. 1835)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15 (Joseph? b. 1830?)
1 Free White Male of 40 and under 50
(Thomas 37 b. 07 Apr 1803)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Margaret abt. 10 b. abt 1830)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Mary (NANCE**) 36 b. 2 Dec 1804)
(**Dau. of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
Schedule of the whole number of persons
within the division allotted ______
by the Marshal of the County of _______ District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 63
Line 1 C. W. NANCE
17 Total - 3 in Agriculture
2 Free White Males of 5 and under 10
4 Free White Males of 15 and under 20
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (C. W.)
2 Free White Females under 5
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30
(Not sure who
this is)
1840 Rutherford, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole number
of persons within the division allotted
______ by the Marshal of the County of _______
District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 79
Line 24 Jno NANCE(**)
2000100000000-0200100000000-000000-000000-000000-000100 -
7 Total - 2 in Agriculture
2 Free White Male of under 5 (John Gooch 5 b. 20 Mar 1834, ?)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (John Green abt. 30 b. abt. 1810)
2 Free White Females of 5 and under 10
1 Free White Female of 20 and under 30 (Mary (STEWART) abt. 30
b. abt. 1810)
(**Parents unknown. Possibly son
of William NANCE and Lucy A. (M.N.U.) ???)
(Corret family? or is this John N. NANCE and Martha
SLACK, son of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
1840 Rutherford, Tennessee, Schedule of the
whole number of persons within the division allotted
______ by the Marshal of the County of _______ District
(or Territory) of Tennessee Page 80
Line 20 Wm NANCE(**)
2010000000000-0010000000000-000000-000000-000000-000000- 4
Total - 1 in Agriculture
2 Free White Male of under 5 (Hartwell
2 b. 15 Aug 1838, Henry Hamilton 1 b. 15 Aug 1839)
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15(*)
(William Lovell 21 b. 19 May 1819)
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15(*) (Mary
(COLEMAN) abt. 19 b. abt. Sep 1821)
(*Enumerator coded wrong??, This is
what is on census)
(**Son of Henry NANCE and Lucy LOVELL)
1840 Rutherford, Tennessee,
Schedule of the whole number of persons
within the division allotted
______ by the Marshal of the County of _______
District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 86
Line 10 W(illiam) W. NANCE(**)
1100100000000-0200010000000-000000-000000-000000-030000 -
Total 9 - 3 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male under 5 (William <1 b. abt 1839)
1 Free White Male 5 and under 10 (James Anderson 7 b. May 1833)
1 Free White Male 20 and under 30 (W(illiam)?
W. 28 b. 22 Jun 1812)
2 Free White Female of 5 and under 10 (Lucinda Jane abt 5 b. abt. 1835; Polly? abt 10?)
1 Free White Female of 30 and under 40 (Unk. (POTTS)
abt. 30 b. abt 1810)
(**Son of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
Tennessee, Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
______ by the Marshal of the County of _______
District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page 141
Line 24 Fred W. NANCE(**)
0012000001000-0010000100000-000000-000000- 6 Total - 4
in Agriculture
1 Free White Male 10 and under 15 (James Woodson 11 b. 15 Mar
2 Free White Males 15 and under 20 (Wesley B. 20 b. 18 Sep 1820; ??)
1 Free White Male 70 and under 80 (Frederick Woodson abt. 69 b. abt.
1 Free White Female of 10 and under 15 (Prudence 14 b. 15 Mar 1826)
1 Free White Female of 50 and under 60 (Rachel (LEATHERS) abt. 58 b. abt.
(**Son of Richard NANCE and 3rd
wife, not Mary MOURNING)
Sevier County, Tennessee
Line 5 Jackson NANCE {or HANCE?)
Schedule of the whole number of persons
within the division allotted A. D. Bugg
by the Marshal of the County of _______ District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 354
Line 9 H. NANCE
0000000001000-000000001000-000000-000000-000000-000000 -
2 Total
1 Free White Male of 70 and under 80 (H.)
1 Free White Female 60 and under 70 (Martha abt 67 b. abt. 1773*)
(Martha Nance is on 1850
mortality schedule having died Sept. 1849)
sure who this is)
1840 Washington, Tennessee Schedule
of the whole number of persons within the division
----------- by the Marshal of the County of
_______ District (or Territory) of Tennessee Page
Line 11 Jesse H. CROUCH
1 Free White Male under 5
1 Free White Male of 10 and under 15
2 Free White Males of 20 and under 30
1 Free White Male of 30 and under 40
1 Free White Male of 80 and under 90 (Jesse Hiter 80 b. 25 Apr 1760)
1 Free White Female under 5
3 Free White Females 5 and under 10
1 Free White Female 20 and under 30
1 Free White Female 50 and under 60(*) (Mary (NANCE**) 70 b. 30 May 1770)
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
1840 Williamson,
Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted Wm. G.
by the Marshal of the County of _______ District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 117 Nineteen First Civil
Line 25 Robert W. NANCE(**)
3 Total - 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Robert abt. 26 b. abt. 1816)
1 Free White Female under 5 (Margaret
Elizabeth abt. 1 b. abt. 1839)
1 Free White Female 15 and under 20 (Eliza A. (CHURCH) abt. 19 b. abt.
(**Son of Thomas P. NANCE and Elizabeth WALKER)
Schedule of the whole number of persons within
the division allotted Wm. G. Childress by the Marshal
of the County of _______ District (or Territory) of
Tennessee Page 160 Nineteen First Civil District
Line 23 Allen NANCE
2 Total - 1 in Agriculture
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (Allen)
1 Free White Female 20 and under 30
sure who this is)
1840 Williamson, Tennessee Roll: 537; Page: 168
Line 5 James Sanford 000000000100-0001100000000
1 Free White Male of 70 and under 80 (James 75 b. abt 1765)
1 Free White Female 20 and under 30
1 Free White Female 30 and under 40
(**Widow of Sarah "Sally" NANCE,
dau. of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
1840 Williamson, Tennessee, Schedule of the whole
number of persons within the division allotted Wm. G.
by the Marshal of the County of _______ District (or
Territory) of Tennessee Page 193
Line 21 Edward GILES 1101100010000-0012001000000
1 Free White Male under 5 (Thomas
abt 5 b, abt 1835)
1 Free White Male of 5 and under 10 (Mortimer abt 10 b. abt 1830)
1 Free White Male of 15 and under 20 (Isham 13?)
1 Free White Male of 20 and under 30 (William abt 21 b. abt 1819)
1 Free White Male of 60 and under 70 (Henry Edward 61 b. 24 Feb 1779)
1 Free White Female 10 and under 15 (Elizabeth abt 12 b. abt 1828)
2 Free White Females 15 and under 20 (Frances abt 15?, Mary or Martha?)
1 Free White Female 40 and under 50 (Fanny (NANCE**) 48 b. 8 Apr 1792)
(**Dau. of Isham NANCE and Frances MALONE)
District #6 Page 67 Line 12 T. R. NANCE Land: 50; Value: 200; Slaves: 10; Value: ; Carriages: ; Value:; Polls: 1; $: 125; Cts: 22.5 57.5 1 01 2
District #6 Page 67 Line 13 T. R. NANCE Land: 25; Value: 100; Slaves: 5; Value: ; Carriages: ; Value:; Polls: 1; $: ; Cts: 5 17.5 - 22 5
District #6 Page 67 Line 14 T. R. NANCE Land: 80; Value: 320; Slaves: ;16 Value: ; Carriages: ; Value:; Polls: 1; $: ; Cts: 16 56 - 72 -
District #1 Page 95 Line 25 Clebourne NANCE Land: ; Value: ; Slaves: ; Value: ; Carriages: ; Value:; Polls: 1; $: ; Cts:
District #1 Page 95 Line 26 Peter NANCE Land: ; Value: ; Slaves: ; Value: ; Carriages: ; Value:; Polls: 1; $: ; Cts:
District #2 Page 13 Line 4 Pryor NANCE Land: 200; Value: 4000; Slaves: 1; Value: 500; Carriages: -; Value:-; Polls: 1; $: ; Cts:
District #14 Page 72 Line 22 Chorlotte or Charlotte NANCE Land: 10; Value: 40; Slaves: ; Value: ; Carriages: ; Value:; Polls: ; $: ; Cts:
Joseph NANCE
Jefferson NANCE
Preston NANCE
Reuben NANCE
A list of the Free white male over
21 years of
age in
the 1st of Jan
1841 taken by
R. A. H.
No. 1 Page 3 No. 201 Robert NANCE
Clement C. NANCE
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 16th Subdivision in
the County of Anderson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 9th day of September 1850. John
Black Ass't Marshal.page 20b
19 286 286 Isam NANCE(**), 28, M, Farmer,
Tennessee, Over 20 cant read/write
20 286 286 Mary W. (HACKNEY)
NANCE, 20, F, Tennessee
(**Parents unknown)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 16th Subdivision in
the County of Anderson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 19th day of September 1850.
John Black Ass't Marshal. P 33a
36 465 465 Berton BEACH, 27, M, Farmer, 175, Tennessee,
over 20 can't read/write
37 465 465 Lavina BEACH, 29, F, Tennessee, over 20 can't
38 465 465 Lavany BEACH, 6, F, Tennessee
39 465 465 William BEACH, 4, M, Tennessee
40 465 465 Elizabeth BEACH, 1, F, Tennessee
41 465 465 Elizabeth NANCE,
22, F, Tennessee
42 465 465 Samantha J. NANCE,
4, F, Tennessee
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 16th Subdivision in the
County of Anderson
State of Tennessee enumerated by me, on the 20th day of
September 1850. John Black Ass't Marshal. page 33b
1 465 465 Tabitha BEACH, 64, F, North Carolina, over 20
cant read/write
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil District No 6
in the County of Bedford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 15th day of Nov 1850. J.
Wortham Ass't Marshal. Page 135b
37 58 58 Mary H. (TUNE) NANCE(**), 43, F, Virginia
38 58 58 William T. NANCE, 15, M, Virginia
39 58 58 Thomas H(enry)
NANCE, 13, M, Virginia
40 58 58 Clement NANCE, 8, M, Virginia
(**Widow of Clement NANCE, son of
Reuben NANCE Jr. and Francis (M.N.U.))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in (W.
Division 6th Territory per index) Civil
District No. 18 in the County of Bedford
State of Tennessee enumerated by me, on the 21st day of
Nov 1850. J. Wortham Ass't Marshal. Page 193?
(was in index but I couldn't find
him on page)
Clement NANCE
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil District No 6
in the County of Bedford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 15th day of Nov 1850. J.
Wortham Ass't Marshal. Page 215b
17 111 111 John (M.) NANTS(**), 54, Farmer,
18 111 111 Sally (R.)
NANTS, 35, F, Tennessee
19 111 111 Elizabeth NANTS, 24, F, Tennessee
20 111 111 Martha (Ann)
NANTS, 22, F, Tennessee
21 111 111 William (B.)
NANTS, 21, M, Tennessee
22 111 111 John (Bradley)
NANTS, 19, M, Tennessee
23 111 111 Thomas (J.)
NANTS, 16, M, Tennessee
24 111 111 Nancy (A.)
NANTS, 13, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Bird NANCE and Mary
"Polly" HANNAH)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _____________ in the
County of Benton State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 22nd day of Oct 1850. Jas M Moses
Ass't Marshal.REEL NO: M432-871 SHEET NO: 321a
6 567 567 J(ames)
K. NANCE(**), 58,
Farmer, 1075, South Carolina
7 567 567 Narcissa (Martitia
(TURNER-MORTON)) NANCE, 45, F, Tennessee
8 567 567 Eliza NANCE, 17, F, Tennessee
9 567 567 Elizabeth NANCE, 13, F, Tennessee, Attending
10 567 567 Levi NANCE, 11, M, Tennessee, Attending
11 567 567 Martha NANCE, 4, F, Tennessee
12 567 567 Sarah SILLMAN, 17, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Peter NANCE and Ursula KING)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _____________ in the
County of Benton State of Tennessee enumerated by
me, on the 23rd day of Oct. 1850. Jas M Moses Ass't
Marshal. REEL NO: M432-871 SHEET NO: 323a
41 594 594 W(illia)m H.
GREER, 21, M, Farmer, 300, Tennessee
42 594 594 Julia (Ann
(NANCE)**) GREER, 18, F, Tennessee
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _____________ in the
County of Benton State of Tennessee enumerated by
me, on the 23rd day of Oct. 1850. Jas M Moses Ass't
Marshal. REEL NO: M432-871 SHEET NO: 323a
1 594 594 Sarah WARD, 15, F, Tennessee
(**Dau. of James
King NANCE and Narcissa (RAINWATER?))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _____________ in the
County of Benton State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 9th day of Nov 1850. Jas M Moses Ass't
Marshal. REEL NO: M432-871 SHEET NO: 330b
7 705 705 W. A. J. NANCE(**), 25, M, Farmer,
SC, over 20 can't read/write
8 705 705 Eliza NANCE, 20, TN, over 20 can't read/write
9 705 705 Mary NANCE, 2, TN
(**Son of James King NANCE and
Narcissa (RAINWATER??))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _____________ in the
County of Benton State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 9th day of Nov 1850. Jas M Moses Ass't
Marshal. REEL NO: M432-871 SHEET NO: 335a
33 772 772 R(ichard)
S(anford) NANCE(**), 27, Farmer, 300,
South Carolina
33 772 772 Elendor (A. (HERRON))
NANCE, 22, Tennessee
33 772 772 Mary NANCE, 5, F, Tennessee
33 772 772 James (B.)
NANCE, 3, M, Tennessee
of James King NANCE and Narcissa (RAINWATER?))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _____________ in the
County of Benton State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 28th day of Nov 1850. Jas M Moses Ass't
Marshal. REEL NO: M432-871 SHEET NO: 346a
5 928 928 William NANCE(**), 65, Farmer, 300, South
5 928 928 Debro (Deborah Eliza
(ATKINS)) NANCE, 60, F, South Carolina
5 928 928 Samuel SLAUGHTER, 24, M, Farmer, Tennessee
5 928 928 Catherine SLAUGHTER, 20, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Richard Sanford NANCE
and (Elizabeth? M.N.U.))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _____________ in the
County of Benton State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 29th day of Nov 1850. Jas M Moses Ass't
Marshal. REEL NO: M432-871 SHEET NO: 347a
17 942 942 (Peter)
Sanford NANCE(**),
22, Farmer, 300, Tennessee
18 942 942 (Manerva) Jane
19 942 942 Taylor NANCE, 2, Tennessee
(**Son of James K. NANCE and Narcissa (RAINWATER
(Last name?)))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 9th Civil Dist in the
County of Blount State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 13 day of Nov 1850. Bill Russell Ass't
Marshal. REEL NO: M432-871 SHEET NO: 73a
10 1044 1044 James A. DOUGHTY, 27, F, SADLER, 500, TEN
11 1044 1044 Sarah A DOUGHTY, 27, F, TN
12 1044 1044 Marcellus DOUGHTY, 7/12, M, TN
13 1044 1044 John S BROWN, 20 M, Sadler, TN
14 1044 1044 W M R KELLER, 24 M, Sadler, TN
15 1044 1044 Alex WILLIAMS, 20 M, Sadler, TN
16 1044 1044 Claiborne NANCE,
12, M, Sadler, TN
17 1044 1044 Esther M PRICE, 17, F, TEN
18 1044 1044 Benjamin DOUGHTY, 25, M, Sadler, TN
1850 District 10, Blount, Tennessee Page 81a written
6 1154 1154 Henry P (Tolbert)
COX, 36, M, 4000, Merchant, Tennessee
7 1154 1154 Lucy A(nn
(NANCE)**) COX, 35, F, Tennessee
8 1154 1154 Mary COX, 2, F, Tennessee
9 1154 1154 Nathanil COX, 6/12, M, Tennessee
10 1154 1154 Wm HICKLE, 16, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Peter
NANCE and Mary Emeline PRYOR)
1850 District 14, Blount, Tennessee,
Page 112B
28 1635 1635 Benjamin F DUNCAN, 46, M, Tennessee
29 1635 1635 Harriet (NANCE**)
DUNCAN, 37(*), F,
30 1635 1635 James B DUNCAN, 21, M, Tennessee
31 1635 1635 Peter F DUNCAN, 18, M, Tennessee
32 1635 1635 George R DUNCAN, 16, M, Tennessee
33 1635 1635 Nancy STRASBURG, 20, F, Tennessee
(*Suppose to be 42 Harriet was b. 27 Dec 1808)
(**Dau. of Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline PRYOR)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 17th Sub Division in
the County of Campbell State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 5 day of September 1850. John
Phillip Ass't Marshal. page 291b
9 198 198 Elias MILLER, 34, M, Farmer, TN, Over 20 cant
10 198 198 Sarah MILLER, 38, F, TN, Over 20 cant
11 198 198 William MILLER, 8, M, TN
12 198 198 Cola? MILLER, 6, F, TN
13 198 198 Stephen MILLER, 5, M, TN
14 198 198 Amy MILLER, 3, F, TN
15 198 198 Catherine MILLER, 5/12, F, TN
16 198 198 Mary NANCE, 14,
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 27th Sub Division in
the County of Campbell State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 9th day of September 1850. John
Phillip Ass't Marshal. page 296a
21 260 260 James J. MARS, 47, M, Farmer, 3500, VA
21 260 260 Mariah (MAUPIN)
MARS, 54, F, VA
21 260 260 Wellington MARS, 18, M, Farmer, TN Attending
21 260 260 Lucinda, M. MARS, 16, F, TN Attending school
21 260 260 Patsey H. MARS, 11, F, TN, Attending school
21 260 260 Alexander NANCE,
9, TN
Subdivision 7, Claiborne, Tennessee, Roll: 874;
Page: 329a
40 1240 1240 Elija JONES(*),
60, M, Miller, 700, VA
41 1240 1240 Sally (LEE)
JONES, 56, F, VA
1850: Subdivision 7, Claiborne, Tennessee, Roll:
874; Page: 329b
1 1240 1240 Samuel S Jones 18
Jane Jones 15, TN
Sarah Jones 12, TN
David Jones 11, TN
Louisa Jones 10, TN (Per Louisa's death certificate Elizabeth NANCE was her
Jerusha (HOUGH) LEA 84, VA (mother-in-law)
(*2nd wife was Elizabeth
NANCE, marr. 15 Oct 1841, 1st wife was Margaret
Ann "Peggy" DOBBINS marr. 15 Aug 1808)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil Dist. No. 6 in
the County of Davidson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 28th day of Augt 1850. Cha. M.
Hayes Ass't Marshal. page 178b
41 119 119 Josiah C(renshaw) NANCE(**), 46, Farmer,
1500, Virginia
42 119 119 (Bethenia)
Bethy H(ardin (SNEED))
NANCE, 43, Tennessee
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil Dist. No. 6 in
the County of Davidson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 28th day of Augt 1850. Cha. M.
Hayes Ass't Marshal. page 179a
1 119 119 James (W.)
NANCE, 19, M, Farmer, Tennessee
2 119 119 Eliz(abeth Morton)
NANCE, 17, F Tennessee
3 119 119 W(illia)m NANCE,
15, M, Tennessee, Attending School
4 119 119 Consta(ntine Perkins)
NANCE, 13, M, Tennessee, Attending School
5 119 119 Josiah (W.)
NANCE, 12, M, Tennessee, Attending School
6 119 119 Mary (America)
NANCE, 10, F, Tennessee, Attending School
7 119 119 Nich(ola)s (Charles) NANCE, 7, M,
Tennessee, Attending School
8 119 119 Bethenia (Harden)
NANCE, 5, F, Tennessee, Attending School
9 119 119 Susanna (M.)
NANCE, 3, F, Tennessee
10 119 119 Martha (H.)
NANCE, 1, F, Tennessee
(**Son of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil Dist. No. 6 in
the County of Davidson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 28th day of Augt 1850. Cha. M.
Hayes Ass't Marshal. page 179a
14 121 121 A(rchibald) F(ilbert) BUSH, 56(*), M, Farmer, 1500, Kentucky
15 121 121 Mary (NANCE**) BUSH,
46, F, Virginia
16 121 121 Clenet W BUSH, 16, M,
17 121 121 Mary BUSH,
14, F, Tennessee
18 121 121 Ben F BUSH, 13, M,
19 121 121 Martha BUSH,
12, F, Tennessee
20 121 121 Susan BUSH,
8, F, Tennessee
21 121 121 Columbus BUSH, 6, M,
22 121 121 La Faye BUSH, 4, M,
23 121 121 Sicily A BLISH, 3, F, Tennessee
24 121 121 Thos AFORD, 16, M, North Carolina
(*Suppose to be 48 b. 07 Dec 1802)
(**Dau. of William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil Dist. No. 2 in
the County of Davidson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 26th day of September 1850. Ch.
M. Hayes Ass't Marshal. page 225b
39 770 770 Frederick W(ashington) NANCE (Sr.**), 30, M, Cumb?
Presh? Minister, Tennessee
39 770 770 (Mary) Margaret
39 770 770 Jonathan W(illiam)
NANCE, 10, M, Tennessee, Attending school
39 770 770 F(rederick) W(ashington) NANCE (Jr.), 7, M, Tennessee,
Attending school
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil Dist. No. 2
Division in the County of Davidson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 26th day of September 1850. Ch.
M. Hayes Ass't Marshal. page 226a
1 770 770 Frances E(lizabeth)
NANCE, 4, F, Tennessee
2 770 770 Marg(are)t A(ntoinette) NANCE, 1, F,
3 770 770 Ann FIGGINS, 45, F, Virginia
(**Son of William Howe
NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil Dist. No. 2 in
the County of Davidson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 27th day of September 1850. Ch.
M. Hayes Ass't Marshal. page 230a
17 830 830 C(lement) W(oodson) NANCE(**), 39, M, Farmer, 20000,
18 830 830 Ann D. (AVENT)
NANCE, 36, F, Tennessee
19 830 830 Lucille (Stanley)
NANCE, 13, F, Tennessee, Attending school
20 830 830 Narcissa (Alberta)
NANCE, 11, F, Tennessee, Attending school
21 830 830 Ann A(delia) D.
NANCE, 9, F, Tennessee, Attending school
22 830 830 Montg(omer)y B(ell) NANCE, 7, M, Tennessee,
Attending school
23 830 830 Emma NANCE, 5, F, Tennessee
24 830 830 Mary NANCE, 3, F, Tennessee
25 830 830 W(illiam) H(enry) NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
(**Son of
William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in South Nashville in
the County of Davidson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 10th day of Oct 1850. Cha. M.
Hayes Ass't Marshal. page 243b
33 1007 1009 Isaac PAUL, 44, M, Kentucky
34 1007 1009 Susan M PAUL,
41, F, Tennessee
35 1007 1009 Martha E PAUL,
20, F, Tennessee
36 1007 1009 Margt A PAUL,
14, F, Tennessee
37 1007 1009 Susan E PAUL, 12,
F, Tennessee
38 1007 1009 Jas A PAUL, 9,
M, Tennessee
39 1007 1009 Mary A PAUL,
7, F, Tennessee
40 1007 1009 Melinda PAUL, 45, F,
41 1007 1009 Ja(me)s
J S BILLINGS, 28, M, New York
42 1007 1009 Amarica L(ucinda (NANCE**)) BILLINGS, 24, F,
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in South
Nashville in the County of Davidson State of
enumerated by me, on the 10th day of Oct 1850.
Cha. M. Hayes Ass't Marshal. page 244a
1 1007 1009 Isaac P BILLINGS, 4, M,
of William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in South Nashville in
the County of Davidson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 10th day of Oct 1850. Cha. M.
Hayes Ass't Marshal. page 244a
7 1008 1010 W(illia)m (Lewis) NANCE, 33, M,
Brickmason, 10000, Tennessee
8 1008 1010 Martha P. (CASTLEMAN)
NANCE, 38, F, Tennessee
9 1008 1010 Susan E. NANCE, 6, F, Tennessee
10 1008 1010 W(illia)m A.
NANCE, 4, M, Tennessee
11 1008 1010 ? TOWEY, 25, M, Bricklayer, Tennessee
12 1008 1010 Wm. BUSH, 21, M, Bricklayer, Tennessee
13 1008 1010 Robt. BALL, 19, M, Bricklayer, Tennessee
14 1008 1010 James NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
of William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth
Venable MORTON)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Edgefield in the
County of Davidson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 12th day of Nov 1850. Cha. M.
Hayes Ass't Marshal. page 254a
3 1137 1141 Wm BALEY, 45, M, Ohio, Maggied within the
3 1137 1141 Mrs? BALEY, 38, F, Ohio
3 1137 1141 Margaret NANCE,
15, Kentucky
3 1137 1141 John NANCE, 7,
M, Tennessee
(Not sure who these are)
SCHEDULE 2 - Slave Inhabitants in Civil Dist. No. 2 in
the County of Davidson State
of Tennessee, enumerated by me, on the 27 day of Sept,
1850. Chs. M. Hays Ass't Marshall Page ??
33 C(lement) W(oodson) NANCE,
6, 70, F, Mul
45, F, Mul
F, B
18, M, Mul
16, M,
23, M,
SCHEDULE 2 - Slave Inhabitants in Civil Dist. No. 2 in
the County of Davidson State
of Tennessee, enumerated by me, on the 28 day of Aug,
1850. Chs. M. Hays Ass't Marshall Page 46
15 Josiah C(renshaw)
NANCE, 6, 38, F, B
37, F, B
12, M, B
11, M, B
3, F, B
9/12, F, B
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 1 in the
County of Franklin State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 30 day of Augt 1850. T. M.
Pryor Ass't Marshal. page 9b
30 117 117 Archibald (W.) NANCE(**), 40, M, Black
Smith, ***, Tennessee
31 117 117 Sarah (STEVENS)
NANCE, 35, F, Tennessee
32 117 117 Mary (Ann)
NANCE, 17, F, Tennessee, Attending School
33 117 117 Eliza NANCE, 15, F, Tennessee, Attending
34 117 117 Samuel (Steven)
NANCE, 7, M, Tennessee, Attending School
35 117 117 William (H)
NANCE, 4, M, Tennessee
(**Son of Thomas NANCE Sr. and
Mary Polly COOPER)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil District #17 in
the County of Gibson State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 21st day of Oct. 1850. J. Richardson Ass't
Marshal.page 184a REEL NO: M432-878
21 848 848 Mahala CANTRELL, 26, F, Alabama
22 848 848 Sarah CANTRELL, 12, F, Tennessee
23 848 848 William CANTRELL, 7, M, Tennessee
24 848 848 John CANTRELL, 5, M, Tennessee
25 848 848 Margaret RUNNELLS 25, F, Tennessee
26 848 848 Harriet RUNNELLS, 20, F, Tennessee
27 848 848 Sarah J. NANCE(**), 2, F, Tennessee
28 848 848 Jno. H. RUNNELL, 23, M, Farmer, Tennessee
29 848 848 Salina RUNNELL, 19, F, Tennessee
30 848 848 Mary RUNNELL, 2, F, Tennessee
31 848 848 William RUNNELL, 1, M, Tennessee
(**Parents unknown)
1850 District 15, Gibson, Tennessee 194B
1 980 John BRYANT, 75, M, Farmer, 300, Virginia
2 980 Fanny (NANCE**) BRYANT,
70, F, South Carolina
(**Dau. of Zachariah NANCE and
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil District #11
in the County of Gibson State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 27th day of Dec. 1850. J. Richardson Ass't
Marshal.page 295a REEL NO: M432-878
39 2368 L. B. NANCE, 42, M,
Laborer, South Carolina
40 2368 Jane NANCE, 25, F, Tennessee
41 2368 Margaret NANCE, 9, F, Tennessee
42 2368 Luann NANCE, 7, F, Tennessee
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil District #11 in
the County of Gibson State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 27th day of Dec. 1850. J. Richardson Ass't
Marshal.page 295b REEL NO: M432-878
1 2368 - Malvina NANCE, 5, F, Tennessee
2 2368 - Sarah NANCE, 3, F, Tennessee
Pg. 244 Lean NANCE, 41, F, Marr., AL, Died in Sept., of Cancer, # days ill: 1 year
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 13 in
the County of Giles State of Tennessee enumerated by
me, on the 19th day of October 1850. John McG*** Asst.
Marshall. page 362b MICROFILM#: M432-885
25 94 94 James (W.) NANCE, 53, M,
Farmer, Virginia
26 94 94 Elizabeth (E. (COOPER))
NANCE, 52, F, Virginia
27 94 94 Mary (L.) NANCE,
25, F, Virginia
28 94 94 James (Harden)
NANCE, 17, M, Virginia
29 94 94 Soloman (C.)
NANCE, 14, M, Virginia
(**Son of William NANCE and
Elizabeth ELLIS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _______ in the County
of Giles State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 10th day of Sept. 1850. Rus W
Postin Ass't Marshal. page 417a
40 149 149 Reuben NANCE(**), 52, M, 1500,
41 149 149 (Cassandra)
Jane (BLACK) NANCE, 55, F,
North Carolina
42 149 149 James (R.)
NANCE, 18, M, Tennessee
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _______ in the County
of Giles State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 10th day of Sept. 1850. Rus W
Postin Ass't Marshal. page 417b
1 149 149 Samuel (B.)
NANCE, 13, M, Tennessee, Attending School
2 149 149 Mary A(nn) NANCE,
20, F, Tennessee
3 149 149 Martha (Ellen)
NANCE, 16, F, Tennessee
4 149 149 Emily NANCE, 13, F, Tennessee, Attending
(**Son of William NANCE and Lucy
A. (M.N.U.))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 15 in
the County of Giles State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 24th day of Sept. 1850. Rus W
Postin Ass't Marshal. page 427b
16 297 297 Martin M(illigan) NANCE(**), 32, Cabinet
Maker, 1000, Tennessee
17 297 297 Catherine E. (JAMES)
NANCE, 22, F, Tennessee
18 297 297 Malissa J. NANCE, 9, F, Tennessee, Attending
19 297 297 Stephen NANCE, 7, M, Tennessee, Attending
20 297 297 (Mary) Isabella
NANCE, 5, F, Tennessee
21 297 297 Thomas M. NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
22 297 297 Joseph H(enry?)
NANCE(**), 24, M, Cabinet
Maker, Tennessee
23 297 297 John L. WILSON, 18, M, Cabinet Maker,
24 297 297 S. A. STIVERS, 23, M, Blacksmith, Tennessee
(**Sons of Reuben NANCE and
Cassandra Jane? BLACK)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 15 in
the County of Giles State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 24th day of Sept. 1850. Rus W
Postin Ass't Marshal. page 428a
37 308 308 James W(ashington) NANCE(**), 32, Gin Maker,
1200, Tennessee
38 308 308 Martha J. (HUNT)
NANCE, 21, F, Tennessee
39 308 308 William H(enry)
NANCE, 3, M, Tennessee
40 308 308 Jonathan J. NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
41 308 308 E. H. MCCORD, 30, M, Trucker, Tennessee
41 308 308 Mary MCCORD, 19, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Joseph NANCE and Eleanor
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 17 in
the County of Giles State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 11th day of Nov. 1850. Rus W
Postin Ass't Marshal. page 490a
16 1188 1188 William H(enry) NANCE(**), 32, M, Farmer,
5000, Tennessee
17 1188 1188 Malinda S. (BILLS)
NANCE, 30, F, Tennessee
18 1188 1188 H. H. HAYNES, 33, M, Trader, Virginia
19 1188 1188 Rena E. HAYNES, 27, F, **
20 1188 1188 Franklin ***, 22, M, ***, Tennessee
(**Son of Joseph NANCE
and Eleanor BLACK)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 17 in
the County of Giles State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 12th day of Nov 1850. Rus W
Postin Ass't Marshal. page 490
9 1193 1193 Ele(a)n(or
50, F, 8000, North Carolina
10 1193 1193 Andrew J(ackson)
NANCE, 23, M, Farmer, Tennessee
11 1193 1193 Thomas J(efferson)
NANCE, 20, M, Farmer, Tennessee
12 1193 1193 Joseph S(amuel)
NANCE, 17, M, Farmer, Tennessee
(**Widow of
Joseph NANCE, son of William NANCE and Lucy A.
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District
No. 17 in the County of Giles State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 13th day of Nov. 1850. Rus W
Postin Ass't Marshal. page 493b
9 1244 1244 Jefferson (Amiza) NANCE(**), 26, M, Farmer,
10 1244 1244 Matilda L(ouise
(ABERNATHY) NANCE, 24, F, Tennessee
11 1244 1244 Jane NANCE(*),
2, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and
Cassandra Jane? BLACK)
(*This may be Thomas "James" NANCE, "son" of Jefferson
and Matilda b. abt 1848.
In 1860 Ray County, MO census he shows up as being 12
years old.)
1850 District 5, Grainger, Tennessee, USA Roll: 880;
Page: 34B
21 477 494 Preston WATSON, 25, M, TN
Mary (NANCE**) WATSON, 23,
Martha E Watson 2, TN
Sarah C Watson 0, TN
(**Dau. of Clement C. NANCE and
Elizabeth PHILLIPS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 5 in the
County of Grainger State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the ? day of Sept 1850. Wm M
Williams Ass't Marshal. page 34b
8 496 493 Clement C. NANCE(**), 54, M, Farmer,
Virginia, over 20 can't read/write
9 496 493 Elizabeth (PHILLIPS)
NANCE, 42, F, Virginia, over 20 can't read/write
10 496 493 Penalton NANCE, 20, M, Farmer, Tennessee,
Attending School
11 496 493 Martha NANCE, 19, F, Tennessee
12 496 493 Eliza NANCE, 17, F, Tennessee
13 496 493 Elizabeth NANCE, 14, F, Tennessee, Attending
14 496 493 Caroline NANCE, 12, F, Tennessee, Attending
15 496 493 John NANCE, 8, M, Tennessee, Attending School
16 496 493 Jane NANCE, 7, F, Tennessee, Attending School
17 496 493 W(illia)m S.
NANCE, 4, M, Tennessee
18 496 493 Henry T. NANCE, 2, M, Tennessee
19 496 493 Amanda N. NANCE, 7/12, F, Tennessee
(**Parents unknown)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 5 in the
County of Grainger State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 25th day of Sept. 1850. W. M.
Williams Ass't Marshal. page 53b
11 759 784 Jefferson NANCE(**), 40, M, Tennessee
12 759 784 Jane (CHURCHMAN)
NANCE, 42, F, Tennessee
13 759 784 Robt. WHITE, 14, M, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben NANCE
and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 5 in the
County of Grainger State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 26th day of Sept. 1850. W. M.
Williams Ass't Marshal. page 53b
18 766 786 Prior (Preston) NANCE(**), 32, M, Tennessee
19 766 786 Mary (VINEYARD)
NANCE, 32, F, Tennessee, Over 20 can't read/write
20 766 786 David NANCE, 12, M, Tennessee, Attending
21 766 786 Calvin NANCE, 10, M, Tennessee, Attending
22 766 786 Preston NANCE, 8, M, Tennessee, Attending
23 766 786 Peyton NANCE, 7, M, Tennessee, Attending
24 766 786 Sarah A(nn)
NANCE, 6, F, Tennessee
25 766 786 Reuben NANCE, 5, M, Tennessee
26 766 786 Mary NANCE, 1, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben
NANCE and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 5 in the
County of Grainger State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the ______ 1850. ______
Ass't Marshal. page 53b
27 767 787 John NANCE, 46,
M, Farmer, Tennessee
28 767 787 (Cecelia) Sealy
29 767 787 Rosanna NANCE, 15, F, Tennessee
30 767 787 Julean NANCE, 13, F, Tennessee
31 767 787 Caroline NANCE, 10, F, Tennessee
32 767 787 Paschel (M.)
NANCE, 7, M, Tennessee
33 767 787 Greenbury NANCE, 3, M, Tennessee
34 767 787 John (J.)
NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
35 767 787 Reuben NANCE, 70, M, Farmer, Virginia
1850 District 8, Grainger, Tennessee, USA Roll:
M432_880; Page: 55A; Image: 115
9 779 805 John VINEYARD, 26, M
Margaret (NANCE)
Vinyard 24
Wm Vinyard 6
Reuben Vinyard 3
Sarah J Vinyard 1
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 5 in the
County of Grainger State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the ______ 1850. ______
Ass't Marshal. page 55b
26 789 818 Calvin B(ird) NANCE(**), 36, M, Tennessee
27 789 818 Mary S(hields (GRAHAM))
NANCE, 25, F, Tennessee
28 789 818 Sarah J(ane)
NANCE, 6, F, Tennessee
29 789 818 Samuel S(heilds)
NANCE, 2, M, Tennessee
30 789 818 John W(illia)m
NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
31 789 818 Jane CREWS, 11, F, Tennessee
(**Son of John "Jackie" NANCE and
Sarah "Sally" ORE)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 8 in the
County of Grainger State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the __day of Sept. 1850. Wm. M.
Williams Ass't Marshal. page 57A
22 811 844 Jacob VINYARD, 47, M, Farmer, 120, Tennessee
23 811 844 Susanah (NANCE**) VINYARD, 44, F, W,
24 811 844 Goviner H VINYARD,
22, M, Tennessee
25 811 844 Eliza VINYARD, 16, F, Tennessee
26 811 844 Dianna VINYARD,
14, F, Tennessee
27 811 844 Lousan VINYARD,
11, F, Tennessee
28 811 844 Amanda VINYARD, 9,
F, Tennessee
29 811 844 John R VINYARD, 4, M, Tennessee
30 811 844 Oma VINYARD, 1, F, Tennessee
(*Looks like GA on census)
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
1850 District 10, Grainger, Tennessee, USA Roll: 880;
Page: 77B
14 1105 1153 Barnet Shadwick (CHADWICK),
50, M, SC
15 1105 1153 Elizabeth (NANCE**)
Shadwick, 20(*), F,
16 1105 1153 Hugh M Shadwick 17
17 1105 1153 Daniel Shadwick 15
18 1105 1153 Sarah L Shadwick 12
19 1105 1153 Wm H Shadwick 8
(*This is what is on census,
Elizabeth is 40 in 1860 census)
(**Dau. of Josiah C. NANCE and Serena Sibbie YOUNG)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 5 in the
County of Grainger State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the ______ 1850. ______
Ass't Marshal. page 107b
36 1523-6 1590-6 Lucinda (CLAPP)
NANCE(**), 27, F,
300, Tennessee
37 1523-6 1590-6 Mary A. NANCE, 12, F,
Tennessee, Attending School
38 1523-6 1590-6 Joseph M. NANCE, 10,
F, Tennessee, Attending School
39 1523-6 1590-6 John C(arager)
NANCE, 7, M, Tennessee, Attending School
40 1523-6 1590-6 Thersa A(manda?)
NANCE, 5, F, Tennessee
41 1523-6 1590-6 Thomas M. NANCE, 1, M,
42 1523-6 1590-6 Catherine CLAPP, 19, F,
(**Wife of Jesse NANCE Josiah C.
NANCE and Serena Sibbie YOUNG)
District 13, Grainger, Tennessee, USA Roll: 880;
Page: 110b
14 1564 1634 David NISELY, 25, M, TN
15 1564 1634 (Mary) Polly
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 27 in
the County of Hamilton
State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 25th day of Oct. 1850. N. P.
Jones Ass't Marshal. Page 461b
1 1263 1263 Benjamin CAVINDER, 44, M, North Carolina
2 1263 1263 Sarah (NANCE**)
CAVINDER, 38, F, Tennessee
3 1263 1263 Parthena CAVINDER, 19,
F, Tennessee
4 1263 1263 Elijah CAVINDER, 18,
M, Tennessee
5 1263 1263 Rosannah CAVINDER, 15,
F, Tennessee
6 1263 1263 Sarah CAVINDER, 13, F,
7 1263 1263 Jefferson CAVINDER, 9,
M, Tennessee
8 1263 1263 Calvin CAVINDER, 7, M,
9 1263 1263 Mary CAVINDER, 4, F,
10 1263 1263 Benjamin CAVINDER, 2,
M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Reuben
NANCE and Rosanna LNU)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 27 in
the County of Hamilton State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 26th day of Oct. 1850. N. P.
Jones Ass't Marshal. Page 463a
5 1289 1289 Stephen MOORE, 34, M, Farmer, Tennessee
6 1289 1289 Ann (NANCE**)
MOORE, 32, F, Tennessee
7 1289 1289 John MOORE, 13, M,
8 1289 1289 Ruben MOORE, 11, M,
9 1289 1289 Jefferson MOORE, 6, M,
10 1289 1289 Rosan MOORE, 9, F,
11 1289 1289 Amanda MOORE, 4, F,
12 1289 1289 Martha MOORE, F, Tennessee
(**Dau of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna LNU)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 1 in the
County of Hardin State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 17th day of Jan. 1850. Thos.
Maxwell Ass't Marshal. Page 277
8 29 29 David ALLISON, 35, M, Tennessee
9 29 29 Eliz (NANCE**)
ALLISON, 34, F, Tennessee
10 29 29 Eliz A ALLISON, 0, F, Tennessee
11 29 29 Hugh ALLISON, 2, M, Tennessee
12 29 29 James E ALLISON, 4, M, Tennessee
13 29 29 John ALLISON, 5, M, Tennessee
14 29 29 Susan M ALLISON, 6, F, Tennessee
15 29 29 Delila POWELL, 19, F, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Allen
(Can't find any
NANCE, there should be some here)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in
Brownsville in the County of Haywood State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 28th day of August 1850. John
D. Hare Ass't Marshal. page 6b
34 74 74 D(uncan) C(ameron) BLEDSOE, 37, M,
Cabinet Maker, Tennessee
35 74 74 Mary (Hicks (NANCE**))
BLEDSOE, 24, F, Tennessee
36 74 74 Edward BLEDSOE, 4, M, Tennessee
37 74 74 Erma? BLEDSOE, 2, F, Tennessee
38 74 74 Mary Ann BLEDSOE, 8/12, F, Tennessee
39 74 74 Thomas (Frank) NANCE(**), 20, M,
Tennessee, Cabinet Maker
40 74 74 R. E. JORDAN??, 35, M, Bank ****, Tennessee
41 74 74 H**ld JORDAN??, 30, F, Tennessee
42 74 74 Harris JORDAN??, 11, M, Tennessee
(**Children of ? Henry
NANCE and Sarah NELSON ??)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 1st Civil
District in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 18 day of Sept. 1850. T. Cooney
Ass't Marshal. page 244b written 487
19 42 42 Hezikiah CULLENDER, 28, M, Tailer, 600,
20 42 42 Mary Ann CULLENDER, 22, F, Tennessee
21 42 42 Georgianna CULLENDER, 2, F, Tennessee
22 42 42 Cynthia (NANCE**)
BLYTHE, 60, F, North Carolina
23 42 42 Theresa BLYTHE, 17, F, Tennessee, Attending
24 42 42 A. G. BLYTHE, 15, M, Tennessee, Attending
(**Dau. of ??, Widow of
Benjamin BLYTHE)
Schedule I - Free
Inhabitants in 1st Civil District in the County of
Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 22nd day of Sept. 1850.
Y.? Cooney Ass't Marshal. page 248a
27 91 92 John W(illiam) NANCE,
27, M, North Carolina
28 91 92 Amanda (M.
(BLYTHE*)) NANCE, 25, F, Tennessee
29 91 92 John (William) NANCE,
2/12, M, Tennessee
30 91 92 Jos. HENRY, 19
31 91 92 Robert McADOO, 18
32 91 92 Green TREVATHAN, 13
? Benjamin BLYTHE and Cynthia NANCE??)
1850 District 5, Henry, Tennessee Page 274
35 36 37 Thomas DIGGS, 39, M, Farmer, 1400, North
36 36 37 Emily (NANCE**)
DIGGS, 29, F, Tennessee
37 36 37 William H DIGGS, 13, M, Tennessee
38 36 37 Emily Caroline DIGGS, 11, F, Tennessee
39 36 37 Amanda E DIGGS, 16, F, Tennessee
40 36 37 Nancy
DIGGS, 8, F, Tennessee
41 36 37 Nichola H DIGGS, 5, M, Tennessee
42 36 37 Thomas Riley DIGGS, 4, M, Tennessee
43 36 37 Nancy Eveline DIGGS, 3, F, Tennessee
44 36 37 John B DIGGS, 1, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of William NANCE and
Lucy A, (M.N.U.))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants
in the 9th Civil District in the County of Henry State
of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 14th day of Decb. 1850. Y.?
Cooney Ass't Marshal. page 318b
36 83 83 Elizabeth DIGGES, 92, NC, 2500.00
37 83 83 John NANCE, 35,
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the 10th
Civil District in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 13th day of Decemb. 1850. T. Cooney
Ass't Marshal. page 325a
29 34 34 Smith BILES, 55, M, Physician, 1600, North Carolina
30 34 34 Catherine BILES, 47, F, Maryland
31 34 34 Lucy F. BILES, 11, F, Attending School, Tennessee
32 34 34 John S. BILES, 7, M, Attending School, Tennessee
33 34 34 Reuben B. NANCE, 35,
M, Farmer, Tennessee
34 34 34 Mary E. (BILES) NANCE, 22, F,
35 34 34 Smith B. NANCE, 4, M,
36 36 36 Stephen H(enderson) NANCE, 1, M,
37 34 34 Sarah E. BUTLER, 16, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Stephen NANCE and Sarah M.
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants
in 12th Civil District in the County of Henry State of
enumerated by me, on the 9th day of Nov. 1850. Y. Cooney
Ass't Marshal. page 342a
11 3 3 William (B.) NANCE, 28, M,
Farmer, 300, North Carolina
12 3 3 Eliza A(nn (YOW))
NANCE, 22, F, Tennessee
13 3 3 John M(arion) NANCE,
1, M, Tennessee
(**Son of Clement NANCE and
Frances BERRY)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants
in the 12th Civil District in the County of Henry State
of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 10th day of Nov 1850. T Cooney
Ass't Marshal. page 343a
19 17 17 Fred(eric)k NANCE(**), 67, M, Farmer,
400, North Carolina, over 20 can't read/write
20 17 17 Mary (BERRY)
NANCE, 61, F, North Carolina, over 20 can't read/write
(**Parents possibly
John NANCE and Mollie/Mary COX)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the 12th Civil
District in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 10th day of Nov 1850. T Cooney
Ass't Marshal. page 345A
13 46 46 David NICHOLS, 40, M, North
14 46 46 (Melissa)
Margaret (NANCE**)
NICHOLS, 39, F, North Carolina
15 46 46 Cathe NICHOLS, 19, F, North Carolina
16 46 46 John NICHOLS, 17, M, North Carolina
17 46 46 Emeline NICHOLS, 14, F, North Carolina
18 46 46 Nancy NICHOLS, 11, F, North Carolina
19 46 46 (Mary) Josephine
NICHOLS, 9, F, North Carolina
20 46 46 Martha NICHOLS, 6, F, North Carolina
21 46 46 James H. NICHOLS, 2,
M, North Carolina
could be Campbell NANCE and
Elizabeth PALMER?)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 12th Civil
District in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 10th day of Nov. 1850. Y. Cooney
Ass't Marshal. page 345b
9 52 52 John NANCE(**), 65, M, Farmer, 150,
North Carolina
10 52 52 Phoebe (??-KEY)
NANCE, 50, North Carolina, Over 20 can't read/write
11 52 52 Peyton KEY, 15, M, Farmer, Tennessee, Attending
12 52 52 Green NANCE, 13, M, Tennessee, Attending School
13 52 52 Angeline (F) NANCE,
12, F, Tennessee, Attending School
14 52 52 Stephen NANCE, 6, M, Tennessee
(**Possibly could be the son James T.
NANTES?? from France)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants
in the 13th Civil District in the County of Henry State
of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 1st day of Nov?? 1850. Y.
Cooney Ass't Marshal. page 358a
30 86 87 James A. NANCE(**), 34, M, North Carolina
31 86 87 Eliz(abeth Jane
(THOMPSON)) NANCE, 14, F, Tennessee
(**Son of John NANCE, mother
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in
the 13th Civil District in the County of Henry
State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 7th day of Oct. 1850.
T.? Cooney Ass't Marshal. page 361a
22 119 121 Alfred (Marion)
PASCHAL, 27, M, North Carolina
23 119 121 Mary (Jane
(NANCE)**) PASCHAL, 25, F, North
24 119 121 Cleophus PASCHAL, 4, M, Tennessee
25 119 121 Sarah PASCHAL, 1, F, Tennessee
26 119 121 Lucinda PASCHAL, 50, F, North
(**Dau. of Clement NANCE
and Francis BERRY)
Schedule I - Free
Inhabitants in the 13th Civil District in the
County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 9th day of Nov 1850.
T.? Cooney Ass't Marshal. page 363b
33 160 162 Francis (BERRY) NANCE,
61, M(*), North
34 160 162 John (Bunyan)
NANCE, 26, M, Farmer, North Carolina
35 160 162 Thomas NANCE, 22, M, Tennessee
36 160 162 Elisha (B.)
NANCE, 17, M, Tennessee
37 160 162 Riley WAGSTER, 16, M, Tennessee
(*Suppose to be female. M
is what is on census... This is Francis BERRY,
widow of Clement NANCE son?
of Richard NANCE {in 1800 Rockingham Co. NC
census} ??))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in
the 17th Civil District in the County of Henry State of
enumerated by me, on the 15th day of September 1850. T
Cooney Ass't Marshal. page 399a
36 7 7 W(illia)m
F. NANCE(**), 36, M,
37 7 7 Elizabeth (HILL) NANCE,
40, F, Farmer, North Carolina
38 7 7 Sarah (A.) NANCE, 14,
F, North Carolina, Attending School
39 7 7 Jno. W(illiam?) NANCE,
12, M, North Carolina, Attending School
40 7 7 Leander (H.) NANCE, 10,
M, North Carolina, Attending School
41 7 7 W(illia)m S. (Thomas) NANCE, 8, M, North
Carolina, Attending School
42 7 7 Richard M(onroe) NANCE,
5, M, North Carolina
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 17th Civil District in the
County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 15th day of September 1850. T
Cooney Ass't Marshal. page 399b
1 7 7 (Ann) Elizabeth NANCE,
1, F, Tennessee
(**Son of possibly a William NANCE
found in 1830 Henry County TN census)
SCHEDULE 3 - Persons who Died during the Year ending
1st June, 1850, in____ in the County
of Henry State of Tennessee, enumerated by me, T. Cooney
Ass't Marshall Page 383
Clara NANCE, 2, F, TN, Died in
Jan., of Croup (Laryngitis,
diphtheria, or strep throat), # days ill: 12 hours
SCHEDULE 2 - Slave Inhabitants in the 6th
Civil District in the County of Henry State
of Tennessee, enumerated by me, on the 26 day of Nov, 1850.
T. Cooney Ass't Marshall Page ??
24 W(illia)m NANCE,
1, 81, M, B
2, 26, M, B
3, 19, M, B
4, 30, F, B
5, 10, F, B
6, 8, F, B
1850 Hickman, Tennessee, USA
406 Nehemiah Sharp 21
Susan (NANCE) Sharp
23, F, TN
Priscilla (E) Sharp 1
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No.
13 in the County of Jefferson State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 26th day of November 1850. James Baker Ass't
Marshal. page 441a MICROFILM#: M432-885
1 1600 1655 Noah NANCE(**), 25, M, Farmer, 1500,
2 1600 1655 Catherine (Jane
(BLEVINS)) NANCE, 24, F, Tennessee
3 1600 1655 W(illia)m (E.) NANCE, 5, M, Tennessee
4 1600 1655 Sarah (T.) NANCE,
3, F, Tennessee
5 1600 1655 John C(alvin? Noah)
NANCE, 1/12, M, Tennessee
of John "Jackie" NANCE and Sarah "Sally" ORE)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in
District No. 13 in the County of Jefferson State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 26th day of November 1850. James Baker Ass't
Marshal. Page 441a Microfilm#: M432-885
6 1601 1656 Jesse GRAHAM, 19, M, Labor, Tennessee
7 1601 1656 W(illia)m
E. NANCE(**), 35, M,
Far., 1200, Tennessee
8 1601 1656 Amanda M(arie (JARNAGAN))
NANCE, 29, F, Tennessee
9 1601 1656 Alexander NANCE, 11, M, Tennessee, Attending
10 1601 1656 Joseph NANCE, 9, M,
Tennessee, Attending School
11 1601 1656 Marth S. NANCE, 6, F,
Tennessee, Attending School
12 1601 1656 Phebe HAWKINS, 16, F, Tennessee
of John "Jackie" NANCE and Sarah "Sally" ORE)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No.
13 in the County of Jefferson State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 26th day of November 1850. James Baker Ass't
Marshal. Page 441a Micorfilm#: M432-885
13 1602 1657 John NANCE(**), 62, M, Farmer, 5000,
14 1602 1657 Sarah (ORE)
NANCE, 55, F, Tennessee
(**Son of John NANCE and Mary "Mollie"
EPPES (last name?))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in The 13th
Civil District in the County of Jefferson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 26th day of Nov 1850. James Baker
Ass't Marshal. page 441a Micorfilm#: M432-885
15 1603 1658 Greenvill P(enn) NANCE(**),
28, M, Lavor, Tennessee
16 1603 1658 Mary (E. (WILLIAMSON))
NANCE, 25, F, Tennessee
17 1603 1658 Adelia Ann NANCE, 4, F, Tennessee
18 1603 1658 Adaline (Virginia)
NANCE, 3, F, Tennessee
19 1603 1658 Alice (M.) NANCE,
4/12, F, Tennessee
(**Son of
John "Jackie" NANCE and Sarah "Sally" ORE)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in The 31st Subdivision
in the County of Knox State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 6th day of December 1850. S. M.
Cannon Ass't Marshal. page 76A
39 408 412 Milo MCBEE, 26, M, Tennessee
40 408 412 Calloway MCBEE, 22,
M, Tennessee
41 408 412 (Mary) Elizabeth (NANCE**) MCBEE, 20, F, Tennessee
42 408 412 Sarah MCBEE, 2, F, Tennessee
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in The
31st Subdivision in the County of Knox State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 6th day of December 1850. S. M.
Cannon Ass't Marshal. page 76A
1 408 412 Elora MCBEE, 2/12, F,
of John "Jackie" NANCE and Sarah "Sally" ORE)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the Maryville in
the County of Knox State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 23rd day of August 1850. David
McCullam Ass't Marshal. page 98B
2 59 62 Caroline E. (NANCE**)
PLUMLEE, 40, F, Tennessee
3 59 62 Harriet A. PLUMLEE, 19, F, Tennessee
4 59 62 Edward M. PLUMLEE, 18, M, Tennessee
5 59 62 Americus C. PLUMLEE, 16, M, Tennessee
6 59 62 Mary E. PLUMLEE, 14, F, Tennessee
7 59 62 Caroline C. PLUMLEE, 11, F, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Peter NANCE and Mary
Emeline PRYOR)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the town of
Knoxville in the County of Knox State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 31st day of August 1850. David
McCullum Ass't Marshal. page 109b
16 216 220 Peter NANCE(**), 75, M, Farmer,
17 216 220 Mary (Emeline (PRYOR))
NANCE, 66, F, Virginia
18 216 220 Blanton C(alloway)
NANCE, M, 28, Tennessee
19 216 220 Mary (Jane) NANCE(*), 13, F, Tennessee, Attending
(**Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H.
(*Dau.? of Leonard Claiborne NANCE
and Nancy Jane TIPTON ??)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the town of
Knoxville in the County of Knox State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 2nd day of Sept. 1850. David
McCullam Ass't Marshal. page 110b
7 230 234 Pryor NANCE(**), 40, M, Butcher,
8 230 234 Harriet (Emeline (DAVIS))
NANCE, 30, F, North Carolina
9 230 234 Peter (D.) NANCE, 10,
M, Tennessee, Attending School
10 230 234 Lucy Ann NANCE, 8, F, Tennessee, Attending School
11 230 234 Emma (Anna) NANCE,
6, F, Tennessee
12 230 234 Louisa M(inerva) NANCE,
4, F, Tennessee
13 230 234 Calvin (Callaway) B(lanton) NANCE, 2, M,
14 230 234 Pryor NANCE, 1/12, M, Tennessee
15 230 234 James CLARK, 35, M, ***
(**Son Of
Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline PRYOR)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the Knoxville in
the County of Knox State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 2nd day of Sept. 1850. David
McCullam Ass't Marshal. page 112B
19 255 259 George W(ashington)
HARRIS, 35, M, Tennessee
20 255 259 Mary E(meline (NANCE**))
HARRIS, 33, F, Tennessee
21 255 259 Pryor M HARRIS, 13, M, Tennessee
22 255 259 Mary HARRIS, 3, F, Tennessee
23 255 259 George HARRIS, 1, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Peter
NANCE and Mary Emeline PRYOR)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in
***** Subdivision ***** in the County of Knox State of
enumerated by me, on the 26th day of September 1850. David
McCullum Ass't Marshal. page 137a
1 588 589 James L. SMITH, 22, M, Farmer, Virginia
2 588 589 Rebecca SMITH, 20, F, Tennessee, Over 20 can't
3 588 589 Blanton NANCE(**), 6, M, Tennessee
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the 15th
Subdivision **** in the County of Knox State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 13th day of December 1850. David
McCullam Ass't Marshal. page 230b
4 1937 1946 Edward (Vincent)
RUDDER, 43, M, Farmer, Tennessee
5 1937 1946 Mahala (NANCE*)
RUDDER, 37, F, Tennessee
6 1937 1946 Robert RUDDER, 20, M, Student, Tennessee,
Attending School
7 1937 1946 Alexander RUDDER, 17, M, Farmer, Tennessee,
Attending School
8 1937 1946 Sarah RUDDER, 11, F, Tennessee, Attending School
9 1937 1946 James K. P. RUDDER, 6, M, Tennessee
10 1937 1946 Joseph B. RUDDER, 4, M, Tennessee
11 1937 1946 Edward B. RUDDER, 6/12, F, Tennessee
12 1937 1946 Paschal NANCE(**), 77, M, None,
(*Dau. of Paschal NANCE
and Joannah WITT)
(**Son of Thomas NANCE and Sarah H. GIBBS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil
District No. 6 in the County of Lewis State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 31st day of August 1850. ______
Ass't Marshal. page 394b
32 79 79 James B. NANCE(**), 29, M, Farmer,
33 79 79 Elizabeth A(ramanta
(MAYFIELD)) NANCE, 24, F, Tennessee, over 20 can't
34 79 79 Samuel T. NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
35 79 79 Martha J(ane) NANCE,
4/12, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Thomas
P. NANCE and Elizabeth WALKER)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil
District No. 2 in the County of Lewis State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 30th day of October 1850. John C.
Johnston Ass't Marshal. page 432b
35 598 598 Joseph W(alker) NANCE(**), 27, M, Farmer,
36 598 598 Elizabeth A. (PUGH)
NANCE, 24, F, Tennessee, over 20 can't read
37 598 598 Sarah S(usan) NANCE,
8, F, Tennessee
38 598 598 Margaret J. NANCE, 6, F, Tennessee
39 598 598 John W. NANCE, 3, M, Tennessee
40 598 598 Nancy E(llen) NANCE,
6/12, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Thomas
P. NANCE and Elizabeth WALKER)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No.
15 the County of Madison State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 19th day of Aug. 1850. J. M. Parkin
Ass't Marshal. page 217b
9 38 38 Henry NANCE(**), 50, M, W, Trader,
1000, Tennessee
10 38 38 (Nancy) Ann (WILLIAMS) NANCE, 34, F, W, North
11 38 38 Emily (C.) NANCE, 20,
F, W, Tennessee
12 38 38 Jane (Charlotte) NANCE,
14, F, W, Tennessee, Attending School
13 38 38 Laura (Randall) NANCE,
11, F, W, Tennessee, Attending School
14 38 38 Henry (H.) NANCE, 9,
M, W, Tennessee, Attending School
15 38 38 Sarah (Ann) NANCE, 7,
F, W, Tennessee, Attending School
16 38 38 Alice NANCE, 5, F, W, Tennessee
17 38 38 James (Allen) NANCE,
3, M, W, Tennessee
(**Son of William NANCE and Lucy A.
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No.
16 in the County of Madison State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 7th day of Nov. 1850. J. M. Parkin
Ass't Marshal. page 347b
30 816 816 Peter NANCE, 54, M,
Farmer, Kentucky
31 816 816 Sarah NANCE, 48, F, Tennessee
32 816 816 Ann E. NANCE, 22, F, Tennessee
33 816 816 Mary A. NANCE, 19, F, Tennessee
34 816 816 Thomas NANCE, 7, M, Tennessee
35 816 816 Almira LUCKY, 26, F, Tennessee
(Not sure who this is)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District in the
County of Madison State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the ______ 1850. ______ Ass't Marshal.
Patience NANCE, 74, Black,
Washer woman, NC
District No 12, Marshall Co Tennessee, 25, Mar 1850,
Hery or Hesy NANCE or RANCE 1
slave, 14 years old , male, black
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No.
18 in the County of Maury State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 18th day of October 1850. G. C.
Gordon Ass't Marshal. page 208a
32 780 780 Minerva (BROWNING) NANCE(**), 50 {30?*}, F, Virginia
33 780 780 Emily NANCE, 35, F, Virginia
34 780 780 Mary NANCE, 14, F, Tennessee
35 780 780 Susan NANCE, 12, F, Tennessee
of Phillip NANCE, son of unknown parents? married in
(*Age wrong? Minerva NANCE (b. 09 Sep 1829) marr. John
BARRIX on 23 Nov 1854)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the 23rd
Subdivision in the County of McMinn State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the 19th day of Sep. 1850.
______ Ass't Marshal. page 284a
19 1273 858 Terrel NANCE(**)(*), 52, M, Farmer, VA
20 1274 859 Elizabeth (OAKS)
NANCE, 45, F, VA
21 1274 859 Mary (Ann D.)
NANCE, 21, F, VA
22 1274 859 Marshal NANCE, 19, M, Farmer, VA
23 1274 859 James (H.) NANCE,
17, M, Farmer, VA
24 1274 859 Peter NANCE, 15, M, VA
25 1274 859 Jacob NANCE, 14, M, VA
26 1274 859 Egleton NANCE, 9, M, VA
27 1274 859 John (Osborne)
28 1274 859 Polk NANCE, 7, M, VA
29 1274 859 George (W.) NANCE,
6, M, VA
30 1274 859 Lafayette NANCE, 2, M, VA
(**Son? of
William? NANCE and Mary? TERRELL?)
(*Shown on census as living in previous household of T.
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the 23rd
Subdivision in the County of McMinn State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 19th day of Sept. 1850. ______
Ass't Marshal. page 285b written 569
24 1291 872 E(lijah) KNOX, 23,
M, Farmer, TN
25 1291 872 Jenetta (NANCE**)
KNOX, 27, F, TN
26 1291 872 Elizabeth KNOX, 4, F, TN
27 1291 872 Jerry KNOX, 3/12, M, TN
(**Dau. of Terrell
NANCE and Elizabeth OAKS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
23rd Subdivision in the County of McMinn State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the 27th day of Aug.
1850. ______ Ass't Marshal. page 302
12 1601 1094 Robt Jourdin 41,
Louisa (NANCE**) Jourdin 22, F,
Washington Jourdin 16, M, NC
Melissa Jourdin 2/12, F, TN
(**Dau. of Terrell NANCE and
Elizabeth OAKS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 7th District
in the County of McNairy State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 4th day of Sep. 1850. B. B. Adams
Ass't Marshal. page 12a
26 153 153 Tallin(*) NANCE, 24, M, Laborer,
North Carolina
27 153 153 Sarah (BAUCUM)
NANCE, 20, F, North Carolina
(*Tallin is what is on census)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Burnett District in
the County of Rutherford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the ---- day of August. 1850. R. H.
Mason Ass't Marshal. page 151A
20 26 26 Thos LATIMER, 46, M, Farmer, Tennessee
21 26 26 Mary (NANCE**) LATIMER, 45, F,
Tennessee, can't read/write
22 26 26 Margaret SAVAGE,
20, F, Tennessee
23 26 26 Jas P LATIMER,
18, M, Tennessee, Attending School
24 26 26 Thos A LATIMER,
15, M, Tennessee, Attending
25 26 26 Peyton
S LATIMER, 13, M, Tennessee,
Attending School
26 26 26 John
H LATIMER, 11, M, Tennessee,
Attending School
27 26 26 Mary
B LATIMER, 8, F, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Isaac
NANCE and Jane SMITH) (Where is
1850 Burnett, Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Roll: 894;
Page: 150B
36 29 29 Thos W Shelton, 58, M, Farmer, 600, VA
37 29 29 Elizabeth (NANCE**) Shelton
48, TN
38 29 29 J Godfrey Shelton 16, TN
39 29 29 Ja(me)s F Shelton
14, TN
40 29 29 Sarah A Shelton 11, TN
41 29 29 America Shelton 9, TN
42 29 29 Martha F Shelton, 6, TN
1850 Burnett, Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Roll: 894; Page:
1 29 29 Mary J Mitchell 29, TN
James T Mitchell 12, TN
Sarah W Mitchell 11, TN
Jno H Mitchell 7, TN
Martha J Mitchell 2, TN
(**Parents unknown)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Burnett
District in the County of Rutherford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 24th day of August. 1850. R. H.
Mason Ass't Marshal. page 154a
38 72 72 Jno. C. GOOCH, 49, M, Farmer, 23600, North Carolina
39 72 72 Eliza A. GOOCH, 35, North Carolina
40 72 72 Robt. * GOOCH, 17, M, Student, Tennessee, Attending
41 72 72 Marsha F GOOCH, 12, F, Tennessee, Attending School
42 72 72 Nathan GOOCH, 9, M, Tennessee, Attending School
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Burnett District in the
County of Rutherford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 24th day of August. 1850. R. H.
Mason Ass't Marshal. page 154b
1 72 72 John * GOOCH, 7, M, Tennessee, Attending School
2 72 72 Allen * GOOCH, 4, M, Tennessee
3 72 72 Jno. FULTON, 71, M, *** Maker, Virginia
4 72 72 Mary A. FULTON, 13, F, Tennessee
5 72 72 Elizabeth S. NANCE(**), 29, Tennessee
6 72 72 John C. G. KIMBOO, 21, M, Tennessee
7 72 72 Ann M. McFADDEN, 12, F, Tennessee
8 72 72 Robt. MORISON, 23, M, Pennsylvania
9 72 72 WM. HARTMAN, 22, M, Laborer, Tennessee
(**Not sure who this is)
Census Index has a NANCE on page 180A... Didn't find a NANCE there was something looked like Nevil.
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Gambrill
District in the County of Rutherford State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the 1st day of Oct. 1850. R.
H. Mason Ass't Marshal. page 184b
39 493 493 W(illia)m
W. NANCE(**), 36, M,
Farmer, Tennessee
40 493 493 Theodocia B(ivins
(GOODLOE)) NANCE, 28, F, Tennessee
41 493 493 Ja(me)s (Anderson) NANCE, 17, M, Farming,
Tennessee, Attending School
42 493 493 Lucinda J(ane)
NANCE, 15?, F, Tennessee
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Gambrill District in the
County of Rutherford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 1st day of Oct. 1850. R. H. Mason
Ass't Marshal. page 185a
1 493 493 Martha NANCE, 13, F, Tennessee
2 493 493 Adaline NANCE, 11, F, Tennessee, Attending School
3 493 493 W(illia)m NANCE, 10,
M, Tennessee, Attending School
4 493 493 (Parham) Booker
NANCE, 6, M, Tennessee, Attending School
5 493 493 Henry (G.) NANCE, 4,
M, Tennessee
6 493 493 Nancy (C.) NANCE,
7/12, F, Tennessee
7 493 493 Jane (SMITH*) NANCE,
72, F, Virginia
of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
(*Jane counted twice??
William & Tabitha's mother wass Jane (SMITH) NANCE,
see below)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in
Machanicksville District in the County of Rutherford State
of Tennessee enumerated by me, on the 15th day of Oct. 1850.
R. H. Mason Ass't Marshal. page 195a
4 645 645 Wilee HARMON, 48, M, Farmer, 2000, Virginia
5 645 645 Tabitha (NANCE**)
HARMON, 42, F, Tennessee
6 645 645 Jane (SMITH*) NANCE, 78, F,
(**Dau. of Isaac NANCE,
Sr. and Jane SMITH)
(*Jane counted twice??, see family
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in
Mechanicksville District in the County of Rutherford State
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the 15th day of Oct. 1850. R.
H. Mason Ass't Marshal. page 196a
42 665 665 Jno. (John)
N. NANCE(**), 40, M,
Farmer, 1500, Virginia
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Mechanicksville District in
the County of Rutherford State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the 15th day of Oct. 1850. R.
H. Mason Ass't Marshal. page 196b
1 665 665 Martha (SLACK) NANCE,
45, F, Virginia
2 665 665 Mary F. NANCE, 19, F, Tennessee
3 665 665 Serrepta A. E. SLACK, 22, F, Tennessee, can't
4 665 665 Jas. ALLEN, 14, M, Tennessee, Attending School
5 665 665 Jno. IVEY, 15, M, Tennessee, Attending School
6 665 665 Frelinghuyson MOSLEY, 4, M, Tennessee
(**Son of Isaac NANCE and Jane SMITH)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Versailles
District in the County of Rutherford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 11th day of Sept. Nov. 1850. W.
Williamson Ass't Marshal. page 278a
33 234 234 Richard (Leonidas) NANCE(**), 40, M, Farmer, NC
34 234 234 Elizabeth (HILL)
NANCE, 36, F, TN
35 234 234 Benj(amin)
NANCE, 16, M, TN
36 234 234 Sarah A. NANCE, 14, F, TN
37 234 234 Jno. (Johnathan)
W(oods) NANCE,
13, M, TN
38 234 234 Amanda L(ee)
NANCE, 10, F, Tennessee
39 234 234 May F. NANCE, 7, F, TN
40 234 234 Federich W(oodson)
NANCE(*), 79, M, NC?
41 234 234 Rachel (LEATHERS)
NANCE, 68, F, NC?, can't read/write
42 234 234 James (Woodson)
NANCE(**), 21,
M, Farmer, NC, can't read/write
(**Sons of Frederick Woodson NANCE and Rachel LEATHERS)
(*Son of Richard NANCE and unknown 3rd wife)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Browns Mill District
in the County of Rutherford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 11th day of Sept. 1850. E. D.
Hancock? Ass't Marshal. page 278a
8 401 401
Alexander H McCULLOCK, 76, M, Farmer, 800, Unknown
9 401 401 Susan (NANCE**)
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and Amy WILLIAMS)
(NOTE: John
Gooch NANCE (b. 1834) is suppose to be here, left
Rutherford County in 1851 )
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 3rd Ward
Memphis in the County of Shelby State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 26th day of Aug. 1850. *** Gri***
Ass't Marshal. page 36b
21 526 547 Joshu F. JAMES, 36, M, Hotel Keeper, KY
22 526 547 Ger JAMES, 28, M, Clerk, KY
23 526 547 Martin MARTIN, 32, F, KY
24 526 547 Jane MARTIN, 13, F, TN
25 526 547 John C. PEPPER, 24, M, Clerk, PA
26 526 547 E. W. NANCE, 31, M,
Cotton Broker, SC
27 526 547 Mrs. NANCE, 24, F,
28 526 547 Ruby NANCE, 2, F,
29 526 547 Wm. PEPPER, 22, M, None, PA
30 526 547 J. H. HICKMAN, 27, M, Clerk, VA
31 526 547 Mary CLOSTER, 22, F, IRE
32 526 547 John STOKES, 28, M, Baker, GER
33 526 547 J. H. W. PRICE, 26, M, Clerk, U.S.
34 526 547 George W. COOK, 21, M, Clerk, TN
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Ward # 1 in the
County of Shelby State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the ______ 1850. ______ Ass't Marshal.
page 2a
10 25 25 Dennis GRADY, 40, M, Laborer, 100, IRE
11 25 25 Cath GRADY, 35, F, IRE
12 25 25 Danl. GRADY, 3, M, TN
13 25 25 Mary GRADY, 2, F, TN
14 25 25 Ellen GRADY, 1M, F, TN
15 25 25 Thos. GRADY, 42, M, Laborer, IRE
16 25 25 Michael GRADY, 35, M, Laborer, IRE
17 25 25 Sallie NANCE?, 15, F,
18 25 25 John KITCHEL, 70, M, Stone Mason, IRE
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in North Of
Cumberland & East Of The Caney Fork Rivers 1 in the
of SmithState of Tennessee enumerated by me, on the
Augt 22 1850. A. S. Watkins Ass't Marshal.
REEL NO: M432-896 SHEET NO: 213B PAGE NO: 426 House listed
as a jail
10 50 50 James M(adison)
NANCE(**), 39, M, W,
Jailer? TN Dwelling 50 housed a Jail
11 50 50 Elizabeth (TITLOW)
NANCE, 32, F, W, TN
12 50 50 James B(lanton) NANCE,
11, M, W, TN, Attending School
13 50 50 William H(arvey)
NANCE, 9, M, W, TN, Attending School
14 50 50 Mary A. NANCE, 6, F, W, TN, Attending School
15 50 50 Caroline J(osephine)
NANCE, 3, F, W, TN
16 50 50 Harriet E(lizabeth)
NANCE, 3, F, W, TN
17 50 50 Tandy T(itlow) NANCE,
1, M, W, TN
18 50 50 Melvina HILTON, 26, F, W, TN
19 50 50 William D. HALE, 52, M, W, Farmer, NC, (13) In Jail
For Murder
20 50 50 John MEDFORD, 48, M, W, Farmer, AL, (13) In Jail
Horse Stealing
21 50 50 Isaac MYER, 28, M, W, M.D., France, (13) Jailed for
charge of maliciously communicating smallpox
22 50 50 Dred (slave), 25, M, B, TN?, could be a first name
(13) In Jail: Runaway slave
(**Son of Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in __________ in
the County of Stewart State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 26th day of September 1850. ****
Ass't Marshal. page 400b
41 259 259 Stephen NANCE(**), 55, M, W, S.
Teacher, VA
42 259 259 Lesson NANCE, 25, F, W, VA
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Nancy
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in __________ in
the County of Stewart State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 26th day of September 1850. *****
Ass't Marshal. page 401a
1 260 260 Sarah NANCE(**), 25, F, W, TN
2 260 260 Martha NANCE(*), 18,
3 260 260 Robert NANCE, 4, M, W, TN
(**Widow? of Lessonby NANCE, son of
Stephen NANCE and Sarah M. "Sally" HUGHES)
(*Dau? of Stephen NANCE and Sarah M. "Sally"
(NOTE: I have an unknown daughter of 15 and under 20 of
NANCE and Sarah M. "Sally"
HUGHES in the 1840 census)
U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880
Pg. Martha NANCE, 76, F, White,
F, Widowed, VA, Died in Sept., of old age, # days ill: 10
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 12 in
the County of Weakley State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 6th day of Sept. 1850. Jno. Drury
Ass't Marshal. page 364A
10 145 145 J(onathan) R Gentry
46 VA
Sarah (NANCE) Gentry 40 VA
Dortheno Gentry 20 TN
Samuel Gentry 15 TN
William Gentry 12 TN
John Gentry 11 TN
Gilbert Gentry 9 TN
Emily Gentry 7 TN
Sophronia Gentry 4 TN
Wilson Gentry 2 TN
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 1 in
the County of Weakley State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 26th day of Sept. 1850. Jno. Drury
Ass't Marshal. page 389a
24 46 46 R(obert)
P(aine) NANCE, 27, M,
Cabinet Workman, Unk, can't read/write
25 46 46 Mary (Jane (PHELPS)
NANCE, 24, F, TN, can't read/write
26 46 46 Susan (Missouri)
27 46 46 (Elenorah) Cordelia
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the 2nd Civil
District in the County of Williamson State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the 6th day of Sept 1850.
William McCray Ass't Marshal. page 137a
10 56 56 Robert NANCE(**), 34, Waggonmaker, KY
11 56 56 Eliza (A. CHURCH)
NANCE, 29, TN, over 20 can't read/write
12 56 56 Margarett E(lizabeth)
NANCE, 11, F, TN
13 56 56 Susan L(ucetta) NANCE,
9, F, TN
14 56 56 Sarah F(rances) NANCE,
5, F, TN
15 56 56 Elvira D. NANCE, 3, F, TN
16 56 56 Elijah A. NANCE, 2, M, TN
17 56 56 William T. NANCE, 3/12, M, TN
(**Son of Thomas NANCE and Elizabeth
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 19th
District in the County of Williamson State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the 31 day of August 1850
**** Ass't Marshal. page 138a
25 89 E. D. MATHIS, **, M, Farmer, 2940, TN
26 89 M. L. MATHIS, 24?, F, VA?
27 89 A. MATHIS, 10, F, TN, Attending School
28 89 S. W. MATHIS, 6, F, TN, Attending School
29 89 N. J.? MATHIS, 4, F, TN
30 89 *. W. MATHIS, 2, M, TN
31 89 M. E. MATHIS, 9/12, F, TN
32 89 N. J. NANCE, 16, F, TN
33 89 J. G. NANCE, 18, M,
Farmer, TN
34 89 M. B. RUCKER, 12, F, TN, Attending School
35 89 George BRIM, 26, M, Pedler, TN
36 89 J.? S. PARKS, 26, M, Pedler, TN
1850 District 6, Williamson, Tennessee, USA 174B
639 Thomas J Tucker 37
Nancy (NANCE**)
Tucker 33
William H Tucker 15
Robert Tucker 12
John Tucker 11
Jasper Tucker 8
James Tucker 6
(**Parents unknown)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 22 District in
the County of Williamson State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the __ day of _____ 1850
**** Ass't Marshal. page 238a
13 662 - E(dward) GILES, 72, M,
14 662 - F(anny (NANCE**))
GILES, 59, F, Virginia
15 662 - I(sham) GILES, 23, M,
16 662 - E(lizabeth) GILES, 22,
F, Virginia
17 662 - M(ortimer) GILES, 21,
M, Virginia
18 662 - T(homas) GILES, 15, M,
(**Dau. of Isham NANCE and Frances
(Not sure where this goes not
Madison County)
#816 William NANCE, 42, TN
Margaret NANCE, 34, TN
James W. NANCE, 13
Susan J. NANCE, 10
William S. NANCE, 8
Mary E. NANCE, 6
John W. NANCE, 10/12
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil
District No 23 in the County of Bedford State of
enumerated by me, on the 29th day of June 1860. B.
Martin Ass't Marshal. Page 146a written 177
11 2072 2072 William NANCE,
30, M, Black Smith, -, 500, Tenn
12 2072 2072 Jane NANCE, 27, F, Tenn
(**Son of Clement NANCE and Mary
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Town Of
Shelbyville in the County of Bedford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 15 day of June 1860. B. Martin
Ass't Marshal Page 181a Post Office Shelbville
15 490 490 Thomas (Jefferson) NANCE(**), 29, M, W,
Druggist, 2000, 1500, Tennessee
16 490 490 Eliza(beth (BELLE))
NANCE, 21, F, W, Tennessee
17 490 490 Malinda (Belle)
NANCE, 6, F, W, Alabama
18 490 490 Jennie NANCE, 6/12, F, W, Tennessee
(**Son of Joseph NANCE and Eleanor
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in
Western Division District 6 in the County of Bedford
State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 15 day of June 1860. J. J.
Blackwell Ass't Marshall Sheet: page: 193 Post Office:
26 285 262 W. B. BROWN, 46, M, W, Farmer, 6360, 3000,
27 285 262 Charlotte BROWN, 35, F, Tennessee
28 285 262 M. J. BROWN, 16, F, Tennessee
29 285 262 Nancy BROWN, 14, F, Tennessee
30 285 262 J. W. BROWN, 12, M, Tennessee, Attending
31 285 262 B. C. BROWN, 8, M, Tennessee, Attending
32 285 262 W. G. BROWN, 4, M, Tennessee
33 285 262 M. E. BROWN, 2, F, Tennessee
34 285 262 N. B. BROWN, 30, M, Laborer, Tennessee
35 285 262 Clement NANCE(**), 19, M, Laborer,
36 285 262 Thos HAIL, 17, M, Laborer, Tennessee
(**Son of Clement NANCE and Mary
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in
Western Division District 9 in the County of Bedford
State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 16 day of July 1860. J. J.
Blackwell Ass't Marshall Sheet: page: 221a Post Office:
34 855 809 John (Jonathan Woods) NANCE(**), 22, M,
Farmer, -, 1000, Tennessee
35 855 809 Julia A(nn (JACKSON))
NANCE, 22, F, Tennessee
36 855 809 T(homas) W(esley) NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
37 855 809 C(assie) E(lizabeth) NANCE, 5/12, F,
(**Son of Richard Leonidas "Dick"
NANCE and Elizabeth "Betsy" HILL)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in
Western Division District 20 in the County of Bedford
State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 5 day of July 1860. J. J.
Blackwell Ass't Marshall Sheet: page: 221a Post Office:
4 627 586 John (M.) NANCE(**), 60, M, Farmer,
3000, 475, Tennessee
5 627 586 Sallie (R.)
NANCE, 35, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Bird NANCE and Mary
"Polly" HANNAH, wife was Ann GAMBILL)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in
Western Division District 20 in the County of Bedford
State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 11 day of July 1860. J. J.
Blackwell Ass't Marshall Sheet: page: 221a Post Office:
3 751 686 W(illiam)
B. NANCE(**), 30,
M, Overseer, -, 300, Tennessee
4 751 686 James SHOWER?, 57, M, Kentucky
(**Son of John M.
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in Western Division
District 21 in the County of Bedford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the 25 day of June 1860. J. J.
Blackwell Ass't Marshall Sheet: page: 274a Post Office:
3 440 409 Adam S. RIGGS, 43, M, Meth. Minister, 25000,
8870, Tennessee
4 440 409 S. M. RIGGS, 37, F, Tennessee
5 440 409 Susan S. RIGGS, 14, F, Tennessee
6 440 409 Bettie M. RIGGS, 6, F, Tennessee
7 440 409 Willie *. RIGGS, 4, F, Tennessee
8 440 409 A. S. RIGGS Jr., 1/12, F, Tennessee
9 440 409 E. C. DEMPSEY, 70, F, North Carolina
10 440 409 John (Bradley) NANCE(**), 28, M, Overseer,
-, -, Tennessee
(**Son of John M.
032 District 10 John NANCE
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in
District No. 6 in the County of Benton State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 19 day of July 1860. Wm. McCutchere Ass't
Marshall Sheet: page: 335a Post Office: Camden
5 - 723 James (K.) NANCE, 68, M,
Farmer, 3000, 3278, South Carolina
6 - 723 Martisha (TURNER-MORTON)
NANCE, 52, F, North Carolina
7 - 723 L(evi) R. N. NANCE,
21, M, Tennessee
8 - 723 Martha NANCE, 14, F, Tennessee , Attending
9 - 723 Sarah CRAIG, 49, F, North Carolina, Pauper
(**Son of Peter NANCE and Ursula
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in
District No. 6 in the County of Benton State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 19 day of July 1860. Wm. McCutchere Ass't
Marshall Sheet: page: 341a Post Office: Camden
32 - 810 R(ichard)
S(anford) NANCE(**), 38, M, Farmer,
2000, 1248, South Carolina
33 - 810 Ellenor (A. (HERRON))
NANCE, 31, F, Tennessee
34 - 810 Mary NANCE, 16, F, Tennessee
34 - 810 James (B.) NANCE,
13, M, Tennessee, Attending School
35 - 810 William (Herron)
NANCE, 10, M, Tennessee, Attending School
36 - 810 Nuton (Newton)
NANCE, 7, M, Tennessee
37 - 810 Claibourn NANCE, 3/12, M, Tennessee
(**Son of James K. NANCE and
Narcissa (RAINWATER?))
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in District No. 6
in the County of Benton State of Tennessee
by me, on the 19 day of July 1860. Wm. McCutchere
Ass't Marshall Sheet: page: --- Post Office: Camden
826 W(illiam) H GREER,
31, M, Tennessee
826 July Ann (NANCE**)
GREER, 28, F, Tennessee
826 James GREER, 9, M, Tennessee
826 William GREER, 5, M, Tennessee
826 John GREER, 2, M, Tennessee
826 Hirckiah GREER, 1/12, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of
James K. NANCE and Narcissa (RAINWATER?))
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in
District No. 10 in the County of Benton State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 27 day of August 1860. Wm. McCutchere
Ass't Marshall Sheet: page: 369a Post Office: Camden
29 - 1199 R(euben)
L. NANCE(**), 50,
M, North Carolina
30 - 1199 Isabella (LASHLEE-RUFF) NANCE,
35, F, Tennessee
31 - 1199 Cortis (RUFF*)
NANCE, 12, M, Tennessee
32 - 1199 (Robert) Walker
NANCE, 14, M, Tennessee
33 - 1199 Anderson (RUFF*)
NANCE, 11, M, Tennessee
(*Sons of Isabella and her 1st
husband Stephen D. RUFF)
(**Son of Peyton Skipper NANCE and Eleanor A. SIMMS)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in
District No. 10 in the County of Benton State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 27 day of August 1860. Wm. McCutchere
Ass't MarshallSheet: page: 369a Post Office: Camden
6 - 1207 P(eter)
S(anford) NANCE(**), 32, M, Farmer,
100, 940, South Carolina
7 - 1207 Minervy (Jane (LINDSEY))
NANCE, 27, F, Tennessee
8 - 1207 William (M.)
NANCE, 10(*), M, Tennessee
9 - 1207 Debby (Elizabeth) NANCE,
7, F, Tennessee
10 - 1207 James (A.)
NANCE, 4, M, Tennessee
11 - 1207 John (Allen)
NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
(**Son of James K. NANCE and Narcissa (RAINWATER?))
(*William suppose to be 7 was b. 09 May 1853)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in (Louisville) 10th
District in the County of Blount State of Tennessee
by me, on the 1st day of June 1860. H. Heartsille Ass't
Marshall Sheet: 1 page: 76 Post Office: Louisville
29 7 7 H(enry)
Talbot COX, 44, M, Tennessee
30 7 7 Lucy A(nn
(NANCE)) COX(**),
38, F, Tennessee
31 7 7 Nathaniel H COX, 10, M, Tennessee
32 7 7 Eliza O COX, 8, F, Tennessee
33 7 7 John C COX, 6, M, Tennessee
34 7 7 Mary P COX, 4, F, Tennessee
35 7 7 Sarah E COX, 3, F, Tennessee
36 7 7 Charles C COX, 1, M, Tennessee
37 7 7 Peter
NANCE, 86, M, Virginia
31 7 7 Wm M GOODLIN, 21, M, Tennessee
31 7 7 Geo M GOODLIN, 17, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Peter NANCE and Mary
Emeline PRYOR)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in 4th
Civil District in the County of Campbell State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the
5th day of June 1860. W. H. Malone Ass't Marshall Post
Office: Jacksonboro Tenn. Page 451a written 15 Reel:
M653 - R1240
35 93 93 Daniel BRUCE, 63, M, Farmer, 550, 200, SC
36 93 93 Mary BRUCE, 58, F, GA, can't read/write
37 93 93 Mary J. BRUCE, 30, F, TN, can't read/write
38 93 93 John BRUCE, 16, M, Farm Hand, TN
39 93 93 Polly NANCE, 22,
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in 5th
Civil District in the County of Campbell State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the
12th day of June 1860. W. H. Malone Ass't Marshall Post
Office: Jacksonboro Tenn Page 456 written 39 Reel: M653
- R1240
36 268 262 Alexander NANCE(**), 21, M, Farm Hand,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
37 268 262 Mary (Emily
(CHAPMANS)) NANCE, 25, F, Tennessee, Can't
38 268 262 William NANCE, 2/12, M, Tennessee
(**Parents unknown, father?
possibly a William NANCE, raised by James J. MARRS)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in Ninth
Subdivision in the County of Claiborne State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 1st? day of June 1860. Wm. * Payne Ass't
Marshall Sheet: page: 325 Post Office: Tazewell
20 1003 Alexander NANCE,
23, M, W, Farmer, Tennessee, 0, 105, Can't read/write
21 1003 Mary NANCE, 21, F, Tennessee, Can't read/write
22 1003 John NANCE, 3, M, Tennessee
23 1003 George NANCE, 2, M, Tennessee
(Per note on Ancestry this is
FULTZ, but clearly says NANCE, changed last name?)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in
__________ in the County of Claiborne State of Tennessee
by me, on the _____ day of ____ 1860. __________
Ass't Marshall Sheet: page: 329 Post Office: _____
1 1044 David NANCE, 37, M,
W, Farm Laborer, 0, 189, Tennessee, Cant read/write
2 1044 Nancy NANCE, 34, F, W, Tennessee, can't
3 1044 William NANCE, 16, M, W, Tennessee, Attending
4 1044 Sarah NANCE, 14, F, W, W, Tennessee, Attending
5 1044 Robert N. NANCE, 7, M, W, Tennessee, Attending
6 1044 Louis NANCE, 4, M, W, Tennessee
7 1044 Lizzie NANCE, 2, F, W, Tennessee
(Per note on
Ancestry this is FULTZ, but clearly says NANCE,
changed last name?)
Subdivision 10, Claiborne, Tennessee Page: 350
29 1315 1315 David NICELY, 36 TN
Mary (NANCE)
Samuel NICELY, 8
Mitchell NICELY, 7
Orliana NICELY, 6
Thomas NICELY, 5
Armonda NICELY, 4
David NICELY, 3/12
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in 8th
Ward Nashville in the County of Davidson State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the
16th day of July 1860. John B. Corley Ass't Marshall
Sheet: page: 141b written 81 Post Office: Nashville Reel
No: M653-1246
5 546 546 W(illia)m S.
ALLEN, 45, M, Taylor, VA, Tennessee Hospital for the
Insane-Religious **** Insane
17 546 546 Polley NANCE,
58, F, Seamstress, 1857, TN . . . .Tennessee Hospital
for the Insane-Religious **** hereditary
(Not sure who this is)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in the
6th District in the County of Davidson State of
Tennessee enumerated by me, on the
27th day of July 1860. J. B. Corley Ass't Marshall
Sheet: page: 147a written 111 Post Office: Nashville
Reel No: M653-1246
30 757 757 Josiah C(renshaw) NANCE(**), 56, M, Primitive
B. Minister, 3575, 7750, Tennessee
31 757 757 Bethenia H(ardin
(SNEED)) NANCE, 52, F, Tennessee
32 757 757 William NANCE, 25, M, School Teacher,
33 757 757 Josiah W. NANCE, 22, M, School Teacher,
34 757 757 Mary (America)
NANCE, 20, F, Tennessee
35 757 757 Nicolas (Charles)
NANCE, 17, M, Farm Laborer, Tennessee
36 757 757 Bethenia (Harden)
NANCE, 15, F, Tennessee
37 757 757 Susannah (M.)
NANCE, 13, F, Tennessee
38 757 757 Martha (H.)
NANCE, 11, F, Tennessee
39 757 757 Sallie (Perkins)
NANCE, 9, F, Tennessee
40 757 757 Virginia (Tennessee)
NANCE, 6, F, Tennessee
(**Son of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in the 6th District in
the County of Davidson State of Tennessee enumerated by
me, on the
-- day of July 1860. J. B. Corley Ass't Marshall Sheet:
page: 149a written 115 Post Office: Nashville Reel No:
23 782 782 Archibald F BUSH, 57, M, Farmer, 2500, 7147,
24 782 782 Mary A(nn (NANCE**))
BUSH, 57, F, Virginia
25 782 782 Susannah B BUSH, 20, F, Tennessee
26 782 782 Lafayette W BUSH, 17, M, Tennessee
27 782 782 Secily A BUSH, 17, F, Tennessee
(**Dau. of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in the
20th Dist. in the County of Davidson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 16 day of June 1860. W. C. Hall Ass't Marshall
Sheet: page: 274b written 61 Post Office: Goodlettsville
6 422 407 Jno. (John Calvin) NANCE(**), 36, M, Farmer,
500, North Carolina
7 422 407 Mrs. A(nna Hurt (JONES))
NANCE, 30, F, North Carolina
8 422 407 Sidney (Johnson)
NANCE, 10, M, North Carolina, Attending School
9 422 407 Mary (Elizabeth) NANCE,
7, F, Tennessee, Attending School
10 422 407 Sarah NANCE, 4, F, Tennessee
11 422 407 Martha NANCE, 1, F, Tennessee
(**Son of David Lawson NANCE and
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in 8th Ward
Nashville in the County of Davidson State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the -- day of June 1860. ---- Ass't
Marshall Sheet: page: -- written 1 Post Office:
5 George W(ashington) HARRIS,
45, M, Pennsylvania
5 Mary (Emeline
43, F, Tennessee
5 Pryor HARRIS, 23, M,
5 Mary HARRIS, 13, F,
5 George HARRIS, 10, M,
5 James P HARRIS, 6, M,
5 Amanda P HARRIS, 4, F,
5 Aaron Brown HARRIS,
3/12, M, Tennessee
5 Adelaide T HARRIS, 21, F,
5 Mary Walker HARRIS, 22,
F, Ireland
(**Dau. of Peter NANCE and
Mary Emeline PRYOR)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in 8th
Ward Nashville in the County of Davidson State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 2nd day of June 1860. Liston Stones Ass't
Marshall Sheet: page: 475 written 14, Post Office:
34 92 112 C(lement)
NANCE, 49, M, Surveyor, Tennessee
35 92 112 Ann D. (AVENT)
NANCE, 45, F, Tennessee
36 92 112 Montgomery B(ell)
NANCE, 16, M, Student, Tennessee, Attending School
37 92 112 Mary NANCE, 13, F, Tennessee, Attending School
38 92 112 W(illia)m H(enry) NANCE, 11, M, Tennessee,
Attending School
(**Son of William Howe
NANCE and Elizabeth Venable
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in 8th Ward
Nashville in the County of Davidson State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the -- day of June 1860. ---- Ass't
Marshall Sheet: page: -- written 781, Post Office:
337 J(ames)
J S BILLINGS, 39, M, New York
337 America (Lucinda
(NANCE)**) BILLINGS, 34, F, Tennessee
337 Isaac P BILLINGS, 13,
M, Tennessee
337 Catherine E BILLINGS, 9,
F, Tennessee
337 William BILLINGS, 5, M,
337 Jared BILLINGS, 1, M,
337 James BILLINGS, 1, M,
(**Dau. of
William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
Nashville Ward 7, Davidson, Tennessee; Roll: M653_1246;
Page: 452
32 376 456 Isaac PAUL, 54, M, Carpenter, 100000, 10000,
33 376 456 Susan M(assey
(NANCE**)) PAUL, 51, M, TN
34 376 456 James A PAUL, 18, M, TN
35 376 456 Mary A PAUL, 16, M, TN
36 376 456 James C HOGUE, 36, M, Scotland
37 376 456 Martha HOGUE, 33, M, KY
38 376 456 James HOGUE, 5, M, KY
39 376 456 Malinda PAUL, 55, F, KY
(**Son of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in the 9th Dist. in the
County of Davidson State of Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the -- day of June 1860. ----- Ass't Marshall Sheet:
page: --- written 152 Post Office: Nashville
12 1049 1049 W(illia)m L(ewis) NANCE(**), 43, M, Lumber
Dealer, 50000, 3000, Tennessee
13 1049 1049 Martha (P.
(CASTLEMAN)) NANCE, 45, F, Tennessee
14 1049 1049 Susan E. NANCE, 14, F, Tennessee
15 1049 1049 W(illia)m A.
NANCE, 13, M, Tennessee
16 1049 1049 Margarett J. NANCE, 8, F, Tennessee
17 1049 1049 Jno FULGHAM, 18, M,
(**Son of William
Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable
258 7 W. Nashville C(lement) W(oodson) NANCE
(Son of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
178 District 6 Josiah (Crenshaw) NANCE
(Son of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
189 District 9 W(illiam) L(ewis) NANCE
(Son of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1860 Middle Division, Dickson, Tennessee Page:
204 Post Office: Danielsville
39 39 John Barrax, 48, M, Farmer, 250, NC
Manerva (NANCE**)
Barrax 30
Mary E (NANCE**)
Barrax 12
Susan A (NANCE**)
Barrax 10
S P Barrax 5
Wm A Barrax 2
Sarah M Barrax 2
(**1st husband and father Phillip
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in Civil
District No. 11 in the County of Fayette State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 25 day of July 1860. E. L. Tupper Ass't
Marshall Sheet: page: 478 written 143 Post Office:
17 976 976 C. NANCE, 46, M,
Farmer, TN
18 976 976 Malissia NANCE, 33, F, TN, Attending School
19 976 976 Thos. NANCE, 17, M, TN
(I believe this family and family
below are the same)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in Civil
District No. 11 in the County of Fayette State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 27? day of July 1860. E. L. Tupper Ass't
Marshall Sheet: page: 481 written 14* Post Office:
5 1065 1065 Clement NANCE(**), 40, M, Farmer,
150, 500, --, Married Within Year
6 1065 1065 (Matilda)
Tilda (Clementine
(SMITH)-TURNER) NANCE, (62*), F, --, Married Within
7 1065 1065 Thos. TURNER, 16, M, --
(**Parents unknown)
(*Age is suppose to be around 35, See 1870 Sharp
County AR census)
Schedule I. - Free Inhabitants in
District No. 1 in the County of Franklin State of
Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 5 day of June 1860. R. C. Patrick Ass't Marshall
Sheet: page: 73 written ** Post Office: Winchester
8 90 89 A(rchibald)
W. NANCE, 52, M, Blacksmith, 0, 50, Tennessee
9 90 89 Mary A(nn) NANCE,
25, F, Tennessee
10 90 89 Sam(ue)l (Steven) NANCE, 17, M,
11 90 89 William (H.)
NANCE, 13, M, Tennessee, Attending School
12 90 89 Thomas (G.)
NANCE, 10, Tennessee, Attending School
13 90 89 J. L. PORTER, 34, M, Prof. Music, 0, 200,
14 90 89 James E. PORTER, 5, M, Tennessee
15 90 89 M. E. PORTER, 3, F, Tennessee
16 90 89 John P. PORTER, 74, M, Pennsylvania
(**Son of Thomas NANCE Sr. and
Mary Polly COOPER)
Schedule 3
-- Persons who Died during the Year endiing 1st
June, 1860 in District No 1 in the County of
Franklin State of Tennessee, enumerated by me, R. C.
Patrick Ass't Marshal. Page No. 1
Line, Name, Age, Sex, Color, Free/Slave,
Married/Widow, Birth Place, Month Died, Occupation,
Cause of Death, Days Ill
15 Eliza NANCE, 22, F, -, -, -,
Tennessee , May, -, Consumption, 4 months
(**Dau? of Archibald W. NANCE and
Sarah STEVENS ??)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the Div.
No. 4 in the County of Gibson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the ______ day of ____ 1860. M. B. COX Ass't Marshal.
Post Office Quincey REEL NO: 653-1250 PAGE NO: 235a
10 519 530 M(artin)
V(an Buren) NANCE(**), 24, M, Farmer,
0, 2500, Tennessee
11 519 530 Margam (Mary A.
(DAVIDSON)) NANCE, 24, F, Tennessee
12 519 530 (Albert) Alonzo
NANCE, 1/12, M, Tennessee
(**Son of? William W. NANCE and
Miss. POTTS ??)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the Div.
No. 4 in the County of Gibson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the ______ day of ____ 1860. M. B. COX Ass't
Marshal.Post Office Quincey Reel No: 653-1250 Page: 235a
27 522 533 J(ames)
A(nderson) NANCE(**), 28, M, Farmer,
0, 900, Tennessee
28 522 533 Susan (C. (NEAL))
NANCE, 23, F, Tennessee
29 522 533 Rof (Ralph)
NANCE, 4, M, Tennessee
30 522 533 Theodostia NANCE, 2, F, Tennessee
(**Son of William W.
NANCE and Miss. POTTS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the Div.
No. 4 in the County of Gibson State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the ______ day of ____ 1860. M. B. COX Ass't Marshal.
Post Office Quincey Reel No: 653-1250 Page: 235a
36 524 535 W(illam)
W. NANCE, 48, M, Farmer, 9500, 10000, TN,
Attending School
37 524 535 Theodosha (Bivins
(GOODLOE)) NANCE, 40, F, Tennessee
38 524 535 (Parham) Booker
NANCE, 15, M, Tennessee
39 524 535 Henry (G.)
NANCE, 13, M, Tennessee
40 524 535 William NANCE, 19, M, Tennessee
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the Div. No. 4 in the
County of Gibson State of Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the ______ day of ____ 1860. M. B. COX Ass't Marshal.
Post Office Quincey Reel No: 653-1250 Page: 235b
1 524 535 Nancy (C.)
NANCE, 10, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Isaac NANCE and Jane
SMITH, William's 1st wife was a Miss. POTTS)
1860 District 14, Gibson, Tennessee Page 348A Image
32 2146 2169 H. HASKINS, 55, M, Alabama
33 2146 2169 Ramay HASKINS,
24, F, Tennessee
34 2146 2169 Darthela
HASKINS, 5, F, Tennessee
36 2146 2169 Joseph HASKINS,
4, M, Tennessee
37 2146 2169 Julia HASKINS,
4/12, F, Tennessee
38 2146 2169 Margrett NANCE(**),
19, F, Tennessee
39 2146 2169 Malvina NANCE(**),
14, F, Tennessee
(**Daus. of L. B. NANCE and Jane
452 District 4 Slave Owner M(artin) V(an Buren)
# 1 Age 12 Sex M Color B
# 2 Age 3 Sex F Color B ? 1
452 District 4 Slave Owner W(illiam) W. NANCE
# 1 Age 40 Sex F Color B
# 2 Age 35 Sex F Color B
# 3 Age 14 Sex M Color B
# 4 Age 8 Sex M Color B
# 5 Age 6 Sex M Color B
# 6 Age 5 Sex F Color B
# 7 Age 4 Sex F Color B ?
# 8 Age 2 Sex F Color B
W. W. NANCE, age: 12, Sex: M, Month: MAR, TN
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
Northern Sub Division in the County of Giles State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 5th day of July 1860. F. T. McLaunir Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Lynnville PAGE NO: 45a
29 625 625 James (W.) NANCE(**), 65, M, Farmer,
500, 250, Virginia
30 625 625 Elizabeth E. (COOPER)
NANCE, 63, F, Virginia
31 625 625 Mary L. NANCE, 38, F, Virginia, Attending
32 625 625 Solomon (C.)
NANCE(*), 23, M, Virginia,
Attending School
(**Son of William NANCE and
Elizabeth ELLIS)
(*Counted twice? See below)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
Northern Sub Division in the County of Giles State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 13th day of July 1860. F. T. McLaunir
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: Lynnville PAGE NO: 56a
5 768 768 Solomon C. NANCE(*), 23, M, Farmer, -, 200,
6 768 768 Sagona M(otte (DUPRE))
NANCE, 20, F, Tennessee
7 768 768 Cornelus S(mith)
NANCE, 3/12, M, Tennessee
(**Son of James W. NANCE and
Elizabeth E. COOPER)
(*Counted twice? See above)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
Northern Sub Division in the County of Giles State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 7th day of Augt 1860. F. T. McLaunir Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Lynnville PAGE NO: 56a
20 1186 1186 H. W. & J. W.
NANCE, -, M, Farmers, 50500, 19500, Tenn
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
Northern Sub Division in the County of Giles State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 7th day of Augt 1860. F. T. McLaunir Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Lynnville PAGE NO: 84a
21 1187 1187 J(ames) W(ashington)
NANCE(**), 39, M,
Farmer, -, 9500, Tennessee
22 1187 1187 W(illia)m H(enry) NANCE, 12, M, Tennessee,
Attending School
23 1187 1187 Jon(athan) J.
NANCE, 10, M, Tennessee, Attending School
(**Son of Joseph NANCE and Eleanor
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
Northern Sub Division in the County of Giles State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 7th day of Augt 1860. F. T. McLaunir Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Lynnville PAGE NO: 84a
24 1188 1188 W(illiam) H(enry) NANCE(**), 42, M, Farmer,
-, 7000, Tennessee
24 1188 1188 Merrill CHARLTON, 24, M, -, -, 150,
24 1188 1188 Babe CHARLTON, 1, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Joseph NANCE
and Eleanor BLACK)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
Northern Sub Division in the County of Giles State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 10th day of Augt 1860. F. T. McLaunir
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: Lynnville PAGE NO: 87a
9 1233 1233 S(amuel) J(oseph) NANCE(**), 25, M, Farmer, 1700,
2300, Tennessee
10 1233 1233 T(ennessee) W(hite (RALSTON)) NANCE, 22, F,
11 1233 1233 Joseph A(bba)
NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
(**Son of Joseph
NANCE and Eleanor BLACK)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
Southern Sub Division in the County of Giles State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 19th day of June 1860. R. H. Buchana
Ass't Marshal.Post Office: Pulaski PAGE NO: 115a
2 199 175 Martin M(illigan) NANCE(**), 41, M, Manufacturer,
2000, 3250, Tennessee
3 199 175 Julia N. (ODENEAL)
NANCE, 28, F, Tennessee
4 199 175 Stephen NANCE, 16, M, Farm Laborer, Tennessee
5 199 175 Mary B. (Isabelle)
NANCE, 14, F, Tennessee, Attending School
6 199 175 Thomas M. NANCE, 11, M, Tennessee, Attending
7 199 175 James (Martin)
NANCE, 8, M, Tennessee, Attending School
8 199 175 Edward L(ee)
NANCE, 10/12, M, Tennessee
9 199 175 Samuel (B.)
NANCE(**), 21, M,
Machinist, -, 700, Tennessee
10 199 175 Casandra (BLACK)
NANCE, 66, F, North Carolina
(**Sons of Reuben NANCE and
Cassandra BLACK)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
Southern Sub Division in the County of Giles State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 19th day of June 1860. R. H. Buchana Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Pulaski PAGE NO: 115a
10 207 182 William NANCE(**), 32, M, Farmer,
2000, 831, Tennessee
11 207 182 Margaret D(emarious
(McMURRY)) NANCE, 26, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben NANCE
and Cassandra BLACK)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
Southern Subdivision in the County of Giles State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 14th day of August 1860. R. F. Buchanan
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: Elkton PAGE NO: 160a
24 854 830 Nancy E. NANCE,
43, F, Farmer 8620, 7963, KY, Can't read/write
25 854 830 James M. NANCE, 22, M, -, 1560, 4950, TN
26 854 830 George W. NANCE, 13, M, -, -, 5632, TN,
Attending School
27 854 830 John C. NANCE, 12, M, -, -, 5632, TN,
Attending School
28 854 830 Mary J. NANCE, 10, F, -, -, 7218, TN,
Attending School
29 854 830 Andrew J. NANCE, 8, M, -, -, 5632, TN,
Attending School
30 854 830 Christopher H. NANCE, 6, M, -, -, 5632, TN
31 854 830 Jacob W. NANCE, 4, M, -, -, 5632, TN
32 854 830 Joamah ANNET, 84, F, -, -, -, GA, Can't
33 854 830 Marion DUNGY, 19, M, Farm Laborer, -, -, TN
34 854 830 Charles SMITH, 25, M, Farm Laborer, -, -, GA,
Can't read/write
35 854 830 Joamak DUNGY, 15, M, -, -, -, TN
36 854 830 John W. HOLLAND, 21, M, School Teacher, -,
400, TN
(Need to see original doc., VANCE
per FamilySearch)
513 No. Subdivision J(ames) W(ashington) NANCE
513 No. Subdivision James (W.) NANCE
513 No. Subdivision S(amuel) J(oseph) NANCE
513 No. Subdivision W(illiam) H(enry) NANCE
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No. 7 in the County of Grainger State of
Tennessee enumerated by
me, on the 27th day of July 1860. M. Goldman Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 457a written 108
17 774 774 William H. DAVIS, 45, M, Farmer, 300, 157,
18 774 774 Martha DAVIS, 37, F, Tenn
18 774 774 Elizabeth DAVIS, 19, F, Domestic, Tenn
18 774 774 William DAVIS, 15, M, Tenn, Attending School
18 774 774 Nancy DAVIS, 13, F, Tenn, Attending School
18 774 774 Benjamin DAVIS, 11, M, Tenn
18 774 774 Elvin DAVIS, 9, M, Tenn
18 774 774 Orlena DAVIS, 7, F, Tenn
18 774 774 Mary DAVIS, 5, F, Tenn
18 774 774 Joshua F. DAVIS, 1, F, Tenn
27 774 774 Richard P. NANCE,
33, M, Distiller, -, 800, Tennessee
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District 8 in the
County of Grainger State of Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 30th day of July 1860. M. Goldman Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 461a written 114
1 816 816 Jeremiah JARNAGIN, 75, M, 20000, 18080,
2 816 816 Sarah (ORR-NANCE*) JARNAGIN,
62, F, Tennessee
3 816 816 Jeremiah JARNAGIN, 9, M, Tennessee
(*1st husband was John "Jackie"
NANCE, son of John (Worley?) NANCE and Mary "Mollie"
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District 8 in the
County of Grainger State of Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 1st day of Aug 1860. M. Goldman Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 464a written 122
28 879 879 Jefferson NANCE(**), 50, M, Farmer,
2500, 2945, Tennessee
29 879 879 Jane (CHURCHMAN)
NANCE, 53, F, Tennessee, Can't read/write
30 879 879 James BERRY, 13, M, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District 8 in the
County of Grainger State of Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 2nd day of Aug 1860. M. Goldman Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 465 written 124
28 889 889 Andrew J HARGUS, 27, M, Carpenter, 1800, 500,
29 889 889 Eliza (NANCE**) HARGUS,
26, F, Tennessee
30 889 889 Martha J HARGUS, 3, F, Tennessee
31 889 889 Sarah E HARGUS, 1, F, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Clement C. NANCE and
Elizabeth PHILLIPS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District 8 in the
County of Grainger State of Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 2nd day of Aug 1860. M. Goldman Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 466a written 126
5 901 901 (John)
Calvin B(ird) NANCE(**), 47, M, Farmer,
4600, 32584, Tennessee
6 901 901 Mary S(hields
(GRAHAM)) NANCE, 36, F, Tennessee
7 901 901 Sarah J(ane)
NANCE, 16, F, Tennessee, Attending School
8 901 901 Samuel S(hields)
NANCE, 14, M, Tennessee, Attending School
9 901 901 John W(illiam)
NANCE, 12, M, Tennessee, Attending School
10 901 901 Eliza P(riscilla)
NANCE, 9, F, Tennessee, Attending School
11 901 901 Ellen J. NANCE, 3, F, Tennessee
(**Son of John "Jackie" NANCE and
Sarah "Sally" ORE)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District 8 in the County of Grainger State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 2nd day of Aug 1860. M. Goldman Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 466a written 126
18 903 903 Pryor P(reston) NANCE(**), 44, M, Farmer,
2500, 3745, Tennessee
19 903 903 Mary (VINEYARD)
NANCE, 43, F, Tennessee, Can't read/write
20 903 903 Preston NANCE, 19, M, Farmer, Tennessee,
Attending School
21 903 903 Paton NANCE, 17, M, Tennessee, Attending
22 903 903 Sarah A(nn)
NANCE, 15, F, Tennessee, Attending School
23 903 903 Reuben NANCE, 13, M, Tennessee, Attending
24 903 903 Mary NANCE, 10, F, Tennessee, Attending
25 903 903 William (A.)
NANCE, 7, M, Tennessee, Attending School
26 903 903 Newton NANCE, 5, M, Tennessee
27 903 903 Jefferson NANCE, 2, M, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben NANCE
and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District 8 in the County of Grainger State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 2nd day of Aug 1860. M. Goldman Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 466a written 126
32 905 905 Houston VINEYARD, 32, M, Farmer, -, 500,
32 905 905 Jane (NANCE)
VINEYARD(**), 24, F,
32 905 905 Mary E. VINEYARD, 2, F, Tennessee
32 905 905 Susan VINEYARD, 1, F, Tennessee
(**Dau., of Preston Pryor NANCE
and Mary VINEYARD)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No. 8 in the County of Grainger State of
Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 2nd day of Aug 1860. M. Goldman Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 466b written 127
22 909 909 Julian NANCE(**), 23, M, Farmer,
-, 475, Tennessee
23 909 909 Melissa J(ane (RENFRO))
NANCE, 19, F, Tennessee
24 909 909 (Samuel)
Lafayette NANCE, 2/12, M, Tennessee
25 909 909 Set RENFRO, 14, M, Orphan, Tennessee,
Attending School
26 909 909 Mary A. RENFRO, 11, F, Tennessee, Attending
(**Son of John "Squire" NANCE, Sr.
and Cecelia "Sealy" VINEYARD)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No. 8 in the County of Grainger State of
Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 3rd day of Aug 1860. M. Goldman Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 468a written 126
5 913 913 Calvin NANCE(**), 21, M, Farmer,
-, 435, Tennessee
6 913 913 Amanda (TABBER)
NANCE, 20, F, Tennessee
7 913 913 George M. NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
(**Son of Preston Pryor
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District No. 8 in
the County of Grainger State of Tennessee enumerated by
on the 3rd day of Aug 1860. M. Goldman Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 469a written 128
23 - - Sterling VINYARD, 30, M, Farmer, 1500, 1421,
24 - - Rosana (NANCE**)
VINYARD, 26, F, Tennessee
25 - - Susan E VINYARD, 6, F, Tennessee
26 - - John C VINYARD, 4, M, Tennessee
27 - - Wm G VINYARD, 6/12, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of John
"Squire" NANCE, Sr. and Cecelia "Sealy" VINEYARD)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District
No. 8 in the County of Grainger State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 3rd day of Aug 1860. M. Goldman Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 470b written
22 954 954 Jacob VINYARD, 57, M, Tennessee
23 954 954 Susan
F, Tennessee
24 954 954 Dina
VINYARD, 20, F, Tennessee
25 954 954 Susan
VINYARD, 17, F, Tennessee
26 954 954 Eliza
VINYARD, 28, F, Tennessee
27 954 954 John
R VINYARD, 14, M, Tennessee
28 954 954 Coma
VINYARD, 11, F, Tennessee
29 954 954 William
VINYARD, 5, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Reuben NANCE and
Rosanna (M.N.U.))
1860 District 12, Grainger, Tennessee Post Office:
Rutledge Page: 503
4 1408 1408 Barriet CHADWICK, 58, M, South Carolina
5 1408 1408 Elizabeth (NANCE**) CHADWICK,
40, F, Tennessee
6 1408 1408 Wm H CHADWICK, 18, M, Tennessee
7 1408 1408 Temperance CHADWICK, 8, F, Tennessee
8 1408 1408 Lewis CHADWICK, 6, M, Tennessee
9 1408 1408 Sandy CHADWICK, 3, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Josiah C. NANCE and
Serena Sibbie YOUNG)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District 15 in the County of Grainger State of Tennessee
enumerated by
me, on the 25 day of Aug 1860. M. Goldman Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Rutledge PAGE NO: 529a written 25*
1 1763 1763 John NANCE,
47, M, Farmer, 6000, 38228, Tennessee
2 1763 1763 (Cecelia "Sealy")
47, F, Tennessee
3 1763 1763 Paschal (M.)
NANCE, 17, M, Tennessee, Attending School
4 1763 1763 Green(bury) B.
NANCE, 15, M, Tennessee, Attending School
5 1763 1763 John (J.)
NANCE, 11, M, Tennessee, Attending School
6 1763 1763 Mary (M.)
NANCE, 8, F, Tennessee, Attending School
(**Son of Reuben
NANCE and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
565 Districts 8 & 10 C(alvin) B. NANCE
565 Districts 9 & 10 C(alvin) B. NANCE
568 District 11 John NANCE
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District No. 9 in the
County of Hamilton State of Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 7th day of June 1860. J. R. Peters Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Long Savannah PAGE NO: 66a written 30
28 208 208 Dan(ie)l (Hawkins) NEWMAN, 27, M, Farm
Laborer, -, 25, Tennessee
29 208 208 Martha (O. (NANCE)**)
NEWMAN, 28, F, Housewife, Virginia
30 208 208 William NEWMAN, 8, M, Tennessee, Attending
31 208 208 Sarah NEWMAN, 6, F, Tennessee
32 208 208 James NEWMAN, 4, M, Tennessee
33 208 208 John NEWMAN, 1, M, Tennessee
(**Dau., of Terrell NANCE and
Elizabeth OAKS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the Civil District in
the County of Hardin State of Tennessee enumerated by
me, on the
20 day of Aug 1860. R. J. Wilkinson Ass't Marshal. Post
Office: Clifton PAGE NO: 286a written 6 Reel No:
35 35 36 Hugh NANCE(**), 49, M, W,
Farmer, 5000, 5000, Tennessee, --
36 35 36 Matilda (THOMPSON) NANCE,
33, F, W, Tennessee
37 35 36 Thursey A(nn)
NANCE, 12, F, W, TN, Attending School,
38 35 36 Byrd NANCE, 9, M, W, Tennessee, Attending
39 35 36 Virgina C. NANCE, 6, F, W, Tennessee
40 35 36 John NANCE, 3, M, W, Tennessee
(**Father's name was Allen
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District No 1 in
the County of Henry State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 8th day of June 1860. James E. Fouler
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: Paris PAGE NO: 340a
18 110 116 Cynthia (NANCE**)
BLYTHE, 70, F, North Carolina
19 110 116 G(eorgianna)
CULLENDER, 12, F, Tennessee
20 110 116 Chapman CULLENDER, 10, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of ??, Widow of
Benjamin BLYTHE)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 1 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
by me, on the 8th day of June 1860. James E. Fouler
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: Paris PAGE NO: 340a
21 111 117 John M. (William) NANCE(**), 37, M, Merchant,
15000, 8000, North Carolina
22 111 117 Amanda M. (BLYTHE*)
NANCE, 35, F, Tennessee
23 111 117 John T. (William)
NANCE, 9, M, Tennessee
24 111 117 Mary L. NANCE, 7, F, Tennessee
25 111 117 Walter C(rockett)
NANCE, 5, M, Tennessee
26 111 117 Arthur (M.)
NANCE, 2, M, Tennessee
27 111 117 W. L. BULLOCK, 21, M, Clerk, -, 150,
name was William NANCE???)
(*Parents ? Benjamin BLYTHE and Cynthia NANCE??)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 7 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
by me, on the 21st day of July 1860. James E. Fouler
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: Manlyville PAGE NO: 386b
17 732 750 E(lijah)
F. McGAUGHLIN, 38, M, Tobacconist, 300,
1500, Tennessee
18 732 750 Nancy E. (NANCE**) McGAUGHLIN, 31, F, Georgia
19 732 750 Joseph M. McGAUGHLIN, 10, M,
20 732 750 Andrew B. McGAUGHLIN, 7, M,
21 732 750 Thadius R. McGAUGHLIN,
5, M, Tennessee
22 732 750 Thomas B.
McLAWFFIN, 40, M, Tabacconist, Tennessee
23 732 750 James DERBY, 24, M, Tabacconist, Tennessee
24 732 750 Martha MAY, 19, F, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Reuben
NANCE and Tabitha (M.N.U.) - below)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 7 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 21st day of July 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Manlyville PAGE NO: 386b
25 733 751 Reuben NANCE(**), 58, M,
Tobacconist, 200, 300, Virginia
26 733 751 Tabitha NANCE, 52, F, Tennessee
27 733 751 Joseph W. NANCE, 28, M, Tabacconist,
28 733 751 Patrick H(enry)
NANCE, 25, M, Tennessee
29 733 751 Almira J. NANCE, 23, F, Tennessee
30 733 751 Susan C(atherine)
NANCE, 16, F, Tennessee
(**Son of John Wesley NANCE Sr.
and Christiana Betty RYAN)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District No 7 in
the County of Henry State of Tennessee enumerated by
me, on the 21st day of July 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Manlyville PAGE NO: 386b
25 734 752 R. B. FOSTER, 28, M, Farmer, 200, Tennessee
26 734 752 Sarah C. (NANCE**) FOSTER, 24, F, Tennessee
27 734 752 Evaline * FOSTER, 1, F, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Reuben
and Tabitha NANCE above)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 12 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 4th day of Sept 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: North Fork PAGE NO: 429a
17 1334 1363 Margaret BOYD, 48,F, -, -, 55, Tenn
18 1334 1363 Mary K. BOYD, 12, F, Tenn
19 1334 1363 Margaret BOYD, 11, F, Tenn
20 1334 1363 Sarah L. BOYD, 8, F, Tenn
21 1334 1363 Sarah CABE, 35, F, Tenn
22 1334 1363 Robert N. NANCE(**), 13, M, Tenn
(**Son of Lessonby NANCE and Sarah
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 12 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 4th day of August 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: North Fork PAGE NO: 429b
24 1343 1372 Thomas S. NANCE,
46, M, J. P. 1700, 800, North Carolina
24 1343 1372 Nancy S(usan
(WARD)) NANCE, 23, F, Tennessee
24 1343 1372 Cornelia F. NANCE, 21, F, Tennessee
24 1343 1372 Julian A. NANCE, 19, F, F, Tennessee
24 1343 1372 John C. NANCE, 13, M, Tennessee
24 1343 1372 Mary L. NANCE, 11, F, Tennessee
24 1343 1372 Martha J. NANCE, 8, F, Tennessee
24 1343 1372 Thomas W(hitfield)
NANCE, 6, M, Tennessee
(**Son of John NANTES and Francis
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District No 12 in
the County of Henry State of Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 6th day of August 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: 432a written
13 1369 1397 John H(enry) STOVALL,
25, M, Farmer, 700, 220, North Carolina, Attended School
within year = 3
14 1369 1397 Martha A (WILSON-NANTS) STOVALL,
32, F, North Carolina
15 1369 1397 James (Theophilius (NANTS**)) STOVALL,
11, M, Tennessee
16 1369 1397 Sarah A(lbans (NANTS**)) STOVALL,
9, F, Tennessee
17 1369 1397 Leni Leota (NANTS**) STOVALL, 6, F,
18 1369 1397 Paten S STOVALL,
1, M, Tennessee
19 1369 1397 Malinda DALTON, 56, F, North
20 1369 1397 Paton S DALTON, 19, M, North
(**Suppose to be
NANTS. Father was Peter Randolph NANTS)
I - Free Inhabitants in the District No 12 in the County
of Henry State of Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 6th day of August 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: 433 written
33 1387 1413 David M. NICHOLAS, 50, M, Farmer, 2000,
1130, North Carolina
33 1387 1413 Matissa (Margaret
(NANCE)**) NICHOLAS, 49, F, North Carolina
33 1387 1413 Emeline NICHOLAS, 23, F, North Carolina
33 1387 1413 Mary J(osephine)
NICHOLAS, 19, F, North Carolina
33 1387 1413 Martha NICHOLAS, 16, F, North Carolina
33 1387 1413 James NICHOLAS, 12, M, Tennessee
(**Parents could be?
Campbell NANCE and Elizabeth PALMER?)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 12 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 6th day of August 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: 432a written
9 1375 1404 John NANCE(**), 82, M, Farmer,
-, 40, North Carolina
10 1375 1404 Phebe (??-KEY)
NANCE, 57, F, North Carolina
11 1375 1404 Stephen NANCE, 16, M, Farmer, Tennessee
(Father James T NANTES, mother
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 12 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 6th day of August 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: 432a written
22 1378 1406 (William) Franklin NANCE, 25, M, Farmer,
-, 640, Tennessee
22 1378 1406 Martha
(J. (WAGSTER)) NANCE, 25, F, Tennessee
22 1378 1406 William Y. (Wyatt)
NANCE, 5, M, Tennessee
22 1378 1406 Manerva J(ane)
NANCE, 1, F, Tennessee
22 1378 1406 James BURNETT, 49, M, M. D., 1700, -,
22 1378 1406 Henry C. BURNETT, 15, M, Tennessee
(**Son of William Franklin? NANCE
Sr. and Elizabeth DUNAWAY)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 12 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 7th day of Sept 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: 433a written
12 1391 1417 John NICHOLS, 27, M, Farmer, 500, 330,
North Carolina
13 1391 1417 Angelina F. (NANCE**) NICHOLS, 20, F, Tennessee
14 1391 1417 Samantha J. NICHOLS, 3, F, Tennessee
15 1391 1417 James P. NICHOLS, 1, M, Tennessee
16 1391 1417 Peyton S. NANCE(*), 26, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of John NANTES/NANCE and
Phoebe (??-KEY))
(*Peyton NANCE was born a KEY; mother Phoebe (??-KEY))
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 12 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 7th day of Sept 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal.Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: 433b
10 1398 1424 Frederick NANCE(**), 78, M, Farmer,
600, 670, North Carolina
11 1398 1424 Mary (BERRY)
NANCE, 68, F, North Carolina
(**Parents possibly John NANCE and
Mollie/Mary COX)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 12 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 7th day of Sept 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: 433b
12 1399 1425 John B(unyan) NANCE(**), 36, M, Farmer, 500, 320,
North Carolina
13 1399 1425 Mallisa D(ekalb
(CARR)) NANCE, 27, F, Tennessee
14 1399 1425 William C(arr)
F. NANCE, 8, M, Tennessee
15 1399 1425 James F(ranklin)
NANCE, 6, M, Tennessee
16 1399 1425 Mary C(hristiana)
NANCE, 3, F, Tennessee
17 1399 1425 Leroy L(afayette)
NANCE, 1, M, Tennessee
(**Son of Clement NANCE and
Frances BERRY)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District No 13 in
the County of Henry State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 12th day of Sept 1860. James E. Fouler
Ass't Marshal.Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: 437a
20 1442 1468 Alfred (Marion)
PASCHAL, 39, M, North Carolina
21 1442 1468 Mary (Jane
(NANCE)**) PASCHAL, 39, F, North Carolina
22 1442 1468 Cleopas PASCHAL, 13, M, Tennessee
23 1442 1468 Sarah MARTIN, 10, F, Tennessee
24 1442 1468 John T MARTIN, 7, M, Tennessee
25 1442 1468 Satton MARTIN, 4, M, Tennessee
26 1442 1468 Mary F MARTIN, 2, F, Tennessee
27 1442 1468 Green H MARTIN, 15, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Clement NANCE and
Francis BERRY)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 13 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
by me, on the 12th day of Sept 1860. James E. Fouler
Ass't Marshal.Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: 438a
13 1470 1496 William (B.) NANCE, 37, M,
Farmer, 2000, 290, North Carolina
14 1470 1496 Eliza A(nn
(YOW)) NANCE, 33, F, Tennessee
15 1470 1496 John M(arion)
NANCE, 11, M, Tennessee
16 1470 1496 Mary E(liza)
NANCE, 9, F, Tennessee
17 1470 1496 Howell B. NANCE, 7, M, Tennessee
18 1470 1496 Thomas D. NANCE, 5, M, Tennessee
19 1470 1496 Orlando C(linton)
NANCE, 2, M, Tennessee
(**Son of Clement NANCE and
Francis BERRY)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 13 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 12th day of Sept 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: 438a
36 1474 1500 James A. NANCE,
45, M, Merchant, 7000, 91000, North Carolina
37 1474 1500 (Elizabeth)
F, Tennessee
38 1474 1500 Sarah A. NANCE, 8, F, Tennessee
39 1474 1500 Edward (Wilder)
NANCE, 6, M, Tennessee
40 1474 1500 Leroy (C.)
NANCE, 4, M, Tennessee
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District No 13 in
the County of Henry State of Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 12th day of Sept 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: 438b
1 1474 1500 (Cornelius)
Nelius (Smith) NANCE, 2,
M, Tennessee
2 1474 1500 John S. CARSON, 21, M, -, -, 100, Tennessee
3 1474 1500 Andrew W. THOMPSON, 29, M, Farmer, -, 150,
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the District No 13 in
the County of Henry State of Tennessee enumerated by me,
on the 12th day of Sept 1860. James E. Fouler Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Cheap Valley PAGE NO: --- 529
34 1504 1530 John D(ill)
PASCHALL, 35, M, Tennessee
35 1504 1530 Malinda J(ane (NANCE or NANTES**)) PASCHALL, 15, F,
36 1504 1530 James W PASCHALL, 6/12, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Peter
Randolph NANTS and Malinda Jane FARRIS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the
District No 16 in the County of Henry State of Tennessee
by me, on the ___ day of ____ 1860. __________ Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: ______ PAGE NO: 473
29 1954 1986 W(illiam) F. NANCE(**), 46, M, Farmer,
6000, 6000, North Carolina
30 1954 1986 Mary A. (HILL)
NANCE, 46, F, Spinster, Tennessee
31 1954 1986 Sarah A. NANCE, 23, F, Teacher *** School,
32 1954 1986 John W(illiam?)
NANCE, 22, Farmer, Tennessee
33 1954 1986 Lander H. NANCE, 20, M, Farm Laborer,
34 1954 1986 Thomas W(illiam)
NANCE, 18, M, Farm Laborer, Tennessee
35 1954 1986 Richard (Monroe)
NANCE, 15, M, Farm Laborer, Tennessee
36 1954 1986 (Ann)
Elizabeth NANCE, 12, F, Tennessee
37 1954 1986 Charlie NANCE, 8, M, Tennessee
(**Son of possibly a William NANCE
found in 1830 Henry County TN census)
125 District 13 James A. NANCE
103 District 1 John W(illiam) NANCE
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the 12th
Civil District in the County of Hickman State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 26th day of July 1860. *. B. Cunningham
Ass't Marshal.Post Office: ______ PAGE NO: 82a
11 578 578 S. C. AYEDELOTTE, 59, M, Surveyor, 4000,
2587, NC
12 578 578 Nancy AYEDELOTTE, 41, F, Tenn
13 578 578 G. P. AYEDELOTTE, 15, M, Farm Laborer, Tenn
14 578 578 H. M. AYEDELOTTE, 13, M, Tenn
15 578 578 Mary AYEDELOTTE, 6, F, Tenn
16 578 578 Caroline AYEDELOTTE, 4, F, Tenn
17 578 578 David NANCE, 4,
M, Tenn
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the 12th
Civil District in the County of Hickman State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 26th day of July 1860. *. B. Cunningham
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: ______ PAGE NO: 82a
33 582 582 N(ehemiah)
SHARP, 31, M, Farmer, -, 787, Tenn
34 582 582 Susan L. (NANCE**) SHARP,
33, F, KY
35 582 582 P(riscilla) E.
SHARP, 4(*), F, Tenn
36 582 582 Sarah C. SHARP, 8, F, Tenn
37 582 582 Mary A. SHARP, 5, F, Tenn
38 582 582 Alice SHARP, 2, F, Tenn
39 582 582 Elijah NANCE,
12, M, Tenn
40 582 582 J. A. BOWMAN, 34, M, Physician, -, 1065, Tenn
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in the the 12th Civil
District in the County of Hickman State of Tennessee
by me, on the 26th day of July 1860. *. B. Cunningham
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: ______ PAGE NO: 82b
1 582 582 Tennessee BOWMAN, -, F, Tenn
(Suppose to be 11 b. 1849 per 1850 census)
1860 Jefferson, Tennessee Roll: M653_1258; Page: 441
1579 1615 W(illia)m
Niceley, 37, M, W, TN
E(lizabeth (NANCE)) Niceley
24, TN
M E Niceley 12
M T Niceley 10
M J Niceley 8
M(inerva) C(atherine)
Niceley 5
A N Niceley 2
C L Niceley 1
(**Dau. of Clement C. NANCE and
Elizabeth PHILLIPS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _______
in the County of Jefferson State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 4th day of Aug 1860. Wm Hawkins Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: ______ Page No: 442a
5 1595 1631 C(lement) C. NANCE, 60,
M, F, Laborer, -, 600, Virginia, can't read/write
6 1595 1631 E(lizabeth (PHILLIPS))
NANCE, 54, F, Virginia
7 1595 1631 J(ane) NANCE,
17, F, Tennessee
8 1595 1631 W(illia)m (S.) NANCE, 13, Tennessee,
Attending School
9 1595 1631 H(enry) NANCE, 12, M, Tennessee,
Attending School
10 1595 1631 Geo(rge)
NANCE, 7, M, Tennessee,
Attending School
11 1595 1631 J. WATSON, 6, M, Tennessee
12 1595 1631 R. STONE, 3, M, Tennessee
(**Parent's unknown)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _______
in the County of Jefferson State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 28h day of Aug 1860. Wm Hawkins Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: ______ Page No: 473a
12 2046 2085 W(illia)m E. NANCE(**), 44, M, Farmer,
6500, 8000, Tennessee
13 2046 2085 A(manda (Marie
14 2046 2085 M. S. M. A. MCANALLY, 15, F, Tennessee
15 2046 2085 Jane BRADSHAW, 22, F, Tennessee
(**Son of John "Jackie"
NANCE and Sarah "Sally" ORE)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in _______
in the County of Jefferson State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 28h day of Aug 1860. Wm Hawkins Ass't
Marshal.Post Office: ______ PAGE NO: 473a
30 2050 2089 Noah NANCE(**), 36, M, Farmer,
10000, 6000, Tennessee
31 2050 2089 A(lice (WILLIAMSON))
NANCE, 24, F, Tennessee
32 2050 2089 W(illia)m (E.) NANCE, 14, M, Tennessee,
Attending School
33 2050 2089 S(arah
T.) NANCE, 11, F, Tennessee, Attending School
34 2050 2089 J(ohn Noah)
NANCE, 10, M, Tennessee, Attending School
35 2050 2089 J(oseph M.)
NANCE, 9, M, Tennessee, Attending School
36 2050 2089 E. NANCE, 3, M, Tennessee
(**Son of John
"Jackie" NANCE and Sarah "Sally" ORE)
180 No Twp Listed Noah NANCE
180 No Twp Listed William E. NANCE
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 1st Distict in the
County of Knox State of Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the -- day of --- 1860. ----- Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Knoxville PAGE NO: 71B
26 297 246 Jos(eph) C(hurchill) S(mith) Mc DANIEL, 35, M,
Confectioner, Tennessee
27 297 246 Lucy A(nn (NANCE)**) Mc
DANIEL, 19, F, Tennessee
28 297 246 Mary Mc DANIEL, 1, F, Tennessee
29 297 246 Jane HURST, 22, F, Saxony Germany
30 297 246 Prest Brooks Mc DANIEL, 11, M, Houseservant,
New Foundland
(**Dau. of Pryor NANCE and
Harriett Emeline DAVIS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 1st
Distict in the County of Knox State of Tennessee
by me, on the 2 day of July 1860. F. * Ramsey Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Knoxville PAGE NO: 93a
4 694 538 G(reenville
Penn) B. NANCE, 39, M, -, -, 5000,
5 694 538 Mary (E. (WILLIAMSON))
NANCE, 28, M, Lavor, Tennessee
6 694 538 Adelia (Ann)
NANCE, 14, F, Tennessee
7 694 538 Adeline (Virginia)
NANCE, 12, F, Tennessee
8 694 538 Alice (M.)
NANCE, 10, F,Tennessee
9 694 538 Martha NANCE, 8, F, Tennessee
10 694 538 Sarah NANCE, 6, F, Tennessee
11 694 538 Mary NANCE, 4, F, Tennessee
12 694 538 William NANCE, 2, M, Tennessee
13 694 538 Chls. WEBSTER, 30, M, Carpenter, Tennessee
14 694 538 Dan CASEY, 36, M, M***, Tennessee
15 694 538 Mary CASEY, 20, F, Tennessee
16 694 538 Wm. HAND, 22, M, Machinist, Tennessee
17 694 538 Thos. MUNSY, 24, M, Tennessee
18 694 538 Wm L. CONEY, 30, M, Painter?, Virginia
19 694 538 Jas FULTON, 40, M, Bricklayer, Tennessee
20 694 538 Albert FRANKLIN, 29, M, Tennessee
(**Son of John
"Jackie" NANCE and Sarah "Sally" ORE)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 1st
Distict in the County of Knox State of Tennessee
enumerated by
me, on the 18 day of July 1860. F. * Ramsey Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Knoxville Page: 62 written 92
3 755 583 J(ohn?)
FOUCHE, 43, M, Dentist, 13000, 2000, TN
4 755 583 Keyh FOUCHE, 12, M, TN
5 755 583 Ch(arle)s
6 755 583 Jenny FOUCHE, 7, F, TN
7 755 583 John FOUCHE, 2, M, TN
8 755 583 Mary
NANCE, 23, F, TN
9 755 583 Jane
NANCE, 28, F, *****, TN
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in 1st
Distict in the County of Knox State of Tennessee
by me, on the 24 day of July 1860. F. * Ramsey Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Knoxville PAGE NO: 102a
26 800 628 Pryor NANCE(**), 56, M, Merchant,
4000, 1500, Tennessee
27 800 628 Harriet E(meline
(DAVIS)) NANCE, 31, F, Tennessee
28 800 628 (Emma) Anna
NANCE, 16, F, Tennessee
29 800 628 Minerva (Louisa)
NANCE, 14, F, Tennessee
30 800 628 (Callaway)
Blanten NANCE, 12, M, Tennessee
31 800 628 Pryor NANCE, 10, M, Tennessee
32 800 628 Harriet (C.)
NANCE, 8, F, Tennessee
33 800 628 Caroline (E.)
NANCE, 6, F, Tennessee
34 800 628 Sam(ue)l H.
NANCE, 4, F, Tennessee
35 800 628 Hannah NANCE, 2, F, Tennessee
(**Son of Peter NANCE and Mary
Emeline PRYOR)
1860 District 1, Knox, Tennessee 41-72
254 Caroline (F. (NANCE)**)
PLUMLEE, 48, F, Tennessee
254 James L. JONES, 29, M, Tennessee
254 Mary E. JONES, 22, F, Tennessee
254 Harriet PLUMLEE, 28, F, Tennessee
254 Henry C. JONES, 1, M, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Peter NANCE and Mary
Emeline PRYOR)
197 District 1 G(reenville) B. NANCE
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Distict
No. 11 in the County of Madison State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 16th day of Augst 1860. Thos. J. Carmtries? Ass't
Marshal.Post Office: Jackson PAGE NO: 151b written 199
23 1396 1426 Abraham MARCH, 73, M, -, 36000, 55000, NC
24 1396 1426 Annie MARCH, 55, F, NC
25 1396 1426 Clementine MARCH, 14, F, TN
26 1396 1426 Ann NANCE,
26, F, TN
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Distict
No. 16 in the County of Madison State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 14th day of Sept 1860. Thos. J. Carmtries? Ass't
Marshal.Post Office: Jackson PAGE NO: 188a written 282
24 2008 2045 Sarah NANCE,
65, F, -, -, 200, NC
25 2008 2045 Elmira LUCKEY, 46, F, TN, Deaf & Dumb
26 2008 2045 Thos. LUCKEY, 17, M, Farm Laborer, TN
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Distict No. 16
in the County of Madison State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 14th day of Sept 1860. Thos. J. Carmtries?
Ass't Marshal.Post Office: Jackson PAGE NO: 188a
written 282
27 2009 2046 Mary A (NANCE)
INCE, 28, F, W, -, 500, 165, TN
28 2009 2046 W(illia)m
INCE, 3, M, W, TN
(**Dau. of Peter NANCE and Sarah
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Distict
No. 6 in the County of Maury State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 10 day of July 1860. D. C. Scott Ass't
Marshal.Post Office: Culleoka PAGE NO: 339a written 80
21 558 558 Jonathan S. HUNT, 62, M, Physician, 8980,
18835, NC
22 558 558 Frances M. HUNT, 56, F, NC
23 558 558 Lucretia HUNT, 19, F, TN
23 558 558 Virginia HUNT, 19, F, TN
23 558 558 Lucinda Y. HUNT, 16, F, TN, Attending School
26 558 558 James (Washington) NANCE(**), 5, M, TN
27 558 558 Turner (H.) NANCE(**), 3, M, TN
(**Sons of James Washington NANCE
and Martha P. HUNT)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Distict
No. 6 in the County of Maury State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 11th day of July 1860. D. C. Scott Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Culleoka PAGE NO: 340a written 82
22 596 596 James R. NANCE(**), 26, M, Farmer,
-, 300, TN
23 596 596 Sarah (INGRAM)
NANCE, 18, F, TN
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and
Cassandra Jane? BLACK)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Dist. No.
12 in the County of Maury State of Tennessee enumerated
by me,
on the 26 day of Sept 1860. W. D. Davis Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Mt. Pleasant PAGE NO: 414a written 25
26 1903 1783 Joseph (Walker) NANCE(**), 36, M, Farmer,
-, 255, KY
27 1903 1783 Nancy (PUGH)
NANCE, 29, F, TN, Can't read/write
28 1903 1783 S(arah) A.
NANCE, 19, F, TN, Attending School
29 1903 1783 M(argaret) E.
NANCE, 17, F, TN, Attending School
30 1903 1783 J(ohn) W.
NANCE, 14, M, TN, Attending School
31 1903 1783 N(ancy) E.
NANCE, 11, F, TN, Attending School
32 1903 1783 J(ames) H(enderson) NANCE, 9, M, TN,
Attending School
33 1903 1783 J. A. NANCE,
6, F, TN, Attending School
34 1903 1783 M. A. NANCE, 2, F, TN
35 1903 1783 J(onas?) L.
NANCE, 11/12, M, TN
(**Son of Thomas NANCE and
Elizabeth WALKER)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Dist. No.
17 in the County of Maury State of Tennessee enumerated
by me,
on the 27 day of July 1860. W. D. Davis Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Mt. Pleasant Page No.: 455a written 173
3 1265 1203 G. W. LETSINGER, 27, M, Farmer, 1000, 200,
4 1265 1203 E. E. LETSINGER, 26, F, TN
5 1265 1203 A. C. LETSINGER, 2, M, TN
6 1265 1203 V. C. LETSINGER, 8/12, F, TN
7 1265 1203 S. H. NANCE,
24, M, Farmer, 100, -, VA
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Dist. No.
17 in the County of Maury State of Tennessee enumerated
by me,
on the 27 day of July 1860. W. D. Davis Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Mt. Pleasant Page No.: 455a written 173
24 1008 979 Hiram DOCKREY, 44, M, Farmer, -, 600, SC
25 1008 979 Margaret DOCKREY, 50, F, VA
26 1008 979 M. C. DOCKREY, 17, F, TN
27 1008 979 N. A. DOCKREY, 15, F, TN
28 1008 979 S. M. DOCKREY, 9, F, TN
29 1008 979 W(illia)m
T. NANCE(**), 10,
26 1008 979 George W. MORGAN, 36, M, Farm Laborer, 3000,
(**Son of Robert "Bob" NANCE and
unknown mother, both parents deceased)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in The
Second Civil District in the County of McMinn State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the Fifteenth day of June 1860. Frank S. Hale
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: Oxford Page No.: 217a
written 26
5 187 179 Nancy J(ane (TIPTON)) NANCE,
45, F, -, -, 300, TN
6 187 179 William (Rice)
NANCE, 18, M, TN, Attending School
7 187 179 (James) Blanton
NANCE, 16, M, TN, Attending School
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in The 8th
Civil District in the County of McMinn State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 8th day of June 1860. Thos. Rogers Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Calhoun Page No.: 273a written 23
16 163 163 P(eyton) T(yler) NANCE(**), 34, M, Mill Wright, -,
50, VA
16 163 163 Mary Ann
16 163 163 LaFayette (Daniel) NANCE,
12, M, TN
16 163 163 Thomas (Terrell) NANCE,
9, M, TN
16 163 163 Jemima NANCE, 5, F, TN
16 163 163 Mary Ann NANCE, 2, F, TN
16 163 163 Jacob J. P. NANCE, 1/12, M, TN
(**Son of Terrell NANCE and
Elizabeth OAKES)
1860 District 7, Roane, Tennessee Post Office Stocktons Valley; Roll: M653_1269; Page: 168RUTHERFORD COUNTY
1860 District 2, Rutherford, Tennessee Post
Office: La Vergne pg 8a written 14
38 100 93 Thomas SHELTON, 70, M, Farmer, 30000, 30000,
39 100 93 Elizabeth (NANCE**) SHELTON,
60, F, TN
40 100 94 G(odfrey) I
SHELTON, 26, M, 500, TN
1860 District 2, Rutherford, Tennessee Post
Office: La Vergne pg 8b written 15
1 100 94 Ja(me)s SHELTON,
24, M, Laborer, TN
2 100 94 A(merica) SHELTON,
20, F, TN
3 100 94 M. O. SHELTON, 16, F, TN
4 100 94 Geo W NANCE(**), 10, M, TN
5 100 94 M. L. SHELTON, 19, F, TN
(**Parents unknown)
1860 District 2, Rutherford, Tennessee, Page 9B
22 - 113 Thos LATIMER, 56, M,
23 - 113 M(ary (NANCE**))
24 - 113 A LATIMER, 28
25 - 113 J(ohn) H
26 - 113 M(ary) LATIMER,
16, F
(Page very hard to read)
(**Parents unknown)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil Distict No. 2
in the County of Rutherford State of Tennessee
by me, on the 7th day of June 1860. N. M. Carter Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: La Vergne PAGE NO: 10a written 19
36 127 127 Elizabeth NANCE,
40, F, TN
37 127 127 J. L. CLEMENTS, 56, M, Mechanic, -, 5000, TN
38 127 127 A. CLEMENTS, 52, F, TN
39 127 127 W. P. PULLUM, 30, M, -, -, 1000, TN
40 127 127 W. A. HAMILTON, 23, M, -, -, 500, TN
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil
Distict No. 10 in the County of Rutherford State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 13th day of August 1860. N. M. Carter
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: Versailles PAGE NO: 56a
written 112
30 798 788 R(ichard Leonidas) NANCE(**), 50, M, Farmer,
39000, 35000, NC
31 798 788 E(lizabeth (HILL))
NANCE, 45, F, TN
32 798 788 E(lizabeth)
NANCE Jr., 12, F, TN, Attending School
33 798 788 R(ichard) L(eon) NANCE, 6, M, TN
34 798 788 S(erepta) A(nna) NANCE, 4, F, TN
35 798 788 R(achel (LEATHERS))
NANCE(*), 78, F, NC
(**Son of Frederick Woodson NANCE
and Rachel LEATHERS)
(*Widow of Frederick Woodson NANCE, son of Richard
NANCE and unknown 3rd wife)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil
Distict No. 10 in the County of Rutherford State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 15th day of August 1860. N. M. Carter
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: Versailles PAGE NO: 59a
written 113
2 826 816 B(enjamin)
F(ranklin) NANCE(**), 26, M, Merchant,
-, 3000, TN
3 826 816 N(annie (HIGHT))
NANCE, 18, F, TN
4 826 816 (Richard Yancey)
NANCE, 1/12, M, TN
(**Son of Richard Leonidas "Dick"
NANCE and Elizabeth "Betsy" HILL)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Civil
Distict No. 10 in the County of Rutherford State of
Tennessee enumerated
by me, on the 15th day of August 1860. N. M. Carter
Ass't Marshal. Post Office: Versailles PAGE NO: 59a
written 113
8 828 818 Ja(me)s
(Woodson) NANCE(**), 30, M, -, 1500,
2500, NC
9 828 818 R. NANCE, 30, M, TN
(**Son? of Frederick Woodson NANCE
and Rachel LEATHERS)
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in Third
Ward Memphis in the County of Shelby State of Tennessee
enumerated by me, on the Twelth day of June 1860. James
H. Swan Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Murphy Tenn. Page No.: 94a written 13
17 80 82 Geo. E. YEOTMAN, 30, M, Merchant, -, 12500, VA
18 80 82 W. H. NANCE, 37,
M, Merchant Agt., -, -, NC
19 80 82 J. R. * GILLELAND, 24, M, Laberman, -, 3000, TN
20 80 82 T. R. TOUCHWORTH, 18, M, -, -, 25, TN
21 80 82 J. C. CUNNINGHAM, 22, M, -, -, 1200, AL
22 80 82 V. R. ELLIS, 27, M, -, -, 2100, NY
23 80 82 R. YOEMAN, 32, M, -, -, VA
24 80 82 J. A. WIGGS, 22, M, -, -, 150, VA
25 80 82 A. *OOFUL, 29, M, -, 5000, 5000, AL
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District
No. 1 in the County of Smith State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 2nd day of June 1860. J. H. Bradley Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Dixon * Springs Page No.: 267a
written 6
22 56 56 William NANCE,
19, M, . Silver Smith . 100 TN
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District
No. 12 in the County of Smith State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 28 day of July 1860. G. G. Dillon Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Raine Tenn. Page No.: 362a written 123
24 832 832 Ja(me)s (Madison)
NANCE, 49, M, Taylor, -, 500, TN
25 832 832 Elisabeth (TITLOW)
NANCE, 42, F, House Keeper, TN
26 832 832 Ja(me)s B(lanton) NANCE, 21, M,
Plastern?, TN
27 832 832 William (Harvey)
NANCE, 19, M, Silver Smith, TN
28 832 832 Mary A. NANCE, 16, F, TN
29 832 832 Harriet E(lizabeth)
NANCE, 14, F, TN
30 832 832 Caroline J(osephine)
NANCE, 14, F, TN
31 832 832 Tandy T(itlow)
NANCE, 11, M, TN
32 832 832 John M. NANCE, 9, M, TN
33 832 832 Peter NANCE, 4, M, TN
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District
No. 3 in the County of Stewart State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 8th day of June 1860. H. C. Buckner Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Main? Mound. Page No.: 440a
written 35
9 271 272 Silas YARBOROUGH, 33, M, Farmer, 800, 766, TN
10 271 272 Julia YARBOROUGH, 24, F, KY
11 271 272 Mary YARBOROUGH, 5/12, F, TN
12 271 272 Quintithia NANCE,
8, F, KY, Attending School
1860 District 1, Wayne, Tennessee Post
Office: Waynesboro
1106 1106 C W(ashington) PIGG, 29, M, TN
Emily (NANCE) PIGG, 25, F, TN
Jackson PIGG, 2, M, TN
Ann PIGG, 70, M,
Meeky PIGG, 40
Lucinda PIGG, 24
Schedule I - Free Inhabitants in District
No. 6 in the County of White State of Tennessee
enumerated by me,
on the 17th day of July 1860. Thomas Pofa Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Crossville. Page No.: 62a written 134
28 743 728 W(illiam)
H(arden) NANCE,
29, M, Waggon Maker, -, 50, VA
29 743 728 Rebecca (Ann (TAYLOR))
NANCE, 19, F, VA
30 743 728 Virginia C(atherine)
Free White Males, January 1, 18611862 TN CENSUS
District 7 Page 42 Line
3 Noah NANCE Land
Acres: 460 ; Value: 8000; Lotts No: Values Slaves: No:
2; Value: 2000; Other: Total Value: 10000; Polls: 1;
State: 15.35; Wars: 10.10; County: 20.65; Ro. Road:
19.15; Total: 56.25
District 7 Page 42 Line 4 E. W. NANCE Land Acres: 618; Value: 6500; Lotts No: Values Slaves: No: 9; Value: 8100; Other:: Total Value: 14600; Polls: 1; State: 22.25; Wars: 14.79; County: 29.85; Ro. Road:14.75 ; Total: 81.55
District 7 Page 42 Line 6 B. C. NANCE Land
Acres: 50; Value: 400; Lotts No: 1; Values Slaves:
100; No: ; Value: ; Other:: Total Value: 500;
Polls: ; State: 75; Wars: 50; County: 100; Ro. Road:
50; Total: 2.75
District 13 Page 91 Line 25 Wm. E. NANCE Land
Acres: 111; Value: 2500; Lotts No: ; Values Slaves: ;
No: ; Value: ; Other:: Total Value: 2500;
Polls: ; State: 375; Wars: 2.50; County: 5.00; Ro.
Road: 2.50; Total: 13.75
Schedule I - Inhabitants in 4th **** Dist.
in the County of Bedford State of Tennessee enumerated
by me on the
13th day of June 1870. W. B. Overcast Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Shelbyville Tennessee, Page No.: 204b
written 10
38 71 80 Thomas (Henry) NANCE(**), 32, M, W,
Blacksmith, 6000, 1000, Missouri
39 71 80 Sarah (Barnes
(COATS)) NANCE, 29, F, W, Keeping House,
39 71 80 (Thomas) Henry
NANCE, 9, M, W, Tennessee
Schedule I - Inhabitants in 4th **** Dist. in the County
of Bedford State of Tennessee enumerated by me on the
13th day of June 1870. W. B. Overcast Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Shelbyville Tennessee, Page No.: 204b
written 10
1 71 80 James (Emmett)
NANCE, 6, M, W, Tennessee
1 71 80 Julia NANCE, 4, F, W, Tennessee
1 71 80 Carri (Ellen)
NANCE, 2, F, W, Tennessee
(**Son of Clement NANCE and Mary
Schedule I - Inhabitants in Civil Dist.
No. 8 in the County of Bedford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me on the
26 day of July 1870. Wm. T. Time Ass't Marshal. Post
Office: Shelbyville Tennessee, Page No.: 261a written 7
38 47 47 W(illiam)
T. NANCE, 35, M, W, Blacksmith, 1200, 500,
39 47 47 Nancy NANCE, 43, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
40 47 47 Sally MIZZELL, 50, F, W, At Home, Tennessee
Schedule I - Inhabitants in Civil Dist. No. 8 in the
County of Bedford State of Tennessee enumerated by me on
26 day of July 1870. Wm. T. Time Ass't Marshal. Post
Office: Shelbyville Tennessee, Page No.: 261a written 7
1 47 47 Clem NANCE, 28, M, W, Blacksmith, Missouri
2 47 47 A. McELWRATH, 12, M, W, At Home, Tennessee
Schedule I - Inhabitants in 10th Civil
Dist. in the County of Bedford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me on the
18th day of August 1870. W. B. Overcast Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Shelbyville Tennessee, Page No.: 282a
written 7
9 45 45 James (Woodson) NANCE, 40,
M, W, Farm Laborer, -, 1000, North Carolina
10 45 45 (Mary) Catherine
NANCE, 38, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
11 45 45 Alfred R(ansom)
NANCE, 9, M, W, Tennessee
11 45 45 Catherine (F.)
NANCE, 4, F, W, Tennessee
11 45 45 Ann Eliza NANCE, 9/12, F, W, Tennessee, Sept.
11 45 45 Sarah J. SNELL, 25, F, W, Tennessee
Schedule I - Inhabitants in Civil Dist.
No. 20 in the County of Bedford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me on
the 8th day of July 1870. James A. Smith Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: ______ Tennessee, Page No.: 348a written 5
23 36 36 John NANCE, 73,
W, M, Farmer, 3500, 689, Tennessee
24 36 36 Sallie R. NANCE, 45, F, W, Keeping House,
25 36 36 John B(radley)
NANCE, 38, M, W, Farmer, 700, TN, Marr. in Dec.
25 36 36 Nancy E. (WORD)
NANCE, 28, M, W, Farmer, -, TN, Marr in Dec.
Schedule I - Inhabitants in Civil Dist.
No. 20 in the County of Bedford State of Tennessee
enumerated by me on
the 14th day of July 1870. James J. Smith Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: ______ Tennessee, Page No.: 351a written 11
21 73 73 W(illia)m
B. NANCE, 40, M, W, Farm Laborer, -, 400,
22 73 73 Mattie (Martha Elizabeth
(SUTTON)) NANCE, 37, F, W, Keeping House,
23 73 73 William (Lemuel)
NANCE, 7, M, W, Tennessee
24 73 73 Effy NANCE, 5, F, W, Tennessee
25 73 73 Quarles NANCE, 2, M, W, Tennessee
25 73 73 John DAVIDSON, 26, M, B, Farm Laborer,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
1870 Staunton, Bedford, Virginia Roll: M593_1635;
Page: 362B
28 396 392 Jane Nance(**), 36, F, Keeping House, VA
29 396 392 Martha Nance, 15, At Home, VA
30 396 392 John C(hestley) Nance, 14, At Home, VA
31 396 392 Sally B Nance 13, At Home,
32 396 392 Molly A Nance 12, At Home,
33 396 392 Wm A Nance 8, M, VA
34 396 392 Albert C Nance 6, M, VA
35 396 392 Thomas Morris 23, M, VA
36 396 392 Henry Arthur 86, M, VA
Ardena Arthur 48, M, Farmer, VA
Schedule I - Inhabitants in _______ in the
County of Benton State of Tennessee enumerated by me on
____ day of ____ 1870. ________ Ass't Marshal. Post
Office: ______ Tennessee, Page No.: 497b written 12
33 90 90 R(ichard)
S(anford) NANCE(**), 48, M, W,
Farmer, 3000, 15000, South Carolina, Can't read/write
34 90 90 E(lendor) A. (HERRON) NANCE, 38, F, W,
Keeping House, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
35 90 90 W(illia)m (Herron) NANCE, 18, M, W, Works
on Farm, Tennessee, Can't read/write
36 90 90 N(ewton H.) NANCE,
15, M, W, Works on Farm, Tennessee, Can't read
37 90 90 Emmy NANCE, 14, F, W, At Home, Tennessee, Can't
38 90 90 Claborn NANCE, 8, M, W, At Home, Tennessee
38 90 90 A(rtie) L. NANCE,
5, F, W, At Home, Tennessee
38 90 90 B(elle) B. NANCE,
3, F, W, At Home, Tennessee
of James K. NANCE and Narcissa (RAINWATER?))
1870 District 6, Benton, Tennessee
26 56 W(illiam)
H GREER, 40, M, W, Tennessee
27 56
J(ulia) A (NANCE**)
GREER, 39, F, W, Tennessee
28 56
W(illiam) W
GREER, 13, M, W, Tennessee
29 56
J(ohn) G
GREER, 12, M, W, Tennessee
30 56 H(ezekiah)
W G GREER, 10, M, W, Tennessee
31 56
G A GREER, 8, M,
W, Tennessee
32 56
R L GREER, 6, M,
W, Tennessee
33 56
M V GREER, 2, M,
W, Tennessee
of James K. NANCE and Narcissa RAINWATER?))
I - Inhabitants in 6th Civil District in the County of
Benton State of Tennessee enumerated by me
on the 8 day of July 1870. John Rushing Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Camden, Page No.: 502a written 21
3 144 144 James (B.) NANCE(**), 21, M, W,
Farmer, 3000, 250, Tennessee,
Can't read
4 144 144 S(arah) A. (ELMORE) NANCE, 18, F, W,
Keeping House, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
(**Son of Richard Sanford NANCE
and 1st wife Elendor A. HERRON)
Schedule I - Inhabitants in 8 Civil
District in the County of Benton State of Tennessee
enumerated by me
on the 17 day of July 1870. John Rushing Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Camden, Page No.: 521a written 16
21 110 110 A(lfred)
NANCE, 51, M, B, Farmer, -, 200, Tennessee
22 110 110 Harriet NANCE, 55, F, B, Keeping House, South
23 110 110 Benj. NANCE, 26, M, B, Works on R. R.,
24 110 110 M. A. NANCE, 22, F, B, At Home, Tennessee
25 110 110 K. A. NANCE, 18, F, B, At Home, Tennessee
26 110 110 E. O. NANCE, 16, F, B, At Home, Tennessee
27 110 110 Randolph NANCE, 14, M, B, Works on Farm,
28 110 110 Reuben WEAKS, 78, M, B, Works on R. R., South
Schedule I - Inhabitants in 9th Civil
District in the County of Benton State of Tennessee
enumerated by me
on the 8th day of August 1870. John Rushing Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Camden, Page No.: 527b written 16
8 22 22 Isabella (LASHLEE-RUFF) NANCE,
39, F, W, House keeping, 500, 250, Tennessee, Can't
9 22 22 C(ortis) W. NANCE,
21, M, W, Farmer, Tennessee, Can't read/write
10 22 22 A(nderson) R.
NANCE, 19, M, W, Works on Farm, Tennessee
10 22 22 E(lizabeth) E.
NANCE, 9, F, W, At Home, Tennessee, Attends School
Schedule I - Inhabitants in 9th Civil
District in the County of Benton State of Tennessee
enumerated by
me on the 8th day of August 1870. John Rushing Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Camden, Page No.: 528b written 18
16 36 36 P(eter?)
S(anford) NANCE(**), 40, M, W,
Farmer, 800, 500, South Carolina, Can't read/write
17 36 36 M(anerva) A. (Jane (LINDSEY)) NANCE, 32, F,
W, Keeping House, Tennessee
18 36 36 W(illia)m (M.) NANCE, 18, M, W, Works On
Farm, Tennessee, Attends School
19 36 36 T. A. E. NANCE, 16, F, W, At School, Tennessee,
Attends School
20 36 36 J(ames) A. NANCE,
14, M, W, Works on Farm, Tennessee, Attends School
21 36 36 John A(llen)
NANCE, 11, M, W, Works on Farm, Tennessee, Attends
22 36 36 M(ary) J. NANCE,
6, F, W, At Home, Tennessee
23 36 36 R(obert) L(ee) NANCE, 4, M, W, At Home,
(**Son of James K. NANCE and
Narcissa (RAINWATER?))
Schedule I - Inhabitants in Second Civil
District in the County of Bradley State of Tennessee
enumerated by
me on the 23 day of June 1870. J. E. Cobrile Ass't
Marshal. Post Office: Cleveland TN, Page No.: 276a
written **
36 94 92 William F. LOWRY, 40, M, W, Farmer, 3000, 1000,
37 94 92 Ruth J. LOWRY, 27, F, W, Keeping House,
38 94 92 Thomas L. LOWRY, 4, M, W, Tennessee
39 94 92 Sarah LOWRY, 21, B, F, House Keeper, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
40 94 92 Jackson NANCE,
21, M, B, Farm Laborer, Georgia, Can't read/write
Schedule I - Inhabitants in Second Civil District in the
County of Bradley State of Tennessee
enumerated by me on the 23 day of June 1870. J. E.
Cobrile Ass't Marshal.
Post Office: Cleveland TN, Page No.: 276a written **
1 94 92 Nancy CARTER, 12, F, W or M, Tennessee, Can't
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 5th
Civil District, in the County of Campbell, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 30th Day of June, 1870. Wm A. Madden, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Fincastle TN, Page No. 44b written
2 46 46 Alex(ander) NANCE(**), 31, M, W, Farm Laborer,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
3 46 46 Mary (Emily (CHAPMAN))
NANCE, 34, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee, Can't
4 46 46 William NANCE, 10, M, W, At Home, Tennessee,
Attending School
5 46 46 Julia (A.) NANCE,
8, F, W, Tennessee
6 46 46 Arch(ie) NANCE, 4,
M, W, Tennessee
7 46 46 Sarah (E.) NANCE,
2, F, W, Tennessee
8 46 46 Well(ington) NANCE,
3/12, M, W, Tennessee
(**Parents unknown, raised by
James J. MARRS)
1870 District 4, Campbell, Tennessee Page 28B
23 55 54 Williams (L. )
ADKINS, 30, M, W, Tennessee
24 55 54 Mary (M. (NANCE)**) ADKINS,
31, F, W, Tennessee
25 55 54 Josephine ADKINS, 8, F, W, Tennessee
unknown, Marr. William Adkins 27 Jun 1861
Campbell Co. TN)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 8th
Civil District, in the County of Campbell, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 13th Day of July, 1870. Wm A. Madden, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Fincastle TN, Page No. 69a written
11 58 55 Robert MULLINS, 38, M, W, Farm Laborer, -, 250,
12 58 55 Sarah MULLINS, 30, F, W, Keeping House,
13 58 55 Casper MULLINS, 1, M, W, Tennessee
14 58 55 Harmon MULLINS, 21, M, B, Farm Laborer,
Tennessee, Can't write
15 58 55 Froney NANCE, 17,
M, W, Farm Laborer, Tennessee, Can't Read/write
16 58 55 Isaac PLESMON?, 58, M, W, Hammerman, Virginia,
Can't Read/write
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the
District No. 3, in the County of Cannon, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 30 Day of July, 1870. A. F. Todd, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Woodbury, Page No. 131a written 7
32 48 50 Joseph WATSON, 45, M, W, Farmer, South Carolina
33 48 50 Ngaria? WATSON, 40, F, W, Keeping House,
Alabama, Can't read/write
34 48 50 Pennelinda? WATSON, 20, F, W, Alabama, Can't
35 48 50 Abigail WATSON, 19, F, W, Alabama, Can't
36 48 50 William WATSON, 12, M, W, Alabama, Can't
37 48 50 Permelia NANCE(**), 58, F, W,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
(**Widow of William NANCE, son of
Peter NANCE and Hasley (Ursula)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 9 Civil
District, in the County of Claiborne, State of TN,
by me on the 4 Day of July, 1870. A. J. Greer,
Ass't Marshal Post Office: Tazewell TN, Page No. 280a
written 1
7 2 2 Pleasant HUMPHREY, 58, M, W, Farmer, -, 1100,
8 2 2 Ellen HUMPHREY, 50, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
9 2 2 Sarah E. POWERS, 22, F, W, Tennessee
10 2 2 Martha J. NANCE,
11, F, W, Tennessee, Attending School
11 2 2 Nancy MITCHEL, 3, F, W, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 10
Civil District, in the County of Claiborne, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 10 Day of June, 1870. A. J. Greer, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Tazewell TN, Page No. 280a written
14 3 3 Mary NANCE, 28, F,
W, Keeping house, TN, Can't write
15 3 3 Temperance NANCE, 7, F, W, TN
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the ****
Civil District, in the County of Davidson, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 28 Day of June, 1870. J. M. Shrivers, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Goodlebarth?, Page No. 101a written
4 91 95 J(ohn)
C(alvin) NANCE(**), 45, M, W,
Farmer, -, 500, North Carolina
5 91 95 Anna (Hurt (JONES))
NANCE, 39, F, W, Keeping House, North Carolina
6 91 95 Sidney (Johnson)
NANCE, 19, M, W, Farm Laborer, North Carolina
7 91 95 Mary (Elizabeth)
NANCE, 16, F, W, Tennessee
8 91 95 Sallie NANCE, 13, F, W, Tennessee
9 91 95 Martha NANCE, 11, F, W, Tennessee
10 91 95 James (Alexander)
NANCE, 9, M, W, Tennessee
11 91 95 Lucy (Franklin)
NANCE, 6, F, W, Tennessee
12 91 95 (Anna) Gracy
NANCE, 4, F, W, Tennessee
13 91 95 Adeline NANCE, 9/12, F, W, Tennessee, Sep.
14 91 95 Mary JONES, 55, F, W, North Carolina
15 91 95 Virginia JONES, 16, F, W, Tennessee
(**Son of David Lawson NANCE and
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 23
Civil District, in the County of Davidson, State of TN,
by me on the 14 Day of July 1870. N. J. Quin, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Nashville, Page No. 153b written 26
2 168 177 C(lement)
W(oodson) NANCE(**), 59, M, W,
Farming, 50000, 3000, Tennessee
3 168 177 Ann (D. (AVENT))
NANCE, 55, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
4 168 177 Montgomery (Bell)
NANCE, 24, M, W, Artist, Tennessee
5 168 177 W(illia)m (Henry) NANCE(*), 21, M, W, Farmer,
6 168 177 Mary NANCE, 11, F, B, Domestic, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
7 168 177 Henry WILLIAMS, 20, M, Mul, Farm Hand,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
(**Son of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
(*Counted twice? see family above 38 721 763)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 5 Civil
District, in the County of Davidson, State of TN,
by me on the 2 Day of August 1870. H. Hinmon, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Nashville, Page No. 268a written 26
28 - - Polly NANCE, 68, F,
W, Lunatic, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 6
District, in the County of Davidson, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 25 Day of June 1870. Thomas Prome, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Nashville, Page No. 275b written 10
21 63 68 Constance (Perkins) NANCE(**), 33, M, W,
Farmer, 5000, 1000, Tennessee
22 63 68 Mary (America)
30, F, W, Keeps House, -, 150, Tennessee
23 63 68 (Martha) Mattie (H.) NANCE(**),
21, F, W, School Teacher, Tennessee
24 63 68 Sally (Perkins)
19, F, W, At School, Tennessee, Attends School
25 63 68 Virginia (Tennessee)
16, F, W, At School, Tennessee, Attends School
26 63 68 Wilbourne MASON, 22, M, W, Works on Farm,
(**Children of Josiah Crenshaw
NANCE and Bethenia Hardin SNEED)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 5th
Ward, in the County of Davidson, State of TN enumerated
by me
on the 22nd day of June 1870. William Wills, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Nashville, Page No. 294b written 12
38 56 68 John NANCE, 30,
M, B, Domestic Servant, Alabama, Can't read/write
39 56 68 Ellen NANCE, 30, F, B, Domestic Servant, Alabama,
Can't read/write
40 56 68 Louisa NANCE, 11, F, B, Tennessee, Attending
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 5th Ward, in the
County of Davidson, State of TN enumerated by me on
the 22nd day of June 1870. William Wills, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Nashville, Page No. 295a written 13
1 56 68 Andrew NANCE, 14, F, B, Tennessee, Attending
2 56 69 Pricy ROBISON, 23, F, B, Domestic Servant,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
3 56 69 Edwin ROBISON, 1, M, B, Tennessee, Can't
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the North
Civil District, in the County of Davidson, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 13 day of June 1870. William Wills, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Nashville TN, Page No. 331a written
28 254 265 W(illia)m
L(ewis) NANCE,
52, M, W, Brick Layer, 45000, 2000, Tennessee
29 255 266 Martha (P.
(CASTLEMAN)) NANCE, 58, F, W, Keeping House,
6200, -, Tennessee
30 255 266 Susan (E.)
NANCE, 35, F, W, At Home, Tennessee
31 255 266 W(illia)m A.
NANCE, 33, M, W, At Home, Tennessee
32 255 266 (Margaret)
Maggie J. NANCE, 18, F, W, At Home, Tennessee
33 255 266 Sane NANCE, 35, M, B, Farm Hand, Alabama,
Can't read/write
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in The 13th
Civil District, in the County of Davidson, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 11 day of July 1870. M. T. Sanding, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Nashville TN, Page No. 451b written
37 721 763 John WILKERSON, 33, M, W, Physician P**
House, 3000, Tennessee
38 721 763 (William) Henry
NANCE(**), 21, M,
W, Keeper P** House, Tennessee
39 721 763 Elizabeth ROSS, 19, F, W, Matron in P**
House, Tennessee
40 721 763 Sarah ROSS, 17, F, W, Asst. Matron in P**
House, Tennessee
(**Son of Clement Woodson NANCE
and Ann D. AVENT)
(Counted twice? see family above
5 168 177 )
1870 Nashville Ward 8, Davidson, Tennessee
36 161 A(merica)
L(ucinda (NANCE**))
BILLINGS, 43, F, W, Tennessee
37 161 Isaac BILLINGS, 23, M,
W, Tennessee
38 161 Wm BILLINGS, 15, M, W,
39 161 Jared BILLINGS, 10, M,
W, Tennessee
40 161 James BILLINGS, 10, M,
W, Tennessee
(**Dau. of
William Howe NANCE and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in The 4th
Civil District, in the County of Dyer, State of TN,
enumberated by me on the
8 day of July 1870. William T. Posten, Ass't MarshalPost
Office: Owensburg, Page No. 57a written 2 REEL NO:
19 171 171 Charles AUSTIN, 34, M, W, Farmer, 500, 1000,
20 171 171 Maria AUSTIN, 22, F, W, Keeping House, TN
21 171 171 James AUSTIN, 10, M, W, at Home, TN
22 171 171 Estah AUSTIN, 7, F, W, TN
23 171 171 Rebec AUSTIN, 3, F, W, TN
24 171 171 Jane NANCE, 25,
F, B, Larm Labor, TN, Can't read/write
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in Civil
District No. 2, in the County of Gibson, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 7 day of July 1870. W. A. Stetwell, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: ******, Page No. 217a written 11
26 69 69 I(saac)
N(ewton) NANCE,
38, M, W, Farmer, -, 800, Tennessee
27 69 69 Eliza F(rances (HUNT))
NANCE, 31, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
28 69 69 Ophelia E. NANCE, 4, F, W, At Home, Tennessee
29 69 69 John G(len)
NANCE, 3, M, W, At Home, Tennessee
30 69 69 Thomas (Jerry)
NANCE, 2, M, W, At Home, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in Civil
District No. 4, in the County of Gibson, State of TN,
by me on the 3rd day of August 1870. W. A. Stetwell,
Ass't Marshal Post Office: Quincy, Page No. 256a written
11 14 14 W(illiam)
W. NANCE, 68, M, W, Farmer, 4000, -, Tennessee
12 14 14 (Thedocia B.)
Docie (GOODLOE) NANCE, 45,
F, W, Keeps House, Tennessee
13 14 14 Henry NANCE, 23, M, W, Carpenter, -, 200,
14 14 14 Nannie NANCE, 20, F, W, At Home, Tennessee
15 14 14 Wilson NANCE, 15, M, B, Farm Labor, Tennessee
16 14 14 Jake NANCE, 12, M, B, Farm Labor,
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in Civil
District No. 4, in the County of Gibson, State of TN,
by me on the 4 day of August 1870. W. A. Stetwell, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Quincy, Page No. 257b written 6
31 39 39 M(artin)
V(an Buren) NANCE(**), 33, M, W,
Farmer, 1000, 600, Tennessee
32 39 39 Mary (A. (DAVIDSON)
NANCE, 32, F, W, Keeps House, Tennessee
33 39 39 Albert (Alonzo)
NANCE, 11, M, W, Farm Labor, Tennessee
34 39 39 (Ada) Cora NANCE,
5, F, W, At home, Tennessee
35 39 39 A. MCCLAREN, 45, M, W, Farm Labor, Tennessee
(Son of? William W. NANCE and
Miss. POTTS, brother to James Anderson NANCE? {below})
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in Civil
District No. 4, in the County of Gibson, State of TN,
by me on the 4 day of August 1870. B. G. Stetwell, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Quincy, Page No. 259a written 9
17 59 59 J(ames)
A(nderson) NANCE,
34, M, W, Farmer, 2500, 500, Tennessee
18 59 59 Elenora (HANKINS-KERSEY) NANCE, 32, F, W,
Keeps House, Tennessee
19 59 59 Ralph NANCE, 13, M, W, At Home, Tennessee
20 59 59 (Thedocia) Docia
NANCE, 12, F, W, At Home, Tennessee
21 59 59 William NANCE, 8, M, W, At Home, Tennessee
22 59 59 Alex(ander) NANCE,
7, M, W, At Home, Tennessee
23 59 59 Eliza NANCE, 15, F, B, Domestic Servt,
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in Civil
District No. 7, in the County of Gibson, State of TN,
by me on the 3 day of August 1870. W. H. Stetwell, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Trenton, Page No. 312a written 5
30 34 34 D. NANCE, 48, M,
B, Farmer, -, 100, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
31 34 34 Patience NANCE, 40, F, B, Keeps House Tennessee,
Can't read/write
32 34 34 Tabitha NANCE, 12, F, B, At Home, Tennessee,
Attends school
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in 14 Civil
District, in the County of Gibson, State of TN,
enumerated by me on the 15
day of August 1870. J. A. Allen, Ass't Marshal Post
Office: Lin Point, Page No. 443a written ** Microfilm #
30 5 5 Joel HARRISON, 36, M, W, Farmer, TN
31 5 5 Fannie HARRISON, 32, F, W, Keeps House, TN
32 5 5 Travis HARRISON, 8, M, W, TN
33 5 5 Tom HARRISON, 6, M, W, TN
34 5 5 Jennie HARRISON, 1, F, W, TN
35 5 5 Mary NANCE, 16, F,
36 5 5 James NANCE, 14, M,
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in Civil Dist.
No. 20, in the County of Gibson, State of TN, enumerated
by me on the
11 day of August 1870. B. G. Stillwell, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Quincy, Page No. 510a written ** Microfilm
# M593-1528
3 92 93 Sam NANCE, 36, M,
B, Farmer, -, 150, Tennessee
4 92 93 Mary NANCE, 26, F, B, Keeps House, Tennessee
5 92 93 John NANCE, 13, M, B, Farm Labor, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
Dist. No. 6, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 20th day of Aug., 1870. A. Malone, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Pulaski, Page No. 101a written 21
8 158 158 Samuel (B.) NANCE, 35, M, W,
Farmer, 700, 122, Tennessee
9 158 158 Nancy (BRADEN?)
NANCE, 35, F, W, Keeps House, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
10 158 158 Virginia (Eugenia C.)
NANCE, 9, F, W, Tennessee
11 158 158 John M(ilton)
NANCE, 7, M, W, Tennessee
12 158 158 Nancy J. NANCE, 9/12, F, W, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
Dist. No. 6, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 20th day of Aug., 1870. A. Malone, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Pulaski, Page No. 101a written 21
13 159 159 Martin (Milligan) NANCE(**), 51, M, W,
Farmer, 2000, 1335, Tennessee
14 159 159 Julia (A. (ODNEAL))
NANCE, 58, F, W, Keeps House, Tennessee
15 159 159 James (Martin)
NANCE, 18, M, W, Tennessee
16 159 159 (Edward) Lee
NANCE, 11, M, W, Tennessee
17 159 159 (Estelle) Hester
(Jane) NANCE, 7, F, W,
18 159 159 Malinda (Beulah)
NANCE, 5, F, W, Tennessee
19 159 159 Tolbert (F.)
NANCE, 3, M, W, Tennessee
20 159 159 Robert (Milligan)
NANCE, 1, M, W, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and
Cassandra J. BLACK)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist.
No. 12, in the County of Giles, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 20th day of June, 1870. Wm. A. Malone, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Pulaski, Page No. 235a written 1
12 2 2 Taylor NANCE, 37,
M, Mul., Farmer, Tennessee, Can't read/write
13 2 2 Caroline NANCE, 27, F, B, Keeps House, Tennessee,
Can't write
14 2 2 Caroline NANCE, 3, F, B, Arkansas
15 2 2 Major JONES, 37, M, Mul., Farm Hand, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
16 2 2 Edd TEARS, 19, F, B, Farm Hand, Tennessee, Can't
17 2 2 J. A. HOUSTON, 36, M, B, Farm Hand, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
18 2 2 Com DAVIS, 17, F, B, House Keeper, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 14th
Civil District, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me on the 14th day of July, 1870. Robert
J. Anderson, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Campbellsville, Page No. 292b written 32
25 222 222 Elizabeth (E. (COOPER)) NANCE(**), 74, F, W,
Keeping House, 480, 150, Virginia
26 222 222 Mary L. NANCE, 43, F, W, Virginia, Can't
(**Widow of James W. NANCE, son of
William NANCE and Elizabeth ELLIS)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 15th
Civil District, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 25th day of August, 1870. Robert J. Anderson,
Ass't Marshal Post Office: Lynnville, Page No. 304a
written 19
25 135 135 Harrison GORDON, 25, M, W, Farm Laborer, -,
100, TN, Can't write
26 135 135 Eveline GORDON, 23, F, W, Keeping House, TN,
Can't read/write
27 137 137 Ellis GORDON, 2, M, W, TN
28 137 137 India A. GORDON, 1, F, W, TN
29 135 135 Anna NANCE, 5,
F, W, TN
30 135 135 Minnie NANCE,
3, F, W, TN
1870: District 15, Giles, Tennessee
Roll: M593_1529; Page: 306B
William J WILKS, Head, M, 40
Wife, 41
John J Wilks 15
Columbus Wilks 14
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 17th
Civil District, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 23 day of June, 1870. Robt. M. Pillow, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Cornersville, Page No. 350b written
24 46 46 Sam(uel)
J(oseph) NANCE,
37, M, W, Retired Miller, 750, 600, Tennessee
25 46 46 Tennessee (White
(RALSTON)) NANCE, 33, F, W, Keeping House,
26 46 46 (Joseph) Abba
NANCE, 11, M, W, Tennessee, Attending School
27 46 46 (Lula) Mattie
NANCE, 4, F, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 17th
Civil District, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 25th day of June, 1870. Robt. M. Pillow, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Cornersville, Page No. 352a written
33 81 81 Mary GREGG, 37, F, W, Keeping House, 4000, 500,
34 81 81 Luisa NANCE, 12,
F, B, Domestic Serv. Tennessee, Can't read/write
35 81 81 W(illia)m GREGG,
19, M, W, Clerk in Store, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 17th
Civil District, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 30th day of June, 1870. Robt. M. Pillow, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Cornersville, Page No. 356a written
10 163 163 (Elizabeth)
Bettie (BELL) NANCE,
31, F, W, Milliner, -, 500, Tennessee
11 163 163 (Malinda) Belle
NANCE, 18, F, W, Tennessee, Attending School
12 163 163 Jennie NANCE, 11, F, W, Tennessee, Attending
(**Widow? of Thomas Jefferson
NANCE, son of Joseph NANCE and Eleanor BLACK)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 17th
Civil District, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 1st day of July, 1870. Robt. M. Pillow, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Cornersville, Page No. 357a written
39 202 202 Claburn NANCE,
41, M, B, Farm Laborer, -, 764, Tennessee, Can't
40 202 202 Caroline NANCE, 51, F, B, House wife,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 17th
Civil District, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 1st day of July, 1870. Robt. M. Pillow, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Cornersville, Page No. 357a written
1 203 203 Robt. NANCE, 21,
M, B, Farm Laborer, -, 764, Tennessee, Can't read/write
2 203 203 Clifford NANCE, 13, M, B, Tennessee, Attending
3 203 203 James NANCE, 9, M, B, Tennessee, Attending
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 17th
Civil District, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumberated by me
on the 1st day of July, 1870. Robt. M. Pillow, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Cornersville, Page No. 357a written
4 204 204 Glaster NANCE,
22, M, B, Domestic Servant, Tennessee, Can't read/write
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 17th
Civil District, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 2nd day of July, 1870. Robt. M. Pillow, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Cornersville, Page No. 358a written
16 222 222 James (Washington) NANCE(**), 53, M, W,
Farmer, 12640, 2215, Tennessee
17 222 222 Mary (AMIS)
NANCE, 36, F, W, House wife, Tennessee
18 222 222 (William) Henry
NANCE, 22, M, W, Farm Laborer, Tennessee
19 222 222 John (Jonathan J.)
**** NANCE, 21, M, W, Cabinet, Tennessee
20 222 222 James (Washington)
NANCE (Jr.), 16, M, W,
Tennessee, Attending School
21 222 222 Turner (H.)
NANCE, 14, M, W, Tennessee, Attending School
22 222 222 Lewis (J.)
NANCE, 10, M, W, Tennessee, Attending School
23 222 222 Louisa NANCE, 7, F, W, Tennessee
24 222 222 Lillie NANCE, 4, F, W, Tennessee
25 222 222 Walter (Buckner)
NANCE, 2, M, W, Tennessee
(**Son of Joseph NANCE and Eleanor
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 17th
Civil District, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 13th day of July, 1870. Robt. M. Pillow, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Cornersville, Page No. 366b written
2 415 415 Henry NANCE,
54, M, B, Farm Laborer, Georgia, Can't read/write
3 415 415 Henry NANCE, 15, M, B, Farm Laborer,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
4 415 415 Sarah NANCE, 14, F, B, Tennessee, Can't
5 415 415 Mary NANCE, 13, F, B, Tennessee, Can't
6 415 415 Andy NANCE, 12, M, B, Tennessee, Can't
7 415 415 Mork NANCE, 9, M, B, Tennessee
7 415 415 Marion NANCE, 8, M, B, Tennessee
7 415 415 Alen NANCE, 7, M, B, Tennessee
7 415 415 Edd NANCE, 1, M, B, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 19th
Civil District, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 20th day of June, 1870. Robt. M. Pillow, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Campbellsville, Page No. 402b
written 24
11 177 178 Solomon (C.) NANCE, 33, M, W,
Farm Laborer, -, 250, Virginia, Can't read/write
12 177 178 Sagorney (Motte
(DEPRE)) NANCE, 28, F, W, Keeping House,
13 177 178 Cornelius (Smith)
NANCE, 10, M, W, Tennessee, Attending School
14 177 178 Martha E(lizabeth)
NANCE, 7, M, W, Tennessee, Attending School
15 177 178 Anna B. NANCE, 4, F, W, Tennessee
16 177 178 William E(dward)
NANCE, 1, M, W, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
District No. 20, in the County of Giles, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 18th day of June, 1870. Robt. A. *****, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Pulaski, Page No. 415b written 21
29 140 140 William NANCY(**), 42, M, W, Farmer, 500,
250, Tennessee, Can't read/write
30 140 140 (Margaret)
36, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and
Cassandra BLACK)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 7th
Civil District, in the County of Grainger, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 26th day of July, 1870. John H. P***, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Blevins Cross Roads, Page No. 78b
written 12
40 86 86 Julian NANCE(**), 30, M, W, Farm
Laborer, -, 800, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 7th Civil District, in
the County of Grainger, State of TN, enumerated by me
on the 26th day of July, 1870. John H. P***, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Blevins Cross Roads, Page No. 79a
written 13
1 86 86 Malissa (J. (RENFRO))
NANCE, 38, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
2 86 86 Samuel (Lafayette)
NANCE, 10, M, W, At Home, Tennessee, Attending School
3 86 86 James (P.) NANCE,
8, M, W, Tennessee
4 86 86 Albert (Morris)
NANCE, 5, M, W, Tennessee
5 86 86 Miny (Minnie L.)
NANCE, 1, F, W, Tennessee
6 86 86 Mary RINFRO, 21, F, W, Tennessee
(**Son of John "Squire"
NANCE and Cecelia "Sealy" VINEYARD)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 8th
Civil District, in the County of Grainger, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 17th day of July, 1870. John H. P***, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Blevins Cross Roads, Page No. 87b
written 1*
1 88 85 James NANCE, 51,
M, B, Day Laborer, Tennessee,
Cant read/write
2 88 85 Posey NANCE, 25, F, B, Keeping House, Tennessee,
Cant read/write
3 88 85 Andrew NANCE, 14, M, B, At Home, Tennessee,
Cant write
4 88 85 Mary NANCE, 13, F, B, At Home, Tennessee,
Cant read/write
5 88 85 Andy NANCE, 11, M, B, Tennessee,
Cant read/write
6 88 85 Lafayette NANCE, 9, M, B, Tennessee
7 88 85 Lilly NANCE, 4, F, B, Tennessee
8 88 85 W(illia)m NANCE, 1,
M, B, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 8th
Civil District, in the County of Grainger, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 13rd day of June, 1870. John H. P***, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Blevins Cross Roads, Page No. 93a
written 23
26 173 170 John (Squire) NANCE(**), 56, M, W, Farmer, 11000,
8200, Tennessee
27 173 170 Sela (Cecelia
(VINEYARD)) NANCE, 56, F, W, Keeping House,
28 173 170 Mary (M.)
NANCE, 16, F, W, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Rosanna
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 8th
Civil District, in the County of Grainger, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 23rd day of June, 1870. John H. P***, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Blevins Cross Roads, Page No. 93a
written 23
34 175 172 Calvin (Bird) NANCE(**), 57, M, W,
Farmer, 11000, 10405, Tennessee
35 175 172 Mary (Shields
F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
36 175 172 John (William)
NANCE, 21, M, W, Farm Laborer, Tennessee
37 175 172 (E)liza (Priscilla) NANCE, 19, F, W,
38 175 172 Franklin (Taylor)
NANCE, 7, M, W, Tennessee
(**Son of John "Jackie" NANCE and
Sarah "Sally" (ORE) ORR)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 8th
Civil District, in the County of Grainger, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 23rd day of June, 1870. John H. P***, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Blevins Cross Roads, Page No. 94b
written 26
19 192 189 (Preston) Prior NANCE, 54, M, W, Farmer,
5500, 700, Tennessee
20 192 189 Mary (VINYARD)
NANCE, 52, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee, Can't
21 192 189 Reubin NANCE, 22, M, W, Farm Laborer,
22 192 189 Mary NANCE, 20, F, W, Tennessee
23 192 189 W(illia)m (A.) NANCE, 17, M, W, Farm
Laborer, Tennessee
24 192 189 Newton NANCE, 14, M, W, Farm Laborer,
25 192 189 Jefferson NANCE, 12, M, W, Farm Laborer,
(**Son of Reuben NANCE
and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 8th
Civil District, in the County of Grainger, State of TN,
enumerated by me on
the 23rd day of June, 1870. John H. P***, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Blevins Cross Roads, Page No. 94b written
26 193 190 Jefferson NANCE(**), 59, M, W, Farmer, 3000,
8000, Tennessee
27 193 190 (E)liza(beth
F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
28 193 190 Alsey (Cobb ELMORE)
NANCE(*), 10, F, W,
Tennessee, Can't write
29 193 190 W(illia)m (Thomas ELMORE) NANCE(*), 14, M, W, Farm Laborer,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
30 193 190 James (Calvin ELMORE)
NANCE(*), 13, M, W, At
Home, Tennessee, Can't read/write
31 193 190 John (Myers ELMORE)
NANCE(*), 11, M, W, At
Home, Tennessee, Can't read/write
32 193 190 Bettie (Elizabeth
Mahala ELMORE) NANCE(*),
8, F, W, Tennessee
33 193 190 Jefferson NANCE, 2, M, W, Tennessee
34 193 190 Samuel NANCE, 2, M, W, Tennessee
35 193 190 Lila (Mae)
NANCE, 1, F, W, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben
NANCE and Rosanna (M.N.U.))
(*These children are not NANCE
children they are Eliza's children from a previous
marriage to Hopkins ELMORE)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 8th
Civil District, in the County of Grainger, State of TN,
enumerated by me on the
23rd day of June, 1870. John H. P***, Ass't Marshal Post
Office: Blevins Cross Roads, Page No. 94b written 26
38 195 192 Pate WILLSON, 47, M, W, Farmer, 450, 200, TN
39 195 192 Anna WILLSON, 50, F, W, Keeping House, TN,
Can't write
40 195 192 Elizabeth WILLSON, 27, F, W, TN, Can't write
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 8th Civil District, in
the County of Grainger, State of TN, enumerated by me on
23rd day of June, 1870. John H. P***, Ass't Marshal Post
Office: Blevins Cross Roads, Page No. 95a written 27
1 195 192 John H. WILLSON, 21, M, W, Farm Laborer, TN,
Can't write
2 195 192 Noah WILLSON, 19, M, W, Farm Laborer, TN,
Can't write
3 195 192 Henry WILLSON, 17, M, W, Farm Laborer, TN,
Can't read/write
4 195 192 Caroline WILLSON, 15, F, W, TN, Can't
5 195 192 Polly Ann WILLSON, 13, F, W, TN, Can't
6 195 192 Liza Jane WILLSON, 4, F, W, TN
7 195 192 Sela NANCE, 25,
F, W, Keeping House, TN
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 2nd Ward City of
Chattanooga 13 Sub. D., in the County of Hamilton, State
of TN,
enumerated by me on the 13 day of August, 1870. D. W.
Cate, Ass't Marshal Post Office: Chattanooga, Page No.
676a written 13
11 77 92 Simon NANCE, 25,
M, Mul., Works in R. R. Depot, Virginia, Can't write
12 77 92 Lutitia NANCE, 24, F, B, Keeping House, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
13 77 92 Lilly B. NANCE, 10/12, F, B, Tennessee, July
14 77 92 Mariah BRAZELTON, 26, F, B, Domestic Work,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
15 77 92 William YOUNG, 27, M, B, City Laborer,
Tennessee, Can't write
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 2nd Ward City of
Chattanooga 13 Sub. D., in the County of Hamilton, State
of TN,
enumerated by me on the 15 day of August, 1870. D. W.
Cate, Ass't Marshal Post Office: Chattanooga, Page No.
680a written 21
27 141 165 Daniel NANCE,
30, M, Mul., City Laborer, Tennessee, Can't read/write
28 141 165 Lar? NANCE, 22, F, Mul., Keeping House,
Virginia, Can't write
1870 Chattanooga Ward 4, Hamilton, Tennessee Roll:
M593_1532; Page: 728B
6 329 365 William FLOYD, 26, M, W, Ret Liquor Dealer,
700, GA
7 329 365 Catharine
(LITTLE-NANCE**) FLOYD, 27(*), F, W, Keeping
House, GA
8 329 365 Mary E (NANCE**) FLOYD,
13, F, W, At Home, GA
9 329 365 Charles (NANCE**)
FLOYD, 9, M, W, At Home, GA
(**Widow and children of Thomas
(*Age likely incorrect she is listed as 23 in 1860)
1870 District 11, Hardeman, Tennessee
15 24 W(illiam)
B(erry) JOHNSON, 42, M, W,
South Carolina
16 24 M(artha)
A(nn (NANCE**))
JOHNSON, 31, F, W, Mississippi
17 24 L(aurence)
W JOHNSON, 11, M W, Mississippi
18 24 T(homas)
N JOHNSON, 9, M, W, Tennessee
19 24 E(lla)
P JOHNSON, 4, F, W, Tennessee
20 24 Alice JOHNSON, 2, F, W, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Thomas
Clinton NANCE and Judith Emiline "Emily" POPE)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
District No*** in the County of Hardin, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 21 day of July, 1870. N. W. Watson, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Savannah Tenn., Page No. 338b
written 4
11 23 23 Hugh NANCE(**), 52, M, W,
Farmer, 3550, 4262, Tennessee
12 23 23 Matilda (THOMPSON)
NANCE, 46, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
13 23 23 Bird NANCE, 18, M, W, At Home, Tennessee,
Attending School
14 23 23 (Virginia) Sina
C. NANCE, 17, F, W, At Home, Tennessee, Attending School
15 23 23 John NANCE, 13, M, W, At Home, Tennessee,
Attending School
16 23 23 William S(inclair)
NANCE, 7, M, W, At Home, Tennessee, Attending School
17 23 23 Jesse L. NANCE, 6, M, W, At Home, Tennessee,
Attending School
18 23 23 Martha E. BUTNUM, 40, F, W, Unemployed,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
19 23 23 Martha E. BUTNUM, 15, M, W, At Home, Tennessee,
Can't write
name was Allen NANCE???)
1870 District 1, Hardin,
Tennessee Roll: M593_1534; Page: 338B
27 25 25 David Howard 27
28 25 25 Therisa A(nn (NANCE**))
Howard, 23, F, W, TN, TN, TN
George W Howard 2
Mary S Howard 6/12
William Fuller 18
Fanny Russel 14
(**Dau. of Hugh NANCE and Matilda
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the
Bellville Dist. No. 11 in the County of Haywood, State
of TN, enumerated by
me on the 12 day of July, 1870. H. D. Freeman, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Bellville, Page No. 457b written 6
21 43 39 T. F. EVANS, 32, M, W, Hotell Keeper, 3000,
400, AL
22 43 39 Mary EVANS, 27, F, W, Keep Hotell, TN
23 43 39 Susan EVANS, 5, F, W, TN
24 43 39 Lecilla EVANS, 3, F, W, TN
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Bellville Dist. No. 11
in the County of Haywood, State of TN,
enumerated by me on the 12 day of July, 1870. H. D.
Freeman, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Bellville, Page No. 458a written 7
1 43 39 J. H. WHEATLY, 30, M, W, Telegraph Oper, Ky
2 43 39 Bevly MEDLIN, 20, M, W, Clerk in Store, NC
3 43 39 Booker? NANCE, 23,
M, W, Clerk in Store, NC
4 43 39 Robert WEBBS, 23, M, W, Clerk in Store, TN
5 43 39 Jos MCCAN, 23, M, W, Clerk in Store, TN
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 6th
Civil District in the County of Henry, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 11 day of August, 1870. J. M. Kirkwood, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Springville, Page No. 276a written
7 114 115 J(ohn)
W(illiam) NANCE(**), 47, M, W,
Merchant Ret., 14000, 1200, North Carolina
8 114 115 A(manda) M. F. (BLYTHE*) NANCE, 45, F, W,
9 114 115 J(ohn) W(illiam)
NANCE Jr., 20, M, W, Clk Store, Tennessee
10 114 115 Walton (Crockett)
NANCE, 16, M, W, Tennessee, Attending School
11 114 115 A(rthur M.)
NANCE, 12, M, W, At School, Tennessee, Attending School
12 114 115 Jessie NANCE, 8, M, W, Tennessee
13 114 115 E(ldridge P.)
NANCE, 6, M, W, Tennessee
14 114 115 Edward NANCE, 4, M, W, Tennessee
15 114 115 N(ellie) NANCE,
1, M, W, Tennessee
16 114 115 L. G. CULANDER, 21, M, W, Engineer, Tennessee
17 114 115 B. WADDY, 19, M, B, F. Laborer, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
18 114 115 S. McGOHA, 18, M, B, F. Laborer, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
19 114 115 S. WATKINS, 53, F, M, Domestic Svt.,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
20 114 115 Selline WATKINS, 18, F, W, Tennessee, Can't
21 114 115 A. McGOHA, 10, M, B, ****, Tennessee, Can't
(**Father was William? NANCE. See
1840 Henry Co. TN census)
? Benjamin BLYTHE and Cynthia NANCE??)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 6th
Civil District in the County of Henry, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 11 day of August, 1870. J. M. Kirkwood, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Springville, Page No. 276a written
37 118 121 J(oseph)
W. NANCE(**), 37,
M, W, Tabacconist, 500, 600, Tennessee
38 118 121 S(usan) F(isher (GREENE)) NANCE, 25, M,
W, Tennessee
39 118 121 A(nnie) C(amilla) NANCE, 5, F, W,
40 118 121 M(ary) E(velyn) NANCE, 3, F, W,
SHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 6th Civil District in
the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated by me on
the 11 day of August, 1870. J. M. Kirkwood, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Springville, Page No. 276b written
1 118 121 R(euben) F(isher) NANCE, 10/12, M, W,
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Tabitha (M.N.U.))
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 7th
Civil District in the County of Henry, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 23 day of August, 1870. J. M. Kirkwood, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Manlyville, Page No. 285a written 7
8 42 43 P(atrick)
H(enry) NANCE, 35,
M, W, Tabacconist, 600, 400, Tennessee
9 42 43 M(artha) T(ennessee (DAVIS)) NANCE, 30,
F, W, Tennessee
10 42 43 S(usan) E(rin) NANCE, 5, F, W, Tennessee
11 42 43 R(e)uben O. NANCE,
3, M, W, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben NANCE
and Tabitha (M.N.U.))
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 7th
Civil District in the County of Henry, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 24 day of August, 1870. J. M. Kirkwood, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Manlyville, Page No. 289a written
2 95 96 W. DAVIS, 59, M, W, Wagon Maker, 200, 200, VA
3 95 96 Jane DAVIS, 57, F, W, Wagon Maker, TN
4 95 96 J. N. DAVIS, 19, M, W, Wagon Maker, TN
5 95 96 F. DAVIS, 16, M, W, TN
6 95 96 A. DAVIS, 12, F, W, TN
7 95 96 S. C. DAVIS, 11, F, W, TN
8 95 96 H. NANCE, 39, M,
B, Blacksmith, 120, 100, TN
9 95 96 Crecy NANCE, 31, F, M, TN
10 95 96 Emma NANCE, 13, F, M, TN
11 95 96 Hamilton NANCE, 9, M, M, TN
12 95 96 Alfred NANCE, 6, M, M, TN
13 95 96 Goyanna? NANCE, 2, F, M, TN
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 7th
Civil District in the County of Henry, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 24 day of August, 1870. J. M. Kirkwood, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Manlyville, Page No. 290b written
17 120 121 T(abitha?)
NANCE(**), 62, F,
W, Keeps House, 2000, Tennessee
18 120 121 Augusta FOSTER, 11, F, W, At School,
Tennessee, Attends school
19 120 121 R. C. FOSTER, 8, M, W, Tennessee
(**Widow of Reuben NANCE?)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 10th
Dist. in the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated by
on the 4th day of August, 1870. F. D. Debois, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Henry Station, Page No. 342a
written 37
17 247 247 J. NANCE, 60,
M, W, -, 200, 200, NC, Can't read/write
18 247 247 T. NANCE, 59, F, W, TN
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist.
No. 12 in the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 17 day of June, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Northfork, Page No. 361b written 38
30 260 260 W. A. STEPHNY, 33, M, W, Farming, Virginia,
Can't write
31 260 260 Elizabeth STEPHNY, 28, F, W, House Keeper,
North Carolina, Can't read/write
32 260 260 Nancy STEPHNY, 13, F, W, North Carolina,
Can't write
33 260 260 Martha STEPHNY, 11, F, W, Tennessee,
Attending school
34 260 260 John STEPHNY, 9, M, W, Tennessee
35 260 260 Mary STEPHNY, 6, F, W, Tennessee
36 260 260 Willaim STEPHNY, 5, M, W, Tennessee
37 260 260 Winney STEPHNY, 6/2, F, W, Tennessee
38 260 260 R(obert)
P. NANCE(**), 22,
M, W, Miller, Tennessee
39 260 260 Lewana (Savannah America CABE) NANCE,
18, F, W, House Keeper, Tennessee
40 260 260 Robt. NANCE,
9/12, M, W, Tennessee, Sept.
(**Son? of Thomas S. NANCE and
Susan KEY?)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist.
No. 12 in the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 23 day of June, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't
MarshalPost Office: Northfork, Page No. 361b written 38
1 381 381 J(ohn) C. NANCE(**), 24, M, W,
Farmer, 500, 200, Tennessee
2 381 381 Missouri (Elizabeth
(WARD)) NANCE, 22, F, W, House Keeper,
3 381 381 Tho(ma)s NANCE,
4, M, W, Tennessee
4 381 381 Kittie (Jeanie)
NANCE, 7/12, F, W, Tennessee, Oct.
(**Son of Thomas S.
NANCE and Susan KEY)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist.
No. 12 in the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated
by me on
the 23 day of June, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Northfork, Page No. 372b written 60
17 407 407 W(illiam)
F(ranklin) NANCE (**)(Jr), 34, M, W,
Farmer, 1500, 400, Tennessee
18 407 407 Martha (J. (WAGSTER))
NANCE, 32, F, W, House Keeper, Tennessee
19 407 407 W(illia)m (Wyatt) NANCE, 12, M, W,
20 407 407 Minerva (Jane)
NANCE, 10, F, W, Tennessee
21 407 407 Aylee (Bell)
NANCE, 8, F, W, Tennessee
22 407 407 Joanna NANCE, 6, F, W, Tennessee
23 407 407 Alabama (Acker)
NANCE, 5, F, W, Tennessee
24 407 407 Minnie (Safrissie)
NANCE, 1, F, W, Tennessee
(**Son of William (Franklin?) NANCE Sr. and
Elizabeth DUNAWAY)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in Civil District No. 12 in
the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated by me
on the 23 day of June, 1870. John P. Gillaspie, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: North Fork, Page No. 373a written
4 405 405 J(ohn)
STOVALL, 36, M, W, Blacksmith, 500, North Carolina
5 405 405 Martha (A.
6 405 405 Leni (Leota (NANTS)**) STOVALL, 15,
F, W, Tennessee
7 405 405 Sumpter STOVALL, 9, M, W, Tennessee
8 405 405 Melinda STOVALL, 7, F, W, Tennessee
9 405 405 Dolly STOVALL, 6, F, W, Tennessee
10 405 405 Mary STOVALL, 4, F, W, Tennessee
11 405 405 Maude STOVALL, 3, F, W, Tennessee
12 405 405 Minnie STOVALL, 1, F, W, Tennessee
(**Suppose to be
NANTS. Father was Peter Randolph NANTS)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist.
No. 12 in the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 24 day of June, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Northfork, Page No. 373b written 62
1 418 418 J(ohn)
B(unyan) NANCE(**), 46, M, W,
Farmer, 1000, 800, North Carolina
2 418 418 Melissa B. (DeKalb
(CARR)) NANCE, 37, F, W, House Keeper,
3 418 418 W(illia)m (Carr) NANCE, 18, M, W,
4 418 418 Jany? NANCE, 16, F, W, MO?
5 418 418 Mary (Christiana)
NANCE, 13, F, W, Tennessee
6 418 418 (Leroy) Larry (Lafayette) NANCE, 10, M, W,
Tennessee, Attending School
7 418 418 John (Wright)
NANCE, 8, M, W, Tennessee
8 418 418 Lizie (Elizabeth Mae)
NANCE, 5, F, W, Tennessee
9 418 418 Minnie (D.)
NANCE, 3, F, W, Tennessee
10 418 418 Isaac (Clement Wayne*)
NANCE, 4/12, M, W, Tennessee, Feb.
(*Name suppose to be Clement
Wayne?, b. 14 Feb 1870)
(**Son of Clement NANCE and Frances BERRY)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist.
No. 12 in the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 24 day of June, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Northfork, Page No. 373b written 62
11 419 419 Fred(erick) NANCE(**), 93, M, W, NC
12 419 419 Ennois? WEEKE, 25, M, W, Laborer, TN
13 419 419 Jane WEEKE, 22, F, W, House Keeper, TN
14 419 419 Garland KEY, 60, M, W, Lawyer, 600, 1400, NC
15 419 419 Frances (LYNN) KEY,
47, F, W, House Keeper, NC
16 419 419 Criswell KEY, 18, M, W, Farm Hand, TN
17 419 419 Cornwall KEY, 15, M, W, TN
18 419 419 Wayare? KEY, 12, M, W, TN
19 419 419 Winchester? KEY, 10, M, W, TN
20 419 419 Henry KEY, 7, M, W, TN
21 419 419 Thos. KEY, 4, M, W, TN
(**Parents possibly John NANCE and
Mollie/Mary COX)
1870 District 12, Henry, Tennessee 347A
27 421 421 D(avid) M.
NICHOLS, 60, M, Farming, 1000, 500, North Carolina
28 421 421 (Melissa) Marg(are)t (NANCE**)
NICHOLS, 59, F, Housekeeper, North Carolina
(**Parents could be Campbell NANCE
and Elizabeth PALMER?)
1870 District 12, Henry, Tennessee 374A
29 422 422 John (M.)
NICHOLS, 36, M, W, North Carolina
30 422 422 Angeline (F. (NANCE)**) NICHOLS, 28, F,
W, Tennessee
31 422 422 Jane
NICHOLS, 14, F, W, Tennessee
32 422 422 J
P NICHOLS, 11, M, W, Tennessee
33 422 422 Emeline
NICHOLS, 8, F, W, Tennessee
34 422 422 Lorah
NICHOLS, 6, F, W, Tennessee
35 422 422 Mary
NICHOLS, 4, F, W, Tennessee
36 422 422 Leroy
NICHOLS, 2, M, W, Tennessee
(**Dau. of John NANCE and Phoebe
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in
the Dist. No. 13 in the County of Henry, State
of TN, enumerated by me
on the 16 day of July, 1870. J. P. Bullock,
Ass't MarshalPost Office: Cropland, Page No.
380a written 119
22 811 805 Alf(red
Marion) PASCHAL, 47, M, W, North
23 811 805 Mary (Jane
(NANCE)**) PASCHAL, 43, F, W, North
24 811 805 J S PASCHAL, 17, M, W, Tennessee
25 811 805 Seth PASCHAL, 13, M, W, Tennessee
26 811 805 Mary PASCHAL, 9, F, W, Tennessee
27 811 805 Permcay L PASCHAL, 7, F, W,
28 811 805 Keziah PASCHAL, 5, M, W, Tennessee
29 811 805 Joel PASCHAL, 2, M, W, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Clement NANCE
and Francis BERRY)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist. No. 13 in the
County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated by me
on the 16 day of July, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't
MarshalPost Office: Cropland, Page No. 380a written 119
34 821 815 W(illiam) B. NANCE(**), 48, M, W,
Farmer, 3000, 1000, North Carolina
35 821 815 Eliza (Ann
(YOW)) NANCE, 43, F, W, House Keeper,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
36 821 815 (Mary)
Eliza NANCE, 18, F, W, House Keeper, Tennessee
37 821 815 Howell
(B.) NANCE, 16, F, W, Tennessee, Can't
38 821 815 T(homas)
D. NANCE, 14, M, W, Tennessee, Can't read/write
39 821 815 Orlando (Clinton)
NANCE, 12, M, W, Tennessee, Can't read/write
40 821 815 Missouri NANCE, 10, F, W, TN, Can't
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist. No. 13 in the
County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated by me
on the 16 day of July, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Cropland, Page No. 380b written 120
1 821 815 Virginia (A.)
NANCE, 5, F, W, Tennessee
(**Son of Clement NANCE and
Frances BERRY)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist.
No. 13 in the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 16 day of July, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't
MarshalPost Office: Cropland, Page No. 380b written 120
2 822 816 J(ohn) M(arion)
NANCE(**), 21, M,
W, Farmer, -, 300, Tennessee
3 822 816 Louisa (MALONE) NANCE,
21, F, W, House Keeper, Tennessee
4 822 816 Ada (Belle)
NANCE, 1, F, W, Tennessee
(**Son of William B. NANCE and
Eliza Ann YOW)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist.
No. 13 in the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 23 day of July, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Spring? Hill, Page No. 390b written
8 966 961 John (Dill)
PASCHAL, 34, M, W, Farmer, -, -, Tennessee
9 966 961 (Malinda) Jane (NANCE or NANTES**) PASCHAL,
25, F, W, House Keeper, Tennessee
10 966 961 James PASCHAL, 9, M, W, Tennessee
11 966 961 John PASCHAL, 8, M, W, Tennessee
12 966 961 Maulina PASCHAL, 4, M, W, Tennessee
13 966 961 Adolphus PASCHAL, 2, M, W,
14 966 961 Walter PASCHAL, 3/12, M, W, Tennessee, Apr.
15 966 961 J(ames) T(heophilius) NANCE(**), 23, M, W,
(**Dau. and son of Peter Randolph
[Nantes] NANCE and Martha A. WILSON)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist.
No. 13 in the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 23 day of July, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Spring? Hill, Page No. 390b written
21 968 963 Ell** JOHNSON, 58, M, W, Laborer, North
22 968 963 Mehale JOHNSON, 57, F, W, House Keeper, North
23 968 963 Chuck JOHNSON, 8, M, W, -, TN
24 968 963 Milly
NANCE, 60, F, W, Cook, North Carolina
(Not sure who this is)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist. No. 16 in the
County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated by me
on the 4 day of July, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Paris, Page No. 417a written 87
6 577 576 W(illiam)
F. NANCE, 56, M, W, Farmer, 3000, 1500, North
7 577 576 Mary A. (HILL)
NANCE, 56, F, W, House Keeper, Tennessee
8 577 576 Charles NANCE, 18, M, W, Farm Hand, Tennessee
9 577 576 Rebecca NANCE, 25, F, W, North Carolina
10 577 576 Francis NANCE, 7, F, W, Tennessee
(**Parents unknown)
1870 District 16, Henry, Tennessee Page: 417B
21 586 585 D(avid) C SMITH,
22 586 585 (Ann) Elizabeth
23 586 585 Wm SMITH 10/12
24 586 585 Randy SMITH 11
(**Dau. of William F. NANCE and
Elizabeth HILL)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist. No. 16 in the
County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated by me
on the 7 day of July, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Paris, Page No. 422a written 97
14 637 656 W(illiam)
T(homas) NANCE(**), 28, M, W,
Farmer, 900, 200, Tennessee
15 637 656 Melvina (Emeline
(UPCHURCH)) NANCE, 20, F, W, House Keeper,
16 637 656 James (Franklin)
NANCE, 9/12, M, W, Tennessee, Sept.
(**Son of William F. NANCE and
Elizabeth HILL)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Dist.
No. 17 in the County of Henry, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 29 day of June, 1870. J. P. Bullock, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Paris, Page No. 436a written 78
31 534 524 R(ichard)
M(onroe) NANCE(**), 24, M, W,
Farmer, -, 200, Tennessee
32 534 524 (Nancy)
Caroline (FINCH) NANCE,
24, F, W, House Keeper, Tennessee
33 534 524 Henry NANCE, 2, M, W, Tennessee
(**Son of William F. NANCE and
Elizabeth HILL)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in Civil
District No. 21 in the County of Henry, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 19 day of August, 1870. John P. Gillaspie, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Paris, Page No. 459a written 10
1 1 1 A. J. BRADSHAW, 30, M, W, Farmer, 2000, 300, TN,
Can't read/write
2 1 1 Cane? BRADSHAW, 25, M, W, Farmer, -, 250, TN
3 1 1 Thomas BRADSHAW, 16, M, W, Farm Hand, TN,
Attending School
4 1 1 Minerva? NANCE, 65,
F, B, House keeper, -, 10, TN
5 1 1 Manda NANCE, 17, F,
B, Farm Hand, TN
(Not sure who this is)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in Civil
District No. 21 in the County of Henry, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 30th day of August, 1870. John P. Gillaspie,
Ass't Marshal Post Office: Paris, Page No. 465a written
34 99 103 Peyton (S.) NANCE(**), 35, M, W,
Farmer, 1000, 600, Tennessee, Can't read/write
35 99 103 Diana (WILBURN)
NANCE, 28, F, W, House Keeper, Tennessee, Can't
(**Peyton was born a KEY and took
NANCE name, 1850 listed as Peyton KEY)
1870 District 10, Humphreys, Tennessee Post Office: Mc Ewen Roll: M593_1539; Page: 95ASCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
District No. 6 in the County of Jefferson, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 30th day of June, 1870. C. C. Sharp, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Strawberry Plains, Page No. 395b
written 22
36 151 151 Peter NANCE,
27, M, W, Farm Laborer, -, 1000, TN
37 151 151 Alice A. NANCE, 25, F, W, Keeps House, TN
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
District No. 7 in the County of Jefferson, State of TN,
by me on the 5th day of July, 1870. C. C. Sharp, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: New Market, Page No. 403a written 5
22 33 33 William E. NANCE(**), 53, M, W,
Farmer, 4000, 800, Tennessee
23 33 33 Lauretta MCANALLY, 24, F, W, Keeps House,
24 33 33 Jane BRADSBORO, 30, F, W, At Home, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
25 33 33 John BRADSBORO, 27, M, W, Farm Laborer,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
(**Son of John "Jackie" NANCE and
Sarah "Sally" ORE)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
District No. 7 in the County of Jefferson, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 5th day of July, 1870. H. C. Sharp, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: New Market, Page No. 403a written 5
37 36 36 Calvin NANCE(**), 32, M, W,
Farmer, -, 1200, Tennessee
38 36 36 Amanda (TABBER)
NANCE, 30, F, W, Keeps House, Tennessee, Can't write
39 36 36 George (E.)
NANCE, 11, M, W, Farm Labor, Tennessee, Attends School
40 36 36 Mary A. NANCE, 9, F, W, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil District No. 7
in the County of Jefferson, State of TN, enumerated by
me on the 6th day of July, 1870. H. C. Sharp, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: New Market, Page No. 403b written 6
1 36 36 John P(reston)
NANCE, 6, M, W, Tennessee
2 36 36 W(illia)m NANCE, 4,
M, W, Tennessee
3 36 36 Prior NANCE, 2, M, W, Tennessee
4 36 36 Margaret NANCE, 8/12, F, W, Tennessee, Nov.
(**Son of Preston Pryor NANCE and
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
District No. 7 in the County of Jefferson, State of TN,
by me on the 6th day of July, 1870. H. C. Sharp, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: New Market, Page No. 403b written 6
5 37 37 Robert MITCHAEL, 70, M, B, Farm laborer, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
6 37 37 Washington NANCE,
40, M, B, Farm laborer, Tennessee, Can't read/write
7 37 37 Orlena NANCE, 36, F, B, Keeps House, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
8 37 37 Alexander NANCE, 21, M, B, Farm Laborer,
Tennessee, Can't write
9 37 37 Luther NANCE, 12, M, B, Farm Laborer, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
10 37 37 Polly HAWKINS, 39, F, B, At Home, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
11 37 37 Martha HAWKINS, 15, F, B, At Home, Tennessee,
Attending School
12 37 37 Orlena NANCE, 15, F, B, Domestic Servant,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
13 37 37 Frederick NANCE, 17, M, B, Farm Laborer,
Tennessee, Attending School
14 37 37 John NANCE, 9, M, B, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
District No. 7 in the County of Jefferson, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 6th day of July, 1870. H. C. Sharp, Ass't
MarshalPost Office: New Market, Page No. 403b written 6
19 39 39 John NANCE, 38,
M, B, Farm Laborer, -, 400, Tennessee, Can't write
20 39 39 Eliza NANCE, 28, F, B, Keeps House, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
21 39 39 Amanda NANCE, 15, F, M, At Home, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
22 39 39 Richard NANCE, 12, M, B, Farm laborer,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
23 39 39 Elvin NANCE, 7, M, B, Tennessee
24 39 39 Melvina NANCE, 5, F, B, Tennessee
25 39 39 W(illia)m NANCE,
2, M, B, Tennessee
1870 District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee Roll:
M593_1540; Page: 404A
50 50 William Nicely 60
Elizabeth (NANCE**) Nicely
35, TN
Mary Nicely 19
Mahlon T Nicely 18
1870 District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee Roll:
M593_1540; Page: 404B
1 50 50 Manerva C Nicely 13
Amanda Nicely 12
William Nicely 6
John Nicely 4
(**Dau. of Clement C. NANCE and
Elizabeth PHILLIPS)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
District No. 7 in the County of Jefferson, State of TN,
by me on the 6th day of July, 1870. C. C. Sharp, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: New Market, Page No. 404b written 8
38 55 55 Hamilton NANCE,
30, M, B, Farm laborer, Tennessee ,
Can't read/write
39 55 55 Sarah L. (GALAGHER)
NANCE, 25, F, B, Keeps House, Tennessee , Can't write
40 55 55 Nellie J. NANCE, 2, F, B, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil District No. 7
in the County of Jefferson, State of TN, enumerated
by me on the 6th day of July, 1870. H. C. Sharp, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: New Market, Page No. 405a written 9
1 55 55 John W. NANCE, 1, F, B, Tennessee
2 55 55 Amanda NANCE, 12, F, B, Tennessee , Can't
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
District No. 7 in the County of Jefferson, State of TN,
by me on the 6th day of July, 1870. H. C. Sharp, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: New Market, Page No. 405a written 9
30 60 60 James NANCE, 22,
B, Farm laborer, Tennessee, Can't read/write
31 60 60 Asia A. NANCE, 20, F, B, Keeps House,
Tennessee, Can't write
32 60 60 William C. NANCE, 2/12, M, B, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the Civil
District No. 7 in the County of Jefferson, State of TN,
by me on the 15 day of July, 1870. H. C. Sharp, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: New Market, Page No. 420a written 1
15 4 4 John NEAL, 47, M, Mul., Farm Laborer, -, 400,
Tennessee, Can't read/write
16 4 4 Nana NEAL, 34, F, Mul., Keeps House, Tennessee,
Can't read/write
17 4 4 Isaac NEAL, 7, M, Mul., Tennessee
18 4 4 Minnie N. NEAL, 4, F, Mul., Tennessee
19 4 4 Hannah E. NEAL, 7, M, Mul., Tennessee
20 4 4 Nelson NANCE, 19,
M, Mul., Farm Laborer, Tennessee, Can't read/write
21 4 4 Ellen NANCE, 15, F,
Mul., At Home, Tennessee, Attending School
22 4 4 Porter MOUNTCASTLE, 12, M, M, Farm Laborer, North
Carolina, Can't read/write
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 5th
Civil District in the County of Knox, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 16th day of August, 1870. Saml B. ****,
Ass't MarshalPost Office: Knoxville TN, Page No. 127a
written 5
7 31 31 Pete GILLS, 41, M, W, Farmer, 2000, 200,
8 31 31 Alsy GILLS, 30, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
9 31 31 Joseph D. GILLS, 9, M, W, Tennessee
10 31 31 James A. GILLS, 4, M, W, Tennessee
11 31 31 Hannah NANCE, 28,
F, W, Tennessee
12 31 31 George NANCE, 9,
M, W, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 14
Civil District in the County of Knox, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 8 day of July, 1870. J. W. C. Willoughby, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Knoxville, Page No. 265a written 29
21 234 220 Richard NANCE,
30, M, B, Farmer, 105, 100, Tennessee
22 234 220 Patsy NANCE, 26, F, B, Keeping House,
23 234 220 Frank NANCE, 9, M, B, Tennessee
24 234 220 Randol NANCE, 6, M, B, Tennessee
25 234 220 John NANCE, 4, M, B, Tennessee
26 234 220 Lucy NANCE, 2, F, B, Tennessee
27 234 220 Martha NANCE, 10/12, F, B, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 18
Civil District in the County of Knox, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 14th day of Sept., 1870. John Gibbs, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Roseberry, Page No. 326b written 8
13 54 54 Greenberry NANCE,
24, M, W, Farmer, 1500, 375, Tennessee
14 54 54 Lowry (Louisa Rebecca
(MADGETT)) NANCE, 21, F, W, House Keeper,
15 54 54 Cordelia (E.)
NANCE, 1, F, W, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in 5th Ward
Knoxville in the County of Knox, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 23 day of June, 1870. Samuel B. Lement, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Knoxville, Page No. 402a written 15
31 102 108 Harriet (Emeline (DAVIS))
NANCE, 49, F, W, House Keeper, -, 100,
32 102 108 C(allaway)
NANCE, 24, M, W, Carpenter, Tennessee
33 102 102 (Harriet)
Hattie NANCE, 18, F, W, Seamstress, Tennessee
34 102 102 Sam(ue)l
(H.) NANCE, 14, M, W,
Apprentice, Tennessee
35 102 102 Ma(r)g(a)r(et) NANCE, 10,
F, W, Tennessee
36 102 102 J? McMILLIN, 27, M, W, Carpenter, 5000, 100,
37 102 102 G. T. WILLIAMS, 18, M, W, Machinist,
38 102 102 Wm. PIPER, 18, M, W, Carpenter, Tennessee
39 102 102 Albert **LINS, 10, M, W, Waiter, Tennessee
40 102 102 I. MITCHEL, 40, M, W, Treasurer E. F. V. R.
R., 800, 500, Tennessee
Knoxville Ward 6, Knox, Tennessee 413B
3 38 42 Jane Nance, 40, F,
Mul., Tennessee
Ellen Nance 20
Joel Nance 16
Sheilas Wm Nance 16
Tyler M Nance 20
May Nance 1
Knoxville Ward 8, Knox, Tennessee Page 454
James NANCE, 30, M, B, SC
Alice NANCE 20
Charley NANCE 5
Margaret Taylor 22
James P Taylor 3
Richard Taylor 2
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in the 12 Civil
Dist. in the County of Lincoln, State of Tennessee,
enumerated by me
on the 15th day of July, 1870. W. B. Nicks, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Hayetteville, Page No. 340b written
31 125 132 T. B. NANCE,
26, M, W, Farmer, -, 200, AL
32 125 132 L. NANCE, 25, F, W, At Home, TN
33 125 132 J. M. NANCE, 10/12, M, W, At Home, TN
Post Office: Jackson, Madison County, TN Page No: 24
Reel no: M593-1543 Division: 15th District Page No: 315A
Enumerated on: June 3rd, 1870 by: E. E. Green
21 135 149 N(oah) NANCE(**), 48, M, W, House
Carpenter, 800, 150, TN
22 135 149 Alice (WILLIAMSON)
NANCE, 48, F, W, TN
23 135 149 A. NANCE, 14, F, W, TN,
Attending School
24 135 149 L(illie)
NANCE, 10, F, W, TN, Attending School
25 135 149 C. VINCENT, 22, F, W, TN
(**Son of John "Jackie" NANCE and
Sarah "Sally" (ORE) ORR)
1870 District 15, Marshall, Tennessee Page #200
29 200 222 Ellis NANCE,
60, M, B, Farm Laborer, TN
30 200 222 Zylpha NANCE, 55, F, Mul., Keeping House, TN
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in 11 District
in the County of Maury, State of TN, enumerated by me
on the 4 day of Aug., 1870. L. A. Harris, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Mt. Pleasant, Page No. 426a written 11
6 71 74 Joseph (Walker) NANCE(**), 47, M, W, Blk
Smih, 200, 1440, KY
7 71 74 Nancy (PUGH)
NANCE, 38, F, W, Keeping House, TN
8 71 74 Margaret NANCE, 27, F, W, At Home, TN
9 71 74 James (Henderson)
NANCE, 18, M, W, At Home, TN, Attending School
10 71 74 Julian (A.)
NANCE, 15, F, W, At Home, TN
11 71 74 Henriette NANCE, 12, F, W, At Home, TN,
Attending School
12 71 74 Jones NANCE, 9, M, W, At Home, TN, Attending
13 71 74 Joseph NANCE, 7, M, W, At Home, TN, Attending
14 71 74 (Andrew)
Newton NANCE, 5, M, W, At Home, TN
15 71 74 Mildred NANCE, 4, M, W, At Home, TN
16 71 74 Joel (Franklin)
NANCE, 1, M, W, At Home, TN
17 71 74 Thomas NANCE(*),
84, M, W, At Home, VA
(**Son of Thomas NANCE and
Elizabeth WALKER)
(*Son of William NANCE and Mary THORP)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in District 14
in the County of Maury, State of TN, enumerated by me
on the 26 day of Aug., 1870. L. A. Harris, Ass't Marshal
Post Office: Columbus, Page No. #498 written 28
4 205 205 P(eter)
NANCE, 25, M, W, Farm Laborer, IL, Can't
5 205 205 M(ary) S. (CASTEEL) NANCE, 22, F, W,
Keeps House, IN, Can't write
6 205 205 E. L. NANCE, 3, F, W, IL
7 205 205 A. (Amelia) N.
NANCE, 1, F, W, IL
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in The District 15th in the
County of Maury, State of Tennessee, enumerated
by me on the 23 day of June, 1870. N. T. Brooks, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Hampshire, Page No. #508a written
30 112 112 W. G. CATES, 35, M, W, Farmer, 17700, 3000,
31 112 112 H. CATES, 29, F, W, Keeps House, TN
32 112 112 W. CATES, 9, F, W, Student, TN
33 112 112 J. H. CATES, 5, M, W, TN
34 112 112 W. H. CATES, 22, M, W, Works on Farm, -,
1500, TN
35 112 112 B. W. CATES, 18, M, W, Student, -, 100, TN
36 112 112 C. W. RICKETS, 32, M, W, Works on Farm, TN
37 112 112 C?
NANCE, 22, F, W, Works on Farm, TN
38 112 112 N. PENINGTON, 26, F, B, D. Servant, TN
39 112 112 H. LONG, 13, M, B, D. Servant, TN
1870 District 7, McMinn, TennesseeMCNAIRY COUNTY
#268 Lucretia NANCE, 26, B
1870 District 7, McNairy, TennesseeOBION COUNTY
0213b NANCE
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in 8 Civil
District in the County of Perry, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 18 day of Aug., 1870. J. P. Trubester, Ass't
MarshalPost Office: Tenden, Page No. #480 written 15
36 98 98 James (Harden) NANCE(**), 37, M, W,
Farmer, -, 100, TN
37 98 98 Martha (MAYBERRY)
NANCE, 30, F, W, Keeps House, TN
38 98 98 James (Henry)
NANCE, 8, M, W, TN
39 98 98 Elizabeth (Dosha)
NANCE, 4, F, W, TN
40 98 98 Buck (A.) NANCE,
1, M, W, TN
(**Son of James W. NANCE and
Elizabeth E. COOPER)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in 13 District in the
County of Roane, State of Tenn., enumerated by me on the
1st day of August, 1870. P. M. Evans, Ass't Marshal Post
Office: Past Oak Springs, Page No. 469a written 20
2 143 143 Jessee (Bartholomew) NANCE(**), 26, M, W,
Farmer, -, 300, TN, Can't write, Male over 21
3 143 143 (Mary Elizabeth) Bettie (HAMBY) NANCE,
23, F, W, Keeping House, TN, Can't read/write
4 143 143 Ja(me)s (Ruben) NANCE, 3, M, W, TN
5 143 143 Thomas (William)
NANCE, 1, M, W, TN
(**Son of James NANCE and unknown
1st wife (Mary?), not Emaline HODGE, James and Emaline
marr. on 26 Jun 1849 after James' children were born)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in 13 District in the
County of Roane, State of Tenn., enumerated by me on the
1st day of August, 1870. P. M. Evans, Ass't Marshal Post
Office: Past Oak Springs, Page No. 469a written 20
6 144 144 W(illia)m (C.) NANCE, 26, M, W,
Farmer, TN, Can't read/write, Male over 21
7 144 144 (Sarah) Anna (HAMBY) NANCE, 20, F, W,
Keeping House, TN
8 144 144 Rosy NANCE, 6, F, W, TN
9 144 144 Mary NANCE, 50, F, W, Blind, TN
(**Son of James NANCE and unknown
1st wife (Mary?) not Emaline HODGE, James and
Emaline marr. on 26 Jun 1849 after James' children
were born)
1870 District 14, Rutherford, TennesseeSCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in 10th Civil
District in the County of Rutherford, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 26th day of June, 1870. Wm. B. Hill, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Murfreesboro, Page No. 380a written
26 136 136 (Jonathan)
John (Woods) NANCE(**), 33, M, W,
Merchant & Farmer, 7500, 1500, TN
27 136 136 Julia (Ann (JACKSON))
NANCE, 32, F, W, Keeping House, TN
28 136 136 Thomas (Wesley)
NANCE, 11, M, W, TN, Attending School
29 136 136 (Cassie)
Elizabeth NANCE, 9, F, W, TN, Attending School
30 136 136 (Othold) Othe (French) NANCE, 5, M, TN
31 136 136 James (Lee) NANCE,
2, M, W, TN
32 136 136 Hesekiah HILL, 64, M, W, TN
33 136 136 Washington VINCENT, 22, M, W, Farmer, TN
(**Son of Richard Leonidas "Dick"
NANCE and Elizabeth "Betsy" HILL)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in 10th Civil
District in the County of Rutherford, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 27th day of July, 1870. Wm. B. Hill, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Murfreesboro, Page No. 383b written
39 180 183 Richard NANCE(**), 60, M, W,
Farmer, 1400, 2500, NC
40 180 183 Elizabeth (HILL)
NANCE, 55, F, W, Keeping House, TN
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in 10th Civil District in the
County of Rutherford, State of TN, enumerated by me
on the 27th day of July, 1870. Wm. B. Hill, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Murfreesboro, Page No. 384a written
41 180 183 Richard NANCE, 16, M, W, At School, TN,
Attending School
42 180 183 Seriepta NANCE, 14, F, W At School, TN,
Attending School
43 180 183 Sarah SMOTHERMAN, 75, F, W, NC
(**Son of Frederick Woodson NANCE
and Rachel LEATHERS)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in 10th Civil
District in the County of Rutherford, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 27th day of July, 1870. Wm. B. Hill, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Murfreesboro, Page No. 384a written
9 184 185 James NANCE, 40,
M, B, Farm Hand, North Carolina
10 184 185 Louisa NANCE, 36, F, B, Keeping House,
11 184 185 Ann NANCE, 15, F, B, Farm hand, Tennessee
12 184 185 James NANCE, 14, M, B, Farm hand, Tennessee
13 184 185 Harriet NANCE, 12, F, B, Tennessee
14 184 185 Dewit NANCE, 10, M, B, Tennessee
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in Civil
District No. One in the County of Smith, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 29th day of June 1870. E. T. Morris, Ass't
Marshal Post Office: Carthage, Page No. 5a written 8
23 55 56 James B(lanton) NANCE(**), 31, M, W, Saloon
Keeper, -, 600, Tennessee
24 55 56 Drucilla (SAMPSON)
NANCE, 24, F, W, Keeping House, Tennessee
25 55 56 James (Henry)
NANCE, 7, M, W, Tennessee
26 55 56 Thomas (John)
NANCE, 3, M, W, Tennessee
27 55 56 Dock PAINE, 17, M, B, Cook, Tennessee, Can't
28 55 56 Alfred G. HARRIS, 56, M, W, House & Ship
Painter, England, Parents Foreign Born
(**Son of James Madison NANCE and
Elizabeth TITLOW)
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in District
No. 14 in the County of Smith, State of TN, enumerated
by me
on the 25th day of June 1870. E. T. Morris, Ass't
MarshalPost Office: Carthage, Page No. 151a written 19
3 137 188 Elizabeth (TITLOW) NANCE(**), 56, F, W,
Keeping House, -, 265, Tennessee
4 137 188 (Caroline) J(osephine) P. NANCE, 23, F, W,
5 137 188 Tandy T(rice)
NANCE, 20, M, W, Tennessee
6 137 188 John (Marshall)
NANCE, 19, M, W, Tennessee
7 137 188 Peter NANCE, 14, M, W, Tennessee
8 137 188 Felix (Pryor)
NANCE, 10, M, W, Tennessee
(**Widow of James Madison NANCE,
son of Peter NANCE and Mary Emeline PRYOR)
#413 Jane NANCE, 40, B
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in The 1st
Civil District in the County of Sumner, State of TN,
enumerated by me
on the 16th day of August 1870. P. J. O'Rourk?, Ass't
MarshalPost Office: Hartsville, Page No. 558b written 12
12 78 78 W(illia)m NANCE,
28, M, W, Farmer, TN
13 78 78 Mary NANCE, 27, F, W, Keeping House, GA
14 78 78 W(illia)m
NANCE, 5, M, W, GA
15 78 78 James NANCE, 3, M, W, TN
16 78 78 Lucillian NANCE, 1, F, W, TN
SCHEDULE 1. -- Inhabitants in The 1st
Civil District in the County of Sumner, State of TN,
enumerated by
me on the 6th day of August 1870. W. G. Lamin, Ass't
MarshalPost Office: Gallatin, Page No. 681b written 6
24 41 41 L. B. FUTE, 57, M, W, Farmer, 10000, 15000, TN
25 41 41 Martha FUTE, 30, F, W, Keeping House, TN
26 41 41 James W FUTE, 24, M, W, Farmer, TN
27 41 41 Lenard B FUTE, 13, M, W, TN
28 41 41 Edger MANE, 9, M, W, TN
29 41 41 Florance FUTE, 2, F, W, TN
30 41 41 Johnson
NANCE, 19, M, W, TN
1870 District 3, Union, Tennessee Page: 220B
21 30 30 William Nicley 56, M, W, Day Laborer, -,
350, TN
Eliza (NANCE**) Nicley
56, TN
William Nicley 16
Easter M Nicley 13
Daniel B Nicley 10
Home in 1870: District 9, Williamson, Tennessee #144
18 211 227 Wm Cunningham 28
19 211 227 Eugene Cunningham 19
20 211 227 Wm E Cunningham 1
21 211 227 Hortence
NANCE, 15, F, W, MS, Attending School
22 211 227 John NANCE, 18,
F, W, MS
23 211 227 Rose Frice 30, F, B, Domestic Servant, VA
District 1 Loudon Trustee Tax Books Vol. 1870, 1873-1878 Roll # 170
# 206 G. NANCE, Atty Lot no. 151 Cedar St. No. Acres Land 1 Value Acres Land 100
1880 District 6, Bedford, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1244;
Page: 205D; Enumeration District: 6;
23 25 26 Thomas (Henry) NANCE(**), W, M, 42, Self,
Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
24 25 26 Sallie (Sarah (COATS))
NANCE, W, F, 50, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
North Carolina, North Carolina
25 25 26 (Thomas)
Henry NANCE, W, M, 19, Son, Single, Works On Farm,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
26 25 26 James (Emmett) NANCE,
W, M, 17, Son, Single, Works On Farm, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
27 25 26 Julia NANCE, W, F, 14, Dau., Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
28 25 26 Corrie (Ellen) NANCE,
W, F, 13, Dau., Single, At Home, Tennessee, Tennessee,
29 25 26 George (William) NANCE,
W, M, 10, Son, Single, Works On Farm, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
30 25 26 (Marguerite
Eunorah) Nora NANCE, W, F, 6, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
31 25 26 Betsy COATS, Wife's Step-mother, F, W, 51,
Widow, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of Clement NANCE and
Mary H. TUNE)
1880 District 8, Bedford, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1244;
Page: 256B; Enumeration District: 8;
William T. NANCE(**), W, M, 44, Self,
Marr., Blacksmith And Farmer, Tennessee, Missouri,
Nancy J. NANCE, W, F, 51, Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Tennessee, Georgia, Georgia
(**Son of Clement NANCE and Mary
1880 District 10, Bedford, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1244;
Page: 278A; Enumeration District: 10;
James W(oodson)
NANCE, W, M, 51, Self, Marr., Farmer, North
Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina
Mary C(atherine
(SNELL)) NANCE, W, F, 48, Wife, Marr.,
Keeping House, North Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee
Alford R(ansom)
NANCE, W, M, 19, Son, Single, At School, Tennessee,
North Carolina, Tennessee
(Catherine) Kittie NANCE,
W, F, 14, Dau., Single, Tennessee, North Carolina,
Annie E(liza) NANCE, W, F,
10, Dau., Single, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
Emar L. NANCE, W, F, 3, Dau., Single, Tennessee, North
Carolina, Tennessee
(**Son of Frederick Woodson NANCE
and Rachel LEATHERS)
1880 District 20, Bedford, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1244;
Page: 331C; Enumeration District: 14;
John D. (Bradley?)
NANCE(**), W, M,
48, Self, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Virginia, North
(Matilda?) Mary C. (SNELL?) NANCE, W, F, 29, Wife,
Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Willie (William) T(homas) NANCE, W, M, 7, Son,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(Adam) Vance NANCE, W, M,
1, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of John M. NANCE and Ann
1880 District 21, Bedford, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1244;
Page: 345C; Enumeration District: 15;
Mat (Martha
E. (SUTTON)) NANCE, W, F, 47, Self,
Widow, Farming, Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky
(William) Willie (Lemuel)
NANCE, W, M, 17, Son, Single,
Works On Farm, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Effa NANCE, W, F, 15, Dau., Housekeeping, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Quals (W.) NANCE, W, F,
12, Dau., At Home, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
(Mary Ruberta Louisa Jane) Barta
NANCE, W, F, 9, Dau., At Home, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Widow of William B. NANCE, son
of John M. NANCE and Ann GAMBILL)
1880 District 21, Bedford, Tennessee
J(esse) M. H. COLEMAN, W,
M, 65, Self, Marr., Farmer, Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Salie R. (NANCE**)
COLEMAN, W, F, 55, Wife, Marr., House Keeper, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Dau., of
1880 Camden, Benton, Tennessee 470C
18 276 279 James (Rutherford)
HUDSON, W, M, 57, Marr., Tennessee, North
Carolina, North Carolina
19 276 279 Elizabeth (NANCE**) HUDSON, W, F, 44,
Wife, Marr., Tennessee, North Carolina, North Carolina
20 276 279 Belle HUDSON, W, F, 22, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
18 276 279 Lee HUDSON, W, M, 15, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Dau. of James K. NANCE and
Narcissa (M.N.U.))
1880 Camden, Benton, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1244; Page:
470C; Enumeration District: 4;
Richard (Sanford)
NANCE, W, M, 48, Self, Marr., Farmer, South
Carolina, North Carolina, South Carolina
Lizza NANCE, W, F, 46, Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Tennessee, North Carolina, North Carolina
Artie NANCE, W, F, 15, Dau., At Home, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(Belle B.) Duckie NANCE, W,
F, 12, Dau., Single, At School, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Virgil NANCE, W, M, 9, Son, Single, At School,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of James K.
NANCE and Narcissa (M.N.U.))
1880 District 6, Benton, Tennessee, Roll: 1244; Page:
476C; Enumeration District: 005
27 28 28 James (B.) NANCE(**), W, M, 35, Head, Marr.,
Farmer, TN, TN, TN
28 28 28 (Sarah) Sareann (ELMORE) NANCE, W, F, 26,
Wife, Marr., Keeping House, TN, TN, TN
29 28 28 Florence (C.)
NANCE, W, F, 9, Dau., Single, TN, TN, TN
30 28 28 Auther (Flewellen) NANCE,
W, M, 7, Son, Single, TN, TN, TN
31 28 28 Genvea (Blanche)
NANCE, W, F, 2, Dau., Single, TN, TN, TN
(**Son of Richard Sanford NANCE
and 1st wife Elendor A. HERRON)
1880 District 6, Benton, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1244;
Page: 476C; Enumeration District: 5;
Nuten (Newton
H.) NANCE(**),
W, M, 26, Self, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Looe (Elizabeth Laura (BALLARD))
NANCE, W, F, 22, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Siney NANCE, W, F, 1/12, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of Richard Sanford NANCE
and Elendor A. "Lizzie" HERRON)
1880 District 6, Benton, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1244;
Page: 478C; Enumeration District: 5;
Willam (Herron)
NANCE(**), W, M,
39, Self, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Murnevy (Minerva Ellen (ELMORE))
NANCE, W, F, 23, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(Horace) Haris (Lee) NANCE, W, M, 6, Son,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Lena (May) NANCE, W, F,
4, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of Richard
Sanford NANCE and Elendor A. "Lizzie" HERRON)
1880 District 9, Benton, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1244;
Page: 497B; Enumeration District: 6;
1 61 61 P(eter?) S(anford) NANCE(**), W, M, 55, Head,
Marr., Farmer, South Carolina, North Carolina, North
2 61 61 Mavera Jane (LINDSEY)
NANCE, W, F, 51, Wife, Marr., Housekeeper, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
3 61 61 (Debbie)
Elizabeth NANCE, W, F, 23,
Dau., Widow, Helps
Keep House, Tennessee, North Carolina,
4 61 61 John Allen NANCE, W, M, 19,
Son, Single, Labors
On Farm, Single, Tennessee, North Carolina,
5 61 61 Rob(er)t
Lee NANCE, W, M, 13, Son, Single, Labors On Farm, TN,
North Carolina, Tennessee
6 61 61 Aider Bethel NANCE, W, F, 2, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
7 61 61 William FURGERSON, M, 25, Tennessee
8 61 61 Benjamin BIRD, M, 30, Tennessee
(**Son of James K.
NANCE and Narcissa (RAINWATER?))
1800 District 9, Benton, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1244;
Page: 495A; Enumeration District: 6;
William (M.)
NANCE, W, M, 27, Head, Marr., Farmer,
Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
Sarah E(lizabeth (WHEATLEY))
NANCE, W, F, 26, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Maggie Jane NANCE, W, F, 6, Dau., Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
John William NANCE, W, M, 4, Son, Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Lee Howard NANCE, W, M, 2, Son, Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of Peter? Sanford NANCE and Manerva Jane
1880 Louisville, Blount County ,TN,
Henry (Tolbert) COX, M, W,
65, Marr., Dry Goods Merchant, Tennessee
Lucy (Ann
(NANCE)**) COX, F, W, Wife, Marr., 57, Keeping
House, Tennessee, Virginia, Virginia
Eliza COX, W, F, 30, Dau., Single, Clerk In Store,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
John COX, W, M, 27, Son, Single, Dry Goods Merchant,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Kitie COX, W, F, 19, Dau., Single, Works In House,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Henrettie COX, W, F, 17, Dau., Single, Works In House,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Lucy COX, W, F, 2, Grand Dau., Single, , Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Ransun COX, W, M, 11/12, Grandson, Single, , Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Peter
NANCE and Mary Emeline PRYOR)
1880 Lindsays, Campbell, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1246;
Page: 389B; Enumeration District: 120;
14 80 83 Alex(ander) NANCE(**), W, M, 32, Self,
Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
15 80 83 Pollie (Mary Emily
(CHAPMAN)) NANCE, W, F, 38, Wife, Marr.,
Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
16 80 83 William NANCE(*),
W, M, 19, Single, Son, Works On Farm, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
17 80 83 Julia A. NANCE, W, F, 17, Dau., Single, At
Home, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
18 80 83 Archie NANCE, W, M, 15, Son, Single, Works On
Farm, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
19 80 83 Sarah E. NANCE, W, F, 13, Dau., Single, At
Home, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
20 80 83 Well(ington)
NANCE, W, M, 11, Son, Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
21 80 83 Alice NANCE, W, F, 9, Dau., Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
22 80 83 Lucinda NANCE, W, F, 3, Dau., Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
unknown, raised by James J Marrs 1803-1886 of
Fincastle, Campbell Co., Tennesee)
(*Probably married Sarah QUEENER within a year of
this census)
1880 District 6, Cannon, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1246; Page: 587C; Enumeration District: 27;
1 166 179 Thos. J. NANCE,
W, M, 45, Self, Single, Miller, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
2 166 179 Wm. F. BREVARD, W, M, 23, Single,
Miller, Tennessee, -, -,
3 166 179 Adam FULLER, W, F, 27, Single, Miller,
Tennessee, North Carolina, North Carolina
1880 District 6, Cannon, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1246;
Page: 592A; Enumeration District: 27;
4 259 272 W(illia)m WATSON,
W, M, 22, -, -, Single, Farmer, Alabama,
South Carolina, Alabama
5 259 272 Parmela NANCE,
W, F, 69, Grand-Mother, Widow, Keeping House, Alabama,
--, --
(**Widow of William NANCE, son of
Peter NANCE and Hasley (Ursula)
1880 District 4, Carroll, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1246;
Page: 55B; Enumeration District: 11;
39 197 Wyley ROBINSON, Head, M, W, 20, Marr., Tennessee,
North Carolina, North Carolina
40 197 (Elizabeth) Liza (E. (NANCE**)) ROBINSON, F, W,
17, Wife, Marr., Tennessee, Kentucky, Tennessee
41 197 Landon ROBINSON, W, M, 8/12, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
42 197 Isabella
(LASHLEE-RUFF) NANCE(**), W, F, 50, Mother-in-law,
Widow, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
(**Dau. and widow of Reuben L.
NANCE son of Peyton Skipper NANCE and Eleanor A.
1880 District 5, Claiborne, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1247;
Page: 134A; Enumeration District: 105;
Fredrick NANCE, W, M, 46,
Self, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Bettie (HODGE) NANCE, W,
F, 24, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Liza J. NANCE, W, F, 7, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Fredrick NANCE, W, M, 4, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Manda NANCE, W, F, 2, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 9, Claiborne, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1247;
Page: 188C; Enumeration District: 108;
Plesant Murphy, W, M, 67, Self, TN
Hugh Murphy, W, M, Brother, 54 TN
Ellen Murphy, W, F, Sister, 62 TN
Sarah Powers, W, F, Boarder, 32, TN
Martha (J.)
NANCE, W, F, 21, Single, Servant, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Nancy Mitchel, W, M, 14, Servant, TN
William Fullington, W, M, 15, Servant, TN
1880 District 9, Claiborne, Tennessee, USA Roll: 1248;
Page: 199A
26 312 325 Tansy Chadwick, W, M, 23, Head, Marr., TN,
Angeline Chadwick 22
Joseph Chadwick 2
William Chadwick 3/12
Elizabeth (NANCE**)
Chadwick, W, F, 60, Mother, Widow, TN, TN, TN
(**Dau. of Josiah C. NANCE and
Serena Sibbie YOUNG)
1880 Alamo,
Crockett, Tennessee, Microfilm#:
T9-1249 District: 6th Civil District
5 Enum/Distr: 5 Enumerator: R. S. Thompson
Received 5 Aug 1880 Page 212D
20 159 175 P(arham) Booker
NANCE, W, M, 35, Self, Marr., Dry
Goods Merchant, Tennessee, Tennessee,
21 159 175 Mary L. (Elizabeth
(ROBERTSON)) NANCE, W, F, 25, Wife,
Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, NC,
22 159 175 Arther NANCE, W, M, 5, Adopted
Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
23 159 175 William N. TRIMBLE, W, M, 22,
Nephew, Single, Clerk in Store, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
24 159 175 Delia BLANKENSHIP, W, F, 18,
Boarder, Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 Crockett Mills, Crockett, Tennessee,
Microfilm#: T9-1249 District: 9th Civil District
5 Enum/Distr: 6 Enumerator: J. C. Poston
Page 227B
27 48 50 Sime NANCE,
B, M, 46, Head, Marr., Farmer, 8, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
28 48 50 Mary NANCE, B, F, 42, Wife, Marr.,
Keeping House, 10, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
29 48 50 Jno. NANCE, B, M, 19, Son, Single, Labor,
7, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
30 48 50 Marthy Ann NANCE, B, F, 10, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
31 48 50 Sid LINEER, B, M, 22, Hired Labor,
Single, 8, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
New Dyer Church, Crockett, Tennessee, Microfilm#:
T9-1249 District: 11th Civil
District Supv/Distr: 5 Enum/Distr:
8 Enumerator: Ben H.
Harmon Page 257B
23 148 165 Ralph
NANCE(**), W,
M, 24, Self, Labors on farm,
Marr., Tennessee, Tennessee,
24 148 165 Sarah E(lizabeth
(AGEE)) NANCE, W, F, 23,
Wife, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
25 148 165 Eva May NANCE, W, F,
10/12, July, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of
James Anderson NANCE and Susan
1880 Quincy,
Crockett, Tennessee, Microfilm#:
T9-1249 District: 7th Civil
District Supv/Distr: 5 Enim/Distr: 3 Enumerator:
J. R. Lambert Page 167A
34 7 7 George NANCE,
B, M, 27, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
35 7 7 Bell NANCE, B, F, 19, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, Tennessee, North Carolina, North Carolina
36 7 7 John NANCE, B, M, 3, Son, Single, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
37 7 7 George W. NANCE, B, M, 2, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
38 7 7 Samuel NANCE, B, M, 3/12, Mar., Son,
Single, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 Quincy, Crockett, Tennessee, Microfilm#: T9-1249
District: 7th Civil
District Supv/Distr: 5 Enim/Distr: 3 Enumerator: J. R.
Lambert Page 167A
39 8 8 (Albert)
Alonzo B. NANCE(**),
W, M, 45, Self, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
40 8 8 Lyda (B. (LANE))
NANCE, W, F, 16, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, North Carolina
(**Son of Martin Van Buren NANCE
and Mary A. DAVIDSON)
1880 Quincy, Crockett,
Tennessee, Microfilm#: T9-1249
District: 7th Civil
District Supv/Distr: 5 Enim/Distr: 3 Enumerator: J. R.
Lambert Page 167A
41 9 9 Martin V(an Buren) NANCE(**), W, M, 43, Self,
Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
42 9 9 Mary A. (DAVIDSON)
NANCE, W, F, 16, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
43 9 9 Ada C(ora) NANCE, W,
F, 14, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
44 9 9 John JOHNSON, B, M, 45, Laborer, Tennessee,
Mississippi, Mississippi
(Son of? William W.
NANCE {below} and Miss. POTTS)
1880 Quincy, Crockett, Tennessee, Microfilm#: T9-1249
District: 7th Civil
District Supv/Distr: 5 Enim/Distr: 3 Enumerator: J. R.
Lambert Page 168D
46 36 37 W(illia)m
W. NANCE(**), W,
M, 67, Head, Marr., Farming, Tennessee, North Carolina,
North Carolina
47 36 37 Thedocia B(ivins
W, F, 60, Wife, Marr., Housekeeping, Tennessee,
Virginia, Virginia
48 36 37 Tabitha (NANCE)
HARMON, W, F, 70, Sister, Widow, Tennessee, North
Carolina, North Carolina
49 36 37 Theodocia NANCE, W, F, 21, Grand Dau., Single,
Laborer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
50 36 37 Artus NANCE, W, M, 2, (Grand) Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Alabama
twice see Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee)
(**Son of Isaac NANCE and
1880 Quincy, Crockett, Tennessee, Hand written Page
No. 5, dated June 3, 1880 page 169A
1 37 38 Wilse NANCE, B, M,
25, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
2 37 38 Hagen NANCE, B, F, 24, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, Alabama Alabama Alabama
3 37 38 Judy J. NANCE, B, M, 11/12, June, Son,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Alabama
1880 Quincy, Crockett, Tennessee, Hand written Page
No. 5, dated June 3, 1880 page 169A
13 40 41 Allen J. NANCE,
B, M, 23, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
14 40 41 Mary
(ROBINSON) NANCE, B, F, 16, Wife, Marr.,
Houskeeping, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
15 40 41 Mattie NANCE, B, F, 3, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
16 40 41 Julia NANCE, B, F, 2, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
17 40 41 Selia NANCE, B, F, 8/12 Sep, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
18 40 41 Selia NANCE, B, F, 66, Mother, Widow,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 Quincy, Crockett, Tennessee, Hand written Page
No. 5, dated June 3, 1880 page 169A
35 44 45 Isa(a)c
N(ewton) NANCE, W,
M, 47, Head, Marr., Farming, Tennessee, Virginia, North
36 44 45 (Frances) Eliza
(HUNT) NANCE, W, F, 42,
Wife, Marr., Houskeeping, Tennessee, Virginia, Virginia
37 44 45 Nellie O(phelia)
NANCE, W, F, 14, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
38 44 45 John G(len) NANCE,
W, M, 13, Son, Single, Laborer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
39 44 45 Thomas (Jerry)
NANCE, W, M, 12, Son, Single, Laborer, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
40 44 45 Isa(a)c N(ewton) NANCE, W, M, 3, Son,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
41 44 45 Weekly ANDERSON, W, M, 28, Boarder, Laborer,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 Quincy, Crockett, Tennessee, 169B
3 47 48 Amy NANCE, B, F,
54, Self, Widow, North Carolina, North Carolina, North
4 47 48 Milley NANCE, B, F, 17, StepDau., Single,
5 47 48 Liza NANCE, B, F, 15, Stepdau.,, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
6 47 48 Mandy NANCE, B, F, 13, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
7 47 48 Lucinda NANCE, B, F, 8, Granddau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
8 47 48 Sibillie NANCE, B, F, 6, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
9 47 48 John NANCE, B, M, 3, Grandson, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
10 47 48 Ada NANCE, B, F, 5/12, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
11 47 48 Lucinda NANCE, B, F, 3/12, Granddau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
12 47 48 Adam Shaw, B, M, 70,Boarder, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Lucinda NANCE, B, F, 0, Daughter, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Quincy, Crockett, Tennessee, Page 170C
11 55 56 David G. ROOK, W, M, 29, Head, Marr., Farming,
Tennessee, North Carolina, North Carolina
12 55 56 Sallie E. ROOK, W, F, 25, Wife, Marr., Farmer,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
13 55 56 Elmer ROOK, W, M, 8/12, Sep, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
14 55 56 Cassey NANCE, B,
F, 28, Servant, Widow, Laborer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
15 55 56 Josephene RIDLEY, B, F, 38, Servant, Laborer,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
16 55 56 Caroline RIDLEY, B, F, 3, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, North Carolina, North Carolina
17 55 56 John H. NANCE, B,
M, 2, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 10,
Cumberland, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1249;
Page: 320B; Enumeration District: 23;
25 283 296 William (C.) NANCE(**), W, M, 40, Self,
Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
26 283 296 Sarah (Ann (HAMBY))
NANCE, W, F, 32, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
27 283 296 Rosa (E.)
NANCE, W, F, 14, Dau., Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
29 283 296 (Oscar)
Lenord NANCE, W, M, 9, Son, Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
30 283 296 James K. (Polk)
NANCE, W, M, 7, Son, Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
31 283 296 Charles NANCE, W,
M, 4, Son, Single, At Home, Tennessee, Tennessee,
32 283 296 Dora NANCE, W, F, 2, Dau., Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
33 283 296 Dellia NANCE, W, F, 4/12, Dau., Single, At
Home, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of James NANCE and unknown
1st wife (Mary?), not Emaline HODGE, James and Emaline
marr. on 26 Jun 1849 after James' children were born)
1880 District 5, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1251;
Page: 70C; Enumeration District: 65;
In an Insane Asylem?? (all 3 on
different pages)
49 258 291 Polly NANCE, W,
F, 68, -, Single, 12 months unemp., Insane, TN, --, --
38 258 291 Wm C. NANCE, W,
M, 31, -, Single, 12 months unemp., Insane, TN, --, --
3 258 291 John NANCE, W,
M, 24, -, Single, 12 months unemp., Insane, TN, --, --
1880 District 6, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1251;
Page: 80B; Enumeration District: 66;
39 144 144 C(onstantine)
NANCE, W, M, 43, Self, Marr., Farmer,
Tennessee, Virginia, Tennessee
40 144 144 Mary (America)
NANCE, W, F, 40, Sister, Single, Teaching S., Tennessee,
Virginia, Tennessee
41 144 144 S(usannah) E.
NANCE, W, F, 33, Sister, Single, Keeping House,
Tennessee, Virginia, Tennessee
42 144 144 B(ethenia) H.
NANCE, W, F, 32, Sister, Single, Keeping House,
Tennessee, Virginia, Tennessee
43 144 144 M(artha) H.
NANCE, W, F, 30, Sister, Single, Teaching S., Tennessee,
Virginia, Tennessee
44 144 144 S(ally) P(erkins) NANCE, W, F, 21,
Sister, Single, Keeping House, Tennessee, Virginia,
45 144 144 Virginia (Tennessee)
NANCE, W, F, 19, Sister, Single, Tennessee, Virginia,
46 144 144 Thomas WORMLY, W, M, 14, Laborer, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(Children of Josiah Crenshaw NANCE
and Bethenia Hardin SNEED)
1880 District 9, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1251;
Page: 123C; Enumeration District: 69;
9 289 289 W(illiam) L(ewis) NANCE,
W, M, 62, Self, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee,
Virginia, Tennessee
10 289 289 Martha (P.
NANCE, W, F, 66, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of William Howe NANCE
and Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1880 District 10, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1251; Page: 135B; Enumeration District: 70;
24 - 66 John NANCE, B,
M, 40, Head, Marr., Laborer, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
25 - 66 Charlotte NANCE, Mul., F, 35,
Wife, Marr., Tennessee, Virginia, Virginia
26 - 66 Ella W. NANCE, Mul., F, 21, Dau., Single,
Servant, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
27 - 66 Johney E. NANCE, Mul., F, 15, Dau., Single,
Attending School, Servant, Tennessee, Tennessee,
(Not sure who this is)
1880 District 10,
Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1251;
Page: 157B; Enumeration District: 70;
45 - 508 H. M. HAYES, W, M, 48, Self, Farmer, Tennessee
46 - 508 J. B. HAYES, W, M, 22, Son, Single, At Home,
47 - 508 A. HAYES, W, F, 17, Dau., Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
48 - 508 H. M. HAYES, W, M, 15, Son, Single, At Home,
49 - 508 G. L. D HAYES, W, M, 12, Son, Single, At Home,
50 - 508 Harriett NANCE,
W, F, 21, Servant, Single, Housekeeper, Tennessee,
Virginia, Tennessee
(Not sure who this is)
1880 District 13, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1251;
Page: 231D; Enumeration District: 73;
18 739 848 W(illiam)
H(enry) NANCE(**), W, M, 31, Self,
Marr., Ferryman, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
19 739 848 Tennie (DRAKE) NANCE,
W, F, 25, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of Clement Woodson NANCE
and Ann D. AVENT)
1880 District 23, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1251;
Page: 345B; Enumeration District: 82;
40 47 47 M(ontgomery)
Bell NANCE(**), W,
M, 35, Self, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
41 47 47 Sarah (Amanda (COX))
NANCE, W, F, 26, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
42 47 47 Nettie Ann NANCE, W, F, 3, Dau., Single
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
43 47 47 Maude (Bell) NANCE,
W, F, 2, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
44 47 47 Lucilla NANCE, W, F, 5/12, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
45 47 47 Maria EWING, B, F, Servent, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of Clement Woodson NANCE
and Ann D. AVENT)
1880 District 23, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1251;
Page: 346C; Enumeration District: 82;
3 49 49 C(lement)
W(oodson) NANCE,
W, M, 69, Self, Marr., Civil Engineer, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
4 49 49 Ann D. (AVENT)
NANCE, W, F, 50, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Alabama,
Alabama, Alabama
5 49 49 Lina EWING, B, F, 40, Servant, Div. Cook,
Tennessee, Alabama, Alabama
6 49 49 Leona EWING, B, F, 6, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of William Howe NANCE and
Elizabeth Venable MORTON)
1880 District 23, Davidson, Tennessee Roll: 1251;
Page: 351B; Enumeration District: 082
31 157 157 John T. SMITH, W, M, 43, Self, Marr.,
Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Alabama
32 157 157 Annie A(delia
(NANCE)**)SMITH, W, F, 39, Wife, Marr.,
Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Alabama
33 157 157 Teresa F. SMITH, W, F, 17, Dau., Single
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
34 157 157 Narcissa B. SMITH, W, F, 15, Dau., Single
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
35 157 157 Minnie SMITH, W, F, 12, Dau., Single
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
36 157 157 William P. SMITH, W, M, 11, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
37 157 157 John B. SMITH, W, M, 8, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
38 157 157 Henry T. SMITH, W, M, 6, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
39 157 157 Chas. O. SMITH, W, M, 3, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Dau. of
Clement Woodson NANCE and Ann D. AVENT)
Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1249; Page:
60A; Enumeration District: 37;
19 163 293 Virginia BRADFORD, W, F, 65, Widow, Keeping
Boarders, Virginia
48 163 293 E(mmett)
Clay NANCE, W, M, 28, Boarder, Single,
Traveling Salesman, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama
(**Son of Washington Pickens NANCE
and Louisa LAWLER)
1880 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1249;
Page: 123D; Enumeration District: 41; Nashville Female
13 25 175 211 Martha OBRYAN, W, F, 44, -, Single,
Principal, Tennessee, North Carolina, North Carolina
21 25 175 211 Kate NANCE,
W, F, 16, Boarder, Single, Student, Alabama, Alabama,
(Not sure who this is)
1880 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, Enumeration
District: 44; Roll: T9_1250; Page: 180C;
4 238 209 313 Joseph E. LATIMER, W, M, 39, Head, Marr.,
Conductor R. R., Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
5 238 209 313 Nannie C. (NANCE**)
LATIMER, W, F, 29, Wife, Marr., Keeps House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
6 238 209 313 Elmena LATIMER, W, F, 10, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
7 238 209 313 Joseph LATIMER, W, M, 7, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
8 238 209 313 Della LATIMER, W, F, 3, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
9 238 209 313 William T. LATIMER, W, F, 7/12,
Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
10 238 209 313 Theodosia (GOODLOE)
NANCE(*), W, F,
60, Mother-in-law, Marr., Tennessee, North Carolina,
North Carolina
11 238 209 313 Celia POINTER, W, F, 38, Servant,
(*Counted twice see Quincy,
Crockett, Tennessee family 47 36
37, wife of William Washington NANCE)
(**Dau of William Washington NANCE and Theodocia
1880 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1250;
Page: 278A; Enumeration District: 49;
3 384 83 105 J. N. BRAY, W, M, 44, Self, Marr., Alabama
4 384 83 105 Lou BRAY, W, F, 33, Wife, Marr., Tennessee
5 384 83 105 Thomas BRAY, W, M, 11, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Alabama, Tennessee
6 384 83 105 Minnie BRAY, W, F, 9, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Alabama, Tennessee
7 384 83 105 Willie BRAY, W, M, 7, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Alabama, Tennessee
8 384 83 105 Josie SMITH, W, F, 20, Neice, Single,
9 384 83 105 Lula NANCE(**), W, F, 14, Niece,
Single, In School, Attends School, Alabama, --, --
10 384 83 105 Oscar BRAY, W, M, 12, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Alabama, Tennessee
11 384 83 105 Tennie (RALSTON) NANCE, W,
F, 43, Sister(?*),
Omit, Marr., Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(Name striked out, Tennie
died Oct 1879)
(*Suppose to be sister-in-law or step sister?)
(**Dau. of Samuel Joseph NANCE and Tennesee White
"Tennie" RALSTON)
1880 Nashville, Davidson,
Tennessee, Roll: T9_1250; Page: 295C;
Enumeration District: 50;
45 145 74 75 Monroe CHEATHAM, W, M, 40, Tennessee
46 145 74 75 Edith CHEATHAM, W, F, 38, Wife, Alabama
47 145 74 75 Edith Lee CHEATHAM, W, F, 13, Dau., Alabama
48 145 74 75 Ellen NANCE(**), W, F, 21, Niece,
Single, At Home, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama
49 145 74 75 Emma BRAMFORD, *, F, 19, Servant, Alabama
50 145 74 75 Jane SUITER, W, F, 22, Servant, Tennessee
(**Not sure who this is)
1880 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1250;
Page: 348C; Enumeration District: 53;
26 527 131 142 James B(lanton) NANCE, W, M,
41, Self, Marr., Roof Painter, Tennessee, Tennessee,
27 527 131 142 Drucie (SAMPSON)
NANCE, W, F, 34, Wife, Marr., Keeps House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
28 527 131 142 James H(enry)
NANCE, W, M, 17, Son, Single, Student, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
29 527 131 142 J. Frances NANCE, W, M, 13, Son, Single,
Scholar, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
30 527 131 142 Samuel K. NANCE, W, M, 9, Son, Single,
Scholar, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
31 527 131 142 William D. NANCE, W, M, 5, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
32 527 131 142 Catherine NANCE, W, F, 2, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of James Madison NANCE and
Elizabeth TITLOW)
1880 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1250;
Page: 381D; Enumeration District: 55;
19 - 191 T(andy)
T(rice) NANCE(**), W, M, 33, Self,
Marr., Shoe Maker, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
20 - 191 P(airlee (SAMPSON))
NANCE, W, F, 26, Wife, Marr., Keeps House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Virginia
21 - 191 Olley (Lee Olive)
NANCE, W, F, 6, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
22 - 191 L(illy Enlow)
NANCE, W, F, 6/12, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
23 - 191 E(lizabeth (TITLOW)
NANCE(*), W, F, 62, Mother,
Widow, Tennessee, Maryland, Maryland
(**Son of James Madison NANCE and
Elizabeth TITLOW)
(*Widow of James Madison NANCE, son of Peter NANCE and
Mary Emeline PRYOR)
1880 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee Roll: 1250; Page:
407C; Enumeration District: 058
2 70 22 22 James H(enry Harrison)
SNODDY, W, M, 32, Self, Marr., Store Clerk, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
3 70 22 22 (Caroline Josephine) Josie
32, Wife, Marr., Keeps House, Tennessee, Tennessee,
4 70 22 22 James M. SNODDY, W, M, 5, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
5 70 22 22 Randolph SNODDY, W, M, 3, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
6 70 22 22 Flora SNODDY, W, F, 2, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Dau. of James Madison NANCE and
Elizabeth TITLOW)
1880 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1250;
Page: 453B; Enumeration District: 61;
29 160 180 Mary C. REED, W, F, 50, Widow, Keeping House,
Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina
30 160 180 Wiley REED, W, M, 17, Son, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
31 160 180 Maggie REED, W, F, 18, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
36 160 180 Florence NANCE(**), W, F, 7, Niece,
Single, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
37 160 180 Kizar HOWEL, W, F, 50, Servant, Marr., Cook,
Tennessee, Unknown, Unknown
38 160 180 Della OTENN, W, F, 12, Servant, Single,
Domestic Servant, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Dau. of William H. NANCE and
Margaret E. WHITE)
1880 District 6, Dickson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1252;
Page: 336A; Enumeration District: 35;
326 356 James H(arden)
NANCE, W, M, 45, Head, Marr., Farmer,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
6 326 356 Martha A(nn (MAYBERRY))
NANCE, W, F, 43, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
7 326 356 James H(enry)
NANCE, W, M, 17, Son, Single, Works On Farm, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
8 326 356 Dosha E(lizabeth)
NANCE, W, F, 13, Dau., Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
9 326 356 Lansom NANCE, W, M, 11, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
10 326 356 Harry S(ummerfield)
NANCE, W, M, 6, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
11 326 356 Mary (L.)
NANCE, W, F, 50, Sister, Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 11, Dickson, Tennessee 385C
S(tokley) J. ELLIOTT, W, M,
32, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Virginia, North
W, F, 31, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Cintha A. ELLIOTT, W, F, 11, Dau., Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Margret ELLIOTT, W, F, 8, Dau., Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Minnie ELLIOTT, W, F, 2, Dau., Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Parents unknown, Mary E. NANCE
marr. Stokley J. ELLIOTT on 08 Apr 1866 in Dickson
County, TN)
1880 District 8,
Dyer, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1253; Page: 41D;
Enumeration District: 12;
41 122 125 David GWALTNY, W, M, 40, Marr.,
Farmer, TN, VA, VA
(Next page)
1 122 125 Jacob NANCE,
B, M, 23, Servant, Single, Labors on farm, TN,
1880 District 6, Dyer,
Tennessee, Roll: T9_1253; Page: 118D;
Enumeration District: 15;
44 268 270 William F. SAULSBERRY, W, M, 38, Head, Marr.,
Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
45 268 270 Jane (??-NANCE)
SAULSBERRY, W, F, 30, Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Tennessee, -, -
46 268 270 Leander SAULSBERRY, W, M, 11, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
47 268 270 Dora SAULSBERRY, W, F, 12, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
48 268 270 Noah W. SAULSBERRY, W, M, 1/12, May, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
49 268 270 James NANCE, W,
M, 6, Step-Son, Single, TN, --, --
1880 South Gibson, Gibson,
Tennessee, Roll: T9_1254; Page: 205A;
Enumeration District: 2; Enumerated by Ben F. Northcott
24 25 Joseph NANCE, B, M,
40, Head, Marr., Farm Laborer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
24 25 Manerva NANCE, B, F, 43, Wife, Marr., Keeps House,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
24 25 Marthe NANCE, B, F, 9, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
24 25 Willie NANCE, B, M, 4, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
24 25 John NANCE, B, M, 1, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1880: Baileys, Gibson, Tennessee,
USA Roll: 1255; Page: 255C
32 5 5 John Barrix, W, M, 68, Head, Minister Gospel, NC
Minerva (NANCE) Barrix
50, NC
Wm. A. Barrix 22, TN
Nancy G. Barrix 19
Minerva A. Barrix 17
Charles H. B. Barrix 13
Emaline Barrix 9
Emily Coleman 48
(**Dau. of)
1880 District 15, Roll: T9_1257; Page: 296B;
Enumeration District: 113;
Ephram NANCE, B, M, 17, -,
Single, Works On Farm, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 4, Giles,
Tennessee, Roll: T9_1256; Page: 70D;
Enumeration District: ;
3 122 145 Wm. SMITH, W, M, 59, Marr., Minister of the
Gospel, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
4 122 145 Ester M. SMITH, W, F, 56, Wife, Marr.,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
5 122 145 Thomas G. NANCE,
W, M, 27, Boarder, Marr., Farming, Tennessee, Tennessee,
6 122 145 M. M. HENDRIX, W, F, 13, Boarder, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 6, Roll: T9_1256; Page: 103B;
Enumeration District: ;
49 172 183
Julia A. (ODENEAL)
NANCE, W, F, 47, Self, Widow, Keeping House,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
50 172 183 Estella (Jane)
NANCE, W, F, 17, Dau., Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
District 6, Roll: T9_1256; Page: 104C;
Enumeration District: ;
1 172 183 Malindy B(eulah)
NANCE, W, F, 15, Dau., Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
2 172 183 Tolbert F.
NANCE, W, M, 12, Son, Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
3 172 183 Robert M(illigan) NANCE, W, M, 10, Son,
Single, At Home, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
4 172 183 Hattie S(ue) NANCE, W, F, 8, Dau.,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 6, Giles, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1256;
Page: 104C; Enumeration District: ;
5 173 184
Samuel B. NANCE, W, M, 41, Self,
Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina
6 173 184 Nancy
31, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee,
7 173 184 Eugenie (C.)
NANCE, W, F, 19, Dau., Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
8 173 184 John(son) M(ilton) NANCE, W, M, 17, Son,
Single, At Home, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
9 173 184 Edna NANCE, W, F, 10, Dau., Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
10 173 184 Tranquila NANCE, W, F, 5, Dau., Single, At
Home, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 9, Giles, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1257;
Page: 195B; Enumeration District: 107; Image: 132.
M, 47, Self, Widow, Farmer,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Sam(ue)l M. NANCE, W, M,
11, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Alabama
Fred G. NANCE, W, M, 8, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Alabama
Ed. W. NANCE, W, M, 3, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Alabama
1880 District 15,
Giles, Tennessee, USA
176 William J. WILKES, W, M, 50, Head, Marr.,
W, F, 50, Wife, Marr., TN, TN, TN
1880 Pulaski, Giles,
Tennessee, Roll: T9_1256; Page: 117C;
Enumeration District: ;
John WILLIAMS, B, M, 39, Self, Marr., Tennessee
Maggie (??-NANCE)
WILLIAMS, B, F, 21, Wife, Marr., Virginia
Creecy KING, B, F, 70, Virginia
Roby R. NANCE, B, M, 1,
Step-Son, Single, Black, Male, Tennessee, Tennessee,
1880 Pulaski, Giles,
Tennessee, Roll: T9_1256; Page: 126B;
Enumeration District: ;
8 226 264 J. E. DAVIDSON, W, M, 33, Head, Saloon Keeper,
Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
9 226 264 Julia DAVIDSON, W, F, 28, Wife, Tennessee,
North Carolina, North Carolina
10 226 264 Mollie DAVIDSON, W, F, 12, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
11 226 264 Lizzie DAVIDSON, W, F, 12, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
12 226 264 Lula DAVIDSON, W, F, 5, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
13 226 264 Minnie DAVIDSON, W, F, 3, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
14 226 264 W(illiam)
G(alagher) NANCE,
W, M, 40, Boarder, Widow, Clerk In Saloon, Alabama,
North Carolina, Alabama
15 226 264 W(illia)m
NANCE, W, M, 15, Boarder, Laborer, 2 Months
unempl., Alabama, Alabama, Alabama
1880 District 1, Grainger, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1257;
Page: 392D; Enumeration District: 94;
2 91 91 James (Henry) NANCE, W, M,
25, Self, Marr., Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
3 91 91 Nancy (Leanah
(OWENS)) NANCE, W, F, 25, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
4 91 91 (Elizabeth)
Lizzie NANCE, W, F, 6, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
5 91 91 John (Henry)
NANCE, W, M, 4, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
6 91 91 Ja(me)s
(N.) NANCE, W, M, 2, Son,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
7 91 91 Hiram NANCE, W, M, 1, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 1, Grainger, Tennessee
47 170 170 Sally (NANCE?)
WATSON, W, F, 66, Head, Spintres, 6, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Someone added in Ancestry that
this is Sally NANCE. I haven't found who she is yet.)
1880 District 8, Grainger, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1257; Page: 461D; Enumeration District: 99;
40 34 36 John
NANCE, W, M, 31, Self, Marr., Farmer,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
41 34 36 Lydia (R. (STONE))
NANCE, W, F, 25, Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
42 34 36 Rob(er)t
(Samuel) NANCE, W,
M, 8, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
43 34 36 Luella NANCE, W, F, 6, Dau.,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
44 34 36 Susan B(ertrude)
NANCE, W, F, 1/12, Apr, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
45 34 36 Mary NECTEM, W, F,
25, Servant, Single,
46 34 36 Josiph DUKES, W, M, 21, -,
1880 District 8, Grainger, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1257; Page: 466B; Enumeration District: 99
44 128 136 Berry MITCHELL,
M 49
45 128 136 Artlissie A. MITCHELL,
M 49
46 128 136 Mary A. H. MITCHELL, W, F,
22, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
47 128 136 Lenard H. MITCHELL, W, M, 9,
Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
48 128 136 James C. MITCHELL,
M 28
49 128 136 Geo(rge) NANCE, B, M,
28, --, Widow, Farm Laborer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
1880 District 8, Grainger, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1257; Page: 467C; Enumeration District: 99;
1880 District 8, Grainger, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1257;
Page: 467B; Enumeration District: 99;
W, F, 46, Self, Widow, Keeping House, Tennessee,
Virginia, Tennessee
48 149 159 Samuel S. NANCE, W, M, 12, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
49 149 159 Lillie M(ae)
NANCE, W, F, 11, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
50 149 159 William T. ELMORE, W, M, 24, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
District 8, Roll: T9_1257; Page: 468A; Enumeration
District: 99;
1 149 159 Elizabeth M. ELMORE, W, F 18, Dau.,
Single, At Home, Attending School, Tennessee, Tennessee,
1880 District 8, Grainger, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1257;
Page: 468A; Enumeration District: 99;
6 151 161 Paschal NANCE,
W, M, 37, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
7 151 161 (Margaret)
F, 35, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee,
8 151 161 Cora O(livia)
NANCE, W, F, 13, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
9 151 161 Mary E(stella)
NANCE, W, F, 12, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
10 151 161 Luther W(alker)
NANCE, W, M, 9, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
11 151 161 James F(ranklin)
NANCE, W, M, 7, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
1880 District 8, Grainger, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1257;
Page: 468A; Enumeration District: 99;
12 152 162 Mary S(hields (GRAHAM))
NANCE(**), W, F,
56, Self, Widow, Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee,
13 152 162 Eliza P(riscilla)
NANCE, W, F, 24, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
14 152 162 Frank T(aylor)
NANCE, W, M, 24, Son, Single, Farmer, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
15 152 162 Lucy HUZE (HUGHES*),
W, F, 13, Granddau., Single, Attends School, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Widow of John Calvin Bird
(**Dau. of Sarah Jane NANCE and Marshall Judda HUGHES)
1880 District 8, Grainger, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1257;
Page: 468B; Enumeration District: 99;
34 164 174 John W(illiam) NANCE(**), W, M, 32, Head, Marr.,
Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
35 164 174 Mattie (CRUMLEY)
NANCE, W, F, 30, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
36 164 174 Mimmie NANCE, W, F, 4, Dau.,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
37 164 174 Ralph R(amsey)
NANCE, W, M, 2, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
38 164 174 Calvin B(ird)
NANCE, W, M, 1, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
39 164 174 Fletcher BIDDLE, W, M, 16,
Single, Tennessee
40 164 174 Margaret CLEVINGER, W, F,
21, Servant, Single, Tennessee
(**Son of John Calvin Bird NANCE
and Mary S. SHIELDS)
1880 District 9, Grainger, Tennessee
W(illiam) O(rlando) NORTON,
W, M, 32, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee
V(irginia) A(deline
Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
James M. NORTON, W, M, 8, Son, Single, Tennessee
Florence P. NORTON, W, F, 7, Dau., Single, Tennessee
Mary A. NORTON, W, F, 5, Dau., Single, Tennessee
Luisa K. NORTON, W, F, 2, Dau., Single, Tennessee
(**Dau. of
Greenville Penn NANCE and Mary E. WILLIAMSON)
1880 Chattanooga,
Hamilton, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1259;
Page: 233A; Enumeration District: 53;
Dedrick NANCE, B, M, 30,
Self Marr., Works At Rolling Mill, Tennessee, --, --
Manda NANCE, B, F, 26,Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Tennessee, --, --
Minnie NANCE, B, F, 5, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Jennie NANCE, B, F, 3, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
William NANCE, B, M, 13, Brother, Single, Blacking
Boots, Tennessee, --, --
Luther NANCE, B, M, 23, Other, Single, Work In Rolling
Mill, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1259;
Page: 196D; Enumeration District: 52;
J S Dunn Self M
30 Arkansas,
United States
Lelia Dunn Wife F
26 Mississippi,
United States
William Dunn Son M
5 Arkansas, United
Lillia Dunn Daughter
F 3
Arkansas, United States
Clara Dunn Daughter
F 2
Jane NANCE, B, F, 39,
Other, Widow, Cooking, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Mary NANCE, B, F, 18,
Other, Single, Washes And Irons, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Ellen NANCE, B, F, 13,
Other, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
District 11, Hardeman, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1260;
Page: 499B; Enumeration District: 60;
32 53 53 W. M. HIGGS?, W, M, 38
33 53 53 Kissey HIGGS?, W, F, 18, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
40 53 53 John NANCE, W, M,
41, Laborer, ---, Day Laborer, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia
1880 District 19, Hardeman, Tennessee
W(illiam) B(erry) Johnson, W, M, 54, Head,
Marr., Farmer, South Carolina, South Carolina, South
Martha (Ann
(NANCE)**) Johnson, W, F, 45, Wife, Marr.,
Keeping House, Mississippi, South Carolina, South
Laurance Johnson, W, M, 21, Son, Single, Mississippi,
Mississippi, South Carolina
Thomas Johnson, W, M, 19, Son, Single, Mississippi,
Mississippi, South Carolina
Ella Johnson, W, F, 17, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Mississippi, South Carolina
Allice Johnson, W, F, 14, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Mississippi, South Carolina
Albert Johnson, W, M, 12, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Mississippi, South Carolina
Luther Johnson, W, M, 9, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Mississippi, South Carolina
Lelen Johnson, W, M, 6, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Mississippi, South Carolina
Sallie Johnson, W, F, 3/12, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Mississippi, South Carolina
(**Dau. of Thomas
Clinton NANCE and Judith Emiline "Emily" POPE)
1880 District 2, Hardin, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1260;
Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 42;
12 27 27 John NANCE(**), W, M, 23, Head,
Single, Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
13 27 27 (Thursey) Anna
NANCE, W, F, 30, Sister, Single, Keeping House,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
14 27 27 William (Sinclair-Smith)
NANCE, W, M, 18, Brother, Single, At School, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
15 27 27 Jessie L. NANCE, W, M, 16, Brother, Single, At
School, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(Children of Hugh NANCE and
1880 District 4, Henderson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1262;
Page: 323B; Enumeration District: 56;
Melvin NANCE, B, M, 35,
Self, Marr., Farmer, Mississippi, Mississippi,
Adaline NANCE, B, F, 35, Wife, Marr.,
Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Sarah NANCE, Mul., F, 19, Dau., Widow,
Laborer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Eliza NANCE, B, F, 10, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Charley NANCE, B, M, 4, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Sallie NANCE, B, F, 2, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 3, Henry County, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1262;
Page: 61C; Enumeration District: 70;
19 201 201
James (Theophilius
NANTS) NANCE(**), W, M, 32, Self,
Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, North Carolina
201 201 Mary E(leanor (POYNER))
NANCE, W, F, 24, Wife, Marr.,
Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
201 201 Rupurt (Alton) NANCE, W, M, 6, Son,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
201 201 Walton (Edward) NANCE, M, W, 8/12,
Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
201 201 Elizabeth POYNER,
W, F, 56, Mother-in-law, Widow, Tennessee, North
Carolina, North Carolina
(**Son of Peter Randolph [Nantes]
NANCE and Martha A. WILSON)
1880 District 3, Henry
County, Tennessee,
20 220 220 John D(ill)
PASCHAL, W, M, 46, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
21 220 220 Malinda (NANTES**)
PASCHAL, W, F, 35, Wife, Marr., Tennessee, North
Carolina, North Carolina
22 220 220 J. William PASCHAL, W, M, 19, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
23 220 220 John E. PASCHAL, W, M, 18, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
24 220 220 Matiline PASCHAL, W, F, 14, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
25 220 220 Adolphus PASCHAL, W, M, 10, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
26 220 220 Walter PASCHAL, W, M, 10, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
27 220 220 Leroy PASCHAL, W, M, 9, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
28 220 220 Tilman
PASCHAL, W, M, 6, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
29 220 220 O.
Bishop PASCHAL, W, M, 4, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
30 220 220 Madel PASCHAL, W, F, 4/12, Other, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Peter Randolph NANTES
and Malinda Jane FARRIS)
1880 District 6, Henry
County, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1262; Page: 37C;
Enumeration District: 69;
129 129 P(atrick) H(enry)
NANCE(**), W, M,
45, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Virginia, Tennessee
33 129 129 (Martha)
Tennessee (DAVIS)
NANCE, W, F, 40, Wife, Marr., Housekeeper, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
34 129 129 Susan (Erin)
NANCE, W, F, 12, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
35 129 129 Reuben (O.)
NANCE, W, M, 10, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
36 129 129 Isabela L NANCE, W, F, 7, Dau.,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
of Reuben NANCE and Tabitha (M.N.U.))
1880 District 7, Henry County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1262; Page: 110A; Enumeration District: 73;
7 42 72 Martin NANCE(**), W, M, 75, Head,
Marr. Farmer, Tennessee, Virginia, Virginia
8 42 42 Elizebeth (CHISSENHALL)
NANCE, W, F, 64, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Kentucky,
Kentucky, Kentucky
9 42 42 Mollie HAYS, W, F, 15, Grand Dau., Single,
Kentucky, Kentucky, Kentucky
(**Son of William NANCE and Lucy
1880 District 7, Henry, Tennessee
Joseph L. KENNY, W, M, 45, Head, Marr., Georgia,
Georgia, Georgia
Elmira J. (NANCE**)
Kenny, W, F, 43, Wife, Marr., Tennessee, Virginia,
Rosa L. KENNY, W, F, 14, Dau., Single, Georgia, Georgia,
Arthur J. KENNY, W, F, 13, Son, Single, Georgia,
Georgia, Tennessee
Eva KENNY, W, F, 11, Dau., Single, Georgia, Georgia,
Willie A. KENNY, W, F, 10, Son, Single, Georgia,
Georgia, Tennessee
Hugh A. KENNY, W, F, 13, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Georgia, Tennessee
Bascon B. KENNY, W, F, 6, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Georgia, Tennessee
Alvin H. KENNY, W, F, 5, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Georgia, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Reuben
NANCE and Tabitha (M.N.U.))
1880 District 9, Henry County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1263; Page: 145B; Enumeration District: 75;
15 187 187 Thomas D. PERBLES, W, M, 25, Self, Marr., TN
15 187 187 Potia H. PERBLES, 17, TN
15 187 187 Angaline MATHIS,
55, KY
15 187 187 Lenard GREEN, 20,
15 187 187 Sarah D. MATHIS,
16, TN
187 187 John NANCE,
W, M, 70, -, -, Farm Laborer, TN, --, --
(Not sure who this is)
1880 District 13, Henry County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1263; Page: 181D; Enumeration District: 77;
136 150 Henly Humphreys
136 150 Mary D. Humphreys
136 150 Claudeous F. Humphreys
136 150 Ulmon W. Humphreys
136 150 James T.T. Humphreys
136 150 Sarah T. King
46 136 150 Orlando
C(linton) NANCE(**), W, M, 22, Boarder, -,
Hireling, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
136 150 Ephriam Foster
136 150 Jack Hendricks
(**Son of William B. NANCE and
Eliza Ann YOW)
1880 District 16, Henry County,
Tennessee, Roll: T9_1263; Page: 209C;
Enumeration District: 79;
18 - 9 Mary
NANCE, B, F, 28, Head, Widow, Keeping House,
19 - 9 Fanny NANCE, B, F, 8, Dau., Single, TN, TN, TN
(Not sure who these
1880 District 16, Henry County, Tennessee,
Roll: T9_1263; Page: 207C; Enumeration District: 79;
44 - 22 Richard
(Monroe) NANCE, W,
M, 33, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
45 -
22 (Nancy)
Caroline (FINCH) NANCE, W,
F, 33, Wife, Marr, Keeping House, Tennessee, North
Carolina, North Carolina
46 -
22 Henry NANCE, W, M, 12, Son,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
47 -
22 Mary E(lizabeth)
NANCE, W, F, 9, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
48 -
22 Agness T(ennessee) NANCE, W, F, 5,
Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
49 -
22 John NANCE, W, M, 2, Son,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of William F. NANCE and
Elizabeth HILL)
1880 District 16, Henry County, Tennessee,
Roll: T9_1263; Page: 208A; Enumeration District: 79;
1 - 1 William
(F.) NANCE(**), W, M, 66, Head,
Marr., Farmer, North Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina
2 - 1 Mary A. (HILL)
NANCE, W, F, 66, Wife, Marr, Keeping House, Tennessee,
North Carolina, North Carolina
3 - 2 Fanny WINSET, W, F, 16, -, Single, Homeless, North
Carolina, Tennessee, Tennessee
4 - 2 Harris NANCE, W, M, 9, Nephew, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of William? NANCE, mother
1880 District 16, Henry County, Tennessee,
Roll: T9_1263; Page: 208A; Enumeration District: 79;
5 - 2 Nervy
NANCE, B, F, 60, Head, Widow, Cook, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
6 - 2 Munday NANCE, B, F, 22, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
7 - 2 Frank NANCE, B, M, 7, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
8 - 2 Hoskell NANCE, B, M, 2, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(Not sure who these are)
1880 District 16, Henry County, Tennessee,
Roll: T9_1263; Page: 209D; Enumeration District: 79;
24 - 21 (William)
Thomas NANCE(**),
W, M, 38, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
25 - 21 Melvina (Emeline
(UPCHURCH)) NANCE, W, F, 30, Wife, Marr.,
Housekeeper, Tennessee, Kentucky, Tennessee
26 - 21 James (Franklin)
NANCE, W, M, 10, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
27 - 21 (Charles)
Charley (Taylor) NANCE,
W, M, 3, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
28 - 21 (Sarah)
Elizabeth NANCE, W, F, 4, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
29 - 21 Dudley NARED, B, M, 20, -, Single, Hireland,
Can't read/write, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of William F. NANCE and
Elizabeth HILL)
1880 District 20, Henry County,
Tennessee, Roll: T9_1263; Page: 190A;
Enumeration District: 78;
45 10 10 P(eyton) S. NANCE(**), W, M, 46, Self, Marr.,
Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
46 10 10 Dianna (WILBURN) NANCE,
W, F, 32, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
47 10 10 L(ucy)
A. NANCE, W, F, 6, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
48 10 10 M. (William)
A(ugustus) NANCE, W, M, 5,
Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
49 10 10 H. R. NANCE, W, F, 3, Dau.,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
50 10 10 A. J. SLATE, W, M, 14, Servant, Single,
Farm Hand, Can't read/write, Tennessee, Tennessee,
(**Son of John NANTES and Phoebe
(KEY) or was Peyton born a KEY and took NANCE name?
1850 listed as Peyton KEY)
1880 District 20, Henry County, Tennessee, 190A
W(illiam) A(lexander)
PFLUEGER, W, M, 34, Head, Marr., Carpenter, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Parilee (NANCE**)
PFLUEGER, W, F, 17, Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Dau of Green
NANCE and Mary A. DICK)
1880 District 21, Henry County, Tennessee, 186B
1880 District 21, Henry County, Tennessee,
Roll: T9_1263; Page: 185C; Enumeration District:
30 197 212 John W. NICKOLS, W, F, 46, Self, Widow,
Farmer, North Carolina, North Carolina, North
31 197 212 Angelina F. (NANCE**)
NICKOLS, W, F, 41, Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Tennessee, North Carolina, North Carolina
32 197 212 James P. NICKOLS, W, M, 21, Son,
Single, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
33 197 212 Phoebe E. NICKOLS, W, F, 18, Dau.,
Single, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
34 197 212 Cora L. NICKOLS, W, F, 16, Dau.,
Single, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
35 197 212 Mary M. NICKOLS, W, F, 14, Dau.,
Single, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
36 197 212 Leroy T. NICKOLS, W, M, 11, Son,
Single, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
37 197 212 Martha NICKOLS, W, F, 8, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
38 197 212 Euward P. NICKOLS, W, M, 5, Son,
Single, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
39 197 212 David S. NICKOLS, W, M, 1, Son, Single,
Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
(**Dau of John NANCE and
Phoebe (M.N.U.))
1880 District 21, Henry County,
Tennessee, Roll: T9_1263; Page: 185C;
Enumeration District: 77;
40 198 213
Thomas W(hitfield)
NANCE(**), W, M,
26, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, North Carolina,
North Carolina
41 198 213 Mary C(hristiana
(NANCE*)) NANCE, W, F, 23, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
(**Son of Thomas S. NANCE and
Susan KEY)
(*Dau. of John Bunyan "Jack" NANCE and Melissa Dekalb
1880 District 21, Henry County,
Tennessee, Roll: T9_1263; Page: 189C; Enumeration
District: 77;
5 264 283
John B(unyan) NANCE(**), M, W, 57, Self,
Marr., Farming, North Carolina, North Carolina, North
264 283 Melissa D(eKalb (CARR)) NANCE, W, F, 47,
Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Virginia,
264 283 Leroy L(afayette) NANCE, W, M, 20,
Son, Single, Farmer, Tennessee, North Carolina,
264 283 John W(right) NANCE, W, M, 18,
Son, Single, Farmer, Tennessee, North Carolina,
264 283 (Elizabeth) Lizzie
M(ae) NANCE, W, F, 14,
Dau., Single, Keeping House, Tennessee, North Carolina,
264 283 Minie D. NANCE, W, F,
12, Dau., Single, Keeping House, Tennessee, North
Carolina, Tennessee
264 283 Clemont W(ayne) NANCE, W, M, 10,
Son, Single, Works on Farm, Tennessee, North Carolina,
12 264 283 (Leona) Ella NANCE, W, F, 8,
Dau., Single, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
264 283 Dola J(ane) NANCE, W, F, 5, Dau.,
Single, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
(**Son of Clement NANCE and
Frances BERRY)
1880 District 24, Henry County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1262; Page: 119C; Enumeration District: 73;
40 41 41 Jo(s)e(ph)
W. NANCE(**), W,
M, 48, Head, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, South Carolina,
41 41 41 Susan F(isher (GREENE)) NANCE,
W, F, 35, Wife, Marr., Keeps House, Tennessee, Virginia,
42 41 41 Annie Liza (Camilla)
NANCE, W, F, 15, Dau., Single, Housework, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
43 41 41 Mary E(velyn)
NANCE, W, F, 13, Dau., Single, Housework,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
44 41 41 R(e)uben
F(isher) NANCE, W,
M, 10, Son, Single, Farm Hand, Tennessee, Tennessee,
45 41 41 Sarah V. NANCE, W, F, 8, Dau.,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of Reuben NANCE and Tabitha
1880 Paris, Henry County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1262; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 68;
50 161 169 C. B. CRUTCHFIELD, W, M, 52, Self,
Marr., Clerk In Store, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Paris, Henry, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1262; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 68;
1 161 169
Love CRUTCHFIELD, W, F, 42, Wife,
Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
161 169 Charles CRUTCHFIELD, W,
M, 20, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
161 169 Bell CRUTCHFIELD, W, F,
18, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
161 169 Johnie CRUTCHFIELD, W,
M, 13, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
161 169 James CRUTCHFIELD, W,
M, 10, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
161 169 Richard CRUTCHFIELD, W,
M, 4, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
7 161 169
Amanda (BLYTHE)
NANCE(**), W, F,
55, Boarder, Widow, No Occupation, Tennessee, Tennessee,
161 169 W(alter)
C(rockett ) NANCE, W, M,
24, Boarder, Single, Engineer On RR, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
161 169 A(rthur) M. NANCE, W, M, 21,
Boarder, Single, Engineer On RR, Tennessee, Tennessee,
161 169 Susie NANCE, W,
F, 19, Boarder, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
11 161 169 E(ldridge) P. NANCE, W, M, 17,
Boarder, Single, Engineer On RR, Tennessee, Tennessee,
12 161 169 Nellie
NANCE, W, F, 11, Boarder, Single, At School, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Widow of John William NANCE
Sr., Parents
? Benjamin BLYTHE and Cynthia NANCE ??)
1880 District 4, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 476D; Enumeration District: 175;
James NANCE, W, M, 79,
Self, Widow, Farmer, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, South
David NANCE, W, M, 44, Son, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Sarah C. NANCE, W, F, 37, Dau., Single, At Home,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Phebe NANCE, W, F, 27, Dau.-in-law, Marr., Keeping
House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 6, Jefferson, Tennessee, 6th Enumeration
District, #1 395D
Peyton NANCE, W, M, 37,
Self, Marr., Dry Goods Merchant, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Alice (MCBEE) NANCE, W, F,
33, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Mallie M. NANCE, W, F, 8, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Hugh (McBee) NANCE, W, M,
4, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
District 6, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 396A; Enumeration District: 170;
Mac Hodge Self
M 55
Tennessee, United States
Sarah Hodge Wife
F 54
Tennessee, United States
Joseph Hodge Son
M 21
Tennessee, United States
John Hodge Brother
M 30
Tennessee, United States
Eliza Hodge Sister
F 24
Tennessee, United States
Charles NANCE, B, M,
6, Grand-Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Bozier NANCE, B, M, 4, Grand-Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 404B; Enumeration District: 171; #53
Newton NANCE(**), W, M, 25, Self, Marr.,
Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Sarah M(argaret (VINEYARD))
NANCE, W, F, 22, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Albert NANCE, W, M, 4, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Rob(er)t F(rank) NANCE, W, M, 1, Son,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of Preston Pryor NANCE and
1880 District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 404B; Enumeration District: 171;
Jefferson NANCE, W, M, 22,
Self, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(Virginia) Jennie (B. (PROVENCE)) NANCE, W, F,
21, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Georgeanna NANCE, W, F, 1, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Son of Preston Pryor NANCE and
1880 District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 405C; Enumeration District: 171;
James NANCE, B, M, 30,
Head, Marr., Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Almira NANCE, B, F, 26, Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Alfred NANCE, B, M, 9, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Sam NANCE, B, M, 7, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Frank NANCE, B, M, 5, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Azee NANCE, B, F, 2, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Maselles NANCE, B, F, 2/12, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 411A; Enumeration District: 171;
Mahlon Haworth
39, TN
Sarah E. Haworth
40, TN
Wayne L. Haworth
17, TN
William O. Haworth
14, TN
Samuel E. Haworth
12, TN
Ida May Haworth
10, TN
David R. Haworth
7, TN
Annabel Haworth
50 158 158 Charley R.
Haworth 1, TN
1880 District 7, Roll: T9_1264; Page: 411B; Enumeration
District: 171;
1 158 158 Amanda NANCE(**), W, F, 30, Boarder, Single, House
Keeper, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
2 158 158 Alfred B.
Thorn 24 , OH
(**Dau. of Clement S. NANCE
and Elizabeth PHILLIPS?)
1880 District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 411A; Enumeration District: 171;
Hamilton NANCE, B, M, 45,
Marr., Farm Laborer, Tennessee, Virginia, Virginia
Sarah (GRANT)
NANCE, B, F, 35, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee,
Georgia, Georgia
Jane NANCE, B, F, 12, Dau., Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
George L. NANCE, B, M, 8, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Sam H. NANCE, B, M, 6, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
James W. NANCE, B, M, 4, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 411A; Enumeration District: 171;
M 52
40 Tennessee,
John NANCE, B, M, 16,
Boarder, Single, Farm Laborer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
1880 District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 411B; Enumeration District: 171;
Patsy NANCE, B, F, 35,
Self, Widow, Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Andy NANCE, B, M, 18, Son, Single, Farm Laborer,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
William NANCE, B, M, 13, Son, Single, Farm Laborer,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
John NANCE, B, M, 12, Son, Single, Farm Laborer,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Luther NANCE, B, M, 5, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Ross NANCE, B, M, 6/12, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee, USA
170 Elizabeth (NANCE**) Nicely
44, Widow, TN
Amanda N. Nicely 21, TN
William C. Nicely 16, TN
John A. Nicely 14, TN
(**Dau. of Clement C. NANCE and
Elizabeth PHILLIPS)
1880 District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 414C; Enumeration District: 171;
#203 Elizabeth (JONES)
HARGUS, W, F, 70, Self, Widow, Keeping House, Tennessee
Synda (HARGIS)
NANCE(**), W, F,
35, Dau., Widow, House Keeping, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Rob(er)t NANCE, Grandson,
M, W, 9, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Jane NANCE, Grand-Dau., F, W, 6, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Widow of John
NANCE son of Clement S. NANCE and Elizabeth
1880 District 8, Jefferson, Tennessee, 383D
James C MEEK, Self M
58 Tennessee,
United States
Rachel (NANCE) Meek
Wife F
47 Tennessee
Richard Meek Son M
19 Tennessee,
United States
John Meek Son M
13 Tennessee
Mallie Nance Niece
F 16 Tennessee
1880 District 8, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 391C; Enumeration District: 170;
Washington NANCE, B, M,
55, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Orlena NANCE, B, F, 36(*),
Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee,
John NANCE, B, M, 19, Son, Single, Works On R. R.,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(* 46? she is 34 in 1870 census)
1880 District 13, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 416C; Enumeration District: 171;
Houston JARNAGIN, B, M, 55, Marr., Farmer, Tennessee
Mary JARNAGIN, B, F, 45, Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Lizzie JARNAGIN, B, F, 20, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Patton JARNAGIN, B, M, 20, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
John JARNAGIN, B, M, 14, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Girta JARNAGIN, B, F, 4, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
John TROGDEN, B, M, 22, Boarder, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Emeory NANCE, B, F, 9,
Grand-Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Lilly NANCE, B, F, 6,
Grand-Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 14, Jefferson,
Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264; Page: 473A;
Enumeration District: 175;
45 87 87 Nelson
(J.) NANCE, B, M,
27, Self, Marr., Farm Laborer, Tennessee, Tennessee,
46 87 87 (Venis) Annas (MILLS) NANCE, B, F, 23, Wife,
Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
47 87 87 Wiliam M. NANCE, B, M, 3, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
48 87 87 Is(h)am NANCE, B,
M, 1, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 15, Jefferson, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1264;
Page: 363D; Enumeration District: 168;
John NANCE, B, M, 30, Self,
Marr., Works On R.R., Tennessee, --, Tennessee
Laura NANCE, Mul., F, 25, Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Walter NANCE, B, M, 9, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Mandy NANCE, B, F, 8, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Sanford NANCE, B, M, 6, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Stella NANCE, B, F, 4, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Albert NANCE, B, M, 3, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Mary NANCE, B, F, 1, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
#184 Henry NANCE,
Mary NANCE, 33
Eliza NANCE, 7
Samuel NANCE, 6
Alfred NANCE, 3
Jas D. NANCE, 1
(Listed in Nance Register?,
can't find)
District 4, Knox County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1265; Page: 249A; Enumeration District: 152;
Soliman NANCE, B, M,
30, Boarder, Single, Laborer, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
In the home of: Franklin SHARP
1880 District 12, Knox County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1266; Page: 459D; Enumeration District: 166;
Richard NANCE, B, M, 50,
Self, Marr., Laborer, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Patsey NANCE, B, F, 36, Wife, Marr.,
Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Frank NANCE, B, M, 19, Son, Single, Laborer, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Randle NANCE, B, M, 16, Son, Single, Laborer, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Martha NANCE, B, F, 10, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Mary NANCE, B, F, 9, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Alace NANCE, B, F, 7, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Richard NANCE, B, M, 5, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Fannie NANCE, B, F, 1, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 18, Knox County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1265; Page: 262D; Enumeration District: 153;
132 134 (Greenbury)
Grun B. NANCE, W, M, 34, Self, Marr.,
Farmer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
46 132 134 Louisa R(ebecca (MADGETT)) NANCE, W, F,
31, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, Tennessee, Tennessee,
47 132 134 (Cordelia)
Cora E. NANCE, W, F, 10, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
48 132 134 James E(dward) NANCE, W, M, 8, Son,
Single, At Home, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
49 132 134 Mary E(lizabeth) NANCE, W, F, 6,
Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
50 132 134 John R(obert) G.
NANCE, W, M, 9/12, Son, Single, At Home, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
District 18, Roll: T9_1265; Page: 263A;
Enumeration District: 153;
1 132 134 Sarah MAGET, Servant, B, F, 39,
Knoxville, Roll: T9_1265; Page: 85B; Enumeration
District: 143;
Alex NANCE, B, M, 29,
Boarder, --, --, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Rosa NANCE, B, M, 24, Boarder, --, --, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
In the home of: G. J. RULE
1880 Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee 100B
J(ulius) F. AURIN, W,
M, 36, Self, Marr., Cabinet
Maker, Europe, Europe, Europe
E. (NANCE**)
AURIN, W, F, 26, Wife, Marr., Tennessee, Virginia,
North Carolina
L. C. AURIN, W, F, 9, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Europe,
Ella N. AURIN, W, F, 7, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Europe, Tennessee
J. A. AURIN, W, M, 5, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Europe, Tennessee
Lillie AURIN, W, F, 1, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Europe, Tennessee
(**Dau. of
Pryor NANCE and Harriet Emeline DAVIS)
Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, 101D
38 243 283 J(oseph) S(trong) Mcdaniel (McDANNEL), W, M, 54, Self,
Marr., Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
39 243 283 Lucy A(nn (NANCE)**)
Mcdaniel, W, F, 31, Wife, Marr., Tennessee, Virginia,
North Carolina
40 243 283 J N Mcdaniel, W, M, 20, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
40 243 283 John Mcdaniel, W, M, 16, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
40 243 283 Blanch Mcdaniel,
W, F, 7, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
40 243 283 Thomas (Humes) Mcdaniel, W, M, 4,
Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
40 243 283 Lucy J Mcdaniel, W, F, 13, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
40 243 283 Jackson Mcdaniel, W, M, 18, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
40 243 283 M H NANCE, W, F,
20, Sister(-in-law?),
Single, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Pryor NANCE and
Harriett DAVIS)
1880 Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1265; Page: 171B; Enumeration District: 147;
Prior NANCE, W, M, 28,
Self, Marr., Engineer, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
22, Wife, Marr., Keep House, Tennessee, Tennessee,
George NANCE, W, M, 4, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Charls NANCE, W, M, 2, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1265; Page:
177D; Enumeration District: 148;
C(allaway) B(lanton) NANCE, W, M, 34,
Self, Marr., Carpenter, Tennessee, Tennessee, North
NANCE, W, F, 30, Wife, Marr., Keep House, Alabama,
Maryland, Virginia
Mary (M.) NANCE, W, M, 6,
Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Alabama
Samuel (Davis) NANCE, W,
M, 2, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Alabama
1880 District 12, Roll: T9_1266; Page: 175B;
Enumeration District: 84;
Charles E. NANCE, 21,
<1859>, AL, Laborer, Other, Single, White, Male,
In the home of: Williamson SAVAGE
1880 District 10, Lawrence, Tennessee, USARoll:
T9_1266; Page: 294D; Enumeration District: 111;
R. NANCE, 49, <1831>, TN, Miller, Self,
Married, White, Male, NC, NC
Elizabeth (COLE) NANCE,
27, <1853>, TN, Keeping House, Wife, Married,
White, Female, TN, TN
Martha COLE, W, F, 41, Step-Mother-in-law, Widow,
Ruth W. COLE, W, F, 8, Sister-in-law,
J. Jacintri COLE, W, M, 4, Brother-in-law,
A. J. COLE, W, M, 56, Father-in-law, (name marked out listed as dead)
District 13, Roll: T9_1267; Page: 312B; Enumeration
District: 112;
H(enderson) NANCE,
27, <1853>, TN, Farmer, Self, Married, White,
Male, KY, TN
Nancy (Ellen (HICKS))
NANCE, 27, <1853>, NC, Keeping House, Wife,
Married, White, Female, NC, NC
J(ames) W(alker) NANCE, 6, <1874>,
TN, Son, Single, White, Male, TN, NC
District 9, Roll: T9_1266; Family History Film:
1255266; Enumeration District: 110;
Solomon NANCE, 43,
<1837>, VA, Farming, Self, Married, White, Male,
Segmemot (Sigorney Motte (DUPRE)
NANCE, 39, <1841>, TN, Keeping House, Wife,
Married, White, Female, TN, TN
Cornelius NANCE, 20, <1860>, TN, At Home, Son,
Single, White, Male, VA, TN
Elizebeth NANCE, 18, <1862>, TN, At Home, Dau,
Single, White, Female, VA, TN
Anna NANCE, 14, <1866>, TN, At Home, Dau, Single,
White, Female, VA, TN
Edward NANCE, 10, <1870>, TN, Son, Single, White,
Male, VA, TN
Robert NANCE, 4, <1876>, TN, Son, Single, White,
Male, VA, TN
1880 Bigby, Lewis, Tennessee, USAMARSHALL COUNTY
1880 District 10, Marshall County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1270; Page: 256B; Enumeration District: 95;
Sam NANCE, 46,
<1834>, MS, Works On Farm, Self, Married, Black,
Male, --, --
Letty NANCE, 24, <1856>, VA, Works On Farm, Wife,
Married, Black, Female, --, --
Henry NANCE, 15, <1865>, MS, Works On Farm, Son,
TN, Single, Black, Male, MS, VA
Monroe NANCE, 13, <1867>, TN, Works On Farm, Son,
Single, Black, Male, MS, VA
Robert NANCE, 9, <1871>, TN, Son, Single, Black,
Male, MS, VA
Lucy NANCE, 6, <1874>, TN, Dau, Single, Black,
Female, MS, VA
Sammy NANCE, 5, <1875>, TN, Son, Single, Black,
Male, MS, VA
William NANCE, 4, <1876>, TN, Son, Single, Black,
Male, MS, VA
Susan NANCE, 3, <1877>, TN, Dau, Single, Black,
Female, MS, VA
Louisa NANCE, 1, <1879>, TN, Dau, Single, Black,
Female, MS, VA
1880 Henderson, , Marshall County, Tennessee,
Roll: T9_1270; Page: 102B; Enumeration District: 87;
Bettie NANCE, 12,
<1868>, TN, Other, Single, Black, Female, MS, TN
In the home of: John M. HART
Enumeration District: 100, Marshall County, Tennessee,
Page No: 47 Reel no: T9-1270 Division: City of Jackson
Supervisor District: 5 Sheet No: 367B
Enumerated on: June 18., 1880 by: S. H. McAlexander
36 College St 367 421 L.V. MCCLANNAHAN, W, F, 43, Widow,
Keeping House, KY, VA, SC
37 College St 367 421 Chas. E. MCCLANNAHAN, W, M, 19,
Son, Single, Deals in Meat, TN, SC, KY
38 College St 367 421 J. C. MCCLANNAHAN, W, M, 16, Son,
Single, At School, TN, SC, KY
39 College St 367 421 G. R. MCCLANNAHAN, W, M, 14, Son,
Single, At School, TN, SC, KY
40 College St 367 421 Nettie MCCLANNAHAN, W, F, 8, Dau,
Single, At School, TN, SC, KY
41 College St 367 421 J. S. CHILES, W, M, 43, Boarder,
Marr., Cotton Broker, AL, VA, SC
42 College St 367 421 Hattie CHILES, W, F, 29, Boarder,
Marr., Sews for Family, Miss, VA, VA
43 College St 367 421 Samuel CHILES, W, M, 5, Boarder,
Single, TN, AL, Miss.
44 College St 367 421 Edith CHILES, W, F, 1, Boarder,
Sngl, TN, AL, Miss.
45 College St 367 421 K. T. WATSON, W, M, 30, Boarder,
?, C. Presbyt Minister, TN, TN, TN, Marrital Status Not
46 College St 367 421 Jno. MCGEVNEY, W, M, 33, Boarder,
Marr., Clerk in Store, TN, Ireland, SC, # of
months unemployed has check mark
47 College St 367 421 M. Alice MCGEVNEY, W, F, 22,
Boarder, Marr., Sewing, TN, NC, TN, M215, # of months
unemployed has check mark
48 College St 367 421 Mary CONNELL, W, F, 35, Boarder,
Single, Sewing, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, # of months
unemployed has check mark
49 College St 367 421 L. NANCE,
36, <1844>, AL, Clerk In Store, Other, Married,
White, Male, AL, AL
50 College St 367 421 Mollie A.
NANCE, W, F, 32, Boarder, Marr., Keeping House,
Enumeration District: 100 Page No: 48 Reel no: T9-1270
Division: City of Jackson Supervisor District: 5 Sheet
No: 368A
Enumerated on: June 18., 1880 by: S. H. McAlexander
1 College St 367 421 Rivers NANCE,
W, M, 10, Boarder, Single, At School, AL, AL, TN
2 College St 367 421 Bettie NANCE,
W, F, 8, Single, Boarder, At School, AL, AL, TN
3 College St 367 421 Laura NANCE,
W, F, 6, Single, Boarder, At School, AL, AL, TN
4 College St 367 421 R. Jack
NANCE, W, M, 4, Boarder, Single, TN,AL, TN
5 College St 367 421 Hunt NANCE,
W, M, 2, Boarder, Single, TN,AL, TN,
6 College St 367 421 Infant NANCE,
W, M, 8/12, Boarder, Single, TN,AL, TN,
7 College St 367 421 Mary CURRIN, M, F, 50, Servant,
Widow, Nursing, Miss., Miss., Miss., C650, # of months
unemployed has check mark
8 College St 367 421 James WATKINS, M, M, 21, Servant,
Sngl, Waits in D Room, TN, TN, TN, W325
9 College St 367 421 Jane WATKINS, M, F, 35, Servant,
Widow, Nurses in Family, TN, TN, TN, W325, # of months
unemployed has check mark
10 College St 367 421 Jno. P. HENDRICKS, W, M, 25,
Boarder, Sngl, Grocery Clerk, TN, SC, VA, H536, # of
months unemployed has check mark
11 College St 367 421 Della BROWN, B, F, 15, Servant,
Sngl, Chamber Maid, ?, TN, TN, TN, B650, # of months
unemployed has check mark
1880 District 17, Marshall County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1269; Page: 503D; Enumeration District: 148;
Claiborne NANCE, 55,
<1825>, TN, Works At Sawmill, Self, Married,
Black, Male, TN, TN
Caroline NANCE, 60, <1820>, TN, Keeping House,
Wife, Married, Black, Female, TN, TN
Brown NANCE, 9, <1871>, TN, Nephew, Single, Black,
Male, TN, TN
Charley NANCE, 6, <1874>, TN, Nephew, Single,
Black, Male, TN, TN
Willie NANCE, 1, <1879>, TN, Nephew, Single,
Black, Male, TN, TN
1880 District 17, Marshall County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1269; Page: 503D; Enumeration District: 148;
Clifford NANCE, 22,
<1858>, TN, Farming, Self, Married, Black, Male,
Viola NANCE, 19, <1861>, TN, Keeping House, Wife,
Married, Black, Female, TN, TN
Clifford NANCE, B, M, 1, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 17, Marshall, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1269;
Page: 511D; Enumeration District: 148;
Ellis NANCE, 80,
<1800>, NC, Farmer, Self, Married, Black, Male,
Zylpha NANCE, 55, <1825>, TN, Keeping House, Wife,
Married, Black, Female, TN, TN
1880 District 17, Marshall, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1269;
Page: 504A; Enumeration District: 148;
James NANCE, 20,
<1860>, TN, Laborer, Self, Married, Black, Male,
Florence NANCE, 19, <1861>, TN, Keeping House,
Wife, Married, Black, Female, TN, TN
1880 District 17, Marshall, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1269;
Page: 500B; Enumeration District: 148;
81 85 James (Washington)
NANCE, 63, <1817>, TN, Farmer, Self,
Married, White, Male, VA, VA
Mary (AMIS) NANCE, 48,
<1832>, TN, Keeping House, Wife, TN, Married,
White, Female, NC, TN
Elo***se NANCE, W, F, 16, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Lewis NANCE, 17, <1863>, TN, At School, Son,
Single, White, Male, TN, TN
Lillian NANCE, W, F, 13, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Walter (Buckner) NANCE,
12, <1868>, TN, At School, Son, Single, White,
Male, TN, TN
Mabell NANCE, W, F, 13, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Ruth NANCE, W, F, 7, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Louana Amos 67
Nancy Mcclure 45
Georgia Mcclure 14
50 81 85 Mattie Mcclure 12
Jesie Mcclure 10
Carrie Mcclure 7
Warren Mayberry 22
1880 District 17, Marshall, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1269;
Page: 508B; Enumeration District: 148;
James Rodgers 65, Tennessee
Susan Rodgers 63, Tennessee
Volney Rodgers 22, Tennessee
Hallie Rodgers 17, Tennessee
James W(ashington)
NANCE, 27, <1853>, TN, Merchant, SonL,
Married, White, Male, TN, TN
Laura (RODGERS) NANCE, 26,
<1854>, TN, At Home, Dau, Married, White, Female,
District 17, Marshall, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1269;
Page: 507C; Enumeration District: 148;
Gloster NANCE, 29,
<1851>, --, Laborer-Servant, Other, Widower,
Black, Male, --, --
In the home of: Sarah FERGUSON
1880 District 12, Roll: T9_1271; Page: 363C;
Enumeration District: 168;
21 J(oseph)
W(alker) NANCE(**), W, M, 57,
<1823>, Marr., Blacksmith, KY, VA, SC
22 Nancy (PUGH) NANCE, W,
F, 48, <1832>, Marr., Keeping House, KY, --, --
23 Henrietta NANCE, 21, <1859>, TN, Dau, Single,
White, Female, KY, TN
24 Lafayette J. NANCE, 18, <1862>, TN, Laborer,
Son, Single, White, Male, KY, TN
25 J(oseph)
W. NANCE, 16, <1864>, TN, Laborer, Son, Single,
White, Male, KY, TN
26 A(ndrew)
NANCE, 15, <1865>, TN, Laborer, Son, Single,
White, Male, KY, TN
27 Mildred NANCE, 13, <1867>, TN, Dau, Single,
White, Female, KY, TN
28 I. F. NANCE, 10, <1870>, TN, Dau, Single,
White, Female, KY, TN
29 Eugenia NANCE, 8, <1872>, TN, Dau, Single,
White, Female, KY, TN
30 Walter NANCE, 6, <1874>, TN, Son, Single,
White, Male, KY, TN
31 Ada NANCE, 4, <1876>, TN, Dau, Single, White,
Female, KY, TN
(**Son of Thomas P. NANCE and
Elizabeth WALKER)
1880 District 15, Roll: T9_1271; Page: 401D;
Enumeration District: 171;
E. A. NANCE, W, M, 30,
<1850>, Single, Wagon Maker, TN, TN, TN
In the home of: S. W. AKIN
1880 District 7, McMinn, Tennessee 326aMCNAIRY COUNTY
1880 Adamsville, Roll: T9_1268; Page: 163C;
Enumeration District: 126;
36 163 164 J. B. NEWELL, W, M, 50, Marr., Merchant, TN,
M. A. NEWELL, W, F, 43, Wife, Marr., Keepeing House, TN,
W. R. NEWELL, W, M, 9, Son, Single, TN, TN, TN
J. M. NEWELL, W, F, 5, Dau., Single, TN, TN, TN
40 163 164 Mary NANCE(**), W, F, 20(*), Boarder, Single, TN, --,
(**Dau. of Allen NANCE and Sarah
(*27 born 25 Oct 1853)
1880: District 13, Mc Nairy, Tennessee
22 375 375 A(lexander) H(enderson) Hendrix 24, Marr.,
Josephine (NANCE**) Hendrix
24, TX, AL, TN
Zilla F. Hendrix 5/12, TN, TX, TN
(**Dau. of Allen NANCE and Sarah
1880 District 3, Roll: T9_1272; Page: 452A;
Enumeration District: 82;
128 128 Layfayette (Daniel)
NANCE(**), W, M,
30, Head, Marr., Farmer, TN, VA, TN
45 128 128 Mary L. (WOODY)
NANCE, W, F, 30, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, TN, NC, NC
46 128 128 Mary J. NANCE, W, F, 8, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
47 128 128 Polley A. NANCE, W, F, 6, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
48 128 128 Narcissus NANCE, W, F, 5, Dau., Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
49 128 128 Paten L. NANCE, W, M, 4, Son, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
50 128 128 John T(ipton) NANCE,
W, M, 3, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 District 3, Roll: T9_1272; Page: 452B;
Enumeration District: 82;
1 128 128 James L(afayette)
NANCE, W, M, 1, Son, Single, TN, TN, TN
(**Son of Peyton Tyler NANCE and
Mary Ann "Polly" WOMACK)
District 3, Roll: T9_1272; Page: 452B; Enumeration
District: 82;
129 129 Thomas NANCE, 28,
<1852>, TN, Farmer, Self, Single, White, Male, VA,
Elizabeth T. NANCE, 16, <1864>, TN, Keeping House,
Sister, Single, White, Female, VA, TN
District 2, Meigs, Tennessee Roll: 1272; Page: 458B;
7 236 236 Elias G. Mc Kenzie 44
Penelope Mc Kenzie 39
Larinda C. Mc Kenzie 19
Benjamin F. Mc Kenzie, W, M, 21, Son, Marr.,
Narcissus (NANCE**) Mc
Kenzie, W, F, 19, Sister-in-law, Marr., TN, TN, TN
(**Dau. of Peyton Taylor NANCE and
Mary Ann "Polly" WOMACK)
1880: District 3, Meigs, Tennessee Roll: 1272;
Page: 458B;
15 238 238 William Woody 48
16 238 238 (Mary) Polley A(nn (WOMACK-NANCE)) Woody, W,
F, 48, Wife, Marr., TN, VA, TN
Polley A. Woody 22
Mary B. Woody 8
Mary M. Woody 7
Catharine M. Woody 3
Sarah M. Woody
1880 District 15, Montgomery County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1273; Page: 335D; Enumeration District: 139;
J. E. NANCE, 33,
<1847>, KY, Painter, Self, Married, White, Male,
Molley C. NANCE, 34, <1846>, TN, Keeps House,
Wife, Married, White, Female, TN, TN
Katey B. NANCE, 12, <1868>, TN, At School, Dau,
Single, White, Female, KY, TN
J. E. NANCE Jr., 2, <1878>, TN, Son, Single,
White, Male, KY, TN
District 15, Montgomery County, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1273; Page: 332A; Enumeration District: 139;.
W. T. NANCE, 30,
<1850>, KY, Painter, Self, Married, White, Male,
Fannie NANCE, 31, <1849>, VA, Keeps House, Wife,
Married, White, Female, VA, VA
Ada NANCE, 2, <1878>, KY, Dau, Single, White,
Female, KY, VA
District 4, Perry, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1274;
Page: 405C; Enumeration District: 148;
Rebeca Carson 46
Vame D. Daily 16
A. S. J. Carson 14
Robt Lee Carson 11
Evergreen Carson 6
T(homas) NANCE, -,
W, M, 30, Widow, Blacksmith, TN, TN, TN
1880 District 13, Roll: T9_1275; Page: 375B;
Enumeration District: 227;
4 42 42 Ruben HORNBY, W, M, 42, Head, Marr., TN, NC, NC
5 42 42 (Nancy) Eliza (Jane (NANCE**)) HORNBY, W, F,
34, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, TN, VA, TN
6 42 42 William HORNBY, W, M, 13, Son, Single, Works on
farm, TN, TN, TN
7 42 42 Mattie HORNBY, W, F, 10, Dau., Single, At
School, TN, TN, TN
8 42 42 Lennis HORNBY, W, F, 7, Dau., Single, At Home,
9 42 42 Flora HORNBY, W, F, 6, Dau., Single, At Home,
10 42 42 Danuel HORNBY, W, M, 3, Son, Single, At Home,
11 42 42 Evaline HORNBY, W, F, 9/12, Dau., Single, At
Home, TN, TN, TN
(**Son of James NANCE and Mary?
his 1st wife, not Emaline HODGE, James and Emaline
marr. on 26 Jun 1849 after James' children were born)
1880 District 13, Roll: T9_1275; Page: 375B;
Enumeration District: 227;
40 48 48 Jessee (Bartholomew) NANCE(**), W, M, 34, Head, Marr.,
Farm Hand, TN, TN, TN
41 48 48 Mary (HAMBY)
NANCE, W, F, 38, Wife, Marr., Keeping House, TN, NC, NC
42 48 48 James (Rubin)
NANCE, W, M, 12, <1868>, Son, Single, Works On
Farm, TN, TN, TN
43 48 48 (Thomas) William
NANCE, W, M, 10, <1870>, Son, Single, TN, At Home,
44 48 48 Octavia (Almenta)
NANCE, W, F, 8, <1872>, Dau, Single, TN, At Home,
45 48 48 Nora A(nne) NANCE,
W, F, 6, <1874>, Dau, Single, TN, At School, TN,
46 48 48 Noah L(ee) NANCE,
W, M, 6, <1874>, Son, Single, TN, At School, TN,
47 48 48 Martha (Jane)
NANCE, W, F, 2, <1878>, Dau, Single, TN, At Home,
(**Son of James NANCE and Mary?
his 1st wife, not Emaline HODGE, James and Emaline
marr. on 26 Jun 1849 after James' children were born)
Allen NANCE 3/30 M W S TN TN TN Jul -- Premature 13 48
Allice NANCE 3/30 F W S
TN TN TN Jul -- Born before time
(Twins? of Jessee Bartholomew
NANCE and Mary HAMBY ???)
1880 12th District V28 ED186 sheet 2 line 39
H(arvey) NANCE, W,
39, Farmer, TN, TN, TN
M(ary) E(Lizabeth WHITEHEAD) NANCE, W,
38, keeping home, GA, GA, GA
W(illiam) C. NANCE, W, 14,
at home, GA, TN, GA
J(ames) F(ranklin) NANCE, W, 13, at
home, TN, TN, GA
Drucilla NANCE, W, 11, at home, TN, TN, GA
Josie NANCE, W, 9, attends school, TN, TN, GA
Charlie NANCE, W, 7, TN, TN, GA
E(dward) D.
NANCE Son, M, W, 5, TN, TN, GA
--- NANCE, M, TN, Jun, Septecaemia (Blood poisoning)
1880 District 1, Rutherford, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1276; Page: 4D; Enumeration District: 190;
Burl NANCE, 38,
<1842>, TN, Blacksmith, Self, Married, Black,
Male, TN, VA
Sarah NANCE, 34, <1846>, TN, Keeping House, Wife,
Married, Black, Female, TN, VA
District 3, Roll: T9_1276; Page: 26C; Enumeration
District: 191;
Moses LOTT
John NANCE, 20,
<1860>, TN, Works On Farm, Other, Single, Black,
Male, TN, TN
1880 District 4, Rutherford, Tennessee 45A
44 7 7 Robert Lee 54, Marr., VA,
Mary (NANCE) Lee, W, F,
52, Wife, Marr., TN, VA, VA
Willie Lee 22
Bettie Lee 18
Price Lee 17
Thomas Lee 14
Luella Lee 9
1880 District 4, Rutherford, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1276;
Page: 46C; Enumeration District: 192;
23 6 6 John
NANCE(**), W, M,
66, <1814>, Head, Marr., Farmer, VA, VA, VA
24 6 6 Luticia (SAMPLEY)
NANCE, W, F, 36, <1844>, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, AL, TN, TN
25 6 6 Francis (Marion)
NANCE, W, M, 10, <1870>, Son, Single, Laborer, TN,
26 6 6 John (Archie)
NANCE, W, M, 5, <1875>, Son, Single, TN, TN, AL
27 6 6 Carmilla NANCE, W, F, 2, <1878>, Dau,
Single, TN, TN, AL
28 6 6 Adline SMITH, W, F, 17 <1863>, Single,
Servant, AL, TN, TN
(**Son of Isaac NANCE and Jane
District 8, Rutherford, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1276;
Page: 106D; Enumeration District: 196;
Alexander NANCE, 17,
<1863>, TN, Laborer, Grandson, Single, Black,
Male, TN, TN
District 8, Rutherford, Tennessee
Thos T. MADDOX, W, M, 44, Head, Marr.,
Amanda L. (NANCE**)
MADDOX, W, F, 40
Thomas V. MADDOX, W, M, 17
Sallie E. MADDOX, W, F, 13
Alvin S. MaddoxMADDOX, W, M, 11
Tunis E. Maddox 8
Charlie Floyd, W, M, 30
Puss Floyd 35
Louis Floyd 13
Irvin Floyd 7
of Richard "Dick" Leonidas NANCE and Elizabeth
"Betsy" HILL)
District 10, Rutherford, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1276; Page:
160C; Enumeration District: 198;
23 393 394 (Jonathan)
John Woods NANCE(**),
W, M, 44, <1836>, Head, Marr., Merchant &
Farmer, TN, NC, TN
24 393 394 Nannie (HIGHT)
NANCE, W, F, 38, <1842>, Wife, Marr., Keeping
House, TN, TN, TN
25 393 394 Thomas (Wesley) NANCE(*), W, M, 21, <1859>,
Nephew (Son), Single,
Merchant, TN, TN, TN
26 393 394 (Cassie Elizabeth)
Bettie NANCE(*), W, F, 20,
<1860>, Dau., Single, At Home, TN, TN, TN
27 393 394 (Elizabeth) Lizzie
NANCE(***), W, F, 17,
<1863>, Neice, Single, At Home, TN, TN, TN
28 393 394 Tabitha (Estelle)
NANCE(***), W, F, 16,
<1864>, Neice, Single, At Home, TN, TN, TN
29 393 394 (Cyrus)
Frederic NANCE(***), W, M,
14, <1866>, Nephew, Single, Works On Farm, TN, TN,
30 393 394 Othold F(rench)
NANCE(*), 14, <1866>,
Son, Single, Works On Farm, TN, TN, TN
31 393 394 James (Lee) NANCE(*), 11, <1869>, Son,
Single, Works On Farm, TN, TN, TN
32 393 394 (Benjamin)
Franklin NANCE(*), W, M, 9,
<1871>, Nephew (Son),
Single, TN, TN, TN
33 393 394 Drucilla NANCE(*),
W, F, 6, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
34 393 394 Mary (Frances) NANCE,
W, F, 4, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
35 393 394 Hesakiah (John)
NANCE, W, M, 2, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
36 393 394 Hesakiah HILL, W, M, 79, Uncle, Wd, Clerk,
(**Son of Richard Leonidas "Dick"
NANCE and Elizabeth "Betsy" HILL)
(*Children of Jonathan Woods NANCE and his 1st wife
Julia Ann JACKSON)
(***Children of Benjamin Franklin "Frank" NANCE
(Jonathan's brother) and Nancy "Nannie" HIGHT)
District 12, Rutherford, Tennessee, Roll: T9_1276;
Page: 145B; Enumeration District: 198;
James NANCE, 25,
<1855>, TN, Farmer, Self, Widower, Black, Male,
Quadly NANCE, B, M, 5, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Margarette NANCE, 3, <1877>, TN, Dau, Single,
Black, Female, TN, TN
1880 District 14, Rutherford, Tennessee
Alexander COMER, B, M, 37, Head, Marr., TN, VA, TN
Marier (Mariah (NANCE**))
Arminta COMER, 14, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Davey COMER, 12, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Mary COMER, B, F, 10, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Larsy COMER, 9
Jinnie COMER, 7
Frances COMER, 5
George COMER, B, M, 1, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Dau. of James NANCE and Louisa
1880 District 15, Rutherford, Tennessee
W(illiam) B. Owen
E(lizabeth) M(orton (NANCE**)) Owen, 46,
Marr., Keeping House, TN, TN, TN
J. W. Owen 15
W. S. Owen 13
(**Dau. of Josiah C. NANCE and
Bethenia H. SNEED)
1880 Cusicks Cross Roads, Roll: T9_1278; Page: 448B;
Enumeration District: 187;
Wm. NANCE, 34,
<1846>, TN, Work On Farm, Self, Married, White,
Male, --, --
Nancy NANCE, 33, <1847>, TN, Keeping House, Wife,
Married, White, Female, NC, NC
Tilda NANCE, 9, <1871>, TN, Dau, Married?, White,
Female, TN, TN
Hiram NANCE, W, M, 8, Son, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Mary E. NANCE, W, F, 6, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1880 Roll: T9_1279; Page: 82B; Enumeration District:
Susan NANCE, 55,
<1825>, KY, Servant, Other, Widowed, Black,
Female, VA, KY
In the home of: Ira M. HILL
1880 District 13, Roll: T9_1279; Page: 351D;
Enumeration District: 127;
Willis NANCE, 22,
<1858>, TN, Works In Farm, Self, Married, Black,
Male, TN, TN
Mattie NANCE, 20, <1860>, TN, Works In Farm, Wife,
Married, Black, Female, TN, TN
Ezekiel NANCE, B, M, 7, Son, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Ellen NANCE, B, F, 4, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Lucy NANCE, B, F, 3, Dau., Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Cynthia NANCE, B, F, 2, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Augustus NANCE, 2/12, <1880>, TN, Son, Single,
Black, Male, TN, TN
District 14, Roll: T9_1279; Page: 362A; Enumeration
District: 128;
Cornelia NANCE, 38,
<1842>, NC, Laundress, Self, Widowed, Black,
Female, NC, NC
District 16, Roll: T9_1279; Page: 427B; Enumeration
District: 131;
Luke NANCE, 70,
<1810>, NC, Black Smith, Self, Married, Black,
Male, NC, NC
Melinda NANCE, 45, <1835>, VA, Keeping House,
Wife, Married, Black, Female, VA, VA
Memphis, Roll: T9_1280; Page: 247C; Enumeration
District: 147;
A. M. NANCE, 26,
<1854>, TN, Engineer, Other, Single, White, Male,
In the home of: Sarah HEISTAND
Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, Roll:
T9_1280; Page: 320D; Enumeration District: 150;
30 596 638 L. W.
Glesier 32
Delia Glesier
John Hudson
Pat Ryne
Walter NANCE, M, W, 25,
Boarder, Engineer, Single, TN
1880 Big Rock, Roll: T9_1280; Page: 230C; Enumeration
District: 154;
John NANCE, 22,
<1858>, MD, Farm Laborer, Other, Single, White,
Male, KY, VA
In the home of: Thomas HUCHINSON
District 3, Sullivan, Tennessee Page 367
Samuel NANCE or VANCE, 70,
Sarah NANCE 48
Virginia NANCE 17
Mary NANCE 12
1880 Hartsville, Trousdale, TennesseeUNION COUNTY
1880 District 1, Roll: T9_1283; Page: 119D;
Enumeration District: 111;
Franklin NANCE, 56,
<1824>, TN, Laborer, Self, Married, Black, Male,
Nancy NANCE, 50, <1830>, TN, Keeping House, Wife,
Married, Black, Female, TN, TN
Sawyer Adam NANCE, 18, <1862>, TN, Laborer, Son,
Single, Black, Male, TN, TN
Henderson NANCE, 17, <1863>, TN, Laborer, Son,
Single, Black, Male, TN, TN
Wm. B. NANCE, 14, <1866>, TN, Laborer, Son,
Single, Black, Male, TN, TN
Lenville M. NANCE, 11, <1869>, TN, Laborer, Son,
Single, Black, Male, TN, TN
District 4, Roll: T9_1283; Page: 160A; Enumeration
District: 113;
16 102 103 Sallie
NANCE, W, F, 61, Head, Marr., Keeping House,
TN, --, --
District 20, Roll: T9_1287; Page: 556A; Enumeration
District: 262;
Vincen NANCE, B, M, 20,
Self, Marr., Laborer, Self, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Sallie NANCE, B, F, 24, Wife, Marr., Keeping House,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Dicey NANCE, B, F, 3, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Matilda NANCE, B, F, 3/12, Dau., Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Malinda NANCE, B, M, 44, Mother, Widow, , Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Census of the United States Special Schedule,
Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows,
Persons who served in the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps
of the United States during the war of the rebellion
(who are survivors), and widows of such persons, in
County of Campbell, State of Tennessee, enumerated
in June 1890, -----, Page No. 2, Supervisor's District
No. 1, Enumeration District No. 26; Minor Civil
Line, House No., Family No., Name, Rank, Company, Name
of Regemeny or Vessel, Date of Enlistment, Date of
Discharge, Length of Service (Year/Months/Days), Post
Office Adress, Disability Incurred, Remarks
14 125 x Alexander NANCE, Priv, F, 6 Tenn Inf, Mar 10
1862, Apr 7 1865, 3/2*/x, Jacksboro, -, -
Arch NANCE - District # D3
John NANCE Other: Carrie NANCE -W- Davidson County TN 002 Ed 72 Nashville Wm C NANCE D-99-3; Pvt C Co 9th TN Cav; 63 to 10 Jul 65; State Penitentiary POGIBSON COUNTY
Joseph NANCE G-Ed 51-001; US Sol; 3rd Civil DivisionGRAINGER COUNTY
Persons who served in the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps of the United States during the war of the rebellion (who are survivors),HAWKINS COUNTY
Brisco NANCEWilliam P. NANCE, Hw-132-1; Capt 1st TN Cav; 61 to Apr 65; Strahl PO; wounded in leg
Richard NANCE K-171-2; Pvt B Co 1st US Col Art; Knoxville POEliza NANCE, Mt-138-1; widow US Sol; Dist 7, New Providence PO
Tennessee Directories, 1890-91 Records
Dedrick NANCEMemphis
Arthur M. NANCE
1891 TN Voters List
A(lfred?) R. NANCE TN 469 Dist. 7 -male Voters-
E. NANCE 091 Dist. 8 -male Voters-
Henry NANCE 105 Dist. 6 -male Voters-
J(ohn?) B. NANCE 157 Dist. 20 -male Voters-
J. W. NANCE 001 Dist. 10-male Voters-
Jarvis NANCE 105 Dist. 6 -male Voters-
R. W. NANCE 183 Dist. 21 -male Voters-
Thomas (Henry)
NANCE 105 Dist. 6 -male Voters- (wife Sarah Barnes COATES)
W. T. NANCE 091 Dist. 8 -male Voters-
Will NANCE 313 Dist. 23 -male Voters-
J. A. NANCE 001 Dist. 9 -male Voters-
B. NANCE 053 Dist. 6 -male Voters-
(**Son of Richard Sanford NANCE
and 1st wife Elendor A. HERRON)
N(ewton?) H. NANCE 053 Dist. 12 Male Voters-
R(obert?) L. NANCE 001 Dist. 9 -male Voters-
Daniel NANCE 079 Dist. 1 -male Voters-
Thomas NANCE 027 Dist. 1 -male Voters-
Burt NANCE 1493 Dist. 7 -male Voters-
Ike NANCE 2341 Dist. 11 -male Voters-
J. G. NANCE 2341 Dist. 11 -male Voters-
John NANCE 1493 Dist. 7 -male Voters-
P. B. NANCE 1309 Dist. 6 -male Voters-
Sam NANCE 1493 Dist. 7 -male Voters-
T. J. NANCE 2341 Dist. 11 -male Voters-
Tom NANCE 1655 Dist. 8 -male Voters-
W. J. NANCE 1493 Dist. 7 -male Voters-
C. P. NANCE 053 Dist 6 -male Voters-
C. W. NANCE 157 Dist. 23 -male Voter-
Henry NANCE 157 Dist. 21 -male Voter-
J. A. NANCE 469 Dist 13 -male Voters-
J. B. NANCE 548 18 Ward -male Voters-
Robert NANCE 001 15 Ward -male Voters-
T. T. NANCE 391 Dist 9 -male Voters-
W. B. NANCE 495 Dist 10 -male Voters-
W. H. NANCE 053 Dist. 23 -male Voter-
William NANCE 1161 19 Ward -male Voters-
Neal NANCE 071 Dist. 2 -male Voters-
Joe NANCE 365 Dist. 3 -male Voters-
John NANCE 053 Dist. 5 -male Voters-
S. NANCE, 70, 183 Dist. 16 -male Voters-
T. NANCE, 22, 183 Dist. 16 -male Voters-
E(dward) L(ee) NANCE 156 Dist. 6 -male Voters-
J(ohnson) M(ilton) NANCE 182 Dist. 6 -male Voters-
L. (S?) B. NANCE 078 Dist. 6 -male Voters-
R. M. NANCE 078 Dist. 6 -male Voters-
William NANCE 261 Dist. 20 -male Voters-
Will NANCE 182 Dist. 12 -male Voters-
Bud NANCE 079 Dist. 8 -male Voters-
F. T. NANCE, 30, 079 Dist. 8 -male Voters-
J. C. NANCE, 40, 079 Dist. 8 -male Voters-
J. P. NANCE, 28, 105 Dist. 1 -male Voters-
James NANCE 105 Dist. 1 -male Voters-
Julian NANCE 027 Dist. 7 -male Voters-
Pascal NANCE 079 Dist. 8 -male Voters-
Rebin NANCE 079 Dist. 8 -male Voters-
Name: Alex NANCE (District
* North: J. SUTTON
* South: J. CHADWELL
* East: C. BOWLING
* West: J. CHAPMAN
* Land (Acres - Value): one half - $25
Name: Arch NANCE (District 2)
Chas. NANCE (District 10)
1900 Civil District 5, Anderson, Tennessee 34BBEDFORD COUNTY
1900 Civil District 5 (excl. Bell Buckle town), Bedford, Tennessee 7ABENTON COUNTY
1900 Civil District 6, Benton, Tennessee 6BCAMPBELL COUNTY
1900 Civil District 3, Campbell, Tennessee 10ACARROLL COUNTY
1900 Civil District 11, Carroll, TennesseeCHESTER COUNTY
1900 Civil District 6, Chester, Tennessee 9ACLAIBORNE COUNTY
1900 Civil District 5, Claiborne, Tennessee 22BCROCKETT
1900 Civil Districts 2, 4, Crockett, Tennessee, 20b
Sheet 8B
99 136 138 John NANCE,
Head, B, M, Jan 1881, 19, Marr., 0, Tennessee, Virginia,
Tennessee, Day Labor
100 136 138 Lizzie (POINTER) NANCE,
Wife, B, F, Sept 1879, 20, Marr., 0, 1, 1, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1900 Civil Districts 2, 4, Crockett, Tennessee, 20b
Sheet 8B
1 136 138 Rutheran POINTER, StepDau., B, F, 3,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
2 136 138 Thaddeus POINTER, Brother-in-law,
B, M, 19, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
1900 Civil District 6, Crockett, Tennessee, USA 61B
59 59 59 Wm. F. POSTON Head W M May 1849 51 M 27 . . TN
Ala TN . . . Lawyer . . . . . . . . .
60 59 59 Jennie POSTON Wife W F Nov 1852 27 M 27 1 1 TN
TN TN . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
61 59 59 Marnie (POSTON) NANCE, Dau.,
W, F, Nov 1874, 25, Marr., 3, 1, 1, TN TN TN
62 59 59 Mary L. NANCE,
Gr-dau., W, F, Sept 1898, 1, Single, TN, TN, TN
63 59 59 Frederick TAYLOR Boarder W M June 1872 23 S TN
TN TN . . . Lawyer . . . . . . . . . .
64 59 59 Mira COOK, Cook B F . 1840 60 W 3 3 3 TN TN TN
65 59 59 Elmo COOK Servant B M . 1888 12 S . . . TN TN
TN . . . Servant . . . . . . . . . .
1900 Civil District 7, Crockett, Tennessee Sheet
Number: 1
70 185 191 Paralee (AVERY-NANCE)
TATUM, Head, B, F, Apr 1863 37, Marr., 4, 5, 5,
71 185 191 Irma (NANCE*) TATUM,
Dau., B, F, May 1887 13, TN, TN, TN
72 185 191 Hosea (NANCE*)
TATUM, Son, B, M, Apr 1891, 9, Single, TN, TN, TN
73 185 191 Willie (NANCE*)
TATUM, , Son, B, M, Nov 1882 7, Single, TN, TN, TN
74 185 191 Herbert (NANCE*)
TATUM, Son, B, M, Jan 1896
4, Single, TN, TN, TN
75 185 191 Mattie TATUM, Dau., B, F, Nov 1898, 1,
Single, TN, TN, TN
(*Father was John NANCE Paralee's
1st husband)
Civil Districts 7-8, Crockett, Tennessee, 82B Sheet
99 190 196 Frank SMITH, Head, B, M, Mar 1855, 45, Marr.,
4, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
100 190 196 Nannie (NANCE?)
SMITH, Wife, B, F, Oct 1873, 27, Marr., 4, 5, 4,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Civil Districts 7-8, Crockett,
Tennessee, 83A Sheet 12A
1 190 196 Mosella SMITH, Dau., B, F, July 1890, 9,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
2 12A 190 196 Xelle SMITH, Son, B, M, Mar 1893, 7,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
3 12A 190 196 Anna SMITH, Dau., B, F, Apr 1896, 4,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
4 12A 190 196 Samuel NANCE,
Brother-in-law, B, M, Aug 1879, 20, Marr., 1, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee Laborer
5 12A 190 196 Lizzie NANCE,
Sister-in-law, B, F, Jan 1882, 18, Marr., 1, 0, 0,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Civil Districts 7-8, Crockett,
Tennessee, 84A Sheet 13A
12 209 215 Samuel NANCE, Head, B, M, ---
1838, 62, Marr., 13, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee,
13 209 215 Sallie NANCE, Wife, B, F, May 1862, 38,
Marr., 13, 5, 1, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
14 209 215 Abnie NANCE, Son, B, M, Feb 1889, 11, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Tennessee,
County: Crockett, Township or other division of
county: District No 9, 15, Name of Institute:
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village,
within the above-named: _____, Ward of City:__X___
Enumerated by me on the 13 day of June, 1900,
Constant Hardin
Scales Enumerator. Sheet No.:
12A, Supervisor's Dist. No. 9, Enumeration
District No. 7 page: 102A Microfilm#:
47 12A 210 211 Newton J. FISHER, Head, W, M, Dec 1863,
36, Marr., 10, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee, Farming
48 12A 210 211 Amanda J. FISHER, Wife, W, F, Jan 1870,
30, Marr., 10, 2, 2, Tennessee, Virginia, Tennessee
49 12A 210 211 William H. FISHER Son W M Sept 1891 8,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
50 12A 210 211 Hattie M. FISHER Dau W F Mar 1900 2/12,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Schedule No. 1 Population State: Tennessee, County:
Crockett, Township or other division of county: District
No 9, 15, Name of Institute: __X___
Name of Incorporated city, town, or village, within the
above-named: _____, Ward of City:__X___ Enumerated by me
on the 13 day of June, 1900,
Constant Hardin Scales Enumerator. Sheet No.: 12B,
Supervisor's Dist. No. 9, Enumeration District No. 7
page: 102B Microfilm#: T623-1563
102B 51 12B 210 211 Martha A. WILLIAMS, Mother-In-Law,
W, F, Sept 1824, 75, Widow, -, 6, 2, Tennessee,
Virginia, Tennessee
102B 52 12B 210 211 James H. CUNNINGHAM, Boarder, W, M,
Mar 1874, 26, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Farm laborer
102B 53 12B 210 211 Robert J. CUNNINGHAM, Boarder, W, M,
Nov 1874, 25, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Farm laborer
102B 54 12B 210 211 Will STARKS, Boarder, W, M, June
1883, 16, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee, Farm
102B 55 12B 210 211 Willam E. SMITH, Boarder, W, M, July
1878, 21, Single, Tennessee, Virginia, Tennessee, Farm
102B 56 12B 210 211 Celie NANCE,
Servant, B, F, Sept 1879, 20, Single, 1, 1, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee Servant
102B 57 12B 210 211 Dan NANCE,
Servant, B, M, May 1895, 5, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
1900 Civil District 9, Crockett, Tennessee Page
103B 7B
57 227 228 James W. NANCE,
Head, B, M, July 1853, 46, Widow, Tennessee, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Day laborer
58 227 228 Julie L. NANCE, Dau., B, F, Jan 1878, 21,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee, Day laborer
59 227 228 Callie A. NANCE, Dau., B, F, Apr 1881, 19,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee, Day laborer
1900 Civil District
10, Crockett, Tennessee, 113B Sheet 9B
74 175 177 Isaac (Newton) NANCE, Head,
W, M, Sept 1833, 66, Marr., 35, Tennessee, Unknown,
Unknown, Farmer
75 175 177 (Frances) Eliza
(HUNT) NANCE, Wife, W, F,
June 1838, 61, Marr., 35, 6, 3, Tennessee, Virginia,
76 175 177 John G(len)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Jan 1867, 33, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Farm laborer
77 175 177 Isaac N(ewton)
NANCE, Son, W, M, Aug 1877, 22, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Chicken Peddler
78 175 177 Nellie O. AGEE, Dau., W, F, Nov 1893, 6,
Single, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
???Civil District No. 11, Enumerated 21 June 1900 by
W. B. Grizzard. 138A
24 Robt BROWN 71 M W Agent Insurance TN SC SC
Nannie E. BROWN 64 F W TN NC TN
Isaac B. MOORE 49 M W Trav. Salesman TN KY TN
Hattie MOORE 46 F W TN TN TN
Ed C. MOORE 10 M W Trav. Salesman TN TN TN
Maggie L. MOORE 10 F W TN TN TN
Lunnie? MOORE 7 M W TN TN TN
Hattie MOODY 5/12 F W TN TN TN
James WOOD 49 M W Cooper TN TN TN
Mollie NANCE 32 F W
Milliner KY KY KY
1900 Civil Districts
11-12, Crockett, Tennessee, Civil Districts
11-12, Crockett, Tennessee, Census ED 9, p 141B 17B
62 317 317 Martin (Van) B(uren)
NANCE, Head, W, M, Feb 1837, 63, Marr.,
41, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee, Farmer
63 317 317 Mary A. (DAVIDSON)
NANCE, Wife, W, F, Jan 1836, 64, Marr., 41, 2, 2,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
64 317 317 Arthur NANCE, Son, W, M,
--- ----, --, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
(Son of? William W. NANCE
and Miss. POTTS)
1900 Census ED 9, Civil District 11, Crockett,
Tennessee, p 141B Sheet 17B
71 320 320 Volius SANFORD, Head, W, M, Jul 1858, 41,
Marr., 17, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
72 320 320 Cora A(da (NANCE)**)SANFORD,
Wife, F, W, 37, Sep 1865, Marr., 17, 9, 8,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
73 320 320 Clyde SANFORD,
Son, W, M, Jan 1884, 16, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
74 320 320 Pearl SANFORD,
Dau., W, F, Dec 1895, 14, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
75 320 320 Bula SANFORD
Dau., W, F, Oct 1888, 12, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
76 320 320 Talmage SANFORD,
Son, W, M, Nov 1889, 10, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
77 320 320 Mary SANFORD Dau.,
W, F, Jan 1892, 8, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
78 320 320 Gardener SANFORD,
Son, W, M, Aug 1893, 6, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
79 320 320 Ona SANFORD Dau.,
W, F, Oct 1895, 4, Single, Tennessee, Tennessee,
80 320 320 Bessie SANFORD
Dau., W, F, Oct 1899, 7/12, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
(**Dau. of Martin
1900 Census ED 9, Civil District 11, Crockett,
Tennessee, 142a Sheet 18A
16 328 328 John NANCE,
Head, B, M, Dec 1859, 40, Marr., 12, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Farm Laborer
17 328 328 Alice NANCE, Wife, B, F, Jan 1862, 38, Marr.,
12, 4, 3, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
18 328 328 John H(enry)
NANCE, Son, B, M, Oct 1888, 11, Single, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
19 328 328 Ralph NANCE Son B M Sept 1889, 10, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
20 328 328 Sam A. NANCE, Son, B, M, Oct 1893, 6, Single,
Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Civil District 5, Cumberland, Tennessee 2BDAVIDSON COUNTY
Central Hospital for the Insane, Davidson, Tennessee, 4BDYER COUNTY
1900 Bogata, Dyer, Tennessee Page 251bGIBSON COUNTY
1900 Civil District 3, Gibson, Tennessee 9AGILES COUNTY
1900 Civil District 4, Giles, Tennessee 3AGRAINGER COUNTY
1900 Civil District 1, Grainger, Tennessee 6AHAMBLEN COUNTY
1900 Civil District 1, Hamblen, Tennessee 4A
1900 Chattanooga Ward 2, Hamilton, Tennessee 12AHARDEMAN COUNTY
1900 Civil District 6, Western Hospital for Insane, Hardeman, Tennessee, Page 109b Sheet 3BHARDIN COUNTY
1900 Civil District 1, Hardin, Tennessee 5AHENRY COUNTY
1900 Civil District 1 (excl. Paris city), Henry, Tennessee, 5BJEFFERSON COUNTY
1900 Civil District 7, Jefferson, Tennessee, 2AMAURY COUNTY
1900 Civil District 8, Maury, Tennessee 16BMEIGS COUNTY
1900 Civil District 3, Meigs, Tennessee, Page 32BMONTGOMERY COUNTY
1900 Civil District 7, Montgomery, Tennessee, 6AROANE COUNTY
1900 Civil District 12, Roane, Tennessee 10BRUTHERFORD COUNTY
1900 Civil District 4, Rutherford, Tennessee 10A
1910 Civil District 12, Anderson, Tennessee 2ABEDFORD COUNTY
1910 Civil District 6, Bedford, Tennessee, 7ABENTON COUNTY
1910 Civil District 6, Benton, Tennessee 6BCAMPBELL COUNTY
1910 Civil District 2, Campbell, Tennessee Page 108b 10BCARROLL COUNTY
1910 Mckenzie, Carroll, Tennessee; Roll: T624_1491;
Page: 3B
75 63 70 Rupert A(rlington) NANTS(**), Head, M, W, 36, Marr. 1,
15, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Ruby V(irginia (PRITCHETT))
NANTS, Wife, F, W, 36, Marr. 1, 15. 6, 4, Tennessee,
Tennessee, Tennessee
Hazel V(irene) NANTS, Dau.,
F, W, 12, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
James A(lton) NANTS, Son,
M, W, 10, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Willie M(ae) NANTS, Dau.,
F, W, 8, Kentucky, Tennessee, Tennessee
Merry L(ee) NANTS, Dau., F,
W, 6, Tennessee, Tennessee, Tennessee
Marry E(leanor POYNER-NANTS*)
SPANN, Mother, F, W, 54, Widow, -, 3, 3, Tennessee,
(**Son of James Theophilius NANTS
and Mary Eleanor POYNER)
(*1st husband was James Theophilius NANTS , son of
Peter Randolph [Nantes] NANCE and Martha A. WILSON)
1910 Carroll, Dist. No. 22 Hico P.O.
300 306 Robert Lee BAKER Head M W 35 TN TN TN Farmer -
general farm
300 306 Cora BAKER Wife F W 21 TN TN OH Farm laborer -
home farm
300 306 Frank NANCE
Step-father M W 60 OH OH OH Farm laborer - home farm
300 306 Callie NANCE
Step-mother F W 45 OH OH OH Farm laborer - home farm
300 306 Charles NANCE
Brother-in-law M W 3 TN TN OH None
(Not sure this is in the correct
1910 Elizabethton Ward 2, Carter, Tennessee 77ACHESTER COUNTY
1910 Civil District 8, Chester, Tennessee 6ACLAIBORNE COUNTY
1910 Civil District 1, Claiborne, Tennessee 3BCROCKETT COUNTY
1910 Civil District 2, Crockett, Tennessee 18A1910 Civil District 10, Crockett, Tennessee
Isaac (Newton)
NANCE, Head, M, W, Sep 1833, 66, Marr, TN
Eliza NANCE 61
John G NANCE 33
Isaac N NANCE 22
Nellie O Agee, Grand-dau., F, W, Nov 1893, 6, TN
1910 Civil District 10, Crockett,
Tennessee 79B 11B
81 171 173 Isaac N NANCE
Head M W 32 S . . . TN TN TN . . . Farmer . . . . 81 .
82 171 173 Eliza F NANCE, Mother F W 70 Widow, -,
6 3 TN TN VA . . . None . . . . 82 .
Civil District 10, Crockett, Tennessee, 80B
Sheet 12B
93 194 196 John G(lenn) NANCE(**) Head M W 42 M1 4
. . TN TN TN . . . Farmer . . . . 93 .
94 194 196 Louisa (RICE)
NANCE Wife F W 30 M1 4 3 3 TN TN TN . . . None .
95 194 196 Sallie M. NANCE Dau F W 3 S . . . TN TN TN .
. . None . . |
96 194 196 Annie E(lizabeth)
NANCE Dau F W 1 S . . . TN TN TN . . . None .
97 194 196 John G. NANCE Jr. Son M W 6/12 S . . . TN TN
TN . . . None
98 194 196 John W. RICE Father-in-Law M W 88 Wd . . . TN
TN TN . . . None . . . . 98 .
(**Son of Isaac Newton "Ike" NANCE
Sr. and Frances Eliza HUNT)
Civil District 11, Crockett, Tennessee, 103A
Sheet 7A
35 79 79 John NANCE Head M
B 56 M3 2 . . TN TN TN . . . Farmer General Farm
36 79 79 Hattie NANCE Wife F B 35 M3 2 2 2 TN TN TN
37 79 79 Francis NANCE Dau., F B 3 S . . . TN TN TN
38 79 79 C. D. NANCE Son M B 3/12 S . . . TN TN TN
39 79 79 Sam NANCE Son M B 16 S . . . TN TN TN . . .
1910 Civil District 4, Cumberland, TennesseeDAVIDSON COUNTY
1910 Civil District 2, Davidson, TennesseeDICKSON COUNTY
1910 Civil District 5, Dickson, Tennessee 9BDYER COUNTY
1910 Civil District 16, Dyer, Tennessee, ED 32, District 16, 268A 11AGIBSON COUNTY
1910 Civil District 2, Gibson, Tennessee 1BGILES COUNTY
1910 Civil District 4, Giles, Tennessee 13BGRAINGER COUNTY
1910 Civil District 1, Grainger, Tennessee, Roll: T624_1501; Page: 3AHAMBLEN COUNTY
1910 Morristown Ward 2, Hamblen, Tennessee 25AHAMILTON COUNTY
1910 Civil District 1, Houston, Tennessee, 1BHARDIN COUNTY
1910 Civil District 1, Hardin, Tennessee 1AHENRY COUNTY
1910 Civil District 2, Henry, Tennessee 10AHOUSTON COUNTY
1910 Civil District 1, Houston, TennesseeJEFFERSON COUNTY
Birmingham Ward 12, Jefferson, AlabamaKNOX COUNTY
1910 Civil District 2, Knox, Tennessee 7BLAKE COUNTY
1910 Civil District 1, Lake, Tennessee 3ALAWRENCE COUNTY
1910 Buffalo Road, Lawrence, TennesseeLEWIS COUNTY
1910 Palestine, Lewis, Tennessee 1BLOUDON COUNTY
1910 Civil District 1, Loudon, Tennessee 15AMAURY COUNTY
1910 Civil District 6, Maury, Tennessee 8BMCMINN COUNTY
Civil District 2, McMinn, Tennessee 11BMEIGS COUNTY
1910 Civil District 2, Meigs, Tennessee Page 23A Sheet 3AROANE COUNTY
1910 Civil District 1, Roane, Tennessee 6ARUTHERFORD COUNTY
1910 Civil District 3, Rutherford, Tennessee 7A
1920 Civil District 14, Anderson, Tennessee, 1ACAMPBELL COUNTY
1920 Jacksboro, Campbell, Tennessee 4ACARROLL COUNTY
Hollow Rock, Carroll, Tennessee District No. 16 Page
179B 5B
70 107 James B. NANCE, Head, M, W, 73,
Marr., TN, SC, TN
Wife, F, W, 66, Marr., TN, TN, TN
Florence C. NANCE, Dau., F, W, 47, Div., TN, TN, TN
1920 Civil District 1,
Carroll, Tennessee, United States, District
No. 1 house 126
Sam F. MCCAIN 49 B Farmer TN TN TN
62 126 Felbert NANCE,
Son-in-law, M, B, 24, Farm Labor, TN, MS, TN
Oressa NANCE, Dau., F, B,
17, TN, TN, TN
Deluas NANCE, Hiredman, M,
B, 14, Farm Labor, TN, MS, TN
1920 Civil District 8, Chester, Tennessee, 7B
55 139 George C NANCE,
Head, M, W, 26, Marr., TN, TN, Tennessee
Lute NANCE Wife F
19 Tennessee
Robene NANCE Dau.,
F 2 Tennessee
1920 Civil District 8, Chester, Tennessee 7B
88 144 Ilie M NANCE, Head,
M, W, 34 TN, TN, TN
Maggie NANCE 40, Marr., TN, US, TN
Loyd NANCE Son M
13 Tennessee
Mable NANCE Dau.,
F 9 Tennessee
Dewitt NANCE Son M
8 Tennessee
Mutell NANCE Dau.,
F 5 Tennessee
2 5/12, Tennessee
6/12, TN
Alamo, Crockett, Tennessee, 12B
77 232 Mandy NANCE, Head
F, B, 56, Tennessee, US, US
Mandy Avery Dau.,
F 22 Tennessee
Henry Freeman Son
M 21 Tennessee
1920 Alamo, Crockett, Tennessee, 14A
37 267 Henry B NANCE, Head
M, W, 39, TN, TN, Tennessee
F 36
James NANCE Son M
14 Tennessee
Elizabeth NANCE Dau.,
F 12
Leila Bailey Cook
F 29 Tennessee
1920 Alamo, Crockett, Tennessee 14B
52 272 Roger F JERMAN, Head, M, W, 35, Tennessee
F, W, 27, Tennessee
Roger F JERMAN, 2 3/12, Tennessee
55 272 P(arham) B(ooker) NANCE,
Father-in-law, M, W, 74, Marr, TN, TN, TN
NANCE, Mother-in-law, F, W, 64, Tennessee
Laura WILLIAMS, 25 , Tennessee
1920 Civil District 2, Crockett, Tennessee, 6B
71 112 Monroe NANCE, Head
M, B, 35, TN, TN, Tennessee
Mary J NANCE Wife
F 36 Tennessee
1920 Civil District 8, Crockett, Tennessee, 3A
Lida Tatum Head F
33 Tennessee
Pearl Tatum Dau.,
F 13 Tennessee
J C Tatum Son M
9 Tennessee
Aubrey Tatum Son M
8 Tennessee
Frank Tatum Son M
3 Tennessee
Ola M Tatum Dau.,
F 0 Tennessee
12 45 Mary NANCE, Niece
F, B, 18, TN, TN, Tennessee
Allie D NANCE Grand-nephew
M 0
Fannie Avery Sister
F 24
Atlas NANCE Brother
M 19
1920 Civil District 8, Crockett, Tennessee, 3B
51 5 54 Hosia NANCE(**), Head, M, B, 27,
Marr., TN, TN, Tennessee
52 54 54 Belle (NELSON) NANCE,
Wife, F, B, 22, Marr., Tennessee, TN, TN
53 54 54 C(harles) P(rice) NANCE, Son, M, B, 1,
Single, Tennessee, TN, TN
(**Son of John NANCE and Parilee
1920 Civil District 8, Crockett, Tennessee 3B
57 56 56 Joe NUNN, Head, M, B, 75, Marr., TN, TN, TN
58 56 56 Parlee (AVERY-NANCE**-TATUM)
NUNN, Wife, F, B, 51, Marr., TN, TN, TN
59 56 56 Tom (TATUM) NUNN,
Son, M, B, 14, Single, TN, TN, TN
60 56 56 Ester (TATUM)
NUNN, Dau, F, B, 13, Single, TN, TN, TN
60 56 56 Mervin NUNN, Son, M, B, 10, Single, TN, TN, TN
60 56 56 Lillie NUNN, Dau, F, B, 7, Single, TN, TN, TN
60 56 56 James NUNN, Son, M, B, 4, Single, TN, TN, TN
(**1st husband was John NANCE)
(The TATUM children's father was Ben TATUM Paralee's
2nd husband)
1920 Civil District 8, Crockett, Tennessee, 8B
91 167 Will Klyee
Head M
28 Tennessee
92 167 Mattie (TATUM) Klyee
Wife F
21 Tennessee
93 167 Mattie B(ell (TATUM)) NANCE,
Sister-in-law, F, B, 23, TN, TN, Tennessee
94 167 Willie J NANCE
Nephew M
4 Tennessee
95 167 Crystal NANCE
Niece F
1 Tennessee
1920 Civil District 9, Crockett, Tennessee, 8A
34 164 John Henry NANCE,
Head, M, B, 30, TN, TN, Tennessee
Wife F
29 Tennessee
Mary Lee NANCE Dau.,
F 11
Zelma NANCE Dau.,
F 8 Tennessee
Johnie NANCE Son M
4 Tennessee
*llie NANCE, Dau.(*), M(*),
1/12? Single, Tennessee
(*This is what is on census)
1920 Civil District 10, Crockett, Tennessee, 11B
77 97 John G(len)
NANCE(**), Head,
M, W, 53, TN, TN, Tennessee
78 97 (Louisa) Lou (Elvina (RICE)) NANCE
Wife F
40 Tennessee
Sallie M NANCE Dau.,
F 12
Annie E(lizabeth) NANCE
Dau., F
11 Tennessee
J(ohn) G(len) NANCE
Son M 10
Isaac N(ewton) NANCE
Son M
9 Tennessee
Mary L(ou) NANCE
Dau., F
7 Tennessee
Gladys G(enelle) NANCE
Dau., F
1 Tennessee
(**Son of Isaac Newton "Ike" NANCE
Sr. and Frances Eliza HUNT)
Civil District 11, Crockett, Tennessee, 3B
Ernest J Mack Head
M 35 Tennessee
Rosa V Mack Wife F
29 Tennessee
66 54 J D NANCE, Son, M,
Mul., 10, TN, TN, Tennessee
1920 Civil District 11, Crockett, Tennessee, 7B
Hardy Lanier Head
M 46 Tennessee
Malise Lanier Wife
F 44 Tennessee
Joe Warren Stepson
M 30 Tennessee
Mamie Warren StepDau.,
F 25
79 140 Francis NANCE,
Niece, F, B, 12, Single, TN, TN, Tennessee
1920 Civil District 14, Crockett, Tennessee, 8B
Florence Berton Head
F 46
Jake Berton Son M
32 Tennessee
Betsy Berton Dau.,
F 22 Tennessee
Chester Berton Son
M 18 Tennessee
Isora Berton Dau.,
F 16 Tennessee
Weilmon Berton Son
M 12 Tennessee
60 157 Lora M NANCE,
GrandDau., F, B, 5 TN, TN, Tennessee
1920 Civil District 4, Cumberland, Tennessee
Martin NANCE, 38, Marr., TN
24, Marr., TN, IN, TN
Stacy NANCE 13
Mildred NANCE 9
Ira NANCE 3 5/12
Elisabeth NANCE 2 1/12
1920 Civil District 4, Cumberland, Tennessee 14B
97 268 269 Charley
(Houston) NANCE(**), Head, M, W, 29,
Marr., TN, TN, Tennessee
98 268 269 Lila (Emma
(STRUNK)) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 29, Marr.,
99 268 269 Margret NANCE, Dau., F, W, 8, Single,
100 268 269 Edna NANCE, Dau., F, W, 6, Single, Tennessee
1920 Civil District 4, Cumberland, Tennessee 15A
1 268 269 Catherine NANCE, Dau., F, W, 4 4/12,
Single, Tennessee
2 268 269 Annie NANCE, Dau., F, W, 2 4/12, Single,
3 268 269 Charles W NANCE, Son, M, W, 2/12, Single,
(**Son of William C. NANCE and
Sarah Ann HAMBY)
Civil District 2, Davidson, Tennessee, 9BGILES COUNTY
1920 Civil District 6, Giles, Tennessee, 2BGRAINGER COUNTY
1920 Civil District 1, Grainger, Tennessee, 1BHAMILTON COUNTY
1920 Civil District 2, Hamilton, Tennessee, 2BHENRY COUNTY
1920 ED: 85 Sheet No: 3A Reel No: T625_1751 Division:
District 1 SD: 9 Page No: 2B
Enumerated on: January 22, 1920 by: William P. Ezell
89 43 44 Anderson PUSHER, Head, rent, M, B, 37, M, yes,
yes, PA, VA, VA, yes, labor, farm, wage
90 43 44 Minie PUSHER, Wife, F, B, 37, M, yes, yes, KY,
KY, KY, yes, non
91 43 44 Willie EVENES, Stepson, M, B, 15, S, no, no,
no, KY, AL, KY, yes, labor, farm, wage
92 43 44 Cleao EVENES, Stepdauter, F, B, 13, S, no, no,
no, KY, AL, KY, yes, non
93 43 45 George WILLIE, Head, rent, M, B, 45, S, no, no,
TN, TN, TN, yes, labor, farm, wage
94 43 45 Ernest NANCE, X,
M, B, 20, S, no, no, no, TN, TN, TN, yes, labor, farm,
95 43 45 Lety FRYSON, Sister, F, B, 24, S, yes, yes, TN,
TN, TN, yes, non
96 43 45 Willie FRYSON, Dau., F, B, 7, S, yes, yes, yes,
TN, TN, TN, non
97 43 45 Alice READMAN, Mother, F, B, 52, WD, no, no,
TN, TN, TN, yes, non
1920 Lawrenceburg, Lawrence, Tennessee, 12A
14 105 Ida L NANCE Head
F, W, 48, TN, TN, Tennessee
Dessie NANCE Dau.,
F 25 Tennessee
Evelyn NANCE Dau.,
F 12 Tennessee
Charles W Vaughan Head
M 43
Bertha Vaughan Wife
F 34
1920 Civil District 3, Loudon, Tennessee, 5B
K L Earls Head M
31 Tennessee
B L Earls Wife F
25 Tennessee
H E Earls Son M
5 Tennessee
Edith Earls Dau.,
F 2 9/12 Tennessee
John S Earls Son M
5/12 Tennessee
67 79 G A NANCE, Boarder,
M, B, 37, Single, TN, TN, TN, School Teacher, Public
1920 Bemis, Madison, Tennessee, 8A
27 155 Milford NANCE Head
M, W, 36, TN, TN, Tennessee
Bessie NANCE Wife
F 36 Tennessee
Velma Easter StepDau.,
F 14
Civil District 1, Madison, Tennessee 13A
17 249 Jones H(unter) NANCE
Head M, W, 55, Marr., TN,
TN, Tennessee
F 60
Andy NANCE Son M
21, Single
Ozell NANCE Dau.,
F 8 Tennessee
Della NANCE Dau.,-in-law
F 22, Marr.,
William NANCE Grandson
M 3/12, ND
1920 Jackson Ward 2, Madison, Tennessee 12B
88 283 Fannie (GATES) NANCE,
Head, F, W, 60, Widow, TN, VA, TN
Callie P Gates Sister F
62 Tennessee
Walter NANCE, Son, M, W, 34, Single, TN, TN, TN
Anna G Butler Niece
F 33
Mary Butler Niece
F 31 Tennessee
Frank M Butler Nephew
M 27
Jackson Ward 3, Madison, Tennessee, 19B
59 441 Eva NANCE Head
F, B, 31, Single, TN, TN, Tennessee
Jennie Mae Young Sister
F 29
Stella V Young Niece
F 14
Francis Henderson Dau.,
F 8
1920 Jackson Ward 4, Madison, Tennessee 3A
9 129 46 62 Oscar
NANCE, Head, O, F, M, W, 64, Marr, AL, AL, AL
10 129 46 62 Anne Townes (TOWNES) NANCE, Wife, F, W, 56,
Marr., MS, VA, VA
11 129 46 62 Walker NANCE, Dau., F, W, 27, Single,
Jackson Ward 4, Madison, Tennessee 10B
H J Sims, Head, M, W, 46, Marr., TN, TN, TN
Dora Sims Wife F
47 Tennessee
Hubert Sims Son M
24 Tennessee
Fred Sims Son M
20 Tennessee
67 277 Cora
NANCE, Sister, F, W, 42, Single, TN, TN, TN
1920 Jackson Ward 4, Madison, Tennessee
14 123 47 63 William C DUCKWORTH, 48
15 123 47 63 Louise (NANCE) DUCKWORTH, Wife, F, W,
35, Marr., MS, AL, MS
16 123 47 63 Anne DUCKWORTH, 8
17 123 47 63 William C DUCKWORTH, 2/12
18 123 47 63 Sophia AUSTIN, Servant, F, Mu,
46, Widow, TN
1920 Civil District 5, Marshall, Tennessee, 4B
94 103 R(ichard) F(ranklin) Moore
Head M
39 Tennessee
Georgia (NANCE) Moore
Wife F
38 Tennessee
96 103 M(atilda)
K(atherine (SNELL)) NANCE,
Mother-in-law, F, W, 69, Widow, TN, TN, Tennessee
(**Widow of John Bradley NANCE,
son of John M. NANCE and Ann GAMBILL)
1920 Cornersville, Marshall, Tennessee, 2B
James W Hemphill Head
M 62
Jennie Hemphill Wife
F 61
Olie Fox Boarder M
36 Tennessee
Adam E Sherrod Boarder
M 32
John Hashaw Boarder
M 32
Bert Hamilton Boarder
M 26
Leonard Mcbride Servant
M 40
82 53 Viola NANCE, Servant
F, B, 59, Widow, TN, TN, Tennessee
Lyndon Ezell Servant
M 18
1920 Lewisburg, Marshall, Tennessee
98 213 410 418 L
J NANCE, Head, M, W, 57, Marr., TN, TN, TN
Carrie NANCE, Wife, F, W, 39, Marr., TN
Annie W NANCE, Dau., F, W, 15, Single, TN
1920 Civil District 8, Maury, Tennessee 12A
36 Tennessee
Lora (NANCE)
KELLY, Wife, F, W, 24, Marr., TN, TN, TN
Willie B Kelly Son
M 12
Joe T Kelly Son
M 3
Elivan Kelly Dau.,
F 1 3/12 , TN,
30 257 M E
NANCE, Mother-in-law, F, W, 54, Widow, TN,
Civil District 10, Maury, Tennessee, 9B
67 188 Elijah A NANCE,
Head M, W,
72, TN, TN, Tennessee
Sallie J NANCE Wife
F 65
Civil District 13, Maury, Tennessee 8A
9 130 Joe NANCE,
Head, M, W, 52, Marr., TN, KY, TN
Wife F
53 Tennessee
Henry NANCE Son
M 11
Sherman NANCE Son
M 9
Annie Boshears Dau.,
F 26
Ruthie Boshears GrandDau.,
F 6
Meedia Boshears GrandDau.,
F 4 8/12 Tennessee
Josh Boshears Grandson
M 2 9/12 Tennessee
Civil District 13, Maury, Tennessee 8A
17 131 Allie
NANCE, Head, M, W, 25, Marr., TN, TN, TN
Cora NANCE Wife
F 22
Bessie NANCE Dau.,
F 2 11/12
Cecil NANCE Son
M 1 2/12 Tennessee
1920 Columbia Ward 3, Maury, Tennessee, 10B
Amanda NANCE Head
F, Mul., 38, TN, TN, Tennessee
Maggie NANCE Dau.,
F 16
Zonester NANCE Dau.,
F 14
Mount Pleasant, Maury, Tennessee 11B
92 265 269 Walter
Nanse, Head, M, W, 46, Marr., TN, TN, TN
Mary Wife F
31 Tennessee
Olive Son M
18 Tennessee
Nelly Dau., F
16 Tennessee
Nancy Dau., F
13 Tennessee
Ruth Dau., F
10 Tennessee
Civil District 5, McMinn, Tennessee
Luther E NANCE 39
Ida D(aisy (CARTER)) NANCE 28, TN
Bessie L NANCE 6
Annie P NANCE 4 2/12
William T NANCE 6/12
District 5, Mcminn, Tennessee
James Key 34, Marr., TN
Ina H Key 31
James C Key 4
Fred Lee Key 2 11/12
Mollie A (NANCE**)
Grant, Mother-in-law, M, W, 72, Widow, TN
(**Dau. James NANCE and Mary
1920 Civil District 2, Meigs, Tennessee 1BOBION COUNTY
1920 Civil District 16, Obion, Tennessee, 12BPERRY COUNTY
Civil District 2, Perry, Tennessee, 3ARUTHERFORD COUNTY
1920 Civil District 3, Rutherford, Tennessee, 6ASHELBY COUNTY
1920 Civil District 4, Shelby, Tennessee, 6A
District 01, Gibson, Tennessee, 12BGRAINGER COUNTY
1930 District 1, Grainger, Tennessee, 3AHAMILTON COUNTY
Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee, 1AHARDIN COUNTY
1930 District 04, Hardin, Tennessee, 3AJEFFERSON COUNTY
1930 Civil District 6, Jefferson, TennesseeKNOX COUNTY
1930 District 02, Knox, Tennessee, 18AMEIGS COUNTY
District 2, Meigs, Tennessee 5BRUTHERFORD COUNTY
1930 District 10, Rutherford, Tennessee 101A Sheet 3AWILLIAMSON COUNTY
1930 District 3, Williamson, Tennessee1940 TN CENSUS
The material
on this site © 1997-2025 by Sonia NANCE-ROBERTS,
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If anyone would like to contribute material to this site
that could be used to help other people in
researching of their NANCE family histories, please feel
free to e-mail me at zoomastr@yahoo.com.
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